12-C TMI OKTIOIT TIMES J«a. 1945 How the Nazi Siege of Was Lifted

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ChA.y : - ¦* ii.ll .. rff J Ttlrphoto Sr U. 8. Army Slfnal Core*. Dtstrlbutcd by Intern*tlon*l N«wi Sound Photo* Members of the heroic moving out of Bastogne to battle the Nazi forces surrounding them. The gallant garrison was under siege for a week before relief forces of Gen. Patton’s Third Army arrived.

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' jfkß «*•- * r *?-- “•'iur » wHMI l w_, fffmZ ' _ n"* * .*. . W « -M '* ...... _ Mm. <¦« 4P ¦** ißUmaMonal Sound Phot T C** V Yank of the IT.l . S. Third Army crawling under barbed w ire and through snow and >liHh as he and his mates slog their wav to Bastogne, then under siege. Brig. (Jen. \Rfhony C. McAulifle, acting commander of Bastogne'g 101st Airborne Division, made hijflforv with his one-word reply of “Nuts" to the German ultimatum for surrender. Muskegon Fire Debris St. I’auTs. Livic*Cantor Searched for Victims Link Is lkro|ioscd MUSKEGON. Jan 8 (UP)—A iwirr shovel w*n called mfo live A plan to develop the St. Paul's city should have, is it not »oday to clear ice-laden debris equally applicable to the indus- Episcopal Cathedral into a relig- InttnutloQAl Ftott which authorities believed still trial capital the United ious rcnler linked with the pro- of States held hodir* of five victims burned —in many way* the Industrial Third Army tanks fanning; out on a snow-covered Friday night in de- posed new civic crnler was being of the a fire which capital world." •* slope some six miles from beleaguered Hastogne as they -1 myed the Hotel develojied today by’ thr Wry Rev. *s* , fc v —«jy Hub and eight i The proposed religious center, business establishments. Kirk B. O'Ferrall. D. I -)., dean. move up to launch the drive to smash the German ring;. removed Referring to the Cathedral of lor which a community-wide cam- Already from the ruins paign would be launched, would "as the Mrs. Amelia St. John the Divine in New York body of rover a half between Han- Womt 1!! Drunk* opera singer, and the National Cathedral in hlrx-k Grapewin to Wed Mexican Fliers Ready Schwab. 77. one-time cock and Warren on Woodward. Woman Saves who had lived at the hotel for Washington, Rev. O'Ferrall said HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 8 (INS) MEXICO CITY. Jan 8 (INS> Fxrood >l«»n In Jail many y ears. “If thr financial and national Rescues Eggs Charlie Cl rap e w in 7n-year-old Foreign Minister Ezequiel Padilla, capitals nf our country have Order the War 10 From Fire WAUKEGAN. HI.. Jan 8 (INS) The Time* more Savings your De- movie actor, he married in dealing Detroit has far carried out Mich an Idea ot a will Forty tenants escaped yester- a radio address with Sheriff Walter L. Atkinson of nationally famous features than great religious center to gi\e troit Times He’ll de- Wednesday to Mrs. I) w. Becker, Mexico’s role in . disclosed Lake County reported today that, any liver them tocarrier.your home. C'hicago day when fire broke out in a room- other Detroit newspaper. that balance which any great firominent socialite that Squadron over the week-end. women pris- As Auto Bums ing house at 1 First, Mexican Air 201 1217 and '251 oners. ehiefly drunks, outnumbered had finished training in the United _ ' operated by Mrs. Emma Mont- the men m the county jail for frcorgc M Graham of 1767.1 States and would leave soon for today charrpd gomery. When Mrs. Montgomery the first time in history. 12 Manderson has a 10 ,7- automobile—and a dozen eggs—- discovered the fire in the base- combat overseas. women to men. to show for an ill-fated Sunday ment she warned her roomers to Kerri’s trip to Pontiac. flee and returned to fight the fire In the heart of the Oakland w-ith an extinguisher. Pamage was HPJB W County city yesterday. Graham less than SSOO, she said was attracted by the yells of a UNITED . H ¦ »iKik.:*#k pedestrian: Dog Vii hi is Fight Pfev “Hey! Your car’* burning!" L ' -iv *•?-. 3 *'¦'" Alighting. Graham raised the V. Itahi os Law MAINLINED 'P- hood to he met by a cloud of YORK. Jan. 8 (INS) smoke and flame. Other motorists, NEW STILL MEANS r armed with fire extinguishers, Canine “pickets,” with signs at- \ ¦¦¦*¦* rushed to the scene and seven tached to iheir collars reading at'® city the Dog- ” paraded f fire trucks answered ‘‘Unfair to were : . \ '; :<; "W IHJ ««PM| alarm. today In residential Brechhurat "SERVICE” 9B Amid the excitement, Graham by their owner* in a drive for € remembered something He signatures to a petition for \ dashed to the rear of the car and rescinding of New York City's r**'*• i^HßlPr^Q^rw dozpn eggs regulation out with his rabies control S _ l • #^KmDP^ji came #.4'’ 'IPT- ll*® . «n Vet * 8 n Gives Quick From Coughs Due to Colds! ‘ V >- * n Relief ¦ A b' 'v a¦ -V v - g^E c ¦BL . . ro^ \e ° %c B°r rc N ‘ HARTZ VJcO' 8 v b« 8u *:. e ’ WHITE PINE COUGH SYRUP e V ° ¦' r-'•"W . o' J \ 9m . ilkl 7b , SV«O®S y se 4 ounces, 21c Bust as we are with meeting wartime traffic He- mandt. it'a always a pleasure to serve vou in ant ,#r ,T A toothing, effective remedy at a \ * njted a* f > t'* way we can Make l your travel inform \ f h* low cash and carry price. Buy * ‘ tion headquarterv \ Mr Jim your household necessities at K, Hart*’—reliable since 1807—and you'll always save money. Call Charry 1100 UNITED AIR LINES Fwhite pihTl lobby, took-Ce4illet Motol s'*? «*• - COUGH SYRUP UH ’ I| »ICO»

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