Hurricane Maria's Battering
The IndypendenT #229: nOVeMBeR 2017 • IndypendenT.ORG ARTS FUndInG FOR The ReST OF US, p4 AMAZOn STALKS The BIG AppLe, p6 FALL MUSIC, p20 ReSISTAnCe & ReSILIenCe In pUeRTO RICO Hurricane Maria COVeRAGe STARTS On pAGe 10 survivors inside their home. CAROLYN COLE/GETTY IMAGES WE REMEMBER. MARCH WE RESIST. ACROSS THE SANDY5TH ANNIVERSARY WE RISE. BROOKLYN SATURDAY OCTOBER 28TH 11AM CADMAN PLAZA, BROOKLYN BRIDGE 2 COMMUNITY CALENDAR The IndypendenT THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 212-904-1282 Twitter: @TheIndypendent BOARD OF DIRECTORS: FRI OCT 20 retrospective of Ayón’s work FROM SYRIA Costumes are strongly encour- Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, 6:30PM • FREE on view at El Museo del Barrio Appearing with journalist and aged. Alina Mogilyanskaya, Ann SCREENING: BLACK PANTHERS: (1230 5th Ave.) until Nov. 5. illustrator Molly Crabapple, DROM Schneider, John Tarleton VANGUARD OF THE REVOLUTION KING JUAN CARLOS I OF SPAIN Wendy Pearlman will discuss 85 Avenue A A fi lm screening and discussion CENTER, AUDITORIUM her new book, which chronicles EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: on the riveting documentary 53 Washington Square South the war in Syria from its origins WED NOV 1 John Tarleton exploring the Black Panther to its present horror through 7:30PM • $30 Party, its signifi cance for black TUE OCT 24 the words of ordinary people. BOOK LAUNCH: MATT TAIBBI ASSOCIATE EDITOR: people and to the broader 7PM–10 PM • FREE BLUESTOCKINGS BOOKSTORE PRESENTS I CAN’T BREATHE: A Peter Rugh American culture and the pain- FORUM: CLIMATE SOLUTIONS 172 Allen St.
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