VOL P. 93 THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 13 PUBLIC NOTICES Jennifer McCullough 215.557.2321
[email protected] ESTATE NOTICES CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that an Ap- Notice is hereby given that an Ap- C I T Y C O U N C I L plication for Registration of Ficti- plication for Registration of Ficti- NOTICE TO COUNSEL Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3290 tious Name was filed in the De- tious Name was filed in the De- Your attention is directed to 2021 NOTICE OF STATED MEETINGS partment of State of the Common- partment of State of the Common- Section 3162 of the Probate, Notice is hereby given that the Philadelphia City Council will have wealth of Pennsylvania on Octo- wealth of Pennsylvania on Sep- Estates and Fiduciaries Code its Regular Stated Meetings on the dates listed below at 10:00 A.M. Dur- ber 28, 2020 for CMG Home Fi- tember 16, 2020 for Just like Ma- of June 30, 1972 (Act No. ing the Emergency Declaration issued by Governor Wolf for the Com- nancing at 1626 Locust Street ma’s at 4640 Walnut St. Philadel- 164) which requires advertise- monwealth of Pennsylvania, these meetings will be held remotely using Suite 404 Philadelphia, PA 19103. phia, PA 19139. The name and ad- ment of grant of letters to con- Microsoft® Teams. These remote sessions may be viewed on Xfinity The name and address of each in- dress of each individual interested tain the name and address of Channel 64, Fios Channel 40 or http://phlcouncil.