The Link Newsletter October, 2017


SATURDAY 5:00PM – Traditional Worship Service SUNDAY 9:00AM – Blended Worship Service SUNDAY 10:30AM – Blended Worship Service

Sunday School is at 9:15am The Nursery is available from 8:45am – 11:45am

Love God. Love People. Show it.

Fall Stewardship and Sermon Series Kick-off

On Sunday, October 8, there will be one service at 10:00am followed by a special lunch to begin our Stewardship Emphasis, "Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve."

This year, there are two parts to our campaign:

1. Our regular annual appeal for the general fund. This is important in order to plan the budget and new ministries for 2018. 2. A special appeal for the maintenance savings account for major repairs to our facility - now and in the future.

While you are enjoying lunch, you will have the opportunity to learn more about these needs. There will be plenty of time to ask questions.

Thank you for continuing to connect, grow, and live with People's. Because of your generous giving, lives are being changed by the gospel of Christ.

Hymn Sing at People’s Church 4pm - 5pm Oct. 15th

 Free and Open to the Community  Bring your Friends and Neighbors  Old Standards and New Favorites accompanied by Piano and Organ

SPIRITUAL CARE AND DEVELOPMENT Discipleship Reflection: A Great Pumpkin Faith

October is often defined by the last day of the month—Halloween. In the Peanuts cartoon series, the character Linus celebrates Halloween with his unwavering belief that “The Great Pumpkin” will come to the most “sincere” pumpkin patch, bringing toys and goodies to those whose faith don’t waver (think Santa Claus in pumpkin form). “The Great Pumpkin” first showed up in the Peanuts cartoon strip in 1959, at which point it became an annual tradition. Most of us are probably familiar with this story through the animated feature, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” which was released in 1966.

Poor Linus. He waits and waits, enduring the scorn and mocking of his friends who doubt what they cannot see.

Sometimes it seems that our Christian faith faces the same kind of scrutiny. Whether from friends or family, social commentary, or even our own doubting hearts, sometimes it seems foolish to trust in God when it appears that so much is wrong in the world. Where is God’s goodness and grace? Where is the peace of Christ?

When we face disasters, loss, violence, and discouragement it can be especially difficult to hold onto faith. Hebrews 11:1-3 says,

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.”

The chapter goes on to recall the history of God’s saving acts for the people of Israel. What this reveals to me is that sometimes we need help to remember that there is something deeper at work in our world. Jesus never leaves us on our own, and the stories of faith help us remember that this is true when we can’t see it for ourselves.

This is why I think it is so important to be in deep relationship with other Christians, such as in a Growth Group, and to join together in worship regularly. We need to share our stories of God’s salvation, where Jesus has shown up in our lives. We need to listen to one another’s stories, especially when we are going through a season in which it is hard to trust in that which is unseen. We need to pray for one another and help to bear one another’s burdens. In this way, we reveal the love of God. 1 John 4:11-12 says,

“Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.” We don’t need to go out to the pumpkin patch to wait for a benevolent pumpkin that may or may not arrive. We can gather together for worship, pray with one another, serve one another, laugh together. We already have Christ in our midst, as we share our love and stories of faith together.

First Monday This month’s First Monday gathering on October 2, 11:00am-1:00pm, features a presentation by Pastor Kate Sweet titled, “What All This about Spiritual but Not Religious?”

You may have heard friends or family members say, “I’m spiritual but not religious.” This is certainly a hot-button phrase these days. We’ll explore what people mean when they say this, and what this spiritual movement means to us in the Church today.

If you’re 50+, please join us at the church for a potluck lunch and this interesting conversation!

Care Team Resources: Caregiver Chronicles The Care Team at People’s church has been providing companionship and accompanying older adults and those with medical needs for over 15 years. We are supported by the umbrella organization Catholic Charities and their Respite Care Team ministry. They help organize and equip Care Teams in churches throughout Dane County. One of the resources that they provide is a monthly newsletter called The Caregiver Chronicles. This newsletter provides articles pertaining to caregiving issues, information about upcoming events and resources, and words of encouragement for those providing care to loved ones. If you or someone you know would benefit from receiving a copy of The Caregiver Chronicles, please let Pastor Kate know. We have electronic and paper copies available monthly.

Grace and Peace, Kate Sweet Pastor of Spiritual Care & Development

CHRISTIAN LIVING AND OUTREACH Living Our Faith “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:10

In what ways can you let your light shine? Do you have an elderly neighbor who needs help raking leaves? A sick friend you could prepare food for? Can you participate in feeding the homeless, or working at the Oregon Food Pantry? Would you like to be part of the Connections Team or contribute to Wednesday Night Supper? What is your passion? There are so many ways we can do God’s work. If you need help connecting with a ministry, please talk to me at your convenience. I can be found in the office Monday through Thursday, or you can send me an email at [email protected].

Do you have a passion for a ministry that you would like to see church members become involved in? Please share your thoughts with me.

The Oregon Food Pantry Needs Volunteers! With the move to the new building, there is a need for many volunteers. The move date has not been established yet, as it depends on the finishing of the building. Right now, it looks like it will be around the end of October. On moving day, there will be a need for trucks and strong bodies. Most of what will be moved is food. The only fixtures might be some shelving units.

There is a need for people to help put together the new shelving at the Pantry. On October 22nd, from 1-3 p.m., volunteers are needed to help with the planting of items donated by Winterland Nursery. Bring gardening tools with you. The Pantry is also in need of a Donation Team of 6-8 people for large food drives. This would include date checking all food and separating by category.

If you can assist with any of these activities, please contact me as soon as possible at [email protected]. I need to get back to the Pantry Operations Board with the numbers of volunteers.

Volunteer: Oregon Churches Welcome Homeless Families The homeless families with children who are part of the Road Home's Interfaith Hospitality Program (IHN) will be our guests in Oregon the week of October 15th - 22nd. This is an opportunity for you to live out your faith as you help support their time in our community. The volunteer opportunities include helping to unload belongings, preparing and/or serving the Wednesday evening or Thursday morning meal, playing with the children on Wednesday evening, acting as one of the overnight hosts on Wednesday night, providing extra transportation during the week if needed, and helping to put supplies back in storage at St. John's Lutheran Church on the 22nd.

When appropriate, new volunteers are paired with experienced ones. Please consider being a part of this important ministry. Contact Peg Schmidt @ 835-3049, Steve Staton @ 219- 0792, Anne Staton @ 335-3249, for more information or to volunteer.

Connections The Connections Team and Hospitality Team need new members. If you are willing to commit a few hours per month to either of these teams, please contact me in the office, or send me an email at [email protected].

Kathy Smith Director of Christian Living and Outreach

Youth Group for Middle and High School Students – led by Pastor Jason Youth Group has started again! During the school year, youth from 7th-12th grade gather on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:00pm for planned activities for Youth Group. Other Wednesday evenings, the Youth Room is open for hanging out, talking and eating snacks.

Next summer, our middle school students will be going to Milwaukee, WI on a mission trip. The trip will be from July 8 – July 13. The sign-up deadline is October 15th.

While this is primarily for Middle School youth because the Senior High youth are going to Toronto, Canada, the Milwaukee Youth Works site accommodates both Middle and High Schoolers. Therefore, if there are any High School youth who would like to come along on this trip, they are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Jason at [email protected]

Family Worship Sunday & Bible Sunday Coming Soon - October 1st! We will worship with our families on Sunday, October 1st. The worship service will include videos & slideshows from our 1st rotation about Paul & Lydia. We will also celebrate Bible Sunday where our new preschoolers, 3rd graders & Confirmands receive Bibles. Communion will be served around the table on this day with an easier to understand liturgy (the words we say to respond during Communion). You won’t want to miss it!

October 8 - 1 SERVICE at 10AM & SPECIAL LUNCH: Everyone is invited to 1 service at 10AM and a special lunch to kickoff our annual stewardship & capital campaign! (You should have received a letter in the mail mid-September & remember to rsvp so we can plan for the lunch.) All of the children, Kindergarten - 6th grade are invited to lead us in the song “Ready, Set, Grow” at the beginning of the service (we’ve been practicing this song in Sunday School). Then, preschoolers through 4th grade are welcome to come downstairs for a special Veggie Tales movie instead of Sunday School. All children older than 4th grade may stay in worship.

Sunday School - Fruit of the Spirit - Oct. 15-29th! Our second Bible story will be focused on a letter that Paul wrote to the Galatians that helped them understand how to live the way God wanted them to live. This is often referred to as the “Fruit of the Spirit”. The workshops include art, cooking, games & science and Shepherds to move with the same group each week to the different workshops. Please contact Emily Shook, Director of Family & Children’s Ministries, [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about serving in this area as a leader or a Shepherd. or follow this link to sign up directly.

LIVING OUR FAITH MISSIONS The Mission of the Month for October is Just Bakery. Just Bakery is a 16 week educational and vocational training program. The program works with individuals who are experiencing significant barriers to employment (homelessness, criminal conviction history, lack of education, and/or a lack of work history or skills) and who have an interest in baking or culinary arts as a career pathway.

Program graduates can also take an exam to earn a Certificate of Training from the WI Baker’s Association and through an agreement with Madison College, students can earn college credit. In addition to their coursework, students also receive case management and assistance with job placement and retention, and job coaching.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER Supper is served from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. All suppers are a free-will offering. Supper is served every Wednesday that the Oregon Schools are in session between September and May. Volunteers are always welcome, so stop by the kitchen if you would like more information.

Wednesday Night Supper is a ministry at People's Church that has been going strong for close to 20 years. This is because of the many people who have served in this "kitchen table" form of outreach and service. We work hard and have fun together. Please prayerfully consider whether you are willing to be a regular or occasional helper to this amazing ministry. Our group of helpers will be contacted monthly to see who is available. You can pick a date that works for you.

Upcoming Meals: October 4th – Pulled Pork Sandwiches October 11th – Jambalaya and Cornbread October 18th – Tator Tot Casserole October 25th – Turkey Tettrazini

OREGON FOOD PANTRY Items for October are Boxed Pasta & Rice. The Pantry is open from 3 – 7pm and will next be available on Thursday, October 26th. Volunteers are always needed to help with stocking and distributing food. People’s Church runs the Food Pantry every 5th month, but people can help in whatever month best fits their schedule. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kathy Kuehl at [email protected] or

GIVING From the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation or Facebook/ - 1-888-903-9863

The Work of God is Done by Giving - October 2017

The work of God is to be done by the people of God giving according to the will of God. (Sutherland & Nowery, The 33 Laws of Stewardship.)

This is as good a definition of Stewardship as there is. Whenever there is something to be done in the Kingdom of God, the followers of God are the ones who are called to do it. This may be leading prayers, meeting in small groups, working in the community garden, balancing the church’s books, inviting our neighbors to worship, visiting shut-ins, or serving the poor.

We do much of this work of God through or supported by our local churches. Worship is the most visible, perhaps, but many other activities are equally important, such as spiritual formation, congregational care, hospitality and outreach, or missions. Moreover, the local churches support the works of the conference and denomination, as well. In Wisconsin, this includes ministries like congregational revitalization and new church starts, or health and welfare ministries and, elsewhere, ministries such as Africa University.

Without the people of God giving according to the will of God, none of these things would be happening.

Sometime in the coming year, and for most of us, this fall, we will be called upon as God’s people to give generously to support financially God’s work in our local churches and beyond. This is a recurring call to discipleship that we all share through our connection in the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Jim Wells, Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation GROUP MEETINGS Bell Choir - Bell choir practices every week during the school year on Wednesday nights from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM. The Bell choir provides music at a service once a month, plus Christmas Eve and Easter services. If interested contact Tricia Suess - [email protected].

Adult Radiance Choir – The choir practices every Wednesday evening from 7:15pm – 8:30pm. Contact Music Director Chuck Philyaw for more information – [email protected].

Aspire Praise Band – practices every Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00pm. The band plays at both Sunday morning services. Contact Music Director Chuck Philyaw for more information – [email protected]. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS

1 Kathy Desotell 2 Susie Berg; Charlie Rowland 3 Steven Greb 4 Jamie Flogel; Mary Malone 5 Dollee Piasecki 6 Aaron Kluz; Eldon Zimmerman 8 Dave Fiscus; Jen Kramer; Alicia Russell 10 John Conklin; Allen Flogel 11 Jenny McKernan 12 Kathy Smith 13 Sue McCartney 14 Briana Schnelle 15 Sandy Behrend; Ryan Kienitz; Grant Schnelle; Nichole Tofte 16 Maxwell Higgins; Dick Piasecki; Morgan Shook; Jon Temte 17 Kathy Blandford 18 Velma Waefler 19 Parker Lee; Kelly Peotter 20 Lois Mills 21 Randy Blumer 24 Logan Borgmeyer; Jill Garton; Elias Jacobson 25 Steve Peotter 27 Megan Edwards; Rich Strohmenger 28 Ella Peotter 29 James Groenier; Ben Tofte; Debby Wright 30 Evan Case 31 Karen Austin; Erik Haslam; Anne Staton


2 Deb & Doug Moyer 4 Gary & Donna Disch 6 Steve & Kelly Peotter 7 Holly & Cory Dregne 11 Susan & Dick Payne 13 Steven Culp & Cynthia Majors-Culp 23 Casey & Kayla Jentz 25 Randy & Marcia Blumer; Al & Kathy Kuehl 27 Erika Wagner & Dan Huebsch 31 John & Rosann Conklin


Church Phone: 608-835-3755 Parsonage: 608-291-0825 Church Office Email [email protected] Church Website

Staff: Pastor Jason Mahnke, x22, [email protected] Pastor of Spiritual Care & Development Kate Sweet, x24, [email protected] Office Manager Sue Koch, x21, [email protected] Family & Children’s Ministries Director Emily Shook, x25, [email protected] Little Angels Early Learning Center Director Katie Grady, x26, [email protected] Christian Living & Outreach Director & Treasurer Kathy Smith, x30, [email protected] Office Assistant &Worship Secretary Meghan Lisowski, ext. 21 [email protected] Worship Arts & Music Director Chuck Philyaw, x23, [email protected] Bell Choir Director Tricia Suess, [email protected] Building Maintenance Matt & Tracy Sundell, [email protected]

Committee Chairs: Church Council Chair Laurie Kelly Board of Trustees Chair Steve Staton Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair Anne Staton Worship Committee Chairs Duane Draper & Robin Talley Finance Committee Chair Ron Schroeder Memorials Committee Chairs Peg Schmidt & Joan Zuhse Connections Team Chair Anne Staton Adult Discipleship Team Chair Pam McIntyre Living Our Faith Missions Chair Family & Children’s Team Chair Daniel Jones Prayer Ministry Chair Barbara Mahr