THE VILLAGER A monthly booklet giving up-to-date information on local events, delivered free to every household. Regular features include Gardening by the Severn, Creatives, Viewpoints and Local Walks; see for live links. Editor –Paula Ruffley [email protected] 751226

PARISH (CHURCH) MAGAZINE Published monthly by the Westbury Benefice, which includes Minsterworth, WELCOME Westbury, Rodley, & Northwood Green. Church service information, details of events in the benefice, clergy, PCC officers and churchwardens. Available in the church or £3 per year Contact - Bev Robinson 750247 TO Editor – Yvonne Jones [email protected] 762052

Churchwardens for Minsterworth Ms Joanna Stait 750128 Mrs Anne Cowdrey 751295 MINSTERWORTH

FLOODING After exceptionally heavy rain, and particularly high tides, some properties in Minsterworth are at risk from flooding. If you think that you are at risk, you are strongly advised to visit the Environment Agency’s website and register for flood alerts to be automatically sent to you by telephone. We hope that the information inside will be helpful to you Up to date flood warnings for Minsterworth are available on 0345 988 1188, as you settle into the village and get to know neighbours the code for Minsterworth being 05241311. and local services Further advice concerning local areas at risk, local provision of sandbags, etc, can be obtained from Cathy Thomas, the Parish Council Flood warden, on 04152 750701 or 07546 497203

Minsterworth Neighbourhood Watch This information has been put together by Neighbour Watch provides email alerts of crimes in the area, fraud scams and means of keeping safe. To join contact [email protected] Minsterworth Parish Council

Minsterworth Facebook - Administrated by Sarah McHale Go on line to

MINSTERWORTH PARISH COUNCIL CHURCH (GL2 8JJ) Chairman Roger Blowey 07768-451071 Glos 750260 St Peter’s (Church of ), Minsterworth Clerk Mr Paul Bell 07963 115870 Service Times – see church noticeboard or Parish Magazine or [email protected] County Councillor for Minsterworth: Churchwarden - Anne Cowdrey 01452 751295 Phil Awford 07411 050293 [email protected] LOCAL SERVICES: Borough Councillor for Minsterworth Doctors Jill Smith 01452 524938 Surgery, Lassington Lane, Highnam GL2 8DH 529699 ([email protected]) Newnham Surgery, High Street, Newnham 01594 516241 (Branch surgery by Westbury Village Hall) TEWKESBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL: Minsterworth comes under the administrative umbrella of Tewkesbury Pharmacies Borough Council: They offer a range of services and can be contacted on Tesco, St Oswald’s Road – 7 day opening 366447 01684 295010 or ASDA – 7 day opening 833017 High Street, 01594 516276 Adrian Goode is Minsterworth’s Community Development Officer at Tewkesbury Borough Council, and might be your first port of call: Dentist [email protected] Westbury Dental Surgery, Westbury Village 01452 760662 Phone : 01684 272268 , 07767 770103 Post Office MINSTERWORTH VILLAGE HALL Maidenhall, Highnam 522912 Chairman Andrea Holder 07804-033838 Bookings Brian Billingham 01452 750492 Other Local Services See also Minsterworth butchers (on A48) GL2 8JX 750237 Churcham garage + shop (on A40) GL2 8AA 750704 Minsterworth Matters 2021 WhatsApp Group Chaxhill Garage – newsagent and shop (on A48) GL14 1QW 762797 To join, text Roger Ingham on 07525 330364 Severn & Wye Smokery – fishmonger, delicatessen and restaurant 760190

Minsterworth Mailchimp – email updates on Village activities and ROYAL BRITISH LEGION associated information. To join contact [email protected] Chairman Mr Steve Doyle 01452 413618