Getting to Scale: 2019 July Accelerating Canada’s high-growth companies Report of the Special Advisor to the Minister of Small Business & Export Promotion This report was supported by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada. The opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada. This report may be reproduced for non-profit and educational purposes, with the exception of scholarly or professional journals. For more information on reproduction rights, please email brookfield.
[email protected]. The Brookfield Institute for Innovation + For more information, visit Entrepreneurship (BII+E) is an independent and nonpartisan policy institute, proudly housed within Ryerson University. We are dedicated to /BrookfieldIIE building a prosperous Canada where everyone has the opportunity to thrive due to an inclusive @BrookfieldIIE and resilient economy. BII+E generates far-sighted insights and stimulates new thinking to advance The Brookfield Institute for actionable innovation policy in Canada. Innovation + Entrepreneurship ISBN: 978-1-77417-002-1 20 Dundas St. W, Suite 921 Toronto, ON M5G 2C2 GettinG to Scale Author ACKNoWLEDGEMENtS SHELDON LEVY SPECIAL THANKS: Special Advisor to the Honourable Mary Ng, The Special Advisor wishes to thank all the people, Minister of Small Business firms and organizations that contributed their time and Export Promotion and expertise to this report. Particular thanks are extended to Minister Mary Ng, for spearheading this initiative; to the many departments and public servants within Innovation, Science and Sheldon Levy is the Special Advisor to the Minister Economic Development, who contributed their of Small Business and Export Promotion and insight; to the Brookfield Institute for Innovation + the former CEO of NEXT Canada, a non-profit Entrepreneurship, for their knowledge and research business accelerator located in Toronto.