AP42 Chapter 9 Reference
1 AP-42 Section Number: 9.9.1 Reference Number: 3 Title: Review Of Compliance Monitoring Programs With Respect To Grain L.I /p' Elevators, Final Report \ J Midwest Research Institute March 1980 ,. 2. .\ .#. ., .-?. , ,/ , , .. : 'I . I., .. , ,.. / MIDWEST RESEARCH..-*--*--- REVIEW OF CONPLLLYCE MONITORIXTG PXOGRAiiS WITH XESPECT TO GUIX ELEVtZORS .. \ FINAL REPORT Date Prepared: ?larch 24, 1980 ET3 Contract No. 68-01-4139. Task Xcs. 12 and 1& MRI Project Nos. 4310-i(12 and 14) EO r Division of Stationary Scurse Enforcement E.3. Environmental Protection Agency 401 14 Street, S.W. Fiashington, D .Z. ?.Ob60 Attn: Robert i. King MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE 425 VOLKER.BOULEVARD, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64110 0 816 753-7600 .. I II EPA REVIEW NOTICE 1 t This report has been reviewed and approved by the Environ- mental Protection Agency. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the government, nor does mention of trade names or cmr- cia1 products constitute endorsement or recommendation for i use. I I I I I I I i MRI -NORTH STAR LABORATORIES 10701 Red Circle Drive, Minnetonka. Minnesota 55343 - 612 933-7880 I MRI WASHINGTON,D.C. 20006-Suite 250,1750K Street, N.W.* 202 293-3800 REVIEW OF COMPLIANCE MONITORING PROGRAMS WITH RESPECT TO GRAIN ELEVATORS FINAL REPORT Date Prepared: March 24, 1980 EPA Contract No. 68-01-4139, Task Nos. 12 and 14 MXI Project Nos. 4310-L(12 and 14) For Division of Stationary Source Enforcement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 Attn: Robert L.
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