HON. HERBERT ZELENKO Ous Progress and Growth

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HON. HERBERT ZELENKO Ous Progress and Growth 1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 4825 deremployment in ·certain economically· de­ I veterans; to the Committee on Veterans' H. R. 11519. A bill to authorize the use of pressed areas; to the Committee on Banking Affairs. naval vessels to determine the effect of and Currency. By Mr. MACHROWICZ: newly developed weapons upon such vessels; By Mr. DENT: H. R. 11507. A bill to amend section 37 of to the Committee on Armed Services. H. R. 11497. A bill to amend title n of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to equal­ By Mr. WHITENER: the Social Security Act to inClude Pennsyl­ ize for all taxpayers the amount which may H. R. 11520. A bill to provide that the Blue vania among the States which may obtain be taken into account in computing there­ Ridge Parkway shall be toll free; to the social-security coverage, under State agree­ tirement income credit thereunder; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. ment, for State and local policemen and fire­ Committee on Ways and Means. By l.\4r. MOORE: men; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. MILLER of Nebraska: By Mr. FORRESTER: H. R. 11508. A b111 to provide for the con­ H. R. 11521. A bill to extend for 1 year H. R. 11498. A bill to amend chapter 223 version of surplus grain owned by the Com­ the authority of the President to enter into of title 18, United States Code, to provide for modity Credit Corporation into industrial trade agreements under section 350 of the the admission of certain evidence; to the alcohol for stockpiling purposes; to the Com­ Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ways Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Agriculture. and Means. By Mr. GRAY: By Mr. MONTOYA: H. R.11499. A bill to amend the national H. R. 11509. A b111 to protect the right of By Mr. STAGGERS: defense amendment, and for other purposes; the blind to self-expression through organi­ H. R. 11522. A bill to protect the right of to the Committee on Ways and Means. zations of the blind; to the Committee on the blind to self-expression through organi­ By Mr. HILL: Education and Labor. zations of the blind; to the Committee on H. R. 11500. A bill to authorize an increased H. R. 11510. A bill to change the name of Education and Labor. program of research on forestry and forest Navaho Dam in New Mexico to Dempsey By Mr. WALTER: products, and for other purposes; to the Navaho Dam; to the Committee on Interior H. Res. 506. Resolution authorizing the Committee on Agriculture. and InEular Affairs. printing of additional copies of House Re­ By Mr. JACKSON: By Mr. NEAL: port No. 1360, current session; to the Com­ H. R. 11501. A bill to establish a self­ H. R. 11511. A bill to protect the right of mittee on House Administration. liquidating scholarship loan fund to enable the blind to self-expression through organi­ highly qualified high-school graduates in zations of the blind; to the Committee on financial need to receive a college education; Education and Labor. to the Committee on Education and Labor. By Mr. O'HARA of Minnesota: MEM:ORIALS By Mr. LONG: H. R. 11512. A bill to amend the District Under clause 4 of rule XXII me­ H. R. 11502. A bill to amend the Agricul­ of Columbia Business Corporation Act; to morials were presented and refer~ed as tural Adjustment Act of 1938 and the Agri­ the Committee oil the District of Columbia. follows: cultural Act of 1949 to permit producers of By Mr. O'NEILL: basic agricultural commodities (other than H. R. 11513. A /bill to amend section 41 of By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ peanuts) to dispose of such commodities the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' lature of the State of South Carolina me­ abroad without payment of penalties and Compensation Act so as to provide a system morializing the President and the Co~gress without the loss of price support with respect of safety rules, regulations, and safety in., of the United States to exert their efforts and to so much of their production which is spection and training, and for other pur­ influence in behalf of retaining the National marketed in the United States in compliance poses; to the Committee on Education and G~ard units at full ~trength; to the Com­ with applicable marketing quotas and acre­ Labor. mittee on Armed Services. age allotments; to the Committee on Agri­ By Mr. PRICE: culture. H. R. 11514. A bill to amend section 4191 By Mr. LOSER: of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. R. 11503. A bill to protect the right of exempt from manufacturers excise tax the blind to self-expression through organ­ stencil-cutting machines which cut charac­ . Under clause ·1 of rule XXII, private izations of the blind; to the Committee on ters of one-fourth inch or more in height; bills and resolutions were introduced and Education and Labor. to the Committee on Ways and Means. severally referred as follows: By Mr. McCARTHY: By Mr. ROOSEVELT: H. R. 11504. A bill to amend title 10 of the · ByMr.FALLON: United States Code to permit enlisted mem­ H. R. 11515. A bill to amend section 41 of H. R. 11523. A bill for the relief of the bers of the Naval Reserve and Marine Corps the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Union Trust Company of Maryland; to the Reserve to transfer to the Fleet Reserve and Compensation Act so as to provide a system Committee on Ways and Means. the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve on the same of safety rules, regulations, and safety in­ By Mr. FINO: spection and training, and for other pur­ basis as members of the regular components; H. R. 11524. A bill for the relief of Issa El the Committee on Armed Services. poses; to the Committee on Education and Korashi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to .Labor. By Mr. McGOVERN: By Mr. REUSS: ' By Mr. TEWES: H. R. 11505. A bill to encourage new resi­ H. R. 11525. A bill for the relief of Stan­ dential construction for veterans' housing in H. R. 11516. A bill to amend the Federal ley Waier; to the Committee on the rural areas and small cities and towns by Property and Administrative Services Act of Judiciary. raising the maximum amount in which di­ 1949 to permit the donation of surplus prop­ rect loans may be made from $10,000 to $13,- erty to volunteer fire-fighting organizations; 500, to authorize advance financing commit­ to the Committee on Government Opera­ PETITIONS, ETC. ments, to extend the direct-loan program for tions. veterans, and for other purposes; to the By Mr. THOMSON of Wyoming: Under clause 1. of rule XXII, Committee on Veterans' Affairs. H. R. 11517. A bill to amend the National 481. Mr. BEAMER presented a resolution H. R. 11506. A bill to provide that pensions Defense Amendment, and for other purposes; of Lodge No. 59, International Association of for non-service-connected death shall be ex­ to the Committee on Ways and Mean::~. Machinists, Frankfort, Ind., in opposition to tended to the widows and children of de­ By Mr. VINSON: a merger by the railroads and abandonment ceased World War II and Korean veterans H. R. 11518. A bill to authorize the con­ of passenger service, which was referred to under the same conditions as apply to the struction of modern naval vessels; to the the Committee on Interstate and Foreign widows and children of deceased World War Committee on Armed Services. Commerce. E X T E N S I 0 N S 0 F R. E M A R K S Camp Fire Girls Birthday Week ignated as Camp Fire Girls Birthday United States 1957 International Trade ·Week. The Camp Fire Girls have been Fair program, as a forerunner of their EXTENSION OF REMARKS one of the outstanding forces in the de­ 1957-58 ·meet-the-people project. velopment of the youth of our country OF "By their participation," the citation and we all look forward to its continu­ HON. HERBERT ZELENKO ous progress and growth. I am happy reads, "They contributed significantly to to note that the United States Depart­ the advancement of world understand­ OF NEW YORK ing." Camp Fire Girls created typically IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment of Commerce has cited Camp Fire Girls for their outstanding public serv­ American dolls which were part of the Wednesday, March 19, 1958 ·ice to the United States Government. United States exhibit sponsored by the .Mr. ZELENKO. Mr. Speaker, the The citation came after Camp Fire Department of Commerce at the Inter­ week of March 23-30 has been des- Girls contributed American dolls to the national Trade Fair in Izmir, Turkey. 4826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 19 An outgrowth -of the President's peo­ appreciate it if I could have the views of the 4. Since onions came under the Com­ ple-to-people program, Camp Fire Girls Department on the following questions: modity Exchange Act in September 1955, 1. Has Congress at any time prohibited evidence of price manipulation has been ob­ current meet-the-people project is futures trading in any agricultural com­ served during the period November 1955 to designed to further world understanding modity? March 1956. This led to the issuance of a and friendship. Half a million Camp 2. Would the onion farmer be better off ·by complaint against tw,o individuals and a cor­ Fire Girls throughout the Nation are the passage of H.
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