Team Biography


In the Silver Age of comics, readers saw some of their favorite superheroes team up to form the Justice League of America and The . They also met some new superhero teams like The and The X-Men. Today there are many superhero teams that exist – or have existed. We’d like you to dig into them a bit more!

In this section of the Superhero Dossier, we want to you research an existing team of superheroes. We want to know which heroes make up the team and what strengths and weaknesses they each bring to the table. We also want to know why the team was formed. Was there a new megavillian that they needed to fight? Was there a social issue that one hero couldn’t fight alone? If you want to go the other direction, feel free to pick a team of villains to research!

We encourage you to be creative and have fun with this. Look for teams that are lesser known or come from different cultures and genres. If you need some inspiration, you can get started on the following resource: ● Superhero Database

When you’re ready, turn to the next page to begin thinking about the characteristics of your team members.

Superhero Dossier


Throughout history there is a series of personality types, archetypes, that are easily found in every form of storytelling. There’s the . The playboy. The rebel. The anti-hero. Comic books are no exception to this. Looking for a leader? fits that description. A playboy? Johnny Storm. A rebel? . An Anti-hero? Batman.

Sometimes these archetypes play well with others (Mr. Fantastic and The Thing). Sometimes, they don’t ( and Tony Stark). That can be both helpful and harmful in cases where superheroes might need to come together as a team to fight a powerful villain.

Here in Issue #5, we want you to determine the archetype of each member of your chosen superhero/supervillain team, beginning with some brainstorming. What are the archetypes that exist in comic books?

Turn to the next section and start by brainstorming a list of archetypes found in comic books. We’ve added a few to help you get started.


Superhero Dossier

To add your own text, click on one of the bubbles to open the edit feature. Then click on the bubble again to begin typing.

Now, think about the superheroes or villains on your team. What archetype fits each member? How does that archetype affect that member’s work on the team? The Guardians of the Archetype Impact of Archetype Galaxy (1969 team) on team Member Name Vance Astro The Leader Formed the team, leads them on missions Charlie-27 Muscle From Jupiter, engineered for the 3

Superhero Dossier

high-gravity environment giving him great strength and durability. His people were wiped out by the so he fights against them. The Brains Highly intelligent, the brains of the team regarding science, originally he was more logical and literal-minded. He is from , also conquered by the Badoon. Noble Savage/Archer Yondu is from a planet colonised by humans, but then invaded by the Badoon. He is an empathic hero linked to wildlife and uses more traditional forms of combat, a bow and arrow. The Mystery, Anti The most mysterious Hero member of the team, who manipulated events to bring them together. His life is a time loop, with him


Superhero Dossier

reliving it. He is the most powerful member of the team by far, but is distrusted by them. Femme Fatale, She is particularly Gunslinger hotheaded and adept with guns. She was added partially as it was felt there should be female character in team.

Vital Statistics

Team Member #1

Name & Aliases Vance Astrovik, Vance Astro

Has the power to affect matter with his mind, Strengths and can disrupt other people's minds.

Angst over being out of his time. Can only exert his mental powers for half an hour before being fatigued. They had to wear a suit which if breached would cause them to age to , Weaknesses though this was later cured.

Archetype The Leader


Superhero Dossier

Origin Story Vance Astrovik, who changed his name to Vance Astro, was a who volunteered for the first interstellar project by the US, where he would be placed in suspended animation and sent to a planet in the Alpha Centauri system, a trip that would take about a thousand years. However by the time he arrived humanity had mastered interstellar travel and reached the planet centuries before. Over the voyage his psychokinetic abilities emerged. He met Yondu while cataloging the plant life of the planet as his original mission had been. When the Badoon launched their invasion of the planet Vance and Astro were captured and taken to , which the Badoon had also conquered.


Superhero Dossier

Reference 1

Team Member #2

Name & Aliases Captain Charlie-27

Genetically engineered to live in Jupiter’s higher gravity, meaning he has eleven times the muscle mass of a human, giving him superhuman strength, durability and stamina. Strengths He is also a trained pilot.



Superhero Dossier

Archetype Muscle, Military

Origin Story Born the fifth generation of his family to be engineered at birth to live in Jupiuter’s greater gravity, Charlie-27 was away from the planet on a space mission when the Badoon invaded Jupiter. He returned to find his city deserted and his people being taken to labour camps and was forced to flee the planet to avoid capture. He met the other members and they joined forces.


Superhero Dossier

Reference 2

Team Member #3

Name & Aliases Martinex T’Naga

Genetically engineered to survive in the extreme cold of Pluto, meaning their body is covered in faucets, giving them superhuman strength, speed, durability and stamina and resistance to extreme hot or cold Strengths temperatures. Can produce beams of energy


Superhero Dossier

from hands and change the temperature around him from hot or cold.


Archetype The Brains

Origin Story Martinex’s ancestors were from Africa, but they were born on Pluto, like other human colonists there they were genetically engineered to survive in the freezing cold temperatures of this world. They grew up to become a scientist and technician. When the Badoon attacked Pluto they were on its moon Charon, the Plutovians tried to escape but their ship was destroyed by the Badoon. Charlie-27 teleported onto Pluto and with Martinex’s aid they teleported to Earth and met Vance and Yondu.


Superhero Dossier

Reference 3

Team Member #4

Name & Aliases Yondu

Expert archer, with his screams can control arrows. Empathic abilities, especially with Strengths beings on his world but also other worlds.


Archetype Archer, Noble Savage


Superhero Dossier

Origin Story Yondu was from the Zatoan tribe, primitive beings native to Centauri IV, a planet colonised by humans. He attacked Vance while they were on the planet but was repelled. Vance kept this secret as this action was illegal and they became allies. When the Badoon conquered the planet they fled but were captured and taken to Earth, where they escaped and joined the other Guardians.

Reference 4 Team Member #5


Superhero Dossier

Starhawk, Stakar of the House of Ogord, One Name & Aliases who knows

Starhawk is a being of immense power, who can manipulate photons to create energy blasts and constructs of light. Has immense strength and durability. Has precognition as can recall previous times he has lived his life. He has an Strengths incredibly long life.

Starhawk’s precognition can become unreliable when he tries to change things each cycle Weaknesses through his life.

Archetype The Mystery

Origin Story Starhawk was born to superheroes and in about the year 2002 of the Earth-691 timeline on the planet Vesper. Just after being born he was kidnapped and taken to Arcturus IV, where he was adopted by the Reaver Ogord and his wife Salaan. With his adoptive sister Aleta Ogord they reawakened the Hawk God in 2020 and were given power, with which they left Arcturus. Starhawk manipulated events to bring the original members of the together in 3007. Due to his powers he lives his life multiple times and can change things each cycle, trying to do so for the better, which creates an alternate timeline.


Superhero Dossier

Reference 5

Team Member #6

Name & Aliases Aleta Ogrod

As is normal among Arcturans she has enhanced strength, speed and durability. She also has the power to manipulate photons, derived from merging with her adoptive Strengths brother Stakar.


Archetype The Mystery, Femme Fatale

Origin Story Aleta is from the planet Arcturus IV. Her father adopted Stakar. Together they reawakened the Hawk God in 2020 and were given power, with which they left Arcturus. During the times she


Superhero Dossier

was in control of Starhawk she acted as a member of the team, though sometimes they were seperated. Eventually they were seperated and Aleta sent Stakar back in time to begin his life cycle again.

Reference 6 Team Member #7

Name & Aliases Nicholette Gold, Nikki

Genetically engineered to live on Mercury, giving her high resistance to heat and radiation, Strengths can expel energy as well.


Archetype Femme Fatale, Gunslinger 15

Superhero Dossier

Origin Story Yondu was from the Zatoan tribe, primitive beings native to Centauri IV, a planet colonised by humans. He attacked Vance while they were on the planet but was repelled. Vance kept this secret as this action was illegal and they became allies. When the Badoon conquered the planet they fled but were captured and taken to Earth, where they escaped and joined the other Guardians.

Reference 7


What does your team look like? Find 1-2 images and add them to the spaces provided below. Remember to include your sources on the References page!


Superhero Dossier


Reference 8


Superhero Dossier

Reference 9

Reference 8

To add your own image, select Insert > Photo > Picture from File and select the image you … downloaded from the Internet onto your local drive. You may delete the placeholder image when you’ve added at least one of your own.


Superhero Dossier

Social Issues

Since your superheroes or villains have teamed up, they must be trying to do something really important (or harmful) for society as a whole that they can’t do individually. What is it? What social issues does your team try to fight together?

Required Sections

It’s time to put everything you’ve gathered so far together and build your Team Biography. While you may add any new content you feel is necessary to tell your team’s “story”, your biography should include, at minimum, the following four elements:

1. Introduction Use what you identified in the Vital Statistics section to draft a brief introduction to your team. It should include a summary of each team member’s name, strengths, weaknesses, archetype and background.

2. Archetypes Go a bit deeper into the archetypes of your team members. How does each member’s archetype impact his or her performance on the team? How does it impact the relationships among the team members? How do these relationships affect the team’s ability to work together as one unit?

3. Social Issues


Superhero Dossier

What social issues does your team take on? Are they successful in their quest? Explain why or why not. You may add on a brief conclusion to the end of this paragraph or write a separate paragraph if you’d like.

4. Images As you write each of the three sections above, we’d like you to incorporate at least 2 images to visually support your explanation. You should include the sources from where you found your images – a simple URL from the website will suffice.

Build Your Team Biography!

Okay you should now have all the tools you need to build your original Team Biography. You may use the table template below, your own custom template, or simply write it as you would a traditional essay.

The template below is the simplest one we expect you to create. However, you may feel free to do more advanced layouts (e.g., multiple columns) and add additional sections if you wish.

The Guardians of the Galaxy were formed in 3007 in response to a vast invasion of the Galaxy by the Badoon Brotherhood. The entire Solar System and the planet Centauri IV fell to the Badoon, with numerous planets having their population almost wiped out. This brought together various heroes from across the worlds.

Charlie-27 came from a family of Jovian colonists, who had been genetically engineered to withstand the higher gravity of Jupiter. He


Superhero Dossier arrived back to his home city to find it deserted and saw the Badoon had conquered the world. He escaped using a teleporter.

He was transported to Pluto. There he met Martinex T'Naga. Martinex, like other Plutonians, had been genetically engineered to survive in the extreme temperatures of Pluto. Martinex had been working on Charon and so was not killed in the attack on Pluto. Together they escaped through another teleporter, taking them to Earth.

On Earth Vance Astro and Yondu were prisoners of the Badoon. Vance had been sent to Alpha Centauri in suspended animation and his mutant powers had been awakened over the journey. However by the time he finished his journey of about a thousand years humans had already beaten him to Centauri IV. He had begun his mission of cataloging its life and encountered Yondu, a native of the planet, who became his companion. He and Yondu escaped and met Charlie-27 and Martinex. They defeated the Badoon pursuing them and decided to work together to fight them.

Without knowing it Starhawk had aided them in coming together, protecting them and making sure they were teleported to the right location.

While fighting the Badoon the Guardians of the Galaxy engaged in time travel, meeting heroes in the Present day of . They were joined by other heroes, Starhawk and Aleta.

In 3014 Earth was finally freed of the Badoon. The Guardians left Earth to become explorers and met another genetically engineered human, Nicholette Gold, referred to as Nikki, from Mercury. However the human , having gained immense power, travelled back in time


Superhero Dossier and was followed by the Guardians, who with the Avengers defeated him.

Vance also encountered his younger self and changed the course of their life, making their mutant powers emerge earlier, creating an alternate timeline. They then returned to the 31st century of their timeline. Meanwhile Vance Astrovik became the superhero Marvel Boy and joined the Avengers (later changing his name to Justice).

Eventually Starhawk was separated into two beings, Stakar and Aleta. They seperated after the deaths of their children.

More members joined the team, the Inhuman Talon, the Replica, the second Yellowjacket (alias Rita DeMara from the 20th century), and an aged of the future, now calling himself Hollywood.

While the mainstream is classed as Earth-616 the Guardians of the Galaxy universe is classed as Earth-691.

Eventually it is revealed an error in the present is leading to the Universe of the Guardians being destroyed. Starhawk is the only one aware of this but each reboot still ends with destruction. The Guardians sent a warning to the present but their universe was still destroyed.


Superhero Dossier

Reference 8

Reference 9 Vance Astro- The Leader: Brave and determined. He leads the team together and his kindness meant Yondu became his ally. Charlie-27- Muscle, Military: Superstrong, has military training. With this he is an ace pilot, helping the team travel space. Martinex- The Brains: With his scientific skills he assists the team in managing their technology. Yondu- Archer, Noble Savage: Native of another planet, closer to wildlife. He became a companion of Vance. Starhawk Stakar/Aleta: The Mystery: Mysterious past involving time travel and multiple lives. They are more Anti-Heroic, having to perform


Superhero Dossier various deeds to sustain the time loop, trying to change it too much will result in an alternate timeline. However they can use their foreknowledge to make sure events play out as they should, it was through this that Starhawk was able to bring the original Guardians together, protecting them and teleporting them to the right locations without them realising it. Nikki- Femme Fatale, Gunslinger: Hotheaded, ready to use guns. She particularly hates the Badoon due to them killing her parents before her eyes.

Reference 8

● Social Issue 1: Fighting oppression. They were brought together as a result of the Badoon conquering their worlds and are freedom fighters. ● Social Issue 2: Putting aside feuds. Their first appearances demonstrate tensions between the Jovians and the Plutovians,


Superhero Dossier

and that the humans and inhabitants of Centauri IV have rivalries. However they put these differences aside and work together to battle a common foe.

Good luck! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!


Superhero Dossier


My References ● Reference 1: ● Reference 2: ● Reference 3:'Naga_(Earth-691) ● Reference 4: ● Reference 5: ● Reference 6: ● Reference 7: ● Reference 8: h-691) ● Reference 9: /

Scratch Paper

Any notes or other things you’d like to capture about your team? Interesting thoughts or ideas about topics to cover in your biography? Something particular about the characters you want to make sure you


Superhero Dossier remember? The Scratch Paper section is yours to do whatever you want, and is not required for you to complete.