Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2003 The Operas of Paul Stuart Based on Libretti by Sally M. Gall Sandra Gayle Boysen Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC THE OPERAS OF PAUL STUART BASED ON LIBRETTI BY SALLY M. GALL By Sandra Gayle Boysen A Trea ise submi ed to the School of Music in par ial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doc or of Music Degree Awarded: Fall Semes er, 2003 The members of the Commi ee approve the rea ise of Sandra Gayle Boysen defended on November 7, 2003. ___________________________________ Roy Delp Professor Direc ing Trea ise ___________________________________ Timothy Hoekman Outside Commi ee Member ___________________________________ Larry Gerber Commi ee Member ___________________________________ 5anice Harsanyi Commi ee Member The Office of Gradua e S udies has verified and approved the above named commi ee members. ii AC6NO7LEDGMENTS To Paul S uar , his wife Karin and their daughter, Vanessa, go my gra i ude for heir willingness to share their time and their home for the many interviews held there during research for this trea ise. To Paul, I give special thanks for his generosi y in providing invaluable resources such as his primary research notebooks, his ini ial composi ional ske ches, and his thorough documenta ion of correspondence and other ma erials rela ed to the crea ion of these operas. My thanks go to Dr. Sally M. Gall for answering my many ques ions so pa iently hrough many e8mail e9changes.