On-Demand Audiovisual Markets in the European Union
ON-DEMAND AUDIOVISUAL MARKETS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION FINAL REPORT A study prepared for the European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology by Digital Agenda for Europe This study was carried out for the European Commission by European Audiovisual Observatory, 76 Allée de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg, France Authors: Director of publication: Susanne Nikoltchev, Executive Director, European Audiovisual Observatory Supervision: André Lange, Head of Department for Information on Markets and Financing, European Audiovisual Observatory Author: Christian Grece, Analyst at the European Audiovisual Observatory Preparatory notes: Lorenzo Principali, Analyst at the European Audiovisual Observatory Internal identification Contract number: 30-CE-0520606/00-86 SMART number: 2012/0026 DISCLAIMER By the European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission nor of the European Audiovisual Observatory, its members or of the Council of Europe. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Data compiled by external sources are quoted for the purpose of information. The author of this report is not in a position to verify either their means of compilation or their pertinence. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.. ISBN 978-92-79-38425-7 DOI 10.2759/51823 © European Union, 2014. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
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