Formal Approval by All Commissions Will Be Forthcoming
NOTICE OF PROPOSED NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS AND COMPANION POLICIES UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT NOTICE OF PROPOSED NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 21-101 MARKETPLACE OPERATION, COMPANION POLICY 21-101CP AND FORMS 21-101F1, 21-101F2, 21-101F3 AND 21-101F4 AND NOTICE OF PROPOSED NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 23-101 TRADING RULES AND COMPANION POLICY 23-101CP AND DISCUSSION PAPER ENTITLED “CONSOLIDATION PLAN FOR A CONSOLIDATED CANADIAN MARKET” Introduction The Commission, together with the other members of the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) staff, are publishing for comment proposed National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation ("NI 21-101”), Companion Policy 21-101CP (“Companion Policy 21-101CP”), Forms 21-101F1, 21-101F2, 21-101F3 and 21-101F4 (the “Forms”), proposed National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules (“NI 23-101”), Companion Policy 23-101CP (“Companion Policy 23-101CP”) and a Discussion paper on a Plan for a Consolidated Canadian Market (“The Consolidation Plan”). The CSA are also publishing a Background Paper, attached hereto as Appendix “A”, entitled “Regulation of Alternative Trading Systems in Canada” presenting the history and debate on the issues concerning the operation of alternative trading systems (“ATSs”) in Canada. The documents currently being published for comment have been prepared by a working committee of CSA staff. The documents have been formally approved by some, but not all, commissions. In light of the desire to publish the ATS proposal, the documents are being published now for public comment. It is expected that formal approval by all commissions will be forthcoming. The proposed National Instruments, Forms and Companion Policies are initiatives of the CSA. The proposed National Instruments are proposed to be adopted as rules in each of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Ontario, as a Commission regulation in Saskatchewan and as a policy in each of the other jurisdictions represented by the CSA.
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