Spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and profound experience. It can be lonely, challenging, and at times it can In This Issue turn your entire world upside down. But you are never alone!

The Crimson Circle is a global affiliation of human that understands the journey of awakening. We share our The Many Faces of St. Germain...... page 3 wisdom, our stories and our love of life, Geoffrey Hoppe all without membership, dues or rules. Upcoming Crimson Circle Events...... page 3 From our home base in Colorado, USA we connect with people in over Coming Soon - A Message from Ah Kir Rah...... page 5 140 countries. Pachakútec - Time of Change...... page 6 We love to laugh, we’ve been known Anya Schmidt to cry, and more than anything New Video! – "Beyond Identity"...... page 6 we welcome you to join us in the celebration of awakening. New! – Angels & Aliens...... page 7 Angels & Aliens - Being There...... page 8 Shaumbra Monthly is published by Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent the Crimson Circle, Golden, Colorado USA. Click here to read past issues. Upcoming Event – Mystery School in Australia...... page 8 Upcoming Event – MSNEC in Santa Fe!...... page 9 Geoffrey Hoppe Founder – Chief Editor Doing Nothing & Receiving All...... page 10 Linda Benyo - Founder Gerhard Fankhauser Jean Tinder - Editor Upcoming Event – Mystical France Tour...... page 10 [email protected] Upcoming Event – Adamus' Book Tour!...... page 11 Mark Benyo – Art Director Shaumbra Heartbeat...... page 12 STAFF Jean Tinder Alain Bolea Free! - Tri-Channel from Kryon Conference ...... page 12 Bonnie Capelle Upcoming Event – SES Teacher Training...... page 13 John Kuderka Upcoming Episodes Michelle MacHale Awakening Zone – ...... page 14 Mary Alyce Owens Shaumbra Creations ...... page 16 Suzy Schemel Crimson Circle Teacher Training...... page 18 Lindsay Yogi Crimson Circle Classes Around the World...... page 18 Available Translations ...... page 20 Crimson Circle Energy Co. PO Box 7394 Golden, CO 80403 USA

© Copyright 2011 Crimson Circle Energy Company, Inc.

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 3 June 2011

The Many Faces of

Upcoming events with St. Germain Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe, and By Geoffrey Hoppe live Adamus channels. For more information go to: When I first started working with Tobias in 1997, I also “met” three other entities, including Kryon, Ramtha and St. Germain. Each had their distinctive personality as well as their views of enlightenment and ascension. I was honored to have these visits, arranged by Tobias, in order to round out my spiritual education. EVENTS I met Kryon in a lucid dream state that I’ll never forget. Kryon was very majestic and magnetic. I felt his love and compassion for humans, which comes through so very clearly when he channels with Lee Carroll, but I also July 2, 2011 felt Kryon’s very scientific and other-worldly energies. I met Ramtha while I Crimson Circle Monthly Meeting & Shoud was out jogging, of all places. Ramtha was indeed the warrior, very strong Golden, Colorado, United States and present. I’ve never heard JZ Knight channel Ramtha so I have nothing to compare him with, but I remember thinking that he had little patience for July 16-19, 2011 spiritual wimps, he didn’t want me to stop jogging (which I really wanted to do Sexual Energies School Teacher Training in order to more fully experience the moment), and his voice was so loud that I Manly (near Sydney) could barely hear the traffic noise around me. July 22-24, 2011 I also met St. Germain long before Tobias Mystery School In Australia brought him in as a Shoud guest years ago, and Manly (near Sydney) he was the most touching and transformational of all three entities. I knew nothing of St. Germain at August 6, 2011 the time, and wondered if he really was a Saint, August Monthly Meeting i.e. canonized by the Catholic Church. (I learned Golden, Colorado, United States later that he was indeed no saint!) August 12-13, 2011 Our encounter occurred one night as I lay Advanced Sexual Energies School awake in bed thinking (and probably worrying) Munich, Germany SOLD OUT! about funding for our start-up aviation company. Suddenly I felt myself transported to a room in a August 14, 2011 house. The house was rather ordinary and the Body of Consciousness room lighting was dim, other than a beautiful Munich, Germany SOLD OUT! purple light coming from near the window. As I turned towards the light I could see a human face September 3, 2011 Beloved St. Germain and figure radiant in love and acceptance. “I Am NO September Monthly Meeting Golden, Colorado, United States the Beloved St. Germain,” he announced. I had absolutely no fear or concern because of his majestic aura. He told me to stop dwelling on the past, saying September 9 -11, 2011 that my energies were being wasted by trying to compensate for the past rather Shaumbra New Energy Conference than bringing grander potentials into my awareness. Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States St. Germain told me that we had been together in the past, in what I would come to know later as his Mystery Schools. I clearly remember him telling me October 1, 2011 that I would not see him again for a long time, but that we would join together October Monthly Meeting again when the time was right. I was in awe of his presence and recalled Golden, Colorado, United States thinking that as much as I had come to know and trust Tobias, St. Germain’s October 6-12, 2011 essence was so much more refined and dignified. He was spiritual royalty Mystic Tour whereas Tobias was like a spiritual friend. Chartres and Carnac France Many years later, when Tobias had St. Germain as a guest at the monthly webcast and Shoud, I immediately remembered my beautiful encounter with Click for more information on Events the Violet Flame. I was delighted when Tobias said that St. Germain would take over his role in the Crimson Council when Tobias left. Contined next page Continued next page Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 4 June 2011 The Many Faces of St. Germain - continued from previous page But things changed when St. Germain asked to be called Adamus Saint- Germain. I could still feel his majestic presence but there was now the overlay, or “act,” of Adamus. One night I asked him what this was all about. Laughingly EVENTS he told me that Shaumbra needed the extra punch of Adamus rather than the continued from previous page sleepier, more tranquil energy of the old St. Germain. He reminded me that the entities generally respond to the desires of the group, and that Shaumbra wanted straight talk, fast-paced and provocative dialogue. October 13-23, 2011 European Book Tour Adamus, he explained, would be a proprietary blend of St. Germain, me Germany as the channeler, Linda and Shaumbra. He didn’t want anyone else imitating Adamus because it wouldn't be the same ingredients. It actually isn’t even a October 15-16, 2011 “channel,” he noted, because of the total involvement of the group dynamics. Body of Consciousness After two years I’ve come to Zurich, Switzerland know Adamus as: Provocative October 19, 2011 and entertaining; charming and Alchemy of Light & Dark a bit arrogant; engaging and Austria, Austria personal; angelic and human, raw and ribald; compassionate October 21, 2011 and honoring; surprising and Alchemy of Light & Dark abrupt; meaningful and relevant; Berlin, Germany controversial and polemic.

October 23, 2011 Some love him, others have Body of Consciousness left the Crimson Circle because Hamburg, Germany of him, including several good friends. We’ve seen a surge of November 5, 2011 Adamus Saint-Germain young people at the workshops November Monthly Meeting who admit that they weren’t Golden, Colorado, United States attracted to Tobias but they are inspired by Adamus. Sometimes during the middle of a Shoud I want to crack up laughing because of something he’s doing November 12-24, 2011 or saying, and other times I want to crawl under a table and hide. Egypt - Nov 2011 Cairo, Egypt SOLD OUT! All of this came to a head for me at the recent Kryon Summer Conference in Sedona. Lee Carroll had some concerns about letting Adamus loose on his Click for more information on Events audience, and rightfully so. Adamus had completely disrupted a conference in Switzerland several years ago where we were guest speakers. We’ve never been invited back. In the end Lee suggested that Adamus do an “R rated" session with plenty of warning to the audience that he’s metaphysically incorrect and uses four letter words, and that Kuthumi do the other sessions as well as the Panel Channel together with Kryon and Gaia through Pepper Lewis. Adamus came out on stage at the Kryon event late on Friday afternoon. He started with a beautiful and touching acknowledgment of Jan Tober, Lee’s spiritual partner. Whew! I was relieved that he was being so warm and compassionate. But then, as Adamus does, he started walking around the theatre, prodding and pushing the audience. A few people got up and left, even commenting to our staff that this really wasn’t St. Germain. When talking about and describing makyo, he got the audience to say “bullshit” before he would say it, perhaps thinking that he had a license if they were already yelling the word. He was edgy, but honoring of the audience. He got a lot of people laughing, but I could also tell that some people were a bit shocked and perhaps appalled. Immediately after his 75-minute presentation I went behind the stage and sat down in the dark to release Adamus and get fully reintegrated with myself. As I was doing my conscious breathing I suddenly felt two hands massaging my shoulders. It was Lee Carroll. I wasn’t sure whether he was planning to choke me, whether he felt sorry for me (for hooking up with an entity like Adamus),

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 5 June 2011 The Many Faces of St. Germain - continued from previous page Coming Soon! or whether he enjoyed the channel. After a few moments Lee quietly said, “Brilliant! That was brilliant.” The last event of the conference was supposed to be a panel channel with Kryon, Gaia and Kuthumi. But it wasn’t Kuthumi who came through. My channel A message from started with the words, “I am NOT Kuthumi. I am not Adamus. I Am that I Am, the Beloved St. Germain.” I could feel the old and familiar energy of St. Germain without the Adamus overlay. Kuthumi & My eyes stayed closed and I remained sitting in the chair, much unlike Adamus. Ah Kir Rah His words were slow-paced and perfect with the musical accompaniment of Robert Coxon. St. Germain said One of the most poignant moments he was here to do one last during the Kryon Conference in spiral on the violet flame, and then proceeded to take the Sedona was Kuthumi's message, Beloved St. Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe audience on a very moving given through Geoffrey Hoppe on DreamWalk deep into their pure consciousness. It was classic St. Germain, Saturday afternoon. After wonderful the one I remember meeting in that room many years prior. messages from Kryon and Gaia, The experience at the Kryon conference gave me a new understanding of Kuthumi wondered what he could Adamus, and how he is a specific expression of St. Germain, tailored-made for possibly add. So, he decided to tell Shaumbra. St. Germain knows that Shaumbra wants more than metaphysical his story. messages. They want dynamic, present and engaging information about the It was a heart-touching narrative nature of reality in the New Energy. of the conversations between The next two days we conducted a Shaumbra workshop in Sedona called Kuthumi and Ah Kir Rah, his Soul New Energy Alchemy: Commanding Energy to Serve You. It was pure Adamus, Self, during Kuthumi's last lifetime with all of the antics and laughter and provocation that only he can offer. I on Earth. It's a message you left Sedona with a big smile on my face and a new appreciation for both St. Germain and Adamus. won't want to miss, as he shares a precious conversation that each of This very special "panel channel" from the Kryon Conference is now available as a us can deeply relate to. free download in Shaumbra Shoppe. Click for more info. Due to technical issues, this message from Kuthumi and Ah Kir Rah will be re-channeled and offered as a digital download in Shaumbra Shoppe. Watch for it in the next 1-2 weeks!

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 6 June 2011 PACHAKÚTEC TIME OF CHANGE A poetic Film Journey by Anya Schmidt, with Ñaupany Puma

I’m very grateful for this opportunity to share some words with you about my film PACHAKÚTEC – TIME OF CHANGE. It is a memorable moment as NEW PACHAKÚTEC is now taking its first steps into the world, after a long time SHAUMBRA of preparation. PACHAKÚTEC describes, in the oral tradition of the Inca, a time of VIDEO fundamental changes that will guide us into a . For Ñaupany Puma, a Sun Priest of the old Inca tradition, the energy of the time shift gained great intensity in 2007. Therefore, that year he followed his inner calling and went on a pilgrimage around the world, to fulfill his predestined task: To gather insights about this transformational time and to support the "Beyond Identity" healing of the Heart of the Earth. Ñaupany Puma (Ecuador) and I met in 2006 in Germany while he was holding a ceremony for Mother Earth. His first words to me back then were: “Nice to see you, I have been waiting for you”. Soon we began to meet frequently and Ñaupany taught my uprooted, big city personality how to rebalance through contact with Nature. It was very fascinating to meet a person who had truly managed to live in a constant loving dialogue with Mother Earth, the forces of Nature, and the Spirit of the Sun. Out of this was born my desire to make a film about Ñaupany’s pilgrimage. Filming began in 2007 with the solstice celebration in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, and the process of going through all the steps of production has

now taken 3 ½ years. This was indeed not just an outer pilgrimage but also The video recap of the May Shoud, “Beyond Identity,” is now online. an intense inner one that has challenged our minds and boundaries beyond Listen to Adamus talk about the limit. A real Quantum Leap project! But today I can see the beauty in all the freedom in going beyond your old unexpected shifts and turns, and the great liberation that has happened in human identity, current tensions our minds and hearts by passing through all the obstacles. on Earth and the Near Earth The last few weeks have been very rewarding. The premiere of realms, being safe, and more. PACHAKÚTEC took place in Munich on May 1st as part of the International Click to watch Cosmic Cine Festival for spiritual film in Germany. Quite many Shaumbra were present amongst the 240 guests, weaving in their unique energy. This was an unforgettable evening as the film was being received with so much love and joy. After Munich, the festival toured through three other cities, and Check out the Crimson Circle everywhere we went, PACHAKÚTEC was welcomed with wide open hearts. channel on YouTube for more Shoud recap videos, Faces of Many people have told us that they experienced healing by watching the Shaumbra, and much more. film and a deep re-connection with the spirit of Mother Earth. The highlight of it all happened at the end of the festival on May 25, when PACHAKÚTEC received the first prize amongst many other spiritual films and was awarded the COSMIC AWARD. The moment I held this large crystal in my hand, which has an angel hologram inside it, there was

Back to Index Continued next page SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 7 April 2011 NEW! Pachakútec – Time of Change... - continued from previous page indeed a very powerful cosmic energy descending into my body and into the whole audience. This award also touched me deeply, because it was given to a woman filmmaker by a jury composed of ten men. I’m amazed to see that there is such an increasing demand in Germany for spiritual films. Getting these films financed and distributed is still pioneer work, but gradually the people in charge seem to open up to this new demand. PACHAKÚTEC will be distributed throughout German cinemas starting in September 2011 and this definitely shows the beginning of a new consciousness. So far, we have not been able yet to make contact with other countries, but for the future we wish that PACHAKÚTEC will also reach America and other countries around the world. For more information about Pachakútec, please visit

In this compelling message, Adamus talks about various angelic families such as the Watchers, Seeders, Nephilim and Cherubim, and how some of these angels were drawn into the lives of humans due to the sensual nature of physical reality.

Adamus also talked about aliens, including their agendas and their reasons for monitoring – and interfering with – human activities. He strongly states that humans are the most highly evolved of all entities and beings, and asks when humans will finally learn to listen to themselves rather than false gods.

On May 28 more than 200 Polish nationals and people from throughout Europe gathered in Warsaw, Poland to hear this striking message and call for an end to extraterrestrial interference.

Angels and Aliens includes 4 channeled sessions and is available in digital download and physical CD format, including text transcript.

Click here for more info or to order

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 8 June 2011

By Crimson Circle teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent, Munich, Germany –�ein� �ere

This workshop was, more than anything else, about feeling. It began with the Manly, Australia (Sydney area) (Polish) spoken words I heard all around. They had beautiful sounds in my ears; my July 22 – 24, 2011 mind did not understand them – my soul did. With my first visit to Poland I experienced as well my first Shaumbra meeting without English as a common language; most of the Polish Shaumbra did not Presented by Geoffrey and Linda speak English. So, communication was very easy – directly from eye to eye, Hoppe with live channels from from heart to heart. I never felt hugs to be as real, as heartfelt – and sensual! – Adamus Saint-Germain as with the Polish Shaumbra around me. Without any doubt we understood the appreciation, the passion, the love and the joy, that was exchanged. What else Join us for Adamus Saint-Germain’s matters? Mystery School in beautiful Manly, Australia (near Sydney). The ancient The Adventure Began the Day Before Mystery Schools have been brought Our flight arrived at Warsaw a little earlier than the airplane of President into the New Energy era by Adamus Obama who visited the town for exactly the same two days – ‘by accident’ of Saint-Germain, ascended master and course. My friend and I had chosen to spend the afternoon visiting the rebuilt founder of many mystic groups from Old Town of Warsaw (almost the whole city was destroyed in World War II). The the 11th through 18th centuries. hotel staff informed us that driving to the city would be possible only now. Then the whole route would be closed for any traffic on behalf of the presidential visit. In this three day gathering Adamus will No busses, no taxis and no alternate road between town and airport, and nobody personally teach tools for self-healing, knew if and when it should open again in the evening. integrating the divine energies into Full of trust we got one of the last buses to town. I expected the roads to be full the human condition, allowing deep of people who want to see the President, as it would be in Germany in such a case, changes within the DNA, alchemy and but was slightly amazed to see nobody else than police and security along the way. energy transmutation. He will discuss the illusion of light and dark, and how Passing the modern city we eventually reached ‘The World’s Youngest Old Centre’. to turn chaos into beneficial energy. I could hardly believe what I saw: beautiful buildings, lovingly rebuilt in each detail, churches, palaces, noble places and charming restaurants inviting to sit down and Previous Mystery Schools with Adamus to enjoy the various perspectives ...... and all that beauty almost empty! No people, have been held in Germany, Romania, except a few tourists and restaurant employees observing their empty chairs! Canada, United States, Ecuador and We did not understand why nobody showed up to greet the rare visitor, but enjoyed Austria. Over 85% of the attendees have this opportunity to walk around and admire the beautiful places and streets without rated this Mystery School as Very Good/ Life Changing. Limited to 100 students. any traffic – everything seemed to be a little bit out of time. Plenty of free tables waited to be chosen, and as we tasted exquisite food with beautiful views, President Click here for details Obama drove past with high speed and highest security, passing just a few people, amongst them two Shaumbra, wishing him good luck from the front row. A Canadian, living in Warsaw and sitting next to us, was convinced of Obama being ‘evil,’ and later on I heard that the newspapers suggested leaving town during Obama’s visit – only partly because of collapsing traffic. Angel wars – no wonder it felt just a little bit ‘spooky’. Getting back to the hotel with the whole area still closed for traffic was an adventure itself. It led us through the real Warsaw of today’s life, being sent here and Continued next page Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 9 June 2011 Angels & Aliens – Being There - continued from previous page there by kind policeman who had no clue at all, like everybody else. A Polish Angel named Marta at last successfully helped us to get back. “Angels and Aliens” The day began as the wonderful group of Polish Shaumbra welcomed Geoff and Linda with standing ovations – it felt more than right! In fact, I have never been touched by a seminar like this since I attended the ‘Journey of the Angels’ before Tobias’ Farewell. Adamus, obviously emotional himself in this moment, told that he walked the roads of Warsaw 200 years ago for the last time, when he tried to help achieve freedom for this land. He told the story behind the history of Poland in gentle pictures, choosing his words most lovingly and carefully. Nearly everybody was in tears from the first moment on. Lots of energy, emotions and remembrance were brought up. Above all, Adamus emphasized the role of those humans, who incarnated again and again in this same country, in spite of all forces and neighbors around them, who stole parts of it repeatedly, cut it in slices, even tried to steal its soul and almost Midsummer New Energy destroyed its identity, because they were committed to freedom and never gave up Conference their hope! Santa Fe, New Mexico May I add this: the Polish National Anthem, written about 200 years ago, begins September 9-11 with the words: “Still Poland is not lost, as long as we live! (Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Kiedy my żyjemy!)” It addresses the fact that the land actually seemed to There’s nothing quite like a Shaumbra be lost after the third partition through neighbor states, which meant that it ceased to Celebration! Enjoy channelings from exist as a sovereign country. What a strong expression of never ending hope! Adamus and Kuthumi through Geoffrey Later on, Adamus focused on the history of battles between angels who are in Hoppe, Zachary/Zapharia through Lee service to us and those with their own agendas. He gave lots of information, highly Harris, and inspiring messages from illustrative, some for the first time. At lunchtime I felt exhausted, like a heavy worker dynamic presenters, including: after his day’s work, having released a lot – whatever it was. • Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe Adamus then gave an overview of various species of light and dark angels, their • Norma Delaney mission and their intentions. He talked about different sorts of aliens, explaining what • Garret Annofsky they can do and – more important – what they cannot do, if we rise our voices! • Lee Harris “NO MORE” became the ‘battle call’ for any attempt to steal our energy. “Hit the • Wulfing von Rohr Road, Jack, NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE!” We all together called, • Jim Self • Joe Rumbolo sang and danced Ray Charles’ song, grounding and celebrating this commitment: let us make our voice heard! • Dee Wallace Continued next page • Sandra Ingerman • Jean Adrienne

Dance the night away with the Jimmy Stadler Band on Friday, and enjoy fantastic local celebrations throughout the weekend!! Reconnect with old friends, discover new ones, and have the time of your life!

Register soon, seats are limited. Click “Still Poland is not lost, here for more information on the Midsummer New Energy Conference as long as we live!" in Santa Fe.

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 10 June 2011 Angels & Aliens – Being There - continued from previous page

Everything was brought together when Adamus told us that the angel battles had MYSTICAL taken place exactly over Warsaw. No wonder all attempts to gain freedom ever had failed! But, seeing that human consciousness is evolving, these forces slowly start to FRANCE retire now, thanks to those who never gave up their hope for freedom: “Still Poland is TOUR not lost, as long as we live!” And while a group of human angels was moving energies in a Hotel close to the Airport, President Obama talked with political leaders about solutions for freedom in the world. Something changed this day in Warsaw… Poland Renewed Closing this very special event, Adamus painted the picture of a new and free Poland that is to be born, and led us through this imagination with an incredible amount of love and compassion. I felt as much tears as in the very beginning of the day, but there was a huge difference: these tears were full of relief and anticipation! All our feelings of love and hope were brought together when he asked us to put them into a gentle humming which evolved to a beautiful toning closure. I cannot describe the intensity during these minutes of culmination of all of the passion for freedom and peace in the most beautiful sounds of love. I expressed myself as never before and in the same time I literally felt the expression of the whole group as one Body of Conscious Resonance. When I eventually was able to open my eyes and to take a look to Adamus, his eyes were beaming as he observed the energy of the group; he seemed to be touched as much as we were. Thank you, Poland, for your angels full of music, fine arts, love and passion for freedom. You have overcome! Join us in France this October along with a group of fifty Shaumbra Click here for more information or to order “Angels and Aliens” by Adamus adventurers for a six-day tour of Chartres and Carnac. The tour features live channelings by Adamus Saint-Germain and inspiring sessions with Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe. DOING NOTHING Tour the amazing Chartres cathedral, & RECEIVing ALL the mysterious standing stones at By Gerhard Fankhauser (Yoham) Carnac, and much more!

Click for more information Life is happening in mysterious ways. About a month ago I fell while working in our garden and broke my leg. I spent about a week in the hospital, had an operation and suddenly found myself in a completely dependent and vulnerable state of being. Usually I am very miserable when sick, become grumpy and frustrated. In truth I am many times in a kind of overdrive, a bit too fast and impatient and of course can’t stand it when things get delayed or don’t work out. Now from one moment to the next everything changed, all plans vanished, all work had to be cancelled and I found myself in a kind of vacuum and quite difficult and painful circumstances. To my big surprise there was an ‘acceptance’ of the situation from the very beginning, an inner voice telling me that it’s OK, I shall not fight against it, I created or chose that myself and all is perfectly fine.

Continued next page

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 11 June 2011 Doing Nothing & Receiving All - continued from previous page

Back home I realized that my whole being was actually happy about that special holiday and I spend my days during that last month with eating, damus sleeping, breathing, listening, watching, exercising my leg, and mostly sitting in a comfortable chair doing nothing and especially receiving; receiving love and Presents care, receiving the beauty of the garden and nature around, receiving insights and blessings of the spirit. In many moments I remembered Adamus’ words that ‘there is nothing to Adamus do’ for our spiritual growth, nothing to achieve and that we are just running, Saint-Germain’s doing and wanting instead of stopping and letting things be, realizing the ‘I A am’ presence. Book Tour! I feel a lot of gratitude for finding myself in this situation with a smile and joyful October 2011 – Europe heart and not with bitterness and frustration. Thank you to the Crimson circle, Join us as Adamus launches his Adamus and the Crimson Council, Geoffrey and Linda and all the beautiful newest book: Shaumbra we met on that way for your inspiration and sharing of a spiritual Lebe deine Göttlichkeit! path of joy and celebration. (the English version of “Live your I made a slide show to one of the ‘Yoham’ tracks that I want to share with Divinity!” will be available in 2012) you. It’s called “magic - life - celebration”. musicbaba88?feature=mhee Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe will bring Adamus to the following cities Yoham will be with the Crimson Circle in Munich in August, on the Egypt tour during October 2011: in November, and at other events throughout Europe. We hope to see many Basel of you soon! Zurich Heart greetings, Gerhard Vienna Berlin Here are some of our upcoming events (click titles for more info): Hannover Hamburg Mystery of Music workshop: August 6 & 7, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark This book tour will include several workshops with Adamus, including: Music, Harmony & Healing retreat: October 1 to 8, 2011, Parga, Greece The Alchemy of Light & Dark and Check out all our music, videos and events at Developing the Body of Consciousness

For more information, complete schedule, and registration information, please click here Adamus 2011 European Book Tour

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 12 June 2011

NEW! Shaumbra Heartbeat

FREE PRODUCT By Jean Tinder, Shaumbra Monthly editor

Nothing Inside? TRI-CHANNEL During the last Shoud Adamus mentioned something a bit surprising. from the He said, “There’s nothing within. Absolutely nothing, and that’s the way it should be. Consciousness isn’t energy, isn’t things, isn’t abundance, KRYON SUMMER is nothing. And it’s everything. Consciousness is everything but it has nothing. It doesn’t need to own anything, including memories. It doesn’t CONFERENCE need to possess anything, including you.” We’ve heard before that everything is within us, so now why did Adamus say that nothing is within? Well, at the risk of getting into my in Sedona, Arizona head and coming up with a bunch of makyo, I will try to share what I “saw” June 10 – 12, 2011 when he was talking about it. As a matter of fact, it follows perfectly on the theme of telling new stories and playing new roles. I love how we humans surround ourselves with reminders of truth – if Sit back and relax while you listen only we know how to see them. Consider the stage: we are all really just a to the beautiful messages of three bunch of actors, taking on many various roles throughout our career and entities that are here to assist adding lots of experiences and memories to our souls. Some of our roles and support us in the evolution of last a lifetime, others a few moments or years. Sometimes we typecast our consciousness. Gaia (through ourselves so thoroughly that it takes many lifetimes of reciting the same Pepper Lewis) starts the gathering, old lines through the same old experiences until we eventually create followed by St. Germain (through something new for ourselves. Geoffrey Hoppe) and Kryon (though Now let’s take the metaphor of acting and stage play a little further. Lee Carroll). Each entity addresses Imagine a movie theater where you go to watch the latest flick. It might be the live audience and listeners on a romantic comedy, a thriller, an action movie, or whatever. You walk into a very personal and intimate level the theater, sit down, and have an experience. You actually pay money to while the live music of Robert Coxon be thrilled, surprised, frightened, confused and amused. The interesting plays in the background. thing is, there’s actually nothing of the story itself inside that theater. The guns, cars, costumes, problems and solutions don’t really exist, even Click for free download though you go in there to experience them. So, in a way, everything is in the theater – yet nothing is. Your experience is based entirely on illusion and imagination. Adamus has been talking lately about our “Light,” the radiance that is within us by the basic fact of our existence. While he makes it clear he’s not talking about “light vs. dark,” or light from a lamp, for this metaphor I’ll compare our inner Light to the light bulb in the movie projector. That bulb shines forth, unlimited and brilliant; and then something is placed around it to reflect and focus the light toward the movie screen. Perhaps we could compare that “something” to our consciousness. But even as the light is focused and directed toward the screen, there still isn’t a movie to watch. Something else must be added: the script that we’ve chosen! Pixels and patterns of people, events and stories are passed through the beam of light and projected onto the screen for us to finally experience. And, even as we sit there going through all the various thoughts and feelings of the story we’ve chosen, it’s still all imaginary! In fact, there is nothing within the theater except for you, the witness.

Continued next page Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 13 June 2011

Shaumbra Heartbeat - continued from previous page In the same way, no matter what’s going on in our lives, we are simply experiencing the scripts we’ve decided to play on the screen of our “reality” or awareness, and they are all illuminated by our own Light, inside our own theater of Self. No one else can impose their script into ours. Yes, perhaps we can peek into each other’s windows to see what’s playing, but our life is totally our own, created by the stories we have chosen. A question: what’s the only REAL part of a movie? Your experience! When you laugh or cry, get excited or inspired, that experience is real. If you feel the freedom of wealth or the frustration of poverty, that experience is real, even though there are no riches or lack actually existing in your theater. They are just stories floating in the air, until you illuminate them into your experience. In a movie theater there’s actually nothing inside except the audience. Get it? There’s nothing within you except YOU! – and whatever stories you choose to tell. And in the back of every theater that little projection booth has a sign that says, “No admittance, staff only.” It’s time to remember that you are that staff. It’s not genetics, fate, God, or even a higher self who Sexual Energies knows what movie you should watch. So why not march into the control booth, fire the aspects that have been choosing their favorites, toss out the TEACHER TRAINING tired old reruns, and try some new stories. In fact, I think it’s time for some Shaumbra blockbusters!! We’re finally remembering that we are the casting agent, set designer, July 16 – 19, 2011 screenwriter, director and producer of everything in our experience. So, Manly (Sydney area) Australia choose a script you actually want, sit back and enjoy the show. You can tweak it any time, you can’t get hurt, nothing can go wrong – it’s all just a fabulous experience! Presented by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe Are we ready to stop replaying our old stories? Maybe we've been cheering at the good parts and complaining about Tobias' Sexual Energies Teacher (and replaying) the parts we don’t like for long Training: Understanding Physical and enough. Maybe it's time we got out of our seat and Psychic Abuse plugged a new reel into our life projector. What if you wrote a whole new script – new cast, props, Manly area (Sydney), Australia and all? What would you create if you had that July 16-19, 2011 much freedom?

If you’d like to become a SES Teacher, this is your opportunity to attend the training with Geoff & Linda!

You must have taken a basic SES class to attend this teachers training.

Registration only after application approval.

Click here for details

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AWAKENING ZONE UPCOMING EPISODES The International Radio Network for Empowered Awakening

If you would like to receive the weekly Show Schedule via email, just click here to sign up. It’s easy! And be sure to browse through the Archives for plenty of amazing and entertaining shows on many different topics.

Astrodoc The Crimson Circle Show With hosts Dr. Douglas Davies & Linda Benyo With hosts Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe Listener Call-ins welcome! Wednesday, June 22 - Guest Jim Self Wednesday, July 6 Saturday, July 2 - Guest Adamus Saint-Germain

Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe Breath of Life Saturday, July 7 With hosts Norma Delaney and Garret Annofsky Breathing, Compassion, Integration & Mastery Sunday, July 3 Der Neue Weg (The New Way) – Deutsch Wednesday, July 20 With host Joachim Wolffram Sonntag, Juni 26

Bright Light With host Dee Wallace Dopo Pinocchio (After Pinocchio) Listener Call-ins welcome! With hosts Graziella Pesce & Andrea Pasquettin Monday, June 27 Tuesday, June 28 - Guest: Simone Perotti

The Clear Vibration The Dr. Elizabeth Show With host Joe Rumbolo With host Dr. Elizabeth Lambaer Thursday, June 23 - Guest: Karen Cressman Wednesday, June 22 - Guest: Gini Gentry

Cosmic Particles The D-Spot With host Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey With host Kelly Sullivan Walden Wednesday, June 22 - Guest: Synthia Andrews, Ph.D Wednesday, June 27 - Guest: Robert Moss Wednesday, June 29 - Guest: P.M.H. Atwater Wednesday, July 4 - Guest: Cynthia Charis Wednesday, July 6 - Guest: Barbara Hand Clow Wednesday, July 18 - Listener call-in Wednesday, July 27 - Guest: Lynne McTaggart Wednesday, August 17 - Guest: Gemma Deller

Continued next page SHAUMBRA MONTHLY June 2011

Frissítö (Refreshment) – Magyar Romanian Awakenings – Româna With hosts Alfred Halasz & Timea Thomazy With host Silvia Marin Tuesday, May 24 Saturday, June 25 - Guest: Daniela Ratala

The Great Shift Solutions for A Small Planet With host Kahu Fred Sterling With host Pepper Lewis Thursday, June 23 Wednesday, June 29 - Message from Gaia Thursday, June 30 Wednesday, July 27 - Message from Gaia

Innerspeak Soul Adventures With host Jean Adrienne Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge Tuesday, June 21 - Guest: Gary Stamper With host Sandie Sedgbeer Thursday, June 23 - Guest: Robert Lee Camp Tuesday, June 28 - Guest: Dan Millman Thursday, June 30 - Guest: James Honeycut Tuesday, July 5 - Guest: Eric Hamel Thursday, July 7 - Guest: Lynne McTaggart

Kendini Seç (Choose Yourself) Sunday Healing Service With host Deniz Sertbarut With host Kahu Fred Sterling Wednesday, June 29 - Guest: Adamus Saint-Germain Sunday, June 26 Sunday, July 3

NEW Potentials With host David McMaster Wulfing’s Spirit Radioshow – Deutsch Wednesday, July 13 - Guest: Marisa Calvi With host Wulfing von Rohr Wednesday, July 6 - Guests: Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe Wednesday, August 10 New Beginnings Wednesday, September 21 - Guest: Edwin u. Carline With host with Lee Carroll Zimmerli Wednesday, June 29 - Guest: Joe Rumbolo

Pure Presence - Aligning to Self With host Suzy Miller Listener call-ins welcome! Friday, July 1 Friday, July 15 Friday, August 5 Friday, August 19

Back to Index SHAUMBRA MONTHLY June 2011 Shaumbra Creations

“To submit your creation for an upcoming issue of Shaumbra Monthly, please click here.”

creator – Terry Newbegin creation – The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning

With all the books that have been written about the Book of Revelation, none of them have gone beyond the confines of religious ideas, human perception, and scholarly interpretations. “The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning” is unlike any other commentary that you have ever read because the study given takes you beyond the extreme symbolism of the text. Man has always assumed that the words and stories of God’s prophets were indisputable because our religious leaders have had the authority to interpret them as truth.

As symbolic as the book of Revelation is, it is not about the end days as you understand it, nor is it about Jesus’ rapture of the righteous. The book of Revelation is the unfolding of your memories as you have experienced them throughout your many lifetimes. My fellow gods, the world is not coming to an end. What is coming to an end is the old way of perceiving and understanding God as a God of mystery.

The biggest lie ever told, introduced a long time ago, was one that said we were not, and have never been, God. “The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning” helps open the gates of your soul memories so you can become aware of your own divineness. It is not that you are a sinner – for you have never been. It is that you have been learning the wisdom of your choices in order to become a sovereign God in your own right.

Click to see a short video about “The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning”

Email address: [email protected]/order: SHAUMBRA MONTHLY June 2011

creator – Dale Hoover creation – The Gift of Shift: Erudite Thralldom!

An E-Book of Poetry and Cosmic Correspondence, radiated from Envisionary Author and Conscious Co-Creation Oracle, Dale S. Hoover, for universal [r]evolutionary quantum re-creation and play with the alchemy of Potentials and living an inspired authentic life!

Email address: [email protected] To order: Click here

creator – Esther Jantien creation – DNA Healing Guiding

Esther Jantien received the Healing Channel with the smell of aromatic oil mixtures that resonate with smell of the divine flowers of the Health Center “Zohar”. The Healing Channel is at service of Esther Jantien (on earth) and Esther Zohar (in the near earth realms), both leaders of the Health Center ”Zohar,” so that they can guide the children of Israel, who have been disconnected for so long and are reconnected now by all nations.

Through the event “Calling the Name” they will reunite, they will allow release of the past and see the future. The children of Israel are all nations. Through there is no separation. Past life a Muslim, this life a Christian, next life a Jew; all originate from the same source. Past lives are to be released to connect to the life energy that is in each and every one of us, all the same Spiritual DNA.

Price – 215,00 euro

The DNA Healing/Guiding connects people, connects spirit/soul/body and fits ot people that suffer from any kind of illness, depression, relationship problems with partners and/or children.

Email address: [email protected] To order: teacher training O F F E R E D B Y for July / November 2011 • register in shaumbra shoppe

TEACHER TRAININGS offered by our Mentor Teachers in various languages around the world Note: To become a certified Crimson Circle teacher, applicant must have completed desired class as well as Sexual Energies School

DREAMWALKER™ BIRTH DREAMWALKER™ SEXUAL ENERGIES SCHOOL TRANSITIONS ASCENSION TRANSITIONS TEACHER TRAINING TEACHER TRAINING TEACHER TRAINING Manly, Australia, July 19 - 19, 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, August 12-14, 2011 Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA, August 2-5, 2011 Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe (English) Kathleen Haws David McMaster & Patti Severance Berlin, Germany, July 29 - August 1, 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 7-9, 2011 Sandra Heuschmann & Wolfgang Riedl (English) Kathleen Haws ASPECTOLOGY SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING Bucharest, Romania, September 1-4, 2011 DREAMWALKER™ DEATH Silvia Marin and Lucieta Gavril (English) TRANSITIONS Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA, August 26-28, 2011 David McMaster & Patti Severance TEACHER TRAINING Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA, November 1-4 2011 David McMaster & Patti Severance Bucharest, Romania, September 29 - Oct. 2, 2011 Silvia Marin and Lucieta Gavril (English)

c l a s s l i s t i n g s FOR for June/September 2011 • register in shaumbra shoppe

ASPECTOLOGY™ August 5-7, 2011, Bucharest, Romania DREAMWALKER™ July 1-3, 2011, Heidelberg, Germany Costinel Floricel and Georgeta Blanaru ASCENSION TRANSITIONS Maria Rebhahn June 17-19, 2011, St Romain le Preux, France August 5-7, 2011, Bucharest, Romania Herbert Eichenberger July 1-3, 2011, Vienna, Austria Silvia Marin Marianne Fuerlinger June 17-19, 2011, Munich, Germany August 5-7, 2011, Munich, Germany Silke Steininger Bucharest, Romania, July 15-17, 2011 Angelika Ruppert Carmen Mihaela Rivalet June 24-26, 2011, Quito, Ecuador NEW ENERGY SYNCHROTIZE™ Raiza Preziuso & Maria Luisa Gaxiola July 15-17, 2011, Munich, Bavaria, Germany June 10-13, 2011, Walchwil/ Ulrike Maria Hellgardt-Lent Zugersee, Kt. Zu, Switzerland July 8-10, 2011, Salt Lake City, Utah USA Rosmarie Lotmar Kathleen Haws July 15-17, 2011, Oxnard, California USA Laurie Hefner June 23-26, 2011, Bucharest, Romania August 2-5, 2011, Ft. Collins, Colorado USA Costinel Floricel and Georgeta Blanaru David McMaster & Patti Severance July 29-31, 2011 Krummhörn, Germany Petra Pitak and Meggi Erman June 23-26, 2011, Tenerife South, Spain, August 5-7, 2011, Berlin, Germany Sandra Heuschmann July 29-31, 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany Tania Castilho & Olga Sofia Diaz Gonzalez Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen August 18-21, 2011, Krummhörn, Germany August 12-14, 2011 Denver, Colorado USA Paul Cook August 5-7, 2011, Bruchsal, Baden- Angelika Ruppert Wuerttemberg, Germany August 26-28, 2011, Munich, Germany Viola Koehler September 21-25, 2011, Hilgermissen, Germany Sandra Heuschmann Angelika Ruppert

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DREAMWALKER™ BIRTH July 29-31, 2011, Munich, Germany July 8-10, 2011, Kelowna, B.C., Canada TRANSITIONS Angelika Ruppert Faye Stroo & Kristi Maguire July 8-10, 2011, Bucharest, Romania August 5-7, 2011, Sebring, Florida USA July 8-10, 2011, Mexico City, Mexico Georgeta Blanaru and Costinel Floricel Linda Dobson-Hacker Franca Angelucci & Maria Antonietta Mele July 15-17, 2011, Turku, Finland Irene Berger July 8-10, 2011, Santos – SP, Brazil SEXUAL ENERGIES SCHOOL Silvia Tognato Magini & Thais Marzagão July 15-17, 2011, Munich, Germany June 17-19, 2011, Gdansk, Poland Angelika Ruppert Lucieta Gavril & Andrei Tarta-Arsene July 15-17, 2011, Bern Liebefeld, Switzerland Heidi Stäheli & Rosmarie Lotmar August 12-14, 2011, Salt Lake City, UT USA June 17-19, 2011, Bucharest, Romania Kathleen Haws Carmen Mihaela Rivalet & Mirela Elena Ghenea July 15-17, 2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Cheryl Rougeux & Jay Ray August 19-21, 2011, Salt Lake City, Utah USA June 17-19, 2011, Krummhörn, Germany Kathleen Haws Petra Pitak and Meggi Erman July 15-17, 2011 Neuenstadt, Germany Jessie Jandt and Viola Koehler September 30-October 1, 2011, Arhus, Denmark June 17-19, 2011, Penticton, B.C., Canada Evy Finjord Heggelund Donalda Vincent & Tammie O’Rielly July 15-17, 2011, Sydney NSW, Australia September 30-October 2, 2011, Athena Neave & Leigh Bisset Golden, Colorado USA June 23-25, 2011, Bruchsal, Germany Iwona Wirkus Viola Koehler & Maria Rebhahn July 22-24, 2011, Bruchsal, Germany Viola Koehler & Karin Hoyer June 24-26, 2011, Lelystad, Netherlands DREAMWALKER™ Marjolein Neefjes & Sinka ‘t Hooft July 22-24, 2011, Munich, Germany DEATH TRANSITIONS Ursula Keller & Kai Roger Geck June 17-19, 2011, Bodo, Norway, June 24-26, 2011, Ft. Collins, Colorado USA David McMaster & Patti Severance July 22-25, 2011, Berlin, Germany Evy Finjord Heggelund Sandra Heuschmann & Wolfgang Riedl (English) June 17-19, 2011, Lahr/Schwarzwald, Germany June 24-26, 2011, Campinas, SP, Brazil Silvia Tognato Magini & Luiz Antonio Viotto July 22-24, 2011, Krummhörn, Germany Angelika Ruppert Petra Pitak and Meggi Erman June 17-19, 2011, Heidelberg, Germany June 24-26, 2011, Sirmione (BS), Italy Gioia Villa and Maija Leisso July 22-24, 2011, Copons, Barcelona, Spain Maria Rebhahn Tania Castilho & Angel Estois June 24-26, 2011, Aarhus, Denmark, June 24-26, 2011, Gdansk, Poland Anne Maribo Andersen & Finn Andersen July 29-31, 2011, Turku, Finland Lucieta Gavril Irma Rantala & Reetta Lappalainen June 24-26, 2011, Bucharest, Romania June 24-26, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland Silvia Marin & Ana Dumitrescu July 29-31, 2011, Denver, Colorado USA Rosmarie Lotmar Lucrecia Castillo & David McMaster July 1-3, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland June 24-26, 2011, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Rosmarie Lotmar & Jutta Bosch July 29-31, 2011, Munich, Germany Herbert Eichenberger Silke Steininger & Martina Kaiser July 1-3, 2011, Quito, Ecuador, June 25-27, 2011, Adelaide, Australia Raiza Preziuso & Maria Luisa Gaxiola July 29-31, 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Margaret Wild Ann Plantier & Clemens Federowicz July 2-4, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark July 1-3, 2011, Bucharest, Romania Bettina Maria Weigel Andersen & Anne Søvang July 29-31, 2011, Oradea, Romania Carmen Mihaela Rivalet Silvia Marin & Valeria Vaida July 7-9, 2011, New York City, New York USA Joshua Cove & Patti Severance August 19-21, 2011, Oxnard, California USA July 1-3, 2011, Salvador, BA, Brazil Laurie Hefner & David Kim Aline Bitencourt July 8-10, 2011, Toulouse, France Maija Leisso & Kata Szenasi August 26-28, 2011, Beckenried / NW, Switzerland July 22-24, 2011, Wels, Austria Sonja Müller & Rosmarie Nagila Maria Rebhahn

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International Translations currently available in Shaumbra Shoppe

Title DA DE ES FI FR GR HU ID IT JP NL NO PL PT RO RU SL SR SV TR 10-10-10 Adamus in Berlin X X X 2011: Intense and Personal X X X X X X X Addictions X X X X X X X X The Alchemy of Light & Dark X X X X Ancestral Karma X X X X X X Angels & Aliens X Aspectology X X X X X X X Atlantis & the Wound of Isis X X X X The Beauty of Life X X X X Biological Rejuvenation X X X X X X X X X Body of Consciousness X X X X X X X Chaos X X X X X X Conspiracies X X X X X Dei Un Gnost X X X X Depression X X X X X X X X Discovering Your Passion X X Dreams X X X X X X X X DreamWalker Birth X Energy In Motion X X X X X X X The Energy of Food X X X X X X X The Energy of Music X X X X The Evolution of Gaia X X X Expanding Your X X X X Fields of Potentials X X X X The High Definition Life X X X Interdimensional Living X X X Journey of the Angels X X X X X Kuthumi & Adamus in Rome X X X X Mental Imbalance X X X X X X X Midsummer Conference 2010 - Munich X X X Mormons & Other Spiritual Families X X X Moving Stuck Energy X X X X New Consciousness X The New Earth X X X X New Earth Update X X New Energy Business X X X X X New Energy Education X X X X X X X X X New Energy Synchrotize X X On Death & Dying X X X X X X X X X X The Oslo Sessions X X X X X Out of the Box X Pets X X X X X X X X The Quantum Leap X X X X X Relationships X X X X X X X X X X X X X Re-Order Your Reality X X X X X X Reunion X Rising to Freedom X X X X Sacred Geometry X X X X X X Seven Seals X Sounds of the Soul X X X Sovereign One X X X X Standard Technology X X X X X The 13th Strand X X X X X Time, Space & Measurement Systems X X X X Time Travels X X X Tobias Returns to Israel X To the Messengers X X What Lies Ahead X X X X X X X What on Earth X X What's Missing? X X Adamus on Japan X X Chemia –FREE X X X X X X Drama - FREE X X X X X X X X X X X X Do You Remember? –FREE X X X X X Letter to Awakening Humans - FREE X X X X X X X X X X Silent Prayer –FREE X X X X The Darkness is Your Divinity - FREE X To the Messengers - FREE X X Twelve Awakening Signs - FREE X X X X Tobias & Kryon in Madrid - FREE X X SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 21 June 2011

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