Tranche 2 Action Plans

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Tranche 2 Action Plans For more information about the UK Biodiversity Action Plan visit UK Biodiversity Group Tranche 2 Action Plans Maritime Species and Habitats THE RT HON JOHN PRESCOTT MP THE RT HON PETER MANDELSON MP DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND SECRETARY OF STATE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE NORTHERN IRELAND ENVIRONMENT, TRANSPORT AND THE REGIONS SARAH BOYACK MSP CHRISTINE GWYTHER AM MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND ASSEMBLY SECRETARY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AGRICULTURE, AND THE THE SCOTTISH EXECUTIVE RURAL DEVELOPMENT NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES Dear Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of State, Minister and Assembly Secretary, BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANS I am writing to you in my capacity as Chairman of the United Kingdom Biodiversity Group (UKBG) about the latest group of biodiversity action plans which UKBG have completed and published in the present volume. Publication of this fifth volume in the Tranche 2 Action Plan series fulfils the undertaking, given in the Government Response to the UK Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group Report 1995, to produce maritime action plans covering further coastal and marine habitats and species. The volume includes reprints of the marine and coastal species and habitat action plans originall y published in the Steering Group’s Report, as well as new action plans for 16 species/groups of species and 17 habitats. The reprinted saline lagoon habitat action plan has an additional annex containin g statements on a further eight species whose conservation needs will be considered as part of that plan. Similarly, there are two species statements attached to the mud in deep habitats plan. The volume also has a technical introduction detailing the methodology and criteria used in determining the priorit y species and habitats. The marine environment poses different challenges for action plan implementation and the introduction highlights some of the issues involved. Among these is the relative lack of scientific evidence to help explain the functioning of marine ecosystems and the requirements of marine species. Many of the plans identify the need for further research as being of paramount importance to their success. Development of this volume was coordinated by the Coastal and Marine Sub-Groups and involve d Government departments and agencies, voluntary conservation groups, industry and academi c institutions. The plans set challenging but achievable targets to conserve and enhance the species and habitats. The new species action plans are accompanied by a table showing their indicative costings, so that those charged with implementation are clear about the scale of the financial consequences. The new habitat action plans include indicative costings. As in earlier volumes, the new species action plans are accompanied by a list of lead partners (often a Non-Governmental Organisation) who will take the lead in their implementation, supported by a contact point (alw ays a Government agency or department). We are pleased that some new voluntar y organisations have agreed to become lead partners for certain of the action plans. The plans in this volume represent a significant step for the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and put marine and coastal species and habitats on a similar footing to the key terrestrial plans.On behalf of the UKBG, I commend them to you and your ministerial colleagues. SOPHIA LAMBERT Contents Page Introduction 1. Background ..............................................................9 2. Review of broad habitat classification and priority habitats and species ................9 3. Issues arising from the maritime action plans ...................................14 4. Priority Species Action Plans ................................................17 Mammals .........................................................19 Reptiles ..........................................................35 Fish ..............................................................41 Molluscs ..........................................................61 Sea anemones ......................................................75 Corals ............................................................83 Algae ............................................................89 5. Priority Habitat Action Plans and associated Species Statements ....................97 Maritime cliff and slopes .............................................99 Coastal sand dunes .................................................105 Machair .........................................................111 Coastal vegetated shingle ............................................117 Littoral and sub-littoral chalk .........................................121 Sabellaria alveolata reefs ...........................................125 Coastal saltmarsh ..................................................129 Mudflats .........................................................135 Sheltered muddy gravels ............................................141 Sabellaria spinulosa reefs ...........................................145 Tidal rapids ......................................................149 Modiolus modiolus beds ............................................153 Seagrass beds .....................................................157 Maerl beds .......................................................161 Saline lagoons (plus annex with eight species statements) ..................165 Mud habitats in deep water (plus annex with two species statements) .........179 Serpulid reefs .....................................................185 Sublittoral sands and gravels .........................................189 Lophelia pertusa reefs ..............................................195 6. Broad Habitat Statements .................................................201 Annexes 1. List of abbreviations and acronyms ..........................................237 2. Species action plan costings ................................................239 3. List of species and habitats, with Contact Points, Lead Partners and Lead Agencies/Departments ....................................................241 1. Background 1.1 Following the preparation of the first tranche of action plans in 1995, it was concluded that a selection of marine and coastal habitats and species action plans needed to be prepared within a redefined broad habitat classification. The work of producing the action plans was co- ordinated by two sub-groups (coastal and marine) of the UK Biodiversity Targets Group. 1.2 The sub-groups were asked to: ! review the broad habitat classification for coastal and marine habitats; ! assess whether the criteria, which had been developed for selecting terrestrial priority habitats and species on land, were appropriate for coastal and marine habitats and species, and recommend any adjustments; ! apply the agreed criteria in order to select priority coastal and marine habitats and species; ! and oversee the preparation of the action plans, including consultation with government departments, agencies and NGOs. 2. Review of broad habitat classification and priority habitats and species Broad habitats 2.1 The original maritime broad habitats (table 1) were largely selected by geomorphological characteristics (eg estuary and open coast) with the result that each contained a range of habitats, some occurring in several physiographic features. In the review of priority habitats (see below) some of the original broad habitats were given priority status. The revised broad habitat classification was developed using a logical and hierarchical structure based closely on the JNCC Marine Nature Conservation Review marine biotopes classification system, and provides an overview of the extent and character of the entire UK maritime environment (table 2). The broad habitat statements for this revised classification are included in this volume. Figure 1 shows a map of the UK Waters1 marked with the underwater features identified within the statements. 1 ‘UK Waters’ are referred to throughout the marine plans. These are internal waters (inside the baselines from which the territorial sea is measured), territorial waters (whose limits extend to 12 nautical miles from these baselines) and waters within 200 nautical miles from the baselines within which the UK exercises certain rights and jurisdictions. The extent of potential UK action under the plans in marine areas beyond territorial waters is, under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, subject to the rights of other states. 9 Figure 1. UK waters, with features identified in the broad habitat statements 10 Table 1. Original broad habitats Habitat Change made Maritime cliff and slope turned into a priority habitat Boulders and rock above high tide mark removed Shingle above high tide mark turned into a priority habitat and renamed coastal vegetated shingle Coastal strandline removed Machair turned into a priority habitat Saltmarsh turned into a priority habitat Sand dune turned into a priority habitat Estuaries removed Islands and archipelagos removed Inlets and enclosed bays removed Open coast removed Shelf break removed Open sea water column removed Offshore seabed removed Priority habitats 2.2 Within each broad habitat, priority habitats were identified that would benefit from conservation effort directed by a specific action plan. In the review of the selection criteria for these habitats, and the way in which they should be interpreted, two additonal categories were identified and adopted: ! habitats for which a high proportion (over 40%) of the north-east
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