The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus J 1 ^ 1 U ' i. - ' k /• • - " » * * 1 ^ "^ ^ '-JULY„./^.UAUSJ4. '"'y^ ^'.j' , •• * V'.- -• •- I ; ,r4~>~ i< '-""-t-J. - '1 ^^^* ).*(-*«•** «-—«> «l*-». i«*MjL > —tMlMNa J>« •^••v'll^Jll LEFT: .At U.N'D .Night in Rocliestcr. X. Y.. were Dr. George F. Kcttell, left, Stcu'art and Frank Lauerman broadcast over Station KYOR. Bill Phaenor. station former national chaplain of the .American Legion; and Father Thomas J. Brcnnan, program manager, has back to camera. RIGHT: Tlie Triple Cities Club held its C.S.C, extreme right, professor of philosophy. Others in the group, left to right, UX^D Xiglit celebration on April 7. Present were. left to right: George L. Hiii- arc Thomas J. Meagher, toastmaster; William R. Bell. Rochester Club president; man, regent of the University of the State of Xew York: Most Rev. John F. and Joseph P. '"Stubby" Flynn. Rochester Foundation chairman. CEXTER: Prior O'Hara, C.S.C; Rt. Rev. D. Francis Custin. dean of the Catholic clergy; and to the UXD X'ight observance in San Diego, Calif., Win Day, E. AfcCabe, .Al Rev. J. B. Toomcy. *2fi, pres. of the Xalional Conference of Catholic Cliarltie<.. IJmversal Notre Dame Night ABOVE LEFT: Speakers and guests at the Triple Cities Club UXD Xight a Foundation regional meeting was held in St. Paul. Minn. Among those attend obser\"ance were. left to right. Daniel J. McAvoy, honorary' chainnan; Father ing were, left to right: Cy Kaspcr.