BARCELONA, HBM 2010 SPAIN abstracts 16 th Annual Meeting of 16th Annual Meeting of the the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Organization HBM2010 BARCELONA, SPAIN June 6-10, 2010 • Catalonia Palace of Congresses for Human Brain Mapping 5841 CEDAR LAKE ROAD, SUITE 204 abstracts MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 USA WWW.HUMANBRAINMAPPING.ORG PHONE: 952.646.2029 FAX: 952.545.6073 EMAIL:
[email protected] WWW.HUMANBRAINMAPPING.ORG/BARCELONA2010 poster key All posters will be displayed for 2 days, either Monday and Tuesday, or Wednesday and Thursday. Odd numbered posters are presented during the morning poster session, 12:30-13:30, and even numbered posters are presented during the afternoon poster session, 14:45-15:45. All poster presenters displaying on Monday and Tuesday are invited to attend the poster reception on Tuesday evening from 19:30-20:30. All poster presenters displaying on Wednesday and Thursday are invited to attend the poster reception on Thursday evening from 18:30-19:30. monday and tuesday posters Category/SuB-Category PoSter NuMBerS LoCatioN Brain Stimulation TDCS 1-9 Exhibit Hall (Level 0) Brain Stimulation-other 10-17 Exhibit Hall (Level 0) Deep Brain Stimulation 18-25 Exhibit Hall (Level 0) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cognition and Attention Executive Function 26-124 Exhibit Hall (Level 0) Perception, Imagery, Awareness 125-236 Exhibit Hall (Level 0) Reasoning and Problem Solving 237-259 Exhibit Hall (Level 0) Space, Time and