The Name Bruce in the Dictionary of National Biography
Broxholme Bruce BROXHOLME, NOEL, M.D. (1689?- melancholy objects. I remember him with 1748), physician, was, according to Dr. as much wit as ever I knew.' In 1754 there ' Stukeley, a native of Stamford, Lincolnshire, appeared A Collection of Receipts in Physic, of humble origin. Born in or about 1689, being the Practice of the late eminent Dr. the foundation at : he was admitted on West- Bloxam [sic] containing a Complete Body of minster in 1700, and in 1704 was elected to Prescriptions answering to every Disease, Trinity College, Cambridge. He proceeded, with some in Surgery. The Second Edition.' however, to Christ Church, Oxford, where he 8vo, London. was nominated student 23 1705, and July [Family Memoirs of Rev. W. Stukeley (Surtees B.A. 20 M.A. 18 graduated May 1709, April Society, Ixxiii.), i. 46, 81, 96; Munk's Roll of 1711. In the former 1709, he had com- of 2nd ii. year, College Physicians, edition, 89-90 ; menced his medical studies, under Dr. Mead, Welch's Alumni Westmonasterienses, new edi- at St. Thomas's and in 1715 was 245 Lord Hospital, tion, pp. 237, 244, n, 260, 537 ; Hervey's first ii. 493 Letters of Horace elected to one of the of the Radcliffe Memoirs, ; Walpole, ed. ii. 120 Gent. iv. travelling fellowships. Upon his return he Cunningham, 20, ; Mag. 628, vii. ix. xviii. Oratio Harveiana removed to University College, as a member 699, 328, 333; anno MDCCLV. auct. R. 31-3 of which he took his degrees in physic by habita, Taylor, pp. ; Wills in C. P.
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