Community Perspectives on Livelihood Practices and Development: Implications for Policy and Planning Sheema Saeed1, Mohamed Kamil, Hussain Rasheed, Shiyasa Rasheed and Hassan Najee Abstract This paper presents an in-depth study of the livelihood prac ces and development needs of one isolated rural island community in the Maldives. The research iden fi ed key stakeholders concerns about opportuni es and barriers to livelihood prac ces and community development using a case study approach. Some of the challenges networking locally and na onally to achieving community objec ves for food security, water and other resources management, socio-economic development and environmental protec on are iden fi ed, followed by strategies to reduce vulnerability in the context of climate change and to develop a sustainable ecosystem for future genera ons. Keywords: Small island state, Food, Water, Energy, Livelihood, Climate change, Nexus Sheema Saeed, Mohamed Kamil, Hussain Rasheed, Shiyasa Rasheed, and Hassan Najee are members of Nalafehi Meedhoo, an NGO that works in Hulhumeedhoo of Addu atoll, Maldives. They can be contacted at nalafehimeed-
[email protected] 1 The fi rst author of this paper, Sheema Saeed, is the managing editor of IJSRI. She is grateful for the meagre broadband internet access of 2mbps to 4mbps, available on Hulhumeedhoo, which gave her the opportunity to work from home, and hence, contribute to this research project with Nalafehi. Interna onal Journal of Social Research and Innova on | Volume 3, Issue 1 - July 2019 1. Introduction Meedhoo, in Addu atoll of the Maldives, is an idyllic place to live a comfortable life, with self-built housing, home-based livelihoods, a stunning natural seascape, privacy, quiet and tranquility.