I Second National Convention Mangalore, February 18-20,2005 Them Accountability in Governance Report Second National Convention Mangalore, February 18-20, 2005 Theme Accountability in Governance Published by: Kashmira Rao, Executive Secretary INDIAN LIBERAL GROUP Sassoon Building, 1st Floor 143, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai 400 001. Phones : (0091 22) 2284 34 1 6 a 2284 1340 Fax : (0091 22) 2284 3416 E-mail :
[email protected];
[email protected] Website : www.liberalsindia.com Rs. 100/-. DTP Typesetting & Printing by SHUBHAM PRINT & WEB, 59, Dr. V. B. Gandhi Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 Telefax : (0091 22) 2284 26 19 a E-mail :
[email protected] 500-07/2005 : 2 : Contents Preface INAUGURAL SESSION Inaugural Address: Accountability :The Road Map and Guarantee for Liberalism N. Vittal Keynote Address: Accountability in Governance S. P Sathe Address by Chief Guest: Promoting Liberalism Globally - The Mission of the FNSt Hubertus von Welck President's Address: Reviving the Liberal Dialogue in Contemporary lndia - Why lndia Needs a liberal Political Party S. V. Raiu DELEGATES' SESSION President's Report On Organisation Amendments to Constitution Organisation Strategy Election of President and two Vice Presidents LIBERAL POSITION PAPERS India's Economic Liberalisation : The Unfinished Liberal Agenda Ajit Karnik Indian Agriculture and Rural Indebtedness R. M. Mohan Rao Administration of Justice G. Giridhar Prabhu ANNEXURES 1. Strategy of the Indian Liberal Group (ILG) (2005-2010) 2. Annexure to President's Report 3. Delegates Preface We have pleasure in presenting this Report of the Second National Convention of the Indian Liberal Group held in Mangalore on February 18, 19 and 20, 2005.