A Publication of The American Physiological Society The Physiologist

Volume 44, Number 6 December 2001

Passing the Flag - From Christchurch to San Diego! Integrating Martin Frank the Life Sciences from Molecule to Organism On Friday, August 31st, the XXXIV trants will be able to avail themselves of an International Congress of Physiological Sciences extensive exhibit program with over 500 exhibit closed with the continuation of a tradition initiat- booths. These advantages were important factors ed by Osmo Hanninen at the 1989 IUPS that led to the approval of the changes in venue Congress in Helsinki. The tradition is to pass the and date by both the IUPS Council and IUPS IUPS flag from the country hosting the current General Assembly (with a vote of 71-3). Inside Congress to a representative of the country host- In planning for the 2005 Congress, we should ing the next Congress. In this case, the IUPS flag learn from the organizers of previous was passed from Anthony Macknight, organizer Congresses. The US has hosted two previous APS 2002 Officers of the New Zealand Congress to Virginia Huxley, Congresses, in 1929 and 1968. For the first one, and Standing Chair of the US National Committee of the IUPS the American Physiological Society issued an Committees (USNC), the official host of the 2005 Congress. invitation to physiologists worldwide to attend p. 392 By accepting the flag, the US physiological com- the XIII Congress held in Boston from August munity had agreed to host the XXXV IUPS 19-23, 1929. As one would expect, international Congress. travel was not the easiest thing during that period APS Conference While initial plans called for the 35th Congress of time. To facilitate their participation, a large Reports to be held during the summer in Washington, contingent of European physiologists joined p. 400 DC, constructive discussion within the APS together to travel on the Minnekahda. An addi- Council and USNC resulted in a decision to pro- tional smaller contingent made the Atlantic pose shifting the meeting to March 31-April 5, crossing on the France. Of the approximately Late Breaking 2005 to be held in conjunction with the 1,700 people who attended the Congress, nearly Abstract Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego, 700 of the registrants were from countries other Submission Form CA. It was the opinion of both groups that hold- than the United States. In 1968, the American p. 412 ing the meeting in conjunction with the EB meet- Physiological Society hosted the XXIV ing would serve to strengthen both meetings and Congress in Washington, DC. Attendance was provide the IUPS Congress with advantages not considerably better than in 1929, as airline travel APS Launches New available with a free standing Congress. The EB had become more common. As a result, approx- Legislative Action meeting already attracts nearly 3,000 physiolo- imately 3,700 scientists attended the Congress, Center gists who submit over 2,500 physiologically of which 1,200 were from a total of 56 countries p. 415 related abstracts for presentation. other than the US. In addition, a number of our EB sister soci- Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient docu- eties, such as pharmacology, pathology, anatomy, mentation of the lessons learned from those two Obituary biochemistry, nutrition, and immunology, offer Congresses. Instead, the APS and its sister soci- Robert M. Berne sessions of interest to the physiological commu- eties within the USNC of the IUPS—Society for (1918-2001) nity, contributing to the scientific excellence of Neuroscience, Society of General Physiologists, p. 435 the 2005 Congress. Lastly, by meeting in con- Microcirculatory Society, Biomedical junction with the EB meeting, Congress regis- (continued on page 389)

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 387 Published bimonthly and distributed by The American The Physiological Society 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3991 Physiologist ISSN 0031-9376 John E. Hall Volume 44 Number 6 December 2001 President Gerald F. DiBona Past President Barbara A. Horwitz Contents President-Elect Martin Frank Editor and Executive Director Bills Would Impose Rigid Passing the Flag - From Councillors Christchurch to San Diego Standards for Dog Kim E. Barrett, Hannah V. Carey, Martin Frank 387 Socialization 416 Douglas C. Eaton, Joseph R. Haywood, ACLAM Foundation Announces Steven C. Hebert, Jo Rae Wright 2001 Awards 416 APS News Ex Officio Lasker Award Nominees 2002 APS Committees 392 Dale J. Benos, Sought 417 Mordecai P. Blaustein, Membership President Signs Antiterrorism Bill: Robert G. Carroll, New Regular Members 396 Could Have Implications For Judith A. Neubauer, Celia D. Sladek New Student Members 397 Medical Research 417 New Affiliate Members 398 Publications Committee: Chairman: Positions Available 418 Dale J. Benos; Members:David H. APS Conference Reports Alpers, Hershel Raff, Richard A. News From Senior Murphy, James A. Schafer. Director Cellular and Molecular of Publications: Margaret Reich. Physiology of Sodium-Calcium Physiologists 430 Design and Copy Editor: Joelle R. Exchange 400 Grossnickle. Book Reviews 432 Genome and Hormones: Subscriptions: Distributed to mem- An Integrative Approach to Gender bers as part of their membership. Books Received 434 Nonmembers in the USA: individuals Differences in Physiology 402 $45.00; institutions $70.00. Obituary Nonmembers in Canada and Mexico: Education individuals $50.00; institutions Robert M. Berne 435 $75.00. Nonmembers elsewhere: indi- APS/NIDDK Minority Travel viduals $55.00; institutions $80.00. Fellows Attend 2001 APS People & Places Single copies and back issues when Conferences 404 available, $15.00 each; single copies Skorton President of AAHRPP and back issues of Abstracts issues Board of Directors 436 when available, $25.00. Subscribers to Experimental Biology 2002 APS Member Elected to The Physiologist also receive abstracts Distinguished Lectureships 406 of the Conferences of the American Institute of Medicine 437 Physiological Society. Tentative Schedule of Sessions 408 The American Physiological Society Featured Topics 411 Announcements assumes no responsibility for the Late Breaking Abstract Third Annual Bristol-Myers statements and opinions advanced by contributors to The Physiologist. Submission Form 412 Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Metabolic Deadline for submission of material for publication: Jan. 10, February Public Affairs Research 439 issue; March 10, April issue; May 10, Are You Giving Money June issue; July 10, August issue; to Undermine Scientific Meetings Sept. 10, October issue; Nov. 10, December issue. Medical Research? 414 and Congresses 440 APS Launches New Legislative Please notify the central office as soon as possible if you change your Action Center 415 APS Membership address or telephone number. EB Features IACUC Session 415 Application 441 Congress Still Working on Headquarters phone: 301-530-7164 Fax: 301-571-8305 FY 2002 Funding 415 Email: [email protected] http://www.the-aps.org Printed in the USA

388 The Physiologist Passing the Flag

Engineering Society, and the Society to be a highlight of the Congress, but attend the Congress. In order to encour- for Integrative and Comparative one that was open only to those who age scientists to explore the beauties of Biology - will need to draw upon the had purchased a ticket. Similarly, the New Zealand and Australia, the organ- experiences of the organizers of the last closing banquet was only open to those izers scheduled nearly 40 satellite meet- several Congresses which were held in who had purchased a ticket. The event ings throughout the area. Unfortunately, New Zealand (2001), Russia (1997), included a buffet dinner and open bar, only about 35% of the satellite atten- United Kingdom (1993), Finland along with native dancers from the dees made it to the main Congress with (1989), and Canada (1986). One of the Cook Islands. For those who were not the greatest turnout being from those primary lessons learned from all of selected to demonstrate their ability to satellite meetings held in New Zealand. these Congresses is to create an envi- dance in the Cook Island style, there It is for that reason that the organizers ronment in which the scientists from the was a more traditional band playing of the 2005 Congress in San Diego have host country and the visiting scientists later in the evening. It is the hope of the decided to have only a limited number can mingle and interact in a welcoming organizers of the XXXV Congress, that of satellite meetings restricted to the environment. In this regard, the social all attendees will be able to attend both greater San Diego metropolitan area. In aspects of an international congress are the opening and closing events as part that way, it will be relatively easy for as important as the scientific aspects. of their Congress registration fee. the satellite attendees to participate in The scientific program is the reason to Scientifically, the organizers of the the Congress. attend the international Congress, the scientific program for the New Zealand The XXXIV Congress provided the social activities and events are what we Congress had to contend with the loss attendees with some outstanding remember the most. of their leader, Rainer Greger, who was keynote lectures, starting with The The organizers of the New Zealand struck by lightening while riding his President's Lecture presented by Jared Congress managed to make the event bicycle in a thunderstorm. The organiz- Diamond and ending with The Fenn both a scientific and social success. The ers were challenged on several fronts to Lecture presented by Salvatore opening Maori ceremony included make the Congress a success. Tony Moncada. In general, there were three native greetings and dancing that not Macknight took on the responsibility of to four Distinguished Lectures present- only featured the Maori people but also serving as the Chair of the International ed each day, including a newly initiated included the participation of IUPS and Scientific Program Committee and, Distinguished Lecture to honor a for- international dignitaries. The ceremony with the assistance of the ISPC and the mer APS President and recent IUPS was followed by a reception in the New Zealand organizing committee, First Vice-President, Ernst Knobil. The Christchurch Town Hall that included created a scientific program worthy of Distinguished Lectures provided regis- ample food and local spirits. This event Greger and of the physiological com- trants with an opportunity to hear out- was included as part of the registration munity. standing scientists discuss their fee. Tony Macknight also arranged to One of the early challenges was cre- research and comment on the state of have internationally recognized pianist, ating a scientific program that would research in their fields. The Andras Schiff, perform during the encourage scientists from the Northern Distinguished Lecture format is one Congress. The evening concert proved Hemisphere to travel "down under" to that will be continued at the XXXV

A banner welcomes Congress attendees. Maori people demonstrate their dancing abilities at the opening of the IUPS New Zealand Congress.

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 389 Passing the Flag

Sue Sabur, APS Marketing Manager, Margaret Reich, APS Native Cook Island dancers demonstrate their abilities at the Director of Publications, and Martin Frank, closing banquet of the IUPS New Zealand Congress. APS Executive Director, work the APS booth together.

Congress in San Diego. the site. The Congress program was enhanced visibility of the tools of phys- In order to encourage the participa- available online and on CD-ROM. iology in this time of transition from the tion of both local and foreign physicians Congress registrants received upon their genome to the physiome. in the IUPS Congress, the New Zealand arrival in Christchurch an abbreviated The abstracts submitted to the organizing committee arranged to have printed program and a CD-ROM con- Congress will be presented in poster several continuing medical education taining full program information and sessions in the San Diego Convention (CME) breakfasts, sponsored by phar- the abstracts of each oral and poster ses- Center in close proximity to the exten- maceutical companies, held each day. sions. The organizers also arranged for sive exhibit program. Registrants inter- These events proved to be a successful. about 100 Compaq and Mac computers ested in abstracts submitted to EB ses- The organizers of the San Diego to be available on-site for checking of sions will be able to visit them in the Congress will be exploring the possibil- the program and abstracts, as well as for same exhibit area. Those abstracts ity of holding similar sessions and plans registrants to access their e-mail. The selected for oral presentation, as well as to offer CME credit not only for the hard-copy program was eliminated, and all the symposia and distinguished lec- CME Breakfasts, but also for all the sci- some of the registrants seemed to miss tures, will be presented in session entific sessions of the Congress. it. By the time we reach the 2005 rooms at one of the hotels in close prox- The New Zealand Congress organiz- Congress in 2005, advances in technol- imity to the San Diego Convention ers created a new meeting format called ogy may take us to unforeseeable Center. In addition, Congress regis- synthesia, with the goal of synthesizing modes of program "printing" and dis- trants will be able to attend the sessions the presentations from the various satel- semination. The 2005 IUPS National of the societies participating in the EB lite meetings into a continuum that Organizing Committee will learn from meeting, no matter if the sessions are reflected the meeting theme, "from the New Zealand Congress and strive to presented in the Convention Center or Molecule to Malady." Many of the syn- present the program materials in the another meeting hotel. The wealth of thesia succeeded in fulfilling the goals best possible format. scientific opportunities will be of the format. For those that did not, it As stated earlier, the IUPS Congress immense. was a result of speakers not taking the in San Diego will benefit from many of To ensure that all Congress regis- time to reflect on the format's goals as the advantages of the EB meeting. trants will be able to avail themselves of they prepared their talks. In those Most importantly, the close proximity all the offerings, they will be provided cases, the sessions proved to be more of colleagues from related disciplines with a program for the IUPS Congress traditional symposia. will enhance our ability to fulfill the and for the EB meeting. In addition, The NZ Congress organizers took theme of the Congress, "From Genomes abstracts for both meetings will be read- advantage of current technology in the to Functions." Throughout the meeting, ily available on CD-ROM and online. development of the meeting. Congress efforts will be made to translate discov- The IUPS Congress Organizing information was available on the IUPS eries from multiple genomes into an Committee hopes to create a scientific 2001 web site and authors could both understanding of physiological func- program that draws upon the best of register and submit abstracts through tion. The format will also foster physiology and encourages registrants

390 The Physiologist Passing the Flag to take advantage of the diversity of sci- on physiologists from developing coun- those in attendance. ence presented within the EB meeting. tries, by allocating at least $200,000 in I urge you to keep abreast of plans for The broad representation of interna- travel awards for their support. the XXXV IUPS Congress by reading tional scientists in the Congress is a It is too early to define the scientific future issues of The Physiologist and by unique opportunity for students and program for the Congress or to share visiting the Congress web site post-doctoral fellows to meet col- information about the social aspects of (http://www.iups2005.org). In the leagues from other countries and to the meeting. However, the IUPS meantime, please mark the dates on develop collaborative interactions. The Congress National Organizing your calendar. The APS and our sister Congress will also encourage the partic- Committee chaired by Shu Chien and societies in the US National Organizing ipation of students and post-doctoral the US Scientific Program Committee Committee look forward to seeing you fellows by scheduling special sessions chaired by Walter Boron have already in San Diego from March 31-April 5, designed to meet their needs and by started to plan for the Congress. It is 2005 for the XXXV International offering an extensive travel award pro- their goal to make the 2005 Congress a Congress of Physiological Sciences. gram. In addition, the National World Congress of Physiology, bring- Your participation will be very impor- Organizing Committee plans to encour- ing physiologists from all over the tant in making the 2005 Congress a age the participation of junior scientists world together in San Diego. It is sin- most memorable one! from outside the US, with an emphasis cerely hoped that you will be one of

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 391 APS News

2002 Officers and Standing Committees

APS Council Awards Committee on Committees

Officers Oversees the award programs of the Serves as an advisory committee to John E. Hall, President (2002) Society to ensure uniformity and con- Council to make recommendations for Barbara A. Horwitz, President-Elect (2002) formity with the goals of APS, investi- nominees to the standing committees Gerald F. DiBona, Past President (2002) gates new means of funding for the APS and reviews charges of the various com- awards program, and selects Research mittees regarding overlapping responsi- Councillors and Teaching Career Enhancement bilities. Kim E. Barrett (2004) Awardees, Wang, Mandel, and Guyton Hannah V. Carey (2002) Awardees, and APS Postdoctoral Hannah V. Carey, Chair (2002) Douglas C. Eaton (2003) Fellowship Awardees. Kim E. Barrett (2004) Joseph R. Haywood (2004) Pamela K. Carmines (2002) Steven C. Hebert (2003) Patricia Preisig, Chair (2004) Stephen E. DiCarlo (2004) Jo Rae Wright (2002) Margaret Colden-Stanfield (2002) Gregory D. Fink (2003) Debra I. Diz (2003) Joseph R. (J.R.) Haywood (2003) ex officio Members Pradeep K. Dudeja (2004) Alicia A. McDonough (2004) Robert G. Carroll, Education (2003) Walter N. Durán (2003) Ivan F. McMurtry (2004) Mordecai P. Blaustein, Finance (2002) Ronald H. Freeman (2003) Gerald A. Meininger (2003) Curt D. Sigmund, Joint Program (2004) Stephen A. Kempson (2002) Timothy I. Musch (2004) Dale J. Benos, Publications (2004) Bruce G. Lindsey (2002) Johnyy R. Porter (2002) Celia D. Sladek, Section Advisory (2002) Lori L. McMahon (2004) Mrinalini C. Rao (2003) J. Michael Overton (2002) Michele G. Wheatly (2003) Society Standing D. Eugene Rannels (2002) Bill J. Yates (2002) Committees Janice H. Urban (2002) Linda Comley, ex officio Pamela J. Gunter-Smith, ex officio (2004) Carole M. Liedtke, ex officio (2004) Animal Care and Experimentation Communications

Maintains and updates the APS Career Opportunities in Formulates policies for the promotion “Guiding Principles in the Care and Use Physiology of physiology and the Society’s activi- of Animals,” provides consultation ties, works with the Communications regarding animal experimental proce- Provides Council with information Specialist, communications firm, and dures and care, and keeps abreast of leg- appropriate committees to help identify islation and new developments in ani- regarding availability and needs for appropriately trained physiological per- media-appropriate elements of the mal models for student teaching and Society’s journals, meetings, awards, alternatives for animal usage. sonnel and recommends measures to assure appropriate balance in the supply and other activities to promote, works and demand for physiologists. with the Association of Chairs of John N. Stallone, Chair (2003) Departments of Physiology to deter- Michael W. Brands (2003) mine the best means of promoting phys- Kurtis G. Cornish (2004) Francis L. Belloni, Chair (2003) John H. Johnson (2002) iology, develops methods for early iden- David R. Gross (2004) tification of journal articles appropriate Kevin C. Kregel (2002) Karen D. Mittleman (2003) James M. Norton (2004) for promotion, utilizing reviewers Elizabeth M. Wagner (2002) and/or editors of APS journals, and Matthew Walker, student member (2002) Kathleen P. O’Hagan (2003) Darryl R. Peterson (2002) reviews program on annual basis and William T. Talman, ex officio (2003) provide recommendations to Council Alice Ra’anan, ex officio David M. Pollock (2003) Deborah A. Scheuer (2004) concerning continuance of contract Pamela J. Gunter-Smith, ex officio (2004) with communications firm. Marsha Lakes Matyas, ex officio Andrea R. Gwosdow, Chair (2004)

392 The Physiologist APS News

Gregory D. Fink (2004) Francis L. Belloni, ex officio (2003) ing policy for scientific programs and in David R. Harder (2003) John N. Stallone, ex officio (2003) the organization of fall conferences. Kawanza L. Griffin (2003) Marsha Lakes Matyas, ex officio Judith A. Neubauer (2002) Curt D. Sigmund, Chair (2004) Lincoln E. Ford (2002) At-Large Members: Stacy Brooks, ex officio Finance Craig H. Gelband (2002) Donna Krupa, ex officio Laurie J. Goodyear (2002) Patricia Preisig, ex officio (2004) Reviews the proposed annual budget Peter J. Havel (2003) Curt D. Sigmund ex officio (2004) and fiscal plan for all Society activities William G. Haynes (2003) William T. Talman, ex officio (2003) and recommends a final budget and P. Darrell Neufer (2004) Alice Ra’anan, ex officio implementation plan to Council. Jeff M. Sands (2003) Margaret Reich, ex officio Supervises the investment of the Cardiovascular Society’s financial resources subject to Julian H. Lombard (2002) and approval of Council. David W. Busija (2004) Ray G. Daggs Award Cell & Molecular Physiology Mordecai P. Blaustein,Chair (2002) Peter M. Cala (2004) Annually selects a member of the Ann C. Bonham (2004) Central Nervous System Society to receive this award in recogni- Thomas C. Herzig (2004) J. Michael Wyss (2002) tion of distinguished service to APS and Nancy K. Wills (2003) Comparative Physiology to the science of physiology. Gerald F. DiBona, ex officio (2002) James W. Hicks (2002) John E. Hall, ex officio (2002) Education Committee William H. Dantzler, Chair (2004) Barbara A. Horwitz, ex officio (2002) Robert G. Carroll (2003) Beverly P. Bishop (2003) Dale J. Benos, ex officio (2004) Endocrinology & Metabolism Shu Chien (2004) Martin Frank, ex officio Virendra Mahesh (2004) John R. Claybaugh (2002) Robert Price, ex officio Environmental & Exercise Physiology Michael J. Kenney (2004) Clark M. Blatteis (2002) Epithelial Transport Group International Physiology Thomas Kleyman (2002) Education Gastrointestinal Facilitates interchange between APS, Matthew B. Grisham (2003) Provides leadership and guidance in other physiological societies, and their History Group the area of physiology education of individual members; handles all matters Charles M. Tipton (2002) undergraduate, graduate, and profes- pertaining to international physiological Hypoxia Group sional students; recommends objectives affairs, with an emphasis on developing Nanduri R. Prabhakar (indefinite) for the graduate programs in physiolo- countries; and maintains a clearing- Members in Industry Group gy; and organizes workshops on the house for linkages with developing Glenn A. Reinhart (2004) application of new techniques in physi- countries. Myobio Group ological problems. Thomas M. Nosek (indefinite) Hector Rasgado-Flores, Chair (2004) Neural Control & Autonomic Robert G. Carroll, Chair (2003) Albert F. Bennett (2002) Regulation J. Thomas Cunningham (2002) Bonnie L. Blazer-Yost (2004) Alan F. Sved (2003) Jeffery R. Demarest (2002) Virginia Huxley (2002) Physiological Genomics Group Meredith M. Hay (2004) Pontus B. Persson (2003) Curt D. Sigmund (2003) Robert L. Hester (2003) John B. West (2002) Renal George A. Ordway (2002) Klaus W. Beyenbach, ex officio (2004) Christine Baylis (2002) and Jeffrey L. Osborn (2003) Shu Chien, ex officio (2002) Matthew Breyer (2004) Michael F. Romero (2002) Douglas C. Eaton, Council Member Respiratory Whitney M. Schlegel (2002) Jahar Bhattacharya (2003) and Thomas J. Schmidt (2004) J. Usha Raj (2002) Walter F. Ward (2004) Joint Program Teaching John G. Wood (2002) Joel Michael (2003) William R. Galey, ex officio (2004) Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Develops the scientific programs for Joey P. Granger (2002) Dee U. Silverthorn, ex officio (2003) the Society and assists Council in shap-

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 393 APS News

Barbara A. Horwitz, APS President, ex Joseph R. Haywood, ex officio (2004) Perkins Memorial Fellowship officio (2002) Linda Allen, ex officio APS Representative Selects recipients for visiting scientist Linda Allen, ex officio family support awards and supervises Long-Range Planning administration of the Perkins Funds.

Society Representatives to the Advises and reports annually to Klaus W. Beyenbach, Chair (2004) Joint Program Committee Council and interacts with the Section Eduardo Colombari (2004) Advisory Committee; prepares system- Andrew J. Lawrence (2003) atic, periodic analyses and realistic Alice R. Villalobos (2003) American Federation for Medical assessments of past and present Societal Molly Perkins Hauck, ex officio Research (AFMR) performance and accomplishments; Natalie Ortiz (indefinite) conducts review of the Society’s rela- Robert T. Means (2002) tionships with other organizations; and Porter Physiology Development Kevin D. O’Brien (2002) devises specific goals and objectives Biomedical Engineering Society pertinent to the future scientific mission Selects recipients for visiting scien- (BMES) of APS and American physiology. Patricia Horner (indefinite) tists and professorships and teaching Reviews the progress of the Strategic and training felloships, aimed at Frank C-P. Yin (2002) Plan annually, conducts studies as Society for Experimental Biology improving physiological departments of assigned by Council, and prepares pro- medical schools with predominately and Medicine (SEBM) posals. Felice O’Grady (indefinite) minority enrollments. Counsels under- developed physiology departments, SEBM Rep for EB 03 and EB 04 Allen W. Cowley, Chair (2002) Kenneth L. Barker (2003) assists in the selection of NIDDK Daniel C. Devor (2004) minority fellowship awards, and super- Latin American Association for Peter A. Friedman (2002) Physiological Sciences (ALACF) vises the administration of the Porter Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde (2004) Fund. Rosalinda Guevara Guzman (2002) Alan F. Sved (2003) Spanish Physiological Society (SECF) John A. Williams (2002) F. Javier Salazar (2002) Pamela J. Gunter-Smith, CoChair (2004) William D. Willis (2004) H. Maurice Goodman, CoChair (indefi- Steven C. Hebert, Council Member Liaison With Industry nite) (2003) Mouhamed S. Awayda (2003) Cynthia A. Jackson (2003) Fosters interactions and improved Irving G. Joshua (2003) relations between the Society and Membership Susan C. Kandarian (2004) industry and cooperates with the Career Jane F. Reckelhoff (2002) Opportunities in Physiology Committee Considers all matters pertaining to Frank Talamantes (2002) to encourage high school and college membership, reviews and evaluates Terry N. Thrasher (2004) students to choose a career in physiology. applications received from candidates Martin Frank, ex officio for membership, and recommends to Marsha Lakes Matyas, ex officio Glenn A. Reinhart Chair (2004) Council the nominees for election to Theodore P. Broten (2002) regular and corresponding membership. Chahrzad Montrose-Rafizadeh (2004) Public Affairs Carlos R. Plata-Salaman (2002) Raouf A. Khalil, Chair (2004) Stephen C. Wood (2003) David H. Ellison (2002) Advises Council on all matters per- Amy E. Halseth (2003) W. Larry Kenney (2002) Bradley A. Zinker (2002) taining to public affairs that affect phys- Charles H. Lang (2002) iologists and implements public affairs Kenneth G. Mandel (2002) Shaun F. Morrison (2004) Robert McCall (2004) activities in response to Council guid- Caroline R. Sussman (2003) ance. Peter Morsing (2004) Catherine F. T. Uyehara (2002) Jodie K. Krontiris-Litowitz (2004) Linda Allen, ex officio Christine G. Schnackenberg (2004) William T. Talman, Chair (2003) Sue Sabur, ex officio Virginia Brooks (2002) Barbara E. Goodman (2004)

394 The Physiologist APS News

Alan Kim Johnson (2004) Jeanne L. Seagard (2003) Ronald M. Lynch (2003) Renal Moving? Willis K. Samson (2002) Jeff M. Sands (2002) Irving H. Zucker (2003) Respiration If you have moved or John N. Stallone, ex officio Michael A. Matthay (2002) changed your phone, Alice Ra’anan, ex officio Teaching of Physiology fax, or email address, Dee U. Silverthorn (2002) please notify the APS Publications Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Thomas E. Lohmeier (2003) Membership Office at Manages all Society publications, APS Representative 301-530-7171 or fax to including the appointment of editors Linda Allen, ex officio 301-571-8313. and editorial boards, and supervises the Book Advisory Committees (hand- Senior Physiologists Your membership infor- books, technical series, and history) to ensure timely publication. Maintains liaison with senior and mation can also be emeritus members and assists in the changed by visiting the Dale J. Benos, Chair (2004) selection of recipients of the G. Edgar Members Only portion Penelope A. Hansen (2004) Folk, Jr. Fund. of the APS website at Mark A. Knepper (2004) http://www.the-aps.org. Richard A. Murphy (2002) Michael Bárány, Chair (2003) Hershel Raff (2003) David F. Bohr (2003) John E. Hall, ex officio Felix Bronner (2004) Martin Frank, ex officio G. Edgar Folk (2004) Margaret Reich, ex officio N. Herbert Spector (2002) Douglas G. Stuart (2003) Section Advisory Karlman Wasserman (2002)

Recommends to Council ways to Women in Physiology Experimental strengthen the Sections’ roles in pro- grams, public affairs, and governance of Deals with all issues pertaining to the Society; serves as a Nominating education, employment, and profes- Biology Committee to nominate Society offi- sional opportunities for women in phys- cers; and nominates members as candi- iology. Develops programs to provide dates for service on Society commit- incentives enabling graduate students to 2002 tees. present their research work at APS Celia D. Sladek, Chair (2002) meetings, coordinates activities with Cardiovascular other committees on women in the Important William M. Chilian (2004) FASEB organization, administers the Cell & Molecular Physiology Caroline tum Suden Professional Deadlines Michael L. Jennings (2004) Opportunities Awards, and provides Central Nervous System mentoring opportunities for members. Susan M. Barman (2002) Comparative Physiology Carole M. Liedtke, Chair (2004) Registration Deadline Stan L. Lindstedt (2004) Magdelena Alonso-Galicia (2004) Endocrinology & Metabolism Siribhinya Benyajati (2002) February 12, 2002 Charles H. Lang (2004) Robin L. Davisson (2003) Environmental & Exercise Physiology Danuta H. Malinowska (2004) Kenneth M. Baldwin (2004) Suzanne M. Schneider (2002) Gastrointestinal Donna H. Wang (2002) Housing Deadline Helen E. Raybould (2002) Kim A. Huey, student member (2002) Neural Control & Autonomic Marsha Lakes Matyas, ex officio March 8, 2002 Regulation

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 395 Membership

New Regular Members *transferred from Student Membership

David Ammar Jenafer Evans* Jonathan S. Marchant Univ. of California, Berkeley Johns Hopkins Univ. Univ. of California, Irvine Masaaki Ando Vasco Miguel Galhardo Farouk Markos Hiroshima Univ., Japan Inst. for Molecular/Cell Biology, Univ. College, Cork, Ireland Yehuda Arieli Portugal Gary E. McCall* Israel Naval Med. Inst., Israel Sarmishtha Ghosh Univ. of California, Irvine Juan Bacigalupo Pramukhswami Medical Coll., India Thomas Joseph McLoughlin Univ. of Chile Ellen Lisa Glickman Univ. of Illinois, Chicago Daniel F. Balkovetz Kent State Univ. Marcel Miampamba Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham Rayna J. Gonzales* Ferring Research Institute, Inc., Curtis Frank Barrett Univ. of California, Irvine San Diego, CA Stanford Univ. Thomas G. Hampton Denise Milhorn Ryan W. Bavis Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr. East Tennessee State Univ. Univ. of Wisconsin Mohamed A.S. Harun* Charles William Miller Nicholas J. Bernier* Eduaro Mondlane Univ., Mozambique Colorado State Univ. Univ. of Guelph, Canada Shawn G. Hayes* Ernest E. Moore Sunita Bhattacharya Univ. of California, Davis Denver Health Med. Ctr. Columbia Univ. Hospital Jay Robert Hoffman Judy Morris Michael G. Blennarhassett College of New Jersey Flinders Univ. of South Australia Queen’s Univ., Kingston, Ontario Nelson Douglas Horseman K. Sreekumaran Nair Christa Boer* Univ. of Cincinnati Mayo Clinic & Foundation Inst. for Cardiovasc Res., Netherlands Guochang Hu Usha Nayar Scott Boitano Univ. of Illinois Arabian Gulf Univ., Bahrain Univ. of Wyoming Hadjiang Huang Randall J. Nelson Irwin Gary Brodsky Indiana Univ. Univ. of Tennessee, Memphis Univ. of Illinois, Chicago Ronald Jay Innerfield Paul S. Pagel G.R. Scott Budinger PharmaNet Inc., Princeton, NJ Medical College of Wisconsin Northwestern Univ. Michael I. Kalinski Kevin Paul Pavlick Daniel Claude Kent State Univ. Louisiana State Univ., Shreveport CNRS-SUPELEC-UPS, France Vaijinath S. Kamanna Olivier Rampin Frederique Clement VA Medical Center INRA, France INRIA, France Dae Gill Kang Tomas Alfred Reader Turner R. Coggins Wongwang Univ., Korea Univ. of Montreal, Canada College of Southern Maryland Richard H. Kennedy Miguel A. Rivera Elaine Del Bel Univ. of Arkansas Univ. of Puerto Rico Univ. of Sao Paulo-Ribeirao Preto, Jonathan M. King Michael L. Roberts Brazil Trinity Univ., San Antonio, TX Adelaide Univ., Adelaide, Australia John Alexander Donald Emrys Kirkman Maria I. De Sousa Rocha Deakin Univ., Australia Univ. of Durham, England Facolade De Medicina, Portugal Ke Dong Jian Yi Li Mykhaylo Val Ruchko Yale Univ. Univ. of California, Los Angeles Univ. of South Alabama Allison Jane Doupe Zhao Bo Li David W. Russ Univ. of California, San Francisco Johns Hopkins Univ. Univ. of Massachusetts Kenneth William Dunn Jeff S. Lynn William G. Schrage* Indiana Univ. Univ. of Colorado Mayo Clinic and Foundation Richard L. Eckert John Ferguson MacDonald Keith Sharkey Case Western Reserve Univ. Univ. of Toronto, Canada Univ. of Calgary, Canada Sepehr Eskandari* Kebreten F. Manaye Minarma Siagian California State Polytechnic Univ. Howard Univ. Univ. of Indonesia

396 The Physiologist Membership

Luis Filipe S. Silva-Carvalho Charles John Venglarik Gavin L. Woodhall Faculdade De Medicina, Portugal Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, Avon, Dewi Irawati S. Santoso Renaud Vincent England Univ. of Indonesia Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada Di Wu Stephen Michael Sims Richard L Walker Univ. of California, Berkeley Univ. of Western Ontario Univ. of Calgary, Canada Leon Zagrean Anthony Cecil Steyermark Marlei Walton* Carol Davila Univ., Romania Univ. of California, Los Angeles VA North Texas Health Care System Yi Zhang Peter J. Tonellato Hua Wang Univ. of Iowa Medical College of Wisconsin Univ. of Virginia Luciano Zocchi Laura Trout Steven P. Wilson Univ. of Milano, Italy Univ. of South Alabama Univ. of South Carolina John A.J. Van Opstal Daniel Mark Wolpert Univ. of Numegen, Netherlands Institute of Neurology, England

New Student Members Leonardo Alves Brett L. Christopher Rachelle I. Ginsberg Fac. Metropolitanas Unidas, Sao Paulo Johns Hopkins Univ. Creighten Univ. Rodrigo Andrade Dave C. Clarke Jorge Gonzalez-Perez Paunsta Medicine College, Sao Paulo, Univ. of Waterloo Univ. of Puerto Rico Brazil Leslie Anne Cornick Marijana V. Grbic Nigel Bagnall Texas A&M Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Birmingham, England Edward Danson Steven Shea Hale Glenn Barker Oxford Univ., England Tulane Univ. Queensland Univ. of Technology Paul Dent Tiffany Lee Hall Fritz Beauchamp Univ. of Birmingham, England Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Trisha Dittmer Renzhi Han Michael Charles Beranger Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Western Australia Florida Atlantic Univ. Dennah R. Dodge Andrea S. Harrison Christopher B. Blank Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Micah Drummond Lorie S. Hauck Erika Lynn Booe Brigham Young Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Antonio Fernando Duarte Michael Hendel Victoria Lee Bostain Univ. Gama Filho, Brazil Univ. of Minnesota Florida Atlantic Univ. Michael Durham Xu Hong-Ping Gavin Braunstein Univ. of Louisville Fudan Univ. Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham Jonathan Erickson Kazi Mirajul Hoque Clement L. Buchanan Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth National Institute of Cholera & Florida Atlantic Univ. Doug Kenneth Fairman Enteric Diseases, Calcutta, India Katherine M. Buckingham Florida Atlantic Univ. Nicole Desire Hunt Univ. of Guelph Robert E. Fernandez-Vinas Tulane Univ. Patricia Ann Burns Florida Atlantic Univ. Jian-feng Hu Florida Atlantic Univ. Stephanie Fulton Shanghai Institute of Physiology Delrose Elaine Byro Concordia Univ. Cecilia Hurtado Florida Atlantic Univ. Alfredo Garcia Univ. of Manitoba Jan Calder Wright State Univ. Michelle Lynn Kenney Florida Atlantic Univ. Jennifer Gearing Florida Atlantic Univ. Amy Calloway Florida Atlantic Univ. Bhanu Koppanati Florida Atlantic Univ. Christopher L. Gentile Utah State Univ. Karyn P. Cameron Univ. of Colorado, Boulder Kurt W. Kornatz Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Colorado

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 397 Membership

Pamela Lagali Lynn Pleban Brenda LuRie Spurlin Univ. of Alberta, Canada SUNY, Buffalo Florida Atlantic Univ. Courtney K. Lamberson Dana Marie Pollitt Christopher Stanczak Univ. of Nebraska, Kearney Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of California, Los Angeles Jason Lane David Francis Puhala Michael Lee Steele Tulane Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Frederick Loiselle Baishali Ray Cara Lynn Sturla Univ. of Alberta All India Inst. of Medical Sciences Florida Atlantic Univ. Dong Luo Bertha Rebimbas-Cohen Albert Swafford Shanghai Institute of Physiology Western Michigan Univ. Louisiana State Univ. Leah C. Miller Daniel Aaron Rocha Jonathan S. Terblanche Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Africa Oldine Mondesir Cordero Rodrigues Bemadelle D. Thompson Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Puerto Rico Florida Atlantic Univ. Justin Moore Jane Romm Jackie T. Traverso Univ. of California, Davis Johns Hopkins Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Liezel Morales Jason Rozeski Anne Van De Ven Univ. of California, Los Angeles Tulane Univ. Univ. of California, San Diego David Murray Corry M. Rutters Norma Sue Vesey East Carolina Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Sara K. Nelson P. Saavedra Kim Washuta Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Puerto Rico Florida Atlantic Univ. Lynette M. Nicholson Carilus Santiago Anna-Marie Weber Florida Atlantic Univ. Ponce School of Medicine, Puerto Rico Univ. of Manitoba Jeffrey Olearczyk Jonathan D. Schertzer Evin Elizabeth Wells St. Louis Univ. Univ. of Waterloo Florida Atlantic Univ. Angela C. Perkins Jeff Scott Xinghe Weng Florida Atlantic Univ. Univ. of Western Ontario Cornell Univ. Jennifer Peterson Simor John Serrao Rachel Whitehead Univ. of Toledo Florida Atlantic Univ. Auckland Univ. Shelly Ann Peynado Eyal Shargal Douglas Whyte Florida Atlantic Univ. Tel Aviv Univ. Univ. of Iowa Shane Phillips Matthew J. Sharman Heather Lynn Wright Medical College of Wisconsin Univ. of Connecticut Florida Atlantic Univ. Annemarie Pimentel John Smart Qiang Xie Univ. of Colorado, Boulder Florida Atlantic Univ. Indiana Univ. Jiong Yan Baylor College of Medicine New Affiliate Members Katarzyna A. Cieslik Serina H. Beauparlant Hua Zheng Univ. of Texas, Houston Benjamin Cummings Publishing Univ. of Southern California

Recently Deceased Members Silvio Baez Robert M. Berne Clarence R. Collier William C. Foster Sasha Malamed Yorktown Heights, NY Charlottesville, VA Somerset, CA Upper Darby, PA Piscataway, NJ

Basdeo Balkissoon Gail Butterfield Kathyrn E. Flaim Norman Gootman Stefan Niewiarowski Washington, DC Palo Alto, CA San Diego, CA New Hyde Park, NY Philadelphia, PA

398 The Physiologist Membership

Program Announcement Porter Physiology Fellowships for Minorities Closing Date for New Applications: January 15, 2002 Announcement of Awards: May 20, 2002

Annual Stipend: $18,000 Duration of Fellowship: 1 year with possibility of 2nd year of support

The Porter Physiology Fellowships for FOR AN APPLICATION Minorities are open to underrepresented CONTACT: ethnic minority applicants (African Americans, APS Education Office Hispanics, Native Americans, Native Alaskans, 9650 Rockville Pike or Pacific Islanders) who are citizens or Bethesda, MD 20814-3991 permanent residents of the United States or (301) 530-7132 its territories. Applicants must have been fax (301) 530-7098 accepted into or currently be enrolled in a [email protected] graduate program pursuing an advanced http://www.the-aps.org/education/ degree in the physiological sciences. minority_prog/porterfell.htm

Sponsored by: APS Porter Physiology Development Committee

Deadlliines!! Deadlliines!! The APS sponsored awards are plentiful, but in order to be considered, don’t forget to submit the application information before the deadline!

Award Next Deadlineline William T. Porter Fellowship Awards January 15 APS Postdoctoral Fellowship in Physiological Genomics January 15 AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship January 15 Research Career Enhancement Awards April 15 Teaching Career Enhancement Awards April 15 John F. Perkins, Jr., Memorial Fellowships May 15 William T. Porter Fellowship Award July 15 Research Career Enhancement Awards October 15 Teaching Career Enhancement Awards October 15 Shih-Chun Wang Young Investigator Award November 1 Arthur C. Guyton Awards in Integrative Physiology November 1

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 399 Conferences

2001 APS Conference Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Sodium-Calcium Exchange October 10-14, Banff, Alberta, Canada

The 2001 APS Conference on investigators present and interaction “Cellular and Molecular Physiology of was enhanced by the presence of young Sodium-Calcium Exchange” was held scientists, students, and established at the Banff Centre for Conferences, investigators. The conference attracted located in the majestic Canadian 130 registrants, 31% of which repre- Rockies within Banff National Park. sented young scientists, including 33 Herds of Elk and deer grazed uncon- students and seven postdoctoral regis- cerned outside the Max Bell Building trants. Eighteen (14%) were APS mem- where the sessions were held while bers, including one Emeritus member, inside researchers exchanged knowl- and 28 (22%) were not members of edge about sodium-calcium exchange. APS. Thiry-eight (14%) of the regis- Designated free time each afternoon trants represented invited speakers and found attendees utilizing the abundance session chairs. Of the 130 registrants, of hiking trails or visiting nearby lakes, 30 (23%) were from Canada; 26 (20%) including the stunning Lake Louise. were from outside The Americas; 2 The Organizing Committee, chaired by (1%) were from industry and; 3 (2%) Jonathan Lytton, Chair of the Jonathan Lytton of the University of were from researchers working in US Organizing Committee, presents Michael Calgary, selected the venue and Government labs. Isaac with a Graduate Student Award for arranged the scientific sessions. The outstanding program consisted of outstanding presentation. The conference featured an in-depth a keynote lecture, seven symposia, a 2+ exchange of ideas about new and evolv- debate, and 60 poster presentations. The minants of Ca I block of I1 on the ing information on the sodium-calcium social program included the Opening Na+/Ca2+ exchanger”; Masamitsu exchanger in areas ranging from molec- Reception on Wednesday evening, a bus Hinata, “Re-examination of the stoi- ular mechanisms to the involvement of tour to Lake Louise on Friday after- chiometry of Na/Ca exchange with human disease. The meeting encour- noon, and the Conference Banquet and whole-cell clamp of guinea pig ventric- aged interactions between investigators Awards Presentation on Saturday ular myocytes”; Ion Hobai, “Acid pH studying molecular and/or kinetic evening. changes the stoichiometry of forward aspects of the sodium-calcium exchang- The awards presentation recognized Na/Ca exchange in a heterologous er and those studying its physiological recipients of the Graduate Student expression system”; Michael Isaac, behavior at the cellular and tissue lev- Award for outstanding presentations. Inhibition of the Drosophila Na+/Ca2+ els. The awardees listed below were pre- exchanger CALX1.1, by KB-R7942”; There was an internationally recog- sented with a cash prize and certificate: Diane Roberts, “Collagen activates the nized and interdisciplinary group of Jeremy Dunn, “The molecular deter- reverse mode of the Na+/Ca2+

The mountains of Banff added to the Female elk graze just outside of the meeting complex. picturesque atmosphere of the meeting.

400 The Physiologist Conferences

Poster discussions at the meeting. Jonathan Lytton, Chair of the Organizing Committee, presents Diane Roberts with a Graduate Student Award for outstanding presentation. exchanger in human platelets.” reimbursement of all expenses associat- Twenty-five percent were by female In addition, the following students ed with travel to and participation in the first authors, 26% were submitted by received honorable mention certificates conference. The recipient is matched authors at institutions outside The without a cash prize: Tashi Kinjo, with an APS member attending the con- Americas, and 25% were submitted by “Topology of the retinal cone Na/Ca-K ference who offers guidance and makes authors residing in Canada. Table 2 pro- exchanger”; and La’Tonia Stiner, “The introductions to other scientists. vides the breakdown of registration by role of NCX in crustacean calcium A total of 60 abstracts were submitted type. Twenty-one percent of the regis- homeostasis: molecular and physiologi- to the conference for poster presenta- trants were female; 22% were from out- cal characterization.” tion and six of the authors were select- side The Americas and; 32% were from Inneke Jackson, Margaret Lyles, ed to present 15-minute oral presenta- Canada. Michelle Walker, Jayne Reuben and tions. The selected authors were: Lucio The Society and Organizing Vallie Holloway, all of Florida A&M Annunziato from University of Naples, Committee gratefully acknowledge University College of Pharmacy and Italy, “Differential expression of the support provided through grants from Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as Na+/Ca2+ exchanger encoding genes Alberta Heritage Foundation for La’Tonia Stiner of Wright State NCX1, NCX2 and NCX3 in the rat Medical Research, Canadian Institutes University, were recipients of the Porter brain”; Paul Bauer from Research of Health Research, University of Physiology Development Committee’s Center Jurlich, Germany, “Self-inhibi- Calgary, Faculty of Medicine, The Minority Travel Fellowship Awards tion of the retinal Na/Ca-K exchanger”; Canadian Society of Biochemistry and provided to encourage participation of Luis Beauge from University of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Merck underrepresented minority students. Cordoba, Argentina, “MgATP regula- & Company, Inc., Invitrogen With support from the National Institute tion of PtdIns(4,5)P2 bound to cardiac Corporation, Axon Instruments, New of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Na+/Ca2+ exchanger”; Simon Conway England Biolabs Ltd., Carl Zeiss Diseases (NIDDK) and the National from Medical College of Georgia, Canada Ltd., Mandel Scientific Institute of General Medical Sciences “Role of sodium calcium exchanger in Company Ltd., and VWR Canlab. ❖ (NIGMS), the fellowship provides embryonic heart development”; Calvin Table 1. Distribution by Department Hale from University of of Submitted Abstracts Missouri, “The cardiac sodi- Table 2. Registration Statistics Abstracts um-calcium exchanger asso- Department No. % ciates with caveolin-3”; and No. % Denis Noble from Oxford Cardiology/CV Sciences 12 20 University, “Influence of Na- APS Member 17 13 Pharmacology 11 18 Ca exchange stiochiometry Non-member 28 22 Biochemistry on model cardiac action Postdoctoral 7 5 or Molecular Biology 9 15 potentials.” Student 33 25 Table 1 provides a distribu- Physiology 6 10 Retired 1 <1 tion of abstracts based on Medicine 6 10 Invited Speaker 38 29 submitting department. Microbiology and Immunology 4 6 Guest 6 5 Total 130 100

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 401 Conferences

2001 APS Conference Genome and Hormones: An Integrative Approach to Gender Differences in Physiology October 17-20, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Fall foliage at peak season-with strik- basic principles and integrative systems. Presentation on Friday evening where ing hues of red, yellow and orange The first section focused on basic mech- attendees danced the night away. In against Pittsburgh’s tall surrounding anisms of action of sex steroid from addition, Thursday evening featured a hills-provided the breathtaking back- receptors to intracellular processes that reception at the Andy Warhol Museum, drop for the 2001 APS Conference, are common to many cell types. The where attendees were free to roam organized by Virginia M. Miller, second section focused on how these seven floors dedicated to style, fashion Chair, on “Genome and Hormones: An basic mechanisms influence integrative and fame as chronicled by the 20th cen- Integrative Approach to Gender physiological responses, including tury’s most influential pop icon. Differences in Physiology.” The meet- presentation of disease. The final ses- The awards presentation honored a ing was held October 17-20, 2001 in sion discussed translational approaches total of 11 student and postdoctoral fel- Pittsburgh, the city with a seamless tap- of basic research to clinical questions— lows, four of which were sponsored by estry of past and present, industry and a bench-to-bedside approach. Servier International. The awardees culture, cosmopolitan living and neigh- The conference attracted 150 regis- received a cash prize and certificate pre- borly charms. trants, 45% of which were female and sented during the banquet. They were: The conference was held at the 32% of which represented young scien- Andrea Grete Zabka, University of Westin Convention Center Hotel and tists, including 27 students and 21 post- Wisconsin, Madison (Servier brought together for the first time doctoral registrants. Twenty-nine (19%) International Awardee), “Gender affects experts in genetics, molecular biology, were APS members and 35 (23%) were age-dependent phrenic and hypoglossal integrated physiology and clinical med- not members of APS. Thirty-five (23%) responses to hypoxia in rats”; Harshini icine to address genetic influences on represented invited speakers and ses- Mukundan, University of New Mexico responses to sex steroids. For decades, sion chairs. Of the total registrants, 10 (Servier International Awardee), research of basic physiological systems, (6%) were from outside The Americas; “Estrogen attenuates hypoxic induction which extended into clinical trials, were six (4%) were from industry, and three of erythropoietin gene expression”; defined from results of studies of the (2%) were from US government labs. Sabra L. Klein, Johns Hopkins School “normal 70kg male.” Understanding The outstanding program consisted of of Public Health (Servier International differences in physiology and patho- eight symposia, one keynote lecture and Awardee), “Sex differences in physiology associated with incidence of 10 poster sessions that included a total Hantavirus infection: interactions disease in males and females needs to of 75 poster presentations. The social among hormones, genes, and immuni- become an integral part of scientific program included an opening reception ty”; Tara Perrot-Sinal, University of approaches. The conference was organ- on Wednesday evening and the Maryland (Servier International ized into two major sections: common Conference Banquet and Awards Awardee), “Opposing effect of GABA

Servier International poster presentation awardees. APS Conference poster presentation awardees.

402 The Physiologist Conferences

Table 2. Registration Statistics

No. %

APS Member 29 23 Non-member 35 19 Postdoctoral 21 14 Student 27 18 Invited Speaker 35 23 Guest 3 2 Total 150 100 Poster presentation at the Pittsburgh meeting. on phosphorylation of CREB in males to strength training in men and women: and participation in the conference. The and females is developmentally regulat- influence of a polymorphic marker in recipient is matched with an APS mem- ed and dependent on L-type calcium the X-linked steroid sulfatase gene”; ber attending the conference who offers channels”; Fushun Yu, Penn State and Manoj C. Rodrigo, University of guidance and makes introductions to University, (Servier International South Dakota, “Estrogen regulation of other scientists. Awardee), “Effects of gender on con- gene expression in resistance blood ves- A total of 75 abstracts were submitted tractile properties and myosin isoforms sels.” to the conference for poster presenta- at the skeletal muscle cell level in Turner R. Coggins, Jr., College of tion. Table 1 provides a distribution of young, old, and oldest old humans”; Southern Maryland, Rayna Gonzales, abstracts based on submitting depart- John Andrew Duncan, Toronto University of New Mexico School of ment. Forty-five percent of the total General Hospital, “Gene gender inter- Medicine, Nikki Jernigan, University submitted abstracts had female first actions and blood pressure in normal of New Mexico School of Medicine, authors; 13% were from outside The adults”; Karyn L. Hamilton, Baylor Joseph Nunez, University of Maryland, Americas; 3% were submitted from US College of Medicine, “Effects of 17ß- Baltimore, and Jose Ospina, University Government laboratories and 2% from estradiol, tamoxifen, and geldanamycin of California, Irvine, were recipients of researchers working in industry. on HSP72 accumulation in isolated car- the Porter Physiology Development The Society and Organizing diac myocytes from female rats”; Committee’s Minority Travel Committee gratefully acknowledge Jeffrey H. Mills, SUNY Upstate Fellowship Awards provided to encour- financial support provided through gen- Medical University, “Androgen receptor age participation of underrepresented erous educational grants from: NIH- does not play a role in the thymic minority students. With support from NHLBI, Mayo Foundation, Wyeth- response to estradiol”; Meike R. Rath, the National Institute of Diabetes and Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, Glaxo Well- VA Medical Center, Houston, “Gender Digestive and Kidney Diseases come, Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer, differences in the expression of heat (NIDDK) and the National Institute of Inc., Merck Research Laboratories, shock proteins: the effect of estrogen”; General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), Abbott Laboratories, Magee-Women’s Steven E. Riechman, University of the fellowship provides reimbursement Health Corporation, Servier Interna- Pittsburgh, “DHEA/DHEAS responses of all expenses associated with travel to tional, and Galileo Laboratories. ❖

Table 1. Distribution by Department of Submitted Abstracts

Department Abstracts No. %

Physiology 16 21 Biology 8 11 Pharmacology 6 8 Anesthesiology 6 8 Surgery 4 5 Meeting attendees dancing the night away.

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 403 Education

APS/NIDDK Minority Travel Fellows Attend 2001 Conferences in Banff, Alberta, Canada and Pittsburgh, PA The APS regularly awards Travel Fellows at “Cellular and Molecular Fellows at “Genome & Hormones: Fellowships for underrepresented Physiology of Sodium-Calcium Ex- An Integrative Approach to Gender minority scientists and students to change”: Vallie Holloway,Florida Differences in Physiology”: Turner R. attend APS scientific meetings with A&M University; Inneke Jackson, Coggins, Jr., College of Southern funds provided by the National Institute Florida A&M University; Margaret Maryland; Rayna Gonzales, University of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Lyles, Florida A&M University; Jayne of New Mexico School of Medicine; Diseases (NIDDK). The Fellowships Reuben, Florida A&M University; Nikki Jernigan, University of New provide funds for transportation, meals, LaTonia Stiner, Wright State Univer- Mexico; Joseph Nunez, University of and lodging for travel to a meeting loca- sity; Michelle Walker, Florida A&M Maryland, Baltimore; Jose Ospina, tion, as well as complimentary meeting University University of California-Irvine College registration. Six Fellows attended the APS Mentors at “Cellular and of Medicine. APS Conference “Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Sodium-Cal- APS Mentors at “Genome & Molecular Physiology of Sodium- cium Exchange”: Jonathon Lytton, Hormones: An Integrative Approach to Calcium Exchange,” in Banff, Alberta, University of Calgary Health Sciences Gender Differences in Physiology”; Canada, October 10-14, 2001. Five Center; Steven Houser, Temple Univer- Sue P. Duckles, University of Fellows attended the APS Conference sity School of Medicine; Elizabeth California-Irvine; Karen Carlberg, “Genome & Hormones: An Integrative Murphy, NIEHS/NIH; Kenneth Eastern Washington University; Martin Approach to Gender Differences in Philipson, University of California-Los Frank, The American Physiological Physiology,” in Pittsburgh, PA, October Angeles. Society; Suzanne Oparil, University of 17-20, 2001. Alabama-Birmingham. ❖ Fellows in the NIDDK Minority Travel program not only received finan- Encouraging Undergraduate Students in cial support to attend these meetings, Biomedical Research Careers but were also provided professional guidance through pairings with APS Undergraduate Summer members who served as mentors to the Fellows for the duration of the confer- Research Fellowship ence. Thanks to the time and expertise offered by mentor volunteers, Fellows www.the-aps.org/education/ugsrf/index.html were able to maximize their time and For APS Members and more fully experience the many aspects Undergraduate Students: of each conference. The travel awards are open to gradu- Students will: ate students, postdoctoral students, and Experience 10 weeks of advanced undergraduate students from research during the minority groups underrepresented in summer in the lab of an science (i.e., African Americans, established APS- Hispanics, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders). Students must be US member investigator; citizens or permanent residents. The Attend an APS meeting; specific intent of this award is to Present an abstract at an increase participation of pre- and post- APS Conference. doctoral minority students in the physi- ological sciences. For more informa- tion, contact the APS Education Office Deadline for Applications at 301-530-7132 or educatio@the- photo source: photodisc.com January 25, 2002 aps.org, or visit http://www.the-aps.org/ The American Physiological Society, Education Office education/minority_prog/index.htm on 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3991 301-530-7132, Fax: 301-530-7098 the APS website. Email: [email protected] http://www.the-aps.org/education.htm

404 The Physiologist Education

New Explorations in Biomedicine CD-ROM Available The APS works to Andrea Jackson, Project Administra-tor, via Email: ajack- increase participation [email protected]. The Explorations in Biomedicine CD- in biomedical research ROM is now available by request; single copies are free. careers among Native Please send your name and mailing address to Brooke American students in Bruthers via email: [email protected] or by phone: Montana. A New Ex- 301-571-0693. plorations in Biomedi- cine CD-ROM has CD-ROM Includes: been developed with Information about the APS, physiology, and the Explorations in Biomedicine resources. This CD-ROM is American Indian Research Opportunities Consortium designed for educators with an interest in science activities Curricular themes that focus on Native American that focus on Native American health and science issues. It health and science issues is a compilation of classroom/lab activities, program infor- Profiles of science educators participating in mation, and resources for the K-12 and tribal college sci- Explorations in Biomedicine ence educator, but would be a useful resource for any sci- Web links, including sites on Native American ence educator. For more information about Explorations in scientists Biomedicine, please visit the APS website at Teaching resources http://www.the-aps.org/education/expl/index.htm or contact

Help your local science teachers introduce their middle and high school students to female science role models and hands-on, inquiry, and problem-solving science activities. Women Life Scientists: Past, Present, and Future Twenty modules drop easily into the middle/high school life sciences curricula — not an “add-on.” Each module contains a brief biography of a contemporary or historical female science role model and hands-on, inquiry, and/or problem-solving life sciences activities with a multidisciplinary focus. Each module’s activities correspond with the careers of the featured scientists. Activity format includes suggestions for teachers, assessment ideas, and handouts for students. Order your copy at the Special APS Member Price of $10.00 (over 40% off the regular price). Contact the APS Education Office at [email protected] or 301-530-7132, or download the order form at http://www.the-aps.org/education/k-12misc/ord-wls.htm

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 405 Experimental Biology 2002 April 20-24, 2002 • New Orleans, LA

PHYSIOLOGY IN PERSPECTIVE: HENRY PICKERING BOWDITCH THE WALTER B. CANNON AWARD LECTURE AWARD LECTURE (SUPPORTED BY THE GRASS FOUNDATION) Allen W. Cowley, Jr. Pontus B. Persson Medical College of Wisconsin Humboldt University “Genomics and “Control of Renin, From Cell Cardiovascular Function” Lysates to the Conscious Dog”


Distinguished Lectureships


Albert F. Bennett Suzanne Oparil University of California, Irvine University of Alabama, Birmingham “Experimental Evolution: “The Anterior Hypothalamic Generating Biological Novelty Area: Gatekeeper in the for Functional and Genetic Pathogenesis of Salt-Sensitive Analyses” Hypotension”



Biff Forbush Penelope A. Hansen Yale University Memorial University, Newfoundland

“Regulation of the Na-K-Cl “Physiology’s Recondite Cotransporter in Secretion Curriculum” and Absorption”


JOSEPH ERLANGER JULIUS H. COMROE,JR. DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS OF THE RESPIRATION SECTION SYSTEM SECTION Celia D. Sladek Norman C. Staub Finch University of the Health University of California, Sciences/Chicago Medical San Francisco School “Regulation of the “Prevention and Treatment of Neurohypophyseal System: Pulmonary and Systemic Neurotransmitter, Neuropeptide Responses to Endotoxin: and Steroid Hormone Whole Animal Physiology Interactions” Redux”


406 The Physiologist Experimental Biology 2002 April 20-24, 2002 • New Orleans, LA


David G. Harrison Harvey F. Lodish Emory University Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research “Regulation of Vasomotor Tone “ACRP30 and Fatty Acid by Redox Status: Physiological Transport Proteins—New and Pathophysiological Approaches to Obesity and Implications” Diabetes”



Bruce M. Spiegelman Richard P. Lifton Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Yale University Boston

“Transcription Regulation of “Genetics, the Kidney and Energy and Glucose Hypertension” Homeostasis”


HORACE W. DAVENPORT EDWARD F. ADOLPH DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP OF DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP THE GASTROINTESTINAL OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL SECTION AND EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY SECTION John A. Williams Peter D. Wagner University of Michigan University of California, San Diego “Regulation of the Synthesis “Maximum Oxygen and Secretion of Pancreatic Consumption and Its Digestive Enzymes by Diet and Limitation: the Good, the Bad, Hormones” and the Molecular”


Fourth Annual Walter C. Randall Lecture FASEB Excellence in Science Award in Biomedical Ethics Adrian Morrison Phyllis Wise University of Pennsylvania University of Kentucky, College of Developing an Ethical Position on the Medicine Use of Animals in Biomedical Research Estrogen: Potent Protective Factors in the Adult and Aging Brain TUESDAY,APRIL 23, 2:00 PM


Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 407 Experimental Biology 2002 April 20-24, 2002 • New Orleans, LA

Tentative Schedule of Sessions Saturday, April 20, Morning Sessions The Sensory Functions of the DEG/ENAC Superfamily of Ion Channels Refresher Course: Recent Advances in Neuroscience Cross Sectional Education Committee D. J. Benos and B. A. Stanton C. M. Heesch and T. J. Cunningham Role of Myostatin in Regulating Muscle Growth Understanding Organ Function Through Real-Time Endocrinology & Metabolism Fluorescence Microscopy S-J Lee Workshop J. Bhattacharya and B. Pitt Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Ischemic Liver Injury Saturday, April 20, Afternoon Sessions Gastrointestinal Section A. B. Lentsch

Techniques & Technology in Physiology Tutorial: Bioinformatics in Physiological Genomics Bioinformatics for the Physiologist Physiological Genomics Group Physiological Genomics Group P. Tonellato P. Tonellato Peer Review and Publication of APS Journals Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the IACUC but Public Affairs Committee Were Afraid to Ask D. J. Benos Public Affairs J. Stallone The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Sleep, and Breathing Respiration Section Microcirculatory Society President’s Symposium: Signaling E. Nattie in Cells of the Microvascular Wall The Microcirculatory Society Incorporating Case Studies in the Physiology Classroom I. Sarelius Teaching of Physiology Section W. H. Cliff Diagnosis and Treatment with Atrial Natriuretic Metabolism American Federation for Medical Research Role of Endothelin ETB Receptors in Cardiorenal Function D. L. Vesely Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis G. D. Fink Sunday, April 21, Morning Sessions How to be a Good Mentor; How to be a Good Mentee Physiology InFocus-Translating the Genome: Physiology Women in Physiology Committee and The American and Pathophysiology of Obesity: Gene Environment Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Theraputics Interactions in Obesity S. M. Barman T. Kurtz and J. Hill The Promise for Therapeutic Intervention in Obesity: New Paradigms in Neovascularization The Brain and Beyond Cardiovascular Section American Federation for Medical Research G. C. Schatteman and T. Asahara D. D’Alessio

Viruses, Ion Channels and Ion Transporters Manipulations to Enhance New Tissue Formation Cell & Molecular Physiology Biomedical Engineering Society J. M. Russel F. C-P Yin

Sex and Nonsex- Estrogen and the Aging Hypothalamus Central Nervous System Section J. T. Clark

408 The Physiologist Experimental Biology 2002 April 20-24, 2002 • New Orleans, LA

Sunday, April 21, Afternoon Sessions Ion Channels and Hypoxia Hypoxia Group Physiology InFocus-Translating the Genome: Physiology D. L. Kunze and Pathophysiology of Obesity: Neurobiology of Obesity W. Haynes and M. Schwartz New Developments in Renal Acid-Base Transport and its Regulation Genetic Adaptation to Cold Renal Section Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section M. A. Knepper and S. Wall L. Wang Endothelial Dysfunction in End Stage Renal Disease Functional Heterogeneity in the Renal Microcirculation American Federation for Medical Research Renal Section M. Goligorsky and C. Baylis L. M. Harrison-Bernard and R. D. Loutzenhiser Nanotechnology in Bioengineering and Biology Rhythms in Reproduction Biomedical Engineering Society Association of Latin American Physiol. Societies T. Desai R. Guevara-Guzmán and R. Hudson Monday, April 22, Afternoon Sessions Microcirculatory Society Young Investigator Session The Microcirculatory Society Mechanisms of Vascular Remodelling: Temporal Events D. Stepp from Stimulus to Structural and Functional Changes Cardiovascular Section and The Microcirculatory Society Monday, April 22, Morning Sessions M. A. Hill and G. Meininger

Physiology InFocus-Translating the Genome: Physiology Cellular Biomechanics in the Lung and Pathophysiology of Obesity: Obesity and Respiration Section Cardiovascular Regulation C. M. Waters A. Mark and J. Hall The Role of Angiotensin and Oxidative Stress in the Physiology InFocus-Translating the Genome: Physiology Development of Hypertension and Pathophysiology of Obesity: Endocrine/Metabolic SEBM Consequences of Obesity J. C. Romero B. Horwitz and B. Kahn Tuesday, April 23, Morning Sessions Physiology InFocus-Translating the Genome: Physiology and Pathophysiology of Obesity: Obesity and Cell-Cell Crosstalk in the Generation of Inflammation Cardiovascular Regulation Cross Sectional A. Mark and J. Hall J. Bhattacharya

Apoptosis and Organ Injury Mechanisms in Hypertension Estrogen: A Potent Neuroprotective Factor Cardiovascular Section and The Microcirculatory Society Endocrinology & Metabolism G. W. Schmid-Schonbein and M. A. Boegehold P. M. Wise

Comparative Models to Understanding Molecular Neural Control of the Cerebral Circulation Mechanisms of Solute Transport Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Comparative Section W. T. Talman G. G. Goss Adaptive Responses of Cardiac Muscle Physiology of Physical Inactivity’s Induction of Chronic MyoBio (Muscle) Group Disorders R. Mestril Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section F. W. Booth and J. Holloszy

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 409 Experimental Biology 2002 April 20-24, 2002 • New Orleans, LA

Disorders of Sodium Transport and Blood Pressure Hypoxia, Ischemia, Na, Ca, and Cytoprotection Regulation Cell & Molecular Physiology Renal Section S. Anderson S. Linas Physiology and Risk Assessment: Predicting Adverse Effects Tuesday, April 23, Afternoon Sessions of New Chemicals on Critical Organ Functions Workshop Career Opportunities in Physiology: Taking the Next Step Liaison with Industry Committee Careers in Physiology Symposium Committee L. B. Kinter and A. S. Bass F. L. Belloni Cyclooxygenase-2 and Renal Function Vascular Consequences of Oxidant Stress Spanish Physiological Society and Renal Section Cross Sectional F. J. Salazar and J. Schnermann B. Pitt and F. Miller Common Brainstem Mechanisms of Cardiovascular and Epithelial Channels: Regulation by Differentiation and Respiratory Control Growth Factors Respiration Section Epithelial Transport Group W.W. (Bill) Blessing and J. M. Wyss J. D. Stockand and S. Rane Mesenchymal-Epithelial Interactions in Lung Development Redox Control of Skeletal Muscle Adaptation and Repair-Are Modeling and Remodeling One and the MyoBio (Muscle) Group Same Process? M. B. Reid and Scott K. Powers Respiration Section J. S. Torday Wednesday, April 24, Morning Sessions Potentiation of the Development of Atherosclerosis by Cardiac Fibroblasts and Heart Failure Diabetes Cardiovascular Section American Federation for Medical Research P. A. Lucchesi and W. Hseuh B. Draznin

Mechanisms of Estrogen Effects on the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Approaches to Enhance Gene Delivery System Biomedical Engineering Society Cardiovascular Section M. Davis D. R. Gross

Public Affairs Symposium “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the IACUC But Were Afraid to Ask” Experimental Biology 2002 Saturday April 20; 1-5 PM Room 213 Convention Center

The quality of the ethical oversight of research involving Co-sponsored by the APS, NIH’s Office of Laboratory humans and animals is under challenge as never before. This , American Society for Pharmacology and symposium will provide useful information about the Experimental Therapeutics, American Society for IACUC process for review of animal research protocols. Nutritional Sciences, American Association of Recommended for both research scientists and IACUC Immunologists, American Association of Anatomists, and members. the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Featured topics include: Biology. · IACUC Function and Responsibilities · Protocol Review Contact Alice Ra’anan at [email protected] to register. · Troubleshooting: Where Do We Go From Here? Resource materials will be provided.

410 The Physiologist Experimental Biology 2002 April 20-24, 2002 • New Orleans, LA

Section-Sponsored Featured Topics Muscle Fatigue Helping Students Understand Physiology Through the Use William Ameredes and Thomas M. Nosek of General Models Formation of Epithelia in the Embryonic Kidney Harold Modell Jonathan Barasch Cardiovascular and Endocrine Control in Mice: Insights Into Epithelial Transport Physiology Gleaned From A Mouse is Not a Small Rat Interactions with Intestinal Pathogens Marianna Morris Kim Barrett Integration of Volume Regulation and Cardiovascular Signal Transduction Mechanisms for O2 Homeostasis Function, an Application of Comparative Physiology Barbara S. Beckman and Nanduri Prabhakar Kenneth Olson Eicosanoids and Fever Physiological Genomics: Disease Gene Therapy Clark M. Blatteis and Wieslaw Kozak M. Ian Phillips and Curt D. Sigmund Energy Metabolism in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Vascular Consequences of Oxidant Stress Marco Cabrera Bruce Pitt and Francis Miller Neural Mechanisms Impacting Sodium Balance and Arterial Cardiovascular Genomics Pressure in Hypertension and Heart Failure Mohan K. Raizada and Kathleen Berecek Heimo Ehmke Oxygen Dependent Signaling in Pulmonary Vascular Molecular Bases of Local Calcium Signaling Smooth Muscle Cell J. Kevin Foskett Usha Raj Regulation of Vascular Tone: Parallel Versus Redundant Orthostatic Tachycardia and Hypotensive Syndromes Control Mechanisms David Robertson Jefferson C. Frisbee Skeletal Muscle Circulation: Neural and Mechanical Applications of Physiological Genomics: The Discovery of Determinants-Wiggers Award Featured Topic Novel Genes for Volume and Pressure Regulation Loring B. Rowell Andrew Greene Chemoreflexes in Health and Disease: Recent Perspectives Physiological Genomics: Transgenic Models and Gene in Cardiovascular Control Regulation Harold Schultz Kenneth W. Gross and Robin L. Davisson Fetal Programming of Post-Natal Cardiovascular Redox Regulation of Vascular Function-Berne Lecture Regulation Featured Topic Jeff Schwartz and Kent Thornburg David Harrison Role of Gap Junction in CO2 Chemoreception and Epithelial Calcium Channels: From Identification to Respiratory Control Physiology and Pathophysiology Irene C. Solomon and Jay B. Dean Matthias Hediger History of Gastric Secretion Interfacing Molecular and Integrative Physiology of the Charles M. Tipton Kidney: Na Transporters and Channels in Complex Dietary Fat: Physiology and Metabolic Consequences Disease Models Patrick Tso Mark Knepper Proteinases: Novel Signaling Molecules in Gastrointestinal Microvascular Regulation in Genetic and Acquired E-NOS Function and Dysfunction Deficiency John L. Wallace Akos Koller Sensory Afferents and Cardiovascular Regulation Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection: Unique Insights From Donna Wang and Steven Mifflin Cardiac, Smooth and Skeletal Muscle Ontogeny of Cardiorespiratory Mechanisms: Donna H. Korzick An Evolutionary Perspective Protein Transport Across Lung Air-Blood Barrier Stephen J. Warburton Asrar B. Malik Emerging Views of Epithelial Chloride Channels Physiological Mechanisms of Neuronal Plasticity in the N.K. Wills and P. Fong Mature Nervous System Which Oxidase is the Most Important in Vascular Signaling? Eve E. Marder and J. Michael Wyss Michael S. Wolin Living at Extreme Temperatures: Genes to Organisms The Sensory Functions of the DEG/ENAC Superfamily of Marina Marjanovic Ion Channels Ventilator Induced Lung Injury: in vivo and in vitro Dale J. Benos and Bruce A. Stanton Mechanisms Cell-Cell Crosstalk in the Generation of Inflammation Michael Matthay Jahar Bhattacharya Membrane Transport Autoinhibitory Domains Translational Research in Preeclampsia and Pregnancy-Induced Mark Milanick Hypertension Raouf A. Khalil and Phyllis August

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 411 Public Affairs

Are You Giving Money to Undermine Medical Research? If you make an unrestricted donation Way. To find your local United Way’s provide more precise, cost-effective, to the Combined Federal Campaign website, go to the search page at and humane answers to human health (CFC) or your local United Way, you http://www.unitedway.org/ questions and educational needs.” might be inadvertently donating to uwsearch/. Then search using the under Currently the two organizations are groups working to promote animal “field of service” using the category working in tandem to undermine the rights groups’ agendas or oppose the “humane concerns–animals” to get a fundraising efforts of charities that sup- use of animals in research. list of the charities eligible to receive port animal research. The CFC (for federal employees) and United Way funds in your area. You can PETA has posted a “do not give” list the United Way are umbrella organiza- get a sense of what an organization is posted on its web site with more than 80 tions that funnel donations to philan- doing by reviewing its mission state- medical research and patient assistance thropic causes. Any nonprofit organiza- ment, newsletter, action alerts, and issue organizations (http://www.peta.org/ tion can apply for inclusion. If you visit briefs. mall/cc/ccchartest.html). The list the website of the CFC or your local Below is a selection of the animal- includes the Red Cross, March of United Way, it is striking to see the wide related charities listed as part of the Dimes, American Cancer Society, St. range of causes represented. What is 2001 Combined Federal Campaign Jude Children’s Research Hospital, even more striking is the fact that some National List: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS of them represent diametrically oppos- • Animal Legal Defense Fund Foundation, Shriners Hospitals for ing approaches to controversial issues. http://www.ALDF.org Crippled Children and the Susan G. With respect to medical research, some • Animal Protection Institute Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. of the organizations raise funds to sup- http://www.api4animals.org Noting that health charities “do have port research on various diseases, while • Animal Welfare Institute relevant and effective projects that help others work actively to oppose the use http://www.awionline.org improve lives,” PETA asserts that agen- of animals in research. • Doris Day Animal Foundation cies sponsoring animal research “drain When you give to a United Way or http://www.ddaf.org money away from these projects and CFC campaign, you have the option to • Humane Society of the United States into cruel experiments on animals” and designate specific charities to receive http://www.hsus.org that these research projects “have no your donations. If you do not designate • practical benefit to anyone.” recipients, your donation will be divid- http://www.idausa.org PCRM has set up a special website at ed among all the participating organiza- • New England Anti-Vivisection Society http://www.charitiesinfo.org with a tions, based upon their proportionate http://www.neavs.org similar list of charities that support ani- share of designated funds from other • People for the Ethical Treatment of mal research, as well as those that do givers. This means that by failing to Animals not. The PCRM site “seeks to promote designate a recipient organization, you http://www.peta-online.org informed giving, advocate higher stan- have no control over where your money • Physicians Committee for dards for ethics and effectiveness in goes. You may well be giving to groups Responsible Medicine health research, and enable the public to working for opposing ends! http://www.pcrm.org make sound, compassionate giving It can be difficult to draw the line • United Animal Nations choices.” It further clarifies its rationale between organizations that promote http://www.uan.org as follows: “Many people do not realize legitimate concern for animal welfare Two controversial organizations that when they donate to a health chari- and groups that strive to undermine included in the CFC are People for the ty, they may be helping to fund disturb- research and other endeavors involving Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) ing experiments that have little to do animals. As a general rule it is always and the Physicians Committee for with helping those in need.” good to know something about a chari- Responsible Medicine (PCRM). PETA The bottom line is that if you don’t ty before giving to it, especially since states on its website that it “operates designate a recipient for your charitable many groups have similar sounding under the simple principle that animals gift, your money may go to organiza- names. Websites are a convenient way are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, tions that oppose medical research. The to get such information. The CFC pro- or use for entertainment.” PCRM’s obvious solution is to designate the vides a list with links to participating website states that it “advocates alterna- charities of your choice when you give! charities at http://www.opm.gov/cfc/. tives to harming animals for education- ❖ Similar links should also be available al or research purposes” on the grounds from the web site of your local United that “alternatives to animal research can

414 The Physiologist Public Affairs

APS Launches New be held on Saturday, April 20 from 1-5 devastating terrorist attacks of PM in Room 213 of the Morial September 11. Nevertheless, progress Legislative Action Center Convention Center in New Orleans. on appropriations was hampered initial- The APS has established a new ACE Committee Chairman John ly by the need to approve new legisla- Legislative Action Center on the web at Stallone will chair the session. tive authorities to meet the threat of http://www.the-aps.org/pub_affairs/ Speakers will include Molly Greene possible further acts of terrorism and leg_act_cntr/index.htm. of the University of Texas Health then by complications ensuing from the This site provides users with up-to- Science Center at San Antonio (UTH- discovery of anthrax on Capitol Hill. date news on issues that affect biomed- SCSA), who will discuss IACUC func- Continuing resolutions were used to ical research. APS Members can also tion and responsibilities. Stallone will keep the government operating through express their support for science fund- discuss protocol review. J.R. Haywood, mid-November while Congress sought ing and animal research issues using the also of UTHSCSA, will give a presenta- to complete its business. However, it “Take Action” option. This option tion entitled, “Troubleshooting: Where seemed increasingly unlikely that leg- involves special software that will assist Do We Go From Here?” Following each islative business could be wrapped up APS members in sending letters to speaker’s presentation there will be an before Thanksgiving. Congress. The first such letter, which is opportunity to pose questions to repre- National Institutes of Health: The now available, expresses thanks to sentatives of NIH’s Office of House approved its Labor-HHS- Representatives and Senators for past Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), Education funding bill on October 11, support of NIH funding and urges that the USDA’s Animal Care unit, and the ratifying the funding levels approved by this support be continued. As issues Association for Assessment and the L-HHS-Education Appropriations arise in the future, the APS Public Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Subcommittee the preceding week. The Affairs Office will post additional let- Care (AAALAC), International. House provided the NIH with $22.9 bil- ters. OLAW, USDA, and AAALAC are the lion in FY 2002 or a 12.8% increase In addition to this grassroots activism major organizations responsible for over FY 2001. Although this sum seems section, visitors to the site will find a oversight and accreditation of animal to be slightly below the 13.6% increase guide to communicating with Congress, research facilities. recommended in the President’s budget, including advice on the most effective This program is co-sponsored by the there was more to it than what meets the ways to get your message across to an American Physiological Society, NIH’s eye. The House bill includes a provision elected official and how to prepare for a Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, that would reduce by $172 million the meeting with a Senator or the American Society for Pharmacology amount of funds that the Secretary of Representative. Other resources include and Experimental Therapeutics, Amer- HHS can transfer out of NIH research to information about animals in research, ican Society for Nutritional Sciences, use for evaluation studies. Since evalua- essays detailing the benefits of biomed- American Association of Immunolo- tion funds come “off the top” of the ical research, and a special section with gists, American Association of Anat- NIH account, the amount available for interesting news and findings. ❖ omists, and Federation of American research under the House bill would be Societies for Experimental Biology. the same as what was proposed by the EB Features IACUC Those who would like to attend this President. The House bill would also Session session should contact Alice Ra’anan at continue to prohibit the use of federal [email protected] to register. Re- funds for research involving human The APS Animal Care and source materials will be provided. embryos but ratified President Bush’s Experimentation (ACE) Committee will Further information is available online decision to permit stem cell research present a symposium at EB 2002 in at http://www.the-aps.org/meetings/ with existing stem cell lines. The com- New Orleans concerning the workings eb2002/abs/pa_stallone.htm. ❖ mittee report accompanying the legisla- of Institutional Animal Care and Use tion states that the embryo research ban Committees (IACUCs). This program Congress Still Working on “should not be construed to limit feder- will provide an overview of the IACUC FY 2002 Funding al support for research involving human process for review of animal research embryonic stem cells listed on an NIH protocols. It is intended to be useful As November approached, Congress registry and carried out in accordance both for research scientists and IACUC continued to labor on funding legisla- with the policy outlined by the members. The symposium, “Everything tion for the FY 2002 fiscal year that President.” You Ever Wanted to Know about the began October 1. Partisan wrangling The Senate version of the Labor- IACUC But Were Afraid to Ask,” will was largely set-aside in the wake of the HHS-Education funding bill was

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 415 Public Affairs brought to the floor during the last week an increase of $300 million or 9.0 per- comes are achieved. of October, but progress was con- cent. The Senate provided only $4.67 Performance-based standards permit strained by amendments addressing a billion for the National Science laboratory animal care staff and large number of contentious issues. The Foundation, an increase of $256 million research scientists to exercise their pro- Senate Appropriations Committee or 5.8 percent. The Senate bill provided fessional judgment, and they also allow approved its version of the bill on $3.51 billion for NSF research, an for innovation. Although Congress may October 11, providing a $3.4 billion increase of $170 million or 5.1 percent. determine that engineering standards increase to keep the NIH on the path to VA Medical Research: The House are an appropriate remedy for problems a five-year doubling. However, the provided $371 million for VA Medical in the pet breeding industry, this Senate increased the amount of funds and Prosthetics Research, an increase of approach may interfere with the ability that HHS would be allowed transfer out $20.28 billion or 5.9 percent over FY of research facilities to provide opti- of the NIH budget from one percent to 2001. The Senate provided $390 mil- mum care for their animals. two percent. lion for VA medical and prosthetics The Puppy Protection Act would also The Appropriations Committee report research, an increase of $39.8 million require “mandatory revocation” of the that accompanied the Senate version of 11.4 percent or over FY 2001. ❖ licenses of animal dealers or exhibitors the bill included a paragraph concern- who commit three or more violations of ing systems and integrated biology. The Bills Would Impose Rigid the AWA within an eight-year period. Committee recommended “increased Standards for Dog However, USDA inspectors cite as support for research and training in “violations” not only serious problems whole systems pharmacology, physiolo- Socialization that could affect animals’ lives or gy, and other integrative biological dis- Bills have been introduced in the health, but also minor technical issues ciplines.” It noted that during the past House and Senate to provide improved that are easily corrected. As currently two decades there has been increased conditions for dogs commercially bred written, the Puppy Protection Act could support for research and training at the as pets. However, this legislation would cause dealers to lose their licenses even cellular and molecular levels but have the unintended consequence of if they have only committed minor, eas- “diminished support for training and interfering with breeding and condition- ily correctable violations of the AWA research in systems and integrated biol- ing dogs for research. that had no bearing on the health and ogy,” which “threatens to slow the rate Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) intro- safety of the animals. at which fundamental discoveries made duced S. 1478, the Puppy Protection The broader impact of the “Puppy at the cellular and subcellular levels are Act of 2001 on October 1. Rep. Edward Protection Act” must be considered, and translated into useful therapies.” The Whitfield (R-KY) introduced a similar its provisions should be revised to Committee also took note of the current bill in the House. The legislation would exempt research facilities and breeders. reorganization of peer review taking amend the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) ❖ place at NIH’s Center for Scientific to require the USDA to promulgate “an Review and expressed the hope that the engineering standard, including a writ- ACLAM Foundation CSR “will ensure that scientists with ten plan of activities, based on the rec- Announces 2001 Awards whole-systems expertise will be repre- ommendations of animal welfare and sented on those panels.” Committee lan- behavior experts, for the socialization The 2002 Request for Proposals for guage is not binding but it is taken as an of dogs to facilitate contact with other the American College of Laboratory expression of congressional interest and dogs and people.” Animal Medicine Foundation concern. Because of the way the bills were (ACLAM) is available on the ACLAM National Science Foundation: written, this provision would also apply web site at http://www.aclam.org. The Funding legislation for the National to research facilities and to dealers who Foundation awards research grants to Science Foundation (NSF) and VA- provide conditioned dogs for research. increase the body of knowledge in labo- Research was also moving toward com- The legislation would impose a set of ratory animal science and medicine. pletion. House and Senate conferees rigid requirements for socialization, in Scientists and laboratory animal veteri- were working to resolve differences in place of the more flexible “perform- narians may apply for grants of up to FY 2002 funding for VA, HUD and ance-based” standards that research $20,000 from the Foundation. The Independent Agencies. facilities currently employ. Perfor- application deadline is February 5, For the NSF, the House provided mance-based standards seek to achieve 2002. $4.84 billion overall, an increase of specific outcomes, in this case, the wel- The ACLAM web site has informa- $414 million or 9.4 percent. This would fare of laboratory animals, but allow tion about past Foundation grants, include $3.64 billion for NSF research, significant latitude in how those out- including the ones awarded this year.

416 The Physiologist Public Affairs

The 2001 grants included the following be posted on the Foundation’s website (R-WI), is intended to allow close mon- topics: at http://www.laskerfoundation.org/ itoring of foreign students by giving • Post-surgical Analgesia in Fish awards/nominate.html. Copies may also broad-based powers to law enforcement • Enhancement of Rodent Health be obtained by contacting David authorities. Specifically, it amends the Monitoring in Ventilated Cage Racks Keegan at 212-286-0222, or via e-mail Illegal Immigration Reform and • Pathogenesis and Transmission of to [email protected]. Com- Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 Enterotropic Mouse Hepatitis Virus pleted nominations must be postmarked that requires full implementation of the • Cloning and Expression of the no later than February 1, 2002. foreign student visa monitoring system Guinea Pig Adenovirus (GPAdV) by January 1, 2003. The act requires the Hexon Gene for Development of President Signs tracking system to integrate information Serology Testing when foreign students enter the country • Validation of Bispectral Index as an Antiterrorism Bill: and further expands the system to cover Indicator of Surgical Anesthetic Could Have Implications educational institutions beyond tradi- Depth in Pigs For Medical Research tional colleges and universities, such as • Measures of Cortical Function in flight schools, language training and Mice Following Cervical Dislocation, On October 26, 2001 President Bush vocational schools. Decapitation and Potassium Chloride signed into law a measure aimed at President Bush also issued a directive Injection. ❖ countering terrorism. Dubbed the charging the Secretary of State and the Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Attorney General to develop a program Lasker Award Nominees Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism to end abuse of student visas. Sought (PATRIOT) Act of 2001, this new meas- Under the President’s October 31 ure grants federal authorities expanded directive, the Departments of State and On October 20, 2001, the Albert and surveillance and intelligence-gathering Justice must establish a visa-monitoring Mary Lasker Foundation announced a powers. However, certain elements program to “provide for tracking the call for nominations for its 2002 Lasker would also affect biomedical research. status of a foreign student who receives Awards. The Foundation will accept One provision of the law deals with a visa, “including whether the student is nominations for its 2002 Albert Lasker the access and use of biological agents. enrolled and in which classes, as well as Medical Research Awards from Under the Act, possession of a biologi- the identification of the source of funds November 1, 2001 until February 1, cal agent, toxin or delivery system is a supporting the education.” They must 2002. Awards are given in three cate- criminal offense except for situations also develop guidelines to include limits gories: basic research, clinical research, “reasonably justified by a prophylactic, on duration of student immigration sta- and special achievements. Lasker protective, bona fide research, or other tus and “strict criteria” for renewal of Awards Jury Chairman Joseph L. peaceful purpose.” But “bona fide” student immigration status. Goldstein would like, in particular, to research is never fully defined. In addition, the directive states that expand the number of nominations for This research exemption was inserted the government will institute measures the clinical research awards. in the Senate version and was preserved to prohibit certain students from receiv- The Lasker Award is sometimes in the final version at the urging of the ing education in “sensitive” areas of called the “American Nobel Prize” academic and scientific community. On study, including those, “with direct because of the distinguished caliber of the Senate floor Senator Patrick Leahy application to the development and use its recipients. The 2001 award ceremo- (D-VT) remarked, “the ‘bona fide’ of weapons of mass destruction.” ny was held September 21, 2001. The research exclusion may yet prove While the President’s directive was Basic Research Award winners were unworkable, unconstitutional, or both.” clear that he wanted to prevent future Mario Capecchi, Martin Evans, and Following the Senate vote on the bill, abuses by foreign individuals studying Oliver Smithies. The Clinical Research Senator Leahy hinted that additional in the US, he also reminded the nation Award went to Robert Evans, and the work might be required to ensure the that the US recognizes the contributions Public Service Award was presented to protections for research laid out in the of international students to the nation's William Foege. More information about bill are properly codified. universities, saying, “they add greatly to the award ceremony and this year’s Another potentially problematic pro- the vitality and quality of our…institu- winners is available on the Lasker vision is the $38 million authorization tions of learning.” Foundation website at http://www. to enable the US to implement an elec- Mr. Bush suggested that those in the laskerfoundation.org/index_flash.html. tronic foreign student tracking system. academic community and other inter- Award nomination forms will be This provision, sponsored by ested parties should be consulted in the available on November 1, 2001 and will Representative James Sensenbrenner development of this directive. ❖

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 417 Positions Available

role of endothelial phenotypes in calci- experiments indicate that E2A can Postdoctoral Positions um signaling, cyclic nucleotide regula- induce multiple cell cycle regulatory tion and lung injury. Fluorescent micro- proteins and promote B cell prolifera- Postdoctoral Fellowship: A postdoc- scopy, cell culture and gene transfer tion (Zhao, et al. 2001. Mol. Cell Biol. toral research fellowship position (two core facilities are available. Recent 21:6346-57). Multiple projects are years) is available at Oregon Health & electrophysiology studies are included planned to utilize this system to charac- Science University to study the neuro- in: Wu et al. J. Biol. Chem. 275:18887- terize E2A function in normal and neo- modulatory effects of repetitive 96, 2000 and Brough et al. FASEB J. plastic B cell development. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 15:1727-38, 2001. The candidate Qualifications: Eligibility for (rTMS) on cortical excitability in should have patch clamp experience appointment requires an advanced patients with Parkinson’s disease. The and knowledge of cell culture methods. degree, PhD, MD, or equivalent. It is research focus is on the integration of Send curriculum vitae and names and the responsibility of the postdoc to cer- basic physiological research with clini- addresses of three references to: Dr. tify that he/she has received his/her cal intervention trials. The laboratory is James C. Parker, Department of degree or has fulfilled the advanced equipped to perform image-guided Physiology, MSB 3024, College of degree requirements before the appoint- TMS. Single, bi- and repetitive magnet- Medicine, University of South ment is processed. Individuals with a ic stimulators are available. The posi- Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688. Tel: 251- background in molecular biology or tion is funded by a grant from NIH. 460-6826, Fax: 251-460-6464, Email: immunology are preferred. Applicants must have received a PhD, [email protected]. Please apply online at http://careers. an MD, or a comparable doctoral chop.edu or fax your resume to 215- degree from an accredited domestic or Postdoctoral Position: The Joseph 590-4644. Please use reference ID 50. foreign institution and be interested in Stokes Jr. Research Institute, part of You may also Email directly to dud- pursuing an academic research career The Children’s Hospital of Philadel- [email protected]. The Children’s involving laboratory-based, clinical phia, has opportunities available to Hospital of Philadelphia is proud to be investigation. Individuals with back- work with the latest technologies and an equal opportunity employer. ground in cortical physiology, motor leading personnel. We have approxi- control and programming in C++ and mately 400,000 square feet of research Postdoctoral Position: A self-motivat- LabView are preferred. The candidate space with funds for additional research ed, organized individual will be a leader will be expected to gain experience in space construction committed, and cur- of academic research in the drug dis- preparing grants during his/her tenure. rently receive approximately $65,000,000/ covery laboratory of a major pharma- Salary is commensurate with experi- year in extramural support. Many his- ceutical company located in the suburbs ence according to NIH stipend levels. torical breakthroughs from Stokes have of Philadelphia. This postdoctoral posi- The fellowship can start immediately. made Children’s Hospital of Philadel- tion, which is based in the Department Send cover letter, curriculum vitae and phia an international pioneer in pedi- of Physiology at Temple University the names of 3 references to: Jau-Shin atric medicine. A postdoctoral position School of Medicine, is immediately Lou, MD, PhD, Human Motor Control is available for a motivated and inde- available. The main research focus is to Laboratory, Dept of Neurology, 3181 pendent individual to study the molecu- study the role of oxygen radicals and SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, CR120, lar mechanisms of normal and neoplas- endothelium-derived factors in the reg- Portland, OR 97201, Phone 503-494- tic B cell development. Laboratory ulation of cardiovascular-renal disease 5236, fax 503-494-0966, or Email to focus is on the basic helix-loop-helix including diabetes mellitus, renal fail- [email protected]. transcription factor E2A that is required ure, and hypertension. The applicant for murine B cell development and is should have a PhD in physiology or Postdoctoral Position: A postdoctoral implicated in human B cell leukemias. pharmacology with experience using in position to study mechanogated ion To study the mechanism, we have estab- vivo techniques. The ideal candidate transport in different endothelial pheno- lished an experimental system for will have good surgical skills, a strong types in the pulmonary circulation and manipulating the E2A activity in an publication record, and excellent com- its role in mechanical stress induced inducible manner. Normal and mutated munication skills. Please send a state- vascular permeability and lung patholo- E2A are expressed in B cells using a ment of research interests, curriculum gy. The recruited candidate will join an novel MSCV/HIV hybrid lentiviral vec- vitae and three references to Irene electrophysiology group in a newly tor that efficiently transduces human Boyle, Temple University, OMS 224, established NIH funded pulmonary vas- hematopietic precursor cells (Choi, et 3420 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA cular biology program emphasizing the al. 2001. Stem Cell 19:236-46). Our 19140. [EOE]

418 The Physiologist Positions Available

Postdoctoral Position: Join one of the experience. See our website for further interest in learning, molecular and cel- leading pediatric research facilities in information about our group: lular techniques to alter and measure the nation. With over $65 million in http://psych.colorado.edu/~lwatkins. gene expression in neurons. Salary is research grants each year, The Contact Linda Watkins, http://psych. commensurate with NIH pay scale. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is a colorado.edu/~lwatkins, Tel: 303-492- Please send cover letter and curriculum pioneer in pediatric medicine. An NIH- 7034, Fax: 303-492-2967, Email: vitae to: Dr. David Wells, Dept. of funded postdoctoral position is avail- [email protected]. MCDB, Box 208103, Yale University, able immediately to study the structural New Haven, CT 06520-8103; basis of glutamate dehydrogenase Postdoctoral Fellowship: A postdoc- [email protected], Fax: 203-432- allosteric regulation. Methods will toral fellowship is available in the 6161. include enzyme expression in E. coli, School of Physiology, University of the site-directed mutagenesis, enzyme Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Postdoctoral fellows/graduate stu- kinetics and protein purification for x- Africa. Requirements: PhD or equiva- dents: Join a leading lab to study the ray crystallography. Ref.: Clin lent level of research or scholarship, in cellular mechanisms underlying either Endocrinol Metab 86:1782-1787, 2001. the past three years, and demonstrable the loss of skeletal muscle function with The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia skills within one of the following aging or the increase in chronic diseases offers competitive salaries, comprehen- research areas of the school: cardiovas- with physical inactivity. Molecular, sive medical/vision/dental/prescription cular pathophysiology, sleep, pain, tem- genomic, proteomic, biochemical, and plans, life insurance, employer contri- perature regulation, fever, ecophysiolo- physiological methods will be em- bution retirement plan, work/life bene- gy, invertebrate metabolism, salt and ployed in a friendly laboratory setting fits, and a firm commitment to staff fluid balance, and exercise physiology. located in one of the top university exer- development and education. Email to Research model: human or animal. Job cise programs (http://www.cvm. [email protected] or apply description: collaboration with staff in a missouri.edu/hac) in the USA. Provide online at: http://careers.chop.edu or Fax research group to develop new research a statement of research interests and your resume to 215-590-4644. You are areas. The School of Physiology of the goals, CV, and names of three refer- also encouraged to send your curricu- University of the Witwatersrand is the ences to Frank W. Booth, PhD at lum vitae and names, addresses, phones largest and most productive physiology [email protected]. and Emails of three references. Use ref- department in Southern Africa. It is well erence ID 50 in all correspondence. equipped and has access to excellent Postdoctoral Fellow: Join one of the [EOE] support facilities. The fellowship has a leading pediatric research facilities in duration of one or two years and can the nation. With over $65 million in Postdoctoral Research Position: start at any time of the year. Interested research grants each year, The Position available immediately at applicants are invited to contact: Prof. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is a Watkins-Maier Behavioral Neurosci- Helen Laburn, Fax: +27-0-11-643- pioneer in pediatric medicine. This ences Lab, Department of Psychology 2765; Email: [email protected]. position requires a Doctoral degree in & Center for Neurosciences, University ac.za molecular biology or cell biology. The of Colorado at Boulder. Research focus- qualified candidate will have a back- es on how peripheral and central Postdoctoral Fellowship: A postdoc- ground in molecular biology and will be immune/glial activation alters pain. toral fellowship is available in the interested in studying the genetic etiol- Present models include immune/glial Department of Molecular, Cellular and ogy of congenital heart disease. Our activation in spinal cord and immune Developmental Biology at Yale work involves the evaluation of candi- activation near a healthy peripheral University. Our lab is interested in date genes and the evaluation of the nerve. Projects are multidisciplinary, synapse formation and plasticity and is functional consequences of identified involving behavior, cell culture, studying the role of dendritic protein mutations. We will also begin to exam- immunohistochemistry, molecular biol- synthesis in these two events. The ine specific developmental pathways as ogy (RT-PCR, RPA, in situ), assays of requirements for the position are a PhD they relate to cardiovascular develop- immune/glial products, etc. Successful and demonstrated expertise in patch- ment. We are working in collaboration candidates will be expert in some of clamp electrophysiology recording. We with developmental biologists. The these techniques and eager to learn oth- use primary neuronal cell culture, as Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia ers. Must be highly motivated individ- well as slice physiology. The successful offers competitive salaries, comprehen- ual who enjoys working with a collabo- candidate will be well-skilled in elec- sive medical/vision/dental/prescription rative group. Salary commensurate with trophysiology with knowledge of, or plans, life insurance, employer contri-

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 419 Positions Available bution retirement plan, work/life bene- Center, 700 South 19th Street, three references should be sent to: fits, and a firm commitment to staff Birmingham, AL 35233. Fax 205-558- M.M. Redfield, MD, Cardiorenal development and education. Apply 4749; Email [email protected]. Laboratory, Guggenheim 9, Mayo online at: http://careers.chop.edu or Fax Application deadline is January 4, Clinic, 200 First Street, SW, Rochester, your resume to 215-590-4644. Use ref- 2002. [AA/EOE] MN 55905. Internet: http://www.mayo erence ID 41 in all correspondence. .edu/research/. [EOE/AA] [EOE] Postdoctoral Training in Cardiovas- cular Research: Both NIH training Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: grant and foundation-supported posi- Research Positions Muscle Research Laboratory, The tions are available. Opportunities exist University of Alabama at Birmingham to study cardiovascular biology and dis- Senior Research Technician III - (UAB) and VA Medical Center The ease in the laboratory of an NIH-funded Molecular Genetics: A position is Birmingham/Atlanta VA Geriatric investigator at the Mayo Clinic in available for individuals interested in Research, Education, and Clinical Rochester, MN. Candidates with an MD developing DNA microarray-based Center (GRECC) Muscle Research or PhD may apply. American citizen- gene expression methods. The responsi- Laboratory and UAB Department of ship or permanent residency is required bilities of this position will include Physiology and Biophysics invite appli- for the NIH training grant positions. high-throughput PCR, RNA sample cations for a postdoctoral fellowship Outstanding foreign applicants with preparation, construction and analysis beginning July 1, 2002. Candidates previous research experience will be of cDNA microarrays. Applicants with interest in age-associated sarcope- considered for foundation-supported should have a BS/MS in molecular nia and exercise interventions are positions. The faculty and research genetics or biology and must have four encouraged to apply. Current studies areas include: J.C. Burnett, Jr., MD, years of work experience. Please send involve: 1) mechanisms of myofiber (the natriuretic peptides and other resume and names and addresses of hypertrophy in response to resistance humoral factors in heart failure and ath- three references to: dudleyn@email. training; 2) atrophic responses to aging, erosclerosis); M.M. Redfield, MD, chop.edu. You may also apply online at detraining, and unloading; and 3) (diastolic heart failure and humoral http://careers.chop.edu or fax your mobility function. Experience with pro- control of ventricular function in hyper- resume to 215-590-4644. [EOE] teomics technology, immunohisto- tension and heart failure); R.D. Simari, chemistry and fluorescence microscopy, MD, (vascular biology and gene trans- Senior Research Technician: Join one Western analysis, tracer infusions for fer for cardiovascular diseases); of the leading pediatric research facili- muscle protein turnover, RT-PCR, Lerman, MD, (endothelial function, ties in the nation. With over $65 million and/or in situ hybridization studies coronary physiology and imaging); in research grants each year, The would be beneficial. We also conduct T.M. Olson, MD, (genetic basis of car- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is a clinical studies of strength, power, diovascular diseases); V.L. Roger, MD, pioneer in pediatric medicine. A posi- endurance, gait, balance, and mobility. (population studies of coronary disease; tion is available for individuals interest- Candidates must have a doctoral degree R.J. Rodeheffer, MD, (epidemiology of ed in developing DNA microarray- with expertise in physiology, cell- heart failure); A. Terzic, MD, PhD, (ion based gene expression methods. The ular/molecular biology, or equivalent channel biology, bioenergetics and responsibilities of this position will and must be committed to the applica- nuclear transport in the heart); V.K. include high-throughput PCR, RNA tion of basic science methods to clinical Somers, MD, PhD, (neurohumoral, vas- sample preparation, and construction research questions requiring interaction cular and metabolic mechanisms link- and analysis of cDNA microarrays. with human subjects. Applicants may ing normal and disordered sleep to car- Applicants should have a BS/MS in apply through the NIA-supported diac and vascular disease). Salary is molecular genetics or biology and must Clinical and Behavioral Gerontology determined by the successful candi- have four years work experience. Training Program at UAB directed by date’s experience. An attractive benefit The Children’s Hospital of Dr. Karlene Ball. Send CV, copy of package is offered. Mayo Clinic Philadelphia offers competitive salaries, graduate school transcript, letter Rochester is a non-profit, physician-led, comprehensive medical/vision/dental/ describing research plans related to clinical practice with education and prescription plans, life insurance, aging, and 3 letters of recommendation research in a unified multi-campus sys- employer contribution retirement plan, to: Dr. Marcas Bamman, UAB tem. Application, including curriculum work/life benefits, and a firm commit- Department of Physiology & vitae and bibliography, summary of past ment to staff development and educa- Biophysics, GRECC/11G, VA Medical accomplishments, and the names of tion. Apply online at: http://careers.

420 The Physiologist Positions Available chop.edu or fax your resume to 215- [email protected]). Information on the mechanisms involved in vascular dys- 590-4644. Use reference ID 50 in all Department of Zoology can be found at function during hypertension, diabetes correspondence. You may also Email http://www.zoo.utoronto.ca. The Uni- and atherosclerosis with an emphasis on your resume directly to dudleyn@ versity of Toronto is strongly commit- the role of reactive oxygen species. The email.chop.edu., or Fax to Vivian G. ted to diversity within its community work will require expertise in theoreti- Cheung, MD, Department of Pediatrics, and especially welcomes applications cal and methodological aspects of vas- at fax number 215-590-3709. [EOE.] from visible minority group members, cular biology utilizing physiology, women, Aboriginal persons, persons pharmacology, genetically-altered Research Chairs, Department of with disabilities, members of sexual mouse models, adenoviral-mediated Zoology, University of Toronto: minority groups, and others who may gene transfer, biochemical and molecu- Outstanding applicants are sought for contribute to the further diversification lar techniques and confocal microscopy. two tenure stream appointments, rank of ideas. Requires a person in this classification open. Evolutionary geneticist, prefer- have the academic knowledge of a dis- ably doing experimental work in popu- Assistant Research Scientist: The cipline generally associated with a lation or quantitative genetics, to bridge Department of Internal Medicine, Doctoral degree, or an equivalent pro- existing strengths in the department in Pulmonary, Critical Care and fessional degree, i.e., MD, DDS, or evolutionary and population biology. Occupational Medicine Division, DVM. In addition, such a person will Experimental neurobiologist, prefer- University of Iowa College of have demonstrated the ability to plan ably working on invertebrate systems Medicine, is seeking an Assistant and execute a research study through using both physiological and molecular Research Scientist to perform basic some progressively responsible inde- genetic approaches. The ideal candidate research related to macrophage biology pendent research work. Desires a PhD would interact profitably with strong and molecular regulation of acute and degree in Pharmacology and/or existing groups in developmental biolo- chronic lung diseases. Requires a per- Physiology; previous research experi- gy and comparative physiology within son in this classification have the aca- ence in the area of vascular biology, the department. There is a large com- demic knowledge of a discipline gener- hypertension and diabetes; in vascular munity of comparative physiologists, ally associated with a Doctoral degree, physiology (particularly experience neurobiologists and developmental or an equivalent professional degree, with murine blood vessels and cerebral biologists at the University, with superb i.e., MD, DDS, or DVM. In addition, circulation), molecular methods, and facilities for functional or comparative such a person will have demonstrated confocal microscopy. Please send genomics/proteomics. We will nomi- the ability to plan and execute a resume and cover letter indicating nate the successful applicants for research study through some progres- #44583 to: Carol Wehby, Human Canada Research Chairs (Tier I or Tier sively responsible independent research Resources, Internal Medicine, E400 II, as appropriate: http://www.chairs.gc. work. A PhD degree in immunology or GH, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA ca). These federally endowed chairs are molecular biology; and postdoctoral 52242-1081. Women and minorities are open to all nationalities. Tier I Chairs research and reasonable (1-3 years) strongly encouraged to apply. are for prominent senior researchers; experience in immunology and molecu- [EOE/AA] Tier II Chairs are for assistant and asso- lar biology is desired. Please send ciate professors with extraordinary resume and cover letter indicating Assistant Research Scientist: The potential. The department plans three #44579 to: Carol Wehby, Human Department of Internal Medicine, additional CRC appointments in com- Resources, Internal Medicine, E400 Pulmonary, Critical Care and parative/evolutionary biology for 2002- GH, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA Occupational Medicine Division is 3. By December 14 2001, candidates 52242-1081. Women and minorities are seeking an Assistant Research Scientist should send a curriculum vitae, state- strongly encouraged to apply. to perform basic or applied research in ments on research and teaching, and [EOE/AA] gene therapy including vector develop- have three recommendation letters sent ment and applications of developed to: Department of Zoology, Evolution- Assistant Research Scientist: The technology in vitro and in vivo. ary Genetics or Neurobiology Search, Department of Internal Medicine, Requires a person in this classification University of Toronto, 25 Harbord St., Cardiovascular Diseases Division, have the academic knowledge of a dis- Toronto, ON. M5S 3G5 Canada. Direct University of Iowa College of cipline generally associated with a queries to: Locke Rowe (Evolutionary Medicine, is seeking an Assistant Doctoral degree, or an equivalent pro- Genetics: [email protected]) or Research Scientist to perform basic fessional degree, i.e., MD, DDS, or Stephen Tobe (Neurobiology: stephen. research to advance knowledge of DVM. In addition, such a person will

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 421 Positions Available have demonstrated the ability to plan MS in biological chemistry and 2-3 of California, Berkeley, seeks a scientist and execute a research study through years experience in assay development who uses an integrative approach to some progressively responsible inde- in a chemistry or biology laboratory is lead a vigorous and innovative research pendent research work. Desires consid- required. Data handling skills, record- program in some aspect of human phys- erable research experience in molecular ing of results experience and computer iology. We seek a colleague to join a biology and virology. Please send techniques are essential. A working department with a strong multidiscipli- resume and cover letter indicating knowledge of the cardiovascular system nary emphasis, and to help the Berkeley #44580 to: Carol Wehby, Human is helpful. Follow your aspirations to campus develop its new Health Resources, Internal Medicine, E400 Abbott for diverse opportunities, com- Sciences Initiative. The ideal candidate GH, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA petitive salaries, great benefits, a 401k will have a strong commitment to main- 52242-1081. Women and minorities are retirement savings plan, a company taining a vital research program, and to strongly encouraged to apply. paid pension plan and profit sharing, as development of undergraduate and [EOE/AA] well as growth and stability to build graduate curricula. The primary teach- your future. For immediate considera- ing responsibility will be in human Research Technician: Join one of the tion, please Email your resume to suc- organ and systems physiology with the leading pediatric research facilities in [email protected] or forward it expectation that courses and seminars in the nation. With over $65 million in to: Abbott Laboratories, P.O. Box the area of specialization will be devel- research grants each year, The 549251, Suite 204, Waltham, MA oped. The position will be filled at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is a 02454-9251. Please include the Ad non-tenured, tenure-track level, starting pioneer in pediatric medicine. A BS Code in your email subject line and on July 1, 2002. Applications, including a Degree is required for this position, all written correspondence. For more curriculum vitae, a list of publications, along with experience in Molecular information, visit our website at reprints of the three most significant and/or Cell Biology. At least 1-2 years www.abbott.com. An EOE, we are publications, a brief statement of experience is preferred. The Children’s committed to employee diversity. research and teaching objectives, and Hospital of Philadelphia offers compet- names and addresses of at least three itive salaries, comprehensive medical/ Pharmacologist/Physiologist: We are referees should be sent to: Chair, vision/dental/prescription plans, life seeking a doctorate level individual Human Physiology Search Committee, insurance, employer contribution retire- with experience in the development and Department of Integrative Biology, ment plan, work/life benefits, and a firm use of in vivo models of cardiovascular 3060 VLSB, University of California at commitment to staff development and disease. The individual will be involved Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140. education. Apply online at: in small and large animal surgical Applications must be postmarked by http://careers.chop.edu or fax your preparations, focusing on measurement December 17, 2001. Early applications resume to 215-590-4644. Use reference of standard hemodynamic parameters are encouraged. The University of ID 41 in all correspondence. [EOE] including blood flow and blood pres- California, Berkeley is an affirmative sure. The position is part of a larger action/equal opportunity employer Cardiovascular Biologist: Ad Code: group of cardiovascular scientists dedi- committed to excellence through diversity. 5588HS/WWW/THAO. In this role, cated to the development of novel you will conduct research activities to chemical entities for the treatment of Perfusionist: A biopharmaceutical characterize drug delivery from cardio- cardiovascular disease. Independent company focused on applying molecu- vascular devices as part of a multi-disci- research and publication of scientific lar cardiology to the discovery and plinary team in cardiovascular systems findings are encouraged. The position is development of novel, small molecule research. The successful candidate will located in new state-of-the-art facilities drugs, seeks to hire a Perfusionist to interact closely with chemical engi- in Collegeville, PA, which provide a work in an animal research environ- neers, polymer chemists and cardiovas- rural campus setting within easy com- ment. This individual will be highly cular biologists to identify the charac- muting distance to major metropolitan motivated and team oriented with at teristics of active compounds required centers. Please Email resume as an least six months experience in industry to address unmet medical needs in a attached Word document to: robin- working with animals. The main activi- drug/device research program. A back- [email protected] or Fax: 484-865- ty will consist of isolated-perfused ground in developing and conducting 9327. hearts and physiological/pharmacologi- novel assays to identify drug interac- cal experiments. As a member of the tions with devices, knowledge of biolo- Human Physiology: The Department department of pharmacology, he/she gy and chemical mechanisms, a BS or of Integrative Biology at the University will interact with members of other

422 The Physiologist Positions Available departments at the company. Responsi- physiology, vascular biology, biochem- expected to develop a nationally recog- bilities will include isolated-perfused istry or biology, a minimum of three nized research laboratory supported by working rat heart and Langendorff heart years experience in research activities extramural funding and to contribute to preparations. Knowledge of physiology in an active cardiovascular program and the teaching and service missions of the and a willingness to work with animals knowledge of the mechanisms associat- department. The large group of cardio- is essential. This individual will be ed with cardiovascular disease states, vascular scientists in the Department working with radioactive isotopes. such as restenosis. A solid record of and in the Center of Excellence in Good lab practices and attention to publication and innovation will be Cardiovascular-Renal Research (CECR) detail are necessary. It is also essential required. Proficiency with data acquisi- offers excellent opportunities for col- that the successful candidate have tion systems and experience in guiding laboration at genomics, molecular, cel- excellent verbal and written communi- a technical scientist in completion of lular, or systems levels of integration. cation skills, be able to trouble shoot, experiments is desirable. For more information, the Physiology think critically and posses good com- Follow your aspirations to Abbott for Department and CECR websites can be puter skills, including spreadsheets and diverse opportunities, competitive accessed at http://phys-main.umsmed word processing knowledge. The salaries, great benefits, a 401k retire- .edu and http://cecr.umsmed.edu, Perfusionist will be expected to main- ment savings plan, a company paid pen- respectively. Applicants should send a tain accurate records, report results and sion plan and profit sharing, as well as curriculum vitae, a statement of provide input for improving the efficacy growth and stability to build your research interests, previous and current and accuracy of company screening future. For immediate consideration, extramural research funding, career efforts. Assistance in the preparation of please Email your resume to suc- goals, and the names of at least three reports and abstracts for company jour- [email protected] or forward it references to Dr. John E. Hall, nals and meetings will also be expected. to: Abbott Laboratories, P.O. Box Department of Physiology and This position is located in Palo Alto, 549251, Suite 204, Waltham, MA Biophysics, University of Mississippi CA. A BS/BA degree is required, as is a 02454-9251. Please include the ad code Medical Center, Jackson, MS 39216- minimum of one year’s experience in your Email subject line and on all 4505. [EOE][M/F/D/V] working with laboratory animals and written correspondence. For more infor- preferred skilled with Langendorff pro- mation, visit our website at Tenure-Eligible Faculty Position: A cedure. This company offers an excel- http://www.abbott.com. [EOE] tenure-eligible faculty position at the lent total compensation package, rank of Assistant Scientist is available including competitive pay and benefits. in the Division of GI/Hepatology, For more information or to be consid- Faculty Positions Indiana University School of Medicine, ered for this position, please contact Indianapolis, IN, which is ranked top Jeannie Vranes at jeannie@setrensmall- Tenure-Track Faculty Positions: 14th nationally in the US News & World berg.com, re-garding 103. Applications are invited for tenure-track Report of 2000. Qualified applicants faculty positions in the Department of must have a PhD with over two years of Cardiovascular Scientist: (Ad Code: Physiology and Biophysics at the postdoctoral research experience. 5587HS/WWW/THAO) While interact- University of Mississippi Medical Competitive compensation and start-up ing closely with chemical engineers and Center. Applicants will be considered package are commensurate with experi- polymer chemists, the successful candi- for ranks of Assistant, Associate, or full ence. Candidates with expertise in ion date will conduct research activities on Professor and must have a PhD and/or transport, membrane trafficking, elec- novel drug candidates for delivery from MD degree with appropriate postdoc- trophysiology, signal transduction, and cardiovascular devices, such as drug toral research experience. Special con- /or molecular biology are preferred. delivery stents, as part of a multi-disci- sideration will be given to candidates Candidates should submit a curriculum plinary team in cardiovascular systems with strong backgrounds in genomics vitae and three letters of recommenda- research. Responsibilities will include and molecular and/or cellular physiolo- tion to: Won Cho, MD, Indiana design of in vitro experiments, with an gy, imaging, and research interests that University, Division of GI/Hepatology emphasis on vascular biology, to study complement existing areas of excel- (111G), 1481 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, drug/device interactions, including lence in cardiovascular, renal, and neu- IN 46202. Tel: 317-554-0000, X4553; determination of the inflammatory roendocrine physiology, or the patho- Email: [email protected]. responses associated with device physiology of kidney disease, hyperten- implantation. Requirements for this sion, obesity, diabetes, and vascular dis- Physiologist. Biology Department, position are a PhD in cardiovascular ease. The successful candidate is University of Pennsylvania. We seek a

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 423 Positions Available physiologist who uses modern performance. By appointment decisive if PhD is not completed). Salary com- approaches (including, but not limited importance will be attached to the mensurate with qualifications. to, state-of-the-art biophysical, genom- applicant’s degree of documented sci- Completed applications must include: ic, imaging, and modeling techniques) entific production at an international 1) cover letter; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) to explore physiological function at level, including research management, one-page statement of teaching goals multiple levels of organization in ani- and teaching qualifications. Deadline and philosophy; 4) three letters of rec- mals. The area of specialty is open. The for applications January 2, 2002 at ommendation; and 5) copy of all under- Biology Department is broad-based 12.00 a.m. Material received after this graduate and graduate transcripts. covering molecular and organismal time will not be taken into account. Applications, supporting materials and function as well as ecology of animals, Further information may be obtained correspondence should be addressed to: plants and microbes. The Penn academ- from the Head of Institute Bodil Animal Physiologist Position, Attn: Dr. ic community has strength in the fol- Nielsen Johannsen, phone: 45-3532 Robert Bell, Chair, Department of lowing potentially relevant areas: 1620; fax: 45-35321600, Email: Biology, University of Wisconsin- Muscle biology, Neurosciences, and [email protected]. This call for Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI Genomics. The candidate will be applications is an extract on which 54481-3897. Phone: 715-346-2074; expected to contribute to teaching ani- applications cannot be based. The full fax: 715-346-3624; email: mal physiology to undergraduates as text can be found on: www.ku.dk/led/ [email protected]. Screening of appli- well as in the area of their own special- stillinger/. cants will begin on November 26, ty. We expect to make the appointment 2001, and continue until position is at the tenure-track Assistant Professor Assistant Professor: The Department filled. [AA/EOE] level, however, exceptional candidates of Biology at the University of could be considered at a higher rank. Wisconsin-Stevens Point is offering a Assistant Professor: The Department Please send CV and summaries of past tenure-track, nine-month faculty posi- of Biological Sciences seeks two assis- accomplishments and future plans in tion in Animal Physiology. The UWSP tant professors, tenure track, in the research and teaching. Candidates at the is a four-year, primarily undergraduate, broad area of Integrative Biology, Assistant Professor level should arrange comprehensive university with an including organismal, developmental, to have three letters of reference sent. emphasis on undergraduate education. and evolutionary biology. The success- Consideration of applications will start Primary responsibility will be under- ful applicants are expected to establish on December 15, 2001. Please address graduate teaching averaging 24 credits vigorous extramurally funded research correspondence to Physiology Search, per year. Teaching includes animal programs involving graduate and under- Biology Dept., Leidy Labs, University physiology, introductory biology, and graduate students and teach in an area of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA seminar. There will be future opportuni- of either physiology or phylogenetics. 19104. Fax 215-898-8780. [AA/EOE] ties to develop a course in area of spe- We are an interactive faculty, commit- Women and minorities are encouraged cialty. Successful candidates will also ted to combining externally funded to apply. be expected to maintain a research pro- research with excellence in teaching. gram, advise students and engage in Our focus is on molecular, cellular, and Professor: At the Institute of Exercise other Department and University serv- genetic approaches to investigate prob- and Sport Sciences, University of ice. Involvement of undergraduates in lems in a diverse range of organisms, Copenhagen, Department of Human research is strongly encouraged. On- and we seek individuals who comple- Physiology, a position as professor in line course descriptions are available at ment and extend these interests. exercise physiology is open to appoint- www.uswp.edu/news/uwspcatalog/cbi- Competitive salary and start-up pack- ment from August 1, 2002, or as soon as ology.htm. Broad training in zoology ages are available. Additional informa- possible thereafter. The position is per- with coursework and dissertation in ani- tion about the department can be found manent and involves research and mal physiology required. PhD pre- at: http://www.science.duq.edu/biology. teaching in physiology and applied ferred, required before tenure decision. To apply, send a cover letter, CV, names exercise physiology. Applicants must Demonstrated ability and commitment and contact information of three refer- have a strong research background in to undergraduate teaching. A successful ences, and statements of research and metabolic or circulatory physiology grant history, publications, teaching teaching goals to Dr. Joseph related to exercise, and should also be experience and mentoring of undergrad- McCormick, Faculty Search Committee qualified in aspects of applied exercise uate research are all desirable. Chair, Department of Biological physiology, such as effects of training, Appointment date is August 27, 2002. Sciences, Duquesne University, environment or nutrition, on human Assistant Professor Biology (Instructor Pittsburgh, PA 15282. Review of appli-

424 The Physiologist Positions Available cations will begin December 10. introductory organismal or human biol- include functional genomics of ion Founded by the Holy Ghost Fathers, ogy, an intermediate physiology course, channel/transporter physiology in Duquesne University is Catholic in mis- and an advanced course in the candi- model organisms (Curr. Biol. 11:161- sion and ecumenical in spirit. The date’s area of specialization. Candidates 70, 2001), structure/function of Na+ University values equality of opportuni- with expertise in the areas of systems and K+ channels (Nature 409:1043-7, ty both as an educational institution and physiology, environmental/ecological 2001), and function/regulation of CNS as an employer. physiology, or endocrinology are of cation-chloride cotransporters (Nat. particular interest. The successful can- Genet. 22:192-5, 1999). Vanderbilt Assistant Professor. School of didate must have a commitment to University offers an outstanding inter- Exercise, Leisure and Sport at Kent teaching excellence, and will be expect- active research environment with state- State University. Tenure-track Assistant ed to develop a research program that of-the art core facilities. Salary and Professor of Exercise Science with involves undergraduates and to compete start-up packages are highly competi- expertise in Exercise Physiology to start for extramural funding. Qualifications tive and commensurate with experience. August 2002, in the School of Exercise, include a PhD and post-doctoral train- Applicants should send a curriculum Leisure and Sport at Kent State ing. Interested individuals should send vitae, representative reprints, the names University. The successful candidate curriculum vitae, a list of undergraduate of three references and a statement of will teach advanced courses in exercise and graduate biology courses complet- research interests and future research physiology, and serve as research and ed, statement of research and teaching plans to: Faculty Search Committee, academic advisor to masters and doc- interests, and three letters of recommen- Anesthesiology Research Division, T- toral students. Required: PhD; post- dation to: Dr. Barbara S. Beltz, 4202 Medical Center North, Nashville, doctoral experience; strong background Department of Biological Sciences, TN 37232-2520. in, and ability to teach Experimental Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA Design and Statistics to undergraduate 02481 ([email protected]). Assistant Professor: The Department and graduate students; and, research Applications will be reviewed as they of Human Biology and Nutritional competency demonstrated by published are received; early application is Sciences at the University of Guelph research in the applicant’s area of spe- encouraged. Wellesley College is an invites applications for a tenure-track cialization. Research interest should Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action position at the Assistant Professor level complement the research of current fac- educational institution and employer; in the area of Biodynamics. Applicants ulty in applications of metabolism and successful candidates must be able to should have a PhD or equivalent with nutrition, cardiovascular and environ- work effectively in a culturally diverse postdoctoral experience in Biomechan- mental physiology, body composition, environment. Applications from ics, Physiology or a related field. The and the interaction of psychological and women, minorities, veterans, and candi- successful candidate’s responsibilities physiological function. For more infor- dates with disabilities are encouraged. will include effective undergraduate mation see http://dept.kent.edu/sels. To teaching in anatomy as well as develop- apply: submit a letter of application, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor: ment of courses in Biomechanics, curriculum vitae, three letters of refer- The Vanderbilt University School of advising on undergraduate projects and ence and five refereed articles that rep- Medicine, Department of Anesthesi- theses, and the development of an exter- resent research focus to: Dr. David ology invites applications for tenure- nally funded research program. Clinical MacLean, School of Exercise, Leisure track faculty positions at the assistant, research experience would be benefi- and Sport, Kent State University, P.O. associate and full professor levels from cial. The Department of Human Box 5190, Kent, OH, 44242-0001. individuals working in the areas of ion Biology and Nutritional Science offers Review of applications will begin channel and transporter physiology and undergraduate BSc programs in Bio- January 14, 2002, and continue until molecular biology. Candidates must Medical Science, Human Kinetics, and the position is filled. Appointment sub- have a PhD and/or MD degree and a Nutritional Sciences that have a total ject to final budget approval. [EOE/AA] record of excellence and innovation in enrollment of 600 students. The depart- research. We seek outstanding scientists ment presently offers MSc and PhD Assistant Professor: The Department who will develop independent, extra- degrees and is firmly committed to of Biological Sciences at Wellesley murally-funded research programs that graduate education. Applications for College has available an entry-level, will contribute to the department’s and this position should include a curricu- tenure-track position in animal systems Vanderbilt University’s rapidly growing lum vitae, 2 representative publications, physiology to begin July 1, 2002. strength in membrane biology. Current documentation of teaching abilities, and Teaching responsibilities would include research interests in the department the names of 3 referees. Applications

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 425 Positions Available will be accepted until the position is Search Committee, Department of Boulder. A description of the depart- filled. Electronic versions of application Physiology, Medical College of ment and the university is available on materials may be submitted on 3.5” Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912-3000. Our our website (http://www.colorado. diskette (PC) in Word Perfect or Email: review of applications will begin on edu/kines). Applicants must have com- [email protected]. Applica-tions or February 1, 2002. Information about pleted postdoctoral training and be able requests for further information should the department can be obtained at: to provide evidence of an ability to be sent to: Chair of the Search www.mcg.edu/SOM/PhyEndo/index. obtain extramural grant support. Committee, Department of Human html. [AA/EOE] Teaching experience is desirable. Send Biology and Nutritional Sciences, a current curriculum vita, three refer- University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Assistant Professor: The division of ence letters, and three recent publica- Canada, N1G, 2W1; Fax: 519-763- Cardiovascular Medicine is seeking tions to the Search Committee, 5902. Review of applications will com- applications for a position as Assistant Department of Kinesiology and Applied mence January 30, 2002. For informa- Professor with expertise in basic Physiology, University of Colorado, tion about the University of Guelph, research in cardiovascular biology. We Boulder 80309-0354. Additional infor- please visit www.uoguelph.ca. All qual- are particularly interested in recruiting mation can be obtained by phone 303- ified candidates encouraged to apply; individuals with strong expertise in 492-3122, fax 303-492-4009, or Email however, Canadians and permanent res- molecular genetics and in murine mod- [email protected]. Review idents will be given priority. This els of cardiac myopathies. Candidates of the applications will begin on appointment is subject to final budget- should have a PhD degree, a clear December 1, 2001 for a start date of ary approval. The University of Guelph record of scientific excellence, and August 15, 2002. The University of is committed to an employment equity must hold or be competitive for external Colorado at Boulder is committed to program that includes special measures research funding. The successful indi- diversity and equality in education and to achieve diversity among its faculty vidual will be expected to have an inde- employment. and staff. We therefore particularly pendent research program and to partic- encourage applications from qualified ipate in teaching of graduate, postgrad- Assistant Professor: The Department aboriginal Canadians, persons with dis- uate and medical students. The Division of Biological Sciences at Ohio abilities, members of visible minorities has related research programs in exer- University seeks to fill three full-time, and women. cise, vascular biology, cardiac metabo- tenure-track positions at the Assistant lism, and cardiac ion channel regula- Professor level beginning Fall, 2002: Assistant, Associate, or Full tion. Send letters, with complete cur- two positions in molecular cell biology Professor: The Medical College of riculum vitae, names and addresses of and one in molecular physiology. We Georgia, a unit of the University System three references to: Ann C. Bonham, seek candidates who use molecular of Georgia, invites applications for PhD, Chair, Cardiovascular Medicine approaches to address fundamental tenure-track positions in the Depart- Faculty Search Committee, c/o Terri questions in cell biology and physiolo- ment of Physiology beginning July 1, Bradley, Division Manger, University gy. A doctorate in cell biology, physiol- 2002 or thereafter. A DVM, MD, or of California, Davis Medical Center, ogy, or a related area, postdoctoral PhD with postdoctoral research experi- Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, research experience, and evidence of ence is required. Successful candidates 4860 Y Street, Suite 2820, Sacramento, scholarly research achievement are are expected to establish active inde- CA 95817. Positions are “Open until required. Candidates are expected to pendent programs of extramurally fund- filled,” but not later than February 28, develop an independent, fundable ed research in the areas that comple- 2002. The University of California is an research program. Strong institutional ment the research strengths and goals of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action research support includes a new, 70,000 the department in cardiovascular physi- Employer. sqare foot Life Sciences building, a ology or neuroscience. Applications are transgenic mouse facility, DNA also expected to have teaching experi- Assistant Professor: Assistant profes- sequencing and hybridoma facilities, ence and be committed to teaching stu- sor in Human Physiology with expertise scanning and transmission electron dents in the schools of medicine, allied in clinical research that must be con- microscopes, a confocal microscope, health sciences and graduate studies. ducted at our General Clinical Research NMR and mass spectrometers, a fluo- For consideration, applicants should Center. Applications are invited for a rimager, and a fluorescence-activated submit a curriculum vitae, a statement tenure-track position in the Department cell sorter. A successful applicant will of research interests and three letters of of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology teach in the area of his or her specialty, reference to: Dr. Ralph C. Kolbeck, at the University of Colorado at contribute to undergraduate courses,

426 The Physiologist Positions Available develop a graduate course, and partic- copy of recent reprints, and arrange to in biomedicine and biotechnology. ipate in development of an upper level have three letters of recommendation Applicants must have a doctoral degree laboratory course. Salary, benefits, and (including comments on teaching abili- in animal physiology, molecular biolo- start-up funds are competitive. Further ty, publications and research potential) gy, or a related field and a record of information about these positions can sent from the referees. All materials research and teaching commensurate be found at http://www.biosci.ohiou. should be addressed to: Professor John with appointment at assistant/associate edu and http://www.cas.ohiou.edu. H. Youson, Chair, Division of Life or full professor rank. We seek candi- Please submit a letter of application, Sciences, University of Toronto at dates with demonstrated skill in under- curriculum vitae, summaries of research Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, graduate teaching that integrates bio- program and teaching interests/philoso- Scarborough, Ontario, MlC lA4. medical and comparative approaches, a phy, and the names, postal addresses, Closing date for applications is record of research appropriate for Email addresses, and phone numbers of January 30, 2002. Salary will be com- undergraduate participation, and evi- three references to Don Holzschu (Cell mensurate with qualifications. The dence of mentoring women and minori- Biology applicants) or Ralph DiCaprio position will be effective July 1, 2002. ty students in biology and supervising (Physiology applicants), Department of The University of Toronto is strongly community-based activities that incor- Biological Sciences, Ohio University, committed to diversity within its com- porate undergraduate students. Irvine Hall, Athens, OH 45701-2979. munity and especially welcomes appli- Send 1) a letter of application that Review of applications will begin on cations from visible minority group specifies the position for which you are December 3, 2001. Women and minori- members, women, Aboriginal persons, applying and includes a description of ties are especially encouraged to apply. persons with disabilities, members of your professional background and [EOE/AA]. sexual minority groups, and others who goals, 2) a statement of teaching philos- may contribute to the further diversifi- ophy and experience, 3) a description of Assistant Professor: The Division of cation of ideas. current and future research plans that Life Sciences at the University of emphasizes participation by undergrad- Toronto at Scarborough seeks a candi- Full/Associate/Assistant Professor uates, 4) a curriculum vitae with Email date for a new position in Vertebrate Molecular Biology and Animal address, and 5) the names, addresses, Biology. This is a tenure-stream posi- Physiology: 2 positions. Starting date telephone numbers, and Email address- tion at the level of Assistant Professor. August 16, 2002. Molecular Biology: es of three references to Chair, Applicants must have a PhD (or equiva- Teach undergraduate courses in molec- Department of Life Sciences, College lent), and preferably some postdoctoral ular and cell biology (such as biochem- of Arts & Sciences, attn: Brian experience. The successful candidate istry, cell biology, genetics, molecular Richardson, Mail Code 3051, Arizona will be provided with significant start- genetics, microbiology, and introducto- State University West, PO Box 37100, up funds, and will be expected to secure ry biology) that integrate biomedical Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Review of external research support and to estab- and comparative perspectives. Physiol- applications will begin October 29, lish an active research laboratory with ogy: Teach undergraduate courses in 2001 and every second Monday there- graduate students. The primary teaching animal and human physiology and after until the positions are filled. responsibility will be in Human related areas such as anatomy and intro- [AA/EO] Physiology and Anatomy and is part of ductory biology that integrate biomed- a standard teaching load of 1.5 full ical and comparative perspectives. In Assistant Professor: The University of course equivalents per year. This and addition the successful candidates will Colorado at Denver seeks a tenure-track other courses will contribute to a pro- be expected to develop externally-fund- assistant professor of animal physiolo- posed new program in Human Biology ed research programs that include gy PhD physiologist to begin August and to the major and specialist program undergraduates, develop and supervise 12, 2002 (PhD in hand by this date). We in Biological Sciences. For information community-based activities that include will begin review on December 15, on research and teaching strengths in undergraduates, such as internships and 2001. Send 1) a letter of application, 2) the Division, please consult the research collaborations, participate in a current curriculum vitae, 3) a state- Divisional website: http://www.utsc. academic year and summer programs ment of teaching goals, 4) a statement utoronto.ca/~lifesci/index.html. that recruit and retain students from of research goals, and 5) three recom- Interested applicants should submit a groups historically underrepresented in mendation letters to: Dr. Brad Stith, complete curriculum vitae (that should biology, and provide academic and University of Colorado-Denver, Phys- include individual statements of career advising for undergraduate stu- iology Search Committee, Biology (CB research and teaching interests) and a dents, especially those seeking careers 171), PO Box 173364, Denver, CO

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 427 Positions Available

80217-3364. For more information, see: preferred. Send letter of application, pharmacy students. The position also http://carbon.cudenver.edu/public/biol- curriculum vitae, statements of profes- provides an opportunity to teach first- ogy. With about 500 undergraduate and sional goals and research/teaching year medical and nursing students, and 25 Master’s students, the Biology philosophies, copies of academic tran- to teach and direct graduate students in department offers undergraduate and scripts, two recent publications, and the Neuroscience Program and other Master’s level degrees. Teaching (two three letters of reference by December interdisciplinary graduate programs. courses per semester) will include 1, 2001, to: Dr. Benjamin Timson, Send a letter explaining your research human physiology, courses in your area Department of Biomedical Sciences, interests, vitae, representative publica- of expertise (such as comparative, eco- Southwest Missouri State University, tions, and three letters of recommenda- logical, or environmental physiology) 901 S. National, Springfield, MO tion to: Search Committee, Cardiovas- and supervision of research students. 65804-0094. Detailed position informa- cular Pharmacology, School of Phar- Applicants should have demonstrated tion available on website: macy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, interest in undergraduate teaching, and http://www.smsu.edu/contrib/bms/bio- WY 82071. Review of applications will be enthusiastic about establishing an med.html. [AA/EOE] begin December 1, 2001 and continue independent research program suitable until the position is filled. [AA/EEO] for undergraduate and Master’s student Assistant Professor: The School of participation. Postdoctoral research and Pharmacy invites applications for a Chairperson: Department of prior teaching experience are highly tenure-track faculty position at the level Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. desirable qualifications. The University of assistant professor of pharmacology. The Medical College of Georgia is of Colorado-Denver is located in an his- We seek an individual who employs seeking a prominent biochemist/molec- toric section of downtown Denver and molecular or cellular approaches to ular biologist to be the next Chair of the has been selected as one of the “200 study the regulation of cardiovascular Department of Biochemistry and best colleges for the real world” by function in normal or disease states. Molecular Biology. The ideal candidate Octameron Associates. [EEO/M/W/D/V]. The successful applicant is expected to would have a PhD, MD, or MD/PhD The University of Colorado at Denver is develop an externally-funded research degree in a relevant field, an interna- an equal opportunity employer and edu- program that compliments existing tionally recognized research program, cator committed to excellence through areas of research: gene analysis of heart and a sustained record of peer-reviewed inclusiveness. The Colorado Open and brain after myocardial infarction, funding. The Chair will provide intel- Records Act (C.R.S. 24-72-204) re- neural systems controlling blood pres- lectual leadership and direction for the quires a written request for confidential- sure, hypoxia sensing mechanisms, and Department, interact with other basic ity at the time of application. Applica- dietary salt effects on blood pressure and clinical departments/institutes/-pro- tions without a written request for con- regulation. Qualifications: must have a grams on campus and elsewhere within fidentiality may be required to be dis- PhD (or equivalent) and postdoctoral the University System of Georgia, and closed. experience, and demonstrated expertise maintain a strong research and educa- in the use of cellular/molecular tional program. Cutting-edge research Assistant Professor: The Biomedical approaches to study cardiovascular facilities exist within the department Sciences Department at Southwest function. Approaches might include, and elsewhere on the MCG campus. Missouri State University invites appli- but are not limited to, the use of trans- Resources are available for develop- cations for a tenure-track assistant pro- genic and/or knockout animals in which ment of the department and recruitment fessor position beginning August 12, genes are inactivated or substituted to of additional faculty. The department 2002, to teach courses in human physi- provide information about CNS control has a PhD program and participates in a ology, neurobiology, and introductory of cardiovascular function; molecular newly established combined admissions human biology. Evidence of recent pharmacology of receptor systems in process administered by the School of extramural research funding preferred. brain, heart, or vasculature and the Graduate Studies. The department also Earned PhD, substantive teaching expe- effects of cardiovascular pathology on participates in the system wide riences, excellence in teaching effec- receptor structure and function, DNA MD/PhD program. Regular and adjoint tiveness at the university level, and microarray technology to study cardio- faculty have current combined extramu- development of an independent re- vascular function. The successful candi- ral support of approximately $4 million search program involving undergradu- date will be expected to be a member of per year. Priority will be given to a can- ate/graduate students required. Post- the NIH-funded Cardiovascular Center didate who will bring innovative bio- doctoral research experience and strong of Biomedical Research Excellence and chemical and molecular approaches to background in laboratory techniques contribute to teaching pharmacology to bear in one of the scientific areas that

428 The Physiologist Positions Available have been identified as having signifi- cant strengths at MCG. These include, Advertise your job vacancy to over among others, developmental biology, 10,000 members and subscribers! neuroscience, gene regulation, epithe- lial cell biology, cardiovascular biology, cancer biology, sickle cell disease and Ads are accepted for either positions (http://www.the-aps.org/careers/car_ hematopoiesis, and vision research. available or positions wanted under all pos_avail.htm), the following items The applicant should send a letter of categories. The charge is only $75. All are needed: a copy of the ad, the name application with a curriculum vitae to: ads are also posted on the APS Career of a contact person, and either a pur- R. Clinton Webb, PhD, Chair, Opportunity Web page immediately chase order number, credit card num- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology upon receipt until the deadline has ber (with expiration date and name of Search Committee, Department of past. cardholder), or billing address. Send Physiology, Medical College of If you would like to have your ad the information to Linda Comley Georgia, Augusta, Georgia 30912. listed in The Physiologist or on the (Email: [email protected]; phone: Electronic applications should be sub- APS Career Opportunities Web page 301-530-7165; fax: 301-571-8305). mitted to the following Email address: [email protected]. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2001. The Medical College of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities, and the disabled are encouraged to apply. (ACH# 37909; E-02171488).

APS to Sponsor 2002 Mass Media Fellowship For the fourth consecutive year, APS fellowship includes travel to on both web sites. will sponsor an American Association Washington for orientation and evalua- In addition to the application form, for the Advancement of Science tion sessions at the beginning and end applicants must submit a current (AAAS) Mass Media Science and of the summer, as well as travel to the résumé, a three- to five-page sample of Engineering Fellow for summer 2002. job site and a weekly stipend based writing directed to the general public, Applications are due to the AAAS by upon local cost of living. transcripts of graduate and undergrad- January 15, 2002. Individuals must be currently uate work, and three letters of recom- The APS-sponsored fellow will be enrolled as a graduate or postgraduate mendation. Two of the recommenda- one of approximately two dozen student of physiology or a related dis- tion letters should be from faculty AAAS Mass Media fellows who will cipline to apply for the APS fellow- members, and the third should be a spend 10 weeks during the summer ship. The application form is available personal reference. The selection working in the newsrooms of newspa- in the “Awards for Students” section of process is designed to seek out quali- pers, magazines, Internet news outlets, the APS website at http://www.the- fied candidates especially from under- or radio or television stations. Fellows aps.org/awards/awd_student.htm#AA represented communities, including will receive a short training course in AS. Additional fellowships are avail- African-Americans, Hispanics, Native science journalism prior to the fellow- able for students in other scientific and Americans, and scientists with disabil- ship, and will spend the summer devel- engineering disciplines. Information ities. oping their ability to communicate about the program is posted on the The application deadline is January complex scientific issues to non-scien- AAAS Education and Human 15, 2002. For more information or to tists and improving public understand- Resources Directorate website at receive a copy by mail, contact Alice ing of science. The AAAS arranges http://ehrweb.aaas.org/ehr/3_4_0.htm. Ra’anan in the APS Office of Public placements at participating media out- A brochure with additional informa- Affairs. (Telephone: 301-530-7105; e- let as part of the selection process. The tion about the program is also posted mail: [email protected].)

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 429 News From Senior Physiologists

Letters to Eugene Renkin efforts, The History of Stimulation and Silvio Weidmann writes: “I felt rather Electrotherapy, was a monograph pub- proud to get a hand-written birthday let- lished by the APS.” ter by a winner of the 1985 Wiggers Memorial Award. This brought my Björn Folkow writes: “Thanks for let- thoughts back to 1955 when in connec- ter of June 25. It found me in good tion with a seminar I had given in health yesterday, after three weeks in Cleveland, Carl Wiggers invited me for our hut in Vrådal, Telemark, Norway, where we since 40-or-so-years spend a drink to his house and to the World the equipment etc., to Dr. George summers and occasional Easter holi- Exhibition in Brussels, 1958, which we Cooper, who has a very active research days. Land and seascape excellent, fish- had visited together. program at MUSC in Charleston, SC. ing good, mountain hikes, too, with, so “Having reached 80 years of age, my “I am currently continuing to partici- far, no confrontations with bears (who laboratory activities are down to zero. pate in a number of clinical research visited ‘our’ island two years ago). We Thanks to the benevolence of my col- projects and am actively involved in will return there for another three weeks leagues I still have a desk and, equally mentoring the Cardiology fellows. in early August then for berry and important, a parking space in front of “Finally, and most important, I’m mushroom picking, and to raise hell for my former institute. In fact, my interests having a good time.” in Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology occasional trouts. has come down to listening to about one “Still ‘active,’ though hardly in phys- talk per week, to seep through the Letters to Douglas G. Stuart ically-exploring-rats-or-cats, but trying abstracts of some preferred journals and L. A. Geddes writes: “Thank you for to ‘link-up the many loose ends’ that to have lunch once in awhile with one or the 80th birthday card and letter. In one has around after by now 58 years in the other of my former co-workers. response to your letter that inquired physiology, i.e., trying to make sense of Taking part in meetings outside Bern about my activities, I am pleased to diverse findings by going from analy- has become impracticable since my leg offer the following. sis-reductionism over to synthesis-inte- muscles refuse to let me climb a railway “In 1991 I had to retire because of gration (which, after all, is our occupa- coach. Also, my kidneys have deterio- Purdue University regulations. tion’s perhaps most important part, rated; dialysis twice a week helps to a However, I have been quite active in my when all other branches concentrate on certain extent. Much of my remaining 10 years of ‘retirement.’ I created and finding new building bricks that heap up time is now filled by amateur radio (on taught two new courses (Medical as time goes by). Also teaching stu- the air since 1938, call sign HB9DI). Device Accidents and Bioelectrodes), dents, when it comes to such aspects as “Now my possible advice to junior and I teach in one other course ‘physiology of aging’ (one has to expe- physiologists: make efforts to get away (Problems in the Measurement of rience itself to be a real expert), the bio- from your home university for a few Physiological Events). logical mechanisms behind so-called years, to work in different surroundings. “Since 1991 I have published 109 sci- stress disorders, exercise physiology, This will fasten your independence entific and conference papers, three and so on, i.e., themes where one must when eventually returning, profession- books, eight book chapters and have operate with several balls in the air at ally, as well as in your family. It will been issued eight US patents. the same time. So far the students have also widen your circle of acquaintances, “Long before I ‘retired,’ I became an not thrown me out, but that day will and, thus, facilitate contacts at a later Expert Witness, specialized in medical sure enough come. stage of your career.” device accidents and patent infringe- “I have an office in the department, ment. I am a Board Diplomate of the and am the only one still using an old Joseph C. Greenfield writes: “I apolo- National Academy of Forensic fine IBM typewriter (not stoneage-vari- gize for not answering your letter earlier. Engineers with the rank of Fellow. ant but one run by electricity, mind you) “At any rate, I’m doing fine. My 70th “Since ‘retirement,’ I have had six and using it just now. I had just a sur- birthday ended my tenure as a clinician grants awarded and graduated four MS vey-article out of Scand. Cardiovascu- at Duke; however, I have maintained my and PhD students. At present, I have lar Journal, named ‘Mental stress and James B. Duke Professorship and have one PhD student and two ongoing its importance for cardiovascular disor- transferred my clinical activities to the research projects. I have two grant ders; physiological aspects, from-mice- Durham Veterans Administration applications in review. to-man.’ At least the editor said that he Hospital. “My hobby has always been the his- was very pleased and I am, so far at “In December 1998, I closed my tory of science. I continue research and least, not displeased over it, which per- research laboratory, transferring most of publishing in this area. One of my haps tells more about my mind that

430 The Physiologist News From Senior Physiologists about the quality of the article. Anyhow, grated physiology is more important APS affairs soonest! I am busy, and am confronted by a that ever because if there is no one “On whereabouts: My wife (she September 30 deadline for an article to around knowing how to put the bits retired as Chair of pathology at the Handbook of Hypertension,which together, biomedicine will end up as Philippine Heart Center) and I have already now disturbs my sleep, but I try heaps of sophisticated bricks, with no been empty-nesting in Quezon City to get going. one around to make a functional build- (Manila suburb) since 1987. We hope to “Otherwise I am in good physical ing out of it. continue our yearly trips to visit seven shape, enjoy outdoor life, hiking, fish- “Thus, courage, and enjoy your grandchildren, all in the US. And two of ing, running, rowing, and in terms, play work.” them are in Oceanside, CA! Grandchil- indoor-soccer, where the two teams dren are the best excuse for travel. Of have an average age of 68.5 years, but Letter to Novera Herbert Spector our five children, only one lives here. their mental-emotional age, while play- Juan E. Quejada writes: “The feature He is a secular priest. The only other ing, is about 8.5 years. I know, because ‘News From Senior Physiologists’ in unmarried child is a third-year fellow in I am also the referee of the games and, The Physiologist is very inspiring. I hematology-oncology at Loyola in as such, exposed to the wildest abuses often wondered what I could share Chicago. of temperaments from ordinarily solid- when my turn comes. And now your “On interests: I ‘tinker’ with personal old-pensioners. It takes a special talent most pleasant letter. computers, ie, repair. Five years ago I to be both referee and active-player, but “What am I doing now? Twice a completed a US-based correspondence it has the advantage that all goals that I month I continue my volunteer service course in PC servicing. Discarded PCs happen to make are always accepted. I at the hospital to monitor the ongoing are made serviceable for use by children am home for a stint of work, and allow- longitudinal study on craniofacial and in low-income communities to learn ing our five children and their families dentitional growth and development. computer basics.” to also use said Norwegian hut, while We are on the third year of a 10-year lake waters are warm and pleasant. project to develop norms for Filipino Letter to Edgar Folk Also preparing for participation in the children. The information will be useful Jacques Leblanc writes: “The years are 16th World Congress of Psychosomatic in preventive and interceptive orthodon- urging somewhat, but I continue to Medicine, which will be held here in tics. Yesterday I was replaced as co- advance at my own pace still dreaming Göteborg at the end of August, and chair of the hospital’s Institutional of tomorrows filled with enchantment where my retired but very active friend Review Board. I continue to serve as and serenity. After 55 years I am still and professor in Internal Medicine, Per volunteer orthodontic consultant in a active in research and presently I am Björntorp, and I, will try to run a sym- private Craniofacial Center Foundation. happily engaged in a sponsored project posium on ‘Stress and genetics in the We started as a Cleft Lip and Palate dealing with ‘Individual Variations in pathophysiology of primary hyperten- Center in 1988 in a charity hospital. Response to Stress.’ I am still part of the sion and the Metabolic Syndrome.’ Some unique findings are: clefts of the Department of Physiology at Laval Thus, quite a lot to do, but 50 percent of lips/palate occur in 1:400 live births; University, but without teaching respon- this depends on the well-known fact prevalence in twins and parent/child; sibility. This leaves me with spare time that the cerebral computer inherently anterior meningoceles are more com- to enjoy a hobby that I have pursued for gets sluggish along with use and years, mon than posterior type usually found a long time. During that period my which is experienced as if all clocks in a Caucasian population. activities sometimes alternated between have doubled their speed in completing “On scientific or other writing: painting and doing research and I found an hour. I, at an occasion like this, also Limited to periodic reports on the satisfaction doing either one. It was want to send my best and warmest research project. The poet William usually much easier to obtain results regards to other ‘old-timers’ friends in Cullen Bryant’s Thanatopsis ever in my with painting, but will they be remem- the US domain, like John mind, without feeling morbid, but as a bered for as long as those obtained in Pappenheimer, David Bohr, Paul motivation to keep the ‘computer’ research? I have some doubt. I also Johnson, Ralph Sonnenschein, Gene between my ears active, I am collecting enjoy playing bridge, golfing, , Renkin, Stevo Julius, Bill Manger, spiritual anecdotes. I hope to compile a and gardening. Gabriel Pinter, John Shepherd, Arthur year-long daily spiritual reading as “Above all I have the company of my Guyton, James J. Smith, and many oth- ‘food for the soul.’ wife Jeannine and of my loving family. ers, though then of later vintages that “On words of wisdom to pass: ‘As As you can see, I am a full-time retired with time may well outmatch those you go up the ladder, remember those physiologist and as the saying goes, around 1920 (± 5 years). Remember, in you pass for you will meet them again ‘tomorrow is another day.’” ❖ these days of molecular biology, inte- when you come down.’ Get active in

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 431 Book Reviews

Essentials of Exercise tion about pertinent journals, web sites, chapter devoted to discussion of scien- the metric system and conversion fac- tific method. Such inclusion may be Physiology Plus Student tors and metabolic computations. New important for enlightening students, Study Guide and to the second edition are chapters on the most of whom will never engage in Workbook origins of exercise physiology and clin- research. Nevertheless this perspective, ical exercise physiology for health relat- if emphasized by an instructor, should William D. McCardle ed professionals. All told there are 21 assist perpetuating understanding of the Frank I. Katch chapters in the six sections with the scientific approach—something that is Victor L. Katch largest number of chapters (eight) in the frequently neglected in developing an Philadephia section on nutrition and energy transfer. informed citizenry. Lippincott Williams and Wilkens, Thus, an important emphasis through- Coverage of systems physiology as 2000, 697 pp., illus., index, $53.95 out is nutritional science. The topics influenced by exercise is adequate and Workbook, 475 pp covered in each chapter are clearly well-illustrated, as is the impact of reg- ISBN: 0-683-30507-7 identified in a prominent listing at the ular exercise and training. Emphasis on beginning. Selected references are pro- body composition goes beyond the The extensive text plus a Student vided that cover aspects of chapter con- identification of components of body Guide and Workbook is ostensibly tent. Color pervades the book, including composition as useful references for devoted to revealing the authors’ pas- many of the illustrations. In regard to physiological variables, i.e., fat-free sion for the science behind exercise the illustrations, the source of the con- body weight, skeletal muscle mass, etc. physiology. Their focus is devoted to tained information is not always appar- Body composition as related to health “understanding the inter-relationships ent and appropriate references are problems is emphasized, e.g., weight among energy intake energy production sometimes omitted. control and obesity. Absent from the during exercise, and physiologic sys- With respect to the text in comparison book are newer emphases that have per- tems that support physical activity and to the several other books available to vaded recent investigations, such as training responsiveness.” Although not those teaching exercise physiology, genetic impacts and microbiological specified, presumably the book and coverage that includes extensive nutri- issues. Nor is exercise covered as effect- guide are intended for upper level tional information and clinical aspects ing physiological adjustments in outer undergraduate or an initial level gradu- from health related professionals may space and the protection that occurs. ate course in exercise physiology. turn selection to books with more limit- In summary, the wide coverage may However, others working in the field or ed coverage and more emphasis on the appeal to some and the authors have who are investigating basic knowledge impact of exercise on the organism. improved and brought their contribution for clinical or other purposes could well Somehow, the basic underpinnings of more up-to-date than their earlier ver- profit from reviewing pertinent por- physiology as exemplified by the work sion. Thus, the book will provide use- tions. of those associated with the American ful, informative and stimulating infor- Division of the text is in sections Physiological Society have to some mation for the students who study its which are: I) Introduction to Exercise extent been underplayed. For example, offerings. Utilization of the supplemen- Physiology; II) Nutrition and Energy on page 24 the statement made that, tal study guide and workbook should Transfer; III) The Physiologic Support “Exercise has emerged as a field sepa- also enhance the students’ knowledge Systems; IV) Exercise Training and rate from physiology” can hardly be by focusing on the essential points of Adaptation in Functional Capacity; V). supported. In addition, a listing of the emphasis in the various chapters. Factors Affecting Physiological Func- organizations devoted to exercise phys- tion, Energy Transfer, and Exercise iology does not include APS, nor is APS Performance; VI). Optimizing Body listed in the appendix as having a useful Composition, Aging and Health Related web site. Elsworth R. Buskirk Exercise Benefits. Seven appendices An interesting feature is a portion of a Penn State University supplement the text, providing informa-

432 The Physiologist Book Reviews

Noninvasive Positive well described in textbooks providing regarding the use of NPPV. It is to their overviews of respiratory care. credit that the authors and editor are Pressure Ventilation: Practitioners are then required to search quick to point out and qualify state- Principles and through multiple sources of information ments regarding the use of NPPV where Applications (e.g., general publications, scientific information is scanty, or not supported meetings, personal experience, personal by randomized, controlled trial data. Nicholas S. Hill, (Editor). Amonk, NY: communication, etc.) which sometimes The textbook’s strength is its compre- Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 2000, fail to provide substantial information hensive nature, practical suggestions, 256 pp., illus., index, $70.00 in a comprehensive and organized man- and easy to read format. Its weaknesses, ISBN: 0-87993-459-X ner. This textbook, one of the first total- however, are that it is unnecessarily ly devoted to NPPV, provides a practi- redundant on some issues, such as the Noninvasive mechanical ventilation, cal, useful and comprehensive guide to choice of interface or ventilator set- especially noninvasive positive pressure the pitfalls and practices of NPPV ther- tings, monitoring of NPPV and inclu- ventilation, has had a major impact in apy. sion and exclusion criteria, which, in the care of patients presenting with The editor, Dr. Hill, is a well-known most cases, is extremely similar, if not acute or chronic respiratory failure over and respected international authority in identical, across different patient the past two decades. Most recently, the development and scientific applica- groups. The physiological effects of noninvasive positive pressure ventila- tion of NPPV. He has incorporated as noninvasive positive pressure ventila- tion (NPPV) has been found valuable in co-authors other well-known experts tion on gas exchange, work of breath- decreasing the need for endotracheal with a heavy international flavor. This ing, and electrical activation of the res- intubation and mechanical ventilation in textbook provides a more global picture piratory muscles also are not dealt with patients who present with COPD exac- of NPPV which serves to broaden the in any significant detail. A comprehen- erbation and development of acute res- application of this technology to differ- sive review of the pathophysiologic piratory failure. Moreover, there has ent patient groups. effects of NPPV would have been a been a marked increase in the prescrip- Overall, the textbook is comprehen- welcome addition to the textbook. tion of domiciliary ventilation in the sive, well-written, and easy to read. It Nonetheless, the textbook stands as a United States over the past decade, and offers evidence-based medicine to sup- practical guide to the practitioners of nearly 50% of that growth can be attrib- port the application of NPPV in differ- NPPV, and up-to-date, comprehensive uted to NPPV in the home setting. As ent patient groups and in different clini- and easy to understand clinical textbook with the development of new therapies, cal scenarios. In areas where evidence- describing the implementation and use application of NPPV is broadening based medicine does not exist to sup- of NPPV. before the technique has been thorough- port its application, the authors offer Gerard J. Criner ly studied or before the technique is personal experience or expert opinion Temple Lung Center

Rome II: The Functional requires a new fresh appraisal to func- Views as to the pathogenesis, diagno- tional gastrointestinal disorders. In the Gastrointestinal Disorders sis and treatment of functional gastroin- past, a patient presenting with symp- Diagnosis, testinal disorders have undergone many toms suggesting a gastrointestinal ori- Pathophysiology and changes during the last century. An gin was studied with the aim of finding approach to these disorders from con- the structural changes or disease Treatment A ceptual and clinical points of view has process causing the symptoms. When Multinational Consensus. been hampered by a paucity of under- no anatomic or pathologic changes 2nd Edition Douglas A. Drossman, standing how the functions of gastroin- were found the patients' disorder was Enrico Corazziari, Nicholas J. Talley, testinal tract are organized and con- considered “functional” which to many W. Grant Thompson, William E. trolled by the enteric nervous system. In meant that it was a psychological rather Whitehead (Editors). addition, the pathways through which than medical disorder . McLean, VA: Degnon Associates, the central nervous system modulates This book, The Functional 2000, 764 pp., illus., index, $79.95 this control as well as the sensory path- Gastrointestinal Disorders, is the prod- ISBN: 0-9656837-2-9. ways involved are only beginning to be uct of the Rome II project, a four-year unraveled. This new and clearer view endeavor by a coordinating committee

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 433 Book Review and over 50 international investigators. tem, properties of enteric smooth mus- design of treatment trial presents an It is a continuation of the Rome I proj- cles, immuno-neural communication, orderly approach to trial design empha- ect, an effort to define and categorize sensory neurophysiology of digestive sis on defining population to be studied, functional gastrointestinal disorders tract and how abnormal central process- use of placebo and/or control group analogous to efforts, which led to diag- ing of sensory signals may contribute to data, data collection and analysis, and nostic criteria in psychiatry (DNSIII) the clinical manifestations of functional outcome definition. This book, the cul- and rheumatology (ARA criteria). gastrointestinal disease. mination of the work of the Rome II The book covers topics ranging from The chapter on applied neurogas- project. is a consensus statement neurogastroenterology to psychosocial troenterology focuses on studies of emphasizing standard characterization aspects of functional gastrointestinal altered motility patterns and sensorimo- of functional gastrointestinal disorders, disorders in the first four chapters. The tor dysfunction in functional gastroin- clinical management of these disorders remaining nine chapters deal with func- testinal disease. These discussions refer and design of clinical trials to improve tional disorders by anatomic region, to a host of studies done in the past, but the rationale and outcome of therapy. It that is, esophageal disorders, gastric are presented without attempting to put is not presented with a specific audience disorders, bowel disorders, biliary tract them in a current neurophysiologic in mind. For that reason, there is mate- and pancreatic disorders, anal-rectal framework. The authors do recognize rial included in this volume relevant to disorders and functional pain. There is a the limitations of the studies discussed the interest of the physiologist, clinical chapter on childhood functional disor- and conclude that there is a disappoint- investigator and clinician, but there is ders and chapters on the design and ing lack of correlation between sensori- considerable material that each catego- interpretation of treatment trials in motor dysfunction and symptoms in ry of reader will want to skip over. The functional gastrointestinal disorders. In studies in patients with functional gas- book is exhaustively referenced with addition, there is a 20-page glossary of trointestinal disorders. This suggests 100 to over 400 references at the end of the terms used in the book to minimized that the rationale behind these studies is each chapter. This book should be read misinterpretation of the discussions by faulty or current measures are imprecise by everyone anticipating studying and the reader. Four appendices contain or both. This should have been empha- doing research on functional gastroin- tables listing criteria for the different sized so the resources available to study testinal disorders. In this day when functional disorders discussed, ques- these prevalent and costly clinical prob- practice guidelines receive so much tions to be included in research ques- lems are not wasted on unproductive attention, the chapters on specific diag- tionnaires in the study of function al research hypotheses. noses have useful information and pro- disorders, such as, questions to define The last half of the book is devoted to vide a yardstick by which to measure functional dyspepsia, so that research discussion of the various functional gas- current practices. Finally, the chapter on from one institution can be more readi- trointestinal disease, each chapter deal- the fundamentals of neurogastroenterol- ly compared with research from a dif- ing with one anatomic segment of the ogy gives a clear overview alimentary ferent research group. alimentary tract, ranging from tract control, infonnation that all with The chapter on fundamentals of neu- esophageal disorders through to disor- an interest in functional disorders of the rogastroenterology is outstanding. In 41 ders of the anus and rectum. gastrointestinal tract should make his pages the author covers in an integrated This book presents recommendations own. ❖ fashion the innervation of the digestive for diagnostic criteria, clinical evalua- Thomas R. Hendrix tract, enteric nervous system control, tion, physiologic features and treatment Johns Hopkins University interaction with the central nervous sys- for each category. The chapter on the Books Received Body Composition Analysis of Animals: 542 pp., illus., index, $185.00. The Geometry of Biological Time, 2nd A Handbook of Non-Destructive ISBN: 0-19-514427-9. Edition. Methods. Arthur T. Winfree. John R. Speakman (Editor). Fetal Growth and Development. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, Richard Harding and Alan D. Bocking New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001, 777 242 pp., illus., index, $74.95. (Editors). pp., illus., index, $89.95. ISBN: 0-521-66338-5. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, ISBN: 0-387-98992-7. 284 pp., illus., index, $28.95. Development of the Human Spinal Cord. ISBN: 0-521-64543-3. Variability-Entropy Theory. Joseph Altman and Shirley A. Bayer. Robert M. Peters, M.D. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001, Lewiston, ID, 2001, 68 pp., illus., $12.95. ISBN: 0-9713107-0-X. 434 The Physiologist Obituary

Robert M. Berne 1918 - 2001 Robert M. Berne, former chairman of His early research with Matthew the Department of Physiology at the Levy led him ultimately to an area of University of Virginia Medical Center investigation that established and sus- and the 45th President of the APS, died tained him as a pre-eminent researcher. Thursday, October 4, 2001 at his home In 1963 Bob published a paper, some- in Charlottesville, VA. Bob was a man what speculative at the time, proposing of many accomplishments: a devoted a possible role for the chemical adeno- and steadfast husband, a loving father sine in the control of blood flow to the and grandfather, a leader of the heart. This work set a direction for the University of Virginia, and a scientist of next four decades of his research pro- world class. He touched family, friends, gram, and that program was strongly scientific colleagues, and many through shaped by his colleague and friend, whose life he passed, especially those Rafael Rubio, who came from Mexico whose growth he nurtured. to be a continuing part of the Berne lab- Born in Yonkers, NY, he grew up and oratory. was schooled in Brooklyn. Though a In addition to his research, the family successful student in his early years, he was growing with the addition of two remained proud of being a “street kid” daughters, Amy and Julie, and later two from the city. This showed in his zest Robert M. Berne sons, Gordon and Michael, and ulti- for competition, and his easy way with mately with the addition of eight grand- all those he met. From his high school orator” for the remainder of his life. In children: Maggie, Molly, and Cris days he was an avid sportsman, initially late 1944 he became a medical officer Speasmaker, Sarah and Alex with a deep love for horseback riding, with the US Army, and quickly adapted Kaminshine, Ari and Kyle Berne, and and later for tennis and fishing, both of to army life, and even thrived in this dif- Kayla Berne. Throughout his life the which he pursued with love and intel- ficult environment (ibid). With the end family remained a focal point in his life lect as he did so many things. Like other of the war, he returned to Mount Sinai with summers spent in Woods Hole and thoughtful, creative people, he spent the for a residency in Internal Medicine, Christmases and Thanksgiving in last of his adolescence in semi-isola- which led him to his ultimate career in Charlottesville. tion, confined to bed with tuberculosis. cardiology and the study of the cardio- With the growing recognition of his When that time passed, he launched on vascular system. Carl Wiggers accepted outstanding research and teaching, Bob a process of intellectual and profession- Bob into his fellowship program in was invited to become the chairman of al development that was to last through- Cleveland, and with that act Carl Physiology at the University of out his life. accomplished two things. He launched Virginia. His charge was to be part of a He chose to leave New York urban Bob on an incredibly successful major initiative in developing basic life for the South, and attended college research career and, to quote from their medical research at UVA. With quiet in Chapel Hill, NC where he earned a textbook, he introduced Bob to his other strength and gentle leadership, he built Phi Beta Kappa key while having his life-long collaborator and friend, one of the premier physiology depart- share of fun (Annual Review of Matthew Levy. ments in the world, serving as Charles Physiology 60: 1-18, 1998). He then The fellowship years set his career on M. Slaughter Professor of Physiology entered Harvard Medical School with a new course by leading him to a life- for the next 22 years, and as an emeritus the class of 1943, and immediately long commitment to teaching and professor of physiology until his death. showed a life-long inclination toward research. He first accepted a position on He often remarked that his job as chair experimental research and scholarly the physiology faculty of Western was initially made easy by his associa- activity. Hard work and intelligence Reserve University in Cleveland in tion with a most competent and dedicat- paid off and in the spring of 1943 he 1949 where he remained for 17 years. ed group of people including the Dean was admitted to a rotating internship at Bob thrived in the University atmos- (Ken Crispell); and the new chairs of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. phere. It offered him an opportunity to Anatomy (Jan Langman), Microbiology During this time, he became engaged to, teach in a new medical curriculum and (Robert Wagner), and especially his and married Beth Goldberg, who was to to conduct his research as his inclina- dear friend and chairman of be his constant companion and “collab- tions dictated. Biochemistry (Thomas Thompson).

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 435 Obituary

Adenosine became recognized as a His research and teaching yielded and focused his professional energies molecule with wide ranging biological more than 200 scientific articles and on his books, and also re-energized his importance, and this provided a focus three textbooks authored with Matthew long-standing interests in fishing, ten- for research by hundreds of investiga- Levy. In the process of building his nis, guitar playing, and travel. He occu- tors throughout the world. In the 1980s department and research programs, he pied office space in the Cardiovascular and the 1990s his work on adenosine trained dozens of graduate students and Research Center that he played so criti- took on new life with the recognition post-doctoral fellows, who later popu- cal a role in founding, and continued to that, in addition to its role in regulation lated the academic community with mentor everyone from secretaries to of cardiac blood flow, the molecule senior professors and chairs of depart- senior faculty in his usual way. plays a key role in the control of a mul- ments. In addition, his unflagging sup- Ultimately, his illness was met with titude of biological processes. A fellow port of the other faculty in the depart- the same grace and dignity that charac- in the laboratory, Luiz Bellardinelli, ment helped many of them to rise to terized all his other activities and he worked with Bob’s group to discover prominence as well. Truly leadership, accepted the uncertain future, as he had that adenosine plays a key role in regu- above all, was a skill of Dr. Berne’s that accepted his opportunities. He has been lating heart rhythms. This discovery led many might emulate. a friend and role model, and a driving directly to a patent for a clinical appli- The huge impact of Dr. Berne’s work force, and all of us will sorely miss him. cation for adenosine as “Adenocard,” was recognized in many ways. He was Memorial donations may be made to and widespread use of the drug the President of the American the Robert M. Berne Educational Fund, throughout the world. Under Bob’s Physiological Society in 1972, elected CVRC University of Virginia, 409 Lane leadership, the major portions of the to the Institute of Medicine of the Rd, MR-4 Building, Room 6051, royalties from this patent were returned National Academy of Science in 1979, Charlottesville, 22908 to the University of Virginia, and used received the Gold Heart Award of the Contact Brian R. Duling, (804-924- to establish and endow the American Heart Association in 1985, 9040 or Email [email protected]), for Cardiovascular Research Center, and and was elected to the National additional information. ❖ the Robert M. Berne chair in Academy of Science in 1988. In 1994 Cardiovascular Research. he assumed professor emeritus status APS Member Obituaries on Web The Society wishes to acknowledge ([email protected]) or by mail of birth and death, education and pro- deceased Society members with to Dr. Martin Frank, Executive fessional affiliations, and any other expanded obituaries on our Web site. Director, The American Physiological details in remembrance of the individ- Obituaries for publication on the Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, ual you wish to acknowledge, along Society’s Web page should be submit- Bethesda, Maryland 20814. Please with a photo, if available. ted via Email to the APS Webmaster include the individual’s full name, date

People & Places Skorton President of AAHRPP Board of Directors APS Member David J. Skorton was on AAHRPP’s Interim Accreditation pleased with the people that chose to recently elected president of the board Standards and Procedures. A public serve on this board, and who will carry of directors for the Association for the review and comment period runs until the work of AAHRPP forward. There is Accreditation of Human Research December 3, 2001. These comments, important representation from all rele- Protection Programs (AAHRPP). along with input from pilot site visits, vant perspectives: from research partic- AAHRPP is developing a voluntary, will be used in finalizing the standards. ipants, from institutional review boards, peer-driven, educationally focused AAHRPP’s first pilot site visit will be and from a wide range of research inter- accreditation program for human conducted at the NIH in December, and ests.” research protection, using a site visit the organization plans to accept applica- AAHRPP is a national, nonprofit model that employs a rigorous set of tions for full accreditation in early accrediting organization incorporated in performance standards and outcome 2002. April 2001. For more information, visit measures. One of the board’s first tasks Marjorie Speers, AAHRPP’s execu- http://ww.aahrpp.org. ❖ will be to review the public comments tive director, said, “I couldn’t be more

436 The Physiologist People & Places

APS Member Elected to Institute of Medicine On October 15th, the Institute of Boston, had been elected to IOM mem- Academies, is to enhance health care by Medicine (IOM) announced that APS bership. Zapol was one of 60 new mem- providing objective scientific informa- Member, Warren M. Zapol, MD, pro- bers, five members granted senior mem- tion about health policy to the public, fessor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical bership and five scientists chosen as for- government, and corporations. ❖ School, and anesthesist-in-chief, eign associate members. The mission of Massachusetts General Hospital, the IOM, an arm of the National

Sean Harrison Adams has joined the the Department of Physiology, Department of Kinesiology and Applied Department of Metabolic & Cardiovas- University of Arizona College of Physiology, University of Colorado, cular Disease Pharmacology, Novartis Medicine, Health Science Center, Boulder, CO. Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, Tucson, AZ. NJ. Prior to his new assignment, Adams Hilmar Dorge has moved from the was affiliated with the Department of Donald O. Castell has moved from the Department of Thoracic and Endocrinology, Genentech Inc., South Department of Medicine, Graduate Cardiovascular Surgery, University of San Francisco, CA. Hospital, Philadelphia, PA to a new Aachen Medical School, Aachen, position with the Department of Germany to a position with the Thomas E. Adrian has moved from the Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Department of Thoracic and Department of Physiology, Creighton Digestive Disease Center, Medical Cardiovascular Surgery, Georg-August- University Medical School, Omaha, NE University of South Carolina, University Gottingen, Gottingen, to join the Department of Surgery, Charleston, SC. Germany. Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Peter J.S. Chiu has joined Discovery & Mazyar Fallah was associated with the Steffan Gregory Anderson has moved Preclinical Department of MDS Pharma Department of Psychology, Princeton to the Department of Medicine, Kansas Services, Bothell, WA. Chiu was for- University, Princeton, NJ. Currently, University Medical Center, Kansas merly with the Department of General Fallah is with Systems Neuroscience City, KS from the Department of Pharmacology, Pfizer Global Research Lab, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA. Biology, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, and Development, Groton, CT. OK. Herbert Geller has moved from the Cynthia I. Colon-Rivera has joined Department of Pharmacology, UMDNJ- Govindasamy Balasekaran has joined the Department of Physiology and RW John-son Medical School, Physical Education & Sports Science, Biophysics, University of Illinois, Piscataway, NJ to join the Division of National Institute of Education, Chicago, IL. Previously, Colon-Rivera Intramural Research, National Heart, Singapore. Previously, Balasekaran was affiliated with the Department of Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, was with the School of Physical Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Bethesda, MD, . Education, Nanyang Technology University of Illinois, Urbana- University, National Institute of Champaign, Urbana, IL. David Robert Grimm has moved from Education, Singapore. the Department of Medicine, Spinal David James Dean has accepted a post Cord Research, Mount Sinai School of Stefan H. Boese has moved from the with the Department of Biology, Medicine, VA Medical Center, Bronx, Department of Physiological Sciences, Institute for Diabetes Discovery, NY to the Department of Physio- University of Newcastle Medical Branford, CT. Prior to his new position, pathology, New York Chiropractic School, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England Dean was with the Medical Diabetes College, Seneca Falls, NY, . to join the Department of Zoophysiolo- and Metabolism Research Center, gie, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Boston University, Boston, MA Erdal C. Gursoy has recently affiliated Germany. with the Cardiovascular Institute, Anthony J. Donato has affiliated with University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Heddwen Lisa Brooks has moved the Department of Health and PA. Gursoy was formerly with the from the Laboratory of Kidney and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, Department of Cardiology and Internal Electrolyte Metabolism, NIH, College Station, TX. Prior to his new Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth Bethesda, MD to accept a position with appointment, Donato was with the University, Richmond, VA.

Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 437 People & Places

Michael John Hickey has moved from Cincinnati, OH. Prior to his new com- Kinesiology, Kansas State University, the Department of Vascular Biology, mitment, Matlin was affiliated with the Manhattan, KS. Baker Medical Research Institute, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Melbourne, Victoria, Australia to the Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, David I. Soybel is currently with the Department of Medicine, Monash MA. Department of Surgery, Division of University, Clayton, Australia. General GI Surgery, Brigham and Jeffrey B. Matthews has moved from Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA. Jianhua Huang has accepted a position the Department of Surgery, Harvard Soybel was previously with the as Research Associate, with the Beth Medical School, Boston, MA to affiliate Department of Surgery, VA Boston Israel Deaconess Medical Center, with the Department of Surgery, Healthcare System, West Roxbury, MA. Boston, MA. Prior to his new position, University of Cincinnati Medical Huang was with the Department of Center, Cincinnati, OH. John David Symons has moved from Anatomy and Physiology, Kansas State the Division of Cardiovascular University, Manhattan, KS. James E. McNamee has joined the Medicine, University of California, University of Maryland, Baltimore Davis, CA to associate with the College Susan R. Kayar has accepted the posi- School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD as of Health, University of Utah, Salt Lake tion of Health Scientist Administrator, Associate Dean, Information Services. City, UT, . Department of Research Infrastructure, Previously, McNamee was with the NIH National Center for Research Department of Pharmacology and Robert J. Talmadge has moved from Resources, Bethesda, MD. Prior to her Physiology, University of South the Department of Human Nutrition, new position, Kayar was with the Carolina School of Medicine, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech, Department of Environmental Physiol- Columbia, SC. Blacksburg, VA to join the Biological ogy, National Naval Medical Center, Sciences Department, California Silver Spring, MD. Jeffrey M. Palmer has joined the Polytech, Pomona, CA. Enterology Team and Drug Discovery, Timothy David Le Cras has joined the R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Hirofumi Tanaka has recently joined Division of Pulmonary Biology, Institute, Spring House, PA. Palmer was the Department of Kinesiology and Children’s Hospital Medical Center, previously associated with the Health Education, University of Texas, Cincinnati, OH. Prior to his new posi- Department of Biomedical Sciences, Austin TX. Previously, Tanaka was with tion, Le Cras was with the Department Creighton University, Omaha, NE. the Department of Kinesiology and of Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Applied Physiology, University of Denver, CO. Kendall Sue Powell has affiliated with Colorado, Boulder, CO. the Science Communication Depart- Paul Scown MacLean has moved from ment, University of California, Santa Reha Mehmet Toydemir has joined the Department of Biochemistry, East Cruz, CA, having moved from the the Department of Molecular Biology, Carolina University, Brody School of Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Medicine, Greenville, NC to join the University of California, San Diego, La Prior to his new position, Toydemir was Department of Medicine, Division of Jolla, CA. with the Department of Micro Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabo- Immunology, Finch University Health lism, University of Colorado Health Jon J. Ramsey has joined the Science, Chicago Medical School, Sciences Center, Denver, CO. Department of Molecular Biosciences, North Chicago, IL. University of California, Davis, CA. Vicente Martinez has recently joined Prior to his new assignment, Ramsey Dorothy E. Vatner has moved from the Novartis Pharma, Basel, Switzerland. was with the Primate Research Center, Department of Medicine, Cardiovascu- Previously, Martinez was affiliated with University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. lar Research Institute, Hackensack, NJ the Veterinary School, Unit Fisiologia, and affiliated with the Department of San Pablo, Moncada, Valencia, Spain. Barry William Scheuermann has Medicine, University of Medicine recently affiliated with the Department Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ. Karl Stanley Matlin has joined the of Health, Exercise, and Sport Sciences, Department of Surgery, University of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Cincinnati College of Medicine, He had been with the Department of

438 The Physiologist Books Received

Gift Planning Opportunities The American Physiological Society held stock, gifts of tangible personal arships, programs, etc., which are is pleased to invite the membership to property, retirement assets, charitable specified for support and named for consider including the APS in their gift lead trusts and gifts of real estate. individuals. giving plans. Over the last several ✺ Life Income Gifts: Gift annuities, ✺ Gifts by Will: Bequests of a per- years, the Society has received dona- deferred payment gift annuities, chari- centage of estate, stated dollar amount tions of land and securities, all of table remainder trusts, charitable or specific property or assets. which have been used to launch the remainder unitrusts, and charitable For more information on gift giving Society’s various young investigator annuity trusts. to the APS, please contact Martin award programs. ✺ Gifts of Insurance: Ownership of Frank, Executive Director (Tel.: 301- Many options exist if you are inter- life insurance policies can be donated, 530-7118, Email: mfrank@the- ested in including the APS and its or the APS can become the beneficiary aps.org), or Robert Price, Director of Endowment Fund in your financial or of policies owned by others. Finance (Tel.: 301-530-7160, Email: estate planning. Some options include: ✺ Designated Gifts: Gifts given to [email protected]). ✺ Immediate Gifts: Cash, gifts of honor or memorialize an individual or appreciated securities, gifts of closely an organization and can include schol-

APS Sustaining Associate Members The Society gratefully acknowledges the contributions received from Sustaining Members in support of the Society’s goals and objectives. Abbott Laboratories Harvard Apparatus Procter & Gamble Co. ADInstruments Janssen Research Foundation Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Astra Arcus USA, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company W. B. Saunders Company Axon Instruments, Inc. The Mack Printing Group Schering-Plough Res. Inst. Berlex Biosciences Merck and Company, Inc. G. D. Searle and Company Gould, Inc. Nycomed, Inc. SmithKline Beecham Pharm. The Gatorade Company Pfizer, Inc. The Grass Foundation Pharmacia and Upjohn, Inc.

Third Annual Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Metabolic Research Bristol-Myers Squibb Company pres- 03, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. Tel: 609-252-5341; Email: ents an annual award to a scientist mak- [email protected] ing an outstanding contribution to meta- Selection Committee:* bolic disease research, such as diabetes, Stephen O’Rahilly, MD, Selection Committee obesity, hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis, or Chairman; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK age-related diseases. Candidates for the Gerard Ailhaud, PhD, Universite de Nice, Nice, France award are nominated by individuals affil- Claude Bouchard, PhD, Louisiana State University, iated with medical schools, hospitals and metabolic disease Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, research centers. Louisiana AWARD: US $50,000 Robert Lindsay, MD, PhD, Columbia University Helen Deadline for Receipt of Nominations: February 28, 2002 Hayes Hospital, West Haverstraw, New York Announcement of Award Recipient: October 16, 2002 Michael Thorner, MD, DSC. University of Virginia Health Rules and official nomination forms are available from: System, Charlottesville, Virginia http://www.bms.com/foundation/awards.html or by writing *Two additional Selection Committee members will be added to: Secretary, Award Committee, Bristol-Myers Squibb in 2002. Please note that current Selection Committee mem- Award for Distinguished Achievement in Metabolic bers may not be considered for this award. Research, Route 206 and Province Line Road, Mailbox D14- Vol. 44, No. 6, 2001 439 Scientific Meetings & Congresses

February 2-6 May 18-24 The Genome and Beyond—Genomics and Structural International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Biology for Medicine, Miami Beach, FL. Information: Medicine—Tenth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, MNBWS Office, P.O. Box 016129 (M823), Miami, FL Honolulu, HI. Information: International Society for 33101-6129. Tel.: 305-243-3597; Fax: 305-324-5665; Email: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2118 Milvia Street, Suite [email protected]; Internet: http://www.med. 201, Berkeley, CA 94704. Tel.: 510-841-1899; Fax: 510-841- miami.edu/mnbws 2340; Email: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.isrm.org.

February 23-27 May 14-18 46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San 29th Annual Meeting of The International Society for the Francisco, CA. Information: Biophysical Society, 9650 Study of the Lumbar Spine, Cleveland, OH. Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814. Tel.: 301-530-7114; Information: The International Society for the Study of the Fax: 301-530-7133; Email: [email protected]; Internet: Lumbar Spine, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Room MG323, http://www.biophysics.org. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4N 3M5. Tel.: 416-480-4833; Fax: 416-480-6055; Email: [email protected] February 23-28 SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging, San May 27-June7 Diego, CA. Information: Society of Photo-Optical International Course on Laboratory Animal Science, Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), PO Box 10, Bellingham, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Information: Prof. dr. L.F.M. van WA 98227-0010. Tel.: 360-676-3290; Fax: 360-647-1445; Zutphen or Mr. Stephan van Meulebrouck, Department of Email: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.spie.org/info/mi. Laboratory Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box 80.166, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel: February 23-March 1 +31-30-2532033, Fax: +31-30-2537997; Email: pdk@las. Genome 2002 Triconference. Includes 5th Annual Genomic vet.uu.nl Partnering: Emerging and Early-State Companies (February 23-24), 9th Annual Human Genome Discovery: Commercial May 29-June 1 Implications (February 25-27), and 6th Annual Gene Xth International Conference on Myasthenia Gravis and Functional Analysis (February 28-March 1), Santa Clara, CA. Related Disorders, Key Biscayne, Florida. Information: Information: Cambridge Healthtech Institute, 1032 Chestnut New York Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd Street, New Street, Newton Upper Falls, MA 02464. Tel.: 617-630-1300 York, New York 10021. Tel: 212-838-0230 ext. 324; Fax: or 888-999-6288; Fax: 617-630-1325; Internet: 212-838-5640; Email: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.healthtech.com. http://www.nyas.org/calendar/contents/cal_conf.cfm

March 24-26 June 2-7 The Amygdala in Brain Function: Basic and Clinical European Life Sciences Symposium: Life in Space for Approaches, Galveston Island, TX. Information: New York Life on Earth, Stockholm, Sweden. Information: Benny Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd Street, New York, New Elmann-Larsen or Rebecca Forth, European Space Agency, York 10021. Tel.: 212-838-0230 ext. 324; Fax: 212-838- ESTEC, MSM-GAL, 1 Keplerlaan, NL-2201 AZ, Noordwijk, 5640; Email: [email protected]; Internet: http://www. The Netherlands. Tel: +31-71-565-3322; fax: +31-71-565- nyas.org/scitech/contents/amyg/index.html. 3661; Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. April 21-25 June 3-6 ABC Casette Proteins in Epithelial Physiology, Ascona, Critical Issues in Tumor Microcirculation, Angiogenesis Switzerland. Information: International Society of and Metastasis: Biological Significance and Clinical Nephrology. Internet: http://www.unizh.ch/physiol/ABC Relevance, Boston, MA. Information: Internet: http://steele.mgh.harvard.edu. May 5-10 The Association for Research in Vision and June 5-9 Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Fort XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Lauderdale, FL. Information: ARVO Offices, 12300 Budapest, Hungary. Information: Hungarian Society of Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 250, Rockville, MD 20852-1606. Sports Medicine, 1123 Budapest, Alkotás str. 48. Hungary Tel.: 240-221-2900; Fax: 240-221-0370; Internet: http:// Tel: +36 1 4886 189, +36 1 4886 191; fax: +36 1 375 3292; www.arvo.org. email: [email protected]; Internet: http://www. sportdoctor.org.

440 The Physiologist MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM THE AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Tphys10.01 Check membership category you are applying for: ❑ Regular ❑ Affiliate ❑ Student Do you currently hold membership in the APS? ❑ Yes ❑ No If you answered yes to above, what is your category of Membership?______Year elected?______Name of Applicant: ______/______/______Last Name or Family Name First Name Middle Name

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Current Position: Dates Title Institution Department Supervisor

Prior Positions: Dates Title Institution Department Supervisor

LIST YOUR PUBLICATIONS FROM THE PAST 5 YEARS (List them in the same style as sample below). Sample: Cheung, Stephen S., and Tom M. McLellan. Heat acclimation, aerobic fitness, and hydration effects on tolerance during uncompensable heat stress. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(5): 1731-1739, 1998.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Do not include a curriculum vitae or reprints. Mail your application to: Membership Services Department, The American Physiological Society 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3991 (U.S.A.) Send no money now: You will receive a dues statement upon approval of membership.

Approval Deadlines: Regular membership applications are considered for approval by the Council three times per year. Student and Affiliate membership applications are accepted monthly upon approval of the Executive Director of the Society.

Questions? Call: 301-530-7171 ■ Fax: 301-571-8313 ■ E-mail: [email protected] ■ Web: www.the-aps.org

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