Alphabetical Directory
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HAL-HA~ ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Halliday, Herbert, wholesale milliner, 16 ~ orwood Hamer, H. Victor, clerk, Worthing llead road, \Vyke terrace, Shipley Hamer, James, 20 Higton street Halliday, Herbcrt, clerk, 93 Killinghall road Hamilton, Douglas (D_ H. & Co.), 111 Bradford road, HaJliday, Herbert, Craig-y-Don, Ba.nk crest, Baildon Frizinghall Halliday, J., bootrnaker, 6 Hipswell.treet Hamilton, Douglas, wool mcht_, 12 Victoria park, Shipley Halliday, Jas.Herbt_ (J_ H_ & Sons), 140 Kew Cross sL Hamilton, D., & Co., exporters of wool, tops, yarn, Halliday, Je;;se, bootmaker, Idle road noils, and shoddies, 1.5 Harris street T .N. 276; Halliday, John, tailor, 9 Wellington road, Eccleshill T.A._ "AsTt:TE, Bradford" llalliday, .John,&; Sons, ntanuCacturers Hamilton, Arc hi bald, )f,JJ., c. M., surgeon, 112 .:\fanning- or plain and t•ancy dress goods, blous ham lane '1'.~- 2716 ings, skirtings, 1•rootings and coat Hamilton, Edward M., theatrical mgr., 10 Neal street ings, Woodroyd mills, New Cross street '1'-~. Hamilton, Gavin (J. W_ H. & Son), 79 Ryan street 22 ~) and 2247; and 33 Brook street Hamilton, J. \V_, & Son, corn. winders and warpers, H .. lliday, John .:\1asnam, engine driver, 9 Thorncliffe sq_ Marshall's Mill, Portland street 'l'.N. 828 Halliday, John T., wheelwright, 59 Xorthgate, Baildon Hamilton, Miss ::\1ary, milliner, 834 Manchet-.ter road HaJliday, John (J _ H., & Sons), 138 New Cross street Hamilton, Victor, manager Pictnredrome, 33 }lann- ilalliday, J _H. ,sheet metal worker, 3 Pa,rkrd., Windhill ville terrace llalliday, John, & bons, stuff manufacturers, Shear- Hamilton, \Vm. C., corn. traveller, 101 Leeds rd., Idle brid~e mills, Gt_ H orton road Hamilton, William J., 9 Clifton place, Shipley Halliday, J., ins. supt,, 15 Tha,ckley road, Thackley Hamlyn Bros., Ltd_, manublCturers & top merchants, Halliday, J oseph, grocer, 15 Hall cliffe, Baildon 11 and 13 Snowden sL T.N. 379 T.A. "HAMLYN, Halliday, l\Irs. 1\larth~L, 9 Poll<1rd lane Halliday, Hicharcl, corn. traveller, 15 Wood view Hammel, David (May & H.), 26 Keighley road H~tlliday, Hicbard, mason, 2;~ Maidstone street Hammond, A._ v_, solicitor aud commissioner for O.ltbs, H<1lliuay, Samuel, wheelwright, Xorthgate, Baildon Dale Street chambers T.~. 720; r 1060 Bolton road Halliday, l\Jrs_ Sarah, 40 South par<~dc Hamrnond, Mrs. L. A., 5~ Pollard lane Halliday, S., grocer, 17 .)laltby street Hammond, Erne~t, cycle agent, 41 Wakefield road Halliday, Thomas, carrier, 7 Ives street, Shipley Hammond, F., clerk, 70 St. ~largaret's road Halliday, '1 homas, bootmaker, 5 Fountain buildings, Hammond, F. ?!I., architect, 1U8 Arncliffe terrace Baildon Hammond, Geo., over looker, 8 Peel Park terrace Hctlliday, Tom H., wheelwright, 13 & 15 Canal bank, Hammond, Geo., clerk, Huddcrdfidd road, \Yyke Shipley; r 8 Canal bank Hammond, George, mill manager, 31 Burnett avenue Halliuay, Walter, draper, 501 and 503 Leeds road, Hammond, Hugh, solicitor and corn. for oatils, Tan field Thackley bwldm5s, Hustlergate. T.N. 97tL r Park Hill lialliday, \V., painter, 7 Hall c iffe, Baildon Villas, Thackley Hallid;ty, \V m., & Co., printers, 1 East pa.rade Hammond, .TamPs, grocer, 70 If orton hank Halliday, William, blacksmith, Xorthgate, Baildon Hammond, .Tames, grocer, 52 Great Horton road Halliday, 'V m., grocer, 3 Fountain buildings, Bail don Hammond, J ames, clerk, 2 liothwell road Halli well, lJ., & C o., commission we a ver::l, Victoria Harnmond, J oe, coufectioner, 419 Southfleld lane Mills, l~Iill street, Low Moor Hammontl, John, cashier, 42 'I he Bank, Ecclcshill Halliw.·ll, G., warehouseman, 157 Maperton rotd Hammond, John, warp dresser, 15 Royd ;;t., Thornton H~1lliwell, Harry, clerk, 18 Abingdon street Hammond, Joseph (Jos. lL & Sons), Spring Hoyd, 118 Ralliwell, Hy. (H. & Bowler), 12 School st., Low :\1oor \Ve,;t Park road T.X_ 33."Jl Halltwell, John, polic:e-constable, 24 Bromet place Harnmo.,d, J oseph, water inspector, 19 Peterborough Halliwell, J., pawnbroker's assis., 29 AiredaJe crescent 1 oad, Eccleshill Halliwell, John W., ale and porter bottler ami mineral Hounmond, J oseph, schoolm~tster, 1 \V oodland view, water manufacturer, 7 Conduit street; r Sti Carlisle rJ. Gr8engates Halliwcll, John, poiice serg-t., 16 Leeds rd., Eccleshill Hammond, J os., & Sons, joiners and builders, 73 Four Halliwell, l\liss L., milliner, 8~ and 91 Bingley road, Lane ends, Thornton road, and 5 ~~ ortnner street Shipley '1' • 1'11."' 3'3". .:> 1 Halliwe:l-1, :\Iiss S. H., 8 \Vestfield terrace Hammond, L., irmkpr., !J21 llarrogate rd., Greengates Rally & Co., stuff manufacturers, Angltterarner l\lills, H ammond, L. H., fish salesman, 64 }laid stone street neax Glasgow ; town ottice, 1:2A Leeds road Hammond. Percy, traveller, 1033 LP-edR road Hallroke, }lrs. ilL, 10 Shakes pea re street Hamrnond, H. IL, & Son, fish salesmen, 50 St. Jame:l' H alm:<ha w _ F., boiler smith, 1 Ash w .. rth pi., Wihsey Market Ha! stead, A., tailor, 4-1, Bunn road Hamrnond, Hubert, larnplightcr, 12 Exmunth place Halstead, Arthur, stuff mnfr. (\V. H. & Co.). Grange Hammon d, S. J., general dealer, 242 Barkcr,.nd roa.J field, W estgate hill, Tong T.~. 78 Dudley Hill Hammo;,d, Thos., farmer, Bank \Valk House, Bank: Halstead Bros., wool merchants, 7 }1~tnor row T.N. 895 walk, Baildon T.A. "HALsn:An B~:tos., Bradfdrd" H ammond, Miss :\I ary, 35 Burnett avenue Hal::;tead, C. & W., stuffmannfacturers, Beehive }lills, Hammond; 'i"l. K, wttrehonseman, 8-i Thornbury Drive Longside lane '1'. X. 2045 Hammoml, \V_ il., goods checker, 39 Ripley terrace Halstead, John, postm n, 90 Lytton road Hammond, \Y m. By_, cashier, 63 \Vaverley road Hah;tead, Smith, corn. agent and woolmerchant, 48 H:unmond, \Vm_ By., warehouseman, 85 Heath ter. Duckwort h lane Jlanuuond's Bradf"ortl Hrewery Co., Halstead, Thomas. trilveller, 11 "r averley road Limited, 2SO, 2S2, and 2S-l ~lan Halsteild, J_ 'I'., fish fryer, l Stanmore place t.~hester road. T.N_ 50-l anti lS67; Halstead, Waiter L., 45 South field square '1' .•-\.. "J<'ountain, Bradford" Halstead, William ( W m_ H. & Co.), ::\Iontserrat House, IIamnett (B. S. Taylor), photographer, 1 Hallfield Tong street T.X. lOA Dudley Hill arcade, ::\[anningham lane Halstead, \V., p.tmter, 105 Lumb lane Hampshire, A_ H., pork butcher, 91 Hall lane and 518 Halstead, William, & Co., stuff manufacturers, Stanley Manchester road .Mills, Li,ter street, Dudley Hill T_N. 10 Dudley lfamp~hirc, Booth, innkeeper, 1 Pendleton street Hill; T.A_ "HALSTEAD, Dudley Hill"; and 6 Swaine Hampshire, Geo_, clerk, 142 }faidstone street street T. ~. 2365 Hampshire, J obn, shuttle maker, 36 l\[arshfield street Halstrip, ·walwr, corn. trav., 63 Thornbury drive Hampshire, Samuel. cashier, 15 Oak Royd terrace Ham, John E., stuff warehouseman, 140 liollingwood ln. Hampson, John W_ (T. Webster & Co., Ld.), 58 Kirk- Bamberle.v, 8., painter, 156 Barkcrend road g--ate, Shipley Hamer, Misses A. and C., dress and costume makers, Hanby, ::\Iiss Annie, fancy draper, 12S Lilycroft road 14 }fannville terrace Hanhy, }Irs. A., 53 Park lane Hamer, .i\Irs_ BhuiChe, ~!.D., 206 Toller lane Hanby, Charles, basket maker, 35 Roxby street 348 .