mll&Cl'Olt Y.] '\VORCESTERSHIRE. \\'ORCESTER. 1ything, -9 & 10.30 a.m. & 12. rs, 2.15, 4·10, 6.30, 1·30 & St. Peter's Warcl. u.45 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p. m 1 Parish of St. the. G'l'eat. tSidl>ury. 9 & 10.40 a.m. & JVIS, 2.15, 4.1o, 6.xo, 7.30 & tThomas Greenway Chap~in +Joseph Sigley n.sop.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m tJoseph Bridges Matthews *retcr Foxw~H Lowesmool', 9.15 & u.3o a.m. & u.Is, 2.15, 4.3o, 6.25 & tJoseph Thom:.~s Uushtou *Thomas Wilesrnith 7.15 p. 01. ; sundays, no collectitm Ward. Cherry Orchard,, & u.3o a.m. & 4 & 7.25 p.m. ; sun­ Parish of Claines, except tire portion on the East side of the clays, 7.25 p.m Worcester & Birmingham C~nal. t..London road, 8.35 a.m. 12 noon & 4, 6.5 & 11.30 p.m.; tWalter Holland ; t.John Kendrick sundays, 12.5 p.m tFredk. George Underwood *William Char5e Broad street, 8.55 & n. 20 a. m. & H~.3o, 2. 15, 4· 30, 6. 20, tWilliam Wiuwood *John Millington 7.20 & r1.35 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m . St. Martin's Ward. Marked thus tare Telegraph Offices. Pari:;h of St. :Martin & part of Claines, situate on the East The Telegraph Office is open on week days from 7 a. m. till side of the Worce.ster & Birmingham Canal. 10 p.m. & on sundays from 8 till ro a. m. & 5 to 6 p.m tFrederick Corbett tEdward Harrison £owen Money Orders granted & paid from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. sun­ tJohn Jeff *Joseph Juhn Tyler days·excepted; saturdays till7 p.m. ; postal orders, 9 a.. m. tHubert Holland *Samuel Telford Dutton to xo p.m Marked thus t rP.tire in 1892 Marked thus! retire in lil93 Member of Parliament. Marked thus * retire in 1894 Hon. George Higginson Alls)pp M.A., D.L., .J.P. Foston hall, MarkeJ thus § retire in 1891}. Derby; & 27 Aldford street, Park lan.! w & Carltou & Auditors, Joseph Bin ton Alien, William Thomas :\Ieredith ;­ Junior Carlton clubs s w & Turf club w, London Mayor's Auditor, Harry Day Returning Officer, The Sheriff OFFICERS OF THE COUNCU, & URBAN SA.NITARY AUTHORITY. Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, County M:tgistrates for the Worcester Petty Samuel Southall, Guildhall Sessional Division. Treasurer, George Edward :Martin, Old Bank Berkeley Robt. esq. D.D. Spetchley pk. 'Worcester, chairman Clerk of the Peace, George Wheeler Bentley 1 51 Foregate st Ames l<'rederick e:sq. Hawford lodge, Woreester Coroner, William Booth Hulme, Pierpnint street Bellers Lieut.-Col. Hobert Bridge:;, The GroT