Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11; Matthew 18:12-14

Happy Day! Yes, even though we find ourselves on the Second Tuesday of , the calls us today to remember the patron of children, St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas was an early bishop, a humble man, who cared for all around him. The wisdom of the readings calls us today to reflect on the role of the shepherd in God’s plan of salvation. The basic role of a shepherd is to tend the flock, to feed them, and to always seek the one who is lost. As people of faith in the Saint X community who serve with our knowledge and example, we are called daily to reach out to all around us: our students, our colleagues, as well as those closest to us in our personal life. As many have already stated, this fast-paced time of year can bring impatience, discouragement, and prevent us from truly opening our hearts to true joy and hope. We need to look no further than the joy of wonder and children.

This weekend, I experienced the opportunity to share a meal in my home with my new neighbors and their two sons (ages 6 and 8). The family had just returned from choosing their tree. It was great to experience the excitement of the boys as they described their day. On at least one occasion, their parents had to go after one of the lost ones as he began to explore the Christmas decorations a bit too much. I’m sure many of you have been there. The older boy was intrigued by the that played the phrase “!” When corrected by his Mom for continuing to play the ornament, he responded, “I LIKE THAT SONG. IT’S NICE!” In Isaac’s own small way he may have been calling us to GET THE MESSAGE! In my family, we await the birth of new generation as my oldest niece Jessica prepares to give birth in the next week. It has been touching to watch her Mom, my sister balance the emotions of hope and joy along with the concern toward her daughter. May we all continue to find JOY in the moment, as we move through this hopeful season. I hope today, St. Nicholas Day, we all find ways to experience the Shepherd’s voice in some act of kindness. May we receive the message and also extend the message. Maybe we do so in simple sharing of chocolate or a peppermint . How significant that the shape of that peppermint cane resembles the crook of the shepherd…..The act of sharing and caring, and as a young boy named Isaac stated, “It’s nice!” Have a nice day!

~ Rick Knoop, World Language Dept.