Economics of Banana Marketing in Jalgaon District: an Analysis Across Alternative Channels

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Economics of Banana Marketing in Jalgaon District: an Analysis Across Alternative Channels African Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 1(5) pp.128-132 August, 2009 Available online ©2009 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Economics of banana marketing in Jalgaon district: An analysis across alternative channels S. C. Sarode College of Agriculture, Saralgaon-421 401, India. E-mail: [email protected]. Accepted 13 August, 2009 Banana (Musa paradisiaca) is a popular and important commercial fruit crop grown in tropical and sub tropical part of world. Jalgaon district in the state of Maharashtra, India is one of the largest producers of banana which contributes about 44% of banana production in the state. Hence, Jalgon district was selected for this study. The cultivation of banana is mainly concentrated in Raver and Chopda sub regions (tahasils) in Jalgaon district. Therefore these tahasils having highest acreage under banana plantations were selected purposively for the present investigation. The banana fruits fetches price depending on size in the market. The size of fruit is measured in terms of weight of bunches and number of hands per bunch at the farm level. The bunches are graded according to weight grade A (above 15 kg), grade B (13 - 15 kg), grade C (11 - 13 kg), grade D (9 - 11 kg) and grade E (below 9 kg). Marketing management of banana is an important activity along with production. This study will be useful to banana growers in knowing the importance of various management practices, specifics markets, their marketing cost and price spread in marketing channels preferred by them. Key words: Banana marketing, Jalgaon district, alternative channels, Musa paradisiaca. INTRODUCTION Banana belongs to the family Musaceae is one of the transport, faulty method of sale, high rate of commission, oldest fruit known to mankind. The total production of ba- lack of storage facility, etc. nana in Jalgaon district is 235728.00 metric tonnes and Selection of appropriate market and marketing channel productivity is 56.80 tonnes per hectare. Jalgaon district is an important aspect of banana marketing management contributes 44% of total production of banana in the which decides the price of the produce. The available state. The area under banana cultivation is rapidly in- information indicated that major share of producers creasing in Jalgaon district. Marketing management of income goes to marketing costs and to intermediaries in banana is also an important activity along with produc- banana trade resulting low share to producers in tion. This study will be useful to banana growers in know- consumer’s rupee. ing the importance of various management practices, Marketing management of banana is an important specifics markets, their marketing cost and price spread activity along with production. Today even though our in marketing channels preferred by them. Thus it will be production is increasing but the quality is declining. useful for them in deciding marketing place, marketing Banana growers are not only lacking in adopting and channel which give better price and returns to their implementing the improved production and market tech- produce with minimizing cost by under taking various nologies but also modifying it as per their needs of their marketing practices. own conditions. Jadhav et al. (1997) studied price spread in marketing There was a need to study the marketing management of of fruits and vegetables. They observed that for both banana with specific objectives such as to study marketing fruits and vegetables commission agents selling to retai- cost structure of banana and estimation of the factors lers through wholesaler and directly selling to retailers influencing net price realized by the banana growers. from two channels of marketing. The cost and margins of marketing of fruits together were Rs. 295.60 for papaya MATERIALS AND METHODS and Rs. 521.65 for sapota. The producer’s share in consumer’s rupee was 56.08% for papaya and 61.38% Jalgaon district in the state of Maharashtra, India is one of the larg- for sapota. The major problems were costly packing and est producers of banana which contributes about 44% of banana Sarode 129 production in the state. Hence, Jalgon district was selected pur- measures were suggested. posively. The cultivation of banana is mainly concentrated in Raver The mode of payments adopted by the co operative and Chopda sub regions (tahasils) in Jalgaon district therefore fruit sale societies selling the produce to the private tra- these tahasils having highest acreage under banana plantations were selected purposively for the present investigation. On the ders and local traders make the payment to the growers basis of highest acreage under banana plantations total six villages on the basis of average weight of bunches. The growers that is, three villages from each of Raver and Chopda tahasils were receive better prices if the average weight of all bunches selected purposively. The selected villages from Raver tahasil were together is more than 15 kg. Waghoda, Chinawal, Nimbhora and from Chopda tahasil were Mali et al. (2000) in their study on economics of pro- Gorgaonle, Mangrul, Machla. From each selected villages fifteen samples of banana growers, duction and marketing of banana in Jalgaon district of on the basis of actual area under banana plantations that is five Western Maharashtra concluded that the per quintal cost from each category of small (upto 1.00 ha), medium (1.01 - 2.00 ha) of marketing of banana was the highest in case of local and large size farm (above 2.01 ha) were selected by adopting ran- traders followed by co operative fruit sale societies who dom simple method. Thus in all ninety sample banana growers that were selling the produce to the private traders. The per is thirty sample banana growers from each of the categories of quintal cost of marketing was the lowest in case of co small, medium and large size groups were considered for the present investigation. operative societies selling the produce in Delhi market. Marketing channels for banana RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pawar et al. (1990) studied organized and unorganized The marketing of banana in Jalgaon district is done marketing of banana in Jalgaon district. The study reveal- through three market agencies viz; co operative fruit sale ed that co operative fruit sale societies assigned specific societies, group sale agencies and private agencies and grades to banana on the basis of the average weight of also through retailers. bunch at the time of harvesting. Producers were paid Potekar et al. (1992) studied the marketing of banana according to the grades of their produce. The group sale through co operatives in Basmath taluka of Parbhani dis- agency and private agency made the payment on the trict revealed that the purchase of banana was done by basis of average price received in the market. the society on weight basis with a standard average Marketing channels are results through which agricul- weight of banana bunch as 15 kg. The banana growers tural products move from producer to consumer. It is the fetched Rs. 170.00 per quintal for 15 kg bunch. chain of intermediaries through whom the products pass The banana fruits fetches price depending on size in from producers to consumer. The length of channel the market. The size of fruit is measured in terms of varies from commodity to commodity depending on the weight of bunches and number of hands per bunch at the quantity to be moved, the form of consumer demand farm level. The bunches are graded according to weight degree of regional specialization in production. grade A (above 15 kg), grade B (13 - 15 kg), grade C (11 Gadre et al. (1992) in their study on marketing of - 13 kg), grade D (9 -11 kg) and grade E (below 9 kg). banana in Jalgaon district identified the following Gajanana and Subbrahmanyam (1996) conducted a channels. study on fruit marketing through co operative. A case study of Jalgaon banana indicated that the net price Channel I = Producer – Co operative fruit sale society – received by the growers was slightly higher in the case of Commission agent – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer. kisan society as compared to the Jalgaon society. Kisan Channel II = Producer – Group sale agency – society could take advantages of the price prevailing in Commission agent – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer. the Delhi market though it involved huge transport cost, Channel III = Producer – Private agency – Commission commission charges, etc. Also Kisan society accepts agent – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer. even the inferior quality (Grade E) produce, it is not so in the Jalgaon society. The maximum marketing cost of Rs.90.99 per quintal was The financial analysis indicated that both societies are incurred in Channel III followed by Rs. 84.46 in Channel II making profits to the extent of around one per cent of the and Rs. 82.26 in Channel I. The marketing margin under turnover by keeping the overheads at proportionally low channel III was found higher than those under Channel II level. and Channel I. It worked out to Rs. 287.58 and Rs. Akbar and Raheman (1991) in his study on marketing 282.26 per quintal for channel I, II and III respectively. on banana by farmers in a selected area of Bangladesh The producers share in consumer’s rupee was estimated concluded that the largest volume of banana sales, 63% 32.57, 32.43 and 31.31% for channel I, II and III was made at the market place. Price spread and farmers respectively. share in consumer’s rupee, under three different mar- Jalgaon being specialized in banana production the keting channels were worked out. The findings indicated major bulk of the quantity produced need to be trans- that larger the marketing channels, the smaller were ported to distant market, therefore the study of marketing farmer’s share.
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