香 港 科 學 館 SCIENCE MUSEUM 康文署寓樂頻道 康文+++ 康文+++ https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/edutainment/tc/ LCSD Plusss lcsdplusss 目錄 Contents

常設展覽廳 Permanent Exhibition Hall 智能新力軍 2-3 Robohelpers 地球科學廳 4-7 Earth Science Gallery

專題展覽 Special Exhibition 機械人的五百年 8-11 Robots – The 500-Year Quest to Make Machines Human 花花世界感官遊 12-13 Exploring Flowers with Five Senses 彼思動畫的科學秘密 14-15 The Science Behind Pixar

香港科學節 HK SciFest 2021香港科學節 16-17 HK SciFest 2021 玩轉科學嘉年華 18 Fun Science Carnival STEM x SCM 19 STEM x SCM 裘槎科學周 20-21 Croucher Science Week

比賽 Competition 第二十三屆「常識百搭」小學STEM探究展覽 22 The 23rd Primary STEM Project Exhibition 第二十二屆香港機械奧運會 23 The 22nd Hong Kong Robotic Olympiad 智能機械由我創2021 24 Robotics Intelligence DIY 2021

實驗班 Laboratory Class 兒童趣味實驗班 25 Fun Science Experiment for Kids 兒童科學營 26 Science Day Camp for Kids

香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of HK Science Museum 香港科學館30周年 27-30 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum 導賞員真情分享 31-34 Sharing of Docents

惡劣天氣特別措施 35 Inclement Weather Special Arrangement 購票指南 36 Ticketing Information

提提你 Reminder 有關各項活動的最新資訊,請密切留意本館網頁、 Facebook 和 Instagram 專頁的公布 Please stay tuned for the latest updates of our programmes on our website, Facebook and Instagram pages. 1 常設展覽廳 Permanent Exhibition Hall

智能新力軍 Robohelpers

人類之所以稱為萬物之靈,是因為我們懂得使用工具來完成任務,以及不斷加以改善,提升效 率,令人類在地球上比其他物種生活得更舒適。早期機器的設計和發明,主要希望能分擔重複 而煩悶的工作,或是協助人類體力上難以應付的任務。隨着多元化電子零件的研發和電腦的廣 泛應用,大大提升了機械工具的靈活性,更把機械世界推向智能化,創造出各式各樣先進的電子 產品。而這些工具做出的動作遠比人類精確,為我們帶來輕鬆、愜意的生活。今天我們以「機械 人」一詞泛指由早期簡單的自動機械裝置,以至最先進的人工智能類人型機械人。

機械人的研究和發展迅速,本地科研機構已把這些技術應用在建造業和商業上,並獲得顯著的成 果。這個展區特別介紹相關的本地科研項目和所應用的技術。項目包括航拍技術如何協助建構建 築工地的立體模型,幫助工程人員檢視工程的進度;機械臂如何按照不同的工件進行燒焊和砌出 外型獨特的磚牆;無人商店如何利用人工智能和機械營業運作、以及機械人怎樣肩負餐飲運送和 清潔消毒的工作。在未來,希望有更多創新科研產品,造福社會!

2 Humans are considered the apex species because we are able to use tools to accomplish tasks and keep improving the tools to become more efficient, thus allowing us to live more comfortably than any other species on Earth. Humans designed and invented early machines primarily to avoid having to do repetitive and tedious chores, or to assist us with tasks that were physically challenging. With the development of diversified electronic components and the widespread application of computers, machines and tools have become increasingly flexible and intelligent, resulting in the invention of all kinds of advanced electronic products. These machines and tools are capable of accurate movements that no humans are capable of and they make life more convenient. Nowadays, the term “robot” covers machines from the early simple automata to the most advanced artificial intelligence-enabled androids. With rapid advances in research and development, local institutes have applied robotic technologies in construction and commerce with remarkable results. This exhibition area features local research projects and related applied technologies. These projects include: how drones and aerial photography are used to build 3D models of construction sites, which help engineers review project progress; how robotic arms weld according to different workpieces and build unique brick walls; how unmanned shops are run using artificial intelligence and machines; and how robots deliver meals and carry out disinfection. We look forward to seeing more new innovative scientific research and products which will make our society better!

地點 Venue : 香港科學館二樓電訊廊 Telecommunications Gallery, 2/F, Hong Kong Science Museum 票價 Admission Fee : 常設展覽廳參觀人士不另收費 No extra fee is required for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibitions

康樂及文化事務署主辦 香港科學館籌劃 合作伙伴:香港科技園機械人技術促進中心 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum Partner: Robotics Catalysing Centre (RCC), Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

3 常設展覽廳 Permanent Exhibition Hall

地球科學廳 Earth Science Gallery

探索地球46億年的歷史是一個充滿趣味又令人驚嘆的學習過程:地球是如何形成的?它的內部 如何運作?甚麼是板塊運動?形態各異的岩石又是如何形成的?地球科學廳成立的目的就是讓大 家更了解地球 —— 我們的家。

展覽分為四大主題,展出超過28組互動展品、模型和場景,解釋火山爆發、地震、海嘯等自然 現象的成因,以及颱風的威力。展覽同時展現香港多樣性的地質,將香港過去四億年來,不同地 質年代的岩石和地質公園的絕美景緻一一呈現市民眼前。展覽還會展出珍貴而色彩豐富的礦石和 岩石標本。

Exploring Earth’s 4.6 billion years of history is a journey full of fun and surprise: How did Earth form? How does its interior work? What is plate tectonics? How are different types of rocks formed? The Earth Science Gallery allows all of us to learn more about our Mother Earth. The gallery has four themes featuring over 28 sets of interactive exhibits, models and installations which serve to explain the causes of natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, as well as the power of typhoons. The gallery will also take you through the geology of Hong Kong over the past 400 million years and the stunning scenery of the Hong Kong Geopark. Don’t miss the invaluable and colourful minerals and rock specimens.

地球:我們的家 Earth: Our Home Planet

在浩瀚無邊的宇宙裏,悄然存在着一 個對我們來說獨一無二的藍色星球—— 地球。地球上的生命,包括人類都只 是生活在最外層的地殼上。如果將地 球好像西瓜一樣剖開,便會發現地殼 之下有着熾熱的內部結構。

俯瞰地球 4 Earth from Space In the boundless universe, there is a unique blue planet – our Earth. Life forms on Earth, including humans, only live on the outermost crust. If you cut open Earth like a watermelon, you will find the blazing interior structures underneath the crust.

宇宙無限 Infinite Universe

地動山搖:地球內部的力量 Roaring: Power within Our Planet

地球核心的高熱能量推動板塊緩慢移動,令地貌在不知不覺間演化。高山峻嶺、深谷陡坡,令人 類自覺渺小。地球內部的力量也會為地表帶來突如其來、迅速而激烈的變化,例如火山爆發、地 震和海嘯等,展現出驚人的威力。

Intense heat energy from Earth's core drives the tectonic plates to move slowly, causing the landform to evolve unconsciously. The high mountain ranges and steep valleys make people feel dwarfed by nature. The tremendous internal energy of Earth also brings about sudden and drastic changes to the surface, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis.

板塊地圖 模擬海嘯 Boundary Map Tsunami Tank 5 常設展覽廳 Permanent Exhibition Hall

塑造地球:地球外圍的力量 Shaping: External Forces of Our Planet

外在因素把由地球內部力量構成的地貌加以塑形。地球外圍的力量主要來自太陽輻射。空氣和水 吸收能量後形成風和雨,不斷侵蝕地表。除了大自然的影響,人類對環境的改變亦不容忽視。人 口急劇增長和科技發展對整個地球系統的運作帶來舉足輕重的影響。

External forces shape the landforms created by Earth’s internal energy. Solar radiation is the main source of these external forces. Air and water absorb energy, forming wind and rain which cause erosion of the crustal surface. In addition to the influence of the nature, human impact on the environment also cannot be neglected. Rapid population growth and technological development have exerted a profound effect on the entire Earth system.

氣候變化 Climate Change

樹輪解碼 6 Decoding Tree Ring 嘆為觀止:蔚為奇觀的香港地質 Breathtaking: The Stunning Geology of Hong Kong

香港雖然是彈丸之地,但豐富的地質結構和岩石種類足以讓地質學家為之着迷。香港除了受風災 威脅之外,發生強烈地震和海嘯的機會甚微。然而,專家發現在一億四千萬年前,香港曾出現過 一次古代超級火山爆發,於糧船灣一帶形成舉世知名的六角柱石群。

Despite its small size, Hong Kong has a rich diversity of geological structures and rock types. Apart from the threat of typhoons, Hong Kong is less prone to strong earthquakes and tsunamis. Surprisingly, experts found that there was an ancient supervolcano eruption 140 million years ago, forming world- class hexagonal rock columns in the High Island region.

礦物館藏 Mineral Collection

介紹糧船灣超級火山 Introduction of High Island Supervolcano

確實開放日期將稍後公布 The exact opening date will be announced later 地點 Venue : 香港科學館一樓 1/F, Hong Kong Science Museum 票價 Admission Fee : 常設展覽廳參觀人士不另收費 No extra fee is required for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibitions 7 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

機械人的五百年 Robots — The 500-Year Quest to Make Machines Human

自16世紀,人們從人體構造中得到啟發,逐漸發明了可以巧妙地自動運作的機械裝置。在工業 革命的年代,人們更開始利用機器,取代人力完成不斷重覆的動作,奠定了機械人發展的基礎。 科技發展日新月異,模仿人類動作的機械人在數百年間應運而生,它們除了在工業上大派用場 之外,還成為科幻電影裏的主角。近年機械人的發展更趨人性化,面部會有表情,懂得以雙腳步 行、跳躍、甚至翻筋斗,又會用眼睛環顧四周,分析周圍的環境。而最新的發展更運用人工智能 技術,讓它們可以像我們一樣能夠思考、學習和作出反應。

「機械人的五百年」展覽為你細說過去五百年,簡單的機械裝置如何發展成類人型機械人的有趣 故事,以及從藝術和科學角度探討它的發展對人類的意義。展覽分為五個不同的時期,展出超過 100組獨特的機械人藏品,其中包括最早期的機械裝置,以至在科幻小說和現代實驗室裏的機械 人。這些獨特的展品闡述了我們對宇宙的理解、工業革命、20世紀的大眾文化,以及我們對未來 的憧憬,如何塑造機械人和社會的發展。透過這次奇妙旅程,你更可認識科學家如何製造出跟人 類相似的機械人,與及怎樣與我們相互交流。

在電影和科幻小說中,不難見到機械人的蹤影,而當中的機械人角色讓許多人充滿幻想。 Robots are a familiar sight in films and science fictions, and the robot characters often evoke a sense 8 of fantasy for many people. Since the 16th century, people have gradually invented marvelous automatons following the anatomy of the human body. During the Industrial Revolution, people began to use machines to replace human hands to perform repeated actions, which laid the foundation for developing robots. With advances in science and technology, robots that imitate human actions have been developed over the centuries. In addition to being used in industrial production, they have played an important role in science fiction. In recent years, robots have become more human. They can walk on two legs, jump, and even do a somersault. They can express emotions with facial expressions and look around with eye cameras to capture their surrounding environment. The latest development involves using artificial intelligence with robots, allowing them to think, react and learn like humans. The “Robots” exhibition explores the 500-year story of humanoid robots and the artistic and scientific quest to understand what it means to be human. Set in five different periods, the exhibition uncovers how robots and society have been shaped by our understanding of the universe, the Industrial Revolution, 20th century popular culture, and our dreams of the future. This intriguing exhibition features a unique collection of over 100 robots, from the earliest automatons to robots from science fiction and modern- day research labs. Through this incredible journey, visitors can see the latest humanoid robots in action and explore how, and more importantly why engineers are building robots that resemble us and interact in human-like ways.

在我們設法把人類製造成機器的同時,也發現到人類的思想和身體是多麼的複雜和不可思議。 By trying to build ourselves as machines, we have discovered just how intricately complex and incredible our human minds and bodies are. 9 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

展期 Exhibition Period: 地點:香港科學館特備展覽廳 Venue : Special Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 至 Till 26.5.2021

票價:$30, $21#, $15*(星期一、二、五、六、日及公眾假期,票價已包括參觀常設展覽廳) $10, $7#, $5*(星期三,常設展覽廳免費開放) $5(全日制學生)

#20人或以上於同時段參觀的團體之標準票特惠價 *適用於殘疾人士(及一名同行照料者)及60歲或以上高齡人士 博物館通行證持有人及由攜票成人陪同參觀的四歲以下小童免費參觀 星期三免費入場安排不適用於此展覽

Admission Fee : $30, $21#, $15* (Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, fee including admission to the Permanent Exhibition Hall) $10, $7#, $5* (Wednesdays, free admission to the Permanent Exhibition Hall) $5 (Full-time students) #Special rate of Standard Ticket for groups of 20 people or more per visit *Applicable to people with disabilities (and one accompanying carer) and senior citizens aged 60 or above Free admission for Museum Pass holders and children under 4 years old accompanied by an adult with ticket No free admission on Wednesdays 康樂及文化事務署主辦 香港科學館籌劃 展覽由倫敦科學博物館提供

Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum An exhibition by the Science Museum in London

踏入21世紀,首批「社交機械人」衝出實驗室,成為消費品,進入了我們的生活。 Around the turn of the 21st century, the first ‘social robots’ left the laboratory and entered our lives 10 as consumer products. 「創作我的機械人」線上遊戲 ‘Create My Robots’ Online Game

「創作我的機械人」線上遊戲讓你在參觀「機械人的五百年」展覽的同時,發掘展覽中的虛擬寶 藏。參觀者只需在展場內利用二維碼,解答一連串問題,便可獲得多個部件,在組裝實驗室內組 裝屬於自己的機械人,透過擴增實境技術賦予生命,更可與朋友分享你的作品!

與此同時,我們特別為「機械人的五百年」展覽製作虛擬導覽,讓你能安坐家中,也可參觀展 覽,欣賞精心策劃的內容,收藏親手創作的機械人。虛擬導覽在電腦和智能手機上均可使用。要 踏上這趟虛擬旅程,請瀏覽網址:  hk.science.museum/ms/robots2020/360/index.html

The ‘Create My Robots’ online game allows you to uncover virtual treasures while visiting the ‘Robots – The 500-year Quest to Make Machines Human’ exhibition. By answering correctly the quiz questions triggered by QR-code, you can receive different components that will be used to create your own robot, bring it to life using Augmented Reality, and share your creation with your friends! Concurrently, we have created a special virtual tour of the ‘Robots’ exhibition so that you can visit the exhibition, enjoy the thoughtfully curated content, and create your robots collection, all from the comfort of home. This virtual tour is available on both laptops and smartphones. To embark this virtual journey, please visit:  hk.science.museum/ms/robots2020/360/index.html

11 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

花花世界感官遊 Exploring Flowers with Five Senses

今年的香港花卉展覽將以嶄新的模式舉行。為配合這項活動,香港科學館特別在常設展覽廳內舉 行「花花世界感官遊」展覽,讓大家利用五感去探索繽紛的花花世界。

為甚麼一些花朵上會有隱藏圖案?花朵如何保護自己?植物會發出聲音嗎?我們如何延長鮮花的 壽命?我們如何應用花香在日常生活中?展覽將透過多組互動展品一一為大家解答。除了互動展 品,還會展示一些有趣的植物,歡迎大家在展覽期間到場參觀,利用五感去探索花卉和大自然的 奧秘。

This year, the Hong Kong Flower Show will be held in a brand-new format. To tie in with the event, the Hong Kong Science Museum will present “Exploring Flowers with Five Senses” exhibition in our permanent exhibition hall, to let visitors explore the wonderful flower world with five senses. Why are there hidden patterns on some flowers? How do flowers protect themselves? Do plants emit sound? How can we extend the life of fresh flowers? How do we utilize the flower fragrance in the daily applications? The exhibition will answer all these questions through a series of interactive exhibits. Besides, interesting plants will be displayed. Visitors are invited to explore the mysteries of flower and 12 the nature with all five senses during the exhibition period. 「花花世界感官遊」展覽以嶄新角度探究花卉 世界的奧秘 “Exploring Flowers with Five Senses” exhibition introduces new perspectives to look at the mysteries of the flower world

地點:香港科學館三樓展覽廳 展期 Exhibition Period: Venue: 3/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 至 Till 19.4.2021

票價:常設展覽廳參觀人士不另收費 Admission Fee: No extra fee is required for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibitions

請瀏覽香港科學館網頁,獲取有關展期、時間及入場等安排的最新資訊 Please visit the webpage of the Hong Kong Science Museum for the latest information on the arrangement of exhibition period, time and admission, etc.  hk.science.museum

2021香港花卉展覽專題網頁 Webpage of Hong Kong Flower Show 2021  www.hkflowershow.hk

13 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

彼思動畫的科學秘密 The Science Behind Pixar

Michael Malyszko ©

1995年,全球首部全電腦動畫製作的電影《反斗奇兵》上映。自此,彼思動畫製作室不斷創作多 部具突破性的電影,由《反斗奇兵》系列續集、《反斗車王》到近期上映的《靈魂奇遇記》等。 究竟美術人員和電腦科學家如何互相合作,一起以創造力與想像力,結合藝術和電腦科技來建立 說故事的新形式?

「彼思動畫的科學秘密」展覽由波士頓科學博物館與彼思動畫製作室共同策劃製作,帶你探索神秘 的電影製作過程,讓你從前所未有的角度認識彼思動畫的製作流程,以及這些電影如何巧妙地融 合科學、技術、工程、美術和數學(STEAM)概念,創造出你在銀幕上欣賞到的生動角色和逼真 的場面。

展覽展出50多組有趣和吸引的互動展品,分為八個組別,分別介紹彼思動畫製作的技術程序。展 覽除了資訊豐富和富啟發性的影片之外,還包括多項電腦及實體互動展品,讓你仿如身歷其境般 深入了解每個幕後程序,體驗製作流程中的不同崗位。例如在建構模型區,你可嘗試根據美術師 的草圖來創建出一個數碼雕塑模型。建立骨架結構區的展品探討虛擬骨骼的基本概念,並展示動 畫師如何幫角色擺出不同的姿勢。在布景與攝影區中,你將學到如何控制攝影機,以模擬出《蟲 蟲特工隊》裏昆蟲眼中的世界。另外,不要錯過與你最喜愛的彼思電影角色,包括巴斯光年、多 14 莉等,合照留念! The world’s first entirely computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, was created and shown in 1995. Since then, Pixar Animation Studios has been creating many groundbreaking popular films, from the sequels of Toy Story and Cars to the latest film Soul. But how do artists and computer scientists work together and use their creativity, imagination, artistry and computer technology to introduce a new medium for storytelling? "The Science Behind Pixar" exhibition, developed by the Museum of Science, Boston, in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios, aims to take you through the mysterious filmmaking process and offers you an unparalleled insight into the production pipeline and how science, technology, engineering, art and maths (STEAM) concepts are ingeniously merged together to create the lively characters and realistic scenes you see on screen. With more than 50 fun and engaging interactive exhibits, the exhibition is organised into eight sections, each focusing on a step of Pixar’s technical process. Besides informative and enlightening videos, you will experience different roles within the production pipeline, through screen-based activities and physical interactive elements providing a behind-the-scenes immersive look at these processes. In Modeling, for example, you will have the opportunity to create a digital sculpture from an artist’s sketch. Rigging discusses the basic concept of virtual skeletons and showcases how the animators pose characters. In Sets & Cameras, you will discover how the camera can be manipulated to create the bug’s-eye view seen in A Bug’s Life. And don’t forget that there are many of your favourite Pixar film characters here, including Buzz Lightyear and Dory, waiting to take a picture with you!

展期 Exhibition Period: 地點:香港科學館地下展覽廳 Venue: G/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 30.7.2021 至 Till 1.12.2021

康樂及文化事務署主辦 香港科學館籌劃 展覽由波士頓科學博物館與彼思動畫製作室共同策劃製作 華特迪士尼(香港)有限公司全力支持

Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum Produced by the Museum of Science, Boston in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios Fully supported by The Walt Disney Company (Hong Kong) Limited

The Science Behind Pixar was developed by the Museum of Science, Boston in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios. © Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

15 香港科學節 HK SciFest

二十一世紀是全球一體化和科技迅速發展的年代。現今科技日新月異,每天都有新科技面世,不 僅提高了我們的生活質素,也逐步改變我們的生活模式和社會文化。科技的應用讓我們在衣、 食、住、行上變得更方便、更多元化和更全球化,而且對各領域的未來發展都有所影響,例如資 訊與通訊應用、智慧機器、能源與環保、先進材料、以及生物科技與醫療。

科技是一把雙刃劍,當人們正在享受它帶來的好處時,其危害也在接踵而來。因此,我們需要有 穩固的科學知識和科學文化,懂得善用科技的優勢,以應對未來生活的變化和挑戰。今年的科學 節以「科技創未來」為主題,希望大家了解到科學與科技的最新成果和將來的發展趨勢。

今年的科學節有約90個合作伙伴及單位參與,為大家精心設計了超過100項特色活動。精選 活動包括:讓一家大小在輕鬆的氣氛下享受科學的「玩轉科學嘉年華」;以STEM為主題的嘉 年華「STEM x SCM」;讓你體驗世界各地特色科學活動的「裘槎科學周」。還有更多其它精采 活動,包括展覽、參觀及導賞、科學講座和工作坊等,大家必定能在科學節找到你喜愛的活動。


溫馨提示:因應新冠肺炎疫情的最新發展,活動或會有所調動或取消。主辦單位將在活動前通知 參加者有關最新安排。

16 The 21st century marks an era of global integration and rapid technological development. Nowadays, technology changes with each passing day and new technologies come into existence every day. Not only does it improves our quality of life, but also gradually changes our lifestyle and social culture. The application of technology has made our lives more convenient, more diversified and global in the aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation, and also has an impact on the future development in various fields, such as information and communication application, intelligent machines, energy and environmental protection, advanced materials, biological technology and medical treatment. Technology is a double-edged sword. While people enjoy benefits brought about by it, drawbacks also follow. Therefore, we need solid scientific knowledge and culture, and to take advantages of technology wisely so as to deal with changes and challenges in the future. This year’s HK SciFest focuses on “Technology for Our Future” and aims at allowing everyone to understand the latest achievements in science and technology, as well as the development trend in the future. With the joint efforts of about 90 partners and units, we have developed over 100 featured programmes for you this year. Highlighted events include: “Fun Science Carnival” for families to enjoy science in a light-hearted way; STEM-themed carnival “STEM x SCM”; “Croucher Science Week” for you to experience featured science activities from around the world. Apart from these highlighted events, there are exhibitions, visits and guided tours, science lectures, workshops etc. You will surely find your favorite activities in the HK SciFest. Join us in HK SciFest 2021. Let’s explore, discover and have fun in science!

Warm Reminder: Depending on the latest develpment of the COVID-19 pandemic, programmes may be adjusted or cancelled. Participants will be informed of the latest arrangements piror to the commencement of the programmes.

活動詳情和報名方法,請瀏覽2021香港科學節網頁 For programme details and enrolment methods, please visit the website of HK SciFest 2021  hk.science.museum/scifest2021/ 17 香港科學節 HK SciFest

玩轉科學嘉年華 Fun Science Carnival

嘉年華以「樂趣科學」為主題,邀請了多個2021香港 科學節的合作伙伴,提供多個網上互動活動,當中涵蓋 不同領域,包括生物科學、天文學、智能科技等。大家 可以在輕鬆的氣氛下,一起玩科學、學習科學和享受科 學。萬勿錯過,大家快來一起「玩轉科學」吧!

The carnival is themed on “Fun Science” and a number of HK SciFest 2021 partners are invited to present online interactive programmes covering various topics such as biological science, astronomy and smart technology. You can find fun, learn and enjoy science in a joyful atmosphere. Do not miss out. Let’s have fun in science!

合作伙伴 (依英文字母順序排列) Our Partners (Listed in alphabetical order):

香港中文大學 香港種子技術及教育中心 Hong Kong Seed Technology and Education Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

規劃署 資訊系統及土地供應組 Information Systems and Land Supply Section, Planning Department

星匯點 Starrix

澳門科學技術協進會 The Association for Promotion of Science and Technology of Macau

世界自然基金會香港分會 WWF-Hong Kong

活動詳情和報名方法,請瀏覽2021香港科學節網頁 For programme details and enrolment methods, please visit the website of HK SciFest 2021  hk.science.museum/scifest2021/

 2732 3223 18 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) STEM x SCM

STEM x SCM再次與大家見面!我們與本地多間院校及 團體攜手合作,為你帶來一系列與STEM相關的精采網上 活動。各合作伙伴的展覽及講座將與你分享他們的探究 成果及應用,工作坊更結合跨學科學習、創意和解難技 巧,讓你瞭解製作機械人的基本知識和動手製作岩石及 礦物盒。

STEM x SCM is greeting you again! Collaborating with local institutions and organisations, we will bring you a series of remarkable STEM-themed online activities. The exhibitions and lectures from various partners will share with you the results and applications of their STEM inquiries, the workshops even highlight on cross-disciplinary learning, creativity and problem-solving skills, letting you understand the basic knowledge of building a robot, and make a rocks and minerals box.

合作伙伴 (依英文字母順序排列) Our Partners (Listed in alphabetical order):

創意動力教育協會 香港海洋公園 Creative Power Education Association Ocean Park Hong Kong

香港城市大學 智科教育有限公司 City University of Hong Kong Smart Kiddo Education Limited

土木工程拓展署 香港中文大學 Civil Engineering and Development Department The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港教育城 香港教育大學 Hong Kong Education City The Education University of Hong Kong

嶺南大學 香港大學 Lingnan University The University of Hong Kong

康樂及文化事務署 音樂事務處 Music Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

活動詳情和報名方法,請瀏覽2021香港科學節網頁 For programme details and enrolment methods, please visit the website of HK SciFest 2021  hk.science.museum/scifest2021/

 2731 5443 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) 19 香港科學節 HK SciFest

裘槎科學周 Croucher Science Week

裘槎科學周邀請來自世界各地優秀的科學團隊參與,我們希望透過一系列科學活動,為大眾提供 更多體驗科學的機會,增強大眾與科學的互動與連繫。

在科學周中,來自英國和美國的科學傳意者,將會透過網上廣播帶來不同的科學示範、科學電 影、科學劇場、科學座談、戶外遊蹤及教師工作坊。一班本地傑出的裘槎科學家亦會透過網絡帶 大家到實驗室探祕,和體驗科學家的研究生活。此外,我們更為觀眾首次提供互動直播節目,屆 時將會有精彩的魔術表演和網上星空派對讓巿民參加,一同來感受科學的奇妙之處吧!

詳情請瀏覽網址:  croucherscienceweek.hk/hk

Croucher Science Week creates opportunities for people to experience science and to engage audience with scientific discoveries, as it gathers leading science communicators from around the world through a series of science activities. In the science week, science communicators from the United Kingdom and the United States will conduct Science Demonstrations, Science Films, Science Shows, Science Talks, Outdoor Tours, and Teacher Development Workshops through online broadcast. A group of local elite scientists, Croucher Scholars, will lead you to an online adventure in the laboratory and to experience the research life of a scientist. Besides, we will launch interactive Live Programmes, including amazing magic shows and the Virtual Star Party. Come and join us for an amazing science experience!

Please visit the website for details:  croucherscienceweek.hk

科學行者 20 Hands-on Science 迷你科學劇場 戶外遊蹤 Mini Science Show Outdoor Tour

同步直擊 Let’s Go Live!

地點 Venue : 網上廣播(部分節目透過Zoom Webinar直播) 聯繫課程:小學常識科、中一至中三 Online Broadcast (with some programmes to be 科學科、中四至中六綜合科學科和組 live-streamed via Zoom Webinar) 合科學科 語言 Language : 粵話或英語 Curriculum Link: P1-P6 General Studies, (部分英語活動提供中文字幕或粵語傳譯) S1-S3 Science, S4-S6 Integrated Science or English (with Chinese subtitle or and Combined Science Cantonese interpretation for some English activities)

由香港科學館、裘槎基金會和教育局聯合舉辦 Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Croucher Foundation and the Education Bureau

 2732 3220 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) 21 比賽 Competition

第二十三屆「常識百搭」小學STEM探究展覽 The 23rd Primary STEM Project Exhibition

「常識百搭」小學STEM探究展覽是以小學生為對象的科學探究比賽活動。今屆的主題為「走進各 行各業中」。參與隊伍會利用科學原理及STEM對香港11個主要行業/職業的日常工作作出探究並 模擬出專業人士在背後提供了什麼與STEM有關的服務,或如何在該情景以STEM方法解決問題, 提出優化方案,使服務更用得其所。今年活動將改為網上進行,詳情請瀏覽網址:

 www.hkedcity.net/pspe/

The "Primary STEM Project Exhibition" is a science inquiry competition programme for primary students. The theme of this year is "Deep into the Industries". The participants will investigate the work of 11 key industries in Hong Kong using STEM method. They will try to simulate what STEM-related services are provided by the professionals behind the scenes, or how to use STEM to solve problems in those scenarios. Finally, they will provide proposals for optimization so that more user-friendly services can be offered. This year the event will be held online, for more information, please visit:  www.hkedcity.net/pspe/

香港科學館、香港教育大學科學與環境學系及可持續發展教育中心、教育局、香港教育城、香港數理教育學 會、行政長官卓越教學獎教師協會和中國教育科學研究院STEM教育研究中心聯合主辦 Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, Department of Science and Environmental Studies and Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability, The Education University of Hong Kong, Education Bureau, Hong Kong Education City, Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers' Association and Center for STEM Education, National Institute of Education Sciences

查詢 Enquiries: [email protected]

 2732 3223 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays)

22 第二十二屆香港機械奥運會 The 22nd Hong Kong Robotic Olympiad

香港機械奧運會是一年一度別開生面的比賽,參賽的中、小學隊伍會利用自製的機械人進行各項 機械人競技比賽,包括機械人欖球比賽、人型機械人武術比賽、手搖發電機械人游泳比賽、環保 清潔海面機械人比賽、伺服馬達機械人自由體操比賽及手搖發電機械小黃鴨等多項賽事。今年的 比賽日期及地點如下。

The Hong Kong Robotic Olympaid is an annual, one-of-a-kind event. The competing teams from primary and secondary schools are represented by their DIY robots to participate in a variety of contests, including Robotic Rugby Competition, Robotic Martial Arts Competition, Hand Generator Robotic Swimming Competition, Environmental Protection – Robotic Sea Surface Sweeper Competition, Servo Motor Robotic Gymnastics Competition and Hand Generator Robotic Duck Competition. Dates and venues of this year’s competitions are as below.

項目 Item 日期 Date 地點 Venue

優才(楊殷有娣)書院(小學部) 小學組 旺角校舍 星期六 Saturday Primary School 8.5.2021 G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College Division (Primary Section) Mongkok Campus

香港科學館 星期六 Saturday 15.5.2021 Hong Kong Science Museum 中學組 Secondary School Division 職業訓練局 STEM 教育中心 22.5.2021 星期六 Saturday Vocational Training Council STEM Education Centre

有關活動詳情,請瀏覽 For programme details, please visit :  robotorghk.weebly.com

香港機械人學會和職業訓練局 STEM 教育中心聯合主辦,優才(楊殷有娣)書院和香港科學館協辦 Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Robotics Club and the Vocational Training Council STEM Education Centre, in association with the G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College and the Hong Kong Science Museum 23 比賽 Competition

智能機械由我創 2021 Robotics Intelligence DIY 2021

這比賽是一個着重即時解難的機械人設計、組裝及編程的活動。目的是為學生提供一個創作交流 平台,透過比賽項目提升學生靈活運用有限資源和即時應變的能力、培養獨立思想及增強自信 心,並同時加強創意思維及機械工程的應用水平。比賽籌委會將提供工作坊,讓參賽學校師生熟 習比賽所需的技能。

This robotics competition challenges the students’ design, assembling, coding and problem-solving skills. It aims to provide a platform for them to share their creative ideas, encourage them to improvise with limited resources, develop their independent thinking skills, enhance their confidence, strengthen their creativity and application of mechanical engineering. The organisers will provide workshops for participants to familiarise with the necessary skills for the competition.

地點 Venue : 香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall 聯繫課程:小學常識科「日常生活 截止報名日期 Deadline for Application : 11.6.2021(星期五 Friday) 中的科學與科技」、小一至中六科 比賽日期 Date of Competition : 24 - 25.6.2021 技教育 (星期四及五 Thursday and Friday) Curriculum Link : P1-P6 General Studies “Science and Technology in Everyday Life”, P1-S6 Technology Education

香港科學館及創意動力教育協會聯合舉辦 Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum and Creative Power Educational Association

詳情請瀏覽以下網頁 For details, please visit the website below  https://www.cp.org.hk/wptest/ridiy2021/  2732 3223 24 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) 實驗班 Laboratory Class

兒童趣味實驗班 – 水的奧秘 Fun Science Experiments for Kids — The Mystery of Water

甚麼是「水的皮膚」?金屬針是如何浮於水面?究竟水壓是甚麼?這活動讓參加者認識潛水艇 的工作原理,並有機會製作一個簡單的小潛艇。

What is the “skin” of water? How does a metal needle float on the water surface? What is water pressure? In this programme, participants will learn how submarines work and have a chance to make a simple mini-submarine.

活動名稱 Programme Title 編號 Code 日期 Date 時間 Time SE542 10:30am – 12:00nn 19.7.2021 星期一 Monday SE543 2:30pm – 4:00pm SE544 10:30am – 12:00nn 21.7.2021 星期三 Wednesday 水的奧秘 SE545 2:30pm – 4:00pm The Mystery of Water SE546 10:30am – 12:00nn 23.7.2021 星期五 Friday SE547 2:30pm – 4:00pm

以上各節內容相同 The content of the above sessions are the same

地點 Venue : 香港科學館實驗室 聯繫課程:小學常識科「日常生活中 Laboratory, Hong Kong Science Museum 的科學與科技」 語言 Language : 粵語 Cantonese Curriculum Link : P1-P6 General Studies 費用 Fee : $36 此為學生優惠費用,其他優惠不適用 “Science and Technology in Everyday This is the concessionary fee for students. Life” Other discounts are not applicable. 年齡 Age : 8 - 10 年齡計算以活動當日為準 名額 Capacity : 每節20人 20 persons per session 視乎實際情況而作出調整,如報名人數超出名額,名額將以電腦抽籤方式分配 Quota will be changed according to the actual circumstances, if the number of applications exceeds the quota, places will be allocated by computer ballot

報名詳情請瀏覽 For enrolment method, please visit:  hk.science.museum/zh_TW/web/scm/pp/cp.html

 2732 3249 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) 25 實驗班 香港科學館30周年 Laboratory Class

兒童科學營 – 競技運動的科學 Science Day Camp for Kids — The Science behind Sports

運動與科學息息相關,我們可以運用科學原理去瞭解人體各種動作,改善運動方式,預防運 動傷害,提升運動表現,進而達到超越巔峰的目標。究竟要怎樣才能提升反應能力?平衡的 重心又是甚麼?這活動可讓參加者訓練自己的反應和平衡力,並探討各樣物理知識如何應用 在運動競技上。

Sports have an indispensable relationship with science. We can scientifically understand various body movements, improve ways of exercise, prevent sports injuries, enhance athletic performance, and ultimately achieve goal of surpassing one’s limit. How can we improve our reaction time? What is the center of gravity? Through these activities, participants will have an opportunity to train their reaction and balance, and explore how various physics principles are applied to sports.

活動名稱 Programme Title 編號 Code 日期 Date 時間 Time

SC205 2.8.2021 星期一 Monday 10:30am - 5:30pm

競技運動的科學 SC206 4.8.2021 星期三 Wednesday 10:30am - 5:30pm The Science behind Sports SC207 6.8.2021 星期五 Friday 10:30am - 5:30pm

以上各節內容相同 The content of the above sessions are the same

午膳時間 : 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch hour : 1:00pm - 2:00pm 參加者須由家長或監護人陪同出外用膳 Participants have to go out for lunch with parents or guardians

地點 Venue : 香港科學館實驗室 Laboratory, Hong Kong Science Museum 語言 Language : 粵語 Cantonese 聯繫課程:小學常識科「日常 費用 Fee : $168 此為學生優惠費用,其他優惠不適用 生活中的科學與科技」 This is the concessionary fee for students. Curriculum Link: P1-P6 General Other discounts are not applicable. Studies “Science and Technology 年齡 Age : 10 - 12 年齡計算以活動當日為準 in Everyday Life” Age is calculated as at the date of the programme 名額 Capacity : 每節20人 20 persons per session 視乎實際情況而作出調整,如報名人數超出名額,名額將以電腦抽籤方式分配 Quota will be changed according to the actual circumstances, if the number of applications exceeds the quota, places will be allocated by computer ballot 報名詳情請瀏覽 For enrolment method, please visit:  hk.science.museum/zh_TW/web/scm/pp/cp.html

 2732 3249 26 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) 香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum

香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum

香港市政局於70年代構思興建一所科學館,並於80年代展開籌備工作,目的是希望能將科學 知識普及至社會各階層,讓大眾了解科學與日常生活的關係,以及提高學生對探索科學的興 趣,鼓勵他們積極投身科學研究,從而加強香港的競爭力。

1991年4月18日,香港科學館正式開放給市民參觀,館內的展品超過500多件,分布在多個不 同主題的展覽廳。與傳統博物館不同,展品的設計以互動形式為主,鼓勵參觀者運用各種不 同的感官操作,從而認識科學有趣的一面。此外,科學館的整體設計更獲香港建築師學會評 選為1990年度優異獎。自開幕以來,科學館一直深受巿民歡迎,踏入2016年初,已累積超過 二千萬名訪客。

香港要推動科技發展,科學的普及和科學文化的建立是成功的關鍵之一。自開館以來,科學 館在這方面一直擔當著十分重要的角色。但隨著需求日益增加,現時的設施已不敷應用,有 需要進行擴建。2015年,科學館就有關發展聘請了顧問公司進行了可行性研究。研究報告建 議,科學館擴建計劃應增建更多展覽空間介紹本地的科研成就,以及提供更多教育配套和設 施,以舉辦更多的科學活動,培育本地的科研人才。科學館會就此已展開規劃工作。

你希望科學館在擴建時增加哪些設施和功能?請把你的建議告訴我們,讓大家一起建造更好 的科學館。

Lunch hour : 1:00pm - 2:00pm Participants have to go out for lunch with parents or guardians

27 香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum

The of Hong Kong first conceived the idea of building a Science Museum in the 1970s. In the 1980s, the Council proceeded with the construction work with the aims of popularising science for all walks of life and enabling the general public to understand the relationship between science and our daily lives. The Museum also aimed to arouse students’ interest in exploring the world of science and encourage them to pursue scientific research so as to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Science Museum was formally opened to the public on 18 April 1991. There are more than 500 exhibits distributed throughout a number of exhibition halls, covering various science disciplines. Differs from conventional museums, its exhibits are designed to be interactive and to encourage visitors to explore the fun of science by using their various senses. In addition, the overall design of the Museum won the Certificate of Merit of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects in 1990. Since its opening, the Museum has been popular with the public and its total accumulative number of visitors reached more than 20 million in early 2016.

Popularising science and establishing a science culture are the keys to successfully promoting science and technology development in Hong Kong. Since the opening of the Museum, it has played a crucial role in both of these areas. As the current facilities cannot cater for the growing needs of the society, there is an urgent need for an extension to the Museum. In 2015, the Museum engaged a consultancy firm to conduct a feasibility study for the development. The report recommends that the expansion of the Museum should extend its exhibition capacity to introduce achievements in local scientific research. There should also be more provisions and facilities for education to allow the Museum to organise more activities and nurture local scientists. The Museum is now planning the expansion project proactively.

What kinds of facilities and functions would you like to have in the new extension? Please give us your suggestions so that we can make the best planning for the Museum.

28 興建中的科學館 The construction of the Museum in progress

1989年7月7日的平頂儀式 Topping-out Ceremony on 7 July 1989

29 香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum

貝茜號是科學館第一件藏品 Betsy is the first collection of the Museum

貝茜號的駕駛艙 The cockpit of Betsy

30 導賞員真情分享 Sharing by Our Docents

「小孩入館時感到雀躍,離館時嚷着要再來。」這是梁國波先生自1992年擔任導賞員以來,經常 看到的畫面。香港科學館於1991年4月18日成立,並於今年邁進三十周年。回想起過往在科學館 當值的日子,遊人熙來攘往、市民排隊參觀專題展覽的景象讓梁先生記憶猶新。

科學館於1992年3月起開始提供導賞服務,向大眾講解展品和展示背後的科學原理。梁先生憶 述:「有一次帶領幼兒導賞,有一位小孩走近我,全程拉着我的手。」導賞員除了具備豐富的科 學知識外,若能夠親切待人、用詞生動簡潔、代入各年齡層的內心世界和重點展示趣味盎然的科 學現象,參加者會對展覽的內容有更深切的體會。

“Kids are excited when entering the Museum, and ask for another visit while leaving,” docent Mr. Leung Kwok-por was so familiar with this scene since 1992. The Hong Kong Science Museum was established on 18 April 1991, and this year will be its 30th Anniversary. Looking back to the days of performing duties at the Museum, Mr. Leung was used to the moments of visitors exploring around, and the public queuing for the special exhibitions.

The Museum’s docent service, which started in March 1992, aimed to introduce the exhibits and reveal the science behind to the public. “I once led a tour for kindergarten students. A kid got closer to me and held my hand,” Mr. Leung recalled. Apart from being knowledgeable in science, an in-depth visitor experience would be delivered if the docents were hospitable, could make use of vivid and concise wordings, connect to the inner world of audience of various backgrounds, and highlight interesting science phenomenon.

願科學館擴建後為市民帶 來更多歡樂。

梁國波先生 1992年成為導賞員

梁國波先生帶領學校文化日實驗活動 Mr. Leung Kwok-por was leading an experiment activity of School Culture Day. 31 香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum

「參加導賞員計劃讓我可以認識更多志同道合的年輕人,亦為我的退休生活增添不少歡樂。」梁 先生說道。與梁先生同期加入導賞員行列的黃少芳女士亦認為參加導賞員培訓計劃令她獲得一 些難忘的體驗。「想起2003年11月舉行的『中國首次載人航天飛行展』,科學館連續四天全日 開放,我有幸可以當值一節通宵班。即使是深夜,參觀人數亦非常多。當年我完成日間工作後 便回館當值,完成通宵班和吃過早餐後便要繼續上班。那一次我連續36小時沒有睡,可是還是 樂此不疲。」

“Joining the docent training programme allows me to meet more young people with similar interests, and has filled my retired life with more joy,” Mr. Leung said. Ms. Wong Siu-fong, who joined the docent scheme in the same year as Mr. Leung, agreed that being a docent has enriched her life with some remarkable experience. “The Museum stayed open for four consecutive days in November 2003 when the ‘Exhibition on China's First Manned Space Mission’ was launched. I was lucky to have had an overnight duty. Although it was midnight, there were many visitors. I started my overnight duty after my day-time work, and returned to work after finishing the duty and having a breakfast. I did not sleep for 36 hours straight! Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable experience.”

願科學館有更好的發展, 知名度提升,成為全球博 物館中的代表者,和每個 遊客及香港人必會參觀的 首選。

黃少芳女士 1992年成為導賞員

黃少芳女士帶領「糖果嘉年華」展覽團 體導覽,向年青人介紹有關糖果的科學 知識。 Ms. Wong Siu-fong was leading a group guided tour for the "Candy Unwrapped" exhibition to introduce the science of candy to the teenagers.

32 除了保持服務的熱誠外,導賞員亦需具備敏銳的思考和反應能力,提供優質的導賞服務。導賞員 黃英偉先生憶述:「對我來說最深刻的莫過於參與2010年『智慧的長河:電子動態版《清明上河 圖》』展覽的導賞服務。當時四間博物館,包括香港科學館、香港藝術館、香港歷史博物館和香 港文化博物館的導賞員為這個展覽提供服務,我們因來自不同的背景,巧妙地形成不同的導賞風 格。幸得各間博物館的導賞員共同努力和交流,豐富了我們對這展覽的知識。」導賞員主動、真 誠待人的態度亦體現於2003年沙士過後的艱難時期。導賞員郭振耀先生感嘆:「一般市民心情仍 不太好的時候,回館的導賞員就應該多主動、有誠意、要耐心、多溝通和包容,令導賞員的工作 更顯得有價值。導賞服務也可以充滿意義,只視乎我們願意付出和分享有多少!」

秉承科學館「以客為本」的信念,導賞員的服務一直深得參觀者的喜愛。「有一次在導覽完結 後,其中一位參加導賞的婆婆給我一張紙幣,說是答謝我的耐心講解。她這個舉動使我十分尷 尬,我也花了不少唇舌拒絕她的好意。」黃少芳女士說。導賞員的工作屬於義務性質,觀眾對導 賞員的尊重、用心的聆聽和積極的參與,對他們來說經已是一份衷心的欣賞和鼓勵。就如郭振耀 先生所感受到的一樣:「擔任導賞員的最大得着就是導賞完結後,觀眾拍掌聲和道謝說話帶來的 滿足感和成功感!」。

Apart from being passionate, docents should also be meticulous and quick-witted to deliver quality service. “I experienced the most unforgettable moment when I performed the docent service during the ‘River of Wisdom - Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival’ exhibition. At that time, docents from four different museums, including the Hong Kong Science Museum, , Hong Kong Museum of History and Hong Kong Heritage Museum, had assisted in this exhibition. We had various backgrounds and showed distinct styles in conducting guided tours. Fortunately, we were able to demonstrate professionalism using knowledge of different areas after discussions with each other,” docent Mr. Wong Ying-wai recalled. The high level of motivation and sincerity was also demonstrated during the hard times after the SARS pandemic in 2003. “The public was depressed and frustrated. We had to be more proactive, sincere, patient, willing to communicate and considerate when we provided services. These virtues cemented our worth as docents. The work of docents can be very meaningful depending on how much we contribute and share!” docent Mr. Kwok Chun-yiu said passionately.

Upholding the visitor-centric principle of the Museum, the docent service is popular with our visitors. “I remembered on one occasion when I finished a guided tour, an old lady gave me a banknote to express her gratitude for my detailed explanation. I was embarrassed and tried hard to refuse her kindness,” Ms. Wong Siu-fong said. Docent service is of voluntary nature. By giving respect to the docents, listening enthusiastically, and participating actively, the public would be delivering wholehearted appreciation and encouragement to docents. “The greatest rewards from being a docent were the satisfaction and success brought by the round of applause and heartfelt appreciation from the audience!” Mr. Kwok Chun-yiu expressed.

33 香港科學館30周年 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Science Museum


黃英偉先生 1992年成為導賞員

黃英偉先生帶領生物多樣性工作坊 Mr. Wong Ying-wai was leading a Biodiversity Workshop.

願擴建後的科學館能抱着 薪火相傳的原則,透過各 種展覽服務,接觸不同年 齡和階層背景的參觀者, 種下熱愛科學的種子,更 能讓種子茁壯成長,一生 受用。

郭振耀先生 1992年成為導賞員

郭振耀先生帶領「九天攬月—中國 探月工程展」公眾導賞,向觀眾介 紹中國航天技術。 Mr. Kwok Chun-yiu was leading a guided tour of “Exhibition on China’s Lunar Exploration Programme” for introducing space technology of China to the public.

34 Inclement Weather Special Arrangement

科學館開放情況 Museum Opening 1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above 1. 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 The Museum will be closed. 科學館將會關閉。 • • • It will remain closed if the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before • 若警告信號除下時,距離科學館票務處正常關閉時間 the normal closing time of the Box Office. 不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。 2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal. • If the signal is issued while the Museum is in service, the normal 2. 黑色暴雨警告信號 opening hours will remain unchanged. • 若科學館經已開放,則開放時間維持不變。 • If the signal is issued before the opening hours, the Museum will • 若警告信號在科學館開放前已生效,科學館將不會 be closed until the signal is cancelled. 開放,直至警告信號除下。 • If the signal is cancelled less than 2 hours before the usual closing time of the Box Office, the Museum will remain closed. • 若警告信號除下時,距離科學館票務處正常關閉時間 不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。 Museum Programmes Indoor Programmes

科學館活動 Programmes for families, children, kindergartens, primary schools, special 戶內活動 schools, child centres, elderly centres and other similar organisations (including pre-booked group guided tours) 親子、兒童、幼稚園、小學、特殊學校、兒童中心、老人中心 及同類團體之活動(包括預約團體導賞) 1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above • All programmes will be cancelled. 1. 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 2. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or Red / Black • 所有活動將會取消。 Rainstorm Warning Signal. • Programmes in progress will continue. Programmes not yet 2. 三號熱帶氣旋警告信號或紅 /黑色暴雨警告信號 commenced will be cancelled. • 正在舉行的活動將繼續舉行,未舉行的活動將會取消。 • If the signal is lowered 3 hours before the programme commences, • 若警告信號於活動開始前三小時除下,活動如期舉行。 the programme will proceed as scheduled. Programmes for the public, secondary schools, post-secondary schools 公眾人士、中學、大專及同類團體之活動(包括預約團體導賞) and other similar organisations (including pre-booked group guided tours) 1. 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above • 所有活動將會取消。 • All programmes will be cancelled. • 若警告信號於活動開始前三小時除下,活動如期舉行。 • If the signal is lowered 3 hours before the programme commences, the programme will proceed as scheduled. 2. 黑色暴雨警告信號 2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal • 正在舉行的活動將繼續舉行,未舉行的活動將會取消。 • Programmes in progress will continue. Programmes not yet • 若警告信號於活動開始前三小時除下,活動如期舉行。 commenced will be cancelled. • If the signal is lowered 3 hours before the programme commences, the programme will proceed as scheduled. 3. 三號熱帶氣旋警告信號或紅色暴雨警告信號 3. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or • 活動如期舉行。 Red Rainstorm Warning Signal 戶外活動 • Programmes will proceed as scheduled. 三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或紅 /黑色暴雨警告信號 Outdoor Programmes

• 正在舉行的活動會按實地天氣情況而決定會否中止,未舉行的 Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above or Red / Black 活動將會取消。 Rainstorm Warning Signal • 若警告信號於活動開始前三小時除下,活動如期舉行。 • Programmes in progress may be terminated subject to on-site weather 由於各項活動的實際情況可能有所不同,請參閱活動詳情中 condition. Programmes not yet commenced will be cancelled. • If the signal is lowered 3 hours before the programme commences, 有關惡劣天氣的特別安排。 • the programme will proceed as scheduled. • As the actual circumstances of individual programmes may vary, please refer to the inclement weather arrangement of 有關收費活動的安排 the specific programme for details. 因天氣關係而取消的收費活動將由科學館安排改期舉行或退款。 請保留科學館發出的入場通知書及收據,以便跟進。 Arrangements for Fee-charging Programmes Owing to inclement weather, the cancelled programmes will be rescheduled, or the fees will be refunded. Please retain the admission letter 有關惡劣天氣的最新安排會透過科學館Facebook專頁和 and receipt for further arrangement. Instagram專頁公布,敬請留意。 Please pay attention to the announcements published on the Museum's Facebook page and Instagram page for the latest inclement weather arrangement. 35

購票指南 Ticketing Information

常設展覽廳入場費 Permanent Exhibition Hall Admission Fee 標準票 Standard Ticket $20 團體票 Group Ticket* $14 優惠票 Concessionary Ticket** $10 四歲以下小童 Children under 4 years old# 免費 Free 逢星期三 Wednesdays 免費 Free 全日制學生 Full-time students 免費 Free * 20人或以上於同時段參觀的團體之標準票特惠價 Special rate of Standard Ticket for groups of 20 people or more per visit ** 適用於殘疾人士(及一名同行照料者)及60歲或以上高齡人士 Applicable to people with disabilities (and one accompanying carer) and senior citizens aged 60 or above # 需由攜票的成人陪同參觀 Accompanied by an adult with ticket

博物館通行證 Museum Pass + 家庭通行證 Family Pass 全年 Full Year $100 + 個人通行證 Individual Pass 全年 Full Year $50 + 優惠通行證 Concessionary Pass 全年 Full Year $25

+於博物館通行證有效期內可無限次參觀康樂及文化事務署轄下博物館的常設及專題展覽(特定的專題展覽除外) +Unlimited admission to the permanent and special exhibitions (unless otherwise specified) of museums under Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD Museums) during the validity period of the Museum Pass

申請豁免入場費 Application for Waiver of Admission Fee 凡在香港註冊的幼稚園、小學、中學、特殊學校、專上學 Kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, post-secondary institutions, universities, charitable organisations 院、大學、慈善團體及非牟利機構(所有提供補習班、商 and non-profit-making organisations (except private schools 科、語文及電腦課程等教育課程的私立學校除外)擬安排的 offering educational courses such as tutorial, commercial, language 參觀人數不少於二十人,或不少於十人的殘疾人士及60歲 and computer courses) registered in Hong Kong arranging group visits of 20 or more visitors, or groups of 10 or more people with 以上高齡人士,可於參觀前最少兩星期以書面申請豁免入場 disabilities and senior citizens aged 60 or above, may apply for waiver 費。名額有限,先到先得。 of admission charge. Application should be made at least 2 weeks 學校參觀查詢電話:2732 3220 before the date of visit and will be processed on a first come, first served basis subject to availability. ( 有興趣的學校請先致電選定參觀日期,然後才提交申請) Enquiries for schools: 2732 3220 (please make telephone reservation 註冊非牟利機構查詢電話:2732 3268 for the visiting date before sending in the application) Enquiries for registered non-profit-making organisations: 2732 3268

票務處於開館時開始售票,並於休館前一小時停止售票,科學館的開放時間請參閱本通訊的封底內頁。 The Hong Kong Science Museum's Box Office opens from the opening of the Museum until one hour before the closure of the Museum. Please refer to the inside back page of this Newsletter for the opening hours. 36  2732 3232 開放時間 星期一至三、五:上午10時至晚上7時 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上9時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 星期四( 公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館

Opening Hours Mondays to Wednesdays, Fridays: 10am - 7pm Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 10am - 9pm Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10am - 5pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and the rst two days of the Chinese New Year

香港科學館編製 編輯:拓展組 設計:設計組 (001/2021) 印刷:政府物流服務署 Produced by the Hong Kong Science Museum Editorial: Development Unit Design: Design Unit Printing: Government Logistics Department 香港科學館 香港九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道二號 Hong Kong Science Museum 2 Science Museum Road, East, , Hong Kong https://hk.science.museum