DIVISION 5 WATER COURT- AUGUST 2017 RESUME 1. PURSUANT TO C.R.S., §37-92-302, AS AMENDED, YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT THE FOLLOWING PAGES COMPRISE A RESUME OF THE APPLICATIONS AND AMENDED APPLICATIONS FILED WITH THE WATER CLERK FOR WATER DIVISION 5 DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2017. The water right claimed by this application may affect in priority any water right claimed or heretofore adjudicated within this division and owners of affected rights must appear to object and protest within the time provided by statute, or be forever barred. 17CW3157 MESA COUNTY; Application to Make Water Rights Partially Absolute and/or ofor Findings of Reasonable Diligence. Name, address and telephone number of Applicant: Town of Palisade, please direct all correspondence to Applicant’s attorneys: Mary Elizabeth Geiger, Garfield & Hecht, P.C., 901 Grand Ave., Suite 201, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, (970) 947-1936,
[email protected]. Applicant requests that a portion of the conditional water rights decreed to the Town of Palisade Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall be made absolute and findings of reasonable diligence as to the remaining amounts/uses: Legal description: A point of diversion located in Sec 3, T 1 S, R 2 E of the Ute Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the North ¼ corner of Sec 3, whence the West 1/16 corner of the North boundary line of Section 3 bears North 90˚00’00” West; thence South 18º23’01” East 2,888.22 feet to a point located on the centerline of the outfall line of the Palisade sewer plant, also described as being 2190 feet from the west section line and 2712 feet from the north section line of Sec 3, T 1 S, R 2 E of the Ute Meridian.