Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education in state schools 2018 report card

The is committed to improving educational outcomes and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and students. 25% 55,752 10% With an additional $10 million investment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal and Torres Queensland state education programs, the Department of Education is leading the way with innovative Strait Islander students Strait Islander students school students are practices and collaborative partnerships that lift outcomes of every student and ensure in Australia were in Queensland state Aboriginal and Torres all students have a great start. enrolled in Queensland schools Strait Islander state schools

93.8% 85.9% children enrolled 83.9% 67.3 % % Year 3 students at 98.1% in a Kindergarten 13.6 Year 12 completers attendance rate for program 1 or above NAPLAN Year 12 students students in U2B 2 engaged in education, Reading NMS students in Queensland 3 4 for NAPLAN Reading with QCE or QCIA training or employment 28.5 percentage state schools points since 2014 7.8 percentage 11.6 percentage 3.8 percentage 1.6 percentage points since 2014 0.4 percentage points points since 2014 points since 2014 points since 2014 since 2014

22 351 % 7.8 % languages are being 22.3 children enrolled in taught in over 50 % staff strongly agree students in U2B1 for 73.1 59.2% Kindergarten in remote Queensland state to have confidence in NAPLAN Numeracy Year 10-12 state schools schools of OP eligible embedding perspectives apparent students across learning areas 0.5 percentage retention rate with OP5 1-15 points since 2014 1.5 percentage 8.8 percentage 2.1 percentage points since 2014 points since 2014 * Data relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Queensland state schools points since 2014

1 Upper two bands 4 Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement 2 National minimum standard 5 Overall position 3 Queensland Certificate of Education Building Learning Increasing Supporting capability foundations engagement high achievers • Provided opportunities • Delivered 31 Kindergarten • Reduced the Year 12 • Partnered with Glencore to collaborate and share programs to over 400 attainment gap to less than Coal Assets Australia to resources at the Queensland children each year one percentage point support 20 high achieving Indigenous Education in Aboriginal and in 2017 through case Aboriginal and Torres Strait Conference. Torres Strait Islander management and Islander students in Years communities. monitoring of students. 6 to 8, to continue academic success • Supported VET Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and transition into tertiary studies. Education, and Bachelor of Education graduates • Provided allied therapy to almost 500 students • Reviewed Transition Support Services, ensuring from James Cook University through RATEP. across eight schools through the Be well Learn well support for over 1200 students from remote • Supported high achieving students to continue program. communities to transition into boarding providers and their academic success and doubled retention of • Expanded RATEP to 14 communities across urban complete Year 12. participation in the NAPLAN U2B between Years 4 and remote Queensland. • Engaged 75 schools in a 10-week intensive reading and 7 through Solid Pathways. The Solid Pathways program in 2018. • Delivered engagement and mentoring programs to initiative: • Provided resources to 3000 staff and community over 2600 at-risk students with Clontarf Foundation, members annually through the Dandiiri Schools and • Supported over 50 schools to work with their Netball Queensland, Stars Foundation, Brisbane –– delivered weekly Critical and Creative Thinking Community Library. communities to develop language programs aligned Broncos, and Role Models and Leaders Australia. online lessons to 224 schools and over 700 to the Australian Curriculum. students in Years 4 to 9, embedding Aboriginal • Provided permanent opportunities to 117 Aboriginal • Launched a community consultative school and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. and Torres Strait Islander people through Community attendance pilot in Cherbourg/Murgon. Employment Outcomes. –– supported Year 7 to 9 students in Far North • Published community posters and guidelines with Queensland to investigate viable business • Established Principal Coach and Master Teacher community to increase awareness of IEALD students, opportunities in remote locations through the positions to coach school leadership teams. and connect schools with language advocates. Digital Entrepreneurship Program. • Delivered professional development in critical and • Provided almost 1000 students with qualifications in –– provided case management and university creative thinking and the cross-curriculum priority. Skills for Work and vocational pathways, Conservation experiences to senior secondary students • Updated the Crossing Cultures Hidden History and Land Management, and Indigenous Land through the Indigenous Student Academic package for Aboriginal cultures and histories. Management through the Catch Program. Achievement Network.

• Improved identification of Aboriginal and Torres • Launched The Adventures of Jimmy and Sam the Dog –– awarded 10 Indigenous Academic Excellence Strait Islander students as English as an Additional animation vignettes and comic books to promote Initiative scholarships in 2018 providing Language or Dialect (IEALD) learners through the school attendance. support through to the end of Year 12. Regional IEALD Coaches.

• Collaborated with ACARA to support teachers to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures into the Australian Curriculum.

• Reviewed and provided feedback for the QCAA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies senior syllabus. What’s next?

• We remain committed to ensuring • We will work with the community and that every Aboriginal and Torres Strait learn from the strength, experiences Islander student achieves success and and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres develops a strong sense of culture. Strait Islander people.

DoE 34204.16A