Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire 3rd Forfar {Dundee Highland"), James Farmer Buffs, tie Duke of Albany's). Walter Andrew Anderson, Gent., to be Lieutenant. Dated Fraser, Gent., to be Lieutenant. Dated 31st 3lsi October, 1885. October, 1885. 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Hampshire Regiment, 5lh Battalion, the Rifle Brigade (the Prince Lieutenant John Sampson Furley to be Captain. Consort's Own), Lieutenant George Dalbiac Dated 31st October, 1885. Luard resigns his Commission.- Dated 31st ]st Volunteer Batfalion, the Buffs (East Kent . October, J885. Ret/imtni), Captain Edward Foord-Kelcey 1th Battalion, the Rifle Brigade (the Prince resigns his Commission. Dated 31st October, Condon's Own), David Edward McCall, Gent., 1885. to tfe [Lieutenant. Dated 31st October, 1885. 18th Lancashire ( Liverpool Irish), Samuel William 3rd,.Battalion, the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Henry Richards, Gent., to be Lieutenant. Dated 31st Hjugo Patrick de Burgh, Gent., to be Lieu- October, 1885. tenant. Dated 31st October, 1885. 21st Lancashire, Major Richard Filkington is 5th Battalion, the Eoyal Dublin. Fusiliers, Ewing granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant- Wrigley Grimshaw, Gent., to be Lieutenant. Colonel. Dated 16th October, 1885. Dated 31st October, 1885. Sth {S.W.) Middlesex, Captain George Tyrrell YEOMANRY CAVALRY. resigns his Commission ; also is granted the Oxfordshire, Edward Alexander honorary rank of Major ; and is permitted to Stonor to be Lieutenant. Dated 31st October, continue to wear the uniform of the Corps on 1885. his retirement. Dated 31st Octoher, 1885. VOLUNTEER CORPS. 15th Middlesex (the Customs and the Dochs), Lieutenant Henry William Pollock resigns his ARTILLERY. Commission. Dated 3lst October, 1885. 1st Banff, Lieutenant William Longmore-Taylor to be'Captain. Dated 31st October, 1885. 1st Oxfordshire {Oxford University), Lieutenant Thomas William Bourne to be Captain. Dated 1st Lanarkshire,[SurgQon George Ritchie Mather, 31st October, 1885. M.D., is granted the honorary rank of Surgeon- Major. Dated 31st October, 1885. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, the Prince of Wales's {North Staffordshire Regiment'), Captain John 3rd Lancashire, Lieutenant-Colonel-Commandant Allen Bindley is granted the honoi'ary rank of Charles F. Ainsworth is granted the honorary Major. Dated 31st October, 1885. rank of Colonel. Dated 29th May, 1885. 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Worcestershire Regi- l&t London {the City of London), The services of ment, The undermentioned Officers resign their the undermentioned Officers are dispensed Commissions:— with :— Captain Walter P. Fisher. Dated 31st Honorary Quartermaster John East Gray. October, 1885. Dated 31st October, 1885. Lieutenant Pemberton Ernest J. Talbot. Acting Surgeon Ernest Louis Tyler Smith, Dated 31st October, 1885. M.B. Dated 31st October, 1885. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, the York and Lancaster 1st Pembroke, The undermentioned Officers resign Regiment, The undermentioned Lieutenants their Commissions on the disbandment of the resign their Commissions :— Corps:— George Cartwright. Dated 31st October, Captain - Commandant Charles Augustus 1885. Christie. Dated 31st October. 1885. . Lindsay Clarke. Dated 31st; October, 1885. Acting Surgeon Edward Argent Saunders. Dated 31st October, 1885. RIFLE. 1st Bucks, The, undermentioned Gentlemen to be TREASURY WARRANT. Lieutenants :— WE, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Arthur Burr. Dated 31st October, 1885. Treasury, in exercise of all powers enabling us . Owen Henry Wethered. Dated 1st Novem- in this behalf, do, by this Warrant, made on the ber, 1885. representation of Her Majesty's Postmaster- 2nd Cheshire ( of Chester's), Ernest William General (testified by his signing the same), and Ryland Gardner, Gent., to be Lieutenant under the hands of two of us, the said Commis- (Supernumerary). Dated 31st October, 1885. sioners, order, direct, and declare as follows :— J. The rates of postage and additional sum for 1st Edinburgh (the Queen's City of Edinburgh registration now chargeable and payable by the Rifle Volunteer Brigade), Lieutenant James authority of the Treasury Warrant of the 13th Junner to be Captain. Dated 31st October, day of December, 1882, or the schedules there- 1885. under written, on reply post cards conveyed or 2nd Edinburgh, Lieutenant George McAdam delivered for conveyance by post from or to Hong resigns his Commission. Dated 31st October, Kong to or from any other country or place 1885. affected by the provisions of cuch last-mentioned David Henderson Naismith, Gent., to be Lieu- Warrant of the 13th day of December, 1882, and tenant. Dated 31st October, 1885. ail regulations and conditions as to the posting, 1st Elgin, The Reverend John Grant to be Acting forwarding, conveyance, and delivery of reply Chaplain. Dated a 1st October, 1885. post cards conveyed or delivered for conveyance by post now in force and applicable thereto shall 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Essex Regiment, extend and apply to all reply post cards conveyed Walter Witton Daw, Gent., to be Lieutenant. or delivered for conveyance by post from or to Dated 31st October, 1885. tlie. Kingdom of Siam to or from any other 3rd Volunteer Battalion, the Essex Regiment, Cap- country or place affected by the provisions of tain Alfred Smith to be Major. Dated 31st such last-mentioned Warrant of the 13th day of October, 1885. December, 1882, in the same way as if the A 2 4982 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER SO, 1885.

. Kingdom of Siam had been named in such last- [Extract from the Dublin-Gazette of October 27, mentioned Warrant of the 13th day of December, 1885.] 1882, or the schedules thereunder written. ELECTION OF A REPRESENTATIVE 2. This Warrant shall come into operation on PEER FOR . the second day of November, one thousand eight Crown and Hanaper Office, hundred and eighty-five. 9.1th October, 1885. Dated this twenty-seventh day of October, one IN pursuance of an Act, passed in the fortieth thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. year of the reign of His Majesty King George W. H. Walrond, the Third, entitled " An Act to regulate the mode Sidney Herbert, " by which the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Two of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's " the Commons, to serve in the Parliament of the Treasury. " United Kingdom, on the part of Ireland, shall be John Manners, ' summoned and returned to the said Parliament," Her Majesty's Postmaster-General. I do hereby give notice,* that Writs bearing teste this day, have issued for electing a Temporal Peer of Ireland, to succeed to the vacancy made by the TENDERS FOR LOANS ON TREASURY demise of John, Earl Erne, in the House of BILLS. Lords of the said United Kingdom, which said 1. THE Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Writs are severally directed to the following Treasury hereby give notice that Tenders will be Peers, whose right to vote at the elections received at the Chief Cashier's Office at the Bank of Temporal Peers of Ireland has, upon claims of , on Tuesday, the 3rd proximo, at made on their behalf, been admitted by the House one o'clock, for Treasury Bills to be issued under of Lords of the said United Kingdom:— the Act 40 Vic., cap. 2, to the amount of Charles William, . £2,890,000. James, Duke of Abercorn. 2. The Bills will be in amounts of £1,000, John Henry De La Poer, Marquis of Waterford. £5,000, or £10,000. They will be dated the Edvrard, Marquis of Donegall. 7th November, 1885, and will be payable at Henry Francis Seymour, Marquis of Drogheda. three or six months after date (at the option of Thomas, Marquis of Headfort. the persons tendering), viz.:—on the 7th Febru- George John, Marquis of Sligo. ary or 7th May next, respectively. John Henry Wellington Graham, Marquis of 3. The Tenders must specify the net amount Ely. per cent, which will be given for the amounts Charles Stewart, Marquis of Londonderry. applied for; and the Tenders of private individuals Henry Francis, Marquis Conyngham. must be made through a London Banker. James Edward William Theobald, Marquis of 4. The Bills will be issued and paid at the Bank Ormonde. of England. Hubert George, Marquis of . 5. The persons whose Tenders aro accepted Charles Henry John, Earl of Waterford. will be informed of the same on Wednesday, the Richard Edmund St. Lawrence, . 4th proximo, and payment in full of the amounts Arthur James Francis, Earl of Fingall. of the accepted Tenders must be made to the Frederick John William, . Bank of England not later than three o'clock, on George Arthur Hastings, Eaii of Granard. Saturday, the 7th proximo. William Thomas Spencer, Earl Fitzwilliam. 6. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Henry Charles Keith, Earl of Kerry. Treasury reserve the right of rejecting any John Stuart, Earl of Daruley. Tenders. Charles George, Earl of Egnaont. Treasury Chambers, October 26, 1885. Frederick George Brabazon, Earl of Bess- borough. Somerset Arthur, Earl of Carrick. Treasury Chambers, October 27, 1885. Henry Bentinck, . THE Lords of the Committee of Council on John Vansittart Danvers, Earl of Lanes- Education, with the concurrence of the Lords borough. Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, hereby Alexander William George, Earl Fife. give notice that the situations of Temporary Arthur Saunders William Charles Fox, Earl Attendants and Temporary Messenger in the of Arran. Science and Art Department, and in its affiliated James George Henry, . Institutions, are hereby gazetted into Schedule B Edward Nugent, Earl of Mill town. of the Order in Council of 4th June, 1870. James Molyneux, Earl of Charlemont. John Charles George, . Edward, . Civil Service Commission^ October 28, 1885. Henry Ernest Newcomen, . THE Civil Service Commissioners hereby give William Philip, Earl of Sefton. tiotice, that at an Open Competitive Examination John Strange, . for two situations as Junior Clerk in the Office of Ernest Augustus Malet, . Woods, &c., held iu London, on the 5th October, Richard Plantagenet Campbell, Earl Nugent. 1885, and following days, notice of which exami- William Randal, . nation was given in the London Gazette of the William Lygon, . 21st August, 1885, the undermentioned Can- Henry John Reuben, . didates obtained the first two places :— Dermot Robert Wyndham, . Hugh, . William Willoughby, Earl of . No. in Name. William, Earl of Carysfort. Order of Merit. William Ulick O'Connor, Earl of Desart. Cecil Ralph, Earl of Wicklow. 1 Ainger, William Dawson John Henry Reginald, Earl of Clonmell. 2 AVardale, Francis James Robert Bermingham, Earl of Lei trim. George Charles, .