. " • ! , . • • 8.00 p.m.-Canada at Work \ . 9.00 p.m.-Scarlet PRESENTS Pimpernell. THE 'DAILY., NEWS. SONATA No.3 IN B MINOR '. available al 10.00 p.m.-liberace. Charles Hutton & Sons' 11.1 S p.m.-Club Time. ~~------~----~------~~~~------~--~ST, Jo'HN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 (Price 5 cents) Vol. 62. No. 157 ------Top Soviet Leaders Will Visit Britain s nday Work Is To Renew ~ontacts u. ir~ade At Big Four Focal POInt Of iGeneva Conference

Labour Dispute i LONDONi:i':':~O::.'~~NlkOla1Bu1g.. , SHAWINIGAN FALLS. Que. (CP\-Sunday work, a 'in and Communist party secretary l'jikita Kh~ushchev have lon'g standing so~e point with. the 100,OO~-men:ber Can- i accepted an invitation to visit Britain next spring and adian and CatholIc Confederation of Labol, again has be· i renew the lop.level personal contacts made at the Geneva come a focul argument in dispute here and at nearby conference. I d b rrier- between Eatt and It' t ra se a • Grand, Mere WIt . 1 wo newsprm rol'11 S. . . 'Ihis diplomatic thunderbolt was West. Allhough Ihe C~CL afflha,tc,L he unleasheel calmfy by Prime Min· 2. 'MIe posltion of ~rmllll1b National Fcrleratlon of Pulp .R.nel islel' Eden 10 a chcering Housp 0{ the dominant isme In Europe and· 10lill Workers, has hecn rI~cerlihed, Commons today at Ihe end of a "50 long 8S Germiny Is dll'lded al both Ihe Lalll'l:ntide milt o[ Ibe Inn" stalement on Ihe historic Big there can be no r.eal lecurity ar Consolidatcd Paper COml!any at Fo~r nleeting last week. mutual confidence In Europe." WorldNews! Grand'!lIere and Belgo mill hcre, As the initial wave of applause lI. President EiS1!nhower'. pro· Ihe controver5Y o\'~r Sunday work dicd dOll'n the smiling premier poss! for an exchange of mllItsr,. .' (Daily Ne\vs Photo) '--Briefs- is still raging. . '. expressed 'confid~nce that "both blueprints with the S~l'let Union The union has )lecn telling" ork· Ihe House and the country will was a "bold and imagmaliv. lUI­ ~IR. A~'D 1\IRS. ROLAND MICHENER are visiting St. Jr, hn's. Mr.' Mitchener is one of the two Canadians of the STI1-Ij MOBILE AT 82 ers I~ daily radiO broadcasts and welcome it as a slep toward end.- gestion." But he said that other T~I;'lC($ of the International Bridge O\'er the Niagara. He is a Progressive Conservative member of the 'House of WE1LHEIltf, Ger71Ulnll - Reu· meetings that th~ company al- Ing that stalc of mutual mistrust and more 'limited Western pro­ ready is attempting 10 get . ns we call the cold war," posals on disarmament offeree! Crmmons. and is general secretary of Rhodes Scholarship~ in Canada. He is visiting St. John's to meet with the ters-Ludwig DUsch, 82, walk· erI 40 niiles from here to Mun· much ', lI'a~ rt'lUall(I~lt to III the hOUlb, "Id Mn. ItDrm aac! Ii ; i.,~ ,oldier, "hOSt accOIInt 11'1$ It added that an Israeli plane was nlrst broadcast granted Ihe opposl· "we shull Ilurse!\'es prlll'e wOl'thy . GENf;\'A-AP - The [Tnlttd evel'. fhe II~ge Issue h~s tl\k~1I !tl.'- .-\It!i. J. • DI~n \\':1'0 in the houa. IIrUn , rtlwPd by the Greek Third Army flying to Sofia lonlght with • six. tion since Peron took power In 01 the rreedl~I~1 [lI!:IlIy. 1I'0n. \l'orlhy S/u/<'$ /lwl Russia promistd uull pl~ce .In Ihe U1iruls uf Ih~ 11'111'·1 Puli~e said shapely !lira. Lll0 1.4 .'~i ;;\'cbtni illli, 10.tl \o_~tlber. Corp, hunquarler~, said he law man inquiry commission. 19~6. of the sacl:I!rces willch we h3\'C \I'flfue.ldili//O support lIlt pro· kl'l's 111 tillS pl' • .tllurir,",llly BUIII:'u. """J '\' -I'd ,., de51hl lAM Mro. lilullil rcluru,d III ~I' Pull~. ___ 'fhe spokesman was Arturo Fron· ad\! fur It, und We are tide I'· "'I "'al l' _I. ""_ ." Ie... L 1\ ,,' Pu."r !lhC' (J"r'/-d• at"ltl'lrn' ";1 II UlI~I' al'ea. "",I'I Il'"I' 'I"lie W\·.i "ullll.with' h,I'IIl,' p~l'illi! ludle uU Ihe '" fli! uUII'~ \\itl'I, w·.• ••-n-r :!: '.. ' ONT JRIO- dlzl, president of the Radicals' JlI' lIIined til hep iI·in all the ftltnre." I.:, ./I.. tional committee. I ..... S·I' IIIEI':'fIN(l /llud lur ecollurllic t1el,elo,,, Ih~ disl'!ll~ I~ !Jdll~ fUl1ght 111;11111)' i I'cr~r~bh :,1' (;" hlllJ'~ sli. !il"! III ~1.11I1li! hl'iuil' JrlllhUli 1t'IlI •. ______...... ;. He nixed Ihe opportunity at· While Kuel'1lel' aull 113=!b £poke, luellt U.I loun uti Ilyreelllflit Olt()tlltl~ i:Stllllli;t); Wt"lde 1o(~lIc. I.t t I' III \1 <'~'."1111'~1 '1'"l'uulu. . Leo SlIcim.1J a DelgbbolU', 11111 ' forded by a U·station network to ambassudlll's'uf the fUllr big puwer.1 is readIed' on \rIurlIl di.IaTIn· lC a s u' I~ .U11;O 11 ~ ~\ I • h h J" t I 'L nd Ilr/l~!lI. U.S •• ddegutt Jolrn C, Cu111 palll' argile that Ih;!I' ~bll HI'~' llll'.slig:llor$ uld UI~ IIltracl!Vt • Ul' till dl'gulI1el' 'll ·n Helps Control blast the Peron administration, de· mel tor Ihe laNt lime in the Allied lry'IIIU t(-, keep S'lll(I.·,\· l'I'ork tu ": Ill'u11"tte callie to Calla!!. ll'UllI went II) tnl·tstltlale When he beard RO/ mand "a rebirth of democracy" council buildinll til agl'~e 011 the Bal;cr $aid di.~nrll1urntnt lIlollld minimum'n , ~ I ,·'rallkfort Germany nine munUls a 1\'Olll3n serum Ior IIe Ip. and outline a 10.polnt program last point DC their joint agenda­ lIIu/.e possibl'e increased flolV "Tile o'nlv lime ... e· want any i ago and' became 'friendly ,\\,ith "r realized something was MODI which he called essential for politi· dissolution of ihe Allied high com , of capital to tile underdevelop· Sunday prtiduellon Is when therc i Gianotti while wailing lor her h(15' and ran acro~s the street, onto · F t F· cal peace. mission • ,tL COollntTie." in ,chich an in· Is ~ breakdown Hnrl \l'e fan hehind banrl. Otto, 10 cnma from Gpr· the Jawn of the hou~f!. On !hl • Ragl ng 0 res Ire S ' The Radicals .re thr. only oJl' In Ihc coursp. oC the hrief meel· ternational deVelopment lund in production during the week," many. TIlree months, Ilft,r she ,er~ndah I ~.aw th!, man making position party represented In Can· ing - 268th since the founding of will plall it, part, a spokesman said. arri\'ed, her husband joined her stabbing mot~ons-I SlIw ~o Icnlf: B THE CANADIAN PRESS gress, but even they hR\'e only a the Allied council in midsummer but the couple separated after a at the tim! - and tIt.1i th~ Y dozen .men in the 151i·seat Hou!e 'of .1945.- the ambassadors adoptzd WASHINGTON (AP) - M&rtin week, police .;aid. ""O!!1!n e~!lap!ed, beatin, lIer Ontario forestry men, given a fighting chance by an Depuhes. a resolution. abolishing lour·power Durkin, 61. former labor secretary LOAN GRAl'.'TED hands 1!roU!!d her." ~·.. erni5ht rain, moved in Wednesday "for the kill" in their AllJed conlrol Dyer AU3tria. and now p resident of the AFL construction and Del'elopment has Offieen .aid Mrs. Stu.'"D1 !Uf. against the northland's forest fires. They cut the Congratulations were sent Aus· Plumbers' Union, underwent brain granted a loan of $12,000,000 to fered' "th'e or six" !tab ,,'oU!!d!, !ueimski ,aid he lo~owed !. m11l, e PrOVI-nces Earn tria by Prime Minister Eden, lor 3topped surgery Wednesday at Georgetown IFinland the development of the One slash encircled her throat. hi!!l I!nd he.d him untilln .r.UMh,or to around 130 from the 160 burning Tuesday, President Eisenhower, France's Unil'ersity. His physician reported: timber Industry and construction almost decapitating her. poli~ !rriv;!d. He uid tl!a l!1 • TM rain gal'! us the edge we And Spend Mor Pramier Faure and Italian Presi- 'I think he! going 10 be okay.' 0{ hydro-electric power !tations. Roger Siegler. a fellow roo!!ler had. kIille in his hand. !!~d:' !aid Jack Dillon, the On. e di!nt Giol'annl Gronchl. ~1J~ ;:ol'ernment's lupeM'isor of WEATHER rrrrAWA (CP)-'Provlne1al gov. According to the stale treaty 1':"1 prolertlon. ernments earned and spent more regulations, all loreign troops must GR· PI F ' N · al F 1 P li . rn~ clepartment took advantage Cloudy, clearing this mornini. In the last flscal.year than ever be pulled out of the country by ovt. ejects ea. or atlon ue. 0 cy. Ii Ute breale.1o ease the ban on Cloudy with lunny lnte~11I this before, . Oct. 26, 1955. , flrt!t tral'e! In the central regiOn, afternoon. Cooler. High today 85. Net geller.l .revenue' of provin· Up to midsummer, the Russians !JI the provInce. The public now , elll ,overnments for the year maintained an estimated total of TTA A (CP) P • eral party was no.t' prepared to ity. research en new chemical Iindustry. . , take over fields which came under dcriya\i\'c5 rrof!! and plan. CqF leader nh:1 tllr tra"el In the forests in the Nfld Ske ' ended March 31, 1955, was $1,380,. 45,000 troops in Austria. Strength 0 W - 1'lme e~al Col~\\eU h~ ~,jbury, Sault Stl!. Marie, Chap. • leS 000,000, • 3.3 per cent rise from of the combin'~d Weslern troops is Minister St.· Laurent said provincial jurisdielion. One of ning of immlgrahon Lo belp ~eah~es that a n~tional, fUel pol tOo. Whil. River and Gogama the prevlou8 high of $1,336,000,000 beiiel'ell about 20,000 men. Wednesday that parliamen- these was natural resources. dCl'elop coal.producing areas. I ICY, .n a?oplcd, 1I0uid hal'~ 10 ~e If,._. THURSDAY, .TUI,Y II In the 1953.54 fiscal year. The German~ rtilerl Auslria for " , Fcd.~ral coolrol o[ ficlds·. no\\' :lIr. Gillis disagl'ced wilh Mr. I apphcd lh Ihe przse~t capltallshc r.\1! :-;ORTH STILI, nOSED (Standard Time) Expenditure of $1,409,000,000 was seven years. Thcn the fou\' pow· tary approval of a CCF pro- delegated 10 the provinces mighl 51. Llllr::nt Ihat the constitution eco~omy. 'I!JC mollon was not Tne ban, imposed .I.uly 21 and Sunri~e .••• , ••• " ' • .4.32 •• m. up 12 per cent from $1,258.000,000, ers began Iheir occupation. Th:! posal for a national fuel pol· be desirable undcr a unitary form. would. have 10 be a\ucnded. The des!g~ed ~ mtroduce any form of ~)I ~rrectiR~ road IrnI'el, remains Sunset ...... 7.41 p:m: the bureau of statistics said ·Wed· Western p0\l'ers for' several yen.rs icy \"ould constitute federal o[governmcnt "but it is not 1hcI Dominion Coal Boud could he socl3hsm 1ft Canaa. ~(!~et in the northern region In TInt:!!. nesday In a .pI·eUmlnary anah·si~. sought to reslore Lhe natlon's JIl. l'n\'aSl'On 'of provl'ncial con ~ituation thal rcsults Crom 'lhe i expanded to lake in other fucls ______... .th thp Cochrane, Kapuskasing HI~h I.ow Tax lcvies wera the largest single dependence. Sovi·~t Russia agreed . • Brltish North America Act." ; and eleclricit)·. ,.. I~ Swastika ar~as are localrd. 1 4 source o! revenue,' yielding $554, •. to it, Ihis year. , . tr01 of natural resources. The fcderal government alrcad Y\ "The gOl'crllment al'Z afraid of l'::rrc were 36 fires burnin~ therr. . 7 a.m. B.32 •• m. 000,000 In, 1954-1955 compared with - Th~ proposal, last non - con- was doing wbat could be done in tbemseh'cs," he said. ,"'"('nlY-One fires w~re still ollt 2.10 p.m SllD p.m. $507,000,000 the prcl'ious year. 00.000 ($300,000,000); Non Scotia fimnce, motion in the government del'eloping fuel rCfiources. Tllis " .' • ronlrol I I \" d d 'I t S51,ooo,OOO ($49,000,000); Nell' thO II included .paymcnl of sub,irlies ,10 PARTY .':E.\DIlRS . '. a e ,e nes ar. "D.\ TE'IPE"ATVRES Rel'enue, from federal Lax a"ree. IS session, was mOl'ed In Ie IIEA~D Ih Ii' h' h ".. " Brunswick $49,000,000 (140,000,000) I , .c~ were ~ma Ilres w I~ \' • •• menh rose .slx ,per ,cent to $327,. Commons by Clarle Gillis (CCF- promote. the mOl'cmenl o[ coat Oppo~llion Icader Drc\\ saId the INSIDE I' Ih' k ancoul'cr ...... 5. no NewCoundland $33,000,000 ($30,000,· from onc area to another. Progrcs~i\'e Conser\'a!il'c parly 'Inr rt·har ler ~iS Ihl'ec C" • f II Wlnnipe" ...... 55 78 000,000. . . - "",,). and PrJ'nce Edl\'ard Island Cape Breton South) and ,~oted CmlMISSION STUDY...... supported fllJ CCF motion on the , ~ an an nc 0 ram to .. 10 LIQUOR PROt'ITS DOWN ,nov , down 72 10, 38 aCter a 45·mmute 2-Grand Bank New., Ilr~ thr de\';slaled Blind nh'er ~ol~ltreal'...... ~ 8.~ But lIquO r fit de lin I 10 ~.OOO,OOO ($8,000,000),' debale. '1'I1e motion was supported Mr. St. Laurcnt said resources underslanding it did not involve ',rta, Cl1ltl·n ..~ Ih- sl"'e of I~' man" a I ax ...... "" 74 r p 0 S C C( Exp~ndil(lrcs wilh pl'evious year . . . d will be considcred by Ihe royal socialization o[ flld rcsources. .II; 4--Harbour GracI N'w" ,. ~ A"", J S"d ...... *123 800 000 from $125 000 000 and lb' k by all opposlhon pnrhes an op· ":f\ ra~in". therr.. . -' ney ;...... "". 'D ., , , , '.' n rac cis: . Quebec $3i6,ooo,OOO commission on Canada's economic. said Ottall'a should take the 1m· 5-Kenne' Column, li SI. John'~ ...... 56 74 rev.enucs from privileges, licences i '($311,000,000); Nova Scotia '$53" posed Nolidly' by Liberals. vfuturc. If the commission recom· tialil'e in bringing about federal­ 6-"What Do W. Wlnl1" t:.o r.e cleparlment listed Ihe loca Rnd permits dropped 10 $315,000,' 000.000 ($51,000,000); ,New Bruns. Mr. Gillis recommended ana· mended a national fuel polic)' provincial co • operation In the _dUorial•. 't ns . of m05t serious i1res, men; While River, six 100 000 from $331,000,000. w.ick $50,000,0{)0 ($48,000,000): New. tional Iuel policy to permit ali th~ fire~, l~ would he consi~ered. development of coal.' burning 7-Art" Lllteu Conlelt, , • f 405 other areas. .-', Manitoba". No~a Scotia 'anll Nell" 0110 ($7,OOO,U80l.'rhls. would permit peak power '-Grand FaIlIN.wI. . I able t1w gOl'el'lll1lent 10 gil'e eJfe~1 Social' .Credit· leader Loll' said • Cochrane, 1. fifts.· ',198 Given an even break In the foundland was unchanged III New ' development lind a more balanc~1! I~MoYI. reviewi. to recolllrrwn(lallolls 1Il:lIle hi' 0(1'1 Ihe ('0~1 illllmtrT might h3\'e be~11 ~ mfn; Swastika, Slc;rt~;· . . . ~l'l~, :'U fires, 130,000 acrn, extlnlilish many ot Ihe fires. Some Saskatchewftn. Net general ex· . However, Mr. SI. Laurent saill I3-Comlu••. mrni liurlbur)', 31 flre.~. io •• ),\'1\1 take several weeks :to utin. pendilure Increased In every provo luncheoh meeting will be L. E. F'(he government would' have 10 scek industry.: 'Ihey included cstablish· fllcl policy.· urr~. IlOO meni Chapleau, 10 I"Uilh beca,!se they burned Inlo Ihe Ilnce.. '. " English, Curator of tbe Museum. a con.llitutional amendment to en· mcnt of neW inrillslric! in coal· The ~o\'crnment har! hern short I~.noo .acre •• 2.'10 men;GolI'.JJ'l)und .. lind . will" have to ,be Revenues with '.: prevlouN' . year'~ His' suhjPct will be "Newfound· ahlp. Il tl) carry out the policy producing areas, encouragement of sigh led and irreparahle damsge Pllht lira, 5,11000 acrel, 330 "l100d.ed out... . Illure III. brackets: Q.uebec $331,· land Folklore". prOposed in the motion. The Lib· co~l.fueled generation of electric· 'already had occurred in the coal .,' . ,

.. .' '. . .' .' ' !.-T_H_E_D_AI ... LY_N_E_W_S/;..T_H ... UR_S_DA~Y .. , _JU_lV ...... 28... , ... 19.... 55

..-~'" C' I,' '1""'1':"" •• '1'''"'', ,""::"' ". '''I'' '·"'T'" -,"'''I'':''''!''"''''!''''~ •..._ ••_II ...... --"""".,..""""'l---"""'''!'IIIlj;III11i~.,.IIIW&WlI/Iu;.".. r.ilIl!III"4II,u.ilM:_UilIPiIIlt...... WCU!l':IJf,0UI~Q.I\,:'J;JJI.IoIoIIL;o.u:1;j ''''''..-...... ",.."''''''',.''',',."." ~~1IolJoIlLn!lWlolII.JII:.If~ii;IIIIILIlIJA!ll4oi... ''''''''' ...... ,,.'''''''''...... J;WIil::.u.,f" •. ,·I~ .. ' ;r::'" I'· •. ". ·1.. ., I"" ~ • _ ..~. ~ ,I ,I, - . ,",'" ,." /.." .. "" " •. ' .', ; I, ..., I,·,,, J.:: .• "-•• ' •. ~.;,;:_ . ~ t EliI ran an otes ~ IIi (iH,\;l:U ,\:\K ••Iu y :!Il-\\'Ilh \IllS fummer. 0ClI 011 t el en'. an GYs carvlls, a a- \B "m" h nnrt J thl' slimmer \'acallull sCII~on now dicsd ,eneratln, plant 11 on nnal and Drape•• Anyonl need· n Xr'U'a. ' "{ in lull swing quile a number 01 Riverhead Wert in elosl prox\- Inl! Iny of theBl artIcl.. plilae Ted W(J people are moving In and out 01 mlty 10 the large transformers lIet ill touch wllh'lIl1ss Helen ney· 0 ana a \f; to\\'n on I1lelr holidays. III recent owncd by the COIllpany. nuhls, Box P, ai, Grand Bank, stat· , it da)'~ wc have Sl'en mallY srangers SI!A CADETS TO CAMP' IlIg size and colors of articles dc· Are La<1<1lo I g . !1\ In tOWIl as we:! sC\'cral of tllOse TIm Sca Catlets from RCSCC sired.. , . Obi1 r. who stili call Grand Bank "homu" "Atlanllc" lell herc SlItllrday af· Any of thes\! !lemy would be S" ROBERT RICE \ i 'ut are now hi'ln, In othl'll' com· temoon lor Goobles enrout'll to. mo~t sullable lor gifts at Birth· Canadian Pres. staff Wflter ~ ,Shi~ munlliei the Sea Cade !!utmmer Camp at 'da~·. Weddings, Cl1ll'istmns or fol' LONDON (CPl-Brltlsh exports i'.,. ' . "'e are ah\'a~'s glad to welcome lur.c.s. "Presell'Vel'" near Syd nny othcr occasion. to Canada arc lagging sharply be- 1.1 TlJl\ors to this town, a~ the signs ney N.S. They werc taken ,by bus PERSONALS hind sales tl) Ihe rest of the world. a "reeted at each entrance to thc to Goob!es to join the express for Mrs. Rodney Dancey and dailgh. The .Iatest barometer of Anglo· i'r Share In These , d ' '1 I d Ith 111 d Canadmn trade - the haU-Y'i!ar ~ llunldpallty (recently repainted Por·atux·BasqhP! ter \\ all a \ 5 Ie w r. an trade accounts just issued-shows ~ Mal1 and odorned with scotchUc for Lieutenant Cecil B. Lake, Com· Mrs. Wllfretl Buffett last week. a SWelling Increase in U,K. 1m- ~ the. benefit of nocturnal "Is!tors) mandlng Ofllcer of "Atlantic" Mrs. Annie Petite nnd Mrs. A. ports from Canada. ~ proclalmL Yet. we have often accompanied tllc Cadets as far a~ Webb \'Isltcd with Mrs.' J. M Bllt It also shows a sharp drop !~ • wondertd how much we have to Goobles, wberp. they joiner prat: Dunford last week. In British sales to Canada. ~ Home FurQishings Bargains Coasta o£fCll' to the strangers In our les from RCSCC "Burin" and 1I1r. Lloyd Follctt has been 'fhis worries Britaln's board oC i3 midst lind the Impressions they "lIIa:ryrose." Lieutenant Patrick spending his vacation In town trade, the, govern.me~t mlnis~ry fl eRrry away witt. them. It Is true, Canning was in command of the Wlt11 bls parents. charCfd Illth mamtamlng British f1 HeariJ thal we ha\'c s~\'eral excellent' whole party from Goobles to Syd· !\Irs. Flandetl" Is spending a vac· e~~g~r~'alnlY, w~ are concerned H prh'ale home gucs~ houses but ne~·. The cadel& will spend tW? atlonwllh :Iotr. and Mrs. Charles about the Iall in exports to Can. ~; Mr. C. A. Tre we ha,'c no pru[esslOnal hotel In weeks at the camp at Il.M.C.S. Parsons. ada and \\'e arc continually try- ~1 theComm{llunl\y. Since Kozy "PreseITcr" during which time CongratulatiOils to lIfr. and Ing 'to remedy the situation." a !~ CA,RRIAGES land Great Lakes ~Io~ed Its door~ there IE no re- they will receive an extensive' :'.lrs, Gerald Patetn, IIlr. and Mrs. board of h'ade spokesman said. rJ at yesterday's me staurant or snnck hal- bore 'which course In many subject! and wl\1 Ches Dunford t.nd Mr. and 'Mrs. OFI" 10 PER CENT t>! Sunshine baby carrla. on Coastal Trade ran c:\er to th'! passing tradt'. AI· be lea\'lng under complete navill F. i'll. Tessler who recently cele. 'Value of British imports from ~ ce~ in maroon color would crucify Ne' though ~uch scn'lces arc recognlz- rilles and l·egulatlol1s. bratud wedding anniversaries Canada jumped by 2j! per cent In ~ only with nylon bear· t'l by all or us as being essential TOWN COUNCIL Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Laundry the !lrst six months of this year ~_ wood were pres en • . I . compared with the same period Ings In wheels. Re­ vcry hlUe Indh'lclual Interest s The Town Council Is now tn- of St. Pierre we.re In town last last year. In contrast exports 10 • a d1l!o'iister happen~ gularly priced at $49.50 lakcll. In the cnse o( what cI·er)'· gallcd at bulldlns a new rock week enroute to St. John's. Canada during the sime months "i land· to have joinl body's buslrie~; Is nobody's bm· wnll down at thc site of the I\Ir. anti !lin. Frank ThornhlIl feli by 10 per cent. ~ NOW CLEARING ,presiding at the h Inc~. We feel th:tl we ha"e yet town's water pipes neal' the pump of Ottawa are visiting relatives The Financial Times calls It the tl a long \\'a)' tt gu In the I'atering hou~e. A bulldozer Is pushing up In town. "onc serious local exception" In a ~ , AT ONLY the question of II' business in thl~ town lind as I the large boulders and material Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tibbo and satlsfactory eeneral plctuN of eX. ~ mission's terms oj conscquence the reputation of the to make the wall whleh 15 being baby are vlsltln, Mr.. Letitia pO,~ts. I~ The third day of rh nd XJlO ls '29.50 began yesterday mOl 10ll'n 111U5t surfll:" (rom the com· constructed where tbe river cut Tlbbo. d EIXPOth fSl re-e th rb fto cahn. . (dl I [. d '1 It ... 1\1 . d 1\' S I II a neVe mon s e are t e with Mr. James p, pla,lIlts o. ssM 5 Ie '. so... out around. tIle present wooden .. I. an >I.. amue Patten (June dock) strike were below ' Shore flsbermen llercare sti11 dam built two years ago. \\Cle In town 1&5t week. even last ~'ear's depressed level. i managing director ( not (J~hil1J1 dill! to the' lack of Thc Council has repainted and Misses Millicent and Elah)e Tbee vidence Is that th export ~ !oundland Coal Co .• frcsh halt MIPlllies and the pre· redecorated thc "Welcome" signs Sparkes of St .•Tohn·s are spend· drive to Canada Is not taking ad. 'iI dence. Prior to confr \·:tlcnee 01 thl! _dugfi~h pest I.n Iat -each entrance to the tOlVn. The Ing a ,'aeation In town. vantage of I~e Cana~ian..reco\·ery W used in St. John's c: lar;:e numbl'rs. Some squid hn\ e j signs are now painted In the 1111'. R. M. Flt'nch of the Dept. from the 19ai rccesslOn. . ~ United Kingdom ani het'n l'('ported in seclllln~ o( Pia· tuwn's colours ,Of red and whltr. of Public WI.rks was In town !loard of trade pr~sldent Pcter l;li States, Mr. Sieinhall ('~:ttia Ray ami at Sl. Pleere ~nd iand to make UIPm \'I~lble al night I this weck on tlUslnes5. TI!?rn~ycroft told the Commons: ~ I~andsome he did not begin 1 .1-' :trl' r,'Obilhb' \1Dl'klll!! Inlo 1'01" scotchlite tape has been put on 1I1asler Howard Hickman of St. Ahn) hthlngbthat cadn be dOt nef, atnd s: , S~'dney coal until ; S '1 tltl 1 'a n J h' I dl . tl I mnc as een one, 0 os er ~ DRESSERS I tUllC nay. mn. quan es 0 C p' the lettering. 0 n s s spell ns a ~aca on n Irad between Canad nd our- .. ginning DC the war. lin bait were l.::kcll around Lawn tOWIl. scl\,:s if ob\'lously heaith; for th-e ~ Tan oak dressers with He used, he ~aid. n alld l.ord·5 Co\'e la~t wcek. The SPORTS 1111'. R. 111, French of the 'Dept. ,export trade of the United King. \~ English bevelled plat. Norwegian, S\\'edi~h trap f;~ltl'r)' In this a.ca has im· The finals of the Simon Le,·!tz of Public Works wa, in town tbls dam." . fI I ,hip~, but now is mirror. The t h r e. 10 .Piece , pron'd ~o",c fincc a week aRo. Knoc~out Seril'!S were concluded week on business. But socialist opposition members If! large drawers are QUit8 United ,Kingdom a One trap erc\\' had (our SllCCr.S- at St. Lawrence last night, As a 1IIr. Cecil Thornhill Is home jumped him On deliveries of goods B roomy and dust proof. carriers. The rales sh'e days cate:1 of filly Ijualntals. result of the teams playing to a from Toronto on vacation. to Canada. Said one Labor memo ~i dian !hips had 10 b, Regular $~9.50. Part oC this c~leh has been sold one goal dJraw Grand Bank bas We arc glad to hear,that George be,~: ~~ he ~aid, or he 11'0111, Crc,h at the Fo;tullc Plant but tnkenthe honours on the strength Harding who !las been III in the Dallverles In Canada are be- I; ~oom.· NOW CLEARING Living . Ensemble l but he found Ihat the bulk b beIng ~alcdt. of their 3 to 2 win here last week. Cottage Hospital here, Is feeling cthomlng even mobre ImporAtant tlhtn ~.' . d '1 h h d h ey ever were ecause mer can "-'. ,charter parties were :\ews from St. Plein a \ se T e two, ome an ome games much better ,nd wl11 loon be deliveries are geUlns ootter. It is ~ AT O:oiLY • CHESTERFIELD ,. LOUNGE CHAIR • CLUB CHAIR l\'ording that it mac! Ihat the plnnt there Is noW oper· of the finals between Grand Bank home. Impossible to increase the export i!i more expensive tha atlng at (ull capAcity ..\t present and St. Lawrence were Indeed SHIPPING of capital goods to Canada unlm ~ 545.00 • COFFEE TABLE ° TWO HUMPTIES In)-'\·a),. Ihere are abou: one hundred dor· real thrlllera which produced Dragger Blue Milt 2nd, a!U'l\'ed we jump the queue at this end." ~ When asked what in front both 81. Pierre and sood hard fought football and from the banks with 200,000 lbs. In Octobar, the entire U.K.·Can· ~ TWO END TABLES • TWO CUSHIONS ,,"auld be the eflec _ ~tlquclon landing their catches at leaves little to choose from bet· flounder. ada trade pIcture will be reviewed ~ restricted to all Co the plant with the dories averag- ween these two teams. On list. M.V. Freda M. arrived from at the .annual meeting of the Anglo. a he 8ald that h. t Ing about a thousand pounds dally Thursday In tila flrat of the fln.1I North Sydney with general cargo. C~nttadlaln oCtOtntlnUlng trade com· Solid comfort arid _in~i,tiryg. charm are coin: would definitely br I ml ee n awa. J\S I consequence 0 f th e arlle played here a Iarge crow d 0 f f ans M.V. Harold Guy dlscb8ll'ge d Meanwhll British manufactur. bined in this 10 piece living Joom ensemble. ., wards. He backed h 'landings from inshore !I~hermen were thrllled and more than got coal cargo and iail for North Syd- era sceklng\ greale~ toe.hold In The sofa and choirs are completely· spring, . :~ \ty citing the rapid the deep sea dragger "Galantry" their money's worth to watch tl1e ney. Canada are hopef\llly sending a rate. dUring the war has been lied up at St. Plen:e home eleven take the victory. lIt.V. Arawana Irrlved from huge consignment of products 10 filled and upholstered with very serviceable $' OAK BEDS .50 month. freights pel for O\'crhau\ln~ and refit. It 15 Grand Bank ,took a 2 to 0 lead Nortb Sydney with ,eneral careo the Canadian National ExhlblUon cotton tapestry in a popular wine shade. An from $3.~ to S7.51 cl'pected that tile "G:t1antry" 11'111 In the first period and added a and a tug in tow. In Toronto. . fl We have a few bedJ exciting value at our .Iow price of only ...... \"'as no apparent iT , be out o( operation (or a month third In the ,econd whilst St. Dragser Blue Surf wal In port Special efforts bave been made f.i in 'the same tan oak price of other com : (lr more, ancl her crew, most of Lawll'ence ~cored their pair in the Ithls week. 10 ensure the .uitabilit¥ of ilia S6.'i § finish, left overs from He told of the diJ whom are frllm here are now second stanza. GOIII Ittter. for R.C.M.P. culter Fort Pitt was exhibits for .the Canadian r mar~et. ill ~u!te sales and selling i- at a big price reduction ting lultable baab, · home fo! II su,nll1er ~·aeation. Gra~d Bank werl Tom Ro.se with In port last week on patrol. '::'~~I~fr~h:~~ ~a~~, m~:t~ gOa~~ ~ qua ted method oC . Thl' 1'.ngllsh trawler factory a pair and .Jackle Rogers. 1II.V. Shirley Blanch loaded wood tableware and furniture. fur- fl t which Is not proper ship "t'airtry" I~ noll' back on SI. I III the return game at SL Law, csnk Inti boxed fish heer for Hall· nlshlng textiles, floorco'I'Cl'ings, i SPECIAL EACH North Sydne)". The ' l'icrre nank following seveal rence list nlaM another large fax. wallpapers and tiles. not changed in 50 " II ~Ck5 fishing operations In Lab· gat11erlng of fans were tarea1ed to QUALITY RECOGNIED " ONLY Ind Is very inadeq '. ;radnr and Grecnland Waters. The a nip and tuck conte~t. Both "Canadians are !til\surpri!ed to ~ Db~olele. , "Falrtry" Is al present on a three goals were leo red In the first M t 1"G ld n dbcover that many o{ tile be~t f ~ 528.50 Though modern , months trip before returning to half. Dependable lillie Jackie on rea 0 e, British products In the mod~rn I"" unloading co"1 is a England. 'l'hls ship wIdth has Rogers put Grand ,Bank In the Ch· • " manner are cO!'lparabll in deSign I ' John'., Mr. Steinhi becn operating Ollt of England lead after eight mln~tes of play arlots .~ra~ ~ural~~:?~:~n t~e~_~~;~~}~,~: fi th\ Longshoremen' • (or the past twn years, mostly on by a win, .bot by Kearney late sars the board of trade !\! manded that they 1 ; ·the GUild Banks, and St. Plenre The Town Council II now en· Getting Old "It Is the job of dl;plays like ~ man), men as if . &nk processes her catch aboard 8saln. In the lecond frame both 'modern U.K.' til turn surprise Into ~ methods '!\'cre in I !hlp Immedlat!!ly after being tak· ele\'en. tried many times without MONTREAL (CP)-Thls city'S lIenera1 acceptance." § men art needed l I'n Irom the water, and when sbe success and full time IIW no fur· four" golden chariots," open·alr At the half-way marl- In 1955, ~'1 have to hire 80 I rcurnl to her home port the flsh thea' scorln" and the result mean· streetcars that carried many thou· this was the trade plctu •• : loading with two is ready for domestic pun'poses. It ing the Knockout Serle. for sands on slshtseelng tours through Britain Imported from Canada Is reported that the owner. of Grand Bank. the years, are comlni close to their goods valued at £lB7,931,OOO-up ~ brings up the landi .. I " I d I b I last mile. £47,304,000 abov'/! the same per- VANITIES ~O cents per ton. hI the Fa rtr yare quite p ea~ Congratu1at Dn •. Ire e ng ex· The first of the four special cars lad last year BOARD or with ~ shlp's "peratlons and the tended to Coach Georse Webh was bullt 50 years ago by the Britain ex~rted to C~" . :', goods These are orphans left 'Mr. Cyril Horwoo effort has been quite sucessful. and bl. winning teams, the per- Montreal Street Railway, predeces· valued It £63,443,OOO-down £6,. R on ourhnnds from suite Spring. Filled Davenport I the Newfoundland J The work on drilling and blast· sonell of which Is Gordnn sor of the Montreal Transportation 396,000 below the same period last p, sales. They have large .. then presented the Ing the rock ledges in the har· Grandy, Bruce Buffett, Sam Pie· Commission. It WI. designed by year. ',. ~ square plate glass mir­ ~~ Here's an opportunity to save over $25.00 on.one ~ by the Board of ' bour here Is now In full progress. rcy, George E. Klekman, Stan David E. Blair, an engineer who rors lind shown In wal­ I' I ,j Newfoundland GO\" During the wtl'k this work was Grandy GeorllO Trimm, Amiel stiU Is consultant with the com- CANBERRA (CP)-Deposlls In i nut and light flnlsh~. of these space saving davenports that converts " · commenced and Is being contlnu- Welsh, , Edwin Welsh, Tommy mission. • the federal goverll\~nt -, operated i"~ . Regular $45.00 value easily to a comfortable bed. Upholstered 1 When the Board John'i became aW3 'ri on the north side of the har. Rose Jackie Ragen, Malcolnl Many me,c)lanlea1 Improvements Commonwealth Saclngs Bank have in long wearing· frieze wit~ full innerspring con­ $ , I were made Tn the original colorful reached a record equivalent to •. FOR ONLY .50 boats might be exc bour. Quite a number of clt.lzcns Osmond, Allred White, ~ev vehicles, painted eream with golden $2,370,000,000 or about $260 for c:ach struction. Choice of wine, gree~, grey or mush- trade, Mr. Horwo are Interested spectato.rs \!latch- Crocker, ,Stanley Trimm and ralUngs, but their basic aPpearance member of the pl>Pulation. ' took I serious view In, the drilling, (ollowed by the Georae Smith. never changed. From early spring ------room. Regular price $125.00 ...... NOW ONLY : underwater dvnatftlte blastlns, The Championship series wUl to late fall, the cars travelled a 10· say they will not run next year be· $22.50 They thought of pr : ,The bla!ts COUfie eartll tremors commence tonlllht when Grand mile route-at 10 miles an bour- cause the commission Is hlullnll up from the Board, bu , which can he Il'lt for a consider. Bank wUl be at Fortune and whenever weather permitted. ralls In preparation for buses. the Government dl '. able dlltance from the, scene but Lawn play. at St. Lawn plpys at M'rC officialS-Who akrran~d fotlr flnThd e hoffo~~nllns :~:!~~ea~::: t~~lyl borate In presentin a Mr. Horwood , 'do!l! nol cause allY damases of St. LI\W'ence. neWApaper folk III rna e I len • 0 _ny kind. WEAVING ' m-...... en_t_ll...:j~nt_lr_ne..:y_abo_ar_d_t_h_e_c_ar_s_-_m_R_k_e _th_B_lr_l_as_t_tr_l_ps_th_ll_a_u_tu_m_n. arguments for the Two members' of the War Helen Reynolds of Grand Bank H d Plied, when questio Claims Commls.~iol1 wcre In town bas been weaving for the Jubilee matter to him If Ir onore . • ; on Wednesday list and mct with Guild of Newfoundland and Lab· (Continued 0 varioul parties who were .Involv· rador, .. well .. fnr the local 'ed In marine losses from enemy market, for the last. two years, CHROM~ aclion In World' \Var '11. They and her work l:as been very well BEFFER1 were Chief Commissioner 'Chorne received. In order to do a greater Campbell· and Consul R.' J. Batt. variety of this work and lerve a S£T$ - The .wnen of the motor vesae. wider market Helen went to St, Smart chrome klt~ilen '!Robert and Max" and "Helen John's, the Headquarters of tbe sets consisting or centre Foney" lave evidence be!Gre the Jubilee Guild for Newfoundland, extension table and Op , CllllUDbsion u well as several Gt· and took' a tliree month. ~urae , fOllr chairs. Choice of ~ her iJidlvlduais who bad .nff~red this Sprlnl • rl!d, green, yellow, grey The Minister 01 . or blue with arborite able S. J. Hefferh : maerUallGsses In the War. Helen Is ntw at home and i. top. Spring Filled Mattresses · United Tow/lJ Electric Co. Ltd., open f~ orden for any of the turned from Nor hu commenced the erection' of following and other items: All­ tr.brador, ",'here, 0 SPECIAL PER SET Built for years of satisfactory service these 180 Premier, be official 'Jl:e building which will house rons, Place Mats, Baby Shawls cail spring filled mattresses are exceptionally good '. the new emergency diesel ,ener- Bnd Blanket'., Children'. Ind, '69.50 . impreslsve dedica · alor wh1ch II to be Installed here Misses' Skirts, Guelt Towell,' value. They are air ventilated and have handles $ the International ( . , .50 for easy turning. Covered with a heavy duty Hospl!al at that p: OUlable Mr. Heffe striped damask ticking ...... ;.:5P~CIAL EACH himself IS being VI the splendid hospi 11. ties "bleh will OI IlUperintendency 01 'don of the Grenfe The ceremony.c P.m. on Sunday l followed by an It , . , , , Telephoto) building and its u III an lIIl,recedeil&ed .tep, th' N_"y:presented its D1stlllguished Pultllr faciUtiel. IerYlte award t. reUrlng Army Robut T. SleVNlI III • brief me. sec. • Over one that at tlte Nayy Sec. Charles S. Thoma. (left) millel the ,a•• ,. Penillo.. from the immedl :preHDlltillD al D~fense See. ellftrlel E. WllsDn looks on. Tlli II11110r Points outside, inc' 11'11 beatowed 01 Steve.1 ror hi. lervlct3 "In the field of Inter'Krvlce ~rom the United ctOpenUon." • I· ' •• adlan ServiceJ in ti~ipated. . • .' R' " .... lHEDAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 . 3 ~Of Ships: ( ~ Would "Cr~clfy". Newfoundland ·Trade Shipping Company ----:--~-(I~-~-\ ----~---


Manager Declares Th' m,m"" ,( 'h, ,'""'m Training Corps or the Church S e'ppIeng He' cent Lads'Grace BI'1gadeyesterday arrived afternoon in Harbour to Coastal hI spend a week under cam·as. This Is the first Uml! In the history of -Dues G d " the Brigade that the younger ContI uate members have had a scpcrate Hearing ra camp. Captain V. L. Ash, Camp Com· ~lr. C. A. Tregenza, managing director of Newfound, .1 mandant, repllrts that approxl· land Great Lakes Company, said during cross questioning mntely one hllndred and forty It yesterday's meeting of the Royal Commission hearings lads nrc on thl: roll. E\'Cll"ything on Coastal Trade 'to limit shipments to Canadian ships Is going nlonll' smoothly and the lalls ~re in good health. would crucify Newfoundland," and that if Premier Small­ Last night the camp was enter· woOO were present he would agree with him that, if such tnlned by a mO\'lc show held In a d!lio,ster happens, "it was a great mistake for Newfound· the !\Jess Hut. Jand to ha\'e joined Canada." Mr. Justice W. F. Spence. Once again we, remind our friends that tM camp sports will presiding at the hearings, said in reply that unfortunately take place on Saturday. ., the question of "Terms of Union" were not in the Com­ The usual camp Sunday will mi~sioJl's terms of reference. be held commencing with Cor: The third day o( the hearings porate Communion at St. Paul's ~r.~n ,rsterday morning .t 9.30 Church at Ram. The camp will .llh llr. Jamcs P. Steinhaucr, Convention Of . pal'ado to St. Paul's Church at rr.lT.a~inll dirtctor o[ the New· Uii; ;!;1nt'!;i;;);\1 . 11 ~,in. for Divine Scrvkc and !n:Jndl~nd Coal CO,. gl\'ing e\'I· ~Iavors Anel tlle Drum lIeud Services will he trr.rt. Prior to confederation coal • heldafternoon. on the camp grounds in the (Daily News Photo) u.rd in 51. John's came from the The official inspection of the I Tuesday aftemoon the delegates to the convention of Ma yors and Municirfalities were guests at a reception at rr.:lrd Kingdom and the United ~Iunicipalities CnillP will he conduct~d hy I Bowring Park given by the Dominion Machinery and Eqll ipment Co., Ltd. The picture shows, president Allison 5:1t~~. ~Ir. Steinhauer said, and The third day of the £l!th annual DR. WILLIA~ GREEN At the spring conl'ocation 'of ccolond dE. ,W. dReglnlelltal Bugden, as he arrived al the receplion with J\'lr. Phil Hodder, Ma\'or of Deer Lake. Mr. Frank Wall one of the hr dId not begin tn bu~' North connntlon of Mayors and Munl· n~slt. I • McGill Unlversit)" Dr. William , amman el. all "all ay morn· I f h [" . h .' .. - ' .\ Hnp~' coal until alter the be· clpalltles continued ~'esterday in 'Ing at 11 n.m. . 10StS 01' tea terno.on 15 seen greetlllg t e two, who were a day late III arm'lllg because of an accident with the car . i Green received his dc~ree or Doc· . I i "Tlr.:n~ (I[ the war. Ihe St. John'~ Memorial Stadium. On Tuesday night the iJonfire in which they were driving last week end. , l H. u.rd. he ~aid .•t liut. mainly The rarh' morning session wa~ tor or Dentistr)', anti is now in, St. John's to begin' his prolcsslonal the ,.. ~~r"r;:i~n, Swedhh and Canadian A pril'Ate one In which the dele· will take plncr on beach, I 1 ' y .~ \~:"'. but now is rrstricted to gate~ dl5cussecl their problems. career. Car:· on C,L.B,! Kcep the flag TEe: , Dr. Green is the son of Dr. T. !lying. ..' ...... __ C.N.R,: ~ rr.,Ir1 than/lrd In 50 years, he ..Id, and Councillol'l, was host ·to the An ad\'ance parly hns set up the who I~ a150 chairman o( the Lions Her. name was not released un· Transport Control Bllard, which visiting delegates their wives and the examiners and was sor. It 15 Interesting to note thnt and is \'try Inadequate and very ~om base camp5 ami the hoys will have Health Committee and In co·oper· til . yeslerday because ~er father was a .pecial body 1ft up by th. sweethearts, Ministers of the De. strongly recommended for publl· Messrs. Mercer, Lawrence, Pike. atIon with Dr. LcDrew. Chief Medl· ~\'

4 THE DAILY NeWS, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 :Reverend N. S. Noel' Lady Lake , Coastal Shi) Cabin Gue~ [; Commissiol1 (Continued frO! F'ormer Resident race 'News HARBOUR GRACE-Visilors tli rled on British or C ar ou·r that it would mak~ Ilarbour Groce one ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEOPLE IN THE NEWS-TWO . a{~er such a long absence and· Iheir 'points of n~call'. mnl~ng the pictures' ~ ,nee If the same ral Visits Home Town , I, Mrs. Robrrt Shepp:ml of Corner wish her and her daughter a happy hit Alaska lIton· Company be given ... fe~ )'~an ago Re~" lItr. Norl Rnd cO.Deratlon the \'olunteN' Beat eggs and brown sugar lilI thick and add dry Ingredients. Dnd ~In'. James Crocker, a lI'e\l. becn kille(Un a "handit llprising" day with an al.l.tim~ r~cord high MRS. CATHERINE FOSTER The brief present lell thl~ Ihoce~c for \\ cstern Can· Fire Brigade lll're for Its use, Add nuts and cocoanut., spl'ead over £lrst mixture. continue I f 'I f in China's umlerdcl'eloped 1\\\'ei of 92 reported III thiS Cit>·. ~OIlUI' Withy shows, Mr. H ada. ~nd,l~ n.oll· lit Rcglna Sas!,. The members of the Council n!llwn ami y 0 Otterbury, liar· chow province, the Pciping Com erly air flo\l'ed up the RockieS in this company has I A t':"l' ;\;r..lI'roundl~nder. 'cry and of the III. G.V.F. BrIgade baking 30 minutes. Cut In ~quarrs and cool In pun. 'bour Grace. Her many friends are IlHtnist ne\l'~paper Kangming dailyl the United States and up the west Supervising Hos, ••, with Newfoundland 11,1'\" ;\;. S. !'i1l!'.1 .Is haJlP.~' 10 be nr~ I'~ry apPI'cl'!Dlll'e of Ihls gen. • • • • plc~w~ Itl wclcqme her "home" said TlI~sdaj'. coast of dcanada to Alaska. , trade for over 100 "1$1I I nil .t III ~ P101 I nce, II IlI~re at 'erous~ ~ gestul'c. 'The ho~e dryer GUMGum CllEWlr-.·G ehell'lnll un b! a I'ery annoying habit t.o Iho~c II'ho do nnt -:::~iiii'''~-,~ Ii'-.-.-il· :i.IiEil-.~-~-i~-~-iiiiiiiii_i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii., Mr. E. P. 'Rces, ~t. J01m ~ he .F the. gUtst or his will arrll'c here during the next appro\'e, but lately, we re~ that .\·oun~stm may help to preserl'e Furness With)', afi h:olher, :'Ilr. Thos. ;\;01'1 And fam· I d 11 • ' ew ays. their leeth an~ prel'ent toolh decay by ~hc\\'ing gum. rector in charge 01 ~. . . . . erations, gal'c cI'ide At Ihp ~m'i:,e at ~t. Paul'~ on ,. Re~elrchrr~ are lelllng II~ that Ihere is OI'cl'lI'hclming ed· The bllsiness is · Ian~IIY mornlllg. the r('vcrend K' 'Cl b' d~nce that 5Uiar helps calise tooth deca~', bllt adds that nil owners and ship ~ Itentlt'man IIddl't'mll lhe memo ' lWa1lIS U fnod5 with !ugar conlnl arc not necessarily dangcrous,lo Ihe ficl's at 51. ,John' , hrrJ (If the Church Lad$ BriRade leeth. Cantl), aids rapid tooth decR)', so As gum seems to pre· John, N,B., ~Iontrc; who \\'('fr. al1cmlillg at their , Ferl'e the teet h, then young.~ter5 may RII 011 chewing it. Thr,· g \'ancoul'er. chun'h Jlarndc. and exprCt'sed I '1hc _:c!:ular weckly m:ctin of will Bny\\:a~·. but onc'~ pet peel'e is the adult who ~its nc'u' al e Aparl from Ihc t him~clf liS bcin;.! hallPY to be once Harhour Gr : ]{1~WIlI.s Club ton~ at a mode and "tracks" gum all thrOUGh the el'ening .. St. John's, thc con mc.-c with tlle walls of the old place nl 1'11:(' s 110,1'1 on Tue;da~, .TO YOU • • • • proximately 600 I~ ~,l1d hl~toric St. Paul's. wherc IIC July 19th with Allc \\Ioores pre· What about a 'Chewing Gum' Siory-a Iree one loo! and substantial I' had heen bapUzlcd and worship. siding. A young teacher, I\'~iITY of pupils who chclI'ed guni during school handling cargoes, , Jll'd In his youth. Tee rcmlncsced Chalr.:man or the I'I'enlnR' \\'85 hours, ruled that any offender should remol'e gum, and put it In Ihe largest, properties tlIl Impression~ of the old town, Kill'Bnlnn lIIax Parsons, the pro. slove. One morning a child was told 10 do this. She ob~yed, but shortly front, he said. and of dlC(LcultlclI which had been gramme II'IlS an Informal one, after began to sob. On being asked what 11'1 s the malter Mar)' replied, THE PUBLIC Trading has gon, (I\'trcome by 111m through the and consisted of discussIon on "Please Miss, that g·gum was mothers." and the Furness " power of prayer, lmpresslng on toplcs'drawn (rom a l1at, • • • • been operating sinl his hearers, and especially the The report of the Council Col. LINENS Last wee}{ when we ad vertized that we, would scribed the two ho; youngers members the Import· lectlon which r.umpalgn was spon. Crisp white and cool ,linen does not demand the altention and Ncwfollndlanl ance of using the foundation of sored by the Kiwanis Club here, It once did, to slay fresh and dainty. Always use a hot iron built for the New! pro)·er. whleh lie s~ld God always has nut been fully recell'ed as lor linen. Pres! on the wrong side or usc a pre~s c10lh over sell 10 USED CARS with a 30 day new car and operate on a rl answered, If not In the way asked yet, but It Is hoped that all wards trimmings and pockets, which need to be !inishcd on the right , He gal'e details side. for, thcn In Its own wisdom. \\'111 bc heard i~'om sholly and the In st. John's and Ii Followln!: the close of the ser· I total receipts known. • • • Ihat In 1954 DI'el QUOTATION warranty, you bought 6 of them within 24 \'Icc Rc\'. Mr. ~C'CI \\'cnt Inlo the Meeting closcd with the Nation. spent for the twu church Ilround~ and there shook 01 Anthem at II p.m, "There Is one thing certain about a lI'ell dressed 1I'0man, She hands with mr,ny 01 his 0111 lrl· has taken lrouble-and to take trouble is to strengthen character." Warren and Furn ends of the large congrcgatlon • • • • hours. Stevedoring wages were $844,000, he that had galhercd to take partin "If ~'ou are cI'en at a loss 10 slIpport I flagging conver. the church sen'iee tha t morn Ing. sation, Inlroduce the subjeet of rating," When asked wh; .ffect on this Sl'; lIud 'who wcre plcllsed to 11I1\"C the ------~~ flpportunily of \':elcomlng 'thelr Canadian ships II' former 10ll'nSI1'hn back home. Kf~ ~'I-(It() HERE ARE 6· MORE operate on the co ,.!,rY ReI'. :t. S. Xocl will he Rces said that he "iSill~!: Fo!:o IIncl ReU Islan": be· THE IttIRACLE consideration to tl • forr rcturlull :11 fll'J;lnr.k IPeople In The News' If such an unforli :: Mlcr lIiI addrf'ss peri 011, the lUSTlU ENAMEL lake place the I · rrl'rl( nd I!l'nlll'mnn has IIN'n or· HARBOUR GRACE - Mr. Ind I i~ on three wrpks I'acation, and is hal'e to modify if Mrs. Taillnn and three children 01 "i~iting St. John's. • ~("red 10 havc r~~l dUl ing the sum thing is fa irly def Bell Island were recenl vlsllor~ to call tl) st. John's Harbour Grace, and are ~pending Mi~s Betty Murphy, RrI',. re· bc 8 bandoned. • a week· at the summer 'residence turned on Tuesday last to rlulies He considpreri It • .' of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gosse, at nt lhe Sanllorium after visiting had "grandfather Shears town, . her parenls on Harvey Streel, lor Also with been established a fortnight. ~erl'icp. anrl had Mr. and J.lrs. Fred G. Chafe of stay, Mr. Recs sa Gander arrived at Harbour Grace, Mr. William Dooley has return· SteVedoring cos' via Clarenvllle,.'on Friday and are ed to Stephenville' Crossing after , , ,told the C:ommi guests of Mr. Chafe's sister and a brief visit 10 his father, Sgt. A 30 DAY NEW CAR WARRANTY Union requires th brother.ln·law, Mr. and Mrs, L. C, Dooley. YOU CAN BANK YOUR MONEY' same gang as if Davis. Before returning to Gander devices were avai they will visit relatives at Brlgus, Mrs. H. G. F. Kirby and son 1953 CHEVROLET' SEDAN 7953 BUICK SEDAN When asked if ''Around-the-Clock'' Heart', Content and Grand Falls. Cyril, were visitors to Harbour Grace on Sunday, A rich dark blue color with perfect finish; new seat This car has everything you could wish for. Delight. perience with ope at Canada's First Bank ships, and what th, t.!I!ti':' Mr. and Mrs. Nelt D. Bishop, 51. covers; splendid tires; a quiet appearing car for·a ful polychromatic pale blue finish; automatic trans­ John's, with their two children, Mr. and !III's. Sam Grant alsp Mr. Rees said Ih; conservative person ~ut one you could drive with mission; power steering; all new tires) radio) spot­ Newfoundland COl Douglas and Barbara, Ipent the were visitors to this town on Sun· confidence, Mechanical condition guaranteed. light. We will be glad to refer you to the former week·end as luesta of Mr. Il!d Mrs. day. Canadian registn. C. C. Butt, Stock No. 26 owner. £170 when the Mr. Cyrll Cook, St, John's, spent for the fame shi Mr. and Mrs. E, Hanrahan ,1slted the week·end at Harbour Grace. registry. the capital last week. ' , J954 FORD SEDAN 7954 HEAVY PONTIAC SEDAN When asked II satisfied if the c~ Mi5ses JIIary Freeman, R,N., and A lovely 2 tone job with pale blue top and dark blue literally a 'dream in cream that will compliment th. MI~s Flora Tapp of New York, Bernice Parson~, R.N., who had • license to OP! who had been vlsltlnll her mother, been "Isltin!! 1111'. and Mrs, E. D. bottom in special metallic finish; very clean up­ beauty of any brunette; delightlfully polka dot up­ which reslricled r Mr5. M. Tapp,' the past two wecks" Freeman, returned to Hnlifax on holstery with leather trim; exc~lIent tires; mechanical holstery; nearly new tires. This car has been used dian ships, 1111'. RI left on Wedne~d8y 10 enplane by Salurday. condition guaranteed, with new car warranty as only 8,000 miles and is guaranteed mechanically aJ and qualified his T. W. A. at Gander for Iht relurn that a license WO'1 trip. Her sister Miss Ada Tapp ac· lIIrs. James Connclly nnd son, stated above. Stock No. 7 above. Slock No. 94 cancellation. He ; / companied her to St. John·s. are sprndillg R I'acntlon with her are at prcsent'IlI parenls, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Free· • In Canada to repl Mi~s Barbara O'Neill, St. John's, man. J953 HEAVY PONTIAC SEDAN the Furness \\'arl il the guest of Miss Grace Payne, Extremely pleasing two tone in pale green and dark DeS! Red Crnss, .. WMer Street. lIfr. Rnd Mrs. Ernest Barllett I NFLD. GREA'] and children, 'feddy and Cynthia, green; new scat covers; really good tires; mechanical Mr. H. L. ROII'fi Mr. and Mrs. William Tapp and arrived from Buchan! on Satur· condition guaranteed. A solid car. for a hard driver', lhe N cwCoundlam daughters, G1enys and Maxine, of day, via Gander and Clarenville 10 , • Stock No. 73 Company, then pr Gander, were visitors to lIr. Tapp'! spend • holiday with Mrs. Bart· for the company. mother, Mrs.M. Tapp, recently. lett'~ father, 1I1r. T. G. Ford and The company, , sister, Mrs. D, W. Bragll.. said, is wholly , Mrs. Patrick Norris and daughter dians, has been 0 Alice, of Bishop's Falls, and Miss Miss S~'lvia Martin of SI. John's foundland since Anllela Whelan, are gU6SU of Mrs. is I'isitlng her grandparents, Mr. ent operating wi Cook, Himy Slreet. and Mrs. W, HarrIs. 1954' Roadmaster Buick" S'edan dom regislry ship St. lohn', business people, WIlD are unable 10 make all Without a doubt the buy of 1955 as it is priced below original cost, We challenge anyone to fault sidlzed. It is thl their bank deposits during regular banking hOUri, ha\'fI Rev. Canon A. B., S. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lidstone of this lovely automobile. In rich maroon color with custom ~pholstery; it is just loaded with tlon of this comp; III "arter·hour," aerviee seven clay, a week al the B oC M', Stirlln, and two, l1'andchlldren, Winterton, T.B" 8re, spending a during the period ol&ce OD 'Waler Street. were guest. of Dr. and Mrs" C. few days at the, Lilly home. 'luxury items; Dynaflow transmission; power stee ring; power brakes; near center armrest; select· In Newfoundlanl t CroD en Sunday., Canon Stirling ronic custom radio, etc., etc. If we didn't tell you, you wouldn't know it from new. Stock No. 112 trade, it has m; Thi. new B of M Depository Service eDable~ mer. WII the .peelll preacher at the - Guesls of Mrs. Ernest Sheppard, contribution to It chaDII. alllDIRoti"e !ervice Btatlon., reetallranls, Cood C.L.B. drumhead servlel on Sun· day afternoon. ' on Sunday were Mrs. Frank Ford province not 01 In .... et&, thealres, hotele and many other .~ch bmineeeci and Mrs. A. E. Hemmons and to depoail theirreceipta safely anrJ con~'cnjentl)' tI/ler Mrt. W. Noel .nd son, Mr.Har­ daughter Carol of St. John's. r'plor bonking hourJ •• , old and Mrs. Noel, St, John's, Ie­ Six ways to I 1 VlslUng Harbour Grace after an PLEASE NOTE ., companied 'b7 Mrs. GII~ were at Do you Imow t H.rbour Grace on SundlY. absence of over thlrty yean is The 30,Day New Car War~anty on these 6 Cars and many others in our stock cover. engi~.j llUmmer bit you Mr. Mae Martin, son of the late 'for lull'dftt"ila, plefUe enquire at the 8 01 M', Olfice "our "sweat BY Hr. and Mrs. Ern.af Ash, St. Mr; and Mrs, Absalom Martin. Mac ignitio~ system.;' battery; tra"smission; rear e,~d assembly; braki assembly; lighting system, that you're oft at 238 Wa'er. Street John'. villted Barbour' Grace on Is accompanied by his wile. They Your IIbirt on Sund.y. • are now residing. In Toronto and wheels; clutch, ~tc., etc. Tires are not guaranteed by us b'utevery new tire on theM cars lrOIDen atand h are pleased to b. able to renew DIeD? old lequalljtaneel. " . BANK OF MONTREAL - , , tarries t~ manufacturers regular new tire guarantee. AUI\IIt Reade " YillUD, Jllrbour Grace on Sun­ .1 ~4~8'M day were Mr. and Mr., John NOt~ You fucinatinrr j St. 'John'•• Mr. Maxwell Tapp of Unrmon 'body'S c:ooling Ii Air, Base, arrived on 'Saturday to 6 eaay ruIes fo St. Joh~'5 Branch, 238 Water Street: Mr. IDd Mrs. ,Arthur Killer, St. Kp~nd his vBcation with bis mother, Get. your elll F. S. SH .... RPE, M.n.g~r' : ' 10hll'" were lUella al S1. Paul's Mrs. A~ Tapp, Water Street. lteader's Digl Rectory,' on. Sunday, Iftst. . articlee lof lasti ' eluding the WOIICINO WITH CANADIAN. IN ,yin' WALK a. LIf' IINCI 1117 .' Mr. Robert Davis oC Bell Island LTD. ~ TERRA NOVA MOTORS , 'llIapZilll!ll and Mill Eileen Dooley, nlaht oper· Is spenrllng his summer vacation at , in cobdeJll!ed f1l .' ...... jly28,ag2 , . .\ .tar. ~th, 1011, Telepholl' OfJIce, hil 'home OD Woodville' Road. - • ,.' , , I I .. '.

THE DAILY NEWS, TIiURSDAY, JULY 28, 19S~ I 5 • goods but also by exerting • reo 'k 'H I G P .. ". lion' whenever he met'an obstacle to be exclusively resorted to. The Prime Minister says he is Inot be hard for the representatives Coastal Shipping· straining Influence on the general PI e sole uests ,ortuguese ' iti his path. On such occasions: Some have' been fugitives from rendy, to accept a discussion on of both sides tli reach agreement freight rate level to and from which are numerous, he calls us justice in GOA; others, the greater this crying case of Colonialism. round the conference table if their Newfoundland. HARBOUR GRACE-Mr. and 'Reply To Ne hr u "barbarlims", describes South part, lowly and unemployed pco· He would have done better to only Idea is tD solve difficulties Commission Mr. C•• 'H. TreKenll, managing m t Mi G Id Africa's policy as ,"Indecent" and pic, wlttout means, utterly Ignor· choose others, for here, fry as and find a meeting ground for the"'­ (Continlled from p.1ge 3) director of the company, took the Mrs. Granv e Hun, S5 era • (Press release from the office of burns 'with indignation at the ant of the question of GOA and be may, neither 'econimic nor mili· best interests of each state. Whe· (rd {In British or Canadian sblps, Ine Lu(!man, Mr. Robert Crane, D. Senhor Henrique de Morais stand· to answer questions and Earle, Bell Island; R. Hillyard, H. Fortu!lsl Consul to New.' "sordid Western Imperialism" the supposed significance of their tary nor political Colonialism can ther it be· security problems, Ih:ll il would make little differ· clarify the brief submitted. Hollett, Warren England, Dave foundland) which, through England's instru· act, who are pushed into GOA, be found. \ border relations, transit, the traf. r""- il the ~me ratts were avail· He described the three' Brltlsh Moore, Robert North, Don Croclter, LISBON i I 22-A 1. t mentali:y, provides him with ,i1is and calmly exposed to the penal. Replyiug to )!r. Nehru's predic· fic of the railway and Port of Iblr [or both, but he feared that ships used by the, company, and R. Cooper and Wife, D. Barter, ' ',u y rep y 0 main political support, and thanks tics of Portuguese law, by mostly tiops that if GOA were not ceded Mormugoa, monetary relations, !Irl~ht. would rise If shipping told of the special service for reo Wife Ind Family; S. E. Perr~.. J. ,Mr. Nehru s, press conference o[ to American generosity, subsd\izes Irresponsible leadm. ".# to him, not only GOA would fa1J school programmes and teaching, .rrr rl'~trictetl to Canadian ships,' frlgeratlon and fish oiL These B. Pike, Dick IJarrls, Wilf Peters, I Jul~)9th In New Delhi was Issued India's economy to the extenl of India had tried to mobIlIze In but also lhe Portuguese regime. fisheries, cven Ute question of ter­ ,cd Ihis increase would damage ships are reglst~red at' Dundee, R. J .. Luf[, B. Barry, Mr. And Mrs. today by the Presidency or the over a hundred million dollars a her favour the Portuguese immi· The' statement said: "The Prime rilorial water, or Working condi· Ihr rronomic life of the Province. Scotland, and are manned by G. C. Granter, Mr. Rnd Mrs. E. K. Council of Ministers., Art,cr, pay· year. . I:rant~ In' Bombay. But despite all 1II1nister is not well In[ormed. lions in each territory-all that is Thi~ concluded Ihe brief pres· Scots, he said, and added, "I can· Savcry, St. John's: W. J. Hibbs and ing Irlbu,te 10 M~. Nehru.s high His irritation with Porlugal could kinds of threats and pressures she Everybody, in Porlugal under. liable 10 cause di[ficultlcs or fric, ,r.lr~ hy lhe Newfoundland Gov· nol speak too highly of the men Wife. Topsail: C. S. Arden, Mon· character and ~:her merl~, ~he only be explained hy the fact that had not succecdcd evcn in making slands that the Portugucse State Uon can be solved in a '[rlendly r:nmrnt to the Commission. who man thcm." trcal; Mr. and Mrs. W. B.. Connelly, statement complamed of his Imla. he llad seen all errorls to. !win ' lhem. sign, a manifesto denying of India can be snatched by the way. And we' hope it wlll be, APPRECIATION ne descrlbcd the company', Mt, Pearl Park, Mr. and Mrs. G d P control ol'er GOA fail. lie aslted thcir counlry of origin, The state· overwhelming force u[ the Indian when the Indian Union finally 'Ir, n. W. Mundell, Q.C., coun· mel hod of operations, and some Beresford, Freshwater, Placentia; ar en arty Portugal to hand over the Portn· ment rejccted the charges of Union, but apart from a few peo· realizes thc Ineffectiveness of the Irl I~r the CommissIon, spoke 01 of the problemst Canal boats are Mr. and Mrs. ,.John Butler, Wey· , • gue~c state of India and Portugal colonialism levelled at Portugal. pIe with Ideas and interesls sub· means emplorcd up to now and thf courtesy 01 counsel for the not ~ultable to the' run to New. mouth,' Mass.; Mr, Gu\l1ver,' Mr. refused becaUse of the ImposstbH. Portugal does not have business ordinaled to foreign lands, no one begins to 'put into practice the ~~\'crnment,Mr. D. Hunt and his foundland, he said. and Mrs. Waddell, St. John'3; Frank HARBOUR GRACE-At a meet· ill', htimbn even more than con· or trade interests out there (in would forgive the Government for principles of caceful coexistence, I~'i~unl, Mr. John Crosbie, duro When asked what effect would Harding, Harvey and Co., St., Ing of the members' o[ SI. Paul's sUtutlonal, of' ceding, selling or GOA) that are reserved for her yielding to IInjust pressures and, resect for sovereignly. non·inter· Int Ih' hurlnl" and Mr. Justice the completion of the St. Lawrence John's; 1.. A. Harris, New Chelsea congr~gallon on Monday night handing over a multitude of Portu· European Nationals. Portugal has failing to defend our fellow cit!· vention in the affairs o! otbers, for ~i'tnrr ..Id lhlt he appreciated Seaway have on the Newfoundland Mass.: Barltara Lynch, Ruth Lynch, last, It 1\',15 decided 10 hold tlte guest citizens' nnd their land, al· no bases there for he OIVII mlli. zens from GOA with evel1' ounce which Mr. Nebru has .fought In hil t~r well appointed briefs present· Great Lakes trade, Mr. Trelenz& St. John's, John R. Morris, Mon· annual Garden Party on August though estates and their livestock tary or naval ·forces· or for those of our strength. AmI so it shall pli!irimages around the world. . 3rd r~ h.~ counsel and witnesses. said he could see no change- BS far t rea I , ":"1 t I ltd f d t were at stake. He hnd tried an of any other counlry. As far as be." The statement then stre$5ed The statement concluded: "It Is .I'll seven s oo.:e orwar 0 ' • FURNESS Wlmy 15 Canadian and British flag ships. a.q one of the soclnl gatherings of economic bloekade btlt. Portug~I's the, GOANS are c?ncerned. th.ere IS Porlugal's firm resolve to seck a year ago today that, with the '1r. James Halley, counsel ror are concerned. Canada cnn build the season, and will doubtlrss he efforts had made It moperalJve: n?t t.he. le~st raelal infenortty .or underslandlng with India. Yet the attack on Dadra, the worst Indian rurr.eSS Withy Company, asked the required shlps,he added, but Obituary as popular and well patronized as Acts of violence were st~rled, dlscrtmtnabon of c 1t 11. e n.s hIp most favourable answer we have acts of violence against the Portu· Ih~t "Ihls Commission recommend the clpltal outlay would· be 110% NATHANIEL PEDDLE in former years .. Arrangements people were killed and' ~llIldrcn throughout Portuguese terrJtor~" obtaIned Is that the questi'on must guese territories slarted. 11 war r.~ added rtltrlctlons be placed hIgher than for British ships. He HARBOUR GRACE-There pass· will soon be made In order that a even, Who had no part In Ute Centuries belore the Prime Jllm· be sblved peacefully. Let 115 under· there that the first I'ictims well ~n the trade belween St. John's had no doubt either, he said, that ed peacefully away at the General successful garden party may reo fighting, lVere murdered, But the ister, Mr. Nehru, could be grantcd stand each other. If the question and as Providence willed it, they ,nd llainland ports, and If reo Canadian scamen and Canadian of· Hospital, st, John's, on Sunda>', suit. • Portuguese in GOA re(used to be British citizenship, all the In· of GOA' is understood as tbe trans· were not Portugues'e from Europe m;.tions plnced. Furness Withy fleers 'could operate them, but July 17th, Nalhanlel, second eldest InHmld.ated. The so called "peace· habitants o[ GOA were already fer to the Indian Union o[ Bev· on a mission to uphold sovereign. fNnp~n, be Gh'ctl consideration." again, the evidence showed It. to son of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Peddle BIG PRODUcnON ful Invasion" o[ Portuguese terri· Portuguese. GOAN Judges In ereignty over the Portuguese ter· ty, but Portuguese from India, Thr hricf presented by Fllrness be'lOO% more expensive according of Harbour Grace. TIIe·South African Iron and Steel tory was sel in motion with hun· I GOAN courts tried Europeans and rltnries in the Indian Peninsula, born In those lands and lighting lI':t h~' 5holl's, Mr. Halley said, that to Furness With)'. The deceased was born In this produced more than 1,170,000 tons dreds of persons (thousands arc GOANS alike. Natives of GOA it Is certain thnt tite question w!1l and' dying for them. Ihi, c~mpnny has been associated Mr.· Paul 1Jerln.Lajole, counsel town fifty four years ago but went fnllustrial Corporation last year announced for the ncar fulure) studiell at el'ery Portuguese In· not be solved by peace[ul means. The Prime Minister, \l[r. ,Nebru, 10 st. John's where' he has resided of steel. mustered for the purpose in the stitute of higher edncation and If the question o[ GOA is under· could meditate for a moment on "llh ~ell'[oundl3nd and Maritime for the Commission, then put the I t:lrlc for onr 100 years. hypothetical case to Mr. Tregenza for about 30 years. Indian Union. GOAN civil servants filled every stood as the series of problems this mystery that for subject lind ~Ir. E. P. Rees, II director o[ of what would' Canada do If U.K. Left to mourn his passing are CROWN LANDS Once the supply of the felV de· post and pursued evc.ry c~reer,' Ollt arising out o[ thc contiguity of the ensJal'cd hit of earth those "ery F:lrnm Withr. anll resident dl. ships were IVllhdrawn from the his wife and seven children. his There are more than 1,000,000 nationalized GOANS had run out- in GOA, in Continenlal Portugal, territories'.. . • • a solution, .we people gave their liVeS whom his rrt t~r in char!:e of Canadian op. serl'ice during war. Newfound· parents. who reside at Bear's Cove, squ~re mil.:!s of crown land in and they were essential to give and in all Portuguese Ol'crseas should sa,', 'is not only possible Imen were so generously going to mtlnn,. Gal'l! cI·Idcncl'. land's case toda)' Is, he replied, Harbour Grace, and snen brat· Canada. colour to the protest-Indians had territories. but· relatively easy. It will surely liherate. • hers, William, Absalom. Maxwell, The businm is primarily ship Canadian shlp~ an~1 the ,CNR ~rc r~ rom anll ship agcnts with of. not capable of sel'I'lclng Ne\~f?und. Clarence and Rohert at Harbour I,cr! at St. .Iohn·s, Halifax, ,SI.' land, and t.he argumcnt flm5~ed Grace; Bert and ,James at Gander and tll'O sist~l's Mildred anti Wlni· ",~n. X.H. ~Iontrcal Toronto and i When he saId thaI .if t~e PremIer I '" " Were at the hearmgs he would [red at New York, to ftll of whom r nC"Ulrr. .. !Inccre sympathy Is extended in I \ j'arl from the branch ollieI' in say It wa5 a Rrcat mistake 10 have their boreal'emen\' I ~1 .1{1hll·~, thl' company own5 ~p. joined Canada... • The funcral took place to the : r~ .. \:mateh· IiOO Icet lif wharfa)!c He laid o[ the rates c1larllecl by Church of England Cemetery, For· ' H,rl 5ubstanlial \\'arehou~es for his company and holl' In ,954 the est Road, St. John's, ~~r.dlin~ eaq:oes. onc o[ the two railroads and as~ociated lhles pull· I l~:,cl'.,t properties on the' water· ed the rates below his company's I Iront, he said. rates from the Great Lakes but ACCIDENT ON HARVEY STREET ,,', TradinJ! has gone on since 1839 did not reduce proportionate rates ; In

Whcn askcd what would be the to Canadian ships would he a Conventl" 011 Of heels and toes that would be top value at any , I rlfret lin this service if only cancellation of the British Com· 'j f.nadian ships were allowed, to monwealth Agreement. - ' • price but at these lOW PRICES theire a sen­ eprrate on the coastal trade, Mr. NE\VFOUNDLAND COASTAL Mayors .. Rrrl uid that he had RiI'cn little sational give-away I ton,idtralion to the question, but SHIPPINH (Continued from Page 3) I H meh an unlortunate thing did Mr. Jamcs Greene, cOllnsel for Him. S. J. Hclferton proposed ta~, "lace the compan~' would the Committee on Coastal Snip' the toast to the Federation alter. i,,'.p 10 mocllfy \t~ 5en·lcrs. One ping, which wns formed by an the toasls to the uQeen and New· 1.29 1.94 2.75 I~!n; is fairly definite. the home Order In Council o[ the Govern· foundland were gil'en. This was r~1I tn St. John's would certainly mcnt of Ihe Province, presented 'replied to by the president of the I, b, abandoned. the brief of the Committee. Federallon, ~Ir. Allison Bugden of 11. ronshlprer! that th~ company' The p\lrpn~e of the Comml~slon Corner Brook. hr. "~randfathcr rij:hts", having was to Inquire into and report on Mr. Jame~ D.' lliggins, Deputy ~'rn rstablishtd ,n long In the the roa~ting Irade In Newfound· ~ta>'or 01 St. John'~, toasting the orr'irr, ancl har! el'ery right, to land. Mr: Ross Young, Chairman, guest~, salt! that the hearts And I!;~. llr. Rees said. ~tr. James C. Grlel'e, Mr. R. A. minds of the people who make up

5teI'Cdoring costs are high, he Hancy, Captain A. Ha>'es, and the town councils in Newfoundland i \ " I',·; t,'l~ the Commission, for the Mr. Donald Hollett are the memo are some of the country's best :i'· , 'I ~ '. l'nion requires that they use the bers, Mr. Greene said. assets. They have responded to 'line !tang as if no mechanical This committee conccrns itsel£ lhe Idea of service, and from their tnires were 8I'allablr.. only with the local aspects of experienco In municipal levels Whrn asked if he had any ex. shipping trade as It affccts the they will be litled 10 help the , CANVAS W'EDGE wos. CANVAS ROMPERS '"jl ~rrience with operating Canadian coastal settlements. Province. When you get men like wos. I::ir.<. and what the diffcrence was, The main concern of the trade some of the well known ma~'o'rs BLACK. BLACK WINE. ,BROWN BLUE •• WHITE ~Ir. Rees laid that dally costa In Is to distribute goods to the many of our outports, Mr. Higgins said; 1.29 2.75 ~ewlnundland for a ship under outports around the Island, and to give their time to help their Canadian registry was $900 to the important place this 'fleet communities, there Is nothing £1;0 when the £ wal lit ..,,00 pia)" In the economy o[ the coun· wrong with the country. I,., the .ame ship under British try. The toasts to the guests' was reo r,;:istry. He spoke of the necessity of plied to by Dr. Chester Harris, When asked il he would be proper dry docks, and saldtthat at Mayor of Marystown. He spoke of tallsfied If the company be gil'en the moment dry docking in New· his pleasure in the hospitality of gpt!tinJ., I license to operate under law foundland has reached a state of tlie city. and thanked the Mayor .. heh restricted carriers to Cana. emergency. and Council, He referred to the rl.:.n.~ hi p~, ..'I r. Rees rep Ii'el I" no,.. Ife listed the dry uocks available advancement of the country Ind quaIHled his reply by saying and told of the history' of docking through commullity progress and aI :r..t a lirrnse would be sttbject to schooners In Newfoundland.' said he heard with satls[aetion of '-10.94 r.n,~l1alion. lie added Ihat there Pdor 10 1949 there were 2 dry the advancements In Corner ~~~ "{ .t pr~~ellt '110 ~hips aI'ailable Ilo'~ks lit Harhollr Graee and 2 at Brook, St. John's ando~her towns, :11 ('~nada to replace the ships of Burin, bllt these have now de· and felt sympathy with Port allX WOMEN'S WHITE PUl~PS It.~ Furness Warren Line or Fur. terloratcd thal they need major Basques on Ihei~ plight. He spoke row llrd Cross. repairs or complete replacement. of the 10l'elY,lcenery in, New· Your once in a SUMMER TIME opportunify to save "F., loll. GRE AT L:\KES... CO , lie said that repairs were made foundland' and comparrd the on WHITE, GRACEFUL PUMPS. Come and see the Mr. H.!.. Rowntree. counsel 'for at St. Pierre dry dock but cus· scenery In Exploits Ril'er as equal many c~ol styles (in broken lines) that are going 111, ~ell'foundland Great Lakes toms duly of 25')'. Is charged on to or better than that' found on for Ihe low, low of (",mpanl', then presenled hili brief this· work for Newloundland the St. Lawrence. The scenery In lor the compan)·. schooners. ' Mortier Bay superb and that look- The tom pan),. Mr. Rowntree Mr. Greene emphasized the lng over the hill at Bay L'Arllent 3.7S I

/0 "


I 6 THE DAilY NEWS, THURSDAY, " '-I adians In authority in the days before union ' ,·Iy News of the obligations that Canada would a, ccept Bet1 The Do for the development of the Newfoundland In 'The News ,economy. It is equally clear that few of 'I'M DAlLY NEWS II a Ilornlnl paper BY WAYFARER ~h.ese undertakings or promises have been • I lltablllhed ill 111M, Ind published at the fulfilled. And now 1t seems to us that the ------­ .Two'W .... lulldlnl. ~ Duckworth 'Street, 'It. .John'.. Newfoundland, b1 RoblnloD • time has come when what we have the right NOTES AND COMMENT' in more organizalional efIort than CoIIlpall1. Limited. to expect should be ~.rly speci~ied for We saw I note the other day does the Regatta Committee each 'two weeks of.1 presentation to the goverll?lent in ottawa about tile establishment of the season. It Is quite a complex and ~Ition in the Un rEMaD or THE CANADIAN PRBSS · t sometimes a frustrating jnb., We lPli4 Wl're spent The CaIIadian Prest II exclullvel.Y til­ with force f uI and VIgorous argumen • Morning Post In st. John's. This wonder also whether the crews beautiful capital tI1&ed to the use for republlcatlon of all This will cal1 for a close study of our was the morning edition of the put In the amount of training that Dllrin, n;y short .... dispatc}!el In tt11. papef credited to economic needs and for the setting forth Dally star. It was a shortlivcd used to be part and parcel of stay' 'ther .. , I sp« It • to The Associated Prell or Reuters f u vn ideas on the best means of newspaper but It made ~ulle a rowing years ago. Enthusiasts In hours slght-seeln IJd also the local new. published therein. o 0 r 0\, d. stir during Its brief eXIstence. former times were out of bed at several faschiatin achieving our aims. A committee to un er- That was particularly the ,case All Prell lenlre and feature article. ID is "'ork could not be set up too soon. during the by-elections In Harbour six each morning for a trial spin too the .'weatherm th n on the pond. They gave up ·clgar. the temperatures I tIlIa paper are C:llpyright and their repro­ take Main 1921 when the Post put out eUes and watched theIr diets care· 90 de,ree mark c1uctlon II I=rohlbited. I special Harbour Main edition fully. They trained as hard' and as Authorized u ltCond da.. mall Polt which must have struck close to I but, once during the absolute 101Y of vlrule'nt abuse. carefully and str ctly as do the Among the tou Ofllce. Deputmellt, Ottawa. crews for the ~sOxford and Cam· Talks With China' The star was also a political bridge race. Washington was I of Ih, Federal BI It is significant of the changing at- newspaper but It had the merit of • • • • Kember Audit Bureall 01 ¢ttlon Headquartl C1reulatlOIll mosphere 'in world affairs'-that representa- being a bright' and enterprising It Is a pity In man), ways that wefe taken Into U: tives of the United States and Chinese sheet. At that time, st. John's had some of the old races hal'e failed . • f th two morning papers and four to survive. These were races in print labs and d about the crimln DAILY SUBSCRIP'I'ION RATESl governments are to )SCUSS some a e evening papers and competition for which there was tile keenest guide. Each of us Canada• ...... 8.00 per lDIIum more immediate causes'of tension between news was keener than at any time rivalry. The club race, the football let on the F.B.I., United Klnldom Ind aU the two countries. In Newfoundland's journalislic race, the brigade race, these and many of its greate Foreip CaGntrltl •••• ,12.00 .. annum The talks are exploratory and the history. Each paper had two reo others aroused tremendous spec- fie were also tal • t th porlers and their job was to cover t&lor interest and a great deal of wllere the weapo! Americans are anxlOUS. 0 arrange h e 1m".re· every thin" from going to the rall· betting .• Night after. night ardent of America's wor: lease of the eleven a1rmen w 0 were - way station to get the list of pas- supporters of these rival crews on dlspla)', and prisoned 'by the ,Reds on trumped. up !engers crossing Cabot Strait to would go to Quidl Vidi with stop 'THURSDAY, .TULY 28. 19~5 eernlng them wer, charges of espionage. 1£ China concedes covering the courts, business, the watches in hand to time thl' boals s Finally we were . this demand, the way will be opened for House of Assembly and all kln9 and estimate the chances Dr' their private olfice of : ' i h taO of evening entertainments. They favourites. It is possible, of course, the head man In What Do We Want " maJ' or policY. discussions wh care cerf' Inin had 11150 to do the sports writing that on e reason for the changes • lice Bureau. to include the question of a ceaSe Ire as well. As one of the reporters that have occurrcd in the past • Another Intere The ail' has lately been filled with' de- the Formosa area. o[ the time, we found It a stimu· twenty or thirty years are. to be that of the var! nunciation!li of Ottawa's Indifference to the The Important thing is that American laUng period. 'attrlblued to the growh' of he buildings. First claims o[ Newfoundland to economic equal- opinion now favours diplomatic negotiation • • • motor age and the greater varicty 1. White House ar ih' with the rest of Canada. f til th F The sports writer had only onc of entertainment available. through lome of , . _ The Premier of Newfoundland has of the major causes 0 ens on near place of Importance to go In • • • then through thl East. A few months ago, any suggestion summer.' That was to st. George's We suppose people do enjoy there, we procel three times stated his determination to lead of meetings with the' Chinese, would have Field. We were talking to a young themselves more with modern fa· preme Court bu this proVince out of union if these claims aroused,widespread resentment throughout mim the other day who had never dillies for the use of leisure. No admitted Into the are not properly acknowledged and New- the United States. But ~he relative success heard of this famous 'playing field more do you sec the road thronged ALL Then we went to I 'e' n to use his wn at the corner of Merrymeeting and with picnicking families carrying ing. Having oht; f o1\ n dl an de rs are n ot gi, , 0 of the Geneva conference has made the Newtown Roads. As a small boy we thllir baskets to Kent's Pond or the reser"ed gall' phrase. the ch ance to be first-c 1ass cI tizens approach to China somewhat easier. recall the joy of having In one's Pleasantville or other famous pic· Dirkson tRepubl of Cnnada. It is still a far cry to the ultimate possession a large English penny. nlc spots. It is much more plcasant, LAD'ES~ the Senate oWe The general secretary of the" Fisher- resolution of differences between the two This was the price of admission o()f course, to drive. But the walking • \~'ent to the Sena , men's Federation has issued a bitter con- natl'ons. The Chinese w' ant to be recogniz- to a league football game on st. did nobody much harm and the listened to the a , d tl f Ott 'I d'ff t th George's. Cricket was playcd there country was close at hand. Perhaps the I ! 1 emna on 0 awa s n I erence 0 e ed and they want also a seat in the United too in the area between the [001· * • • \'Isit IUS the o~ " I , '1 interests of the fishing population of this Nations. :But before they get either, they ball 'field and the entrance gale. It Is fortunate for those who ~ .! island. • must make serious professions of good Field sports wcre a regular cvent enjo), picnics today that the [orcst 'l Imd other things indicate that fa1'th. each year. The first baseball series fire haz.1rd has been rcasonabl), SUMMER DRESSES The~i '"] were also played thcre. As one who low In Avalon and no restrictions he hould (EXCEPT COTTON HOUSE DRESSES) , !' I' the tl me ma\'. have come w d n1 we dl s The present talks at ambassador level has oCten pla)'ed on It, we doubt have bcen imposed on open fircs. , . ;, I clearly, plainly, bluntly an uci Y set in Geneva may lay the groundwork for a if there was or ever wlll be a There would never be need for ; I~ forth what it is we expect of Ottawa to cautious move towards higher level dis- better soccer field In st. John's restrictions it people wcre care· enable us to fulfill our destiny as an in- cussions, perhaps between foreign minist- than St. George's. It scemed an ful. Because too many arc careless, dependent and progressive provine. e. ers -at a later date. And out of that may irreplaceable loss when at last It ()1'nneci~nCtompelled it travelling today h I t th t th tt ' gAve way to the demand' for build· - ral Newfoundland to use DRESSES t may b e t oug 1. a ese rna ers grow some understanding that will lead at ing lots, the picnic tables set up In the All MATERNIT I ",ill come u~ f~r cons1deratlon when th~l th to diplomatic recognition. • • • grimy surroundings o[ grml pits ! ~. Royal Commission on the revision of the eng , We saw, thc other day that in with a flock of hungry mosquitoes : '. :~ . \ . ~ ., i . Termli of Union meets in 1957. But that the regatta o[ .1855, just one hun· fOl' company. But if you are in· :" .': '. : " rna:-" be too long to wait. In any event, the dred years ago, Governor Darling elined to gripe about this ~'ou have ·1 ", , \ I oint leems to be reached where the What' Others 'Ar' e Say ling washeld presentduring three'days.and the races That Is'were un· °onnlYthteorPassoad fromthe burnedBadger outto Hall'Earea · '. P ALL d genuine grievances of the province should doubtedl)' more time than can be Bay anil realize the necd for these d· ,. be !let forth in specific terms together with CHILDREN AND RIFLES afforded In these busy days but it precautions. It would be plemnt, ,n . the constructi vc means by which; in the (Sault Ste. lIfari, star) sometimes seems that all the work 1I0wever, if the people responsible LADIES' belief of the pro\'incial government, they ParEnts who alloW Iher! ehlldren to take out servesdone by at the least Regatta a two·day Committee l'egalta, de., somethingfor the picnic to gil'c sites tlte weregravel to pit~do , , I" f b I , ~ Oll"ht to be o\'ercome. rlfle. of anY lort Ihould first a 111 e certa n h ~ The fact that we have grievances Is that ~lie you~gsters know the danger. of the thing No body or men In St. John's put a brig ter a5pect, ---- they crary, and also Its proper uses. They should J heN DId universally accepted because the evidence warn their youngsters that firing after dark not J. . ";.' am oree amp' ot azz e , L-:, is clearly to be seen. Problems of com- only Is dangerous, but Is also against the law. SUMMER (OATS lr, munications and freight charges, of aid in Police ha\'e the authority to confiscate weapons Is mile Square Bv Footlioltts the exploration of basic resources, of how used illegally. Some of our laws Ire el(~remely , (; i~, to build up secondar~' industries, of maxi- dllllcult to enforce, particularly luch a matter an, NIAGARA·ON,THE·LAKE, Ont. VANCOUVER (CP)-Lucile Wat· : :'.. .. 't t' f t'h • hest f' herl'es' trying to catch lomeone In lhe dark, In an Isolated (CPl-A telephone eXchange will son never let the footlights dazzle ,.' , mum expI 01 a IOn 0 e riC ~s In place, firing a .32 rifle. be established hero' to sel've the hel' . •i' the world-these and other subjects need mile·square tent c~mp that will The 76.year·Lld Canadlal)-born I; 10 be rarefulh,' considered as th,e foundation ONE B-ULLE:To:-TOO MANY hbo°Uresee tthhles esilglmhtmh e\\r,.orld scout .Jam· critic'sactress, columnnoW retired, o[ myths shntt-~rcd during an,a AND SHORTIES ,~~ ... ~. for future policy in which the federal and (Saturday RevIew) . Appropriately n a m e d "jam· interviel\' here, ' I ~.; pro"incial governments will be jointly con- On Nllhau, smallest and easternmost of ~he bore-~," the exchange will exist I "The stage ,Iekens me," Miss ~, d eight major Hawaiian Islands, ,occurred a fantastic only for the 10 days-Aug. 18 to Watson said. "Tile only f\!naon II '{i cerne • aftermath to the Pearl Harbor attack. A Japanese 2S-when the scouts will be in stood it was thc monetary reward. ~~: We are not prepared In Newfoundland pilot, his ,gasoline tank riddled with bU,llets, was camp. It will then be dismantled. IAnd that has b~cn modest." 1 to accept the facile solution of the Minister forced to make a crash landing on a narrow Nllhau About 10,000 teen·age bo)'s and She looked out of the li'indolV of Fisheries that our displaced fishermen b h k lib h d scout leaders from about :0 coun· her hotel room and grew more sed. , ALL lADIES' o r eac. He too a pos t on y t e 51 e of his dam· tries are eXp'~ctcd for lhe jam· au'. ,should look for work in other provinces. aged machine, brandishing two pistols. There were boree. To accommodate them, a TOO OLD TO ACT 1 A Girll That is the road to ultimate ruin. No prov- only tIVO men on the Island who understood Japanese temporary to\\'n witl be set up on "I'm too old to nct anI' more. I rr d ff h . One of them (who later 'killed himself) could not tbe camp site, an army training don't want lJ die with m": boots on, ince can a or to su er t e mass emlgra- resist offering thc flier assistance. The other joined centre along the Niagara river n-:!ar 1 find ,omcthing undi~ni£ietJ about I SUMMER COAJ'S tion of stul'd~' and industrious citizens. And a group of nal!l'e Hawaiians gradually closing in this town o[ 2,000 residents. an, old lady dying in her dressing .. Sc it Canada is not equal to the task of finding on the frantic pilot. The leader of the na:lves was CALLThe temporary"JA~mOREE" exchange, 10 be room."The sparkle cam-~ back when she . the means by which each province can grow a 250 pound stalwart named Ben Kahale. The Jap set up by thc Bell Telephon'~ Com· was asked about stage people. : in strength within its own boundaries, it is shouted a wamlng, and whcn Kahale Ignored it, pany o[ Canada, will be listed at "We actresses and actors arc a HALF II lesser nation than most of us would like fired at him point·blank three times. The wounded every long distance centre on the strnnJe breed. Great bores, y'know PRICE HawaIIan never slackened his pace. He seized the continent. To reach the camp by cs~eially if we'vc been successful. to belie\·e. pilot, whlrle'd him over bls head like a piece of t'~lephone, a caller need only call We know nothing. The theatre Is the , straw, and kl\led him by pounding his head on a "Iongd isznncc" and ask for "Jam· ,most insubting and isolatinll, pro· , The curious thing is that constructive rock. Then Kahale. disdaining the ambulance that bOtorce, n ar Io. " fe s51 on m• th e II'old" r . aid to the developme.nt of the poorer and had been rushed as near as'posslble to !he scene. The cal! wi11 be received at the lIIiss Watson ,has decided views d did ht t b ,telephone exchange, located in'the about Hollywood, un er eve ope provinces oug 0 e reo, \l'alk~d all the way to, the nearest hospital-and Nlagara-on.th~-Lake recreation cen- "I don't like the place or the garded as,an act of highly enlightened self- collapsed. Weeks later, wh~n he .was receiving a Ire building, and the individual peop1-~," she snorted, "and I don't ,mtere~t. The grcater the v,alue of New- decoration, the convalescent Kabale explained. "He scout wllJ be contacted thro\1gh care who knows it." ALL LADIES' foundland's output. the higher the gross lI~ver should have fired that third bullet. HawaIIans one of the 10 sub·camps and in· She lYas asked it it wasn't all eamings of its people the more Ottawa get made when they're shot three times." ~~:::~~ :~:r~it~. a caU at the cx· p~~·:,~f :~o~Vct~~~~~'~S!he corrected stands to gain. . , A' mlcrOl\'ave radio relay circuit quietly. "Show business is are· Our trade has .;,umped from S50 million St~en-g~h~ for To-day visionwill also broadcasters bc set un to to·;mable transmit tele· aroundcent term Hollywood which andhas it's/!;pwn vulgar up SUMMER a yeut. in 1943 to 8150 million today. That televisIon pro g ram s from ,the and disgusting," , . has be'en due first to the diversion of our camp. 'I'hm facilities will consist "STUPID" DIRECTOR 'f I t Cd' By EARL (,. DOUGLASS of a temporary tower from which , , pure.h ases rom ot lel' sources 0 ana n the broadcasts will be beamed to . The caustic old lady said ,he rl~· and piso to the growth of prosperity based the company's microwav'~ radio re. 'cI~e~ tn. sbp acting when she was en e:'l1unsion and' the disburse. TEMPTATION LIFE'S GROWTH lay at Fonthill from where directed by "a vcry stupid rlerel1~e IN t~wer b~m;; COATS A. Sailing V~ In the Lord's Prayer we ask that we be not led the, broadcasts will be carried on boy. ,ments of the provincial government 0\1 Into temptntlon, yet In ano:her part of the New the regular Bu[falo·Toronto circuit. Mis' Walson was born In Quebec 7·12 and 10·14x Century by I : capital needs. Ottawa is reapin'g the most Testament we arc told to rejoice when we fall Into IlIG SWl'fCHIlOARD Citv :nd st~rted her stage career OFF 'direct benefits in taxes and in the additional temptation. .' Telephone equi~ment will Include I in N~\V York In 1900. Unlike other ,empluyment on the mainland brought Is there a conflict here? Not at all. In the a . posltlonslVltchboard aspirants she says she had little Lord' Pr k tl L d' equippedthrc~ to handle up' to' 200 in· trouble g~tting started. abcut l:r highel' tr::de with this province sayer, we as Ie or .0 go easy on us. dlvidual telephones and 39 trunk "I wasn't stage struck,'" she said "Risk A Ito; nim ~:hot11d be to build up the sources Everyhod), can stand just so much temptation and lines, There I~'II be 20 public tcle· matter.of.factl)'. '~I simply ,wanted MONTREAL no more. God sees to it that· we get enough tempta. phones and In I'vidual telephones t to make a living at acting." An NO APPROBATION • NO EXCHANG!r~G eles throughout Cf th!s r.::tra re\"ctlue and employment. ' tion to exercise our moral powers and strengthen scout headquarte'rs, sub .' campa early, success was the lead per accepting the Thl1 t wculd and should be the broad them. Most of us, however, go ou~ and hunt tempta. headquarters, and the various ser· forman~ in "Girl 'with the Green adoption" of hi view. J.'c\,.,'in Ottawa are prepared' to lions, and'it Is these added temptations that cau~e vlta'offlces such as those lor the Eyes." a hit at t~e begimting of All SALES FINAL lays Mrs. .uri cel~t it. Too manv are still holdin'" trouble. Tempt&tlons suited to our powers are good, hospital, canteen,' chaplains. police, the century. t1 ve director of. ,nc , ... f W transport and,travel agencies. Op. l'ke centre het' tcnacicu~h' to the single-minded obsession or us. e grow strong through resisting them. erati?rsatthe .long distance switch· When her husband, French play. "Not so lonl , h . • " d N dl d nut the temptations we fUrl with, which God never board,ln St. Catharines will handle wri~ht Louis E. S. Shipman, died ties worked on t at conr::~,crattcn rescue ewfoun an Intond,ld'should be' hi the orbit of ourexperl 'out·oi·town calls. in 1933 alter five years of mar· a baby had to b .fr.::m the drc~s of preverty and the brink -these are ruinous:" . ' .' ence, The' telephone company 'Is also riage, Miss Watson "plunged back" eould be consi destrllction. ' Too many keep throwing. So In the Lord's 'Prayer, we ask God to tempet, providing tadlo clrcuts for broad· Int!) the theatr~. aald Mrs. MeCr, :9f ro :lhe b:,by benus at us as if it. were a sop the burden of temptation to our moral powers and c3sts-,f m the camp; teletype fa· Ho\1ywood offers took her away "We tboulht i 'that T'!!\':; for all. And we have yet to find to keep u~ from geltlng,lnvolved',ln tem~tatl,on~ eilities and 'mobile 'telephone unit from· Broadway during summers Ilry to fix teet • d" ., . which, b~cause they do no! have our names on them lob e stationed at the beaeh on for "too many films to remember" tonsils before pl the •C an:) mn mdus~rlahst who sees, In as Itwere.. God never'lntended us to confront. WI! ~~:r~!I~~i~g?ntarlo whlle'scoOls including, "Watch on the Rhinei, adopting home; langer feel that 'Ncw.oundl:md anything more than a, cus- ,encounter these temptations bec~usti we are weak Manager :of the jamboree' eX: and 'rwaterl~ Bridge." ' sr. JOHN'S, ~rfeet before h temel' r:pe for e~:ploitation. Bui how., can Indulgent,' erring, or inorally careless. ' " . ; - ' •change will be J. S; Cruden' of NEW':OUNDl4ND. tion and we 5' we remain custemers if our sources of in- God and tempered the:,lIfe o( Toronto. ' ',' , , ------'-­ stren~t~ened ,I IdopUng parent 'come are not t::r.anded' and our econom'y Jesus with temptation: '.lIe ,plant:o do the same Although scouts, will conte from speaking. There will be 3,5QO Cana Ute .Ime respciJ 'ch d·... ' "with us In those 'temptations 'He permits us to £11 about 50 countries and \~Ul speak dlans, 1,500 fl'Omth!!.Unltcd Stater, 'PHONES: 4141, 34'14, 3416, 3422, 3423 PlftBIa wlleB II is nc t r. urm~,c \.lth sounder p~ops? counter. 'It W1is handle, temptation 'rlgh~ tt 'adds about, a score of lang,:tages, about Rnd 1,000 from the United King 340~, It IS clear that much was said by Can- to the ,pow,'er, and purpose ,of our, llving. , ,', ,.,' 50leans per. and cent mostwill bewill North.be ',Enillst· Amer- dom.Engllsh Official and Frenchlanguages . will be •

" . THe DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 7 .. Betty .. Russell's, Essay Wins The Weekly Cash Award· Sriow Country Two Weeks In Washington The. Blue Jay t \ \ • •

T1I'0 weeks of .my lummer v. I sonian Institute, a flmous mu.eum. ulion :n the United Slale. In Here I .aw on tlltplay I dupllclte leM .,\'1'1 Iptat in Wuhinlton, of a whale-'12 feet lona-caul!ht bfJutllul capital lit the States. in HermitlBe Eay. It made me Dunne n.y port but enjoyable feel happy lnd proud to see a ,:a)' thertl. I Iptnt many happy display from my nallve land In h~ul1' sllM·lttlnl and I saw Ihls great museum. I also saw ~r"ml fasciliatin, slabts. There bambell used in World War II, 11'0 the weatherman was kind for land the original Wright Brothers' t.~f trmptratures honred ovef the Iplane in the Aviation Museum, pO dr,," mark and I saw rain I law many oUfer scenic spots, bul (lnee durin, my slay. som~ Df which were outside the Among the tDun J mad. In city Itself. One was Mounl Ver· ,,'l!hlngtDn was a conducted tDur non, home Df Georae Washlnllton ~I Ihe Federal Burnu of Invest!· which Is 111 miles south of Wash· (.tion Headquarters. There we IngtDn and which overlooks the 1II'rre laken Into the various finger- Potomac River, loved so dearly by rnnl labs and were Informed the first President of the United ll>ollt the criminal cales by our states. I also visited the monu· rJidr. Earh of us reeeh'ed II book· ment shrines built In honour of ]tl on the F.B.I., It's history and America's great men-the Lincoln ",.. ny of Its ,eeatest In\·estlgat!ons. Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Lee fIr wtre abo taken Into a room Mansion. ,. hHe the weapons ustd In some Washington fascinated me 1m· ~I Amrrica's worst murders were mensely. The system of roads were M di~pla)'. and tile stories con· strange, but wonderful 10 me: the ctmillg them weee unfolded to us. buildings amazed me: the Pen· fir-all)' we were taken Into the ta,on In particular. This bulldlnll • ~n"ate olfice of Edgar J."Hoover, Is the headquarters of the U. S. The Blue Jay by Mary Sweeney, of St. Joseph's Academy, W\ndsor. Snow Country by N. Balter thr hCld min in the Federal Po- Armed Forces, and it contains 17~~ lice Burrau. miles of corridors. Lost people are and Canada will attend the centre Another Interestlnl tour' w.~ "a dime I dozen" In this mass of H I R h- -- lhlt III the "arlous gO\'ernment corrIdors. However, my friends Red Cross to.ether with three UNRSCO· eat S oug !luildlns,. First we visited Ihe were familiar with the "routes" 'Evangeline Land My Favorit.e Iponlored adult leaders from Whitt lIouse and were taken and I did not have such an ex· tu y Centre Yugoslavia, Greece and Japan. On Rookie Hurlel S d The Canadian Red Cross is also lbrou~h Illme of the dinln, halls, perlence. Season Mrs. Robert Loring, director of sponsoring leaders fronl Chile, BALTIMORE (AP)-Baltimore's ·~tn through the gardens. From In closlne I would like to say the Division, Junior Uruguay, Jamaica and Ecuador. heat and humidity were a little v..c proceeded to the .SU. thnt I shall ne\'cr forget Washing. I ~ewfoundland :~t:t. Spring is a season of rebirth. Red Cross, has advised that the American high school studen13, too much Tuesday for Gordon Sun· " . .~r:nt COl1rt building and \\ere ton Rnd If an)' of my readers have Il is then that Molher Nature calls (ollowing students ,will represent representing 29 states, the District din, huskr )'oung Minneapolis 1~1I'.l1ted Into the greal court room. hnd the experience of vhltlng this Old Man Winler back to her side Newfoundland at a joint Canadian. of Columbia, Hawail Rnd Puerto pitcher who signed a Baltimore. intn \\ c ~'ent 10 t~e Capilal Bulle\. clly, I am sure they must alree and SprIng dances forth in her American Stud" Centre to be held RI III j' J Oriol'.! cootract a£ter turning down :: c. HaVing ohtlllned passes for wllh me wholehearted h'. Anyway , ca, W olD .. 9 representatlves the entreaties of football talent :r.: Tt!m'pd 8nll~ry from Senator of all the many IUllt eiUea I hl\,~ dellcale greenery to awaken the at Queen's University, Kingston, of nine Canadian prOVincial DI· h I Tl.rk'on (Republlcan.lIlln.ols), at I ~e~n, Wuhlngton Is by far the Mother's slumbering children. The Ontario, August 21 to 31. They visions and the Yukon. usu~di~ coUapsed on the field :~. 5tnate of[\ce bulhhng, we be·t I fairy voices of birds herald her are: Miss Evelyn Roberts, Mac. while working out with some til I . welcome arrival, accompanied by pherson Academy, St. John's; Miss "The purpose of the Study Cen· the Oriole souad. Trainer Ed Wid· . , .. rnl III the Sen ale chambers and: •• . I . I i:!:tnrn to the allernoon session. I BETIY RUSSELL, Age: 16 years ' an orchestra of murmuring breezes. Shirley Simms, 'Curtis Academy, tre," laid Miss Kathleen Herman, ner said he had been worklngt 00 I rtrh~p5 the most memorable! 1 Slone,'hou5e 51., She flits lightly about, leaving in Sl John'.: William Raymond, Sal. national director of the Canadian hard und-er the hot suo. It WIS her wake the open faucets of vaUon Army College, St. John"', Junior Red Cross, "II to promote about 90 at the lime. Weidner said \1!11 'us the one to the Smith· i St. Joh~'!. "en f h' h tl I he'd be all right and sent him . --_.. _-----_.--- Hca , , rom W IC lien e ra n Miss Doris Moss, Hunt MemorIal amon, the participating boys and to bed. drips; awakening drowsy plants. Academy, Gander, Inll Alan Ross girls mutual understanding of the ------­ I , Flowers peek warily from the Corner Brook Public School, Cor: customs and governments of their Delegates will tour historic Fort A Girl warm earth, and when they find ner Brook. sountries, and to provide a broad· Henry, take a boat cruise through that Spring ha~ arrived, they pop er underltandlng of the alms and the Thousand Islands and spend a joyously out to wave saucily at Over 100 Junior Red Cross prolll'lmi of the Red Cross, na· day visiting Ottawa during their the brlJIlant azure sky. Buds burst members from the United States tlonally and internationally." 10·day stay. from yawning trees, delightedly ------==:::-=::....::====~--..:::::-=:::.~------­ drinking in the sweet purvalr. ~===5!5i~===!!!!~==55!!!!ii!I!!!!!!:!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!5!!!!!!!!!!5i!!!:======e====;1 r· Glorious butterflies swirl about, h their shimmering wings like rain· I llOws, and lightly kiss each pert flower while the happy world sings. .,'1 For Spring has come! i PATRICIA A. AUSTIN. 21 Shaw Street, 'Phone 4392. NOTE: This essay was' written Jast year when I was a Grade XI stullent at st. Michael's Schoo\, I was sixteen yea'rs old.

I, . U.K. Watching . ' Development Insurance • ~t Kittimat against' weather destj"uction IS The Statue of Evangeline and the old Acadian Church in LONDON (CP) - British manu. , Nova Scotia by Lester Boyle of AU Hallows School, Hum· facturers, gobbling up all the alu· bermouth. mlnum they can buy, are hungrily watching developments at Kill· mat, B.C. ' oj. Ne'Adle Canada i5 by far Britain's 1ar· From J\ "" gest provider of aluminum, and the General Election .. British demand is expected to To ASword mount steadily. The Financial In Malaya . Times says It Is felt here that By FREDERICK COLEl'tIAN LONDON (CP )-A ,young dress aluminum is likely to be in sh[)rt KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters)- designer from Toronto will ex- supply untl11957. Against the background of the chan Be her need~ for a sword this In the first six months of this A Girl by Sheila Ann B:mzane of Grand Falls. elght.year war agaInst Communist fall to face Britain's best women year, Britain bought from Canada guerrillas, the Feden UDn of Ma. fencers. 22,231 tons more than In the same HIGH QUALITY EXTERIOR PA,tNY laya holds Its first general elec· Cynthia Beauchamp, 23, started period, of 1954. The 1955 purcha&es "on Wednesday. fencing to Improve her posture as were worth almost £19,000,000- Vessel No Communist attempt to Inter· a model in her motltar's London compared wlth nearly £14,000,000 MODERATELY PRICED Sailing fsre In the elecUons has been reo dress.deslgnlng studio. Now sbe between January and July of last ported but candidates for Bome of handles the flash In, blades well year. the legislative council's 52 ejected enough to enter the British ladles KITIMAT HOLDS KEY . Alkyd based manufactured under strict seats have heavily armed pellee junior fall championships, to be The Financial Times comments: guards when they go campaigning held In London in October. "Increases In sup p Ii e. are laboratory control in a modern plant. in the back country.' Her mother, Britlsh·born Cynthia mainly aapendent on developments Exterior paints are specially formulated More than 1,280,000 Malays, ChI. Bradley Beauchamp, returned here at Kltimat , • , output from which n'ase, Indians, Siamese and others 10 years ago after sellinl her dress this year is expected to reach 82,· to resist rigorous' climatic conditio~s, are ellglble to vole. shop in uptown Toronto. A year 000 long tons. COMMISSIONER HAS VETO ago the mother.and-daullhter team "The extent to which demand for including salt·laden air in coastal areas. Forty.slx members of the legis· opened a basement studio in a Lon· aluminum products may grow is lature will be nominated by the don side street. nea~ Oxford ,eir. uncertain, but the rate at which They contain a special antiamildew rubber and tin industries, by com· cus. They produce original deSigns it is going a~ead for building, merce and trade unions and by the andp atterns, and indi\'ldual aar· transport, e Ie c t ric a I equip. Ingrtdieht. minority races _ Eurasians, Zeyla- ments. ment, and for other specialized I, neSl and aborigines. Mrs. :Beauchamp, who Ilved in purposes suggests that it· may ac· They are high quality moderately From the elected members will Canada 11 years, started design· celerate fa s t e r' than is now come nine ministers who \lill form Inil in Toronto durin, Uie Second thollghL" priced. the cahlnet headed by the high World War an,d har daughter was OTIIER SOURCES.SOUGIIT commissioner, Sir Donald MacGU· sewinil her own dresses at the age KiUmat, with its long.range plan IIvray, and three appointed m~m· of eight. for increased output, is expected Colour cards show exterior intermix,IS, Fencing has brought Miss Beau· to double Its capacity by the end b thus enlarging choice of shades. ers.The high. commissioner w1l1 rll. champ both pol~e and a fiance. o·[ nex t ~ar. By 1959, its output MATCHLESS' taln the power of veto and in other She met Kenneth Toye, ~.year-old should be 214,000 tons. respects the con.tltutlon Is parallel London actor, at an a~rn[)on class Britain has a contract with AI· A Sailing Vessel of the latter part of the Eighteenth to that of the colony of Singapore when the young man was learning can, the operating company at Kit· Century by Ernest Greene, All H~llows School, Humber· whel't elections were held lasl sword skill for a ifllm role. They Im~t, to provide increasin:; quanti mouth, April 2. wlU be married next year and wlll ties of aluminum. Meanwhile, U. Together with quality, we off.r fr .. The new cDUDcll wl1l control al. later 1II0ve to Canada, K. manufacturers are casting SERVICE t .• • servic •. in solving your paint problems. "Ri k Ad tt· " Ing physleal defects in their chilo mOlt every phase of domestic' gOY· about for ot: sources of supply. S op on dren." emment, but not defence or inter. One.third of Canadla. homes One source; the Volta river pro· All you have to do is to telephone us, or,. MANY DEFEcr8 lIal security, are Iiuted by aU. jact on the Gold Coast, Is expected MO~'TREAL (CP)-Many agen. Crltlci of the constitution-and to begin producing alu¥'lnum by if out of town write stating just what ties throughout Canada now are The children'. IIrvlee centre, a there are many-complain that the • 1964. Canadian Inlere:" are in- th.· problem is and it will have our accepting the principle of "rUk Red Feather a.lncy, has "succen· elections ,Ive only a fraction of dnext 'most powerful party is the volved in the .development. adoption" of bomelels children, flllly placed many chUdrell with the Chillese in Malaya a vole. In party Negara (country party) . SUES MAGAINE prompt and careful attention, lars Mrs. Murlel McCrea, extcu. lueh deflcts al era ....)' .., club tact, the Chinese generally are not whose leaders are conservative, HOLLYWOOD tAP) - Actress • Ih'e.. director .r thl children' I IIr. d'ett. aha. I klstol7" 0« ep!lepl)' aDd citizen. of the various' Malay government"upper crust" administration Malays of andthe Lizabeth Scott Tuesday aned Con· Itt centre ht~. . e ...... 1. • ..ate.. ' Ithy hln fldentlal maguine seeklnll $2,500,· "Not so 1001 ap adoptlon alea- Mrl, Mcerea alii! 1I0t JIltlllal or A. breaidown of those entitled to wea C ese and Europeans in 000 damages for libel. Lawyer ries worked on the principle that phYllcal handieaPI MIt a mixed vote shows that 82 per cent are buslnes •• Jerry Giesler, who has filed simi I baby had to be perfect before he racial Nckground 11 the lreatest Malay" and 11 per cent Chinese. Of 'lbl Labor party of Malaya has .The Standard Manufa (turing .Co. lar suits for heIress Doris Duke cDuld be considered adoptable," hurdle in adoption. . Malaya's population of about 5," lour candidates. It wants all for· and actor Robert Mitchum, said uld lIrs, McCrea in an interview. Some ch!ldreII of txc.UelIt phya· 500 000 approximately half are elgn troops out of thl country and Ihe magazine portrayed her in a "We thou,ht It aUoluttly necn. lcal anil mental capae1tr ellDJlOt Maiay' Ind half Chinese. Immediate. Independence, but ex· "vicious, slanderous and Indecent" ur), teeth and bad 'find foster hom.s. for COMMUNAL VOTING perience ebserver. du not give Limited to fix reMOv. thiJ reilOli. 11 manner. He added th~t the article tonsils befo~ plaellli a chUd la an "In .the 2T ),earl I've worked Obsen'ers .xpect that voting will any cbanee of winning a leat. . "was entirely untrue, without faun· A NEWFOUNDLAND COMPANY SINCE J902 ~l\opUnl home, Bllt today. "'t 110 with the allency. I only remember be mainly alonl communal or ra· The ending. of the continuing dation in fact." . DIlzer !ttl that I baby h.. to lie two Negro couples who .1I11Uy 'elallines with the 1l0-<1alied "TrIple re,utations associated with it Is the ST. JOHN'S ~rfect before he'. read)' for adop. adopted chUdren," ehe laid. "And Alliance" representing the United guerrilla wAr and the restrictive The' Roman .toga was a large WATER STREET linn and we see no reason why they uked for children 'who were Malays National Organization, ·the basic planld' n the p\aUorms of seml·circular piece of 'cloth, the adopting parents shouldn't accept really colored. No one wants the Malayan <;hlnese Association and both main parties. They both also straight aide four or five yards IIiIiIEilEliiliii_lEiilEliIIEi__ Ei __ liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iliEilliiiiiiiiiiii&iii11il&iiiiliiiiiiiii ___ iIfI!I lIil tlIe alme respoIIIlhUltll. as lIalural chUd who leola while but hI! eel- ·the 11111ya. Indiaa COD,ress in a promise Independence - the ·AlIi; long. '. punts wllo It COJMI to Nil"" eJ'td IIlfUtr)'." : stroJt, pDlllloa. ance by 1959. and Negara 'by 1960. , . \ 8 THE DAilY NEWS. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955' :- . ed you will give Bill the chance: D f'e n • to ~how what he can do. r U! S e Mr. TeddY NoseworUIY of st. Birthdays .J?hn·s is spending a holiday lVi~h, .ldm·;ts Once Sectj Obituary., IllS grandmother, lI1rs. Fanme tl , Noseworthy. W POW· k xu. MARGARET GOSSE MI~s Marie Hiscock celebrated , Mr; Isaac, Nell had tile misfor· as ., or er Lilt week \\'~ lold you Ihat Mrs. hcr birthday on, Sunday, July 24, ay' tun,~ some time ago to los~ a wal· Man:aret Gosse had jluflcred a par· and greetings come from her lam· ews I~t containin" an amount of mo- OTI'AWA (CP) - An opposillon 1I1~'Ilt' stroke. Since then, Mrs. lIy. ncy, some~here between his membcr who made serious char.?2 G~~5~~d~y~has Mbst~Go~ehadab~ ~ __~~~ __~--~------~--~--~------~------home and L. and H. Noseworthy's In the Commons against the PO!t , ~n laid to rest. ' day on Tue~day, July 26. Best ~ - ,store. Will the finder kindly re· oHice department revealed T'ICS' geous Geo ~ lale Mrs. Gam (known loco birthday wishes come from her Iterns of local , turn it tn him. Iby that he once was 'C!mplo)'ed by aUy u )\al:llie GIISSC) was cia,cly Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters. , Miss Belty Pikc sFnt a few Ihe department. . Grand Fa] a~Wtialcd with Ihe (irm of Mark On Wedncsda)', July 27, Miss Lily I days last lI'eek visiting Mi3s Eliza· .r. Wilfrid Dufresne (PC-Quebec Go~~e lind SIIn for o\'cr filly years Hutchings celebrated her birlhday. nterest beth nogCI'S at Harbour Grace. West) said in an interview Ihat he Georgeou5 -George, and held Ihe po~iti('ln of cashier Greetings comc from mom. dld, i AI, Yelm~n ~I Ihe Moto~ Regis· 1I'0rltcd in Ihe translation oWc;! 01 \\'jlh the firm in which hcr hus· brot1t~r Arlhur and 'sister Winnie. Donallons for the Church R'~pal:' i Il'atlOn orrlc~ I~, St .. John,S spent the department's personnel branch • ....,,,.lbOY, defeated Dyn hand EUl:elt~ Gos~c (who prede· Anolhel' Ilrecting comes from her r'und are noW being recell'ed and the wcek c,na 1\'I~h hIS ,fam~y I~~re'l here Tram 1929 to 1931. He had in the Gra ('ca~ed her by 'jusl over four frienll R(lby Shepparrl. persons Who are plannln/! 10 give: ,~'r. Da.vld Bal~ctt ~ho lIorks atl jolned!!l',! liepartment as a tempor. .~tl!OI"'" on Friday nlghl years) W15 one of the founders and. Emmie Vokey's birthday was al· sho\.ld do so at their earliest can· I Wa~ana .15 sp.endmg, hiS am.mal va'j ary employee after civil servi~e ex· of three, In a bout rllrectors. When Ihe firm became M on' Wednesday and greetings venlence. About -thrc~ thousand i catIOn II'IIh hiS family at hiS homc laminations hcld in Quebec Cit)'. arouse any fan ent! incorporatrd in Dl!cO!mber of iast come from mom, dad, slstcr Joyce dollars will be needed and all are i here. year u Mark Gos~e and Sons Ltd, and broUms Sam, BIlL and Wayne. iIIr: and Mrs, Eric Chipman and Mr. Dufresne said he resigned stage. The falls wer asked to be a5 ·generous as their i I and then the ~Irs. Gone btcame lis first secrc· Mrs. ~1Il1ie Sheppard celebrated Inzome~ permit. :, son Freddie; 01" St. John's wcre aft~r learning the conservatil'e ad· tarr. her birthday on Friday, ,Iuly 22. On Frida)' evening at 8 o'cloc!;, week end visitors and w'~re the ministration 01 Prime Minister R. after ten mlnu' The lale Mrs. Gos~e was widely Belated birthday Ilrcetinlls come there 11'111 be /I joint meeting or, guests or Mr. and JIIrs. LeoAard B. B~nnett planned ,taf[ redue· pinned the BD! known throughout ,the Pro\'ince, from her grandchildren at Glen· Ihe School Board. The Bulldin:: ! Chipman. Itions. • ler with the latter el, hut particularly in St. John's, She dale. Committee, The Pprent·Teachers; lIIr. Ern Col1!ns has recenU)' .' leo's' were outside the w.lIS first and 10TO!most an excellcnt . ------­ purchased a ncw Chev pick.up He ga\'e the mformatlon after A. Asseciatlon and the Finance Com·1 truck, Wesley Stuart (~ - Charlolte) o fall was unlawfUl. ' business woman and her knowled"e peaceful and ,brought to a close m!ttCoJ of the school. The meeting: of the bUilding trade and its S,eventy-eight years. of fruitful ser· We S311' Mr. r\orman Chipman on placed two quesllons on the Com· precipitated lillie :e. \\'1\\ tal;e place In the school nnd of the night, , quiremenh was thorough Her bus. \ Icc. The funeral \I hleh took place I Sunday II'ho was here from st. mons order paper Tuesday. ~hel' a fuli attendance Is requested. John's. 'askcd th~ government for a Imlten O'RielleY ripped the Iness dealings were always precise on Sunday af~rnoon was largely The Annual Garden Partl' 11'111' and h~r judgmenlli were sound anll attended. ~)' the m,ale members of take nlace on Wednesday, August, Mr '1" E Lad h bee ad. reply as 10 whclher Mr. Dufrme Jimmy pond the refer! the~ qualities helpcd In no small I her famll~ ,..fmplo~ces of the firm, 3. Young peopb who are vi;'~(1 b;' h~r d~;tor:S to c~rtai1 h.ad been employed b~' the PO!! 0[· tinU ed to wres\le wilh way 10 building up the excellent business as pllI bearers Int~r·: ass~clnles, e:;ted In using up some of their much of her activities amI to re!t·class hotels also are beinK nlng rn:e in field helpNI perfect pea,cc" an:! "0 for closer N huilt at three railroad !talion~, being the be Ihi~ l·on~ldcr· a ened) In the Church. Th~ last scr· holidays around the lIay. With motor traffic increas in;: as It is. the narrow rnarl (although pa\'ed) Is ably Ihe proplc concerned. In her walk wilh Goo." Before the Bene· vice of Ihi~ nature will take place 1\/1 I' Two hotels in ·the centre o[ th. throughout. When th homf'. 100. her hospitality \I'i11long diction was pl'Onouneed, Ihe whole at the Mortuary Hill Ccmelcry on crying oul for more space. or lUOSCOW I r.ity are under reconstruction ~nd announced Kid I F jL 1-1' rrmrmbercd. con;:rcgation stood in rcsp~cl!t1l sll· August 28 at J in the afternoon. MOSCOW (Reulers )-r\e ' hold';' r. ncw wing is to be added 10 tht Fred Sangers She lI'a~ ~ memher of thr Cniler! ence as Ihe "Dead March In SI:ul" arc to be built and existinl~ holc1~: l,j,stor~y Moscow holel. Ihe ring and mixed it I rhurrh anrl hCl'Idcs being a m!' was plano, Burial wa~ in Ihp. Clarke of Glace Bay ubr rhur~h~r.cr~ ~he lI'a~ a ~encr'l fa mil)' plot in Ihe United Church modernized in a program lor im·' - ,--.------provcd accom modations announced \1 minutes, before it was "1I~ tronlnbulor. 11 .... ~~ nnl)' ahoul ccmelery. Sang then challengl I~\ro )'rar~ ato lhat ~hr ;:al'O a nrw In paying Iributr. III oM or Nc\\,· by city authorities in Moscow. ers • bout to be held in :olr,lne "r~nn In Ihe United loundland's for~most bu,lnp~s 11'0- People In The News which has fewer hotels than any I The Pesky MO$~IfJtt ('h:lrrh herr in remrmbrance of men. lI'e 1I'(l\dd like to expre~~ our the near future. Irom SI. .John':;; Mr. ~~, I,. axe, ~Ir, and )!rs, Lee PYe visiled SL other big .capltal. city in Europe" Why do they bite 1lII? How do her hll~hand. lIcr c(lnlrlhulinns 10 sincere ~ympath~' to Ihe immediale chlilll'~n acrompauicri by ~liss Bel· 13 The programme wa Mr. and ~Irs. Sclhy Vokey \\'ith of Harbour Grace; ~Ir? Frank of John's last Monday. The SOVIct ea'pl~al no;v has 1 they find their targebl? Why l1l'i Ihr "Church on Ihe 1I11i" w('re al· members or her family. I)' Pike spent Sunday at Green's :llessrs. and Howell of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas r\eil of Belli hotels, the majorIty WIth fel\';!r I • by the Grand Falls A Iheir tll'O boys Glenn and Don Sallnd'~rs some lucky hum!lllll immune? \\,~)., allllrccialcd. "Rest eternal grant her. 0 Lorll, lI'ere II'cek.'end \'Isilors hcre from Harbour. Carbonear; Mr. William Smith and Island ar~ spending a vacation I than 100 bedrooms. Of Ihe 13, two I Jnd was not up to t The cnd of ~rr earl hi)' liIe whlrh and lJight Perpetual shine upon Bell Island and wer:! the guests We are Indeed sorry that Mr. Mr. Ches Fillier of Clarke's Beach with Mr. Neil's parents, ?Ir. and of ,I he lar.g;st arc r~served for pro· I Arc mosquitos good foranythingl of wrestling shows p rame on friday, .Iuly 22, was upon her." of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Voke~'. .Josiah Hutchings was ~trlckcn sud· Capt. L. T. Stick, M.P., of Day Mrs. Isaac r\eil. \ mment VISItors, \Vhl,le three others \' previous )'cars at Gra den I), ill last week while working August Reader's Digest brinp I ' --~------Mr. WinstOn Sheppard who was Roberts; Mr .• and iIlrs. John Mr. Harry Bishop from ~and~r are r~n .by l~toUflSt, the t;a\'el The main event bl at Northeastern Flsheri~s at liar· you the answers to 14 questic.llI In Bonavista area {or a few days Young of Upper Island Cove, and spent onc day last week \l'lth hiS ?rgaOlzatlO~ IIh!c~ caters PrImar· ~eous George and D. on business for the Department bour Grace and had to be rushed Mr. Haig Young of Upper ,Island family here. Ily to forc~gn VISitors. , most oflell asked about ttx. to thc Gcneral Hospital nt SI. midget dive-bombers who plagne lell short of exprclati( of l\lincs and Resources returned Cove, and Mr. Fronk Smith or ~Ir. G. Duncan Chipman visited MoscoW IS ~ne of ~urope s most Ir;ol consensus of or to his home on Saturday. John's. Latest rcport (~Ionday Norman's COI·e. his son )Ir. John L. Chipman over capitals, man from the tropics to the cro\l'de~ 1~llh th~usands lhat, both competitor Mrs. Harold Bishop, accompanied morning) indicatc that he is now MI'. Owen Chipman from SeaUle, the wcekend. Th,~ traflie prevent. of RUSSians convergl~g on ~t from Arctic Circle. Get your copy o{ out of dangcr and Is coming along ert thrmsplI'es a by her two daughters cBrtha and U,S.A., Is cxp-:!ctcd herc on 'Ihis I cd our getting a chance to speak a1\ p~rts of the. S.Ol'lCt UOlon, for August Reader's ,Digest today: nicely. His falher who is a pat· "hill' the HolI,woodia " ,Tanlc, Is presently spending a hoi· Friday to spend a \'acation at his I witll him but we nodded at leasl., vacallons and VISitS. to :-elalll:es. 36 articles of iBSting interest, in· Iday willI relatives at Gander. i~nt at Ihe samc hpspltal under· former home. Mr. Chipman has 1I1r. Malcolm Squires of SI. The resident populatIOn IS eslIm· led his shbwmanshlp. Mr, . William Greeley left for wcnt a surgical 'operation on Sat· bcen away for about Ihirty years, ,Tohn's Is spending a holiday with ated at hetwcen 6:000.000 7, cluding the best from leadin( luday, and he, too, is reporlcd 10 a~d Gander last we~k and has been )Ir. and Mrs. Wilson Noseworthy lIIr. and 1IIrs. Robert N, Seymour. 000,000. 1II0st RU351ans .coml~g to magazil'\C8 and current book successful In obtaining employ. bp improving satisfactori1~'. of Bell Island arc presently spend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Collins of Har. 1Il0scow. Iry to stay With lnends favourites, in condeneed form. Mr. Hector Gosse Icft for Tor· Loads New~ ment. ing a holiday here, We IInd~r· hour Grace visit~d Mr. and ~[rs. or rela!ll'es. Miss ,Evelyn Saunders from onto on 1II0nday of last week. stand that IIlr. r\osell'orthy plans Josiah Neil on Sunday. The hotel program i~ being The French can Shcarstown' spent a holiday wiLh Mrs. Bert Gosse vislled her hus· to build a summer home at Span· ~Ir. nnd Mrs. Ray Duley And -.------..•. -.-- d Bolwo her aunts Mrs. Henry Bishop and banw who is a paticnt at Ih~ St. John's Sanitarium last Wednesday iar's Bay. Mr. Lorne Murrin spent the wcek lesday where 700 lor rtm'lDO lWur NOT mo TAlI' Mrs. Drover Bishop las~ \i'cek. Mayor R. K. and Mrs. Mcrcer oC enrl with Mr. and :'olrs. John ~!ur· ~om the Grand Fall! Mr. and Mrs. Austin Miller and and says that Bert is doing \l'ell. Clarenville are spending a holiday rin. . ~aded lor R !ollth h( son Paullrom St. John's spent last He, has had fu1\ bathroom prlvi· leges and that in IlsclC ,is an Indl· at Ocean Pond ami called to sec 111 i,s S. Osborne of JlIaketoll'n Is The !learner is unc Wednesday with lIIrs. Arthur Sey. Mr, and Mrs. Jam~s 111, Gosse on spending a holiday with Mrs. JUST AIGMT mour, here. calion thal he is' progressing. Glad nand of Captain Bert 10 hear it. Bert. Salurday. We would like to offer Moses G05,('. Dr. F. D. Gill and Mr~. Gill of our congratulations 10 Ih~; newly Miss :'!nr;lnrct No,eworthy is i Ihip will also "isil a Brlgus accompanied by Miss Mar· lIIr. and Mrs. Douglas Sheppard ~merican pl)rls to 1, and Mr. and !IIrs . .Tosiah Sheppard elected Mayor who hcaded the polls sp-:!ndin~ 8 holiday wilh her aunl garet Gill and Mrs. E. V. Jerrett at Ihe recent municipal clrelinn. in Harbour GracI? IEPAIRS WI mOIlIlI•• Alt leneral suppliES for were visitors here last week and from Bell Island are spenrllng their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. 1111,s Franc~s Merccr is present· Mrs. M. ~1. Young came -from "tamer is talting a Now boHled in the KING SIZE 10 oz. boHle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ly spending a holiday with her St. John's on la5t Monrlay and VULeA.IZIIG ~ a south Korea r Victor Sh-cppard. J ames Smith herc. ,irtston. No increo5e In price Mrs. Edward Chipman (formerly IIncle in St. John's. Is sta~'lng with friends here. nembers of the ste The engagement Is announced of Miss Laura Barrett of St. John's William Nose\\'orlhy has asked IIIII Miss 1II0na Knowlan of Toronto 10 Ellzabcth Murrin) and her grand· Imed in Ihe Frenl daughter Miss Ileverely Linehan spent last week here as the guest 115 to say that in addition 10 his World War II while Mr. William Vokey, son 01 Mr. and of Mrs. Millie Sheppard. When other work he noW frames pictures Mrs. Samuel Voke),. from Montreal arc hcre for a Irt known to ha\'e ! month's visiL nnd they nrc staying she ret.ufn';!d to St. John's on last of nil sizes. Bill is a lad who is Congratulations are extended In Friday Mrs. Sheppard and her trying to help himself and Ire Nfld. Armature Works Ltd. !'rench Nary. Mr, and Mrs. Arch Bndcock of wilh Mrs. lIIary B. Gossc, Mr. nnd lIIrs. Eric Goodridge daughtcr, lIliss Dorothy Smith, ac· hope that if yoU ha\'e any pictures DIAL 4502 Merrymeeting Road who celebrat· companied her and they arc noW which you 1I'0uld like 10 have fram· BAMBRICK ST. The British stearne ed their sixteenth wedding annlver· and their daughter Jeanie of SI. LAR.GESY'· SELLING John's arrive II last Friday til spend spending a holiday at Glendale. , 'pl'ed at Botwood late sary on Sunday, July 24, They were married at Holy Redcemer a week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and :ltrs. Charlcs Hammond Jom, England under Church, Spaniard'. Bay by the Gardner. Mrs. Goodridg.z and lIIrs. of Bell Island are "penrling th~ir \ rapt. Coull, who has Rev. E. Hunt, Gardner are sisters. holidays with lIIr. and Mrs. Am· ~is vo),age, Mrs. C brose Drover here. \ ~aking the round I Congratulallons to )Ir. and Mrs. Mrs. Timothy Collins and her PAINY BRUSHES Mr. Ches Yetman who has been ~eamer, and will be living In Toronto for nearly six Arthur Andrews who will celebrate daughtcr Miss Marjoric Collins \ ~ Newfoundland. TI years Is presently spending a va· their fourth wedding anniversary leavc by TCA on Friday of this IN THE cation wllh his fath2r (Captain Sel· on Sunday, July 31. They were week to spend :i month visiting' loll' loading neWSI by Yetman) and family. Ches is marrlcd at St. Thomas' Church, st. friends in Cambridgc, Mass. WHEN IT COMES United Kingdom. accompanied by his flnancee, Miss John's by the Rav. D. C. Noel. Mr. and )!rs., Gerald Abbott and Barhara Pothier, fOl)merly of Yar· They with their son Bruce Robert their three childrcn of Gander arc TO 'COOKING V~. LONDON (1:1') - mouth, N.S., but noW of Toronto. returned 1o St .•Tohn's on Sunday spending thcir holidays here. So, ~onol'illg ell • jock~ Miss Heather Simms of Carbon· alter spending a vacation here too, is'Miss Anne Chipman from nichards, ul1io CUll with Mrs. Andrews' parenls Mr. BRITISH EMPIRE ear spent last week here wilh her St. John's. ,'M A Plonn Alldr~\1 s quipi and Mrs. Herbert Barrett. Art is cousin, Miss Gall Sh~ppard. lIIr. Graham Moores returned to ~Oll Is like lhat Mr. H, D. Gill of tbe Farm Loan Advertising Manager with the his work at Buchans on Saturday. lockey, 'Lady Godil Evening Telegram. Board spent R couple of days in Mrs, .Tos'~ph Roberts with Mr, WifE SAVER! rode a winner, of c the Whltbourne·Dlldo /lrea on bus· Among Ihe people who attended and Mrs. William Drover visited ~rtainly showed." Iness and visited hl~ sister, Mrs. the funeral Dr the IHte Mrs. Mar· St. John's on Monday. ~ Victor Sheppard, here on Wedn~s· garet GOSSI\ here on Sunday were Visitors at the Rectol'y thic week The Bristles day. Mr. and Mrs. .1. .T. Young, 1011', included !lIr. and Mrs. A. J. ox· L L"'· ...~ Mrs, Henry Keats who with her and Mrs. William Bellamy and son ford of ,Corner Brook and ~[agis. three children spent three weeks' Bill; Mr. and JIIrs. Ron Hoddinott Irate George and Mrs. Trickett. 1\ vacation with her par~nts, Mr. and ami son Jimmy, l\Ir. Frank Penney Masler .James Banctt Who has won't come Mrs. James Barrett, returned to Mr. and !lirs, Allan Jerrett, lIIr. be~n a patient at the General Has· I her home In Glovertown on last and Mrs. L. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. pltal returned home on Wednesday, Thursday. Ralph Crane, Mr.. Jack Sheppard, and We arc happy to say that his Congratulations are extended to and lIIr. and Mrs. D. H. Gosse arm has improvcd considerably. Mr. and Mrs. David Fitzgerald of out···! Tillon on the blrlh of a daughter on Tuesday, July 19. Mr, and Mrs. Williams Volrey and children, MarilYn and Karen, Harris ... spent Sunday here as the guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Voitel'. Mrs. Moses Blundon of Bay de the paint brush with Verde was a visitor to Spaniard's a name to its handle Bay on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moulan'd who have been living hera for about two years left ~ere on Monday morning {or Musgrave Harbour Ask your Dealer for the HARRIS' Paint where they will reside temporarily. Mr, Mooland is the tra,,~lIlng rep Brush - Renowned throughout Europe and resentallve for National Wholesal· ers at Corner Brook and will be Baek in the nineti Alia for famous English quality at LOW travelllnK In Northern Newfounel· issued for an in lanll. We wish Mr. and Mr~. MOil' consisting of a land anrl lhelr daughter Katherine foraled water pi .. PRICE; every success. Miss Hazel Moores of Clark~'s aclilc filrmer 10 Beach Is presentill spendhig a hoI· contraption" aIol IdaI' with lIlr. and' Mrs. William rores. Noseworthy. Today.ofcou lItiss Sandra Bouzanne o[ Corner II 'Iot e~ier pn Brook arrived on Tllesda~ to spend I minum ' irrigali( a holldllY wllh her granddaddy at instance, caD I Ithe Rector~' hare. ' , , moved about w , • JIIr. and Mrs. Caleh Anlhony .Jr" ease. Wilh II O(\j of arc presently spend· Be\lIsI~nll, See Your Electric Appliam:e Dealer more [and Ilia Ing a holiday here with Mrs. "'iL· balloon o!'(r.lH Iiam Anthnny. They \\'CI'C accom· Iillhtllcillht, lo~ panied hcre hy )1 r, :llos~s An· About a Wonderful New Automatic thony who spent a' holiday on lile t(Canada is th' 'u~~wER cfficient proouc Iron Isle. . LIMIT".'-- Mr. and Mrs. William Drover and Ele,ctric Range - TO·DAY I malrs a simpl Mrs; WilHam Atkins of Bell I~land tough one. are presently. spending a ,holiHay , BUILDING MATE~IALS DIVISION with Mr, and, Mrs. Joseph ,Roh· ., ALU~IINUM ,', q,NADA, L erts, jb'Zl,21 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pike and The United Church, Spaniard's Bay , \ .

Section ·11 · Section 11 TheD'aily, News 1955 • ST. JOI-IN'S NEWFOUNDLAN

I !!eous George Working Labour. ,Federation" ... Grand Falls . Agreement Sign C·o·nventlon Concludes G~r~('(lU~ George, HolI),woad Negotiations far a new wage Grand F aIls News defeated Dynamite Dan and working agreement betwee~ The 19th annual eonvention of th. Newfoundland in the Grand Falls the Anglo.Newfoundland Develop· Narrow Escape Essay Winners F~eration of Labour concluded at Corner Brook Oft lat­ I1n Friday nlghl, twa falls ment Company, Limited' and the Dwelling Personal urday at 1.00 p.m. The last ..saion was taken up with. .".1 "r"r'''''lhrce, In a. baul that failed Office Emplayees International Six essay winner. In the annual reports from Vice-President Thompson, Grand Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd of Wednesday evening we were ad· ,u't an)' fan enthusiasm .t Union, Local 255 opened at Grand competition sponsored by the New· Vice-President Hunt of Corner Brook II well .. Inal. af:.;A The falls were split one Falls on Monday, July 11th and Destroyed Toronto, arrived at Windsor' Wed· vised oi a serious motor accident on the Gander Highway near I •••and •· then the third fall. concluded with t h e &I gn Ing 0 f an nesday night and will be here for ~~~~a~:~~d a~~::~ r:o~;!~o: F~~; reports from resolutions committee, ways and means eom- Neyles Bridge, where a motor car dler ttn _ minutes, when Agreement on Wednesday, July By Fire the next two weeks as guests of on Sunday, and are now the mittee and constution and law committee. driven by Mr. Gordon Butler of pinned the Boston wrest· 14th. Mrs. Boyd's parenls· Mr. and Mrs. guests of the A.N.D. Company at 'The con~entlon adopted tWO\ -.-:.------­ wilh the latter claiming his Representing the Company were A dwelling, owned and occupied S. H. Rice. Mr. Boyd is employed St. John's, and with Mrs. Butler the ·Staff House. The group can. further resol.ulions. One. requested to the prill, radlD, e.N.ll., 11- .;, wrrt oUl$lde the ropes, Ind Messrs. T. R. Moore, General Man· by Mr. Ernest· Luscombe and his al a mechanic In Toronto and their two young sons age 8 sists o[ fh'e girls and one boy the Federation EXl!cutlVe to ap- bel. ){unlclpal Auoelatloa, Cham· and 10 years respcctil'ely, as pas· proach the Government In support ber of Commerte, the Tumbet .• rill was unlawful. This decl· ager, E. L. Neal, Mill Manager, P. family, situated In the East End ~ sengers, went ol'er the embank· n~me d, Rel'ldcll from Howley. The of the fishermen's requcst for an Trades and Labour CouDeil, tile ..•• ~ri'ripilalcd Iiltle aclion the L. Sha!llch:h, lIlanager of Indus· Bishop's Falls, was destroyed by Mi5s Annie Brown or Monchy ment into the rh'er just upposite girls are as follows-Verna Lear increased guaranteed price for local unions at Comer Jlrook Ind .- I ~r Ihe nlghl, when Dan trial RehiUons, J. D. Hennessey, lire on Wednesday e\'enlngj and Road, Grand Falls, who Icrt here Neyles Bridge. Our informant says of Port De Grave, Ruth Brown o[ fish. The other sought an amend· Deer Lake together with .apncll! ripped the shirl olt Assistant to Managel' Industrial Ihe family of nine children a~e now on Monday morning for the Blomfleld, B.B .• Jo~ephine Flynn men! to the Unemployment lnsur· which had. I1!ndered ..rvlces pd · rond the reruee and can. Relatlon~, N. W. Plnsent, Per· being temporarily' housed in The mainland Is now visiting The that at about tbe moment this ac· cldent occurred, Mr. Harry Bart· of St. John's, Denyse Bergeron of ance Act whereby unemployment, a~~istance to tbe conventiOtl. 'fte 10 wrr~lle wllh Gargeous sonne I Super~lsor and H. K. HII· Kinsmen's Club Rooms In Albert Shrine of St Ann ~t SI. Ann Dr. Corner Brook and Bernice Hays bcnefits would be scaled In relation \ next convention will be held lett. of Botwoon, who was return· a' • o"'C who later ran from the lIer, Assistant 10 Personnel Sup· Hall at Bishop's Falls. . Beau Pre, Que. Miss Brown will of Curling, 10 the nllmber of d~pendents o[ the Grand Falls In 1!151! 011. , date to ing 10 Bolwood from Gander Air· H·... en'lsor. The fire 15 belleved to have been spend a' \'aeation on the Mainland, The visitln!/ student~ lin 1I0W recipi~nt. ., b~ decided by the Exeeutive eotIn· port, happened to arrive on the .-' n caused by a flanker from Ihe chlm· and while there will visit friends being conducted on /I tour 01 the Durmg .the ~ISclisslon o,n ~lIpp?rt CII. "r', hlll.inl' bout~ opened Ihe Represenllng the Union were l' in Toronto, she is 1\ sister of ~Ir. scene, as did two other passing . for the fishermen, Ihe ederation. l ...... _a .. .. :nmr. !ir~t one between Messrs. A. F. MacArthur; lnterna· ney, Igniting the felt roof or A. N. D. Company- aperatlOns Prcsinent rererred 10 the re~nll Mo~t of the de e,a_ ...... rynn 9.1 and Terry tlonal Officer, R. J, Fem'er, Pre· P. F. Brown, Windsor and Mrs. motorists. c~: Ib~. the dwclllng. Mrs. Buller was oul In the Throughout Cenlral New[ounn· unsuccessful attempt to have tile their homes on S!tllrliay afternooll· !l.' Ibs. rl'sul1cd in a draw. O.E.I.U. Local G. H. Joseph Hann of Grand Falls. ~,,, ~ident 25~, Mr. Harvey Kennedy, Cbalrman water. and apparently the two lann, and thclr guide 15 Mr. Nel· fishermen affiliale with labour ,rcond hout II light hu\'y, Sanders, Secretary. O.E.I.U. Local n. of Red Cross Disasters Commit· small boys were trapped In the son Will!am~ of thfi Woodl Dept. and stated that B wedgp. ~eemcr\ It :~I ronlc~t between Don 25~, G. O. Forward and A. Nichols. 10 have been drh'cn between fish­ '1JIRBE CLIMBE" DrI tee at BishDp Falls, wal on the Six year old I/ynda Dawe, daugh. I'ehicle, and IIIr. Butler was up to lb Kid Main points of the agreement ermen and !hore workers by fish KANDEMT!G Bwltur1alld (OP) :lr~r. Glare Bay 10 S., scene at once, and made arrange· ter' o[ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dawe his waist in the water endeavour. .,1 Ri~hop's Falls, four two was a lI% general Increase with a merchants nnd pl.her business peo­ 'Three Swiss Alpinist! fell mOJ'lt ments to have the family provld . of King St., Grand Falls had her ing to force open the car door .. .,' rOllnd~, which Ihe Glace minimum o[ $10.00 together with Return To Duty ple. He rererred to an item ap· than 2,000 feet to their death SUlI' ed with clothing, comforts, etc. lonslls removed Wednesday In and rescue his two children. pearing In II recent issue of the of· day on tlI\l sheer north flee of till :lr ~,\fr had na diUlcuU)' In win· ather benefits. And the Kinsmen eooperated by Lady Northel\ffe and Is now feel· The force of the Impact, how· The Three young airmen from ficia! organ o{ the Federation of Morgenhorn peak in the Blu.mll· . . ~tin!: the better boxer ------placing their Club Rooms at their Ing fine at her home, 12 King ever had twisted the door out or Ihis area, .lewer and Rice or Dot. fishermen in which article a pro· salp massif. 'They were member. ·• ...".J;houl. When this dcelslon Fined For Assault disposal of dlsstressed family. Mr. Street. alignment and Mr. Butler was hav· wood and Geo. Cross of Grand minent officer of the Newfoundland of a party 01 six attempting 111 ,nnaunrl'd Kid Darne's sec· Ing a difficult time, trying to force Falls, who recently motored tn Board' of Trade had openinly con· climb the Morgenborn. Worn ou!J Luscombe has· been off work for gratulated the fishermen for not Fred Sangers jumped Into the past 10 months as a result of the door. the three turned baek-and feU, 32.)'ear.old logger from Miller· Grand Falls and Botwood from affiliating with labor. This can· r:r.~ and mixed it up with Don an accident. Mr .and Mrs. john Hawley of Mr. Harry Bartlett of Botwoad their RCAF station In MacDonald, tention, said the President, the roped together. .' . of Glace Ba)' for several town Division was convicted and SI. John's, and Miss Howlett of and'the other two men, were very Manitoba, left here Wednesday writer of t~ article sought to sup- ---:------­ ~. hrlorc it was broke up. fined $50.00 at Grand Falls on the same city are now .visitors to prompt In apply their weight to the morning to return to their duties port with the facetious argument llr.m Ihen challenged Clarke to July 21st [or assaulting Doctor Ed· Grand Fnlls and are guests of Mr . door and In this manner the two In l.!anltoba. that increased wages to shore . , 1 t,'ut In be held In Stadium In win Rlx, A.N.D. Company Phy. .GoH TOilrnament and Mrs. Charles Trask, Carmelite children were removed from their The three young airmen, will be workers were the cause of poor FAST RELIEF FOR ::1 :rar (uture. slcian at Millertown an the morn· Road, Mrs. Hnwley Is the former dangerous oslption In the ear. No joined by a companion at Deer prices to the fishermen. The p~' ~ i~f programme was sponsored Ing July 20th. During the trial Gertie Trask of Grand Falls and one was Injured . Lake nnd the journey to Manitoba, sident expressed tbe hope that the .' .,' adoption o[ this resolutiOn would • ' I' the Grand Falls Athletic Club the defendant said he came down they will be here for the next : ! from the woods on Monday even· \\111 take SC\ en da~ s. 'l hey had a se ve t show the fishermen Ihnt . II.l! not up to the standard The annual golf tournament for two weeks .. \'ery enjoyable holiday with theIr . la~our l~ jlreparrd to SUPPOlt Ihem i • f(5tlinj; shull" promoted In Ing to receive treatment for his the L. R. ·Cooper trophy; which TIRED parents and friends In Botwood as rcl!ow workers. years at Grand }'alls. back, and he law Doctor Rlx in has played· here on Saturday and Recently Married and Grand Falls and they anti· 'I'he convcntioll heard rraternal his garden and the Doctor told I Tl:e main event between Gor· Sunday, resulted In a victory for The Re\,. Dr. Ira F. Curtis, Sup· cipute an inleresting trip 10 Wes· greetings iwm Eric JIIartin of the . (;eor~e Bnd Dan O'Rlelley him 10 come to his surgery the Fred Rockwood Jr., of Grand erintendent of };ducation ror the 'fhe marriage \\'a~ recently per· tem Canada-Gen. Cross is the Printing })I'e3Sm3n's Union and W. ~:1 !h,'rl of expectations and gen· next day. Falls. soil W. FEET Unted Church in Newfoundland Is formed in the Pentecostal Church of Mr. and ~Irs. Fred l'rms of Gi~lies of the .lt~luil Clcrk~ In· r~ ron'l'n~us or oplnionl was 'l'he defendant said he went 10 The winner of the singles va at present vacationing In Grand' at Point Au Bay, Miss Ruby Jones, 'I Statiun Road Grand falls. tCl'DutlOnal ASSliclatlOJI. . t>olh rumpetitors did not bile surgery as directed, and the Falls, accompanied by Mrs. ·Cur. daugbter of )tr. and Mrs. Herman _ .. _ .... _. '_ ...... __ The Wa)"s and 1Ile~ns C~lI1ll1l1t1l!e: I Ihtm;tlves at anytime, logger Inrormed Ihe Doctur that par, played un Ihe same dates was tis, and while here are guests at ,Iones and ~Ir. Lewis Simms of Cor·' The newh··\\'eds were the plras· rcport recommcnlilllg IIIcreased: ! )o'red J. Ilockwood Sr. The Cooper ·1 . lhe !lolly\\'oodian, exaggera· he was unable 10 work owing to Ihe StaH House. Dr. and Mrs. Cur. ner Brook. 'fhe ceremony was I cd recipients of a lal'ge nllmiJer of per capita tax is to be refel'red. to I his bad back, and according to the trtiphy will be presented to Fred ., r I 'ft d 't' d t d a referendum vote of Fed'~rallon h;~ ~hhwmaIl5hip. t Is are en j oy Ing t hemseh'cs motor· per rorme d bY P as tor 5 tuc'kl ess, use u IU S, an I IS un ers 00 members. The convention resog· derendant the Doctor asked him Rockwood Jr., at Ihe annllal meel· Ing and presentation programme Ing around tentral Newfoundland and following which an enjoyable Ithat they recently. for Corn~r nized Ihe services o[ its of/leers H he was sure he tried to work, and renewing many former aCt rcception wa~ held at the home Brook where thc)' 11'111 make theIr by I!ranting them ~l1bsta~tial hon· Loads Newsprint and called him a liar and Inslnuat· or Grand Falls Golf· Club; which qualntance5. of Ihe hride~ parc·nts. ruture humr. nurarillms and rxpr·~s!ed It.~ thank!; ed he was lazy. The defendant' reo takes place here this Jail. -.-_ .. ------_._------_.. _- .•. --- ...... -. -~.::.....-----.------. , Tr.~ Jo'rfnrh ('argo sleamer lIue5U!d a note-from Ihe Doctor 10 Botwood nn Wed· go to Buchans and lee Doctor II'hrre ;00 tons newsprint Guy and have an X·Ray. As Doctor Grand Falls Mill were lUx was \\Tiling Ihe note, further /t'r I fouth Korea port. words passed belween the two • Th, 'Iumer is under tbe eom· men in the' lurgery, and the Doe· mol "r Captain Berlrad, Ind the tor rellueated -the logger ta leave 111 aho "bit I . number IIf ~ lhe premises, which he refused ta n ports 10 load a rargo do, and ipparently Doctor Rlx I ~uprlies ror Korea. The seized tbe man and began to drag . i~ taking I mixed cargo him to the door, a struggle ensued r I lO\lth Korea port. Se\'eral and lhe logger punched the Doc­ fI:::b~u of the steamers ere"" tor several times in the face, In· !:ltd in the French Army In , meting cuts and knocking him . r.o~ld War II while another two kr.own to ha\'e served III the across I table In a bleeding and dazed condition. The defendant de­ :\'1\'", clared he hit the Doctor only In n, Briti!h .tramer Caxton, Ir- self defence, but later In his evld· ='fd 3t Balwond late Friday night ence, he aaid before the fracas .' OL.OS tr:n England under command of started he requested the Doctor ta IN AN • ;1;1. Coull, who has with him on remove his. glasses, as he did not / b \'O)'a!:!, Mrs. Caull who Is want to hit him with hla glasses r~lint Ihe round trip on the on. The Doctor said the accused • fl'''''''' and will be her first trip was very angry with him and reo ~ :-'l\\'foundland. The steamer Is fused to lea\'e the surgery, and hit I:. loading newsprint for the him as he was about to write Ihe t:iltd Kin.:dom. nole lor him 10 give to the Doctor aL Bllchans, and on tbis Doctor 1.O~1I0~ (CI') _ AI I dinner Hix attempled to pul the man 0111 ;II~ t~ • jock .. )· Sir (lordun of the surgery. ~.~f'''. r~dio C01ll11lel1t~tul' J<:M' lIr. Hilt WHI In a \'ery dazed con· t,lln .\I,dr~\U quiPII"II: ·'Sir Gur· ditiun 011 the table and when he .. I.~ i. like Ihat IIlher f~1II01lS recov~red his strength he callell I.. lt). Lady (lodh·a. She n~ver Mr. Batstone of the A.N.D. (Jom· I,:r 1.1\ inner, of course, .but she pany Woodl Manager at MllIer· I,:: •• nt~· .howed." town: Mr. Balstone said' he round the Doctor dazed and bleeding In hi~ surger.y, but the accused man had disappeared. Latcr RCMP were called from Grand Falls, and two oUlcen eame and arrested the log. lIer, and ·brought him to Grand Falls lor trial. War. Claims

Commission . ~ " Grand Falls C·ourt House has . . been reserved on Tuesday, Wed· It's the eason'. applause.winner-And there are thirteen daahing, lovely, lively nesday and Thursday of next big week for speeial sittings of the Oldsmobile models which offer everything you c.ould want to lighten your life on the road. "War Claims Commission of Can· Driv~ one of these Rocket Engine masterpieces taday. Feel how it leaps to obey the ada" whleh will arrive In Grand nudge of your toe-how it lapa you in 8IIfety. and luxury-how it makes you feel good Falls on the morning of July 26th. juet to'be behind the wheel, And you'll know in a hurry that you belong in an Oldsmobile With the Commission· are Judge -that you could never be satisfied with anything ~se. Just to take th~ wheel gives you Trainor of the County, Court 01 lUck in the ninetieA I pat:nl was • glorioul sense ofdistinciion. . j',ucd for an irrisali~1 device P.E.I. and Mr. Robert· Bait of cnmlL-',O S ~ Cl II- (CP) ' e~. nk'rc land than an army of . CAN'I'F:H/lIJR\" .~nI!13nd, . . ~Ihliln opcr410rs. Shiml. how -('h~lrman of th W Id f' K t .... ., . . '.'/ lalhhlei.bl, 1011-1:",1 aluntllUlm r. e ea U f II • «:4R11b II the \\orlol'l Rl~1 . : Plull 111/1 Malch Assclciatlon, H. K. . . elli.;irnl prooucer I1f ihe melal) llalT, ~ay! lllel'lllnlzutilln Is . en.: nl.lln II simrle job 0111 of a dangerlnM an e\'ent .Ibat !Isell 10 "'u;h '.... e hne prtd~ or plare In' the !arl,' THE HICKMAN MOTORS; LIMITED • . ralendar. He appcalr.d with farm. I .' ALll~ItIl:1JM COMrANY OP .er~ to, live &reater ~llpP!lrt Lo tbt· . .. 'WATER STREET CANADA, LTD. (A~CAN) Innull plowliii competition. '. , i •. , '

'. " STEAMSHIP ILady "Glass pa IDeath, ,Has Three Lives' Bacl{ From Russian XXXVI. . " hj~ gaze fiXed 'on 'the lelter. In .. ,MOVEMENrS Blowers" PI;~SOIl Cam~ 'The Theatre Page WILL GENTRY looked ove.!' a chockedvolc:l be demnnded of NFLD. GREAT LAkES MONTREAL (CPl-Annette Ar· LONDON, Onto (CL~J-A forme his . bowed, head at Timothy the other two: "Is thc!l'e a SaJtair STI:AMSHIPS senault oj Montrenl Is ono:! of the memher of the Polish army is Comment On Current '·Movies Rourke, and neither of his two Street In Miami?" , M.V. Dundee loading at Hamil Cour or live ,women glass-,blowers patient at Bcek Memorial Sanitor' best friends knew what to say to Chelf Gentry shook his head I lon July 31, Toronlo Aug. 1, and in Cannda. ium but still considers hJms::U Chit( him at the moment. Rourke doubtfully, but 'Tim Rourkc 'I !tIontrealAug, 4 for 5t. John's. She started her career 25 years lucl:y to be alive. ' finally picked Lucy's note up and soowed Illert intercst. M.V. Perth loading at Hamilton ago in a neon sign olant here. Basy) ~Iadys.c~uk, 40, spent 11 studied It. ag~ln with "narrowed "Yes. I'm slIre there Is, Mike, ,Aug: 8, T'oronto Aug .. 9, Montreal Glass·blowers are halous of their m~nihs In an Isolated SibcriaQ .. knowledge and few are willing to pnson c~mp after he was ta~eQ ,ISHING- TRIP ,CAPITOL CORNWALL eyes, then shook his head help· One of those ftreets far out In' Aug, 12, for St. John's, , - · STAR le5s1y. the Northeast section t1IDI cross pass along their trade secrets. prisnner by the RUssian arm' ' Mr. Ind Mrs. J, But Mrs. Arsenault was ,lucky September, 1939. .) ,10 J;mpire' Avenue, I'll "BleEsed If I can decipher any Biscayne BoulC'vaJrd and dead· FURNESS WARREN LINE l"iough to encounter in the plant a But today, evcn as a sulle; NOU1P;ayirtg' secret message In It. Listen, Will, end against the bay," ' Newfoundland leaving Hlfx July on a fishing and h Today' Today E\iro~ean glass·blo\\'<)r who, was from tu!nrculosis, he is thank[~ the South West C( Don'! you have an ex·Army In· Shayne whirled on Geutry. 30, nue St. oJhn's August 1. Sail· planmng to return 10 ~is. native During con[inemerit in Sibcri h YVONNE De CAIU.O -I

. , e 1:/." ,::r"RO..... 1 ....c..UIDr:. " :. 1I A bout People rer ih~;;:.' r.;', :~': 28 Prc:cr.f-Fcr You .'rod - '(our~ ••• OUllook imn:.:':c;. lcd", ;:nd troubles that s::mcd Chit Chat Column ins;nmol!nt.ble e:rlLer in wd: :z:m 10 fade away o{ their c·.··n .::;crd. \'.'cigh ob;CCii'.-c:y 1i:: o~inior... of tho~e cio::IY tHcci· Donald Patrick, Ion of Mr. and r.i~d \'.'ilh you. Dc S'Jrc y()U di:· -rl~H1S(i- TRIP tin3uish h:I\le:n prelcme ar.J ~Ir. and Mu. Jamcs Grlel'e, Mrs. Charles Gooble, Ii Summer ..---.------~-.-.-.: .... realily belaTe t a \; i n g ~ctio:l. f,rnrirr A"enur, who hal'e been Street. ho·... t·.cr. An improvement in ~n I !ishln~ and boUda)' trip to b::.ir.eS5 mallcr~ sc:ms likelj'. tht Soulh West Coast, returned FROM HALlFAX Ful'ure ... nusinm will ,...;.. tolr, and Mrs, M. n. Maher and Washed There linuc to·lurn in rtcord·hre:,:;· ~ t ... {.... This is Ihe 87th:' .' to the cil), Tucsday. . . Can Be "~ :' or ,:'c r~(ific~.~ioa 0; tiH': Brushes performances and the e;Dn~'•• :> their daughter have recently mol" l~,h :·,m:n,ln·.,nt-a r-~::.Civil ed to ·St. John's from HaUfax and in 1955 ~Pr::ars 10 be l::dcd u:rT rOR MOSTREAI •. ror ils bigseH y~3r. Gains are V.'ar z~!:cn pro\'iding r.~L'd p:o­ Mr. and llu. W. H, Greene re­ are 1II'Ing at 12· Cashin AI'enue, bting made in mOlt fields, Icelion 10 :11 citizen; ude. l~·:.·. turnrd 10 ~Iontrcal b~' thc express Mr. Maher Is a Sergeant with the \l'rdn~sday alter spending an en· Canadian Army, The Day Under Your Sign i~,ahle holida" with Mr. lIrecne's A~IES (Bo,n Mmh 21 10 A~,il 201 LIBRA IS.pl. 2l /0 Oel. Z; I 1.llt ,lid:t;: iu!o ('~:.I .\ .. •.. r. ,': •. ~; II ON ROUDA Y .\coe(l\ rrit:ci.'1\ 01' , 11~:f1lt11 ItlMt lnll '~;~thcr, Re\·.· R. J, Greene, P.P" .0 rut it la I(,m litf'. Han', birles dull gco·Ihe I' Il( .i ' U lp over 0 ay s eCIne as lion IpS ':~~'I\\~1 I ard and ·thelr young son ha\'e II .tatlon.ed at Pepperrell AFB. . metric dcsi"Nns. t \11 '. I iuumont Sireet. recently an· _ .r _ i And hoW about Ihat babl' bluc ~'-.'"~ r.ounced Ihe engagament of their mOl'ed to 51. John's from Lock· mond eldest d,ughler, Joyce. to port, New York, an are living at E~GAGED STUFFED I,'\}m TROUT Sllmmer ~ridcs ar.e deserting! or tangerine car you arc dril'ing? ...... J \ ~tr. amI Mrs. Gerald Tobin, 61 . Lightly sprinkle the fish on Ihc [!nee for SWISS cmbrOl.dered mus· i Aulomobile manufacturcrs didn''! Mllliary Roa'd, recently announced \ inside with sal! and stuff it .Ioos" lins, organzas, both silk and cut .. go in for exotic colors to pleare, e-:-~"" \) the engagement of theIr . eldest ely with Tarra;;on Dressing asi ton, and rich,lool;ing polished ~r: you but to please )'our wife, '~'hO[' ~~ ...:"o0'~~"""JJ.' , , . . Id" f gil'cn brIoII'. 1'russ iI, brush iti glazcd cotton. The latter looks: i~ bccoming more and more color, :"~,, daughter, Jane, to Haro ,son 0 with melted M and bake it in a \"~r~' elegant for the formal wed .. conscious ercry year. . I 'II!\, .. ' .;. From :: Mr. and Mrs.. Levi Browne, 38 hot o\'en, allowing about 10 min. ding gown. \. 'file)' Lell Way To ' . Mundy Pond Road. Iutcs cooking lime [or each inch - . ~Iotlc .. n I;'urniturc I .Tom is I'erv fond of \'frst I, of stuff'zd' thickness f the fish, GoM jcwelry Is. very f1a.llerm¥ 1 And that modern blond fu·rniturr. which h~ is read inN He likes i SILVER ANNIVERSARY . measured with a ruler at the thick· to sun.tan.ned skm, ~,pCClallY If i that has brighlened ofiiees 3011: arlic'liar I'erse \'e~''j much, He ":GI. '.,o1~lt!l111KJ"i(!~:.: :: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day, Portu. ! ~st part. You will know the fish teamed WIth an all·whlte costume'i wai!ing ro~ms. all ol'er the COlin·· ;))'5 thlt it has ,uch a swell pic· gal Cove; .are. receiving the con. lIS cooked when the flesh looses, - i try. You hb It noll'. But .. cmcll!~ Ilire of the principal character gratulations. of Ihelr many'friends I ~ts. translucent appearance. The No mailer wh~t Ihe tempe~atllre, : b~r hal; you protestcd whc~ ),0;::' II you \\"Jultl like 10 sec this pic on the. occasion of their sliver I JUIces al'~ milky coloured and smart women keep thclr figures \ WIfe fIrst draggcd you mto a tur . join all III' numbered dot! '~7J~86lu 'UU!ff"'~ wedding anniversary, which thcy / I when Ihc flash will. separale in !mder control. Summ(!r foundat. f'Jr1liturc ,tore and said, "Thi, i t.,g~Uler, starting~ with dot numbel ,i C.rn.,I.n H.... TR~r~ ~ .' . h,.I.. Dr, ..I., ~,~ t::!I celebrated on July' 26th •. ~Ir, and flakes, when tested 1\'lth a fork, lons~! net or lace •. arc not hot: I m?dern. Il's what I. want wl •.::; t:;1~ and ending with dot numbel .', . . and 11111 do a good Jqb. The onh I 1I'c can a(fonl 10 get TId o[ al1lh . ';",':I'llir 'fry your crayons or oj. : WHEN BliNDS TELEPHONE toS~y they're coming over, 1 like to Mrs. Day :were' married at Gower TARRAGON FISII DRESSI~G. person the uncorsctt~p woman clark old[ urniture we'l'e had e\·c .. Ii;:: ~icl~re .. hip up something "home-made" to serve. That's why this Spicy Street United Church, St. John's, .6 Ihsps. butter, mclter! fools is herself. 5inc~ we were malricd"? :' . ~'~pped "Hurry-up" Cake Is one of nil" favoritell. .' on July ~6th,: '1930, by the late 3 Ibsps. chopped onion' And Ihose loud sporls shirls ),ou: -'---.-- With little mixing, and no 'cooling, Icing or waiting (it'. served Rev.\ Wylie. C. Clark. ' cup chopped cclcry Ihe bread crumbs and mix thor· 100'e? Ilonelt now, idn't yourl lIousehold· * JllpinE hot from the o\·en) ~'ou have wonderfully moist and tender ~4 tsp, hrragon !KIghl),. wife buy you the first one you el'cr i Hint . \~ r~h. thanks to better-blending Carnation Milk. Serve it with 1 tsp. salt. ' Yield: Suf!icicnt sluffing for a 3 owncd? [ . coffee for a real treat. . Dash' or 4 pound dressed fish. When you protcst, "What crazy. When sou iron skirt hcms, ir()n VISITING' , p~pper 4 cups day.old bread crumbs I' Note: A g-:meral rule' to f91l0w ideas arc women guing in IGI' hem 10 waist, nIlt across the SPICY TOPPED ·Mrs. John strang and three I 'l'~m C()()k the onion and celery in the when stuffing fish is to allow 1 next·!" Just rememj}~r that ye··.: :,~arc1. This wa~', you work \\'ith ".HURRY.UP" CAKE children, iolinititi;. 'Heather and I melted bulter for about 10 min. cup of dressing for' each pound of will not only be accepting it wi;j,· :h(' fabric inglcad of against It, . IMoiI" on '.Inch I~""" ",k., Lewis, are visiting the cjty. from % eap IOU butter • utes, or until lend cr. Stir in Ihe fish •. The above recipe may be lout protest in just a little whij( .. i ·.·.·!tich is important, especially ~cuplu,ar D·etrolt. ,Mr.· Str~ng,. who accom· I seasonings. Combine the i!ool,.~d incrcased or dccreased to suit I ),ou may be cO!l)'ing the idea int'l \'.'he:1 thc skirt is made of a mate· It" . . pa!lled them·. here, spent •. ahort I v~getables and ~~asonings wilh your need. .' yoursclf ~ome day. . rial that has a lendency.to stretch. I CUPI tlttell.our 3 tea.pooal blldll, ,owder holiday. and returned home. by l'leu"olllllt TCA on· Sunday. Mrs.· 'Strang Is ".up 011i1lt.4 CA.NAtIOK IVAPO.ArID MILK spendIng a' holiday .wlth. her par· K rup "Iler '.' ents, Mr; and Mrs; Lewis Bartlett, . Iple), ..,,,Iar (n, bolow) 8 Bldelord Place. e ••\la, buillr, luru In' eu. B.at 'IInlil .moolll •• 111 4'" " '.'- Illfl.l.a•• 101.lbor. Mht CaroUoa lbl Wiler. AUorollll1 •• , dry lIIuolllllll. ond Cu.. II ..·wlln ml"lur, to'butltr NEW DAUGHTER .t~lure: bl.ad ..00111 aller .1.11 a4dlUolI. 'preatS la but- . Mr.' and Mrs.' 'Robert HollowDI', ••r.4 1·la.b 1~II.r ...n. ' ~~cNei1.. ' Stre.et,. ·a~e. r.ejolcing. in }'UcL cruchet 'in a dainly !lower IPICT 'l:OPPISO: Mis 10,11I•• r Ii cup IIrowa IUllr, I I.i­ pattern - p~ttiest cOI'cring for .paRa. claliaMon. ~4 IUlpooa zutme, and 2 11btu,DDDI but.. f the birth of' a daughter at the an~' TV set! Very easy 10 crochet! lor. d,rlakll 'nr bailor. Jlakl Sa .04o,al. ,v.a·(3U·F.,. . Grace.' Hospital on July' 20.' Mrs. . PaUern ,7246: .Crochet "Tulip" IS DU' .... In," 1101.· . '. 'e " .. HollOWly, relur!led home from the TV cover 2O:inches in No. 30 mcr, THill'S PENNY· SAVING GOl'll IGGS ·AlI A lIPESAVIlt 10 min), hospltal·on'.Tuesday. . 'cerized collon IS·inches in No. 50 In coHee 'n' Clrnatlon. Your . time. when: tJ'lends Itay' tor lunch · . . __...:...:.:.. 27.lnches . In crochet ·.and knitting f.mily Ind triends ",lIllol'e'the or tupper, don'" ..' .b ·cotlon.· Chart,' directions. "'onderfulilolden color and rich. yO\l thln1c! One .. a y' . s;)hd TWENTy·FIVE CESTS In ..list,.in, tla\·or.Carnatlon PVell' re'lIon'lI, of' . B, , . coins for Ihis. pallern (stamps can· GOOD, LUCK 10 colfee. ¥ou'lI11ke tpe pennies co u'r se; t hat YOU ..ve on your' cream bill. thty're 10 casy , ; .. : :.--:- . not ··be accepled), to' ST •. JOliN,S ·e.use Clrnalion coatft only half' 'to prepar'e •. Sure earmark ()f a·.toddler·ln tiic DAILY' NEWS, Patlern Dept. 60 • AI much a. 1I1ht crum. Join the Scrambled eil' .. ,~~~~~~ famlh': "'everythlngbreakabl~ In FRONT STREET, WEST, TOROS, min), cnlfee·lovers the·world tor·ln.tance· ~ the' Hvlng room is· on top .of the TO,ONTARIO. Housellold Arls "rer. ,..~o prefer CarnaHon tei". hlc. la.l!ttl~ plano' until night time ..Baby·ls D~pt... Print pla.lnly'NAl'ItE, AD· "eam !n calfee. . . tIme. -: Ind ,are lnterest~d .. and :he. doesn't mean' to DRESS, PATI'ERN Nlt~IBER. ' . a tavorlte pl .: .' ., i9 ~weemt,frn9hf!r, IMIlB $Paw round tilt· table,' 'mo~t ,:evt\'Y.bod)'.·.. ror 'thit :'extra break thlng~, 'but he can be' Baby•. NUMBE'R; ...... h.n )'ou aerv.e Ice. cuam .' IOmetnini"1n .l!aver.and. .mooth. ~Iumsy •.. Put. things· up. high for ORDER aur 1955 Alice' Brooks topped -:lth chocolate ~a~ce, .nell, lUll' und!luteti'.Carnatlori.· I.while.. .' . Needletralt Catalogue.' Enjoy ror a chocolate lIuce that ~ II Evaporated .:M'l~ in. ~c~am.b~ed .. ',['he 'viay 'B.aby 'learrts books are pag!!s' and pages of exciting "'new .' . Jlnr.oth and r1eh II cream, ;try. eus: .for each elE, beat In 1 table­ lor 10D~lng; not tearln', 'Is with his design; ~ knitting, .crochet, em· My Speed,. Choeolate Sauce - . spoon' undiluted' Carnation.' Add 0\YI1 un~errable book.' It· can' be broidery, .Iron·ons, toys and novel· .beeaus.-. iJ's ,sweet· chuPn.d daily Ilk,. onlT, m1nutea to. p'rep~1 ...It .and·. pep~ to'taste. :Cook .!n' cardboard"or fabric, butlt ought Ilesl' 'Send 25 cents for your copy The eloubl~ richness of Cama- buttered frylnl'pan ove.r,lbw·heat lion milt.. pOJllb1e .•horter· unUrftrm,.·II1n'ID •. conatanU,..·J'or.· to'be sturdy. 'Many very young of·tlils wonderful book now.' You cookSnl time." creamitr !lavor•. ··. a: .ali touch, adel 1 tl,blupo'on diced " B~bl-es .enjpy: turning the p.ages (lr will' want to order every design And too. beeau •• Carnation ·rreen pepper (fer taCh '") liefOit . "playln, house" with these books. In'ltl . . rl9~ he ... ~Newloundland L blencIJ better ,,!Ith the l1~er !n-' ,cooklnl,' : :.' . ....' · Rlnsed.out cardboird milk ear~ ~tdJentl,lt live.. rleh;eream),- .' , } tQns' seem '. to pleaS'! BII~les at lInooth COIISiItenc,·. thaf. jlllt I '.. i""::::;;~=:'I~~~ iibout • :Year. 'l'I\ey make' nice Iiol- "·.~a.itner~f 'Make not pouIblt with III)' other form' . You lust can't know how good a margarine at milk. . . 10", lOUii~iI'BDd are)lght.for:throw­ can, be until you've ~8Stcd GOOD LUCK! Ing around . .' Many Babies' enjoy . ' .. Friends SPHDY· CHOCOLAlI lAua .plltting '.ooden' clothes pins 'In Yes,. Good Luck's ·ftavour, is so much (Mebt .IV, ..pol: . them and . r~tt1!ng. Uiem' hard; '.. 'men a large' group Is having sweeter, so much ,fresher be'cause it's sweet· Ie., (.... U!l, ,"",I) H"~ltt: , .; They ·are easoy replace~ble. ". at the same table at club churned daily! dtMllate clllPi . • dinner a " , 'l'ry Good Luc~ todnyl Onllrlo. or St. John'., N,wfoundl.nd. '. :buainen.on.ihe 30lh day of JULY,i9j5.· women's auxiliary of' the local , '. : .. '.; . ". . .'. ,'.' branch' of the C'anadian Cancer .. . By ~~tr of the Ro~rd...... So'clety Is making and distributing .., , , . I ••• I.: . ~ ,. " . Salea A,enY: NEWrOUNDLAND "OUiA~ . ,. . .~T~~~? Jl!NS~1'l,..... ". ~,ooo.i:ai1cer·dresslni:s. The target . . It I ....'i .....'c.iiei, :irtOlii' ... • '.\ .. ' • '. , . Geneial ~",nlu. for: the. year Is 10,000." . . ' . '. \ ~ ... , . . .' '. ~ . . " I .,

I. _12 THE 01\ ... 1 "_""', fHURSOAY, JULY 29, 1955 I Ed., Manning' & B. Gillies Homer In 8-5 Victory , Unbeaten Feild Wins .4·,1: GAMBERG WINS THIRD IN , . WIN OVER GUARDS Home runs -by Ed Mnnning and Manning's homer made it 5-4 in Bill GiJii~s hel[led St. Bon's over· the sixth and it remained a Ii~,t To Share Football ,Lead power Guards 8·5 last nicht In the game until HuCh Fardy, Ted Gilliel second game of the second round and Paul Bryant singled in the The 'I1Ie unddeated Felldlans'moved Buck Pennell's shutout. "Mag"l-...;...------­ of senior baseball at the Ball Park ninlh. Gillies' single scored Fardy tnto a first place tIe with Holy Dalton was the st. Pat's marksman helore a fine crowd. and a bases loaded high pilch hit Cross lut night In the second as he took the bait off the boot of Colonel Looker Both homers came with the bases Ed Manning to force in Mike lIo~3n round o[ senior soccer. The Blues a Felldlan fullback and drlJled a rmpty. Gillies' blast in Ihe lop who had also been hit. - Paul Brr. posted a 4-1 trouncing on a win- shot into the corner to close the 01 Ihe second reached the bullpen ant scored on a bases loaded waik - less St. Pat'. ele~en to slretch gap to 2-1 for the Felldlans. Wins Chaqenge. 10 O[len Ihe scoring. Manning's to Jim' Myron 10 make the ECOrt their unbeatell ~trlntc to sIx games. Bob .Cole got hIs second loal blow, his third of the season, broke 8·5 before Dour. Woolgar setlled Bob Cole was.thc biG gun In the of the game when he took a re- Harness Race' open a 4·4 tie in the sixth inning. down 10 retire the side. Fdldinn attack with ft pair of bound from John Hewston's Ihot "Colonel Looket", driven by Jim The slugging shortstop now leads Hugh Fraser brought In the ~"""::-o-t :} -", • goal~, one In each and poked It Into the corner to Doyle, nosed out "AIr Lilt", with th'e lea!:ue in circuit bells. final Guards' run when he singl~d 0 . ." . . , (Rqyal Photo ~~i'\'ice) .' '. . per i d, while make It a 3·1 ball game. Gordo.n Ash In the lulkey, at a Lefty Jed Gamberg w~nt the di~· in the bottom of the nin!!I, ~tolt Bern Thistle Dnd 1"inal goal of Ibe game came challenge' harnns race last night GEORGE IN THE AIR-Dynamite Dan O'Rcilley swings GeOl'geous George Over his tar.ee for the Blue nnd Gold chalk· il'econd and came home on Hu~h J 0 h n llcwslon nt 25:00 when John l!ew~ton scored at the Bella Vlst, Fair Groundl In shoulders ~nd drops him to the floor in this shot from last night's opening fall of ing up his third win of the season. Fardy's wild throw 10 nab him at - C B addpd the other' on a sizzling grounder to the an excIting lerles of matches. lIe ~pacrd eight hits 10 thc Guard~' third, to make the final ~cor~ 8·S, t .·eildian mark. corner from outside the 18 yard the wrestling match at the Stadium. FMe ree Bob O'Neill counted George out after against tcn Eafcties off Guards Best percentage hitter II'a! T,d THURSDAY. Gordon Ash's .peedy horsl ",on only thi.rt,v seconds in the first fall. rr~. For the line to wrap up the game 4-1 for the llrst of three he,ts by a nDse righthander Doug Woolgar WhO! Gillies with 2 for 3 for St. Bon'l. 7.30-CBC !\ell's. Iri~h. Walt e r the Feildlans. also went all the way. Woolgar Don Critch and Herk Phillip~ top- In I photo finish, but "Colonel · 7.35-Top of Ihe ~ "~Ias:" I> a Ito n Malt Foster, Bob Cole and Denis Looker" ,rabbed the IIcond heat i, struck out elcven and Gamberg; ped Guards with 2 for ~ api~cf, 8 OO-CBC New~ al 'ml-te eight, BOX SCORE S'I5-Musical Cloc~ scorrd his ~rcond Clarke were the Felldian 5Iar~, Dan in almost all uut type of finlsh. Hotel Squad Is ~:OO-Morning Oe\'[ 1:0<11 In as many al'hlle tops for St. Pat's were "Mag" The final rlCI was a thriller all I : lit. 1Ion's: AB J H ~ D S II 15-Program Prel yna St. Bnn'~ took a 3-1) lead in the Fardy, If, lb.. ..4 1 2 1 8ame~. Da110n, LIonel Smith Ind Fred Ihe way unUI "AfT Lift" broke hl5 Fourth Crew Inl , . ,~ccnnd and adrled another run In HOllan, 3b.. •• ..4 1 1 , R:20-0range Slylh Play "'as ~I'en Squires. ~trldll' In ·th. alr.tch and "Colonel 9,30-Melody Scrap ~t the start of the n~fcree:-Cyrl\ LeMesmrler. \ Looktr" romped hom. the whiner -' A the fourlh to lead 4-1) helore IE. Gillies. cf.. ..11 1 :. n IO,OO-Know Your I G Guards taliled fnr a four run Bryant, c...... ~ 1 1 • l0.10-Hit of the D; Llnesmcn:-\\'. Rose, P. Ember· by a length. Amateur Race · 1Iob ley, . ,Iourth to tie Ihe game H. Man· Manning. ~~ ..•••••• 4 1 I I IO.J5-Elia lIIanuel. a:ame hul the f'l'iJliian machine As an added attraction at the Newfoundland Holel qualified :e' WIn ne S rg ! ning's over the fence clout In the W. Gillles, 2b ..•••. :1 1 2 ~ 10.25-CBC News. challeng. 'rIc. Bob Hamlyn's "Lie as the fourth crclI' in the Amateur eo r IO;30- 'frea>l ~t)on !I~rtrd In click and quickly UNEUPS I sixth made it .5,4 for SI. Bon·s. Williams, rt, l! •• ..5 II I • rammed home tll'O unanswered Feildians:-Goal, Buck Pennell; Abbey" ~nd Ned ..Vincent, driving Race on Regatta DDY when they !lA5-Parade of 51 IThrep runs in the ninth put an enc! Broll·ne. 1h ., •• ..1 1 n 1 ll.J5-Light and 1.:' ,nab In twn minutes of pley. fulls, Gordon Anthony, Max Bur· Ed O'N.IIl', "1.;R.W.". Ihged a defeated Unemployment Insurance - I- f- d Ito the ~queal;rr although Guards i Myron, rf ...... 1 II n n 1I.45-Scared Hear ~1A\t F(I~tf'r, the brillianl Fl'lId· ~ey; halves, Gordon Breen, Hank best of three 'Wlth Ned Vincent's CommIssion by two boaUengths '1 Squa I Ie 12.00-Announccrs ( . . rallier! Cor their fifth nm In their' Gamberg, p .. .. •. lI 1 ft ~ last night In the final elimination Ian hal{hack. Ht liP II ,;r".1t play Mews, Malt Foster; forwards, I>ave hone wlllniD' two heatl, D la~t ollling. . ___ _ ll.15-Dinncr Bell . "'hich mullrd In the first Feild, Feal'er, Bob Cole, Bern Thistle, race belore the Derby. Gets 12.aO-Farm Brande Arter Billie Glllie~ homered In I~ I 1ft • Ian !:oa\. the 1Ii mlnule mark John Hell'ston, Denis Clarke. Three other crews In the Amat­ I 12.45-Aunt Lucy. AI Curly-topped Gorgeous George all. He Bppea leri 10 the crowd anr! I the second, first sacker Ed Browne --- - 1.oa-Mid Da)' Sel F~lrr lonk the ball away from a eur Race are J\[ental Hospital, St. St. Pat's:-Goal, Art WIlliams; Lefty Dave Hail made a retmn engagement Ht the was hooer! hlstily. The second I Il'as hit hy n pitch and Jed Gam· Guard~: AB :It 'If I 1.45-Laura Limitl St. Pat's fonv3rd, carried It to thp. f~lIs, Ed Lambert, Fred SquIres; Bon's and (jeneral Hospit~1 sex· 1.3D-CBC News , Stauium last night, waltzed gaily fall was his, hOll'eve~, when his berg dre wa walk. Browne scored Williams. u .. 4 D I) ft 18 yard line and slipped a perfect halves, Jim Norman, Charlie Walsh, tettes. I I IA5-Doyle Bullet to the ring with music and smiling villainous tactics of eye gouging when /I throw to nab Fardy sailed Criteh, rf...... II n 1 ~ pus to Inside riJ:ht Bob Cole, who Andy Joy; forwards,. Ted Quigley, Pitches Nfl Hitter SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL 2.00-Words and ~ CREWS through his. new store teelh. but hlinderl nan O'Reillcy. The Bos· into the outlield to make the score Soper, If .• •• •• ••• n 1 n 2.29-Dominion Ti mO\'t'd to his left and slammed It Dick Osbourne, Bill Jackson, found himself flattened in jllst ton boy was left dazerl nfter a nip 3·0. IMacDonald, d ...... , 1 1 ~ 5.15-l\1usr of the into the corT.er to put the Double "Mag" Dalton, Lionel Smith. In Junior Baseball Any changes in crcw~ enlered 2.30--0ff the Rec during the past week will have to thirly seconds anr! a loser later and tuck '1rrl slamming haltle and Ter! Gillies walked, stole second Fraser, 3b ...... " 1 1 I Blues a11ead 1-0. TONIGHT'S GAME Lefthander Dlvil Hall threw a through disqualification. Dyna. fell victim when George jumper! and scorerl on a throwing error by Phillips, c ...... II 1 J I 2.45-0pen Roar! One minute later. lit 17:00, Bern Holy Cross and the Guards eluh be made by Thursday, July 28th., 3,30-Tral1s·Canad; no-hitler In Junior League Bu" mite Dan O'neilley from Boston on him and tror! his Iace into the thIrd baseman Hugh Fraser In the Howell, 2b.. ..5 1 ., 0 4.3O-CBC News. Thistle made it 2'{) for the Blues to·nlght at 7.30 in .enior !oceer. 50 that proper listing can be made ball lalt nIght u the de!endlnll had triumphed, though his blood mat at 13:00. Ihird to give SI. .Bon's a 4-0 lead. !llcLeod, 1b.. ..:1 1 0 G 4,35-Timeiy TUll! by headint: Denis Clarke's beau· A Crusader win would put them Junior LealUe champions Wildcats in the Regatta Programmes. 4.45-Chilr!ren's S No changes will be permitted In flow~d in the finale. Ten minutes oC the third fall Guards struck back to tie It In Woolgar, p.. ..2 0 1 G tiful pm {rom the wing Into the In first place, two poInts all!ad of w11ltewalhed the Cubs by • 16 to 1 Gorgeous was a tamed boy aUer had gone and the large crowd the boltom of the fourth. Vaughan ---- 5.15-1I1usic oi the upper left corner of the goal. the Feildlan!. 'A Guards victory score. the Amateur or U.S. Service races. 5,30-Flshcries Pr The following crews have not he lost a set of front teeth in Inst was cheering O'Reilley as he MacDonald doubled to left rentre 311 II A I 5.45-JI1usical PI'( Lionel Smith missed a grut would tie them with' Holy CrolS Hall struck out 17 bitten to week's wrestling maleh when reo malched Gorgeous George hold for and came home on Herk Phillips' Umplres:-MacClellan, Ra I lti, chance {or the PatrIcians just be­ handed In ·their crew members' 6.00-Intcrmczzo. and Felldlans for the league lead· run hIs' lealon'. strlkeoOut tolal tD feree Bob O'Neill clobbered him in hold. But George resorted to hi~ single. Phillips romped In when Hartman, Yapubisin. 6.25-Program Pr !Ire the period ended \\'hen he ership. n~mes to the Committee and they 51 I. he won his third declslon of a post·fight melee which turned dirty work again Hnd Dan fell vic· Max Howell wa~ safe on an error. TONIGHT'S GA~IE H.30-Supppr Gue; .-ent right through the Feildlan are asked to do 10 to-night (July 6.'15-1 ntprludc f( Guards request . the followln. the season without • los5. into B public brawl. lIe couldn't tim again when George slammed Bob McLeod followed with a walk Roll' Cross and Mount Cafh,1 'elense, only to lose his balance players to be present:-Doug 28th):- . 7.00-CBC "':ell's ; C, Ivany Wit tlie losing pitcher cope with the. Back Bay ~trong his Ilcad off the ring pos~ a~d and he dashep home behind Howell! mret ~gain tonight at 6.1:1. Prob­ 7.15-Curtain Call In lroct of the goal anll mi~s the Brown, Gerry Smith, ROil Soper, for the Cubs .1 his team·mates Nfld. Light '" Power-Trade Crew. boy without hIS bobby pms as drew bloor\. Referee O'Neill dIS· whcn Cec Soper smacked I single' able pItchers are Ed Shnrt !or th, 7.30-'I'ops Toda),. ollen torner. The hal£ ended 2·0 Bill Clooble, Ahble George, .Erwin contributed 18 bll Irran to his weapons, Two thousand fans hall· qunlifiell George and awarded !he inlo left field to deadlock the Crusarler~ Dnd Dick Howan for 7.4S-Do~·tc Blltle lor the Feildian~. Streels Dept.-MunIcipal Rnce. I Moscbacher, Charlie Snook, Tom downfall. ed Dan.' viclory to O'Reilley who bounced cOllnt 4·4. Mount Ca~hel. 8,15-;I;[ld. Sll,r}'. ~i:t minutrs of the second hall Bulfett, Reg A~h, Manfrled Sch, The following have not enlered 8,30-Rl'ciwl. It took Dynamite Dan onl~' thirty back into the ring and slugged - •... - --.. lIad flapsfd Mfore the Irish broke nleller, "Tubby" Sparkes. coxswains and are asked to do so 8.45-ln"·0 to \\'(' LeI secondfi to win the first fall when away with Gorgeous to get el·en. 9,00-5hort Stol)' Itt e League to'~~~~~;;j Construction _ Truck/ he dropped Gorgeous with four In preliminnry matches, refereed! 9,aO-Boldin' Grc flying drop kicks and whirled him by Arch Skanes, Rudy Parsons I IO.:IO-Stat!ord Fe Labour. How You Can Play, and French guaral B b II SL East End Labourers - Truckl over his shoulders to pounce upon defeated Bill Fogwill and Mike Sox Take Yanks; ase a cores him for the oJlening round dccis- Dillon, the bad boy, conquered I lJ.:lO-CEC X :"oliO! In Little LUlUt Baseball playtd Labour. Ion. Dan couldn't forget last Druce Fogwlll. An added treat at Victoria Park yesterday the Pepperrell Pcps-U.S. Ladies. week's match when he wound up I\'~ the tag match featuring the VOl Prolaetora downed the JInrnets Hickman's-Mereantile. I in a bloody mm, victim of sharp FogwlJl brothers against Dillon LITTLE, LE,AGUE THUFlSDA' Tribe Dropped 8 to 4 In the first .ame, ",hlle the . Pepperrell Branch Exchange­ bobby pins. and Parsons who wpre awarded thl : 'i,OO-Break!.!t Kids defeated the Rami 12 to II Mercantile. George was dumb!ounded by It victory In an exciting mntch. I . II), Whitney Martin And YESTERDAY'S SCORES the St. Louis Cardinalsto I 8.1 III tile .econd ,ame. Waler & Sewmge-Munlclpal. 7.10-Nel\·~. John McCallum American Lealae vIctory over Pittsburgh Wednes· Brown ""I the winnln, pitcher streets Dept.-MunIcipal. i BASEBALL 7.30-News. ?55-NI!\\'~. Oicllo 7. New York • day nIght. The Cardinal triumph, f th Bennett Brewery-Factory. 8.00-Breakfa.t ( Boll.on I. Cle\'eland 2 first In fh'e games, halted a Pirate or e Prottctor., atrilcln. out Any crew which 'entered an" Harbour Grace C T ~1 S.30':"'lIit nf the Dttroit II, Baltimore 4 'winning streak at fho.e. 12, Wool.ar took the loss for the J ,0 ",_._. '1 B I . Hornets whlle·.trlkln" Aut 14 race, and doe! not In lend to row, oa8t ins CHA1'TER SEVEN ber. The front af your TIIbim B.35-Nc'l·s. _ .. "It • a hmore II Gene Freene hit his '·"etlth aU"l R . PITCIlING-PART ONE spikes Ihould be over th~ ,l!ip S.40-!'\ame the ...AallUS Cit y 6, \\'ashinglon 4 110me run for the Pirates,". wilh In th e leeon d ,8me Grt,ory is also asked to noUfy the commit· eg a, tt a In.I UIi • T.ellnlS · • 9.00-A Date Wi X.nJls City., Wlshington 1 none on. was the winner for tile Kids, ",hlle tee, Immedlalely. nnd bltln, Into the tBrth lhe!d !I.IS-illan 1'-rom NltI'ltIal Leagae REDS NIP DODGERS • Gooble took the 1011 for tile llams. NOTE:-Llst of racel and mws Lar~~ ero\\'d~ of to\l'ns~eople I . SCARBOROUGH, England (AP) of It. / '1 " 9.30-A Date Wi 9.4S-Burlons of Ciaelllllat! 4, BrooklYn 3 CINCINNATI (APJ _ Roolde Gregory Itruclc Gut 15 and wiD appear to-morrow. and vlSltors flocked to Lad~ Lake Richard Gonzcles, of Los Angeles BODY .IlELAXP llilwlukte 2. Philadelphia 1 Milt Smith singled In the winning Goobie 10 In ,olng thl dIstance. In. Grace yesterday In and Pancho Segura of Forest Hills 10.DO-News. ~arbour ID.OS-A Date W ChieaJl:o ., Nel\' York 2 run in th-a last of the 10th Wed. KtDnedy of the Ram. was top brlll!~nt . sunshine to witness tHe N. Y., coasted to ea~y second· Hold the ball beblnd your right 10.5S-Ncws. C~icalo I, New York 8 nuday night to giVe Cincinnati bitter with. l10me run. Gregory Wrestlin!! Fan tradlhonal and colourful annual rounel victories In the British Pro· leg, up against your back. Your 1l.OlI-Clu b Time ~t. Louis 6, Pittsburgh 1 Relgs a 43 vlctorh over the Nad was the Kid.' best sluller with I I.J regalia. fessional Lawn Tennis champion- body should be relaxed .nd 11.5S-Nell's. II)' THE ASSCIATED PRESS tional League • leading Brooclyn tripl.. ,Astiff breeze was blowing over ship Wednesday. slightly bent. Put your left fool 12.00-Club Time The red·hot American Leaaue Dodgers. Smith's blolV, with one MElTING l'amAY Sports Editor Dally Newl, • the Lake for the morning races Gonzales defeated Arthur Mox- 12.15-Bank of I pennant uce kept pace with the out, eame with the bases loaded. Dear Sir-Would you pleas-a give nnd as a result the times mlftle ham, 19·year-old Briton, lH, 6·0, slightly behInd III rubber. Lei 12.30-Nell'!. torrid eastern ~mperatures Wed· The Reds pulled into a tie in Ther. will lit In important I ,our gloved hand han, 1005!. 12.35-Musical 111 IIcsday with Chicago White Sox the last of the nInth after the Dod. metlin, of .11 Little Ltaluerl at me ,par n your widely rend were not too fast but the after- 6·2. Segura defeated Gordon Brad· Now you are ready to rtart your 1.30-News. 1.45-Tune5 FOI clippinll the New York Yankee gers had taken a 3.2 lead In the 10 o'clock Friday morDln, at Ban. paper or the following few re· noon races saw conditions Improve ley, Britain, 0·1, 6·0, 6·3. 'windup. Do 1I0t use thl wlndrr.lI1 first.place margin to • single game sIxth on a solo by Don nerman Park. Ther. will b. 110 marb which may be classed as somewhat and foster times made Peter Ca,,:thorn, Australian. hoI 2.00-Beltl' Gra' h'l B t h d d h my opinIon of last week's wrestling .' der of the btl'.!, had a hard fight style. This does nothin, but burr. 2.5S-News. ".. , leo son an e anot er Honk ,and two.run homer by Duke game. Frldl,.. bout. Well, Sir, I am a close fol. b~ the oarsmen. Two races, the before downing fellow·Australian up energy. 3.00-Do\lar! 01 deleat to' C1e\'eland Indians. Snider, his 35th of the season. l()Wer of boxing and wrestling and Midget and the Championship, had Don Trcgonnlng 6·1, 7·5, 7-5. Three things ITI important tn 4.00-Neli's. Waller Dropo drol'e In three BRAVES EDGE PHn.., p beIng an ex.serviceman I have to be cancel1ed. The former was a sound delivery. Twill your body '.OS-Newfound White Sox runs lI'lIh a trio o{ IIIILWAUKEE (AP)-',Iilll'auke. II d be 0 I h' h I 1 4,3S-Bank of . t I .. ~ onY'LAa"~Ue" v seen many bouts In many different cnnce e CaU5! a Ig w nl . back a. far as possible without 101' 4.45-Nell's. ' ~1Di! es kI ead thl! Chicago attaek goral'es handd Robin Roberts his places. amI the latter because of darkness Queen's Horse (Emerson.Yorke Phuto) Ing your balanc.. !'ix your eyJl 5.00-Club Tim . tNew York .and I e\'en• t loss since June2 6 Wedn"sdayc During the last few da ... s I have ~nd rnln. allain~t th'~ flr~. Baseball Scores on home plate or the ~athds lar· II.OO-News and I I game apiece n ';' ankee night as thy edged Philadelphia h J Stadium.~rrJcs The score Was 7.4, with Phillies 2.. 1. • 2ard quite a few remarks abuut All In all, however, the 1955 II.OS-Supper SI Loses Photo Finisll Pitchers sllould p-Ip the ball geL I.ook. over ,your left .hould.r 6.40-Ridillg Ai the rubber J3me of tbe series set 'l11e win moved the Br8\'!J to PONY Leagul baseball resulls till ~tkweek's wresUing bout and I event was considered a big sue· 6.4S-Nell's. lor today. within 12\02 !lames, of the league. frun! yesterday'; 'Imel:- lun the Ple are complain· cess. An added treat was featur· GOODWOOD. England (AP)­ either II'lth or across the se~ms. as you swmg back. Your Pitrllin~ Pil I~~O The Queen Iwd a few anxious mi·· 7,OO-The 11m At the Red Sox made leading BrooklYn Dodgers, Who Tigers ...,....".. 13 ar; Ilea y a.t IWhrong ed when Albert Chafe, Sr., Albert 'fry several grIps' until yeu find! arm shOUld drop we\) down btl;ln l' Bo~ton, s~j looilldn~, tt~e nut-~s at Goodwood Wednesday as 7.IS-Dodur It m'o ~trai~ht ol'er the Indians lost to Cinelnnatl. R d S .. II e 0 Ie so·ca c no. ave Chafe Jr. and Gerald Pike romp· the one most comCorlable lor J you and straighten out comptettly. 7.:l0-·1'l1e Ban wht Jim 1" II b It d I' e OA..."...., seen both boxing and wrestling " . her colt Alexander p~ssed the win· When you reach the poInt whert n my leTS a a e n Lew Burdette, who ,ave way for Winning Plteher:-D. Barter. matches where The contestants got ed home the wInners or the Bicycle . I 8.00-:'\ ('wtolln ning post neck and neck with you. .' the forward mO\'einent btginl, B.Hi-Sammv fnur run~ In a 6·2 I'erdict that left a pinch hitter In the Bral"2s' two. Losing ·Pitthcr:-Rockwell. cut and got out oC.hand and I have Rac? sponsored by N!ld. Brewery. CanadianoOwned My Kingdom. 8,aO-Town '?l11 thr Jleanto\l'n~rs only three games run ~c\'cnth, got the win in the duel I dl .. I E ght ces w Ie t d th TIle juuge called for n photo oC "Any boy can learn to !leh II y?ur left leg straighten., but your nut nf fir~t placr. C1cI'eland 15 of rlihthanders. ,n ans ...... seen peop e enter the ring and I ra ere a ~~c on. e I h ., P fight leg Is bent. 9,30-Tim Oue undl\'iche,J In betwpen Bnston ftnd A'K SWEEP TWO Gilnls .: •• .: .. .,'.. 2 cause much' morl! trouble than the programme and an excIting scnes the finish and then awarded the I,: . as som~ natural ~~Ih~r and Is FOLLOW THROUGH 10.00-The Frc: ,,"' t L-h' d WinnIng Pitcher:-Ward. men who were supposed to be there of events drew the Interest of the one mile Sussex Stakes 10 My 10.30-0ne Nlgl C II1Umg to Ilork hard, saId narry Th f th it h d d n 'l'an"._IIICa!!". Wo gamel "" In the WASHINGTON CAP) - ...... n.·as tolln" Plt-lI.r.,-u eGreth. • but I have also .seen matches gathering. Mnking Its first ap· Kingdom by a neck. Blue Blazes e arc 0 e p c ~pen J ~ 1l.1S-Cluh Ti~ I he!. a' D1 Brecheen, the only left·handed h th th ..... ever 11.4S-Club Til Cllv. Iwept an Amen'cln Lea""eau B' . , II'h ere the fighter got mad but Ule pearance on the Lake the new race wa~ thirr! 111'0 lengths further pitcher to win three games in awe e~ you are ro",n. . PtEKS,\Lt, STAllS doubleheadu from Washinllon raves...... 3 spectators remembered to hoid boat "Wasp':. donated by Mark back. Alexander was 100·7 and !\Iy World 'Series. . hand, SIdearm, or thrte.quutw; 12.OCJ-Ncll's. l'imall a bomer and Wednesday night, traveling 11 In· Cubs..., '., •• .• " thcir heads slay In the seat Gosse and Son made a ,g' ood sholl" I{ingdom 13·2. 12.0I-Cluh 'fin bla~I~d ~nd 'Of cours". he should be' able to Start to cork your arm .. 100(\ , 12.:lO-News. !ingle to provide the heny Irlil- nlnils 10 take the opener, 6·4, then Wlnnlni Pitcher:'-'\\'ell. that lhey paid for. lit.... ' My Kingdom, R three·year·olrl 1%.3S-Club Ti n IS It throw the ball h d B t th t you start movIng lorward .,_In lery Bo~ton came Crom behind capturing the nIghtcap, HI Losln; Pitc11lr:-tryjlmsk. To my mind, Mr. Editor, I would ng n t"" races In which Vias brown colt by Roy.1 Charger (Jut ar. u even a Keep your arm away !rom lhl 1.00-N~\\'s In a 0-2 deficit in the fourth innln;. Gus Zernlals lamme~ a threl' Do4gm.,..",.,.:2, ••1 that when two men are wrest. conlested. • oI Lcgende n, I~ owned by J. EI can come thr~ugh practice if he b d Close D( Sammy White and Grady Hatton' run bom'2r, his 20th, In the first White SOl ••• , ••••• , 3 illig and get heated up they have (Fuller delalls. of the Harbour gin Armstrong. The. race was starls early anrl develops hi~ pitch· °T~' I th { tr'd wltl --- singled and Piersall parked one glme. Manny McDermott,· in Wlnnhi' Pltch.r:":'Tllomplon. aU they can do to watch each Grace Regatta WIll appear In an· ",?rth $5.454 to the winner. My ing arm" e tnl! 0 your I I • of Art Houtt~man'l pitches Into reUe!, was the IDser. LO"~g Pltcher:-Squlre. other. After all they are only hu. other Issue). Kingdom's time was 1:41. , . . depend on your height. Your to. vo the eentrefleld 5eats Three more ORIOLES, TIGERS SPLIT man, but when one man gets a ------Let s suppose you are a boy who and heel .hould hit the Iround THURSE: can throw the ball real. hard ,for almost at the I3me tIme. You Bnllton runs in the' fifth Inning BALTIMORE (AP) - Baltimore lIttla dirty trying to down his op· S' o· ' B 'P your age. You want. to pitch. What sbould (omplete your .trld, be­ I.m. clinched the ei~hth pilchln!: rIc. n~ercame I slx·run deficit with Probable'\ P1etchers' ponent' and then the spectators t. on s ractIc.e 0 8.00-Slgn on t~ry for Sox rightie Tom BNwer. tllO three·run burst. and snapped .tart throwing thIngs at him it Impro e'Raclng do you have to do, and what's tbe fore. your arm has reached III I.1l1-Sundial narty Byrd, a Yank~e hurler an elght·game loiln. streak W~. makes him worse and also' starls St. Bon's sections A and 1l V best way oC doing it? ," hi h tIt L th b II I HOW TO HOLD THE A g cs po n. et e a ,0" II.OO-Toda~·'s unlil a year ago, tormented his nesday night by. defeating DetrOIt NEW YORK' CAP) - Probable the other man on Ihe wring track [ootbal1 le'ams will hold nn 1m·, P I II I . B LL mnst above your head. 1I.1S-Rex Kou nld mates hy allowin:: only three 8·7, a~te~ droppmg the npenero f pItchers for today's malor league then a "riot" is sLarted automatic: ~orta'nt practice to·nieht at 7 at i ar {In l~ ontrea Flr9!, you should know how to In the follow.through Inap your 8.30-11 Happi hits Ihroul:h seven Innings. The the t\\1'nIg11t doubleheader, S·4. . lames (won-tost record. in par· ally. I think that if everyone re. the Shamrock Grounds. A full IO.OO-Coffee ' Y~:1kcr. belled him out with a Pitcher Joe Colaman threw cold enthnel): membc'r~d that when the fight attendance is requested. MONTREAL 'CCP)-Opcrators of h~ld tbe bail. Grip it across or arm straIght across you~ cbest and 1t.OO-Peppem Richelieu Park, preparing for'h tbeir WIth the.. scams. Try sCI'eral differ. turn your b 0 dy I hitarp y 0 tbe p.m. 4.hit. 3',u:1 blrrage in the ei"hth water on a lale uprising by his AmerIcan Ltague looks bad for the man Who they h Inninl:. hut Millard (Dixie) lIo~\'el1 former Baltimore mate~ to .save .Detroit at BaItlmore-Lary 9·11) are rooting for just keep cnlm and sec on d hal! of t e season s ar· ~nt gnps unlll you' find one that left. Keep your left leg Ind foot 12.00-JIilIbi\lv nes.~ racing, ~air1 Wedn'2sday that IS most comfortable. The grip f I ltd 12.30-Inside l' pro\'ided adelJuatc relief to save sthtc firGst game for the Tigers Ind v~ChSlchalloCk (N7.·3). Y '" T h mlotaYbbeCtttehri.ngS win work out a whole Byrd's sixth I'ictory. eVe romek. caeo.t ew orA-.rO n.on St',- Pa' t's Practl·Ce $150,000 has been spent on im· should be. firm, but not light. IrTmO~IOPRaRnOeW'_"ore obout pll' 12.4S-Al. Ease ChI h d t (Z·l) vs Turley (ll·S). W h' . provcmcnts at the big. east end Th f b th h ,,;11 • 1.00-Turn Bi ~ag~ a nn ~ouble ~o!l'inll Cleyeland at BOll.on-Wynn (12,') . I! ere In Newfoundland have SI. Pat's track team, both jllniol'~ cour~e. e grIP or ate fast ball ching. How to del'clop rontr~\. the pltchmg of' EddIe Lopat, who TeN VI Parnell (2.2) . been shouting for wrest\inl( a long and seniors, I\',ill hold a practice A major innovation is instaJ1a· anr! curve shaul? be the same. How to Improve your fast ban, ~arted but ga\'e uJl 8'l!Ven hi13 and e~s J. otes~ (Only games schedule!!). 'time, and thanks to the untiring cr- to.night at 7 o'clock at the St. i tiDn of an electronic ere which Among other thmgs, It .keeps the How to pitch a curve. thrt! runs before i:lepaltiJlll in the NlUoail I.e_lue forts of our genlal'promoters Tom Pat's Field nn Carpasian Road. i flashes the time for each rtuarter· othe! team. from knowmg what (From the book 'How YOll Cln ~r.cond innine. !ntries are Invlled from all resi. BroOkl'ln.t Cincinnati CN) Dunne and Bob O'Neil, we got it Any member who Is una hie tonl· i !nile. operato.rs said Richelieu you are.,gollll: to throw. Play Little League CUBS WL'I FIRST dents ol NewfoundlaDd. {or the and '50 far we have had some '1'~e Ba~eball" b~ In the. Natlonl Lealtue, New Open Tennis Tournament due to BHsent (3·0) V8 Fowler (5·B). pretty good wrestlers •. So let's not tend is asked to contact coach Ron IS the fI;st Canadian trllck 10 have Bobby Feller recalled that Whitney Martin an'd John Meea!' "i• k G Is d PbUadelp11i. at Milwaukee - Buckley at 5435.H. this equipment.· " when he was a small boy he kept lum, Aopyn'ght 19"' b" PrenUce or Ian .ropped the first slart on the Riverdale Courts on Dickson (fI.6) VB Buhl. (-7-7). get'exclted and lose It again. The paddock has been moved 1 b b II 1 h • on , ~Imf! 0( • tll'ln hlll at Wrilley the evening of August 1st En', New York It Chicago _ Gomez Thanking you for space, I remain and there nre 90 new'stalls, bring. sever.a ase a s n Is room at HaU, Inc.) . flr.~~~t ~~~~o w~~bS~r:~ted IUt trance' fees for all senior ~vent~ (1-5) v. Rush (IH). . . ' Yours truly, • T ing the total to about 550. Light al1. h!"es~ He spent lots of time Distributed by The Reguter and al'ClanO rains towers .have been added at the grIppmg the ball. This exercise Tribune Syndicate his . eighth victory although, 1ml are $1.00 per person and for junior. Pittsburgh at, 81. Loul, N) _ _:;---'-.:.:-:._~:-:-...".-:-G_U_S M first turn and at the home stretch. strengthened his hand, wrist, and .' Tremel had 1.0 conie In wIth I.le events 50 cenls per entry. To HII1.(I;(I) VI Sc11mldt (I-i). peet ar~on. All of the horses, 10' ffilef. qualify {or junior play, entrants' talllng abuut 22, were saved. GROSSINGER, N.Y .. (APj - There nolV are fire towers. , furearm. enDS WlDP PIRATES must be under 18 at .January 1st .SARATOGA 'SPRlNGS, N. Y. The fire was th~ seeond at the Ifeavyweight c ham p Ion Rocky The second t mceting gcls under After you have settled on a grip MA(\I'Y iNSURED ST. I.OUIS (A1'1 _ Thrte.hit thl~ year. . (AP)-A mysterious fire Wed!les- fa.m~us ~oroughbred ming plant Marciano will bl!gln boxing at his way neKI M,onday and ends Sept. that is right for ~'ou, walk out tD More than 57 per cent of tbe p!tcllinlt by IJnn'ey Had- Entrance fees may be paid 10 da:v two bams ind ,e· Within A frame in camp here next Monday In prepn· t2. !here arc 13 stakl! races In· the mound and stand on the rub. population oC Ihe United Statp! ~outhpa\\' dutrny~d 14':hollr.~. b~rn ration for his title' fight with cludlnJl Iwo for $7.500 pur.cs-the • . I hal:e life insurance prote~tion l! dlx and IIrand slim hnme run -by John Cloustlln and mu.t b. in by ri"!liJlr dlm~8'd • t~lrd at the a. training track area I\'as. burned Archie 1I00re Sept. 20 at Yankee National Derby trot Aug. 21 and ber. l[ YOl~ lire flght·handed. "ally Moan In the eighth help!d Saturday, July.30th,· SAratoga r~ce track amid circum. to \l1e ground Tuesday night. No I compared to 51 ·per. cent in 19H, stances that· led officiall 'to IUS' horses were Injured. . ~Iadium. the National D"erby Pace Aug .. 28. ,place rou,r right foot on the rub· /

I THE MillY NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 13


• Compliments 'Of The Great Eastern Oil Compa~y Limited WA'fEru'RONT Jacoby On Bridge DIRECTORY PLAY WITH CARE; GAME IS THERE ON DOCK S.S. Glencoe, fishing trawler NOI.TB ,."S' , t3U-YOll and the World. Blue Wave and a Spanish trawler. .QIOn l.:i(}-Unil'cl·sity Explorer. ¥K .~ AT DOCK tAQJ8'1 1,45-Bob Crosby. 5.5. Random, two Spanish fish· .,' CBN 2.DIl-Bud's Bandwagon. , ",K95 THURSDAY July 21 2.3D-llartin Block. Ing trawlers Llzarga and Revura, 1\ WEST ,EAST alld ~'rench flshin. trawler Satur· ~0-r8l: ~CII·S. ---- 3,UD-VOUS Record Room. .S .76% : 35-Top of Ibe ~tornlnr· 4.00-Sports }o;ditor Speaks. nla. Capt. Andre Legros. from ¥ A Q J 1054 .8732 ~ (l,'l-CBC ~e\l'~ and Weather. 4.15-Ncws. Grecnland. which will remain In • K 10 9 5 • NOll! 4.30-'1'opics and Issues. port for ten days and then wlll ",107 ... ~J843 2 ; 15-"u!icd Clock. 5.00-March of El'ents. J ~ (l(1-~orninll Devotions. sail for France.' . IOUTH (D) 9 l~rro;;ram Pre\·lew. 5.I5-News. t 1 . 5.3U-Clc\·cland Vs. Boston Red A .E. HICKMAN CO. LTD. , "AKJU " ~ ~~Oral1l:e Stylin!:s. Sox. The M.V. Pay Off I. moored up , ., .98 1 J Q ~~_ \Iclod\' Scraphook. 7.45-Bill StNn. .6432 2 n !(' ~\-l\no\\" Ynur Newfoundland. at the eastern side of the wharf, ",A6 1 1" JlI-Hit of the Day. 8.0(}-Grouchu Marx. for the season. I 8.30-])ralll1el. North·South vul. 1 1 !n \:i-mla Manuel. 9,OO-Suspeme. , STEERS LTD. l~:.'>-CBC News. South West Nortb Eist :z II' 9.30-Rogcl's Of The Gazette. ?I.V. Helen Gill. Gill muter. Is 'I 11' :10-Triplr. Trcil~urc. 1. 2. 3. Piss I II 11 ;~_Par;lIlc of f;\lIr5. lO,t5-U.N. Story. taking freight lor Wesleyville, 4. Pass Pass Pass lll;\-J.l~:ll and I,)·rical. IO.3~Mudc Till Midnight. Brookfield, Newlown. Pound Con. 1 12.00-Slgn orr anll Anthem. I Openlns lead-+ B "e II I I 45-5rared lIenrt Program. Vallcyfleld, and other northern I: r.o_Announccrs Choice . port~. neady to ~8il...... -B-y-O-..SW--A-LD-J-A-C~O...,BY • • I! 15-Dinncr Bell Breakdown. :: ~(1-rarm Broadcasl. CJON M.V. Tweedm~n. Davis mister, U'S bard to blame South for • 111 • :: ~~Aunl Luc)·. THURSDAY July 28 recently off dock, Is fitting up for what happened In today' hand 1,,~'l-~lId Da\' Sc\,rnade. -- freighting In a ~cw days. • Not one player, In 10,000' would I ;~t.aura Limited . 7.00-Wake Up Bnd Live. M.V. Gencvle~e Holloway. Rog· have the 1m", glnatio Ind th " ,. ". 1.30-CnC Ncll's ~nd Weather, 7.1(}-News. ers master. Is taking freight for "n e ." II II I ~5-Do\'lr 1l11Ile\ln. II 1 II UL~~I~~.gth 10 rthe Day. Port Union •. Catalina, Bonavlsta. ~~:ltl~~ ~o make the right play In :(l()-Words and ~Iusic. S , ft 1 : ~!l-IJominion Time SIenal. 7.35-Bob Lewis Show. aud as far north a, Twlmnllate. W tn. d th' 11 1 dl : I , 1 1 •8 5 Ir.-:'.Iusr of lhe Wl'sl. 7.45-Ncw,.' Ready 10 sail. es opene e \'e 0 _ ~. , 1 1 1 23!l-0If the Record. 7.51l-Bob LewlJ Show. M. and J. Hayden Is at thi east monds. and South wondered !, ~ !:>-Oprn Road Shlll\, .• DO." '5 1 J 1 3 ~'l-Tr~ns·Can~da ~!at,"ce .• ~,~~~~bsi..ewls Show. end premises, Balrd's Cove, erew whether to play the Ice the J 1 ., . • J(}-l'BC News. B.30-News. are local fishing oulslde the nar. queen from till! dummy. He fin· J 1 ., n5-Timdy Tunes. 8.35-Bob Lewis Show. rows bringing the fish to be '~alted aUy decided to play the queen, . H:>-Chihlren's S\or~·. 0 1 II 9.0Il-New" and 'cur cd on board the vrs~e1. and East ruffed. " 5,15-:llu5Ic of the West. 9.05-Juke Box Review.. CANADA PACKERS LTD. East p,romptly returned a heart 5 :Ill-Fisheries Procram. II • ID.O(}-News.9.45-Womcn's Nell·S. M.V. Zcbrull, Grlndy master, 15 t0 'V cst 8 aee, an d Wc:.st led the J 5 45-~lllsical Program. I Hlher. 6oO-lnlermc:zo. 10.oI-Parade of Hib. having engine repaired. ahd aeter king of diamonds. Declarer saw ! 6,~5-l'ro::ram I're\·icll'. IO.I5-Parade of Hits. engine Is repaired. 11'111 sail for no .help for iLye put up dum- ! 6 ~o-Supprr Guc,\. . I0.45-Jonn Blanchard Show. northern ports. my s acc, Bnd East ruffcd a~aln. r. i~-Int('rludl' for :'II II m. IO.50-Parade of lilts. CROSBIE I CO. LTD. Epst got out safely with a ~ w-rnc ~ell's anll Wealher. ~,I~,-rurtain ('ails. n:g~-~mVSiUng Show. M.V. ?Iirinm May, Rogers MI!' Irump, and West sat baek to col· ~ .,,'-TOilS Toda),. 1l.15-1'rnncssee Ernie. ter. Is taking freight for Port leet a diamond trick towaII'ds the lloun for ~ ~~- D0\ Ie lIullrlln. 11.30-Impl'i~oncd Heal't. Union, Calallna and Bonl1'ista. end of the play. The defenders • '.:0- "\ rid. S\l,r~·. 11.45-:lly Other Love. Ready to sail.. thus collected a diamond, a heart, As> /'LINT AmOAa-E SWoONS ~ ·:II-Hrrilal. 12.0(}-Ncll's. WJ'H A 6EIISSR COlJ'oJif'IZ ... , s ~~-Inh'n to Wrd :\ight. 12.02-Bob Lewis ShoW. M.V. Eastern Explorer, Veteran and two ruffl. def,atlnl the con· '1 9Cll-~llort Story. 12.30-News. Explorer, Mont Murray. and U.S. tract. • ~ 3~1I0Idi\l' Ground. 12.35-Bob Lewis Show. A.F. molor vessel WF-811l, are The ImaginaUI'I and cautious !I' ~O-Statford Festh·al. 1.0Il-Ne\I·R. moored up 'Indefinitely. play J. to finesse the .even of J::rt Frrnrh I:uaranlec. Britain an , i 1.0t-Boh Lewis Show. A. H. MURRAY .. CO. LTD. diamonds at thl flrattrick! East, " ! I ;\n-Cl~C !\dtional ;\ClI'S. 1.15-News. I.30-New~ Dlgtst. M.V. Blu. l'rince, P.nona 11111- rulli, 01 cour.e, and South must --- 1,35-Sports Paradl. ter, while on Friday lut en htr lose two rufts Ind a heart, but VOCM I.4U-Bargaln ·Hour. way from Port Unloll via Bona· he doesn't lose' a diamond trlc~. THURSDAY July 18 Ut~I~~r~~~'~i 1.t~iodlel: \,Isla, with • cargo ef barrel fish A. lonl II West haa the ace 2,0Il-News. for Halifax. los ther rudder when hearts, a. Indicated by the ~ M-HmkCut ---Club. 01 I,: : 10-!\rw~. 2.D1-Perry Mason. 95 miles off Cape.Racl. WIS taken biddlnl, South doean't care how :,::(\-!\ews. 2.15-Roarl of Life. In low by the Blue Peler 2nd. thl diamonds Ire divided. The ";.7,~.-:\r.w~. 2.30-Matinee. Davis master. Ind towed to port It flntll. of'the ..ven of diamonds ~ l~I-Breakla~t Cluh. 3.00-Nell·!. I wi h ;; 3ll-lIit nf the Da),. 3.01-Houscwh'es Club (prizes). 6 Sunday morn nl, II lve at the first trick Buures the con· .. f;3j-Ncws. 4.00-Ncll's. to ,et I new ruddll'. and to '0 tract. ~;I0-:'\ame thp Ncwroun~ander 4.0ll-Spot Ihe star. on dock. A diver wilt IRertaln For example. 11 Eallt wIn. the P.OO-A Date With Deny~. 4.15-Fanch Party. and report full extent of the dam· firat dlamon.l and return. I dia· . P.l5-;\lan From Ye5terday. 4.3ll-Ranch Party, .. MIl-Ncw!. ale. mond for West to ruff, whleh ':i";" 93(}-A Dile With Denys. ,j ~ .; 9,-I5-Burtons of Banner street. II,OI-Record 6hop. '- would be po.slbll If West had l~.OO-~ell's. ",'Ci~~~~ Bulletin Board. led I Iingleton diamond, the ldng IO.05-A Dati With Denys. 6,DII-Record Shop. Cross-Channel:1 of diamonds would later drol'. lO.55-News. 1l.OU-Club Tim .. 6.15-Sports Parade. ,. . This remarkable pllY would t\55-!\e\\'s. R.25-NcII'S. SWImmIng Race mak, South look very .1117 If 1~,OO-Club Time. 6.3ll-Eddle Fisher. Em won a diamond trick with 1215-Bank of Happiness. 6.45-'fhe Octopu.. LONDON (Reuters)-Mor. than the .Ingleton ten Dr nine, but 1~.3Il-NewJ. f:~~g~rt'shlp and Marriage. 2!1 men and women from 15 eoun- South wouldn·t lose his contract. 12.35-~lusical Menu. K F F tu es tries taking part In the Inlerna. • l.30-r\ews. 7I. ~- amoU! Dr n ( tional cross • channel swimming HI wouldn tmlnd 10.ln. a POI' 1.-I5-Tune~ For Today. ~.OO-Bctty Grable-Harry Jamel ~.. ~~~:~~. StranRer. ra(e from France to England In sible extrl trick. ~.j5-Ne.·I. B,OU-News. August will act a. medical IIIlnn· 3.M-Dollars 011 Parad •• 8,OI-Musical Panora mi. pills lor an admiralty .elentIfie reo AUSSI'es Not ~OO-News. 8.15-Journey In T oMelody. search project. 4.05-Ncwfoundland Parade. B.30-Eddie Cantor. The experiment II to discover 435-Bank of Happlnes.. H5-Nell's. ' ::g~~~w~lx Program. th~ eflects on the human body of Readv For West 500-Club Time. 9.15-Crlme Club. prlonged expenditure of energy In 6.00-News and Weather. 9.45-Dosco News. cold seas, with I view to applying SYDNE\r AustraUa (CP)-"le fi05-SuPller Serenade. 10.ol-Manlllll11. the lessons lenmed lor the benefit cldef of· ute general staff ot the G;\I-Rhlillg Alon!! With ft Song, lD.15-'t'cller or ')'llle.. . or shlpwreck.:d .eamen Dr ,irmen French armed forces General Au- fi~5-N~\\'s. 1D.45-GJl'nn Miller. forced down on 'the octaD, Partl· /lu,t1n Guillaume ••ays Australia's : IHI-Till' 113rrchnalf. l1.tlO-NlItiunul News. cular . attention will be ppld to the defelict forcts are not .. ready for ~ 15-1l"l'Iur !'aul. • 11.:III-I.utr.11.15-l')lorts Night Pnrndr. Thealre. fads tit r ib uII on 01 tl )e ...."., Ad y, '" hi ch In'ltallt Iction '1Ir the fore~s or 7 ::U-Thc Hargill lIour. 12.DO-News. is hllman In5u18tiD~ ailinst cold. We~tern Europe. . .. R.flu-:\ (,W[ uUll(i1allll Wholesale. Phyalologlsks will examln ••a~h Guillaume aeter I tOllr of AilS' P.I;;-~nmmy I{aye. 12.01-lIou~e Parly. swimmer before the race, aDd then tralla -aid h. felt tbat If Aus· n:lll-l'oW\l ;o,!eeUng III Canada. 12.30-NclI's. 1 II tl th h Ii· g :IU-Tim Ouee For :Mclody. 12.35-11ou~e Party. 0 f1W !em across t c IDne . D trail an troops had to go to war 1m- IOIIO-TIle Fre1dy Madtln Show. 12.M-Nell's. a naval molor launch.. . medlitely delay. would b. neees- 10 ~Il-One 1':lght Stand. 12.5I1-Prityer. In other motor boat, fDllowillll Sljoy to ;et the forces ready fol' IU5-Cluh Time. l.OO-Queen and Sign on. each compftltor wlll be 'royal mllr· action. III Europe, iI. said, the 1J.45-Club Time. Ine slgnaUera with radlo-telepho'"; armed forees have to be r~ady for 12.no-Ncll's. sets who CIII call the .clenUIII Immediate combined oper~tionl to 12.0l-C1ub Time. l&l~nch to the .celle when lay mHt the possibility 01 inslant war. lZ.:lO-Nc\\'s, VOWR ",·.mmer lives up and la t.ai~n "Tbls II becluse we are rlgbt liP 12 3~Club Time. THURSDAY July 21 out 01 the water. A phYliololiat ftgilnst the Iron Curtaill," Gull· I.OO-N~\I's In a Minute and Close Down. P.m. will than mak~ • further exam Ina· launie said. "Perhaps in' AUBtr'li~ ----- B.l~Chllrlren·s Story Time. tion of the .wlmmer. ~ 'your forces need not hi II. well ------8,3Q-Songs by Leonard Warren. A8 compeUtors reach the EII~' prepared beeau" of the long dis· vous B.45-1\1uslcal Moments. Ush c08St,. whether , under their b·nc.. ,eparalin. 70U from PO!­ THURSDAY July 21 D.DO-What would yo Do? own swimmlllg power or by boat, sible enemies." 9.15-The Twilight Hour. they. wllI b. taken to a medical ------..,.~ l.m. 9.45-Hymns }'or the Quiet Hour. centre for a further ex.mlnltlon. between Aug. 10 and 16, as weither 6.00-Sign on and Dundlal. 10.45-Weather Forecase Ind The scientists will have men Bnd conditions permit. 6.15-Sundlal Newi. Close Down. women fro m widely different The scientific records obtained 8.®-Today's the Da7. 8.IS-Rex Koury. 'cllmes and ways of 1Ife to Invelt!· will be relaled to other findings a.30-Jt Happcned Last Night DANCERS DONATE gate as' there ar~ .ntrant, from In long:term re~arch on survival au,1IIIIl ID.OO-<.·offee Time. LONDON (CP) _ Strcatham Mexico, Portugal. the United at sea. The object 1.1 to discover chat ..I! 11 OO-Pepperrell Juke Club. district dance hall charges an eX- State.. Syria, Lebanon. E1!rPt. the best. equip~ent, c1~thlng Ind .. lb' ~.m. Ira threepence a head on all Its Greece,. Turkey, Malta, New. ea· methods for .• avlng the live. of Itr and t.ot 12.00-lIillbilly ~!atlnee. customers. T11'a proceeds go to- land. Denmark. India, EnliaDd, seamen forced by. disaster .on 1:!.30-Insidc Track. WArd a £1,000 targel lor central. Ireland and scoUand. 'enemy action to take to ratt. or 12.4S-At. Ease. "heatlngi n a nearby church. ' Th'3y are due to start their ,wlm dlngbles in the open SU. , 1.00-Turn Back the Clock. !ir Arthur - ' INTE~~5TlNe tauT U:T'S' YIIU CAli FOrzG~T THe W! FOIt Ba.OfbaD" lIY A hlOM.ENT I WATK>N I JolllI .rcal• ., Prtatkt

~fDt (If ~. \Jail"" Stales prntt~tiO" as rent ill lJN· .'r • . ".: .


\ , .. THE DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 . , .. ,. " .', 37>8' M.d,rn lin 210 !In . - . !DO Coin W Nat Gil I'r It. II " 13 II'~' " 203 Ca~" 1'.\0 2U I~ :U 21000~b;n.t 8j III III I~ Can:o Kat 011 14~ 143 In 2:~OCMr.lnrtir ..1 JCj 8.i St. John's Regatta Committee 100 CIInlo 011 JJ.l ,33 3!l 2000 M .lorCe . U' ~7 37· OJ C•. rlboo ' 70.' 70 70 IUO U,ne.,1 . Unn Stock Market· Report II!. II II' ' 101~3101\ 1300' ~I",b'nor AN NO UNeE fd EN T .. . 2:'7. Cnu:o, 10!, . 2:03 r.J.rl~old 3.1 ~3 :IS, .' The resular weekly meetin~ scheduied for 6003 Am Lcd"c 1117 103104 100 Cent E.pl 510 510 510 \'O.OSTO tLnSISG ArOCKI ':';JO Cent L,du. 210' 2'3 2QS 4sn ~hnitl".e m :'10 2.10 ., ne C••• dlan rrrt'l 7m Am Neph, 122 121 122 3:iO do A WI. 83 l2 6l. As from August 1, 1955, TH~ CENTRAL INSURANCE. 001 hnmrtx &43 81' III 10J C.nt rat Ir.,. 100 100 82 .82 82 Wednesday evening is postponed and will be Ia'" A.ell II:,:. Law Clolt :100 Cenlrenll.q 10' 10 10. 2~' d. n Wt. Illl Anooon 333 m ::r.J lO\~ 10',. lQl~ 1006 Arid Uri" 12t, 12\0 12~~ . 2Ce) rO~" II ml 1m 4,;C) ~Iartln . COMPANY, lIMITED-a subsidiary of THE ROYAL· :x3 J\ctors r,aUy will teU you that nell' m~ Drun''''An 3 211 3D 552l S:rk Rim Presents ral,ic rain may be lor~ely I ...ed .. In.1 by IC3' . . '. licr -- ~700 DdllDulncll.on Cdn W,I 19 19 ID~ 1l.ld,.a Itll 1m 19" rubblr.~ Alnotbme Jr. on the .oro, Iwoll.n '00 nuff n I. 10 19 10 . 103 Dr .. lI.ra 10J le3 103 1 Mcnlr.eal ...... August 13th visiting Carr ...... It orlunn~' h,lp. In count" p'es· till Dunk 11111 20'+ 23\, 23 •• 930 Del Rio 16 1'5 lS6 .u!.whichmfty~cnu.inl:~·ourmisery.At lCO Cal and E 171i 16 l7Ii 3300 Petta 33 29 !9 th... me limc, ill'larms nnd soolhes. BIM C.llln •• :1.1 32 3\ 2" Dev Leduc 170 1~8 1E9 Arrives St. John's ...... August 18th 16 15 15 lta.l n.me. 15' 1411 1411 FRIDAY Thl'U,and. u .. Absorbin. J,. for 1900 Cllnor 6.l 50 5 "Iir( (rom neural~ic nnd ,hrumalic 1100 Cah'an Cnn 1000 Dom Arb.. 21\) 18' 18 t,,. 1:1.. 13~. 90~ D,nald. 41 42 4J FOR SALE . h' t 0 I $1 R299 t;amp Chlb P'I~. ~c .~",;~"mu.c C:. n y ,25 m30 Can ~let 31n 2~1 300 27121 DUI'" 2J . 10 23 at ~II .. n: ...... r... 700 C 011 l.and. 273 m 273 m81 Dyno 133 130 1~3 jly28,29 ::100 Cdn Ad 011 M 48 49'.• 1I1~ E.. I ~Ial 230 2:2 :30 Murray Agenci.es &Transport w. •• TOlal. lie•• 3300 (,dn Ado, '154242 220<1 Eo,1 Sulll.. '0 6.l3 643 c M Cdn All 011 51~ 630 30 21711) En'l M.tl 121 110 12.1 1170 C Brit Emp 70 I. 9 JlOO }:Ider 01> 0 0 • PONY MIEHLE FLAT BED PRESS. ·1 1275 C C.IlI .. 1m 13 13''; 3100 E:drloh 80 M 80 1100 C D••• l 701 ' 70 70 ~16 CI P"".y II II 11 Co. Ltd., Agents I!)O do w.rr 22 22 22 ~~~, r.I Sol n\, Rl' ~'.I • CLEVELAND FOLDER Tenl uOO (: nrv Pelt 19~ I'" I!ll iJOO Em GlAC 46 41 41 ~oo C lIomrr.ld 21.' 22" 2. 3~0 f:urrka 123 liB I~' lOCO (! Molar! 411.• 41t~ 44\\ l:Jl I"nleonbrldre ~m 2S!, ,m 'PHONE 2031·2-3 A. P. JAMIESON, -. :rolll7 r. 011 Ga. R.. 77 74 7 1:112 Jo'ntEldl)' 2Sl :210 ':fiO • RICHARDS MULTIFORM ELECTROMATIC 10120 C l' L I'clo 231 m 280 27tO Far~' 290 20 20 Special Traffic Representative 0'01 f'cd 1(lr~ 19 IR 18 PLATE MORTISER. Sealed Tender MO Fed rete ~!~ m 510 o a p28.1 ucs,thurs.tr 2m Fro·,II.her ~U 47~ 4RO United Church FURNESS 19'10 Gall":n 4 15 4li 30~ rtn l'ele A &l~ S" '.0 • MASTER ETCHER, TYPE AX. are hereby in Newtouhdland- . 15'lM Gcnc,," I~" 14 IS LIN.ED ~~, mon' Vk "lO ~Io 40 "00 m.nn U.. n 100 ~l 100 Por painting ~. Services 7~O; God. l.ok. 8~ 1ft 18 . For further particulars apply P300 Goldale 49 4.1 47 hloy cleor rul· Prince of Wa 1:'.100 Goldor •• ) 28 23 2l /r .. woltl • CONNECTION GREEN BAY 200 Gold C ••I. 13 13 13 • 2'" G F I1r." M to no Corrotty. wote, Address tend SERVICE-TODAY 3111 Go'd M'n 21J :P1 ~O '. ! led Cross Line II~lQ1) (lo',lhRWk ~R 32 ~8 ,0 .. tIh,rmII llIE. DAILY NE WS Wales Colleg 1 'l'raln leavlnll St. John's HA5 803M G.~do," 13 R 9 • p.m. today, Tl!vrsday, will m~kc '610 Grah Bou. '" 3ft '38 3DOJ d,.nrloro 41 I~" H '"" Wit .. DIAL 2 J77·8·9 Shn.INGS connection at LewlSlmrtc with 12')1 Grandur. ~tf) 5:i:l .3Ht pl,ln, hot Tenders must l\f.V. Codroy for the Grccn Bay 2:11' Gr J1Jrdn~ ntV 2' 23 8, ::~i • jlyl6.tr TO RIR G, s,,'o In!p1rotlon 16~ 110 10 'fl~ook wllh S.S. Springdale for 2!l3~ Int N ,I.t! 77'.. HI m A. meeting 0' regular ports to Lewlsportc. 321B~3 Jnekn!IA 111. P III. 1000 Jack WAll' 17 17 17 ELECTRIC WATEI! HEATEJI SUNDAY, JULY 31sf ~5 4.1 will take plae 11]128 Jaell!.1 33 The S<"pco 5tonedrel tank II Hnetl with & SAILINGS 3000 J.)' F..pl . ~4 50 52 s,l NORTHERN RANG~R thick la)'rr of h)'draulc ~Ione·nard, deole ~I July 29th, at FRmt SAILING 2.00 P.M. SATURDAY 300 J.,"nttt. 51 50 and lM~IUNE Til EVI~X TilE MOST 3OC>B Jl!lIl1:oe 9~1 '·~1 fi~ COHnOSIVE WATER. Indall n IIt.Um. • GAMES OF ALL KINDS ST. JOIlN"S S,S. Nor111ern Ranger operating 2.11:~0 JO~lIIko :IS 18 2J SroNESl'r:J::L loday, it ellrricM a WOlnant)' boys attend, on St. Jol1n's·Co.rner Broole Ser· 11101 Joliet 10 47 49 unlll tI,. )'ta' 1973 ••• had,od by Sopco TO CORNER BROOKI 2i16CO Jontmllh 6J 60 62 -the world's nut .manulacturer of eIre· • SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR CHILDREN haye been III vice will sail from the Dock 1I0J Jupa" 217 2JO 2~4 tric wot.,· heaters. Avallab)e In 23 to U 2150') (( 17 1m 55' Imp G-llon . 279.00 COOKING. Train the "Caribou" leaving St. 670:) L~ko Cinrh· 3130 300 :115 . >"~ • I •• , •••••• TO N1Yl YORK. John's 5.00 p.m, Sunday, July 31. 61300 Lake Dufault 180 145 168 C8 Imp. Gallon ••••••••••• 315.90 will make connection at Lewis­ 3500 L~ J.I", ,18 II 18' 83' Imp. Gnllop...... 393.00 • ONLY AN HOUR'S RUN FROM TOWN. !'crt Hamilton .... July 25 porte with 5.S. Glencoe for regu· SOD Lk 0," 28 28 28 . t"Fort Avalon •• ,Aug, 6 ~ l.k \l'O!ft 2) ~1 2) lar ports to St. John's, l~OOO I.anlle • 6~~ ~~1 Tort Hamilton ... Aug. \7 IBO~ 1.... lnd:n 45 . 40 43 Cluney's Bus will leave foot of Barter's Hill on special 'tFort Anion ..... Aug. 27 CONNECTION BAY RUN 1730 Lib rele' 320 315. 31S trips during the day: 9.00, 10,00, 1.30, 2.00, .(00, j 132;0 I .. L Ln. 161 ISl m ST,EERS Home PLACENTIA BAY-MONDAY r. 00 I.elle h 52 82 62 9000 I.r,m,,. 1\~ 7 7 RADIO _ AP' 'PLIANCI5 - 5,00, B,OO and 10.00. Regular 0,00 a.m. train to J\Ir. moo !.orado 301 %76 2113 Sealed Tene VI".I. will Can Nlwfound. gentla Monday, AU!!U!!t t. will 3!00 [.ouI·lo' 39 37 31 FURNITURE _ DEPARTMENT lind Outports Indue. 6!1'1o) !.. ,ndhll,,1 2U 278 2112. 'PHO"Jr: 800' 21 Return trips will be made at 4.00, 6.30, 8.00, 9.00 and' Concrete FI I. make con11ectlon with J\I.V. Burlll ~oo m.nt oHlr.. . Ll·n. 8\, 1m'"'" for the B~y Run Placentla Bay . 185 135 183 erectian of tI • Calls (;orner Brook after 7S~ ~I.c,,," WATER STREET ST. JOHN'S after the Dance ~t night. 1000031<11 Moc!!,.~I.edonald 10220 10018 102II ST;.:E_.E;,;;R::;.S..;L_TD. SL John's. \ I______Hom. for 1 FREIGHT LABRADOR SERVICE lila: Mnck.nn 61 roo!> 62 Music on the field throughout the GARDEN PARTY and ,.Accepts refrlgeratloD Freight for. regular ports Lab· 1350 Modioli 147 141 143 Roman Catt carillO. =-~~----~------for the DANCE will be provided by the popular Bell rador Service per g,S. Kyle CLOTHES make the 'liIan :if CHAFE St. John's, , GINERAL AGENTS accepted Dock Coastal Shed ~Ton· Island Jamboree Band. . day, AUl!u~t 1, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 NOON Sat! Hlrv., & Co~ Ltd, Dill 2151 p.m, makes the clothes jly2B,29 W. G. Moo... Dlil 5190 Plans, specil be FURNESS WITIIY WM~ L•. CH·AFE, Tailor. may ob' lie Co .. LTD .. Bridge Roal NlW York Montr ..1 Dollars ($1 Hlllf.. Bt. John, N.B. New address: .. HOtDSWORTH ST, I vided the p THE condition. Tenders, id Architect. FAST FREIGHT SERVICE Direct .Without. The R, C.' I Transhipment " HICKMAN reserves thl jly28,30 froM MIV .IILUNAN" • Loading at Montreal ...... '.... J"ly . 23~d. MOIITREAL, .Nlld. i.Ca~ada .Steamships Ltd. MOTORS· AI FREIGHT SAILINGS . M!V. i'DUNDEE" . Salary · Loading' at '.. •.; .. July 281h H~milt9n ~ .M,S. "BEDFORD nil .Limited p.loymll · Loading' ai Toronto.. ..;, ..... July ,.29th· HALIFAX. ST, JOHN'S · Loading at. Montreal· .... :.August' .1st'. Leavlni Hallfax: . .. July' 27th: ... ~ ...... "" .. Due st. John's July 29th August 6th...... Dul! st. John's August 8th CENTIU "PERTH" .' August 15th." ...... , ...... "Due St. John's August 17th MlV.·,. . , Auyust. 24th ...... Due 5t.· John's August 26th I 26,3i : Loadlnga't H&lmilton ...... August' 5th M.S. '''BELLE ISLE n" HALIFAX· ST. JOHN'S · Loading at Toronto ~ .. ' ·.... Aug.usf 6th Leaving- Halifax: : Loading at Montreal...... August 9th July 26th ...... "Due St. JOhD'S July 28th TO to August . 3rd ...... Due St. John's August 5th August 12th...... , ...... ;...... : .... Due St. John's August 14th August 20th ...... Due St. John's .August 22nd CIRNERBROOK ST., JOB.'S. . FAST'-FREQUENT~'RE(;ULAR" S,s, GULFPORT • 5,5. NOVAPORT '. . ' ... ' ,..' . Fer Immediate clearance per direct sailings. 5047 RlColvln, Car,. RICllving CarlO For rates, space and other Information apply~ Jul, 30 - AUlus, 2 AUIU.' 2·4 The Newfo·undland-Great.Lakes .HARVEY. & Co.., LTD., General Agents, Dial:' 2151 Por rreIIbt 1eIe.,..UODl R. N; COLE, Special Representative; St. John's, D;a/2207 WATER· ST • Genu CODtiet ,. . a.·SELLARB. ... ,:.' :.Steamships'.limlted .. '." or 10 • ., , Pack~ Bllftlal ".ePfelflltaUn· .... '., ST. : JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND ). THE ROBERT REFORD COMPANY; LTD., Agents . TeUfl3 "PHO~ES :6120, ~668/3795· ' . 'Montreal and Toront.o .> P.O"au £·510 . ,- - .' '. . ". j1yll,m,tu,t HALIFAX. ·N.S. <.,."', .:

,. \ .

~------~~-======~~------~------~----~----~~--~--~ For Sale WANTED A MAID - NOTICE , FOR SALI-On. "Yin room Wanted. Immediately Bungalow and land for sale, . for family 'of three in Modem Apartment . TO·NIGHT • ltUlted at Colliers, Concep· The Annual· General Meeting' tlon BlY. For particulars ap­ Liberal outing and good pay. Apply to WEDDING ply to Richard Conway, 40 PARTY. George's St., S.t. John's. of the GENERAL M·AID jly26,27,28 MRS. EDWARD DAWE, CLUB FOR SALI-llItlldlnll loti on CLOSED, who und.rstands plain cooking. Kenmount Road, west of st. Dawe Apartments, Waterford Bridge Road ThereS1o's School. Apply RIch· , . NEWFO'UNDLAND ard Hayes. 90 Campbell Ave. jy27,28 FnR' Rf C; nva Tl()tI); Apply to jly26,27,28. FOR SALI-Lldy'. Dllmond Ring, Trombone made by Bell Island Transportation CO., Ltd. Benson & Co., London, Eng· FLYING CLUB MRS. HAROLD LAKE land, 1110 one Concertina. TO OUR CUSTOMERS WANTED Apply John D, Snow, 9 New • IMMED,IATELY will b. held at their Robinson's Hill . Gower St. j1y21,51 On and after AUGUST 1st we are not recei~ing Furnished Apartment Taxi any loole Freight. Kindly govern yourselves 1 or· 2 Bedr90ms CLUI ROOM AT TORIAY mCKEY'S TAXI. leaving Ter· accordingly. . '"' rencevl\le WedneldaYl, St. Apply John's on Thursdays. Connect· (Signed) BELL ISLAND TRANSPORTATION NFLD. LIGHT & POWER Bally Hally Golf CI~b . Inll with mall boat. contact \ T,O~DAY, JULY 28th Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville CO., LTD. presents MR. IGNATIUS RUMBOLDT CO'I LTD. or dial GlOoF at St. Jphn' •• 'phone 318J .. In an Ev.ning's Entertainment in Honor of the In291m jly27,21 Insurance visiting Comer Brook G.olf Team on • • •

FURNISS WITHY INSUR· ,', . FRIDAY EVENING AT 9 O'CLOCK •. ANCE Department offerhll SB A A SUMMER' SWEEP dependable inaurance-Aulo­ FOOTBALL No Cover Charg' mobile. Fire, Burglary, Plate BINGO Glass, TourIst Baggage, Du. to unavoidable ~ircumstanclI our jl~·2S.29 Tran!portatlon, Travel Accl· (Under the au~plces Children's Playground Association) e dent, Liability. Pbone 2073. TO.NIGHT DRAWING will bl. postponed from July 28th ROIIRT DAWI I SON, Fire GAIETY AUDITORIUM 7:30 to August 12th. '.,. Il'Id Automobile InllUlan~. .. Tlnders for Painting Be 8lfe, be lure. insure. Tele­ GUARDS pbone Z882, P.O. Box 8!1 Remaining tickets can be obtained froms - Royal Bank Chambers, st­ vs. John's. HOLY CROSS Terry Trainor, Sam Ryan, Frank O'Grady,· Seol.d Tend.rs for the Painting of the .xterlor·of Th. TO·NIGHT AT 9.00 P. M. ContlCt STAN POWLlR, Re· Frank Fardy, Rob.rt Baird, Bob Sceviour, Gerry Unit.d Church ColI.g. Residence, Long's Hili, St. John'., nou! bulldlnll, for Fire Auto­ ., ore hereby invited. ,. mobile and Plate Glass Insur· $2000.00 in PRIZES Murphy, Tom Manning, Ed Browne, K.lvln , I . ance. Claims promptly settl· BE TALLER ~ I Por painting specifications, opply to Accountant at ed. 'Phon' &lI31-P.O. BoX Grant. 1 83. Increase Height 2 to II Inches Princ. of Wales College, LeMarchant Road. with our brand New Course . jly28,21 INIURANCI-Iowrlnl Broth. Game No. 30 Wortb $1,000.00 Suitable for both sexes. Re­ • r Limited Insurance Depart· mits guaranteed Dr fee refund· Add~ess tenders to the undersigned c/o Prince of ment-Fire, Automobile, Mar· ed In full. Please remit 30 Wales College. Ine and all Casualty line •. CARDS $2.50 Shillings British Postal Order Telepbone ~131. Jr Money Order or Bank Draft, payable in India. England or I Tenden must reach the College by Thursday, August CONTACT A. I, HICKMAN Door Admission 5, . I \merica. .\ Co. Ltd. Insurance Agenta. Address-Actlvllles (D .. p'. 530) DANCE oCth next. ,'Phones t132-3-4-15-6 P.O.B. jly26,3I(Tel) 984. fOf your insurance re­ Klng1way, Delhl.9, Indll. to th. music of the The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. quirements. j ne2,thursforlyr. DIPINDAILI FlRI INSUR· For tbe BEST in PRINCES ORCHESTRA ·ANeE-Don't risk your valu· abies to "save" a few dollaI'll. H. N. BURT Our fair-rate, reliable polley LARGESt DANCE FLOOR IN ST.JOHN'S live. Immediate protection. USED CARS BASEB.ALl College Property Manager iJ>bone 6921 or wrile J. J. TO·NIGHT Latey. P.O. Box B06. repl,tf Try 'McKINLAY'S At 6.15 p.m. COOL, ROOMY, COMFORTABLE . To R.nt MOUNT CASH£L (H) 1950 VANGUARD .. ..$ 600. vs. Little league Baseball· POR RINT-Llr.. .,.,. ,n A meeti~g of all Teams of the Littli 8as,baUliague' Campbell Ave. 16' x <18' with 1953 MORRIS Statl~~ HOlY CROSS bllement. Apply Richard Wagon ...... $ 850, Admission 50c: will talee place at Bannerman Park, To-morrow, Friday" Hayes, 90 Campbell Ave. July 29th, at 10.30 a.m. It Is very Important that all jly 26,27,28. 1950 STUDEBAKER .... $ 650. ;ee. hear and play the beautiful Children 5c boys aHend. Games Icheduled for friday morning 1947 AUSTIN...... $ '125. ORGANS and PIANOS STADIUM MUlical Instrum.nts 1953 FARGO Van .... $ 950. have been postPoned. we now have on dlsplayl IGIIBICIN GUITARS - Horner 1952 VANGUARD ....$ 850. . 9. 1 a.m. CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Stop Accordeons and A. L. COLLIS & SON Rlcbmond Saxo­ 1252 VANGUARD . . JOHN M. WALSH, SKr,tary .. ' Clarlnets.­ 1947 PLYMOUTH ...... $ 350. nuu'.II" SODS, P.O. ITtn 1951 MONARCH ...... $ 650. Thursday-July 28th Barber Shop 1954 STUDEBAKER ....$1550. 1952 HILLMAN ...... $ 700. TEM'DERS THI CINTRAL BARBIR AJmlss;on 7~c .HOP~F.lt etflelent sani­ To .. Day's Special tal')' lenice. All model'll McKinlay Motors equipment, flv. barben. The jly2e 31 . lent ~ll1le waitln" 24 New Home for the Aged and Infirm Gower Street, opp. Adelaide Moton Ltd. . myUm . Ltd. 1953 Sealed Tenders for the construction of the Reinforced STUDEBAKER CHAMpION Concrete Foundation Walls and footlngl and the TEMPORARY POSITION V.netian Blinds LeMARCHANT ROAD 4 DOOR SEDAN .r.mon of the Structural Steel framing for the proposed . Required August 1st to August 17th Home fOI the Aged and'lnflrm to b,' built an the ONLY COMPLITI BLIND 'PHONE 3487 - 4916 Formerly selling $1500, EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT TYPIST service. Manufacture, Llun· jly2B,29,30,nugl Roman Catholic Church Property adlolnlng "Smithville" dry Repair Work guM'anteed. . Shorthand desirable but not eSllntlal. Apply In person One day !ervlce. Free quota. Now $1075. St. John's, will be received by the undersigned up to tlonL Kearneya Limited, ===== Friday, July 29th, fr~m2.20 p.m. to 6.00 p.m., at' the NOON Saturday, August 6. . Manufacturers. 4M Water 81. Murin Motors Ltd. undernoted address. Plans, specifications and general particulars of the w~rk Dry Cleaning BENNETI AVE.' mClY be obtained from the Architect at 91 Waterford WE NEED /H:EAP & PARTNERS (Nlld.) Ltd. Bridge Road upon deposit of the sum of One Hundred CRAFT CLEANERS LTD~ 122 - 124 NEW GOWER ST. wbere the·charm of newne .. Dollars ($100.00). This deposit will be refunded pro­ is restored. Dial 11911&, it Crystal Palace vided the plans and specifications are returned In good Hamilton Street. SO condition. .. .. Milc.llan.ous Club open 2 p.m, Tenders, identified 01 such, may be addre,"d to the GIT THI PACTI! Write Intlr­ GOOD USED Food Served. Architect. •• national Correspondence SChllOls, CanadIan Ltd .... 2011 The R. C~ Episcopal Corporation of St. John's (Owner) . Argyle St .• Sydney, N.S. For reservation call WANTED feb8,lOd,U;' . reserves the right to accept any or reject all t.nders. Toll C;>perator. I . I' YOUR roof, wlndowsar .ny CARS JOHN E. HOSKINS, Architect, other part of your house 11 (Tel) 9J Waterford Bridge Road leaky. don't Itop and wonder wbat to do. DIll 11992 and We are going to change j~,30 we will see to it for you. Gen· eral Contraetors. my24,lm our entire stock of Used Agents Wanted ALL WOOL MATTRiSSES era Cars. In order 'to do this A DRESS.LINGERIE shop hi CLERK nPIST your home. Fifth Avenue, New picked, re-covered: springs w. must trade 50 Good York fashloll. Good commiS­ ACCOUNTING CLERK day beds rewired; .Inner sions. No Investment. Write apring mattresses recondition· Used Cars. Modern Manner, Dept. 128, ed. Write, Phone 3891, wire . Must .have experience. Salary $175.00 monthly. ·Immedlat. ,in­ H, J. Keats. 111 MOUJIl Royal Hanover, Penna. Avenue. ' j.ly18.19,20,2B,29,30 p,loyme.,t. 40 hour wllk. If you are ona of'the first; POUR ...... rlmps, two wnh 50 Customers you )Viii Good salary and working conditions. Apply rack to ierve YOUI Greasln" all chanlle and washing while­ . . get the Be.st Deal in St. CENTRAL EXCHANGE, PEPPERRELL A.F.B., u.walt. Carl called for and 'PHONE 2644 . delivered for these and ger."r· 1951 BUICK.; ...... ,00.00 John's • • 1 repalrl-Terra Nova 1950 PONTIAC; ...... 600.00 Motors Ltd., rear Newfound· 1953 CHEVROLET" ... ; 1650.00 land Hotel. 1953 FORD...... ; ...1550.00 COME IN TO·DAY APPLY. 1952 HILLMAN ...... 100.00 1949 DODGE •••••••••• 550.00 FOR SALE 1954 PONTIAC ...... 2000.00 1953 METEOR.. •• .. .. 15GD.OO 5 THIEE ISLAND POND 1951 KAISER ...... 150;00 Wyat( Packaged Coal 1954 CHEVROLET . ADELAIDE BOX 5 . ~opsai' Ittlln D.U .... r'.... ; •• 1650.00 .' so Jbt. 1951 HILLMAN St.tlon . , A Hsirabl. Country re- Wllon .... 1, .....1000,00 . sl.nee, knows as 1951 MIitCURY 2 ton .t.k... ." I ,. • f '. I I. 600.00 . MOTORS Daily Ne~s' alnulnl .Iorth \S,dnl,· .Coal 1954 FORD Iii ton. P.U.;". 1500,00 , Ciire The "SNOWVILLA" -,'. . . I~· Pack. In "rong, elUlt proof ~per bags. Apply •. 0' Munn Motors\ Ltd. Limited I· , . '. 4t 2631 ... . , . . DIAL 20w - 2654 -,. H. SNOW, Topsail Hill. jly2B,3l ., 'I y, . . ' jl123,28,28 . ' BENNETT AVE. . , llyll,m,tu.th,fr,tf I· . ) -. '. .' .. -' - 7.30, p.r

" 16 THE DAILY NEWS, THURSOAY,)ULY.28, 195.5 ,8.30 p.r I' "AT , .. \Pl:eacher Bitte~ ~ , THE By Snake - 9.00 p.1 IT'S A BEAUTY! SIGN ,IN 'STOCK_,: 10.00 p.1 ALTHA, Fla. (AP)~RcI·. George .~ OF Hensley oled Tucsday-a victim of 'i&~S hl~ faith. THE The 75.year·old preacher was bit . D~ ten Sunday afternoon by a rattle­ >: ANDC~ THE' NEW ~.M ITr.g 110's, \ snake he-had picked up In his arms " during a rel'ival meeting to de BQOK " ETHEOPIAN" P.EA BEANS menstrat~ that because of his faith in God he was immune to the I ~No. 1 Quality snake's venom. ' Wh'ere Bleed the Many I(ODAI(• FlorldJ law prohibits snake han' George Dunning 3 50 • dUng at religious services. • - ...... MODEL C. i The minister collapscd shortly Down in the Drink 717's j alter being bitten. He \l'as taken R I h B k 2 50 " MONARCH·" PASTRY. FLOUR I to th.~ ncarby- home of Mrs. Belle a P or er "f''' ...... Hansford and put to bed. Authori· Airplanes of the World PONY·.135 tics sought to reniovc him to hos· I If d pital. But he relused all medical ,Doug as Ro e, an I trer.tment and dlcd at 7:15 a.~. Alexis Dawydoff ...... 3.75 " ROSES" tiME JUICE County Judge Hannah Gaskm Sh' A h o KODAK FLASH 300 St-1UTTER ruled the death a suicide on the' Ip S ore I • FAST f3.S LUMINIZED' LENS ground lh~ pr~achcr vol-untlrily Jsannetle Edwards' picked up the rattlesnake and re· R II 6 00 fused medical .assistance. a ." SOUTHWELL'S" LEMON CRYSTALS o NEW RAPID LOADING FEATURE I roy ...... " ...... :.... . I Rev .. Hcnslcy,' had Inld .an as' "Rise, Canadians" I' I . ELIMINATES THREADING FILM. socintc that he had becn blIlen ill M B Jr . 2 OI. Bottles. I lea~t 400 tim~s b)' !Ioiwnous snakes. .e as.s ...... : ...... 4.25 (Plus many ather new features) Iduring the .last,55 ycars wllhout:A Book.of Delight 1 i cffect. John Hadfield ...... -4.00 TOOTON'S Limited I Beauty Briefs Th~,~~y~.g D~~!~~"" 3.75 1 I For coolness sake, mop ~'our Mllou sDaughter I KODAK CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES i body dry aCter the balh or shower. Mrs. Robert Henrey .. , 3.25 i Then gil'~' it anall·over. spray M' ' \ T. &M. Winter. Ltd. WATER STREET DIAL 6331 with toilet water or cologne. AI. emones ,- low. this to dlJ';-iL will only takc Ethel Barrymore ...... A.Oo a Ccw minutes,' and you will fccl Th W' f Y h GENERAL MERCHANTS Kodak's only authorized Distributor for Newfoundland mllch coolcr.. Rubbin~ sti~u- e Ine 0 out I lales circulatIOn and clrculahon Robert Wilder ._ " ...... 4.00

- ches on the back or sld~s 01 thells to recognize Its eonlaglous nn· cr~ates heat. The Man in the . YESTERDAY AF head. The hair on these patches ture and 10 stop It from sp~eading. The holler the day, I th~ lighter Green Hat appears dull In color and Is. often The backs of scats In movie d' h ld b f The Big Four Mayors and Muni broken off n~ar the rooh. In theaters seem 10 be responsible thebeauty's pOl\' sake.ermg s ou e- or Manning• Coles ...... " 7.75 seated: Mr. Allisr I Your Child's fact, the ha Ir maya,f II ou I en- for a gren I many cases. Some·one tirelY'in Irregular spots. suggesled that movie house fur· Advice from a famous New A Six for the Toff Mayor of Springd AN ACCUR,\TE DIAGNOSIS nlture shnul.d be dislnfecled once, York hairdresser on the nel\' John Creasey ...... 7.50 Councillor at' Gal requires special, equipment. A and aft~fllards the backs Pyo· "perm" Is: Brush, nnd brush Lawrence of Carr HEALTH 1i~ht which consists of ultravlo- tected with papcr covers which I hard 'aga,inst the wave. lnl C~ let rays fillercd Ihl'ough 1\ special could ~~ changed fairly frequen- thO \. • h2 said you'll brush in ~ I ~ typc of glass ,Is necessary, and ex· til'. I do not know; however, how I IS I.\a~ it av~ f..": : amlnation must be cprried out In orten Ihis had been done ove> so \1'1 S. '0' "''':'' " One P.C., OJ a darkened room. The ,infected Certainly in the con;munilies or sisler is found inlected.. ~B'ii!·'II~III$'.! 11\' tDm~ p ••lORDAN. M. D. hair mil aU>' )livcs a hright glow where ringworm or the scalp b&- Children in institutions are more A most Irollble50me problem under this special light. comes epidemic this se~ms like a likely to be exposed than children THE BOOKSEllERS ror all concerned are Ih~ .oc· other tests, such as' looking at good Idea. 1L has also been sug· in homes and, thcreforc, ~re spec· , h t1~ional' oulbreak~ 01 scalp rmg· the hairs or scraping. from the gested that children wear close· ially in need of examination. Pone 3791 • 4425 App, worms in youngslers. During Ihe scalp und~r the miscroscope, arc mUng cpps to guard against dan· ,schiolteachers and barbers, as --:------,---~ p3st fell' "ears there hn I'e been a also used. gcr of Infection In public' places, well as parents and doclors, number 01 such outbrcaks In var­ such as streetcar s~ats and slIb· should be on Ih~ lookout for sus· ious communilin and this Iy~e of Treatment is not always easy ways, as well as In movie theaters. pieious signs so thai steps can b~ I scalp rin\:worm di!r-~rs .conslder. since many of ,the ointments con· taken early to prel'enl the spread Sent ably from ordinary rmgworm. talning chemicals which work on IF RINGWORM ot the scalp o[ this troublesome contagion. SALE OF CUPS The diseasc Is comparatil'ely easy other kinds of fungus infections of does break out in a community an In prel'cnt. but olten poses some Ihe skin arc not successful for attcmpt should be made to lint! BIRTH Vacancy In 'lfficult problems In effecth'e Ihis. X·ray treatment has been all 01 the cases by .maklng a sur------I and SAUCERS d vey f Ih choolch Idr d lIIERCER-Dr. and !\Irs. A. R'i treatment. 'us'~[ I \I' Ith some success. • 0 e s I en,. an Mercer announce the birth of n I' When II'pical rin"worm o[ Ihe TilE IIIOST mpORTA~T thing amlning the preschool c1uhlren ~on at St. Clare's Hospital on 19c, 29c, 45c .tJlp tends to 'prod~ce scaly pal· to do about 'ringworm o[ the scalp families In which an older July 27th. " A lovely OTTAWA - ~-, Uncle Sam's Team ~-\-O-EA-TH--- i of 13 new: HOLDEN-Funeral oC the late I Sandra Holden who accidentallY I assortment (~1:.-.:\. ILww·ltt'!IHlO.'_l .IUUU111): them one 1 drowned 'while swimming at Top. I The Hi.=( Four Ilran,' of government pose ror official photos on the lawn of the Pal~ce of Nations at veand sail Pond on Tuesday afternoon 1 will take place Friday rnornin;: Genera during the .srcnnrl day of fhelr "summit" cGnrerrnrr. Lpn to right. they are: Premier. Nikol~i at 9.45 from her late residence, Hulganin IIf RussIa, Prc~inenl Eisenhower, French Premier Edllar Faure, and Prime nIlnlster Sir Cowan AI'c. to Corpus Christi I An{hony Eden of Grc,lt Britain. Church with Requiem Mass at 10 I' o'clocl(. Atomic-Electric Power Plant

.... '------_. edera (NEA Rad:lo.TE!lep~loto) The u.s. delelatlon to the Big Four Conference Is, shown at tbr. opening session of talks at GNleva's I'alltt! .f Nallons. From left are: Livingston T.· Mrrch'lnt, Assistant Serrelary of Stale for European Alfaln; 5fU«1I')' of Stale John Foster Dulles, Pre slden! 'Elsenhower; and' Douglas IIlacArthur' II. state Department counselor. , Uneml lNEA Telephut,.­ Ralph J. Conllner, president of the Gener~1 Electric Company, speaks at ceremonies marking Ihe fir. us of II10mic electricity for commercial purposes. AEC Chairman Lewis Strauss, seated at righi, fllckd Is Ace the Slvltch which Bent atomlcally·produced powt'r .Inlo the Niagara Moh~wk Power Company Iyrlem. The ceremonies took plare before. alomlc reactor In West "nllon, N. Y. OTTAWA ( JUST RECEIVED! ewfoundland h 'lI11employme The specch [ron at tbe closing that federal Always In Stock· .cpr~SI!nl"ti\'es met Pre~isio·n .Dressed , Lumber out a coSt'l relief of need' 2 x 4 added: . r. GALVAN IZED RANGE 80 ILERS "Tile suggestions me-~tings n[ 2](' 6 I . by the pro - ' . and the Here's a new addition to the famous family of B.P. "Armorizcd" ;. COPPER .RANGE BOILERS. of them have 2 x 8 INSUL-ATED SIDINGS. It's the already-popular INSUL·SIIAKE over· ived." lapping siding, with its attractive deep-shadowed horizontal lino high gOl'ernmc I effect in a h~ndsome. practical, t.y/remely "a/ural-Iookillg new 9' three who ~Cl'[ width. AlonCJ or in combination with other B.P. Sidings, it will givo ;. STONE -STEEL BOILERS Columbia. ~Iani your home a charming modern appearance and it's available in " eguti:l three warm colours - Birch Grey, Willow Green and Sunt~n. ng with the 01; In standard lengths Like 0/1 B.P. Sidings, the new 9" Insul·Shak'e gives you three·way ~. BOILER STANDS fcderal gOl-c economy -the purchase price is low, it costs little to ap~IY and to pa~' ono,h needs "P separate insulating sheathing board underneath; II saves welfare r many an upkeep dollar because it never needs painting, looks lovely in exccss of . for years without repairs; and it has the same insulating,value as ;. BOILER FITTINGS provincial pOpl me ,would I!o , inches' of brick, so you enjoy really- healthy fuel, savings. And, of I R'",urv about S10.1 KILN'. DRIED. 6"- P. &, T <:Qurse, it's weatherproof. and fire-resislant.. - , ' ETC ETC. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL. NEW ,SIl~ING IM~ORTED 'MOULDING .IN OUR 'WATER ST. E. SHQW.ROOM. , In m'any pa.tternl Nfld. ~ nIDAY, J &'- (Standard A. H.MURRAY, CO'. ,Ltd. " ,. t.IMITE,D·, Building $uppli.i De~"m.nt I TIDE

. I P.O. BOX 336 ST. JOHN'S ..1 DIAL 5141 ·5142 a.m. p.m.