WINTER/SPRING 2017 CALDWELL UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE Experience The International ALSO INSIDE: NEW SPRINT LAUNCHING A CATHOLIC POETRY FROM KATHMANDU FOOTBALL COACH MARCHING BAND JOURNAL TO WALL STREET YOUR GIFTS MEAN EVERYTHING TO OUR STUDENTS The Caldwell University Annual Fund is present in everything that we do to shape our students’ experience— from application to graduation. Starting with scholarships and financial aid, it also supports the academic, athletic, campus life, cultural and service opportunities that lead to success in the workplace, community and beyond. TO GIVE: VISIT: EMAIL:
[email protected] CALL: (973) 618-3447 VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 CALDWELL UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER/SPRING 2017 Caldwell University Magazine is produced for alumni and friends twice each year by the Media Relations Office at Caldwell University. Its goal is to provide news and information about Caldwell University’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and administration. We welcome your comments and suggestions! Please email us at
[email protected]. 12 26 From Kathmandu to Homecoming 2016 Wall Street MANAGING EDITOR Joseph Posillico EDITOR Colette M. Liddy G ’13 WRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS 28 Michael Bressman Charlotte Kunst: A Lifetime of Firsts Sara Courtney ’12 Sharon Dwyer ’03, G ’07 Beth Gorab Meghan Moran ’07 John Tagliaferri Sister Elizabeth Michael Boyle, O.P. COPY EDITOR John Jurich table of contents STUDENT ASSISTANT Janki Parekh 11 Maulin Joshi: Encouraging International Student Success Shadeira Nesmith PHOTOGRAPHY 12 From Kathmandu to Wall Street Joseph DiCarlo Linda Maher 14 Faculty Features: Bernard O’Rourke: Michael Paras An Irishman’s Passion for Business DESIGN 16 Faculty Features: Ellina Chernobilsky: Maulin Joshi Graphic Imagery, Inc.