FINAL REPORT Determination of river otter (Lontra canadensis) distribution and evaluation of potential sites for population expansion in South Dakota 1 October 2011 - 30 January 2015 Prepared for: Wildlife Diversity Program South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Submitted by Wayne E. Melquist, Ph.D. CREX Consulting
[email protected] May 2015 Grant Number T-55-R-1, Study No. 2465 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Completion of this project would have been immensely more challenging were it not for the support, cooperation, and encouragement of numerous South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks (SDGFP) personnel. Silka Kempema, biologist with the Wildlife Diversity Program, was my primary contact in administering this contract, including multiple amendments. She never hesitated to assist in any way possible and enthusiastically joined me on floats down the Belle Fourche and Cheyenne Rivers. Silka has been a good companion and friend. Behind the scene, Eileen Dowd Stukel, head of the Wildlife Diversity Program, facilitated many aspects of the project and provided valuable input and review of the final report. Heather Berg, GIS Analyst, exhibited great patience with me during production of the maps found in the report, even when we went through multiple iterations before arriving at a final product. And Chelsea West, Heather’s supervisor, has provided me with graphic assistance for a decade of South Dakota projects. Jacquie Ermer, Regional Wildlife Manager, Watertown, conducted some of the early assessments of otters in South Dakota, and was a kindred spirit when it came to furbearers. The door was always open at the “Ermer Hotel” whenever I was in the Webster area, and I enjoyed sharing time with her family.