. " • ! , . • • 8.00 p.m.-Canada at Work \ . 9.00 p.m.-Scarlet PRESENTS Pimpernell. THE 'DAILY., NEWS. SONATA No.3 IN B MINOR '. available al 10.00 p.m.-liberace. Charles Hutton & Sons' 11.1 S p.m.-Club Time. ~~--------------~----~------~~~~--------~--~ST, Jo'HN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 (Price 5 cents) Vol. 62. No. 157 ------------------ ---------------------- Top Soviet Leaders Will Visit Britain s nday Work Is To Renew ~ontacts u. ir~ade At Big Four Focal POInt Of iGeneva Conference Labour Dispute i LONDONi:i':':~O::.'~~NlkOla1Bu1g.. , SHAWINIGAN FALLS. Que. (CP\-Sunday work, a 'in and Communist party secretary l'jikita Kh~ushchev have lon'g standing so~e point with. the 100,OO~-men:ber Can- i accepted an invitation to visit Britain next spring and adian and CatholIc Confederation of Labol, again has be· i renew the lop.level personal contacts made at the Geneva come a focul argument in dispute here and at nearby conference. I d b rrier- between Eatt and It' t ra se a • Grand, Mere WIt. 1 wo newsprm rol'11 S. 'Ihis diplomatic thunderbolt was West. Allhough Ihe C~CL afflha,tc,L he unleasheel calmfy by Prime Min· 2. 'MIe posltion of ~rmllll1b National Fcrleratlon of Pulp .R.nel islel' Eden 10 a chcering Housp 0{ the dominant isme In Europe and· 10lill Workers, has hecn rI~cerlihed, Commons today at Ihe end of a "50 long 8S Germiny Is dll'lded al both Ihe Lalll'l:ntide milt o[ Ibe Inn" stalement on Ihe historic Big there can be no r.eal lecurity ar Consolidatcd Paper COml!any at Fo~r nleeting last week. mutual confidence In Europe." WorldNews! Grand'!lIere and Belgo mill hcre, As the initial wave of applause lI. President EiS1!nhower'. pro· Ihe controver5Y o\'~r Sunday work dicd dOll'n the smiling premier poss! for an exchange of mllItsr,. .' (Daily Ne\vs Photo) '--Briefs- is still raging. '. expressed 'confid~nce that "both blueprints with the S~l'let Union The union has )lecn telling" ork· Ihe House and the country will was a "bold and imagmaliv. lUI­ ~IR. A~'D 1\IRS. ROLAND MICHENER are visiting St. Jr, hn's. Mr.' Mitchener is one of the two Canadians of the STI1-Ij MOBILE AT 82 ers I~ daily radiO broadcasts and welcome it as a slep toward end.- gestion." But he said that other T~I;'lC($ of the International Bridge O\'er the Niagara. He is a Progressive Conservative member of the 'House of WE1LHEIltf, Ger71Ulnll - Reu· meetings that th~ company al- Ing that stalc of mutual mistrust and more 'limited Western pro­ ready is attempting 10 get . ns we call the cold war," posals on disarmament offeree! Crmmons. and is general secretary of Rhodes Scholarship~ in Canada. He is visiting St. John's to meet with the ters-Ludwig DUsch, 82, walk· erI 40 niiles from here to Mun· much <lane Sund,ays as possl~le Eden explained. that the Inl'lt&- greater hope of Initial progress. :\l'l\'foundhmd committee on Rhodes Scholarships. Left to right, Mr, Paul Gerin-Lajoie, D.Phil., of the Bar of ich to lVin a $10 bet with a an.d ev~nlual\~ alms 10 have lis lion was extended during the ,. The situation in the Far East ji0!:treal: \\'ho is a former Quebec Rhodes Scholar, and h; now visiting here as counsel for the Royal Commission mlHs producmg seven days a serics o[ private meetings he and Ia "more dangerous" than that motorist friend who daimed week. Foreign Secretary Harold Macmll· In Europe, but can lit resolved ~:~ Loastmg Trade; !\1r. Roland Mitchener, Q.C., Mrs. Mk::ener, and Mr. JohnG. Higgins, Q,C'r chairman of the the days of wa!lcing were over. DENIES CII \RGE Ian had with Bulganin, Khrush· In time. It took him 14 hours. Newfoundland Rhodes Scholarship committee, ' The eompa~y, in {ull.page adver· chev .and other Sol'iet ofliclau at 100NT COMMUNIQUE U.K. PASSENGTR RECORD lisements in district newspapers Gene~a. Eden saved his announ~ment British Eur· d . '1' l1li the Bulganln-Khrushehel" visit LONDON (Reuters) - . demes the charge a~ sa) s J I ALI, PARTIES PLEASED U\ la t It read a briet joint opean Airways Wednesday bccam~ wants Sunday producllo~ only in 1 Polilicians of all parties were un S.' e e draw up In col· the first airline outside the United caSo~ oC extreme neceSSlly. and, elated by the nelVS, halling It as f~::!r:!.~r;~uw'ith Ih/Sol'iet leaders Three' Canadi,ans Passengers States 10 carry 2,000,000 passen· even. then fpr as short a hOle as Ilhe most posit.iI:e sign )'et that at Geneva and Issued In Moscow ger~J~u~~liaf'NDER TRAIN possIble.. Easl·\\'cst suspICIOns wire breale· and London Wed~sday, saying the The strl~e slarled. at Ihe t\\ 0 I in~ dOll'n. Soviet leaders had accepted an COPENlIAGEN-CP - Three plants .Tune 9, but offIcials oC Ihe,' lIerbrrl Morrison deputy .I~ader I It U I B'I in · d t • '11 I I' .,. nv a on 0 rl a • YOllllg Yugos Iav!, be I leve ° Grand Mere ml, IV lrrc po ~cc 1 of the Oppo,i1inn Labor parly, told It appeared Iikelv Bulganln Ind On Do,viled Israeli, Airliner be refllgees, lOere f01lnd cling· w~rc sent to kccp .order. carlwr, the Hause: "We are glad th~y are Khrll5hchcv will visit QUeen Eli· illg to the llnderside of an Ihls monlh, say ploduclton II asi cqmin;(. I hopc Mr. Bulganm and zabeth at Buckingham Palace, cxprC3.1 train /l,1 it 1('0.1 fr.rried halted thcre lor only four days.! ~Ir. Khru,hchel' will stay with us, probably at a luncheon or dinner. ar-ro.ls inTllnd wateT! to Copen· All but 103 o[ Ihe more than, some time ~o th~1 lI'e can get 10 1 The . it will b the second bv Irn(1p.n Wedntsdnll. TII£ trio, 900 ;\'orkers emplo)'e~ b~ t~e ~O;I'! know one another." the p;ov;i:ed, aHa~le Bulganin t~ af/cd 111 22 and 2.1, IlIcrt hand· ThPan~ hal'e retur?edth 0 thheetr J~'rSe'l The fxcilfmcnt p;eneraled by London. A5 mayor of Moscow h.. p~::~}~~~yTh~~~~~;a~:~l,~~ge~ , .' e rompanl' Sa\5 e 0 r, Ih I C th' ~. " '1 It I"r"elv ~ I 193" m'th ]I rly Regains j n Austria r ld over /0 DOlIl3I1 police. f ~ d' ':11 h~\' I pplv iOlIi.' np.\\·~ 0 Impcn"m .. ,~ ... eame JlPTe n . a I ~n persons aboard nn Isral'li all'Hner which crashed in . I.rrn an \ Ie" a .'. I o"er,h:1rioll'cn the rest 01 Eden s of Russian officials. Aug 2 • FIRST LOIm TO "{SIT ~lChkall)' if they lI'ant Ihm J"hs I r~p"rt. in which he made the~e The trip 1\;11 be the fUl'th,~ll'tll' .s,ug. 16 Communist Bulgaria loday aIler radioing: "We are going LmmON P. L. I I hut "00' f Ihrl tun outside the Iron Curtain hy .. Sept. 1 n S If G (Relllm)~T. ~t'B JX1int~:· ·.1'1l in flames. Tr:dng forced landing.'" e t Thnma~; fir~I, lor~ 01 !ht RdmirallY'1 S5f) 'll'oC ::' on \'~ "reh;~ne~ and \' 1. The (j ~ n , I' ~ eonleren'ce Ru~~ian .pl'~mier ~inct the SoI'I~t Sept. 15 r r la Oct. 4 inr CaMrlian~. all \l'omcn ho:!· ., \I'ill pay an offiCIal \'I~it In Canada 'd t' . h~ h ~l',t f b lIt "changerl the climale til Interna· stal~ \\'a~ ,!t~bll~hed, and th. it·. trl In hr from Toronto. \l'ore 111'0 figures jump, from the airliner e. overnmen. .. St t t th rl pro lIC IOn a~ ~ 0 a 0 .., Ii t i't h R i h d f een Oct. If Rnd Ih e Unncd a e~ R. e en one third oC the normal riaih' rale !.ional relahons." Prl"alof! dl~eul' r~ ,. ~I Y II uss an ea n 'I .1 bookmJ:. ii!:;Lilcd b~' the bracli airline's anrl on~ parachute ·open. (Para' of Seplem~er, the. admiralty An· of 800 tons of newsprint. Th~ com- ~ions oulside the. confp.r~.nc:t room government. Ul one of the Big :o!!,~r in :\'cw York onlv a~ Mrs. chutes are not normally carried in 1 B F nounced "ednesda~. pan), ha~ adl'ertised for workers prodllcert real ?'ms If; removing Three ....·estern ca~tah ,Inc. the ~ ""rlrck. ~Ir;. A. lIIa\'dec:' and big commercial airliners). Ru _e .i" Oil,. ~len In A Jeep' Is Endecl o I!r,. Y. Ma~·d~ck. All apparently 'fhe soldiers said Ite heard In ex· - CONVICT RICKSHAW PULl,ER 10 replace the ~triker~ and ~"ys some of fhe nlsl.Mlst which hu start of Ihe C Id ar. 'r'r mcmbrr~ of tht. same lamil,·. plosion before the crash anrl BOMBAY. Illdill-AP - Tht. I~ has received some 600 applica- hh H' \1 'n't right Rritons, nine Ame·r. thought itll'as Ihe hooming of Bul· VIENNA (AP)J-Austria's 17 years of occupation Nagpllr district court Wednes· hons. Some nelV mzn havc already N e 1· g 0 U r sear I~,~, ~nd firc SOl'iet citizens also gariall anti.aireraft guns firing at came to an end Wednesday and the Allied military patrol day found BabuTao Koehnle, gone Ul work. I" 'fIr amon!: Ihe 51 pass~ngers the plane but was not sure.
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