JOSHUA CONARD HINKLE Georgia State University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology P.O. Box 3992 Atlanta, GA 30302-3992 Phone: 404-413-1018 Fax: 404-413-1030 Email:
[email protected] ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor 2016-Present Georgia State University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology Assistant Professor 2009-2016 Georgia State University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology Editor in Chief 2019-Present Criminal Justice Review RESEARCH INTERESTS Police effectiveness, crime and place, collateral consequences of police tactics on targeted communities, evidence-based crime prevention, perceptions of disorder, fear of crime. EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy Criminology and Criminal Justice July 2009 University of Maryland, College Park, MD Dissertation: Making sense of broken windows: The relationship between perceptions of disorder, fear of crime and collective efficacy Dr. David Weisburd, chair Master of Arts Criminology and Criminal Justice May 2005 University of Maryland, College Park, MD Master’s Thesis: The impact of disorder on fear of crime: A test of the first link of broken windows Dr. David Weisburd, chair Bachelor of Science Journalism (News-Editorial Sequence) May 2002 Minor in Sociology Magna Cum Laude West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV AWARDS AND HONORS 2015 Awarded the 2015 Springer American Journal of Criminal Justice Outstanding Article Award for “Emotional fear of crime vs. perceived safety and risk: Implications for measuring ‘fear’ and testing the broken windows thesis” (sole authored). GRANT EXPERIENCE Grants and Contracts/Stipends Funded: Principal Investigator January 2016-December 2016 The Impact of Police Strategies on Job Satisfaction (Student Co-P.I.: Chrystina Hoffman) Funded by the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) $8,000 Co-Principal Investigator December 2012-Present Race, place and discretion in the handling of drug-free zone charges (P.I.: Elizabeth Griffiths; Co-P.I.s: Kay Levine & Volkan Topalli) Funded by the National Science Foundation Proposal No.