
6:30 The President received a wake up call from the White House signal board operator.

7:0l The President went to the Oval Office.

7:20 The President returned to the second floor Residence.

7:33 The President and the First Lady went to the South Grounds of the White House.

7:34 7:39 The President and the First Lady motored from the South Grounds to the Hilton Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

7:39 9:36 The President and the First Lady attended the 25th annual National Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the House of Representatives and Senate Prayer Breakfast groups. Members of the press

7:42 The President and the First Lady were greeted by: Senator Charles H, Percy (R-Illinois) Representative Marjorie S. Holt (R-) Senator Sam Nunn (D-)

7:45 The President and the First Lady, escorted by Senator Percy and Representative Holt went to the Cabinet Room.

The President and the First Lady greeted head table and special guests attending the breakfast. For a list of attendees,see APPENDIX "A."

7:55 The President and the First Lady, escorted by Senator Percy and Representative Holt went to the head table in the International Ballroom.

8:47 The President was introduced by Representative James C. Wright (D-Texas).

9:09 9:24 The President addressed approximately 3,000 guests including national leaders in the Executive, Judicial, Legislative branches,members of the Diplomatic Corps and the mili- tary.

9:36 The President and the First-Lady returned to their motorcade

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9:36 9:40 The President and the First Lady motored from the Washington Hilton Hotel to the South Grounds of the White House.

9:40 The President returned to the Oval Office.

9:41 R The President was telephoned by- Governor James A. Rhodes (R-Ohio), The call was not completed.

9:55 The President went to the Cabinet Room.

9:55 10:47 The President participated in a National Security Council (NSC) meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX

"B l ”

10:47 The President returned to the Oval Office.

10:50 The President went to his private study.

10:50 10:55 R The President talked with Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-West Virginia).

11:05 The President returned to the Oval Office,

11:05 11:25 The President participated in a swearing-in ceremony for F. to be Secretary of Labor; The oath of office was administered by Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Warren E. Burger. For a list of atten- dees,see APPENDIX "C." Members of the press

11:05 1l:l0 The President addressed guests attending the swearing-in ceremony,

11:19 11:22 R The President talked with Governor Rhodes.

11: 25 The President returned to his private study.

11:25 11:45 The President met with: Jody Powell,Press Secretary Rex Granum,Deputy Press Secretary

11:25 11:31 P The President talked with his Assistant, James R. Schlesinger.

12:15 12:55 The President met with his Assistant for National Security Affairs,.

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12:37 12:50 The President talked with Secretary of Defense Harold Brown.

12:55 The President returned to the second floor Residence.

? The President had lunch.

1:27 The President was telephoned by Governor Ray Blanton (D-Tennessee). The call was not completed.

1:31 The President went to the East Room.

1:31 1:45 The President greeted eighth grade students of Stetson Junior High School, West Chester, Pennsylvania visit- ing the White House. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "D .__.. l "

1:33 l:45 The President addressed approximately 350 students.

1:45 The President returned to the Oval Office.

1:54 P The President telephoned Pinkie Masters, owner of Pinkie Masters Lounge, Savannah, Georgia. The call was not completed.

2:00 2:30 The President met with: Cyrus R. Vance,Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher,Deputy Secretary-designate, Department of State Lucy W. Benson,Under Secretary-designate for Security Assistance, Department of State Philip C. Habib, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

2:30 3:00 The President met with: W. Michael Blumenthal,Secretary of the Treasury Kenneth S. Axelson,Deputy Secretary-designate, Department of the Treasury Anthony M. Solomon,Under Secretary-designate for Monetary Affairs,Department of the Treasury

3:00 3:25 The President met with: Brock Adams,Secretary of Transportation Alan A. Butchman,Deputy Secretary-designate, Department of Transportation Chester Davenport,Assistant Secretary-designate for Policy, Plans,and Intergovernment Affairs, Department of Transportation continued

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Terrence L. Bracy, Assistant Secretary-designate for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of Transportation Mortimer L. Downey III, Deputy Under Secretary- designate for Programs and Budget, Department of Transportation Linda H. Kamm, General Counsel-designate, Department of Transportation

3:15 3:19 The President talked with the First Lady.

3:51 3:56 The President talked with Director of the Office of Manage- ment and Budget (OMB) Thomas B. "Bert" Lance.

3:57 3:58 The President talked with his Assistant for Intergovernmental Relations and Cabinet Secretary, Jack H. Watson, Jr.

3:57? 3:59 The President talked with the First Lady.

4:00 4:l0 The President met with Gen. Bernard W. Rogers, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army.

4:22 4:26 'The President talked with Mr. Masters.

4:30 4:45 The President met with: ,Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) John Burnett,Vice President of Rockefeller Center Management Corporation, New York, New York

4:44 4:48 R The President talked with the First Lady.

5:l0 5:30 The President met with Secretary of the Interior Cecil D. Andrus.

The President met with: 5:30 6:25 Tim Kraft,Special Assistant for Appointments 6:00 6:25 Hamilton Jordan, Assistant

6:25 6:30 The President met with Mr. Brzezinski.

6:34 The President returned to the second floor Residence.

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From To

6:55 R The President was telephoned by Secretary Marshall. Mr. Kraft took the call.

7:03 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Amy Carter Chip and Caron Carter Jeff and Annette Carter William E. Milliken, Vice President, Institutional Development Corporation, , Georgia

8:04 The President returned to the Oval Office.

8:05 The President returned to the South Grounds of the White House.

8:ll The President returned to the second floor Residence.

11:50 The President retired,

EJ/EJ 2/10/77

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