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0 C 1)*-7 -*-7 7 *,#$*!-. $( '() .3**+ 3< = #; 1 *'(+, - './ ! &'($ ) 85%;(5%5?+% 5? O 5 $%;(;+ ++"; $+ 5 ;O >4( (; % ; .>*@>$(%+%+$0A !" / & /01012 -3.B $ %'( $) " $R ! " %5676+ 5 he United States signed a Tlandmark deal with the Taliban on Saturday, laying L out a timetable for a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan ! " within 14 months — with the initial drawdown of forces from a total of 13,000 to 8,600 hap- ! pening in the next 4 months— as it seeks an exit from its ;;$6+ longest-ever war. NO Q ' The agreement is expected he Central Board of to lead to a dialogue between TSecondary Education the Taliban and the (CBSE) has clarified that Class Kabul Government that, if suc- X, XII examinations in North- !+ Q" Q cessful, could ultimately see an east Delhi will be held as 1 ( end to the grinding 18-year scheduled from March 2. )" conflict. However, earlier the Delhi However, the pace of Government said that in view Education (DoE) announced American troop withdrawal "- 5 3 0 * P ) of violence in the area, schools on Saturday. from Afghanistan is condi- "- - would remain closed in North- “Due to the prevailing " Q tions-based and will depend on east Delhi till March 7 and the unfavourable conditions in ( * how well the Taliban comply as people in the room shouted inked the deal, after urging the On the eve of the signing, annual class exams had also North-east district of Delhi, the with the commitments they "Allahu Akbar" (God is great- insurgents to "keep your President Donald Trump urged been postponed since the situ- situation is not conducive for have made, the White House est).
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