The Timiskaming Series of the Kirktand Iake Area
THE TIMISKAMINGSERIES OF THE KIRKTANDIAKE AREA D. F. HEWITT Ontar'i,oDepartment of Mines, Toronto, Canadn' AestRAcr This paper presents a study of the stratigraphy, sedimentation and structure of the Timiskaming 3eries of the Kirkland Lake area, northeastern Ontario, It is suggested that this seclion be defined as the type section for the Timiskaming Series in Ontario. Interpretations of the geologic history of the epoch, the nature of the provenance area suppiyiog sediments and the character and environment of deposition of the sediments are given. Tle sediments south of the major Larder Lake break are tentatively correlated with the sediments in the belt to the north of the break as Timiskaming in age, on the basis of detailed structural studies in Skead and Hearst townships. Evidence in Ontario and Quebec shows conclusively that the Keewatin and Timiskaming se-riesof the Kirklind-Larder-Noranda area are separated by a major structural unconformity. Examination of the Timiskaming rocks discloses that the provenance area was composed of basic volcanics and intrusives, rhyolites and acid porphyries of great jasper greywackes, variety, minor amounts of chert, iron formation, an! llaty and rare syenite, granite and gneiss. Disintegration of the rocks of the area was largely mech- anical. fhu Ti-irkJ-ing sedimentation represents a distinctive magna facies of eugeosynclinalenvironment. INtnooucrroN The Timiskaming rocks of the Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake area form a belt extending for 36 miles in length, from Eby township on the q/est, through the townships of Grenfell, Teck, Lebel, Gauthier, McVittie and McGarry, to the Quebec boundary on the east. To the west, in Eby township, the Timiskaming Seriespass underneath the Cobalt Series;to the east, the sediments again pass beneath the Cobalt sediments uear Cheminis Station on the Quebecboundary.
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