PRACTICE PARAMETERS Practice Parameters for the Management of Scott R. Steele, M.D. • W. Brian Perry, U.S.A.F., M.C. • Steven Mills, M.D. W. Donald Buie, M.D.

Prepared by the Standards Practice Task Force of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons were also performed in selected circumstances. Although is dedicated to ensuring high-quality patient care not exclusionary, primary authors focused on all English Tby advancing the science, prevention, and man- language manuscripts and studies of adults. Recommen- agement of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum, dations were formulated by the primary authors and re- and anus. The Standards Committee is composed of So- viewed by the entire Standards Committee. The final grade ciety members who are chosen because they have dem- of recommendation was performed by using the Grades of onstrated expertise in the specialty of colon and rectal Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evalua- surgery. This Committee was created to lead internation- tion (GRADE) system (Table 1).1 al efforts in defining quality care for conditions related to the colon, rectum, and anus. This is accompanied by developing Clinical Practice Guidelines based on the best STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM available evidence. These guidelines are inclusive, and Pilonidal disease is a potentially debilitating condition not prescriptive. Their purpose is to provide information affecting 70,000 patients annually in the United States on which decisions can be made, rather than dictate a alone.2 Although commonly encountered in practice, specific form of treatment. These guidelines are intended the cause and optimal treatment of this disease have re- for the use of all practitioners, health care workers, and mained controversial since its first description by Mayo patients who desire information about the management in 1833.3 Although originally felt to be of congenital of the conditions addressed by the topics covered in these origin secondary to abnormal skin in the gluteal cleft,4 guidelines. the current widely accepted theory describes the origin It should be recognized that these guidelines should of pilonidal disease as an acquired condition intimately not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or related to the presence of hair in the cleft.5 Loose hairs in exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed to ob- the natal cleft skin create a foreign body reaction that ul- taining the same results. The ultimate judgment regarding timately leads to formation of midline pits and, in some the propriety of any specific procedure must be made by 6,7 the physician in light of all the circumstances presented by cases, secondary infection. The spectrum of pilonidal the individual patient. disease presentation varies from a chronically inflamed area and/or sinus with persistent drainage to the more acute presentation of an associated or extensive METHODOLOGY subcutaneous tracts. Numerous treatment options rang- ing from gluteal cleft shaving and simple excision to An organized search of MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase, and extensive flap procedures currently exist. This practice the Cochrane Database of Collected Reviews was per- parameter will focus on the evaluation and management formed through December 2011. Key-word combinations of pilonidal disease. included pilonidal disease, pilonidal sinus, pilonidal , pilonidal abscess, recurrence, gluteal cleft, natal cleft, fis- tula, flap, cleft-lift, and related articles. Directed searches INITIAL EVALUATION of the embedded references from the primary articles 1. A disease-specific history and physical examination should be performed, emphasizing symptoms, risk fac- Dis Colon Rectum 2013; 56: 1021–1027 tors, and the presence of secondary infection. Grade of DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0b013e31829d2616 Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on © The ASCRS 2013 low-quality evidence, 1C.

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 56: 9 (2013) 1021 1022 STEELE ET AL: PRACTICE PARAMETERS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PILONIDAL DISEASE

TABLE 1. The GRADE System: Grading Recommendationsa Methodological quality of Description Benefit vs risk and burdens supporting evidence Implications 1A Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk and RCTs without important Strong recommendation, can High-quality evidence burdens or vice versa limitations or overwhelming apply to most patients in evidence from observational most circumstances without studies reservation 1B Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk and RCTs with important limitations Strong recommendation, can Moderate-quality burdens or vice versa (inconsistent results, apply to most patients in evidence methodological flaws, indirect, most circumstances without or imprecise) or exceptionally reservation strong evidence from observational studies 1C Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk and Observational studies or case Strong recommendation but may Low- or very-low-quality burdens or vice versa series change when higher quality evidence evidence becomes available 2A Weak recommendation, Benefits closely balanced with RCTs without important Weak recommendation, best High-quality evidence risks and burdens limitations or overwhelming action may differ depending evidence from observational on circumstances or patients’ or studies societal values 2B Weak recommendations, Benefits closely balanced with RCTs with important limitations Weak recommendation, best Moderate-quality risks and burdens (inconsistent results, action may differ depending evidence methodological flaws, indirect on circumstances or patients’ or or imprecise) or exceptionally societal values strong evidence from observational studies 2C Weak recommendation, Uncertainty in the estimates of Observational studies or case Very weak recommendations; Low- or very-low-quality benefits, risks, and burden; series other alternatives may be evidence benefits, risk, and burden may equally reasonable be closely balanced GRADE = Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT = randomized controlled trial. aAdapted from: Guyatt G, Gutermen D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength of recommendations and quality of evidence in clinical guidelines: report from an American College of Chest Physicians Task Force. Chest. 2006;129:174–181. Used with permission.

The diagnosis of pilonidal disease is most often a clinical TREATMENT one, based on the patient’s history and physical findings in the gluteal cleft, especially in patients with chronic A. Nonoperative Management or recurrent disease. However, it is important to distin- 1. In the absence of an abscess, a trial of gluteal cleft shav- guish pilonidal disease from alternative or concurrent ing may be used for both acute and chronic pilonidal diagnoses such as , infected disease as a primary or adjunct treatment measure. skin furuncles, Crohn’s disease, perianal fistula, and in- Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation fectious processes including tuberculosis, , and based on low-quality evidence, 1C. actinomycosis.8 On examination, the presence of char- acteristic midline pits in the gluteal cleft in patients with In both the adjunctive role to primary surgical treatment pilonidal disease is almost always visible, sometimes and as a measure to prevent recurrence, shaving (along with hair or debris extruding from the openings. Addi- with hygiene enforcement and limited lateral incision and tionally, whereas in the acute setting patients may pres- drainage of ) has been shown to result in fewer ent with or a painful, fluctuant mass indicating total hospital admission days, fewer total surgical proce- the presence of an abscess, the chronic state is most dures, and earlier return to work in comparison with a often manifested by chronic draining sinus disease in variety of more invasive surgical techniques.10 Shaving the intergluteal fold and/or recurrent episodes of acute along the intergluteal fold and surrounding region has infections. It is also important to perform a thorough also been used as a standard component of the postopera- anorectal examination to evaluate for concomitant fis- tive treatment comparing various surgical techniques.9,11,12 tulous disease, Crohn’s disease, or other anorectal pa- Although this limits the ability to determine its exact con- thology.9 Even though rare, a presacral mass should be tribution to overall healing, shaving has clearly been safe ruled out by digital rectal examination. Adjunctive labo- with, at most, minimal additional morbidity. The most ratory or radiological examinations are not routinely effective frequency and extent of shaving have yet to be necessary. clarified, because most series have used an arbitrary man- Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 56: 9 (2013) 1023 ner and method for this practice. Similar to shaving, suc- lowing primary closure, or undergoing primary closure cessful results have been demonstrated for laser epilation plus 2 weeks of clindamycin therapy, there was no differ- in the setting of both primary and recurrent pilonidal dis- ence in healing or recurrence rates with the addition of ease,13–15 although there is insufficient evidence to date to clindamycin.29 Of the 3 groups, only secondary intention provide a general recommendation for this technique. was associated with delayed healing. On the other hand, the addition of metronidazole for 14 days or metronida- 2. Fibrin glue and phenol injection might be used in se- zole with erythromycin following excision and secondary lect patients with chronic pilonidal sinus disease. Grade intention wound healing of a chronic pilonidal sinus tract of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on showed a slightly shorter healing time for the low-quality evidence, 2C. group than those without .30 In addition, there The use of phenol solution involves one or more injections was no difference in wound healing with the double-cov- into the sinus tract until filled, with cautious protection erage erythromycin therapy. Additional studies using lon- of the surrounding normal skin, removal of sinus hairs ger durations of a variety of single- and double-coverage and debris with forceps, as well as local shaving. Small se- antibiotic regimens have failed to demonstrate any clear ries have demonstrated success rates ranging from 60% advantage. to 95%.16–19 Even in the setting of recurrent chronic sinus Limited and somewhat conflicting data currently exist disease, phenol injection and local depilatory cream ap- on the use of topical antibiotic regimens in the treatment plication on a weekly basis have shown low subsequent of pilonidal disease. One report demonstrated significant- recurrence rates (0%–11%) at extended follow-up.20,21 ly higher wound-healing rates (86% vs 35%, p < 0.001) af- Fibrin glue has been used in a variety of manners: af- ter excision of chronic disease or previously drained acute ter simple curettage of the tracts,22 in the primary closure pilonidal abscess and packing with an absorbable genta- bed after excision,23 and along the original sinus follow- micin-impregnated collagen-based sponge with overlying ing lateral excision and primary closure.24 Although the primary wound closure than those without the antibiotic majority of the studies are small, healing rates of 90% to packing.31 Unfortunately, the contributions of the genta- 100% are reported with minimal morbidity and low re- micin could not be separated from the potential role of the currence at early and moderate-length follow-up. sponge material itself. A more recent study comparing pri- mary closure over a gentamycin-soaked sponge versus sec- 3. Antibiotics have a limited role in the treatment of ei- ondary healing showed quicker healing and lower overall ther acute or chronic pilonidal disease, although oral cost to the closed group.32 Finally, a third study investigat- or intravenous agents may be considered in patients ing the effectiveness of the gentamycin sponge concluded with significant cellulitis, underlying immunosup- that there was no benefit to closure over the sponge versus pression, or concomitant systemic illness. Grade of closure without it.33 Other data have shown no clear ben- Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on efit to a variety of topical antimicrobial strategies. low-quality evidence, 1C. Overall, the utility of antibiotics in topical or systemic The utility of antibiotics has been evaluated in 3 discrete formulations remains unclear. Adjunctive use should be situations: perioperative prophylaxis, postoperative treat- considered in the setting of severe cellulitis, underlying ment, and topical use. In the prophylactic role, limited data immunosuppression, or concomitant systemic illness, de- reported that an intravenous single dose before excision spite limited evidence in this specific venue.7–9,34 and primary closure of chronic pilonidal disease resulted in no difference in wound complication or healing rates in B. Operative Management comparison with those not receiving antibiotics.25,26 One 1. Patients with acute pilonidal disease characterized by small, randomized, blinded study comparing single-dose the presence of an abscess should be treated with inci- prophylactic metronidazole versus cefuroxime and met- sion and drainage regardless of whether it is a prima- ronidazole preoperatively followed by 5 days of oral Aug- ry or recurring episode. Grade of Recommendation: mentin demonstrated no difference in wound infections Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality at 1 week (although higher rates of wound infections at evidence, 1B. weeks 2 and 4 for the single-dose group).27 No difference in overall wound healing was identified in a comparison of For a pilonidal abscess with or without associated cellulitis, 1- and 4-day courses of perioperative metronidazole and the mainstay of treatment is adequate surgical drainage. ampicillin following excision and primary closure.28 Following simple for first-episode In the postoperative setting, antibiotics have shown acute pilonidal abscesses, overall successful healing has mixed results, although large-scale data are lacking. As an been reported to be ~60%, whereas the remaining patients adjunct to primary excision in chronic pilonidal disease required a second definitive procedure to address excess comparing those left to heal by secondary intention, fol- granulation before wound closure.35 Drainage of the ab- 1024 STEELE ET AL: PRACTICE PARAMETERS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PILONIDAL DISEASE scess is not necessarily curative of the underlying disease in the risk of recurrent disease after healing by second- process. Recurrent disease after complete healing occurs in ary intention in comparison with primary closure after approximately 10% to 15%, with the presence of multiple excision.29,39–41,43,45–50 pits and lateral sinus tracts corresponding to higher recur- Limited and conflicting data are available directly rence rates. In 1 report, the overall cure rate at a median comparing the efficacy of excision with marsupialization follow-up of 60 months was 76%.35 to primary closure; primary closure, in general, is asso- In a randomized trial of patients with acute abscesses ciated with improved healing times with higher recur- undergoing incision and drainage with or without curet- rence.11,48,51 The 1 principle that seems to provide a clear tage of the abscess cavity and removal of the inflammatory benefit is to close the wound off-midline rather than direct debris,36 curettage was associated with significantly greater midline when performing primary repair. This has con- complete healing at 10 weeks (96% vs 79%, p = 0.001), sistently demonstrated faster healing times, lower rates of and lower incidence of recurrence up to 65 months post- wound morbidity, and lower recurrence rates.52–56 operatively (10% vs 54%, p < 0.001). The use of local exci- Drain use has been described following primary clo- sion of both the abscess and the midline pits during the sure, both for removing effluent and irrigating the wound treatment of the acute pilonidal abscess, allowing healing bed.57 One nonrandomized study in chronic pilonidal dis- by secondary intent as a way of eliminating all potential ease found that drain placement following primary clo- for future disease, has not been shown to alter recurrence sure was associated with lower rates of complete wound rates, length of hospital stay, or overall time of healing.37 dehiscence and faster rates of healing, although recurrence rates were similar.58 Additional case series using mostly 2. Patients who require surgery for chronic pilonidal dis- suction drains for 2 to 6 days following primary closure ease may undergo excision and primary repair (with demonstrated low complication rates (0%–10%), with consideration for off-midline closure), excision with no morbidity directly attributed to the drain, and >85% healing by secondary intention, or excision with mar- rate of healing.57,59,60 When used in conjunction with flap supialization, based on surgeon and patient prefer- techniques, drains are most commonly associated with a ence. Drain use should be individualized. Grade of decreased incidence in wound fluid collections, but no dif- Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on ference in wound infections or recurrence rates.61–64 Drain moderate-quality evidence, 1B. use may be considered on a case-by-case basis per surgeon Chronic disease can encompass recurrent abscesses with preference. interval periods of complete resolution or a persistent 3. Flap-based procedures may be performed, especially in nonhealing, draining wound. The surgical treatment of the setting of complex and multiple-recurrent chronic chronic pilonidal disease is generally divided into 2 cat- pilonidal disease when other techniques have failed. egories: excision of diseased tissue with primary closure Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation (including various flap techniques) versus excision with based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B. a form of healing by secondary intention (including marsupialization). In the setting of chronic pilonidal disease, often with mul- In the comparison of excision with primary midline tiple previous surgical treatments, several flap-based treat- closure versus excision with healing by secondary inten- ment strategies excise the disease while simultaneously tion, there is a uniform significant trend toward faster me- providing healthy tissue coverage of the defect. In some dian healing rates (range, 23–65 days) following primary settings, soft tissue reconstruction with the intent of alter- closure in multiple prospective, randomized trials.25,38–42 ing the contour of the natal cleft as a measure to reduce In addition, there is some evidence to indicate a more rap- further disease recurrence has been attempted in both the id return to work following primary closure.39,41,43 Despite primary and recurrent states.65 these benefits, the 2010 Cochrane systematic review dem- The rhomboid or Limberg flap, in which all sinuses onstrated no obvious advantage comparing open healing are excised down to the presacral fascia, with rotation of versus surgical closure,44 although the open group had a fasciocutaneous flap that results in flattening of the glu- lower recurrence rates (relative risks, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.26– teal cleft, has been used extensively in the treatment of 0.66). This is offset by nonpooled data demonstrating refractory pilonidal disease. Overall results are favorable significantly longer healing times for open groups (range, with respect to disease recurrence (0%–6%) and patient 41–91 days) versus primary closure (range, 10–27 days). tolerance.52,53,66–68 Data from randomized trials found low For patients who underwent surgical closure, there was (0%–6%) overall rates of surgical site infections.52,53,55,68 a clear advantage to off-midline closure in comparison Additional data indicate significantly lower recurrence af- with midline closure. Eleven individual studies, includ- ter rhomboid flap versus V-Y advancement, although no ing 9 that directly compared midline primary closure with differences in wound complications, seroma formation, or open healing, demonstrated an estimated 60% reduction hospital admission duration.69 Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 56: 9 (2013) 1025

The Karydakis flap uses a mobilized fasciocutaneous paucity of evidence to specifically guide the treatment of flap secured to the sacrococcygeal fascia with lateral suture recurrent disease. Factors such as the presence of an acute lines. Karydakis reviewed his personal series of more than abscess or chronic inflammation, as well as prior treat- 6000 patients treated with this technique in 1992, with a ments (ie, previous flaps), will help in the decision-making recurrence rate less than 2% and wound complications process. Randomized data that included only patients with in 8%.5 More recently, prospective nonrandomized data recurrence undergoing a modified asymmetric flap com- reported wound complications in 7% and recurrence in pared with a classical rhomboid flap demonstrated a lower <1%.59 Similar findings have been reported in case series wound infection rate (3% vs 23%), lower recurrence rate, by using this technique (<5% recurrence; 9%–21% local shorter hospital stay, and faster return to work by using the complication rate),70,71 with additional data demonstrat- asymmetric flap.83 Other randomized data, including both ing both smoking and to be predictors of wound de novo and recurrent patients, likewise highlighted that complications.72 In the single randomized, controlled success is feasible when using various flaps,48,54 excision study comparing the Karydakis procedure with open heal- with primary closure, as well as excision with secondary ing, the Karydakis repair resulted in a 6% recurrence rate, intention methods29,49 for these difficult patients. Howev- 20% wound morbidity, and 98% overall healing rate at a er, because recurrent presentations may herald a different 50 follow-up of 3 years. problem, the surgeon needs to remain vigilant to exclude Two recent randomized trials have evaluated differ- abnormal underlying causes of chronic perirectal pathol- 73,74 ences between the Limberg and Karydakis flaps. The ogy, including IBD, immunosuppression, and cutaneous 2 flap procedures seem to be relatively equal clinically, but neoplasms. the Karydakis flap had a higher infection rate in 1 study.74 The Karydakis flap is generally felt to be an easier proce- dure to learn. REFERENCES The cleft-lift technique also creates a flap-based cover- 1. Guyatt G, Gutermen D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength age with closure off the midline, obliterating the cleft alto- of recommendations and quality of evidence in clinical guide- gether. 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