Moody's Anecdotes and Illustrations Related in His Revival Work by The
[Transcriber's Notes] Here are the definitions of some unfamiliar (to me) terms. antediluvian Person who lived before the Biblical Flood. Very old or old-fashioned. cavil Raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault unnecessarily. conies Rabbits Chromo (chromolithograph) Colored print livery (clothing) Distinctive uniform. tares Weedy plants of the genus Vicia, especially the common vetch. Several weedy plants that grow in grain fields. MOODY'S ANECDOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. RELATED IN HIS REVIVAL WORK BY THE GREAT EVANGELIST DWIGHT L. MOODY. FULLY ILLUSTRATED FROM GUSTAVE DORE REVISED EDITION. EDITED BY REV. J. B. McClure. CHICAGO: Rhodes & McClure Publishing Co. 1899 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1896 by the Rhodes & McClure Publishing Company, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. All Rights Reserved. PREFACE. The breathless interest given to Mr. Moody's anecdotes while being related by him before his immense audiences, and their wonderful power upon the human heart, suggested to the compiler this volume, and led him to believe and trust that, properly classified and arranged in book form, they would still carry to the general reader a measure of their original potency for good. The best anecdotes have been selected and carefully compiled under appropriate headings, alphabetically arranged, making the many stories easily available for the private reader and public teacher. Mr. Moody's idiom has been strictly preserved. He tells the story. "Gold" will be found scattered through the volume, which includes Mr. Moody's terse declarations of many precious and timely truths. The compiler acknowledges the benefit received from the extended reports of the Tabernacle meetings given in the Daily press of Chicago, also the Hippodrome services reported in the New York papers, and the volume of Addresses revised by Mr.
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