Chad Ikei Wins Big, Breaks Three Records by Lauren Hayashi Which He Missed
'""Volome"''22 ""'.N'o·:,,'25''''''''''''·:· .. ,.,, ,,,, ,.,.,, ,, ,,., Kapiol,ani::::Gommunity,,,,Gollege, ,.,.,_._ ,_ .. ,,.,.,.,.,_,_,_,_,_, .,.,.,. ,.,.M· ·., .. - <;:i'~c· h,.,., 2_,_ ·o·· ,.,.,_,_,_1. :-9-9· o·-: ,.,., ... a!. ' ' Chad Ikei wins big, breaks three records By Lauren Hayashi which he missed. "That'smybestlift, too," Ikei said. "I can't believe I missed that Chad Ikei broke three world records at one." In the deadlift event, Ikei lifted 418 the 14th Annual World Record Breakers . lbs, but missed 446 lbs twice. Powerlifting Meet on March 5. He lifted Ikei first started lifting weights in eighth 390 lbs. on the squat event and 292 at the grade; by ninth grade he was lifting every bench, breaking two teen world records. His day. At 5'2" "I never liked being called cumulative total was llOllbs., giving him a 'small," he explains. third world record. Now, Ikei wor~ out six days a week. The meet started around 8 p.m. and went "It's fun. I guess I'm in love with the sport. on past midnight. "It was a tiring meet,'' Ikei It keeps me busy and relieves stress," he said. He said things were rushed, and it was says. "And it makes you feel good about hard to warm up in the back room. The 18- yourself when you accomplish your goals." year-old KCC student was disappointed with Ikei is starting Olympic lift training with his performance; he had hoped to bench 308 the help of Tommy Kono, a former Olym.;. lbs, deadlift 451lbs., and reach a cumulative pic gold medalist Ikei's present goal is to total .
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