Observing the Sun with the Murchison Widefield Array Abstract
Observing the Sun with the Murchison Widefield Array D. Oberoi1, R. Sharma1, S. Bhatnagar2 ,C. J. Lonsdale3, L. D. Matthews3, I. H. Cairns4, S. J. Tingay5, L. Benkevitch3, A. Donea6, S. M. White7, G. Bernardi8, J. D. Bowman9, F. Briggs10, R. J. Cappallo3, B. E. Corey3, A. Deshpande11, D. Emrich5, B. M. Gaensler4,12, R. Goeke13, L. J. Greenhill14, B. J. Hazelton15, M. Johnston-Hollitt16, D. L. Kaplan17, J. C. Kasper18, E. Kratzenberg3, M. J. Lynch5, S. R. McWhirter3, D. A. Mitchell19,12, M. F. Morales15, E. Morgan13, A. R. Offringa10, S. M. Ord5, T. Prabu11, A. E. E. Rogers3, A. Roshi20, J. E. Salah3, N. Udaya Shankar11, K. S. Srivani11, R. Subrahmanyan11,12, M. Waterson5, R. B. Wayth5, R. L. Webster21,12, A. R. Whitney3, A. William5, C. L. Williams13 1National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, India (div@ncra.tifr.res.in) 2National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM, USA 3MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, USA 4University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 5Curtin University, Perth, Australia 6Monash University, Melbourne, Australia 7Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland, NM, USA 8Square Kilometre Array South Africa (SKA SA), Cape Town, South Africa 9Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 10The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 11Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India 12ARC Centre for Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO) 13MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Cambridge, MA, USA 14Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA 15University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 16Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 17University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA 18University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 19CSIRO Computational Informatics, Marsfield, Australia 20National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, WV, USA 21The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Abstract The Sun has remained a difficult source to image for radio telescopes, especially at the low radio frequencies.
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