
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 23 July 2013 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.

Chaired by:- Councillor Tim Wall Clerked by:- Sue Squire Present:- Councillors Agenda:- Apologies P Risdon Declarations of Interest Mrs J Smyth Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28/5/13 T Wall Representations from the Public D Webber Matters Arising Reports County Councillor R Edgell Finance 2 members of the public Planning & Planning Correspondence Correspondence & Notices / Publications Received Matters raised by Councillors Date of next Meeting

Action 17. Apologies. Councillor G Butt, District Councillor Mrs S Fryer, PC A Micaleff.

18. Declarations of Interest. Councillor Risdon declared a Personal Interest in Minute No. 24.1, Planning Application 55827.

19. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 May 2013. Approved and signed as a correct record.

20. Representations from the Public. None.

21. Matters Arising. 21.1 Parish Council Vacancy. It was noted that an Election was not requested by Clerk to parishioners and the Parish Council is now obliged to co-opt a Councillor. A notice prepare has been sent for the notice board and the details will appear in the Community compliance News pages of the North Journal on 25 July. The Co-option will take place paperwork at the September Meeting on Tuesday, 24th.

21.2 Car Parking opposite the Parish Hall. It was noted that a letter, as agreed and drafted at the last Meeting, has been sent to Churchbury Securities to which an acknowledgement or reply has not been received.

Councillor Risdon felt that the present car parking does not seem to bear any relation to the Planning Application that was submitted. He will ask neighbours about their feelings. There had been no reply from Planning Officer Jean Watkins to the Parish Council’s Clerk enquiry regarding the wall and a reminder to be sent. TW to Councillor Wall advised he had received letter from Mr Yule of Churchbury send letter Securities, expressing concern that people were parking in the entrance way. to Clerk A reply to be sent to Mr Yule, acknowledging the letter. Clerk The Parish Hall and School, as car parking users of the area to be sent a copy of Clerk the letter.

An email had been received from Mr B Hurst-Bannister asking for it to be noted that the Council has received his notes of 20 April and 6 May and that the Council has declined to respond to the second of these two notes and each of the many points therein. 2 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 23.07.13

The Chairman advised that although there had been no formal reply to Mr Hurst- Bannister's second email, the issues mentioned had been discussed and included in the Minutes regarding the parking and wall and it was felt that all important issues had been addressed. The Clerk to reply to Mr Hurst-Bannister in confirmation. Clerk

The Clerk advised that all correspondence should be through the Clerk so that it can be included on the Agenda and discussed at the next Meeting and a reply sent from the Parish Council. It was not appropriate for members of the public to write to the Chairman between Meetings as this placed the Chairman in a difficult position with regard to a reply which would be his / her own thoughts, not having brought the issue before full Council.

It was not known if the site had been sold.

21.3 TAP (Town & Parish Fund). The Clerk had obtained information that last year's unclaimed TAP funding, amounting to £217.80 has been carried forward to this year's funding, giving a total of £432.30. Councillor Risdon to ask Parish Council if they would be interested in PR working with this Council and the Clerk to contact Parish Council. Clerk

The Village Hall Management Committee wished to replace the Hall tables and there was the hope that this could be progressed.

21.4 Parish Paths Partnership (P3). It was noted that the Clerk has included an article in the Community Pages of the Journal and Witheridge Magazine seeking a volunteer to be the co-ordinator but that to date, no one has come forward.

21.5 Road Speed Limits due to surface dressing details were included in the Community News pages of the North Devon Journal.

21.6 Devon Association of Local Councils. It was noted that Councillors Risdon and Mrs Smyth have been booked on to the Planning Explained training course.

21.7 Highways. It was noted that the Clerk had contacted the new Highway Superintendent who replied inviting a Councillor to accompany him on a drive around the Parish to discuss issues and point out problems. All Councillors were advised of this and as a result, Councillors G Butt and Mrs Smyth met the Highway Superintendent, Councillor Butt doing West Worlington and Councillor Mrs Smyth doing East Worlington. The Highway Superintendent had subsequently contacted the Clerk asking that both Councillors were thanked for their time. He was preparing a report for his Manager in which he would point out numerous areas requiring attention and those which had received attention and were not up to standard. The Highway Superintendent asked the Parish Council's opinion on replacing the wooden signposts at Tweenmoor and Newton Cross and all were in agreement for Clerk this to be done. In addition, there is a finger missing from the finger post at Three Hammers. Clerk

Councillor Mrs Smyth further updated the Meeting with the details.

21.8 Possible talk by Tony Hogg, Police Crime Commissioner. It was noted that the Clerk is awaiting a reply from Kings Nympton Parish Council and will take the details to Parish Council when they next meet in September. 3 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 23.07.13

Councillors felt that a larger venue should be identified and more Councils be possibly invited to make a visit worthwhile. To be on the September Agenda after it was known whether Kings Nympton and Romansleigh Parish Council were interested in progressing the matter.

22. Reports. 22.1 Mr T Pullen, Chulmleigh Community College Academy Trust. Not present.

22.2 County Councillor R Edgell advised there was a reduction in central government funding and over the next 3 financial years, DCC has to find savings of £100m after the savings that have already been found in the past 4 years. There are 2,800 less staff than 4 years ago, achieved through people not being replaced when staff left. This has saved £30 million per annum on the salary bill. There has been minimal redundancy.

The repair of highways was prioritised to the main routes. County Councillor Edgell had lobbied for repair of rural areas for C class roads and less and was successful. Councillor Mrs Smyth asked if the Precept could be used to employ a person to deal with Highway matters and was advised that South West Highways had tightened up health and safety following the fatal accident involving one of their workmen.

Council Tax had not been increased for 4 years and central government had given Councils funding for keeping the amount frozen. This funding had now been reduced to 1% which had a knock on effect on the Council's budget.

The Clerk advised she had received an invitation to a Highways Conference on 14 September at Petrock, College. The event was by invitation only and limited to numbers. She had applied and had received her ticket and would provide a Report for the September Meeting.

22.3 District Councillor Mrs S Croft. When sending her apologies, she advised that she had donated £300 of her Community Councillor Grant to the Parish Hall.

22.4 Police. When sending their apologies, PC Micaleff advised there had been no crimes or calls from the Parish in the last two months. He added that a number of trailers have been stolen in the last few weeks around the rural areas, at , , and Bishops Nympton.

22.5 Emergency Plan/Snow Warden Scheme. Councillor Mrs S Fryer was not present.

22.6 Parish Hall. Mr S Baber advised that the priority for this year was to have new tables. A £300 Community Councillor Grant had been received from District Councillor Mrs S Croft. 3 new Members had joined the Committee: Liz Guppy, Miya Bond and David Edwards. Charles Hodgson was leaving the area and his treasurer’s post would be filled by Miya. A Heritage Group had been formed.

23. Finance. 23.1 Balances. Treasurers Account as at 9/7/13: £1,834.99 4 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 23.07.13

Savings Account as at 9/7/13: £1,000.00

23.2 The following payments were approved and authorised: Clerk Mrs S Squire Contribution towards Broadband £ 4.50 Photocopying £ 12.45 Mileage £ 10.00 £ 26.95

Witheridge Magazine Fee for half a page in each magazine. 2012 outstanding (£40.00), 2013 due (£60.00) £100.00

23.3 Devon Association of Local Councils. This item had been received after the Agenda had been prepared. Details of pay settlement 2013/14. The National Joint Council for Local Government Services has confirmed that the Local Government Employers and trade unions have agreed a pay increase of 1% with effect from 1/4/13. The Clerk's current annual salary is £1,246 last increased on 1/4/12 by £61 per annum. A 1% increase would result in an increase of £12 per annum to give an annual salary of £1,258. The Clerk left the Meeting while Councillors discussed the matter. Sept The item to be included on the September Agenda. Agenda

24. Planning and Planning Correspondence. Clerk 24.1 Applications. 55822 - Extension to dwelling at Horseford Lodge, East Worlington. It was resolved to recommend approval.

55827 - Erection of agricultural building to house animals, feed & agricultural machinery at 2 The Paddocks, East Burrow Close, East Worlington.

Councillor Risdon declared a personal interest, the applicant being a neighbour.

To reply: The Parish Council have no objection in principle to the buildings but there is concern regarding the siting of the building, as dictated by the Planning Officer. The preference by the applicant was to be beside the house and not the site as per the plan, behind it.

24.2 Wall at the former walled garden, East Worlington House. A reply from Planning Department is awaited regarding the reinstatement.

24.3 Draft North Devon and Council Local Plan. Councillor Wall gave details regarding his conversation with North Devon Council officer Hannah Harrington regarding the response by this Parish.

Proposed by Councillor Webber, seconded by Councillor Risdon and Clerk unanimously agreed that the following response should be sent:

East Worlington would like to be registered as a village with 5% growth. The importance of the Primary School is acknowledged to encourage young families to stay within the Parish and move into the Parish.

25. Correspondence & Notices / Publications Received (these were placed on the table & available to read). 5 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 23.07.13

25.1 Town Council. Details of a Planning/Environment School on Saturday, 12/10/13. Noted.

25.2 Mr A Staniford. Details of The Devon Weekend - 15/9/13. Noted.

25.3 District Council. Letter regarding the Local Plan Review. Noted.

25.4 Worlington PCC. Letter regarding a wall which has partly fallen into the road in West Worlington. Councillor Webber advised it was difficult to identify the owner as the area was in a triangle in between the Churchyard and two properties. The Clerk to write to Sir Hugh Stucley, Affeton Castle enquiring if he could clarify Clerk ownership of the land.

26. Matters raised by Councillors. 26.1 Councillor Webber advised he had contacted DCC Highways on two occasions regarding growth of vegetation on East Worlington Hill between the Parish Hall and the War Memorial. This is the busiest part of the road and although it was acknowledged that it is a private hedge, it was noted that all other hedges are Clerk cut.

27. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. The Meeting ended at 9.16pm.

Summary of Decisions: APPROVED BY EAST WORLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL:  Minutes of 28/5/13  Payments  Planning  Response to draft North Devon and Torridge District Council Local Plan

These minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record Signed: Date: (Chair of East Worlington Parish Council)