60 Subpart E—Auxiliary Markings
§ 5.40 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) (b) Except as permitted in paragraph facilities shall display the Auxiliary fa- (c) of this section, no vessel, aircraft, cility decal (§ 5.44). radio station, motorized vehicle, trail- (4) Vessels that have been accepted as er, or other equipment will be deemed facilities and are on patrol, whether or loaned to the Coast Guard until an ac- not they are underway, shall display ceptance, on the prescribed form, has the National Ensign, the patrol sign been signed on behalf of the Coast (§ 5.45) and either the patrol ensign Guard by a person authorized by the (§ 5.46) or the Coast Guard ensign (§ 5.47) Commandant to sign such an accept- as appropriate and able. ance and a complete inventory of (5) Vessels that have been accepted as consumable and expendable stores and facilities and are on patrol, whether or equipment has been made and mutu- not they are underway, and have a ally settled by the owner and the Coast Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or Guard representative. non-commissioned officer onboard (c) In an emergency, a vessel, air- shall display the Coast Guard ensign in craft, radio station, motorized vehicle, place of the patrol ensign. trailer, or other equipment may be (c)(1) Any person who desires to re- loaned to Coast Guard without an in- produce Coast Guard Auxiliary mark- ventory or the use of the prescribed ings for non-Coast Guard Auxiliary use form. must obtain approval from Com- mandant (CG–BSX–11), Attn: Auxiliary Division, U.S.
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