15000 People Read the HERALD. ^wyTuesday "Justice to. allj" and Friday, malice toward none.*1 and SUMMIT RECORD

FIFTIETH YEAR. NO. 104 SUMMIT, N. ]., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1939 $3.50 PER YEAR To Preach Last Sermon Decay Sets in As Asst. Minister Here Beacon Hill W.N.F.G. A. Farewell Reception for Cannundus Elects Mrs. Von Duhn Pres. Nesbitts, September IS To World's Fair Republicans File When Growth Stops A special meeting of the Beacon Files for Primary A farewell reception to honor Hears Director Vj of Camp Cannundus. I or Local Offices Hill Branch of the Woman> Na- Hev, Ralph B. Nesbltt and Mrs. tin; honiL'-vacat ion co oprr .d tional Farm and Garden Associa- l»y the Summit V. M. (". A., split in- Adult Education Leaders tion was held on Tuesday morning NesblH Is being- planned for by the Tho report of the Director of Ree-v Seeks Third Term—House J to tW.}). groups Wednesday, true A'.- Forster, Cullis, Lester and the home of •'Mrs. Wharton Green. Central l re»byterlah -Church- to be r«atlou tit tlie regular .mooting'of Apply This to the In- Speaker Pascoe and tilt! "Board. of Recrmtlon Commis- tending the WorId's Pair un lt-r .the The meeting was called far the held on Friday, ilfeptember 15th in leadership" of Canu*- tyir'tictof' N Sigler File Nominating tellectual Life in Plan- election of officers and to talk over sioners held Monday afternoon at Shepard Want to Re- the parish house. the Field 'House shows that the' lliimllton Mciiiffiu and" the oth.-r, plans for a luncheon late 4a Sep- uuder She leadership of Ted Smith. Petitions for Comiag ning New Courses turn to Assembly tember to hear reports from the Mr. Nesbltt and his family are month of July lias been a very ac- moving to Bronxville, N. Y., next tive mouth. The five playground^ enjoying a hike to hake Surprise. Primary Election Detroit convention, Mrs. Tobln of Tho.se attending the fair iuol-uil- the New Jersey Division id arrang- week and he assumes his new lead the way in attendance'for-they , Some Practical Courses were open 26 days with an attend- ed Henry Blank. Du-k Hrattt.V. McNair Out for Freeholder ing to have all the branches at this duties with the Fifth Avenue Pres- Muhlon and Hub Freeman." HiM> County Committee Files meeting and expects to have inter- ance of 25,3-18, . with an average byterian Churoh* in New York on daily attendance of l.iU. The ehil-UJendron. Churl Juran. .Hilly One of the earnest beliefs of Only incumbent In the primary esting speakers. those members of this community September 1st. (lien are kept busy each day with ;ij Klein. Russell May add Ira N-v, - office of Frederick C. contest for three vacancies, Charjes The Christmas Friendship Mar- uim h'> are giving heavily of their time vaiiixl athletic and game program, i Jinmiy lkihlwin. It.Hhy M..»r- K< Ct y Clerk., oho candidate w L. Bauer, Jn, of Eliza both, Tuesday ket of the local branch was dis- The Summit gathering hats boon a HnH( nuu MMiIi W UaUlii Sl uiv M and energy to" organize the adult ,. , . ... , handicrafhandiraftt work, dramatics,, rhythm ?'»»"F »•- ' ' " '~ hl.^'ii ts :'

Itev;- and 5|rs. J,,rW; Croat of 20^ ENGAGEMENTS North .iti-ft-t, was married Auguat Hth-to Charlie Cox. MOB of Mr. and .Sirs. J. A. Cox of Crantord. 7%* lirs. Oorn«tia Stratum Barker, of t erembh)* was oerformea by the Meadow*, Willtarostown, Rev. Thomas H. Woodley of Balti- , h*8 announced the engage- fiiore. The lntde in a gradudte of of ner daughter, Miss June Chaw City Itniyersity, Virginia. Mr, JRwktr, to Kenneth Wilson, son of Cox was graduated from college in the ashman! miuitiU-r, will ; Mr, and Mrs. K. Cade Wilson, oil NeW York. 1 M The couple will live .In ou Ihe theme, "We wuuld See*^**? **Dalkeitn ,-....Springfield, avenue,; Summit. Sunrtnltv- ' 3mua." As W. HmtAtt tegim «$,*«««» , . . , St-ptiJuher first his dtrtfe* ,«% tfte,^^^ a idea ia tliej , Miss Barker's ftah*-t was tlit» Ut./ M HUk«k j awlgUait miitteter «f Uie Fifth A«-1^*«« Carleton Huabell Packer,, head of. Mrs. C!»nn Higjginson, aan of Mr. and tijil Chureh. •{ Senator Frederick S.-Stratum-tor! Mr». a^r i$ a aaTivc of Kentucky, Mr. Wils,in, wh(.isi> father is a di-i Academy at West Point. cUms of "Christ Jesus" i* the aubi«:t» of iutd'wiks tdurastd at'Kistei-a Ken- reotor of tlu> M<-Call Corporation} l!t:::t. and will be stationed at Fort tdVky Sute.NcRnal aa» «t Dr«w and publisher of "Popular Science, all i >•». IOWM, after Septembw; o"j~ ('^igi* on Sunday, rniwsUy. H* Is ia Monthly" and '(hud;mr l.itV Mas-'! 17»h. i T hte at tiEine", attemlcl Phillips Academy,' | AuRuat 27th. •"• • • f ExMCT, N. 11.. mid Harvard College,! The f tjle only l»eKOtteti of"(he SundaSd y U*H*T.«J.J H. TTbastpitob n of ness. ; marriiiKt'<>f !iutir4ai)Khtfr, Martha Fuitnwiv, fllu of K,.ace .m\ truth." Orange w«! «JC* the pulpit. Sun- Klianor, to Edward Lincoln Hill.' ,ju|ul J*14^' i day School at "3 p. m. WEDDINGS \ HOII of Hie Ilt-v. and Mrs. Ira J. B. | • Among »he citations whltb eom-l Hill, ol Hiidgeboro, N. J., on Friday.|p,|se the lesjwn-Bermoii i« the foi-|W«lh«" C'toi^l A-M.E. Item (bvrrh Allis Hubert* , August 11th. I lowing.Inqan the Bible: "How when AMI a. m-.oa Saaday Rev. T. K.! . Miss Ortavla Roberts, ilauKliirr. ofj •MISH Canihlo was a Junior In the j j^aua was born in Bethlehem ofj Watson will speak on "Tae Trlatn-, Mr. and Mrs.""'Nich(»las HnbcitH of; Gloucester College and Mr. Hill waaijmjett ys ®f Herod theipha.BE Entry Iato Canaan." vJoshua,. MdHtolair has chosen Si'pft-nilier' a Kiathtatc of the Summit High king, behold, there came w|a« men!5:15. 12.S»J p. m., ChanA School,| 2$lh for her nianhmi' in lUyuril School, Class of TB37, ami wa» well fram ^ eaBt to : Jernfatan, And I Oscar, Deaals AJSIIIOU...Allis,. son nl" M. iantl Mrs. knowititi New Providence where he [wnei , ^ey wwe ^oine info the, At 4.» p. m- rt© resular Mis-1 James Ashtou Allis alsii of Moiit- spt-nf tha last; year-of hla High I house, they saw the 'young child atoaary. Daj:pr^gnuB .will he spon-J ,clair. Tho wvddiii!; will He JI homo School course with his (?rand-J.with Mary Jil» roothsr, ai»d fell sored -bj Mr*. Mary .ceremony. motluir,..Mra.-;George H. Davis, of down, and worshipped him: atvl At 1 p. ai.. VoaaS' P*sapi#*s Hour.! Miss Rdhorts was rdm-atid at the South .street. [ • • when they had opened, liwti'treas- Ker. WatsoS has selected "for his Klmlm-ley School. Kent IMai.tn Mr. Hill at'M;his bride are reures- , they presented uutoJete. gifts; evening aaeaasg*, "Tlere' ia, an Ac- \ S»shnol and Vassar Colli-jji-.. S!w> W. sldiiiK nil Main street, Rridgeboro. Rold, and frankincense, «ivd myrrh." cursed TbiQ?; ta ibe JJidsi of Thee" j| a member if thc.-J.uuior Lc.,min* of (Matttew 2> 1, 11). . • » . Joahoa, 1:13. Mflniclalr. Her fianc*? •prepared at The lesson-sermon also Includes The pnyw and praise servu'C on' j the ^<«::n!sj Aihivol mid \v;i/-j fiiyd- Mis* Isabel Maybervy'of Chest- the following passage from the j Wednesday ' eTearpjf,' will be in liated frrm Yah) in the clusa of tin't stt'eet. Summit and Clarencu H: Christian Science textbook, "Sci-Vcharjse of th« cSass It-aders tfl.14. H<> i« with McC.uin KricSDii 1 ind( l -stad.r will be married on Sun- Advertising A^oiu-y. day afternoon by I)r. Hanser in Wanrnsvillc. N. J. A reception, Cos—Cfwo will rollow at the Mt. Bethel ftre- Miss Alice >U Crosn, daiiKhier of llDUS4<. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOCAL AGENCY AT , IrepreTOiitlnjiJt. M. Collin & Son -of j AMn TRUST COMPANY I'HKVIFW ;iLJn)inl; ntreot. A preview was? niven of the lit 10 models, which arcj SUMMIT. NKW JERSEY At the. annual meeting on Wi-d exported In about two weeks. The; of. Ih' linn hav-e represented Stnde-' with luncheon al the Hotel i s was llaoul t'ollin, .li'.J Adverti.su In thin napcr.

FIRST rni'RCH or (HKIST. SHIMIST Summit, >. J., SS3 SrriB|nii>M Jkir. branch of THK MOTIIRR CHiritril, TIIK FJH.-sf CHl'liCH of CH1HHT, SCIENTIST, in Bust»a. SIJI*«. Sunday service M A." SI- VV.aIt»»day M^ei'os *-55 P. SI. Sunday sfch*«>I ».:!(* .\. II. ' Heading Room 15 Ma|>l« St. Open wwkdatys 12 to't-50 P. M. Also aft.-r th«! Wtdneaday . Mt called upon to get together an cco- Chop the rhubarb fine. Add the notnipal snack quickly with little su^ar, lemon juice and rind and ; ( hurrh, (ranioni, N. J. want to buy or sell something; eflotS. And at holiday time your place over medium heat to cook. COME AND WORSHIP ..friends will appreciate a jar ofWhen the sugar is melted and the are looking for an apartment or home-made jam or jelly more than mixture is boiling throughout, add an expensive Rift. the almonds, chopped fine, and the The recipes below nave been peel shredded very fine. Then let furnished room; or have lost tested in our kitchen so you can be cook about thirty minutes. Store sure your jellies ami jams will taste as jelly. Yields 1J4 pints. and keep well if the directions are Blueberry Jam your dog or watch—then use carefully followed. \\ lemon, sliced Central Presbyterian Church „, Orange Rhubarb Jam J.i cup water SUMMIT HERALD Classified 1 i|t. blueberries / Dr. Rockwell S. Brank, Minister 2 lbs, rhubarb Cut lemon in very small thin 7 cups sugar * -pieces. Let stand in water several Rev. Ralph B. Nesbitt, Assistant Minister Advertising* 2 cups orange slices (3 mcd.or 2 hours. Add the berries and let them — large oranges) cook until soft, \feasure and add •• • •.-.•.•••••• y 34 cu» lemon i-tiice ..54 cup sugar to each cup of cooked.; 11 A. M. RPV. l{nl)»h Ik NesbltU the A^Maal li«Wrr, «ill Cut rhubarb in halt inch lengths. .berries. Cook very slowly until on "We Would S Cut the unpcelcd oranges in thin thick. Cooking time approximately slices and' cut ayain in eighths. ! J hour. One quart berries when cost is 10c a line —minimum cost Combine fruit and sugar and stir to cooked until-...soft equals 2 cups. hare b«B> dt"*fontiB«H f»r tfer mmwex partially dissolve sugar. Do mi! add Yields 3—Jj pint glasses. ~ and will be iresame* In Septe«h#r. any water. Put on a low heat. Stir. Htat to boiling. Cook to jelly test Spiced ""Sckberry Jtlly of advertisement, 30c (10 to 20 minutes), Stirling fre- 1 (]t. blackberries STRAKGERS WELO)MB quently. Jcily test is shown by 12 whole '"leves tliick, reluctant drops from tlie A nips sugar *poon. Add lemon juice, lioil 2 1 stick-cinnamon niinutes more or tn jolly H-st again. 1 tablespoon lemon juice Copy not accepted after 9 a. m. Tuesday or 5 p. m. Thursday. Seal in jars, while hot. Yields 3 to VJ bottle Ccrto 4 flints. Mash berries. Add 1 cup water to the pulp, add cinnamon and cloves The IIKRALI) endeavors to print only truthful classified Apricot and Cantaloupe Conserve and cook until pulp is soft: Remove 2 cups apricots, cut small (ap- spices and/ press tlmitij.li sieve to ads, and will appreciate having its attention called to any adver- prox. 12 apricotV) eliminate/seeds and add this juice 2 cups cantaloupe, cut siniill• (ap- to the le/non juice and sugar. Bring tisement not conforming to the highest standards of honesty. prox. l'/j cantaloupes) to a boil, add Certrt and boil '/t 1 orange peel, slice and cut inminute (./nil round boil). Skim and Very thin pieces pou/ into jelly gla: -u's. Let cool Juke of I lemon tlif'n pour on paraffin. Yields 5— (iratcd rind of 1 lemon Vi pint glasses, ON ALL If it is not convenient to bring copy in, Lawn and Deck Chairs you may telephone your ad by calling and Lawn Mowers A Progressive Trust Company Summit 6-1900 Devoted to the Development of Summit Offering ail Banking Facilities MANSER Including Safe Deposit and Storage Vaults 431 Springfield Ave. Those 6-1121 Summit, N. J. .. ;••..... ^.1^. _.„_ ...• , ._ •.._ _ ...J THE Hai Citizens Trust Company of Summit, New Jersey Subscribe to The Summit Herald SUMMIT HE

B< Al«> JtECORD, SUMMIT, If. J.* PAGE TtfflW

\rm » fall Irwai flinduw naaa at 3.30 o'clock at the Lincoln where the f c the g«esf*t of AJr. ?;* f'7'iiitja.., Jr. M«iof-M:'.-School grtHHids. WCT iuv.t- will (K> held fit New Providence Short Bills and Mrs. * hflip -Hazehon of w<>! c Jtart .'iy r..«ai».a«io *»f Con-"' ***««» *re beinir conifilet*tMM Orange. »J-V(,.SS n»rnt>n returned r< - Mill surfeiv.l t' lieltf"Septow- Sfra. C*arl«s Stout and Miss Vir- fently ft w a H visit to Maikits n,,y. ritf entire Stout of Short Hills sailed jVt., wh tt a he^ was visiting Frwl !!»- jn.-itKfinR >v ittordmi. f on of Mr. and MM Fr.Vl- Saturday on the Fort Townsend for h Hurt in I«JI On' lfi>t»rrvrl* • a nuf !>i .us utH if .Mjg, Fannie Leseuer and Mrs. 'Prttk Ci o-vdttn of Park place. Short M a cruise to Halifax, gt. Pierre and nnd th•• Miss Conine,Clark tf.-r-t X.,* and Mrs. \k-hojv parents, he Springfield avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Martin of I road, 3',u)rt Jlills-, JM.|«JIVJUK am- '«'i .the t for dinner her hip Wednesday' ai^»t ••:,-,- q< :b- wa:j.>*v sill aiij' Miss Jane AHoct-o of Mariott ave- Whitney road have returned from a [urday for a vacation' at Iub pr the danc«. - hwi she. fell .off.. a in.;':i.vjw: .- tiei three weeks' vacation. From Htwitm :Lake,....> ;. J. J Deliveries Until Id P. M. ;L. M-ivn whicli " -Murray Hill, has returned tinu dl'iviui by Jostitfr Riitly rrj - -Vat- -ilia-;ii<-!,«d »«m^ 7 li(m« « two-month stay at Ope they tookfflfeboat to St. /ohns. New | MJs i ^silrJam Hutkr.. daiighVr of i*, in irches on. ami always 'llf« Ifrunswlck, motored through Cana- - fast aw,.y,. .\H Don''M«r- Hall road, Vnica. The :Mvnl.>;r the Ha rold F. Butlers of Oid Shun (', 1 Mi s da and on their return through w .ii., a -man .soon gets to ba ourred at the juiK-fiosi of Si^'iri-- J. •? "ili'wasiikcu ' - Antoinette Youngs of Hilla r aad, is spending fh"e reni.nnd- '-,„ „„ if i»r. r.l'ifir.ir '.i.:^l>ri«*?fia.st oti .Sftri- */•-" I Mrs. J-, w. McCormlck of Coiumhi-,' s\ i, We are now located In our new .and ^erl&ii^ $* corner 1 Miss Mamie i/ockwood of Spring- Kin CaMp, Hoothbay Harbor. iS. ('. "..""' •.;'. ••"''' •nreirue when t.wii curs «-:>mJft^ sud- >Ji Sum- Inion Place and Beech wood Hand, You are invited to stop in fit*ld aveque is vlt'iting lier brother- Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Neumann and ,' Mr.' and Mrs. s. Jamisoji of *;nis-' j? j< denly out .oj* Livtni'.-'fcia ;!>•• a •;* Jnspect bur now quarters. • in-law and sistt-r, Kr- and Mrs. Iratheir daughters, Jane and Louise, • venr .i road are .spending their va< a- U,.•/ i -:ii*l ?h;.s H'a.s!iiti«t!>n, Jeffer- made him mule a amW H ^.% rt- KiejmixiK of BrantwoOij. 1^. I. of West road, have concluded a tion fisliin^. in Xova Kcitta 'and <•„•' 1 nr,^:i ,,Mij j-i, v,'I.Hi.i - never Vkuif Mr an<1 Mrs -Ah.i! (hey hid fli4'ir"plctur«M which -tMisi-arul Miss r;.irk.. sh_- - - ThonMlt.'' K. Reilly month's vacation at Mantoloking. 'Newj ItruiiHwick. t ,k > 1 M:iy.w dj.-y SiiK- vva« taken- to th« off its.- u( Ur. .<*'••;'"nd "u7-!'>f|^rinKfield avenue ha»,c return* Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Barnesi of » iV. and Mrn. Frank Latham n'"i'v\ Clifton J. Strains an SiHVisfiolf'i- h---Jd uiidrt Uie Ifter an automobile trii» to Capo Montvflw avenue have returned *>n )f .'s of West road are mntoriii^ ; - from Boothbay Harbor. Maine; ! :ivc!iHu and-Infer ro oVrt*l.:ok H'W-' r-.-e:,!.^!. Com- to .'viilford. Conn., over Lniv>f |iay" H,I itat Summit. An -x-ray rt-v^ir^'l a ». ^asli ('ounril at liroJcoit 1M>IUS. DcSantis Studio Adds lV-rI«-t weather Electrolysis Department ar I>u?j; >, and l»y , The Dt-Santls Hair Studio at 3. >a? privati'- f superfluous hair from .lit ii iiEtirrs tho face, aj'ins or limbs. The new As a na'.al (IIHKIM* department »'H bo In charKO of Instant nlM Howard Evans, electrologiirt, who will operate eithef in the studio or 75c case r->}inW oi (h privately at honie. j!Sli On leaving school , Mr. Evans Plus deposit, Hay bo assort, ^anaparf Il_, Wm. Tyter Green, Drags 6 "' studied cosmetics and make up and Hoot Beer, Cream Soda, Ginger Ale, etc. it »-Xi|)le m, HBHIBJII, S. A. Citizens frost Bank BMs. ~ as i.n;ik<* up the' (\»m- with various theatrical oll8, Minn. 1 The 'beauty -department announces $1.25 qt. Lalso that the program of denmetics i has bofrn added and DeSantls is $4,50 gal. ready to give any. inforiwa'tion re- jgarding this product which deals Chenille / Bedspreads Scotfe als.? in diets. Perfection' ON THE New Jersey Congressmen I 1st— (Camden, Gloucester and Salem)—Charles A. Wolvejiton (R.) •j 2nd~-(Atlantlc, Cape May and REGULARLY 8 JO 15 yr. old .Cumberland)—Walter S.% Jeffries J 3rd—(Monmouth, Ocean and Mid- •tarts jdlesex)—William H. Sutpbin (D.) Fifth 11c posit STANDARD TIRES j 4th—(Burlington and Mercer)—D. Chenille tufting in kvo heights gives the pattern jLane Powers (It.) a 3'dimensional, sculptured effect! The design • For a Cool S; I 5th—(Morris, Somerset and part cr ]Jrjnk THE THRirT SENSATION iof Middlesex)—CharleB A. EatoD has depth and body. The yarn and muslin are Claret Ltfl OF 1939 ; 6tn—(Union)— Donald H. Mc- Lean (H.) dyed separately for these spread's. Single or • i 7th—(Hunterdon, Sussex, War- HOW YOU CAN GET ONE OF iren, parts of Bergen and Passaic) double size. Blue, greem, tan or yellow. Only f f # \—J. Parnell Thomas (R.) I THESE AMAZING TIRES .^^~~ : 8th.—(Pasoaic)—George N. Seger 200. Also 60 all white, regularly 6.50, now 4.9$. •(R) I 9th—(Bergen and part of Hud- Vpholsteryt 6th Fhor. ' son)—JPrank C Qsmers, Jr., (R.) • 10th~(Essex, part of Hudson)— Fred A. Hartley, Jr. (R.) ! 11th—(Essex)— Albert L. Vree land (R.) : ii'tli— (Essex)—Rober t W. Kea i (R.) I 13th— (Hudson)—Mary T. Norto |- 14th—(Hudson)—Edward J. Han ID.) Sale! A Group of * BOY Ul hi nsr PRICE m SET WHO ARE tM.'R tEGISLATOKS? Famous Name THE NEXT ONE 4T Frequent inquiries arc made at the HERALD office as to 50% OfSCOBHIT ... "WtaaFe ourr£i>reseijtatives at 6 TUBE AC-DC AIR KING BALlkLEDRY Washington?" and "Who are our .75 representatives at Trenton?" (MODEL ILLUS., INC. BAL- if For the information of our in- LAST) ;; AS iOW AS i-i terested citizens we publish be- 13.98 low the names of .our represen- tatives: REGVLAttWM United States Senators, Hon. W Warren Barbour, Senate Liit Sherry Chamber, Washington, D. C. Congressman, Gth Dist., Hon. Price Formerly NOW Muscatel Donald H. McLean, House of Aerotcope 11.98 A N n fOU? representatives, Washington, Rittenh D. C. RCA Table Wine Union County representatives Combination -J9.95—18.45 15.95 J U N D F 3 t H i • In the New Jersey Legislature: Bottles State Senator. Hofi. Charles E. RCA 185.00^113.00—39^95 3 Erf>izeaux, ,861 South aveniie, RCA Chainide Plainficld; Members of Aijsem- Combination MM-MS5 W.95 Vim e$f one STANDARD My, Hon. Herbert J. PaBcoe, $1.00 fir ftt fSfOMvCHllH 1328 >forlh Avenue, Elizabeth; PhUco Combinttthn-129.Oa-J99,95—79.95 .Wet: H*rt TOO Mm.. TOO Hon. Thomas M. Muir, 302 Grant Portable Battery Radios—~—36.50—29.95 SIZE for sac ta.»«f Far ForTh. SAVE MG> Bmmmm'tlim SAVf avenrie, Plainfield; Hon. John OIKOWII ITbM M. Kerner, Union.'"- Hon. Fred- LlMltED QUANTITIES. RADIO CENTER *1TU¥W0R 4.4O-21 «.5O-21 $7.20 $3.40 $10J0 erick E. Shepard, Elizabeth. f.75-19 $14-4$ 10O-I9 7.4S 3.73 1I.1t 3.71 ISLfS 1ST 7.<0 3.80 11.40 I.0O-2O 3.M I You must have the HERAtJ) if 1.25-17 f.SO 4.75 6JS-IS n.n 1.50-17 14JS 4L7S jyou want the news of Summit. I SJB-tt IfJS 1ST US-H 8.45 I2.M 432 1 will tost |3.5O per year for two 5.50-li 4.33 (issues a week. e.oo.is. 10.35 S.lt 15.53 5.IT T.06-B turn ffcf? Allow ftricat laclod* Yoar Old Tir» CH**r Jon flrapwli—Wt %mm Advertise in this paper. A 50% DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIES TO THE i PURCHASE OF 2nd TIRE ON THE FOLLOWING: fireStOltC HIGH SPEED Tireslonc CONVOY SHUT OUT Fireplace Ensemble! Pile* NOT! Pric. rod mat N«* ; mm TOfl 1 Gold Feathers, SIZE For Th* ritt50«s For I 111 Tit* OIKOUDI S Tim SAVE fttmamm tttm SAV' I 90 .Proof! FuHf9Unrt lam Distilled 4.75-19) $10.30 $5.15 $15.45 $5.15 1.40-211 $«JS $4.17 5.0019) «.sa-2il scit susi REGULARLY 20.95 5.2S-17I 13.20 t.iO 19.S0 «.M t.n-t9\ IUM UlltM 5.50-17/ s.co-rsJ Dry Gin 5.25-18 12.00 10.00 4.00 5.2S-t7\ 11J08 %m Yes, you can shut out tummer heat 'our 5.S0H/ with Jolina-Maaville Rock Wool Sturdy 3-piece cast • iron $et$ with burnished 14.3S 21.S3 7.17 i.m-vfl 6.00-16. 7.18 5.JS-HJ 1«UM SMIIiJif %m Home Insulation—ihut it out to the 6.05-18 antique brut jinith. 6.50-lgX 17.40 8.70 26.10 8.70 5.55-18 f il.fS S.MI I7.ft effectively that roomt are up to S.0O-IS 15° cooler in botteit £08- MM Above tttemt Include Year Old Tlr»—Otfc«r Sins Plrif ••^•••fi| Iw* weather. And that'* If Sold Separatelyt Reg. NOW only fcalf the »taryi Andiron 5.95 3.95 I5C Settle FOR GREATEST SAFETY AND ECONOMY Hart winter, rooms PUT A NEW TUBE IN EVERY NEW TIRE will be coxier, drafts Flrem 7.50 5.50 Plus depofrtt reduced; fuel etxta cut up to 30Jg 3-Fold Screen- J.50 5.50 LIFETIME GUARANTEE Time payments. Scad for Frett Companion Sate: Hankey N.J- NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT Boot Bannister Matching Log-Holder- J3.98- 2.75 hit. Aim viiitti* Pitri*** Vi&M«ttbt(*Un(^bit^ Ekctrk Log Fin— J.9S 2.98 Scotch List** h the Veke of fittitmt witi RkkarJ Crmir, Msrwarrtit**** GEORGE H. ALLEN HKAHTltSHOP • SEVENTH FLOOR 90c case tSI Broad *t. Tel.Su.6.*HX) 8 yra. old (i Bottle* H. CONNOLLY & CO. DJSTRIBrTORS If You Can't Come /», Shop By Phone! Use Bambergm-'s Plus depos^ telephone Order Service and Save! If Your Home £ 65 Sr.Tf.WrT AVK. TH. «-!»*« , x. JL Open Friday and Saturday evenings uotil * p. MiUburn, Short Hills* Summit or Unionviile, Call V? Bottle m FRIDAY,. AUG. PAQZVOV* THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. J.

tb«lr SUMMIT HERALD ; red? ^«rt|ktarjr! -.»%•-" .• - TUrty.Twra^ aiwl Ten MM •cmmr Tljttd «r* accident* u»»nufiu:tur«jd J VISIT HISTORIC NEW JERSEY-No. 46 j Jack Keed, soa of Mr. SM. Read of 25 Oak IUd| »r«rt«d. Ago in The Summit Herald § :.., - - *f EARU HORTER— •—; Ws #if» plewtd to aty timt no one jwho has Wen studying at 1 tonal Music Camp at Int 1*4 T tNMtMINO frm» tb. OfBc*. hurt, not even touched. The T»[»rY VKAJM itttra* f*lr nalds took tbe experi- Mich;, spent the w«# Hth at the New York We ence M« J»k» and from our view- of local «nd Ooancil KsiflHs of Oat with the Music Camper*. pulnt ih« driver* of tlie c»ra did huntera Thur»d»y at urnbu*. has elected the following [camp orchestra, choir, lltei the r€»idei)t;e of Ctmrtft offkwra: Ormwl Knifte, U«iil«l J, I fctiseiiibleti were present€ At the »»ni« time wo think the tala, Jtt lle»Uf/viiitw KWKI; li»»lde ««nr4, Bdward C. Jack had the privilege of j,j;n ;„' Dunne, Jlr.| outaifo guard, Thomai Hind singing over a major n.H» sj YUl NONTHtH KKKPIKO COOL (Nlttllld Lake, with *H aurround O'Brien; «rganl*t, Hairy I* Orw- iir ing Urrltory owned by thtf Oom- I each w«ek. He had the opnwiutijiy hen: 4ectur«r, David Flood; truj. j t() Htudy privately with OS.--.U-/J,,,. Yuiut)RMi«ra aiilaahing In water, monwealth Water ft Light CCMII- H&m, GeorgG e h.h D«^%| J V though It \w in a WuilHifc pool or «a- has Uien «*t (li« «l»ruy from a iH»rv« 11 nd Ihtt Krouiidx will bo jM»at- ra «d In a f«w day*. A kwtper has TKN VtAH-S A(JO In the boy*s camp HwinjutiH., f • and will bit in charge meet, -Jack placed .SWDIH! JU rjit_ ut-ilve ililftluMi feel lx»lU«r these liut Of all the tnembara of the Over- frct'-atyle race. clime, sticky dtty*. IMiuiN aril out for H boat and oiuli look Fish and niiiloiiHi(l«Tulilng. ThU la the song: yur AdvrrtUiliy 1tFiolVr4 Unlit iim«. i-tHX'iitly purcluuted by *h« city I' ffl DUi tllell Ihl'KlljKll UlU thoURlltfUlllSHH U Jack ShurIda 11 with a coat of tan, Flea Killer ^rafc Li!, on tilt Ueiitr.il NV«m Malirr llrioiyod until uud which IH to Im converted into a Potato 1 uf | in WJ Willlatu I. McMuni'. vlf0'pr«iil(kuit Went «ftvi- the Ship Bottom Blues. m.' Thursday. "*llfi >«llt..rtnl dll- city hall, 'Ptie pluiut wore revluwwl tbaftmmi of all f I mill imuitiKi'i' of tin- He ran a -unite, then Uv ran awhile, by .Mayor J. Ik>yd Risk and 1110111- 'Til he hud n't miy alioos. B«an|<«tl» da!.* W'jili-r <'('iiiiu»iiy, itiid b«r» «f (Jomnwn Ootimill In CWM-Thon ho «*»t hl» llHe, «nd to.fished i'UT-RATB DBl'liS m'un'.i' TIHV WHUT (miiimny IN |)ri)vlr just then Jackie, he ttmbbed clubs ago. The Uticroattuti it'uni- tn«»att«riii> ggallerylyl . . Th aeoondd his U}«. I>« 3(1, II |)it»vldi»M Mti|N»rvlHott fur HIMeUirUi y wilill lals l o contain the Oouiull And h« knew noniore '4111 Doc took children under tlie hunt*. TV-nth Ward I I'lly, b, ft>rty by aixty feet, and a t>eek -fl 112; Thin IH IliouKhl. ttaie uud money five offlceii, l>eak|»a ttwo offices for Ajid made Jackie stay In bod for u a in* inber of Ollv publican Club •• I.>•>•«! Hili.M.I, II Hir; NUtto , tlu>u«and« «he «lty clerk. A large vault will wijok. uf tlu'in, are keeping cool and hav-alao >« located near the-cHy clerk's Maya If you wi»h to be sure is a past mast l>l»ir|. ( < vuit, I.Oi'D. office, and a vault tor ih« l you'll lose ,P. '-& A. Mi. JI ing a good Um« on at loust two of iiKipd and other docunient» of the ./, sonic. Club of Hank llr«imi-.'«-»--|l.'...'.3S,STS SK. da>« «f th«» Jufct run down the beach after Ship n you mak» a Will or «vt«w *M*n Jrr( aUjV* lt.li> Wtllor With WHY TIIK ott« on «ltn»r flld«. will bo two Arthur Murray of .Pin© Cirovo ih« walfaro of your family Tall I'cdars ol apartments, each containing fiva M tt«iu« «J»tl> HUB ...iiti.', fl.m wllli avenue |» spending Jiis annual ya- d ether b«n»fidar?M thof you a member of I Nk, Kliilaliclli, M_i«rtiBlu!KJl UlilL *t for the ^ of «hh e twocatloti at Orudloy Heath. "'UTlmr Ohureli iUn.rti.i>»|j «*itv wsiwr from tii« N«w fire compte«/ Bt'tretary of tl »«t|jriil |»i||n' n»ul flu' liliilri-. t»r tii third torn) for President tion. Thin is to bo erected on theDivision uvciuie have gone to Ship incut Associal vi-'l L'" True' WMTi hai". t Ii* "fiieit- «f ITaiik TstTTOt and SttiwmU Bottom".lor:"a'"'few: "days'; " is a trustee « A««i>. l.iti.>iii . l»ii ll.'l. In , IIIIHII'I'U Deerileld Church, Bridgetori tMorrlttownTrutl Company it bi'ldt an lion w«wrt duo to tht> have deft for a nine days' vacation Church, built in 1771, during the pastorate of the a humble, log house built in 1737 just south of the nont, tax ond Invettmtnt prob* Molghta, Mtuui., where they spent to be spent at the Hotel PaHedciu a ml Klizabctli jihamm uf th« Hatch Rev. Enoch GreenV It was enlarged and a new present building. It served until 1771X when the jlsm* which oris« in evtry «itat« tho juoiith. on the east em shore of ..Chesepeak lions. ; jluw. Hut tho moetluK made up III constructed in 1859 during the ministry of,the Re\-. present church was built. ' -and it never take* a vacation^ I.MJIIT Bay, and rill return Septeanbep r A^rnililyini m iciidiiislunni wtiiit It may tiavo luck- Mearly OJW hundred children of h j Thomas W. Cattell. The congregation was organ* X«a Jmty. Council. State Ucuu, Trtnton •With the f til 1 Ii tf Hlllt* Hl'|l a - . ' On August 27th they will be joined iio Methodtst Epi»<>)pul Sunday tbe hotel by their other two sons, Our* Irutt offi'ttn will to v\ish to form; • led in numlmrii. ond tlwlr frloads enjoywl Advertise In this paper. Samuel, Jr., and Warren, who have glad to discuss Iha jubjtct tranie into tl with StirhiiflrM nv.muo »,„„; 8o||w cynical pprsonn n»».v won- Mo aiumnl plcnlo on Thursday to spent the. past two months at Campi 'Deeds Recorded at . !ni».t:: foot from newiy cHt.ibiishodi ies for ,ri'iio.m Verona lake. The trip was mtulo wifh/Ou—cgm«inon/lim«, twir rt-i-oKiiiml o>» « dutiiior- ,u,rw |,y a m»*tlHK of young men Poquasok, Wlttmau, Md. j ! 5!or!y !iI of DiaraonU Ht rOAil 'Assembly,"'»ii «>UN point tu»tIi fv>r motor IrAfflo mid women should tit* so enthuMl- by «|HHlal trolley* from Maple- | The Court Hoase S Providenc" e township. " Shepard. . und « very pleasant time «n- Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Woolsoy CAR & TRUCK atiil for pedestrian* 1'assaU- av«>-'natu* for the New Deal. For they 1 IU>uy I. Solondz and Ben M., hi "I served J oyed. ami sons of 102 Division avenue Alex CampboU. sheriff, to Passau: iiiif. which !* a compatativoly ttiir-1 mujr recall Unit the urgent ad- PRICED FOR husiuiid. to Summit (Jardens, Iij secretary of t row »tr«M>t, UIM Connolly, Suporlnt- pleasant camping trip at Lake EVERY ACTION property ai the mtui'swtioii of thopr; ;iiTty. in- the, westerly line rendered its imp «»n a Might down srmltv tfprtnp- Jal debt from »otnettiintt tlk« twenty ntemWnit of the SununU Public George, N. Y. westerly sideline of HoUevue- avo- S1.:.urnit avcinic intersected" by RUST COMPANY field -avenue .11 that---point-1* very!-titiUnnrup*to forty-ftve hllllana and r«turu«d to Buimult on nue and the southerly sideline ot northerly line of lands of We MOMttfOWN, H.i..t the Legislati widf duo to tho lutoi'sivtlon of the j there are aoiuo pump priming on- «ft«r an aitMnc? of nearly Mr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Rahmann Llewellyn road. Summit. inxtmi Whittridse, Summit. While all Of «I4 road t»«ul. which runt on a thuslaats who now w»jr we e,onld three uiiviiths. a portion of which and their daughters, who have be.eu Blue Mountain-"Farms, Inc., to tt»IMAf. «.f the coiuaU: »-um* t« the NV* I'tovuliMuv Hu^, mrrv tt dt'ht load of.slsty billion* sho w»a teaching at a auimner at Pleasure Bay. for tho months of Gordon Faulkner, property in the Advertising in the HERAJ-D! et *******tntm' •by the Legisl with th«> ix'« overpass built com- without blowing up. school In »Mtir)8VlUe, Mo. July and August, are returning to! southerly Hue of McMano avenii*1, pay you dividends. the informal! t^rtttiv^iy r«v*n«ly *m»r the r«ll- Ntnt« of the pro(«Ksar« at W««h- their home in Essex roud early In( in the two r r»>ad by th*« cottiMlwd efforts of th#|ln«ton has ywt told u« how tho YKARS A(iO September, sioii w'as of •Mate. (Huintv And ttn< ratliortd Most'itplit is KOIIIK to h« paid. Yel uo- many niembe nf th«» traffU- fottttnit «»ast over thu! k>d,v hn* denied that It utuat be (mid Yostcixlay aworuliiK two autonio- Dr. M. O. llenaley of ISasex i\wd, 1 am pariicul bilos collided at the Maple etreot and Dr. KiMii.te of Chatham, lefi I M i I I 1 II I I 11 f • »-1 I I I I that at the c «*>annnt-4utr«s U»»*n-* ftvn coti*id«>rabl«i the ]i It>aln ond be ywa taxey ors anothertheu th. o Iyounf It lga tmeo nb# bridge of the Lackawauua lUiilroad. Wednesday for throe weeks' fishing mission's *'t ana s>'ci;|i« ||u. tuterstH'tlon i>f, and women at Tlttsburgh were cer- Both were badly damaged and trip at a flailing club 150 miles turn back t l atrnuo at a *#ry K*n«r»llyjtalnly cheerlns out of turn. For he occupants thrown out andd in-north of Quehec. Ford 193&2°door $525 I".O per cent. < ured. rate off SIK«HJSIK«HJ , ,__ ThUU froj the bardeu will not only h» saddled (radio) A e*u* driven by Mrs. Jacob Juntes Hogg and family of Divi- "Thla year mak.s it dlffkult for the;on th» shoulderm of the youttK tot- ^»f Hedfwrd road Ford IQ37 4 door $395 traffW to com*" out of Pas^aic Hvojors of thp nation but fattened on sion avenue are spending their va- ' I 1 < 'lIlllllllllllilllllHlilllii it) || | | | , | \N of the Bmsi*a «u»t on Itallroad avenue at apn&r- cation at Surf City. Ford 1036 4 door $345 of tho Assen tiue and go either mwt or east and! their chlldrun and their ehlldrtn'* eirtly a pretty good »i»eed. Stephen y p (trunk) of the-Agru alw for tW» traffic which cornea j children. Cheering for the NewW. Burden, manager of the Sir. and Mrs J. W. Lucas of 82 Trade-in Allowance Hc-organizati throueh from th*'»outh on OlvUtlou j u«al, therefore, under the rlr«um- Bleotrlc Co.. waMountais n avenue are upending a Ford 10352=door $245 Treasurer's 1 av#au»1 to #nter Spria*field AseuueisUttt^ ml«ht w«ra to **««* obs#rv- bridge «olng north f days at Seaside Park with Mr. ew (nullo and heater) "As Chain wuhout co«»JderahJ* delay, N(H«d-ier* a little Uk* th* man who UW Maple street, when he reached and Mrs. H. \V. Salmon, Relief Ct-mni !•*« to wy u> i>«*de!ttr!an* KOIIIK Itt about to be rwuU'd. applauding he corner at which point he had Plymouth 1936 one of the r< he right oC way, he saw Mrs. •a* oo(p of: the dtr«K-tiou« this inter-; the tallow who i« abinit to It i« a aav.tnt aaya, to Coupe ..;-.-:—•: $395 rncinplayme 1* danei«r«us A»uriu«t If. MI tlw» o4ht>r hand, the Schwartt'a iNftr and he preserve vegetahlt>8 by giy | OH Gwifdete, EASi 1 ..I* introduced tried to pass in front of her car tosoil nils. Thus the, tenor * who wilts j •'••'•'-'- v(e««nertlble) munk-lpalltie the number; debt la to bt»"cancelled by repudia- avoid a volllston but his oar wastia might Ivavo u totally different ef-i of rtnlldren which use tht» routejttyn through latlattoQ, theo thl» •truck aknmt In Ut« middle and Att« an adilt- old alike. fr&moot the bridge. ixr. lielli've that tioaa! hatard It must be true. th«r«tor«». that Mrs Sch»rarti and her cousin The next President should be i at? Springfield Ave. Summit, NJ. ** •«» ill be part i Ktsewhtro in thU t«*ue «ill t»e aouto" Or*eub«rtt w«re thrown out when the Young Itemocrct* were man who made his money. Instead Open Evenings soy. found a suunuary of a O«HISU* of they warn uot thinking of ltd sustained bruise* and cuts. Mr. of inheriting it.—Atchison Globe. "At preset! traffic at thl* tntemectloa taken Borden and. h>it »on. Charles, were a halt ofiitury of hurdensumie taie». l*o thr\»wn out. Mr. I*ord«T# Joint Legish «*#r a we#k-««sid thi* month by theNor were they contemplating the is tonductin w»r« wr*nehed and the the tost and I'Hiaa County Highway twelve million out ot work. There boy was badly wratchinl and bruis The large amount of traffic must have been auother IttaplratKm lief in New . ed. work of the od at tttk poiet and i he danger* of (or their «nlhu»i«*m. t'ould It be bosun, I feel tho *ttnation as we hate outlined Ji*b«? If so. The WMI End Country Club fortunate ch would *r«-sn to demand th»t then the knew what luMnjvtoiwhl|> w»* won lu*t week nioii racking Co. the iiivealig; they w#r« enuring about. H«r« I* by S. Ulrard Kent who while, result careful consldier-" the fcureautrallc record uf ihe New £lnjx SUMMIT. before the ei ilioa to thp »e*Hl of an adequate for five yearn #inr«8»e4 In olub i'up t(.Htrnam«4i( $-3, fused leprfalt VM* O. H. Kt'odal 4-58. S-€. 6-4. j —* fcUffala »«IB» the lowest |»rlt* slarer^J 'p«**lbl«» lor the finest In the men'a handicap tourna- qwilltks of prime, frv*h ot«at% and poultry. For Instant: radio in ttti* *««.[ <•«"*• 613.015 hearl f1r*« lK>mv« wwr* ivvt>resHl,! KKKSH KII.IKII. f>n Septembc 7-4. 5-T, 6-2, iak**.imri'u-utar In! J«n«». : >\"'» ui-uiliMn nviu t*o, tt-t, u-». illy propo Jtin*. t«: $41,664 |«-4. Other »»tche» In this toarn»- changes wlii rwHUins hi* or » ft»Uow»; Kln« de Broiler$orFrying Chickens lb.21 c. June IMS i.tlation, I w b«> nut mm m «>f (J.S lb».> X*. 1 tirade «nily Interes defv»uxt Item «-0. 64; Kent FOK YOUR OlD 's to see to Cltft i-4, $•*; King defeat- Itt the MODEL 539A properly aii> ed WASHER . . . . Jersey gets tMhw tournaments art? •tilt Prime Chuck Roasts ">• 16# EASY Ironer with awing* .why Randolph Mulors, Inc. 1 Scfetr ing table cover. line. to in match** In SHOt 1 UIK OF Ct:Xll\K If YOU "After tw> Holds Annual Outing SJTSK5JSS *, ture. I real radio iouj that It Mlen'a double*: Kont and Ben»i>nj rh*>*>d We assets Is ex Motvm, IiU'.. »vf 3UUU«fiMU\i llfrry and Van Oise, 6-1. j lie able to Mi»ml of thi* disvour- h«W Us «auu*l outin* S-J Spring Lamb lb. 14c BUY BOTH NOW year than in sctura tut the |^rc of «otue ois Sunday In tl\if torn? ot * ft»hinm , Mls**< doubles: Mr. Kins and BOXKLKSS <>d I will oo ta Summit brought' lift the HUhUnd#. Special ;M1M Eleanor Kin* defeated Mr measures I ?o oar attention reveutly \i u «u««t mm Major and Him Alden 6-3. 6-3 c cUmted that the poU.v l\ Arnyr. Other* j single: Mr». Thornton! Cross RibRoasts or Steaks lb. 25 The chance of a lifetime to "retire" your old energy- Mir h#Ij» iu (juW'.Utjj the |su C.f Mr* Burra* «-4. ?-5: Mr*.I KJiiat^th ' K, O. \>u CA*& defeated Mi** AKk-n' Sliced Bacon Pa*. H IK He destroving,ReiKe-?ack:r,c;,tin'ie washing washer and own Via Van a complete, new, up-te-ccte EASY Home Laundry. PORTERHOISE (Sasar tur Knit*. Re «N|NHr»tw» a radio at it* or Loin Lamb Chops • ,.i ' * ' • bl«Ul.T radio the Just because your washing machine still runs at as Kvai Ooutury on drive Sugar Cured Bacon tht of Ihte SIRLCM^S STEAKS A {much of arritu <*ud *H*i is no proof that it is doing a gentle, thorough and Steaks lK3le wcshir.cr job. Have you ever noticed lint in the ha* Boiled Hams ••, tv 19c bottom-of the tub after a washing? If so, your «Aurrn. i Mr. Style* tntr w*tj 'till lb. VtlLKY clothes ore being beaten- •worn—every time «w a 27 Fresh Creamer) Bolter 21e you wash .them., BOTHFEET $1 At Bait?!*«*: tkliUI* J, •,v«»a. TELEPHONE SUMMIT 6-1350 ia tjh* i Trmt-FRiDAY, 3 to 6 p.m. i »l an in S»IOKED GALAS (Short Shank).. lb. 14' * • JFIIHFY rf\niAL POVVtll & IICIIT III. JIG. tS, 1939 THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, StJllMIT, M. J. PAGE

will «IH»O»« U»ose I lieve are bad." inndWate from Ilitlsidt E. Kramer of Hillside Tuesdayfunimlly filed his petitions eaittttihinK several hundred name.* Large-Attractive of Union County Republican:* eir- dor&ing hi* candidacy for a m>tiiber Open Late STORE I of the Board of Chosen Freehold- er^ The petitions filed are a part by the Penrt-of the 7,026 signatures garnered Friday to 9 P. M. 49 a er8Se by friends' throughout Union Coun- BRAI * ^e J y ty. Kremer's committee on vacan- mm- a mwnber of thecies conalsta of Klra. Katherine M. Saturday to 10 P. M. r *f«iMr, of <• CommerceCard of Summit, Robert K. KVJUS \ 8A.M.to6P.M. lated with formerly was a Freeholder candi- Service ill ami civic or- date hut withdrew in favor of .Mr. Kreroer., Wed. 8 A. M. io I P. M. Summit, N.J. Kremer la making hi* Initial bid Where Quality is Priced Low-Save the Most on the Best for public office at the urgent re» quest of hi« n*any friends Who f«el that his years of Interest i« l>ehalf 4 he would be aof the public, hla knowledge of the two vacan- budgets, his private business train- From far and near we ruth the finest quality footls' ?t»f Chosen Free-J Ing and his familiarity with tlit' af- ' nth'a Pi'ijnaryifa'r's °^ the county, would make him available direct to our modern markets for your selec- Inutloii imlttoii3 uu oiitHtandiiiK Freeholder. Mr. Kronier is « graduate of New tion. Over I80O regular everyday lower prices help at- York University where he special- you save IO % to 50 'V on your purchases. In every coveted tiomina-I '/-*'|1 'n business administration. He •ally admitted that!ffmiier'-v 'K'W a responaH>le-position. department you benefit from our policy of selling closer >ng eontender this! wil'1 one of the country's largeai present vacant-It's! utility corporation a. He is als:> a to production costs while you fill the market basket j his last attempt,: Kradua^e «f the Now Jersey Law with more lood for less money. We invite you to come voteLexceeded that | School, iwtiiceeasful candi- in and "Live Better for Less.'*

lie County'8 twenty • m,^. .*. lid,' by a subHlan- Morris County ceived a bigger vote NOM-Di-UTE Zestful Lima Beans Cheic* 2 Quality MEATS with Better Value for Less Money :iunty than did. any Attracts Large Crowds in that group. MBCRITZ Pf,2lc ii estate iuid insur-J After months of paln.stakiijK ar- Elizabeth aud Tenth { lanKltiK, the Morris Grange on Salad NBCUneeda Biscuits 3>^ 13c s»or, 1H active in po-Wednefijjlaj y threw open.the gates to Ha Grange Field in Parslprmny and Troy Hills and mhered in the first Stuffed Olives C25c «"ed with • numerous day of Ita four-day fifth annual Uo DUCKLINGS . vietitii. He is a pwl Morris County Pair. The fair, Mayonnaise uf « 19c Neil MeU'od'AsHo- cliartr-r member of the dining the past four years CRAX Battery Fresh drawn, 8!),a«t muster of Essex Ix)dge 49,i bi««:iyors'Ass'ocla- j Lincoln Y. M. C. A. tions. •" , • j Orange Pekoe Ceylon lilyiuan Shcpard »* Run j The Lincoln "V" baseball teain' 1 With the filhig of my |>tltioi), I' defeated Ihe Berkeley HeiKhta base- l»kK Smoked Bacon Squares to foniia'lly unnouuc* ftiy en-i ball team Monday at Memorial < Del Monte tranie inta the Itepubli<:aiipriihai'-i Field by 6-4. j ... for ri'iiominatiun to.thelenerar Forty perscais attended the Fi'i- \ Rob Roy Beverages Spiced Luncheon Meat '/2 1 Assembly,"'saya Assemblymt| Krisl day night social and danced to the^ full 32.oz Tomalo Sauce 6S25c qt hot Shepard. ; recording* of various swing bands, j 23c "1 served as a tnenvber ad thoi Exhibitions In the various dancc'3 Ilevcrag«?s full 32-oz Boneless Cross Cut Roast Refretary of the New Jerseyrjnom- j were also given by members of tho Sleigh Bell deposit) 2 qt. lx>t« Plate or |/!o.vinunl."Relief OtwntnlsalouiWiltHj various clubs. can rendered its final report ail •TCC- Six "boys returni'd hcnn» from Tetley's Tea « 2Oc: S?"'39c Fresh or Lorned Deer oimm-ndations to the Governr «ihd Camp Osceolo Saturday. Nine more Tender Chuck Steak "• 17c I! Sliced BoiUd Ham the legislature late 'u Jauary. Inys are still at the camp and hav-' : Boscul Coffee Z 27c While all of the njconvnienuttoiiH' liiK a swell time. Fickftd Pig* Feet *"IOc Skinless Franktuvters »• 23e < f the coiuniisslon were not ai>pted The usual Friday niicbt sot-ial •by the Legislature, niany wer «mlwill be held tonight. Junket Freezing Mix 2 I*B* 15c the information and data contluied! Mr. and Mrs. P. S. A. Johnson tb will return home Labor IXiy. Palmolive Soap <^^ Sc in the two repurta of the coirnt8-| BUTTER Super Suds t,iue?kK 17c inissidii's work we were ablitoj on Mars. If it's green, it must be turn back to the state ireus-lsl vegetation; It cun't^be envy.—•In- Red Pitted Sour •>• <".o per cent, of our appropriatioi^ dianapolls News. "Tlila year I served as Advertise In this paper. Louella Butter of the Emergency Relief Commit % Pie Cherries ..of the Assembly and as a niemit Winner of over of the• Agriculture. Economy al New No. 2 93 Score 5l land .with car Red can fi'Pttrnate cholee in the director of completely serviced 19 and with gas and oil 5 Mother's Joy Pectin -.KIOc the 'investigation and that worth- s ( I 1 while results_will_be- accomplished-! d to assure safe_and_hap- , 3Or Mild Store Clweie^ ^^ Best Print Urd before the end of the year, j j, 4flvlnR—economically! Be CiderVinegar ^'ar gJ B 7 u ••» 23c Sliced Bacon •"> tp see us—we'll be pleased " Rich Store Cheese ^ <^«« "After the passage of Ihe Race; n n» Track Amendment, I served oirther M *fp-ou. '-•••• Danish Swiss Cheese '39c Best Harcjariiw-yel^Tbie committee that drafted the pro-j Coffee Imported Roquefort Che«se 25c Princess Margarine I'imed legislation creating a. Racing j TO Repairing 15c Commission. I plan to attend tha; Richer, Better, Fresher Muenster Cheese Edam Cheese j.ublic hearing on this legislation Ing - Polishing -"1A|S^ r*-.^.* Longhem Cheese Baby Gouda Cheese »6c *.n September 11th, and, if there are Win-WreSt Shefford Chaese 25c iiiy proposed amendments or repared For State Gold-N-Rich Cheeso I8c changes which, will Improve the leg- 2 "»« 29c islation, 1 will support them as my tion On Weaver •mly Interest in legalized gambling afcty Lane '.s to see to It that it is conducts for Inspection asco properly and that the State of New Jersey gets the maximum of reve- 2 ^ 35c Iceberg Lettuce ring.. nue. ' Soft Twist "After two years in the Leglsla-, Mother's Joy TT) can 2OC Crisp large For Salads and ture, I realize one of my greatest, ITE'S Solid assets is experience. I feel I will Supreme Bread Vucuunt Packed Ib con head .4 »rt"B.I«. . !><• able to serve even better next p Supply Heads a» Zoning Board eft •0% |arSe IQ1 year than in the past anti if rcelect- MIT AVENUE' 7. U. Smith. C. A,, M I will continue to support 4hose 49 Summit, XJ. Farmdale Poultry Feeds Joss, Howard A. Dodl, measures I believe are good and I i Sound Denlke, KUigsley Q. Oven frwli on purchase ie on thf imrt-husc (Growing Mash of u 3-lh. run <>' CltKAH • WIIITK Jumbo Calif. Honey Dew F. B. TOTTEN Repjir^ur Old linrlcnipitt lit the Faimlntr Mi Deeenttlaf ic« IIIH jirlri', 43c. Calif. Crisp Tender Carrot (Nut Km id iiftrr on Lowe Bros. Paints I »Oth.) Imperial Wallpapers Rates t Reason 2k Italian Freestone T«l. Summit 6-1570-W Meat, llnttrr, Vita anil l'r«. N. *. Siegels Stationery! .dace \nUrs tffwtkt to MM« tM SFRINOFIELD AVft Thone 8-2191 [IT, N. J. Yi*4^ AUK. »•>• KEftltt oAm£ALcxin Stems Co-.to limit ^uantltki*.


I::-..,...". '^.::.^,..rtu.'.iA....L •*Mtm^. - Uelliiis at Mow the, pry*? set bv,;it<»!iv, so (pected father'. Chancery Sort Against ; Falr Tratf& ^ vs-VnuTp^itsi "firTc«»*b-.^-: m At Lyric Today

ier 0f y«u try to tMitihluc habit*. a ntunbtr of items at cut-rate * WiieB interviewed. Charles J. . Newark, com«ty anything mkht h.ip|»t



.•5 -v 4

1 Kxtra rj Id •>-» Satiil* i'l!. . - O'i\« t*tr> .s.i.i M.». .s V-at: 3 I '.*•%' >l . 1 ..n, !IMI..\ .' " .1 l.>i > T'it.ti 1 .'• . i'.:t .• .!. •> ^ ••SOUS OF LIBERTY* ~\ •se^. Claude Rains Mi. \M:.- r

r ,F U... .'- ji> — *«*'* I Sat. Fi«\ »t II |>. m. ii i.»i tin --'i .''..I Ti:in . <•! V" L^J 1 i« .H-.II>; in . If 1:1 ' 1" 1-. •Jm ;t;i- Sj*e*Jwa>" with John Payne ami Ann Sheridan isj YOUNO i'oui' * > •prlvat.' family. 'Last of Hie Mohicans' nit 'y?. do plain <'*'olslr li.i lllllflK. W'M aft.T 8.30 V M* V MOV anil Tl I V T V, ITS TRUE! By Wiley Padan n.,\ 1 1 ••r'ir t« I; &JTI ••'H K -•in i

in Im v^. Lift a frosty glass of Bfeidt's to your parched lips—and»quick as a

.-< (i.il.-j ' " "' "" A wink, you notice the difference. IMe is b^er without bfte or bitter- I,': „„;,'•",;;',»,' I,:; i fc;,:|-P»rs«it of Happiness- at ness. ^Beer smoother, more mellow than any you ever tJsted! l -.* Reason ? Reason-a-plenty! For Breidt's i^br«ved not from to (vsiK>nslble l t"!] Paper Mai Playbwise OBHUl, Kt-altc. three but 4 ingredients. From fine malt, choice hops, crystal pure .iM.hr,. l water—and TIME . . .Yes, TIME—the 4fh fngredient—the 1 * . ui *' H part of the beer you taste but never see! Slowly and patiently, Breidt's acquires it| magnificent, time- ripened-flavor ..,;.«not by artificial carbondpn, but expensive, - ANN SHERIDAN ill A i!J.'"(.'f"«ioutVli' I Everett Horton at . J r- week-after-week Kraeusening. Why don't ym treat yourself to iin|iritwiiHinlHp PAT O'BRiEN-JOHN PAYNE W Maplesood Next Week ' cool, tangy refreshment—with Breidt^—tod\ Kxfra f»u«. Sal. j \ "Man From Sundown" i FUBNIHIIKD fiy. Charles Starrett KKO.NT room f Murphy, 21*. W: (TiMFit nxjin, lioxt st'i , GEORGE v.iii.nt to li'i!' \ \ > l .» j -. \MURPHV tial sivtion, $4 HHKillT,-cool l home, newly < . tiir.-, plenty I - ^i-i-v -i (l.nlial wctlon rnKN'KU rwim i M yoiirijf laity, t .V T.I. .Summit 6 ll. in private hoir livrlllli-, or K»'- . 36 . i: > I t .\ t HKItALt) «ffl< TARRV ATW rtxim wll THE Neiv York. N. Y —"IT'S TRUE! that Ann Morriss has had a single room.,!!' rapt-. 185 Hum V ^ story accepted for publication," says Wiley Padan. "Ann.who also is a student and gradute of music, is an accomplished pianist . . Gcoige Murphy provides a romantic interest for her in M G-JI's 'Henry Goes Arucna.' George went to the same prep H T ~\ t » SAND school as Robert Montgomery .. . IT'S TRUE! that George EVERY GARDENER «\H«;K rarnnr Murphy was a runner in Wall Streetwhen he met Juliette Johnson, hath, at tract h a clever dancer, who became his wife. She encouraged him to fast -optional. dance and in less than a year they became a leading dancing and s^pag team on Broadway and in London and Paris!"

I1' arm V -« s BEAUTY HENTTS Blackburn's Bc»ok (lives m-mt 1 Late Summer La^n Hints -i ^ \ This Book I'LKAHANT fro IV down. Tel. Su mlt avfl. ltOOMK, with ( tiilili-. 265 Spr ///V/, ., mlt fi-0068. 2- BIG-HITS - 2 \ .. To Aid With 3*! SCSI! 881 Ylli TWKtlfilW! — 186 .SUMMIT a MAPLEWOODTKEATER Planting /» //'/W rent. Nil 1 V v \\ , i , 1 v A'lTK ACTIVE HUH or t^aoti bath; central noin«t\ plinmv Sutnttt ">i HIM.uvi nr in \i.\ and

M. T*i*^ Awe. 2\ 29- - Wm. Gargafc Irene Hervej n -Till: (OV\TV>T \\ 1 Summer Harvest TIUlKE roonis In a! and hot "THE HOUSE OF FEAR" iiniro 10 Wall "SECRET SERVICE AtEXANDER KIRKLAND OF THE AIR* iLTIRATISK ^ ^ Mili Ii WHITE* OBHW H»c»*) Jftin 1 he! TIHtRR rooms ga.3, elcctrlclt E X PA N SI OH FU UIT „.. * ... illHlt'ti. IS'I eft wi;h {r;>)fl<'ii lia.tr. flcepM» « «*^;: * IRDIV MTI: ^ i I V *f HAPflNlsS' pink anfl whst< rUi» Khoulfl ero- Kit RMt«iHt<'ll r thPIr Kk!n rt.k>rii:C. AfleJ- *Pf A'lTH ACTIVE would be so .. _. g-n,, -iiii is c«THji)i-t*a .Mary Beth Written by Ben BLukluini. Extension Spcciali.-f :n ft ndscape Gardening at the Col- lu'in.', HvlriK n tirufrbes rt-itfc' over bet licilroom, kltt ranniiis * rftdlLLT-flU * to t.v* ILB siddf3 Rlow. It Viiti- I'ntraiKM tnrbs the n^igln y, < ,i \Ui-« IMti.l 1» lege vi Agriculture, K.jit£cr> t'nivcr.Mty. it Cf!i .jiWpraCtical suggestions for each R.'trnRi>, ntori bad «*reral <**•*' * • •' • R I 1» S t*oasi acttoa on tti XRECORV'S PIPER MILL week of the yearr u> hdj, uu hcaniity y,, home .i'»cnjoy your hobby. 55c & $1.10 } nr I'XI'SIIAI, 3-r te£»mfao}ds in SUIT n ll « OBM Hii}»}W'i! , «M>m 27x13, 8 to oar attention rece» PUrHOUSE K- Mr*, riickwiHil Inmi clfttraed tliii tl»p polic* ^ 1 hurt j. rooms, 2 bi nought for Jwlp in Quic!ink • hu! waltor, Sum l«rb»a«> but tMt «v<-n th totlw^fumders have Woat nron who p THE SUMMIT HERALD has a sup.lfoB these books on hand which r&io *t lu loud^ in kiffels- 4tats>a ««©«*. The n. may be secured by bringing a copy of ihjf advertisement and 50 certts -bitiii.jxf-to -ink*, but Chjjiil«er of Com- to the HERALD Office, 357 SpringM P'enue. If ordered by mail stor* ftfcnsc it la a most usse huild Menu;: Ramifr ?b«' a!id -roFain it* postal charges extra. I borly fiwfetoa. KOOflB H ;.'i.;rci taiif'St pmh Suites. That dugtit U LAWIS! Helen Mills Jacoby Secure Your CopxM Uis Attractive,Clement, Scientific Hand Book : Tfcr*« tkir m*M* •• me •' Stadia Wm K\a;;^.Tiat.K"n nf thf tirrhivet of «r*« all oa » mmmm'* :!.<,. ! -!:dr>n Pdri shnwp thKt the the Corrective 'Exercise r TIME IS \0 DIUF.CT k;C :n i??f 14th f-miurj-. And ihf Only ¥)c 1 PAftMLSTfLACE ' SUMMIT :.i;V didn't fvrii 1;IIPW how IK *j»P,in ':.!<:.-•'.« !tf HERLCLD «-ien buyi


'%%•*.. > i.i •tEQAt ADVERTISING i »*•*« m t > 0 1 Tta Cuban stars lnvade j The "Pirate*! Athletic Club or Home Ruas Factor >: OK i HA " " " Cardinals Routed ' j " ^|SSoflight; EVERYBODY READS [Pluintjeld deslrws bookings with i Take nutif. that l.;twr,-ik<' C. ; : K a light Isenior fully, equipped football I Hatsljiii; tor a ii«>n teams averaging 150-1U0 pounds. | By Summit Diner M», . <„ r .,»:,>,, ,J Madison Tomorrow As Diner Wins, 4-3 ;iil<.f the- I'ity tif Summit fur .1 tru first division i»f thf e International Classified Advertisements Josep.li Ilminagan, 71 Somerset i«t a l'lriiary Ht-tail <'i>ii.sutu|itii :i il- League to qualify-(or !h«* animal IfllMj' U'olll |tn'l|li.-l^ ,H 111 l(.(,-hwi..H street, Phtiiifield, is the manager. ' playoffM, ih» Xrwark !i»»ars Ten Cents a Line •rend. Summit. \Yw ,hv>,.-y, U< iir.-mi.-.- The Pirates open their Class, A Champions Post Only AH'Cuban Team in iat lfilK Hrnhw.x.d road, Summit •thf Baltimore Orjni**» at Tin- Summit-Diner defeated tli« October 1st. 1 Opj sot accept** after f «. w. Tuesday or 6 p. a. Thursday. 11-0 Triumph—Tedesco : Stadium tonight. The gam«- !»t>k;iu.s U. S .-—Member of Negro Xi,nli .Summit Struaka, 4-3, Utt Olijn Hoiix, If ;tny, ^i.mill In- nvMl at 9 p. ni. and it will IR- ladles" fltiimodlutrly'tn willing i«i Kr.il.ii.k r Uvlh, NVw Jersey. Holds losers to Three National League—Game " nltfjtt ai Slemorial Field ,in the flrft The HERALD endeavors to print only truthful classified ada, City Clerk • •! Summit N J •K.iv-h hulii.r must jtulmtit with the night. of a Ivvuoiil iil-liiife K a tin- S«riW| UWItKXCK C. Fl.ii(U>. bid a urtifkuii' from i« Sur.-ty I'win- I Th*» program, .marking i\w fibnw- ,Un tic- i ity .Hdftliuli tli:iiu|iioHHhlp. • 4 will appreciate having Its attention called to any advertlae- d : August 17, I'.f.V.i. li'L'-lw Scattered Hits Carded for 3.30 n imny st.isiiiK tlistt »u< li Surt'iv -Com- | coming of the KrultM fmni n* la.-*t sTIu- vontifst, started uti(l«r llireat- moot not coafofmlBf to the highest standards of honesty. Itany wsll provide tin- Cditr.utdr with in iht> r.iiiu ainl with »urh /• i /* f northern trip of the season, will in- eirnir' skii'M, was t'oiicludi'd ia t its art ri>iuir.tl l>y tin- S|x- a Boast of Fast Outfield ^ie,uiy (Irtzx:!*? which*Heui-many fans Notice is h.rcl>y tuveii lli.it we hav.- I IltiollN. Cards Conquer Caseys viu.i,the -lOrtth anniversary of husvliait. sriii'i-yiiiK under the shelter u( near- tnlurned uur store premises, ' Nil. 4! Ivn h hid tiiUMt In- itccom|i.iTli«(l with t'tiioti I'lii.-c. 'SutitTittt, N. .1., iiud liitvt- a certified ilieck fur at I.MM ten lier By BIIJ, M'l'AS An ulil-ltnu- jjanie fllayt-a anonliuK by itct-.Mj The ssecjind (jaioc will ba "HKLP 332 SPIUNOFlKr.JI avt-., 6-rint-nl«, $50 (Marat tiik'.-'lt : 111 < i i 111.11.11 j>ri-iiiisis adjacent i.nt (Ki ; > or the iiiiK'unt «•!' ihn'lVldi,; Tlte Summit"'"Wiicr outclassed thef1" Uie <>W rules hy.players in coa- jiluyt-.l luiiiulil an4 lite tlunl, if thereto and mak- :ip(i',ii-iulon t«> Hie as required by Ufa- Sjieiiticaiious. Is iKH-essary, will lie.HtaKcil W ..«„,rlt-nwd, wanted to mow I. Wuiff, ivi.Ams. . '•• I"1*"*' »>rt'fer hrlnB Wwwt">- ;-Crs bidding U|HIII ilils work Is; • , „ , .. . : ' " ... , colorful display of lirfwmks will jtiill dlHtriliuliou license to liiiver 1 less but Jimmy Piaiiu broke Ihe ic« Summit f-2889 or «l»3!t. KStf Cluipler 2"—Laws of lt»3l to WID (he right to. face the North als0 ^ par, oj |he ,Vbr»Uon. ipremLsfs at- 41 t'nion place and th» Summit Streaks In the play-off for . , . f«r the Diner lit the first half o{ m?d M'U'I hav« references, health BE1CCH WOOD APAIITJI hJNTfl, 145 •••nlu.rKvd pri'tnlri.t-K t.i In- known us -l."» ('liiililf-r »:j—l,uws.,of l!t*M The Bt arg mm the OriuK s (6 the third with a home ruti to deep | fnlon (tliice, Suimntt, X. .1. Ch^jitur 2*Jtt~UiwWof 1!»12 the city softliali crown. It was. thej aft#rnooa at % p. m. and '! ,i whit" mid color**: also m<»- 149 Woodland avenue; several desir- muPPUW t'enU-r. Two-haKgeiH by Turn Fin- '. rJ in Int-rs, white woman n» |»rm- ably u|*artmiiitn fo.r rent at rentson- ] OiijeitloriH to transfer .coverlnj,' thes.- Chapter 277—I..Ws «f ll#3;i third straight Hhutotit recorded by; then eugas* the Jersey City (Hants ,'W, L Knollww* Rtnt.loyrrwnl ahte ridfs; quiet neighborhood; no pri tniai••& should l:i* made in I'Vulctick chiiptt-r- i?»—lyiw.s of i:*;i2 the Dinur over the Cardinals whom, in a twin bill at Runiwrt Stadium neran and Yannotto KUV* the Diner through traffic. Inquire of Huperin- • ', Kentx, City Cl.rk .if Summit, N. J. .tiwtiher run in the fourth \> re nil.sea. U-U S. M.U.IKH ,1- SONS, lm. bill begins at 1.45 |>. in. A S Streaks' tied niutt-ctrt up in their half 1", liCiS. hi rein adVcrtiseiK year, js^O and 3-0. Erato Tfdesto. Tlu- Hoard rySvrvivs the right to re- double-iiesder with thf Jayv«« ul the inning on a walk, two , n«ral, while, •»» KIHNIMIIKK APAUTIIKX'T TO I,KTi Officers; Thomas Hallsh, president, Diner Tlinger, was in form Wednes- r jee t any or a.l/IIHI.K. ' • Giants will Jw played htr« Septem- and an error. 1 I4 |. .22 Morris Avenue, Summit, X. .1, , C«iM.\JJTTKIC OX IMtlDCKH, day us he held the Cards to three in; paanaarfrt. part time; THUKK-lUiOM--•v.firt'irii.-nt. 48 1522 Morris .lam<•» (i. Hrokiiw, ('lialrmun hits. ber 4th, Labur l>uy. afternoon. Tbo Diner look tlie lead iu the »l«, iHM>r«t* hand tint vard. Tel, Summit 6-2971. HO-tf j Avenue, Summit, X. .1.; Will.- Itiilisli fifth as l'jaiia was wife on an error, MoUlncude, secretary. !>?i .Morris Aw- JolinYl. M. iVuilley. KH-2 The Diner sewed up the panic in SI* rnii', Summit, X. J. All stink 'held l>y the firm tuning an five num weiv Hiole. second and third and loiuped above officers. N>rrl("K OF -MUST MKKTINC. recorded on six hits off Hurry Law- ho nit; on MCCUC'H Mingle through 1 Tbret-Mr »WfC -T«i|. TWO rcdms, ;liatli, .with or • without Wall and Cubbins Top Nlldlt. Ken!" Strand kiUllini'tte, suitable IIUHIHIHM (.lUiile, ton. A double by Abhle Treinrroye, Thrfc Home Kan- IX in- .II:I!SI:Y The first lm-i'tiiiK <>f creditorH in thn two errors, and a lilt by B. Tren- WANTED 4 hath; 7 mliiiitt**' walk station, ini- natter , of AMiKUT -K.-WllWOK, grove Kuve the Class A League The i;ainc was featured by three vut«> family. T.-l. afivi" •> |>. ni., Sum- J'oClariiu c' C. .\!artiii and l.iiia Ituthn ltankiu|it. «>f *i2:i Madison Avuiuc, in Mt Freedom Card mit (I-422S. lul-2 champioim two more in the third hiMiit' runs. Ti;ii Finn* ran, win ol'NT. r.iuple wIsJii•H position with Martin, his wif«-; Charles 1.. .MirtiH ;l tin- City of t'ktliificld. County of UiiUni, , hail ;i siiiKlc atnl a doiihU*, citnnic!- work alone, rriti Aulnvy H, Martin and Klleii/lt; ] will be held at tlu- lliuikruptoy Court 4hd tliivc counted in the fifth on a ..rtv-iu- foniilv, will or Unfurnished. •««• or (louhle'by Tom Finneran, a single Hiinky Wall. ed for a I OUR* home run to center Tel. Summit 6- bath, private llartliu his wilt!; Klb.iilM-t.H I,./Uah-1 ro. m. two <\ ml liimie. Tuy .mil William M. I>a'lm»-y, In rl ei-al liiiihlitm, Keileiul Hquar?' OJlil hy Yannotto, a two badger to n- boxer. who rtH'rjitJy k.iyo. d in the alxlb to RIV the Dlucr ft Tel. (IS07-.I-. HC'-tf hiisliand ; I,tv < Iwyrilie Martij/; Clar-1 Franklin Street, Newark, N.-.J.7'oV> the let- hy Ited Haulon and u t«>, highly reijartlwl Hay N:ip>diiann of 1-2 idK''. It W.KV'Tom's"•second <; M'W.M \KI\"S Employment Agency for ence Clark Martin, ,lr., aiul Areh.-r i xth day of .Sepli-niliir, I'.tTJ. ,at ten J1OA HIM'.ltS WANTlfll left hy K. TreiiKrove. Ilrqoklyn, will retnrn to t!u- sfono Tho . famous ("I.IIMII Slurs of I huim r iii as many, nislns as the big lUrW household help, «)ilkH, fnillllM. N'eviiis Martin, infant eMIUlr.n i'.f; o'clock in the forenoon, at which time C. .Martin; .Aubrey II.' creditor* may prow their clainm, I'U'ct The final run scored in the of his iiHvvltMig uiumsin «m t'riday llavan.i. tin- only ;ilM"u!i;m club j fi llnw sliiiilit.il a :..nr luKK^r to b«tt I1OO.M, board and Karate fur his;li n'l'l'iuii^ii'ies'; also If "sppkinK cmi>loy- • MiirtTn, Jr., Mary ..Uiirtin Ida, kj •a triistie. • xamiiie ihe bankruiit n)id seventh as Tom Finneran hit a tt'TT night when he me«it> Johnny Cub- u«>w touruiu ihe I'luttil Sums un- 'on the |ir.'vii)iH niuhfasainst the tiit-iii r-oinniuiilfali', '£» Wanhlni{t<»n whool boy, reasniialile, honnliki. 21 Juli.i IC. Martin, Kllz:itictti h. l'.rownj transact other proper business. Laurel ave. ClaimM with itemized statement of rifle homer over Tony LWUII'H head bins of I'hihuU'Uiiii.i HI th«* main «li r a special disiii'iis.tfioti from the ",, Mc.rilstuwn, Morrlstown 4-:tfi!l». and Harriet lh'Fui/st Went worth, i .Tlie last liiciiier 'caine with two (lefeiulant> account must lie logaHy i>rdvj>d; any in left field. It was tlie third hit of. eisht-ruund clash .l!ui?«'(l States Hure.tii of |iumiKi;»-, W wasbiiiB. ' imuspcloaninK, HHIVATl*: family, 1 Ijiisiness luan, t« Hy \iilue of, an itrder of the Court original note or instruiiu'iit must be the game for the.FUg Train who *ion. miM't Ihe M.idison Coliniehi to- outMn tlie litv.t.'tith,;IM Joe. H^'uTt^w-" ff.n.r '.IILi <1 tin- lull to (filter to ra- work. Tel. Summit 6- the day of the I\A[H'- hereof, in a cause six months after the above- date, and . ... I In tip lop slutu* afS«T a Mllll dim* tht> llincr Uail In 4S. neorg'9 . 90-tf wherein Wllfrertr.lj. I>empsiy and Uoh- filed with the undersigned Referee. clubbed out three ana4a »«M«r. Miirtin, de- Itefene In Iliinkruptfy. right hand has completely iiFN'i:i!\I' sewing, dri'ssmaklnB, ro- Card*,Beat *..~.,?, from a slight ailment :{ t', :».3«r to arctmuniMlate IIHIM who that feat and tie the score, but Wa< nioiMiiiK iiml rt'pairliiK. Kooni 414. HANQUUT h.tll, largfl storaRo space, fiased, nre/» yt-ars bark, is 111:ile a fine-one-handed aUb of hi*' 19 UAUA4JK FOU KRNT It Oetohi'r next, and in nefault thereof The first meeting of oreditors'ln thn Knights of Columbus Tuesday, !M, The <'iihan Stars arc tliid year .i drive to left comer. such/dei'i-ie wijl lje niruie ,'muin.st ynui matter of HUBKItT K1X1AR TRtlM- \lNI''-nt, centrally locali'd. 'I'd. us/tile Chancellor shall t.'tink eqult- IU.KV, Biuikrupt, of IS Sayrin Street, In n play-off for the title. The be would have all ^uus ' («Vh!wl wHtioii, % nillo from town, after t> p. in., Summit "li-iti.Vl-W.- at»le and just. in «In-' City of Kllaalwth, Co'uniy of Cardinals sowed matters up with s N:iti.:ual League wliicli in- l»lncr T a.b. r. a,- •iut'">ni'i«if hfiit, hilLr L d lfJ/ ( i(li>ii, will b<> hold at the Uankroptey for his first appearance hero the ihnncste.id Cruyn, Phil ,ial i. uiit ttenant, lot 6. >xir»l, nicely / Thpsaid hill Id .filtd: fitf.ilK'. uurpuso bar ragei off HayI)()herty in' j^ ruleL.DI aiejitjiri'J p»*rf«i (iaffney. II11. '.*. 0 0 of obtaining a decree v will eonsjld.'rwiliuR ntHl (•f(iiipmrTit-foj l'\idi?ral Uuildliuii. Federal Sijuare. and . ;s o mslWo party at $t»,5(m. 'ifiltTt'ifls'JU'lf "the -snirt rnrntilnirintttH,—1»«- with tt)(**HKiin li.Au. '• S. Ulelili. pa'. "•' 9 T.-I. KummH c.-:!:inl./ Franklin Street, Xcwark, S7 J-PVih UIH placing Hay on the slab in that In- Healtor, Summit G-04:V5 <»r rent, heated.' Truslif* as aforesaid, to make an ad- like * a sHip-fv-st, th;» aren.t \ mon* Kliti t;-l:»nt3 and 'ihn Tolmlo A..-TreiiBriive, If. - ,..3 0- 0 0 vance reh and tratmaet other proper liuslnesH. llni inanaifei" has purposely cut :t 0 1 o all improvements, con- 7 Heechwiwiil roitd, Humnjlt, VvA. Sum- corpus of thi' said estate lir the halidM bad too great'a handicap to over- the popular Al Teddy of Newark , llaiilnii, i' u l_- mit 6-«m. / 82-tf nf ihe said I'liiniilalrinnls its Trustees, I (Maims with Itemized .«tnl lit you intw mi iut«-iWt UwiFeljj, ur in tin; j original note or instrunniit must be at tlie end of the fifth kininn -Id. lloth :»r.» und'-f -.it.-d tti own l.rolter. l»4-tf- IS aniiexeiT"; flii-y "mu'ST lif proved within ; Lvalue. The Cnhans have ;i nood ilicolne thereof. 1 :1 i 'Totals . »\\ nmiiths after the above date, mid darkness whll« tli«»-A-tv»;>-a«d- will -be sU «*T- • hiiilhii; sj^ll' lijiiidli.• J,.by .!i):->.e. M- !' , ;u 4 -8 l 1IAI.I' "!' dolllilo house, 7 rooms, all WAMTKD, four-r. •om upartmeni with . Iiated: Aiusiist '-'1st,. 1»3!). , <>r small house, deslraMe b>- filed with the inidcr.slKiied Referee. niher-('ardinal contest, played 'in!inK for a victory whii-h- tn.iy -;iv.' I'Yrn.mile/. the in'cr of :ill Cub.tii 'IV1. 'Sumnilt WIU.IAiMS '& DICMPSKV. CKOIUiK W. W. l'ORTHR, n.li. r. Ii. e. UKI-tf cation, (let, l«t. IV'I. Siiininit Ii-I.".ii7. S'lllcit.iis f:»r Complainants, the fast time of 40 miniiles, went !th(-m a (hance at a nniti b:.u cat'-lu't-.i, wli.i li:ts ii'ca'pablc iimlcr- Mi I'crmi.lt, sf. :: o 1 o lleferee in Haiikruptcy. the Heven-inninR route. 1 :tK2 Sprimri'l.'bl avi line. in the fc.-irs will b> stiuly in Aiilliin Mir::bjl who sii)) Itanielhi, >••!. (1 II 0 llnl'SK to l«t, all improvements, II26 SMAI.IJ limi.se or iipaitnieiit, furiilshi-d Summit, X. .). l«l-fi Tlu- M-on%: T. S.,lic. If. II 1 II 0 1 NOTICE OF FIRST MKi Andy Itistak «»f Orinse »siJn«t Kid plies the ciktiiic eh in iii t li the Huul-vard. Tel. Summit 0-&423.-J. Hi untiirnlsheil, Sept. 1,'i-liec. 1 ^, Curillniils .1 S.,fie. 111. 1 1 1 • Franklin Sc^i'ml ilistrif I'ai.-r- I Miuiison lias Hustcr l.:iv;:ir""Tiiiil 0 I FlfllNINllED ROOMH'TO LET I COlN'il IIIIH winter'." Two adults Spr»li-» r. I-. !: II I) 0 of H4:i LcxIriKton I'lacc, in tho City of l»n»f, .11). IBOII across' from Fraiikie Hernacki would like turiuslie,! m.'Mlern• ai»:.rt.r ^ . |.| ()l'(>SA I,S will be received W.ilt Huriicr riiidy to pil iii'.iinsl H:isiii-y, n. II 0 1) lidNT romn fur two, liRlit hoiise- KAU :l) t Kilziitioth, County of I'nioii, will lie- Kulmck, II). I of Linden, and Ken He" Y«<- of NVt- hn|ilii);; also .slnule room, central. ment.jr three tonm* and l.a111 Iron . ,,„.„„. ,.,.„„„(,„. , BrldseM, Drain- Ailaini.. <-f. • \\w <"ulian^ with Tnl Diniy ilolnn M.Cralli, If II 1 ((- ahou , Nov 1st. Address Ibeifo. • ,,,„,,,,..,,„„, ,. , ,, , ,,„.,,,, ln'ltl at tin; Bankruptcy Court rnom. Murphy, !!•'» Walnut St. ril r lhl Court rooih :t, third floor, Kiileral p ,Itlpn, - , , , eong with Aiuly Steward i»f I'assai the li.iiliKKuil'iiii;. Jay Holi.-mn, I'olUt, .Mi.cMalian, Me luJ-HH , „, ,., Freeholders of the County 1 T«.l:»ls - .1 ,1 f. 2 lluililiim, 1'Vdci-al Siiuarc and Frunk- :' '',' The first bout will st.irt i Madison husincHS in.tnn^or, p->iiil;( (•(iMKtHtTAULY furnlslnd front lieil- if Kiiinii, at the Cowl House •SnHV li) lllillll|r..s : lin Street. Newark. N. J.. on '4lie8tli I ^'"J^ at H.45 o'clock. lout th.it I be Cubans arc I lie bisl rmnn, next noml-prlvate dalh; eon- 1» / *(»H HALE It li.-th, New .Icrs.y, at L";|n| p. m., lijiy- day'of Seiit«'inl)er, 1!I3!I. at t>n 'o cTTiiir' Ti?,, ;.' I>ln in- Streaks (• (• () - d n 1 — i S;IX-I'II'J4'I'" mahogany lndroom suite In tin- forenoon, at which lime credltor.s * "'• - tial w.-tlon, $1. Tel. 0450. lembi'r r>, IBIl, for the following de- may prow their <-|allns, elect a truHtec, ivade l»mli;<' Field t-liis yur, r.ttln:; Tvvo-li.c-.' liltH l-'lliiiei';iii, Vaimotto. v%'ith NpriiiK and inaltieHs, %'.','>. 'IVI. f 10 1 11 on it- runs —l'laua, I'iiiiKi-.iii. Hitsk.iw- • HiTihi'd work : * I'Xamine tin- liankruiit nnd Ininxact Totals Steeplechastin e RacA ••••e • /*i L'jibi>vt» eiilicr the House of Ilavid or llltl<;irr, cool room, inodt-rn private Summit «-(I<.IB7. ! Stuyvcsiint 'Avenue l'.rldfle Improve-. nlher lirojuT liuslncss. K. of ( >.k\. Stolen l>as>' l'i;nia. I'miiirt-s— Inline, newly decorated, new furni- nn.'iit Contract No. 1. a.I.. Mi Ailaiiiu, S»|ck,-l':ii'kln. Ttiiie - l.'i mills. HOY'S bicycle, 1'fi In. wheel*,- fine Claims with Itemized strttfrnpnt of nin-, plenty hot water, best rv«l- Constnii-ting new steel beam and .account must lie U'Kully prov««';nst itiiUnlj; ~Ht^ lin-pio t( tiiiwill *ho v v X filed with the undersigned Hcfcree. TwIU, m 'UarlH, (I. F. Howe, Je.-me F. Stout; ill. Summit 6-280S-J. IV1. Iphort Hills 7-JS...I. SprHfrrjttfnr.jr'-fr.r-thtu' work may be : w. w. I»OIITKII, Sunday afteriKMHi polo Binit's at Uu- <;mled for tbo .following Hattn- examiiiHl at the Office of (he County Dlneen, cf. . Florence i)«inh:in. Clerk. tUOVlDKNCFJ—Kurnlwhi'd room Yannotto, rf. nurnt Mills l'ob» Club has proven day. Negotiations are tindciway Ut MX new ru s, win,. 9x12. taken for KnBhirt-r. «'»urt Hoil.se Annex. KHSHI- Heffree in Bankruptcy. i Police JiiHtlc*!—Hohert J. Mur- in private home. «'all at UldKevU-w K XdTlfK OF I'lUST .MKRTINU ltoherty, p. .. very popular i;f late with the re- brins the llhnkinhc Yanljecf L'nilu ifI< thI DCMIJ?.e fain- ili lil, clu^ap for lash or exchange for «:iullo, 2b. ... 2 0 Ipli.v. Jr. avenue, or «*•*• Mr. Sherry at the c OK CHKDITOns suit that plans are 1M-!III; made !>;Fit*ld on Septto t)n> Cuban's appeal. IIKKALI) office. - 102-tf Rood autfiiiiobile. Write Hox 14:1, ft Police Commissioner, F. K. Trua- I The first nieetinit'of creditors In the Totals 1 «•".'{ i'OiituuiP them at regular interval*?, rrspontl \v« low. TAnKVTON HdlTSK Score Ity Two luces aro whi-dulwl ft>r Sun- 1IORSM, cow manure, rotted over ono- mutter of I.KONAUIt It. McCJt.\CKH.V, i Chief of Police--M. J. Flnneran. arce room with private bath; also trudint; a.s MeCnACKHN l.Al'NDltV, Cardinals , . .I (i 1 1 L'—Uday afternoono'cloc atk tiwitn h the Burnt Y" Group on Hike slnnle rixiin, KOO'1 home cookinK, «a- year old, no shavings; top soil, JIl.TiO Iv. of C. I Police and Firemen's Pension load delivered, Muaranlecd best. Jiankrupt. of »1i>1 So. 2nd Street (busi- HIM :: II—t Club to nice! an as yet riiKf. 185 Summit ave., Tel. 4:i«7. SiHf RENT ness ut 1117 South 2t»il Street), in' the Two-liiisc fields at 3. ; Fund (.'nttiinlss'.oii Mayor Maiit'kci', Chestnut Farms, llnloiiville 2-02'.:!. runs* hits—IIOHK. VotniK. Home .Mills Polo opponent "in t.he pahi To Lake Surprise ' . 8-tf IJrayton School District — (Mtv of riainflelil, County of t'nioii, Twill, stolen liase—Quirk. jIMiurt ,1. Mui'liy. Hr., TIIIIIII;IH J. Till': Kirciait, 18 Kuclid ave., attrac- will be held nt the Hnnkruntcy Court Hacrlfice hit — Leach. |{:ises on li;jlls—. unknowwhicn h will be firs! on tlu* tlve largo southwest room, running room. «*ourt room 'i, third floor. KKI- Murray, Hcrln'ri *- Members (if lli<> Y. M. C. A. Ulflc. water, adjoining Imth, refined at- ural UuildiiiB. Federal Square and 5. Struck out—Ity l,awton 1. Hits off Nicholas CrasHo. HKiKphere, reMidcntlal. Tel. 0140. rooms, 2 baths, servaiita quar- •Franklin Street, Newark, N. .1., on the —Doherty (> in % iniiinn ; hineeii I In'*- A half-mile flat we'for horsfs; Airplane and Hike Hikers eliihson- ! Constiihle Tlioma!! F. White. IlKU'SK near Jefferson Strhool. C rnums ; Sth day of September, 1M9, at ten SOSIKTSI'! ]J and finished attic, steam, firvpliu-e, \ ters. Automatic heat, 2-car ga- 4'^ ItinliiKM. I>IHIIIK jtitcher—DulH-rty. .w(,.,| i,v ],.„, ' a hike In Lake Surpriso last Building Inapectur- Seaman L. o'clock in the forenoon, at which lime t'mplres—Pnrkln, Swlck. Adamo. Tlm«i *' '- thf! JAIt* iK coriK.T double room, prlvato K(trage atlachtd, <'|M.llt a|u,a(1 ,„ ]ay „ trail of fifteen City PhyBlclan-Dr. Robert 9. mlt G-:m.i-\V. I IHncr fast optional. Tel. OOSB-K. lnn-tf triinsact other proper business. third and fourth period, of the 1»«1*>!S(KI1S- foll, ,,,,,„ of whi,.i, w,.,v found Million. • .-. . 1 < Malms with itemized statement, of a.b. I.'IKTKBN acres woodland. I ,-., mlbs 3h. 4j miitest white t'^-milo steeplechase;by „„.,,,.„„,, x ,,riz(. for t))l. liir(,. Overneer of the Poor—Mrs. Qer- Tt'UKCV IUIJ4 CfyrTAflE, dcllKht- Summit Htatlon. iirivate right of way Account riuiHt bf legally provwl; any McClle, sf. ... 4 will follow. At le.ist fiabt entriesiw<^, (,lhvf.^.jn!- >offt .,.Wilt,H(i wol|)Vl leade|,y r Hob Unule S. tirosH. itil large doulnV room, rnnnliiK vva cntramv, farmland price. Archie It. orlKinal note or iimtrunient must be nr, attractively furnished; alwo Robt. J. Murphy annexed: they-must lie proved within S. Itrenn, ss. 4 arc expected in ^ach «vej»i with , u,e only lish,. Board of Fire ChU>(n~Thntna» single rm, meals ixeelUnt. Tel. Wolfe, Itcal Instate broker. Tel. A. Trenurtive If. 4 ;s orni w)io riulKnt Summit (i-:'.02n-M. J Beeehwood Bd. Tel. Ssmmlt I-048J six months after the above date, and many owncis si-iziiiR *1>»* opptir- , (..(|tu,H wor,, ||la-yi.,, .,,,,.,. luIU,lu Murray, chief; -fJftorRe J. Falkon- MM or 22SS. lQ»-tf filed with thi» underMinmed Referee. Klnnerau, Hi 4 J. Yaonotto, sf. 4 jumpertunity tso fotunr etU utp fal theil hunr runnert inceiss am. i ;lhe snniji later ret nriiiilK to the "Y"jlmrK, first asiiiHtniit chief; Gsorg* 14 JOHN st., low lirice. VV. \V. I'OKTKK, 1'AISXHJKY Place, cheerful, well- lot r.»xino, tieferee In Ilnnkruptey. llniilon, c. . 4 jfor a sxyiiu. TJKISO on tin; bike in- Sliat'i), Hecond','isHiHtant «'hicf; Ed- c and double TOOTT!*, Tol.- Summit (i-0922. !Mi-l HI I'iniid, ^b. S appointed home, breakfast. Tel. K. Trenprovi rf. . 2 . ;, with running water and H1COI»IHB .Summit 6-O022. t)«-101 Death ineuns loss nnd FOR RENT Cnrdlnuln IMirch. Tel. Summit C-30C9. 86-tf a.b. r. li. Arthur Donovan Mnldowney. ! pr«!»lil«n*-: Harv«y E. Mole, MUi MODBItN resldetu'o for sale. Ideal lo- losses moKt be paid. Gerard, 2b. . (I cation for doctor's office, 1 block Exceptional value in one of Mary S. Welk-B. It. A. Heising, J. I'l.KASANT front corner room, 3 win- Who Is polnir to pay Wllcox, c I) K[>88 Tutlle; Walter S. Eddy, sec- doWs. Tel. Summit 6-2?42, 19G Sum- from Springfield avenue, Lincoln Summit's best sections. 5 maatef I/OliB, cf 1 TWO-T,HI School district, 4 rooms, large ball tlicni jour iiunil) or the 0 Joe Jacobs.-iKinapcr of List Of City Off!CialS retary. mit -«w,-- 94-ti 1 bedrboins, 3 baths, servants' quar- Kuliack, ll», o!Tony Calento who is now working y and enclosed porch ion first floor; Northwestern Mutual i ters. Automatic, '-heat. Modern Welmter, 3b. 0 j? Puhlic Superintendent of Schools.—John four bedrooms on second floor, and Adamo, rf. ... TUI rUUHV ROOMS, with or without bath, K""d house with seculaioh. U'lout at Madame Bey's Trainini?; ill. Doiifrall. table. 265 SprlngfleW ave., Tel. Sum- . one on third, all with heat nnd elec- Klpn, HS. 0 tricity. Tel. Summit G-o::73. 12-tf (I «I Camp In preparation for his Phil-j I Board of School EHtlmate—Mayor mit (AltH FOIl KAI.R AgcnF l^awtoii, p. ... II | September 7th. has that Officials for the general informa- | Hoy/'-, ('(iinmissloncrH Helsiug private home, between high school j Donovan hsndle the tion of the public: IMole; \V, S. Bddy, secretary. 'and Memorial Field; parking. Te?. 1829 CHKVROLBT, $25, In Rood run- 25 laarel Ave. Sn. 6.3522 Total* ,._-. •....: 23 -0 .3 4 .1 bout. Stogif-siuoking Joe Mayor—James W. Baneker. or,G9. 30-tf ning order. Tel. Sumnilt fi-1412-li. Milton T. Mountain Co. Score by bout. g j Board "of Health—l>r. fi, The' hvfto r'n Mutual 0 2 n A3 o l—ll | that Donovan called many fouls in COMMON COUNCIL i Disbrow, Herman F. Be^k, Henry Life Oanllnnls • '....»> 0 0 *) fl .0 0-; ft l'Jii SUMMIT a"vc, pleasant room to WANTKI* TO IH'Y IiiHurunue Company 85 Summit Ave. Sum. 6-1404 " " " •" " !tho recent Arriistron'ai-AJnlxTsAriit'aiAJnlxTsr Councllinan-at-large — 0. Harry j II. Twotnbly. J. Winter Davis, Sir*. rtnt. 84-tf CONSULT A REALTOR Tvvo-li.ise hits—l^tliK, A. TrenKrove, ! fight and tlu't in his tipinion the Cullis. WE* PAY hlKlwst oaBii i>rlc«>H for any- K. Klnneran, Hanlon, .1. Yannotto. 1 I Cbannlng H. Dooley. , - ATTUACTrVE room for buslnewi per- thing. Antiques, china, silver, hrle- •as IB a a a a Home run—t'lniieran. 0 IIFUALD •inBB— Sigler, 'F-orSter, and Cullifl. 80-tf 'director: Krnest P. Patten, trea»- si.\-no'OM apartment, Springfield 6—6 and 7 room houses ¥75 pay you dividends. j Streets. i*ark« and Sanitation— ! nrer; Mrn, I.eroy T. Pease, Mm. •ive., ijoar Maple St., heat and hot St FOR HALK Oil UENT It 1—9 ropmH, 3 hath.s, oil, garage.. $90 JCullla, Forster and Slglcr. water supplied. Tel. after G p. m., 1—8 rooniH, 3 baths, oil, (?arai;e. iJUft j Public Safety—Lester. Slgler nnd William F. Doyle and W. Richmond Summit 6-025',1-W. 104-tf T KRVI'"A -|l(H)M house, Rood residential 1—7 rooniH, 3 hatha, oil, RarHKe..$119 [Bourne. i-T-raey-, ... THitRR rooms awl sunporeh, heat, .section: S minutest to .station, price NOTE TO GOLFERS | Law and Ordinance—Wand, Boy6 I City Planning Board—Oliver B. moderate. Tel. .Summit (>-iCr.(i, KS-tf 1—9 roomB, 3 hathn, .stoker, Edward Clarke & Son i Merrill, chairman; T. S. Kenyon, gas, electricity, $42, furnlHhnd or un- garage $120 hind Lester. • ...nihiieu. -<• ijower Overlook road. I'lA.NOS WANTKIJ j Welfare — Bourne, Cullifl and vlce-cliairman; K. B. Twombly, Q. i J. Kay, 11. T. Helta, T. h. Smith, J. ATTHACTIVE apartment In private CHAM) Pianos, Write ISox 142, TILE y IW. Hancker. Fred Mort, B. U. Boye. home, living room with fireplace, '•/, 11KU A l.D. 1OI-S Puhlicity--SiRler. Bourne, Bland, bedroom, kitchenette and hath, pri- ENJOY your game. Thi Rlchland Co. CONTRACTOR MentberH of the ZuniiiK Board df vate entrance with screened porch, City Clerk Frederick C. Kcntt. AdjiiHtment—T. r.. Smilh, C. A. Karaite, storage room, lovely sur- ('ATM llO\lthi;it . Enjoy its health and recreational advantages. But MAirXli'ST. SUMMIT, N. J. City Treasurer--Herbert (J. Fnciis roundings. Tel. Summit (1-0172-.!. T«L Sarawlt 6-16"» flaainH. I. J. ; Berry, r. I!. VOBS, Howard A. Dad/, outdoor ruilH, experienced City '(Solicitor—Frederick C. Kenti j Itobert K. Denike. Klngaley ' 0. care. '1'crslan kittens for sale. 20 don't risk the chance of casualty that can change this inno- Executive Official--Fred MorL TAU 3-room apartment, living I'oiiici'oy rd., Miidlsdii, Tel. Madisun | Thomson, secretary. j 27x13, S clonets, air conditioned, cent sport into a nightmare. < * City Bngineur—Francis A. Mur- i Sinking Fund CommiBslon —' rockwiMil iiiHulat.-d, located at 34 Kim ray. , Rt., references required, Oct. l«t; also : Mayor James W. Hancker. William *"' rooniH, 2 baths, flreplave. OHUIO, I:XI*HI:SS A hurtling golf ball may become a deadly missle. One Heceiver ot Taxe*-William S 8. Porter, Herbert 0, Fuchs, Oil»«f caltor, Summit G-0435, 050U-M. KXl'UKSH' cnrryiiiK: bait- bad drive may cause heavy financial loss. NORTH SIDE B. Merrill, Kdward S. Bancroft. j?nge and household goods. For rates SPACI()1'S threo or four-room garden call Summit WX2USU, If<2fir*j- P. 1 New brick and frame Colonial dwelling situated on a |ii«t of apartnii'iit, porch, exclusive neighbor- Damage awards have been given for injuries to play- over 100 ft. frontage commanding extensive view. The first flour hood, garage. Oct. 1. Summit 6- Townm'tid. iHt-tf ESTAIIM.SIIKI) 1880 Subscribers: Please give your »S-M or broker. 104-tf ers, caddies, bystanders or innocent passersby. Enjoy your contnlns center hall, living room, diniiiK room. klKhin. lavatory, JHiinunor addresses direct to tb« open porch. There are three bedrooms, two tiled baths on •«•<-olid IIHHAIJ) office and not through rnoins and hnth, heat nnd hot game If you hunt or fish, by all means carry a SPORTS} Kst. 1921 floor. Basement contains pine paneled recreation ro«»ni, lavatory. | the postoffice. This will asve coa- *»ier -ii|.|i|led, near station. 14 Irv- (Jan bent; two-car attached Karage. Fully insulated and .•*« re«n<

Mrs. Bessi* Bottom of Atlanta, | Dr. and Mrs. Johjn L. Sly and Oa.. is spending never*!'days with family have returned- from a vaca- \.h«»r .sister,Mrs. A. F. George of (ion in Maine. PERSONALS 'avenue.' • i " .' • • Miss Alma L. Hellquist, assistant Mr. and Mrs. Van Rensselaer H. secretary of the CHUeiis Trust Co., Mr. anil Kfrs, John L.*I)ury«e of Hpt-mling the, summer at Buy Head, Oret-ut- rvturned on Wednesday to la on her annual vacation. Summit avenue are at Bearh llavt-ii are leaving there ««xt wtek lomake their borne in lleForest'avenue from | _, _._i____. for several week a. i therr .feint- in ("hlcagu. ta jsumaier at Bay Head. .'! Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hall of 36 • „. •£— jIX-Forest avenue motored to High Miss Martha Tiiompisou returned At ""the Mount Washington at 1 Miss Eiiiilie Hill, head of the'Point w #ednedday afternoon with on WedneiAlay to Turkey Hill Vni- Bivtton Woodu-i, N. .1,1:. are Mr. and Usuuuint 1'uMu1 Library stuff, has j their hoaneguests, Mr. and Mf$. R. from a visit lu Kent, Conn, Mrs. A. Clifjord"Bernard of Sum- ..returned to h«r duties from a va«i- S ha rot of Great Kills, S. I. mit. ~.f Uioo trip to the (Jasjx- Peninsula. , — Again, at !UT liaaic in I _ — -, Mr. and Mrs. llarriBon Ball of avenue a-fier a visit lit W.ood'ji Hok\' Mr. and Mrs. Edmund (•*. Von J Mrs S D. Fahmy and M|sa Lillie Colt road have gone to YVatermill, HE SUMMIT TRU^TCOMI'A! M.tas., is Mrs. Joseph 0. Ohrvstal. • j 'Diilin of Summit avenu«» are de- > I)ury«* of Wbittredge Oardens aretl>. I., where they will hethe guesta parting Wednesday on a motor trip Iwmng t-arly in September to spend ! for several weeks of Mr. Ball's par- Arrival** a! (lie Equinox-House at" to Cunailtt. . „< itht* remainder of the month in jents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Arthur Ball: Manchester, Vt., IncJude Mr. and ! Connecticut. -Mrs. Clement K...l.'orbln of Summit. Mr. and Mrs. 4kl*«t V. Dederer i — • • Mr. and Mrs. George Marvin of of 41 Edge wood road have as house i The Misses Frances and Margaret-55 Fern wood road had as guenta ony Mr. and Mrs, JamK> King, formc'r-i gt*est over the week-end, Mrs. John «Hondlow ate returning next week j Wednesday, Mrs. Elizabeth Harris ly of Springfield avenue, and tbVl'r. Holmes -Wherry ojf London, Eng- i.io their home in the Beech wood j of White 1'lainn. Mrs. Marvin and MEMBEK FEDERAL MEMBER two small s«!M, who have been land, jAparlnients from a visit at West-jMrn. |j.ur¥iu spent part of the day at I port-ou'-Lake Champlain, N. Y. Asbury Park. DEPOSIT INSURANCE FEDERAL RESERVE / , Mary Kieney. daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Parrot CORPORATION SYSTEM IMtwiler - Kaotniun Dr. and Mrs Cadwell B. Keeney of f and Miss Jane Parrot of Ox Bow ; • Summit avenue, who i» on the'staff j lane, who have been trout and at the Verona Library, spent the1 .salmon fishing in the Canadian photo gupplies j»a*i week-end at the Forest Lake i woods, are now at the Chateau Club at Turnwood, X. V.,. Fronteuac In Quebec. for the 1 T IC MS NOT TO I!K [••?•- Ahiaieur Miss Kihni and -Mi«s Linthicum Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson and A K K R K D lT C El». of..the -Hotel Suburban, who have! their son, Eric, of Swampscott, Kodak Finishing iK't-n staying .recently in Vancouver,! Mass., are spending a two weeks' IS. <\. hav«- Roue on to Jasper Park, j vacation in Summit visiting with Lake l-*»uis« and Banff. They are j Mr. Peterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant Myers EDMISTON d in Suntmit .lit .September. S. A. Peterson of 7 Doremus street and Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. MKECHW.OOl) UOAI) China -- Glass — Gifts Mr.s. Walter It. Daviea and the j and Mry. Alfred W. Brydon of 81 rinihe G-1'if..S .'fO Si»riiigfield Avo. Summit Kleanor and Madeleine J Kim street. of Oakland place returned jJ , on Wednesday to Bay Head where j i they spent several weeks earlier in I (the season.'-They fbepect to remain • there until after Labor Day. : Mi-s Harriet Lurried Hunt', head j - -.;• '.'. THE ''.,.. - ••- lot the Kent Place School, who re-j 1 turned :lo Summit last week from ALQdCAL a trip to South America, has depart- Beechwood Tailoring Co. ed for a series of visits. Miss I\p- ' bcrca Mix'ner, who was on duty at (Boorujy Brothers, Proprietors) ' the school during the* summer, is FI NAN now on vacation also. Are Now At Their ° Miss May Dehion of Beechwood rroadv-wtio lia* Jieen ;on a uuminer cruise to California,' Hawaii, and I Alaska, and Is at present travelling NEW LOCATION in Mexico, will rejoin the ship at VtiraXfu*r for the return "voyage to New York. Miss Denton expects to No. 6 BEECHWOOD ROAD i reach Summit ou September 3rd.

Korrierly l»cal< <1 al IS Ik-echwood ltoad , Mr. ^nd Mrs. Jean-Baptlste-Mon- irr of i»S Beechwoml road are. re- rciving rongratuladotis on the Mirth BEAUTYand of* .a"'daughter. Jeanne Melisande TELEPHONE SUMMIT 6-0977 Mouicr. on August Hth, in the Fifth Avenue Hospital in New York. Mrs. the BEACH MotiU'.r is the former Miss Nevada Klopstork. daughter of Mr. and Mrs You have to look just 1'aul Klop^tm'k of. Summit. as smartly attractive Special Luncheons Mi*s Arietta Hope Collins, daugh- on the beach as in the SUMMIT TKUST COMPANY t«-r »»f Stephen Willets Collins of I'ro.spect street and her lOnglish ballroom, these days. ESTABLISHED Ii91 HOTEL BEECHWOOD friend. Miss Sheila M. Tarrant, at- >••: \sr i»( ikcu {••iided the rei-ent annual Inter- We'll keep you,looking tribal celebration of Indians at that way inexpensive- Delightful special and a la carte luncheons. Gallup. X. M., after seeing the two- ilay fifsta at Taos. They also spent Cool, refreshing atmosphere. several days at Albuquerque. American Plan Rooms-—$4.00 day and up. I Cncle Don. famous children's Jeanne Beauty Shoppe European Plan Rooms—$2.00 day and up. radio entertrainer, who is known Springfield Av. at Maple St. The Misses' Estelle and Julia1 Mrs. Edwurd St.-einhnisKe is Warren Sauerwein of Austiiivllle, • Donald Fiiehs, son of City Trean- !•» rMinally to-many in Summit, was (Irc-hara of 28 Lafayette avenue are lea.vinjr today to spend a few days J. M. <;iLI,.\X, Pics. (all .Summit 0-1680 Va., will return Sunday after spend- ur&r Hcrbort G. Piichs and 11. It. ADAMS. II, Mf!r. the feature grandstand attraction dh a vv 127 Maple street were hosts for a 4*6OO j LaiiKier-VillurH, wliom lie-was visit - family buffet supper on Tuesday Tlicso carH" are eijViippod with Carter Esther Ann Nursery School been with Mlsfc Florence Duncan in (•veiling at their homo in honor of {'arm'el, San Francisco, and the i ing, died on 'Wednesday, j carburetors: ^ i the'eightieth birthday of Mr. Whit- 200 Kent Place Boulevard Yosemite, is starting east with her Benson Keeney, Him of Dr. and eiiack's motlver", Mrs. Gertrude An- Chevrolet Chrysler tomorrow. TravellinR by the south- 1 I'ontlac D<\Soto Summit, N. J. Mrs.jCndwell 11. Keeney of Summit nhi Wliiienack of Somerville. Mrs. ern route to l^lew Orleans, Miss In- Whitenack, who was born in Li- Oldsmohitu Dodge One of the largest, and finest equipped avenue, left Saturday niuht. by Am-; «alls and Mi$s Duncan expect to erican Air Lines for Los Angeles, berty Corner, has lived most of her Plymouth Terraplaue Nursery Schools in the state of N. J. reach Summit on September 8th. LAUMDCRER8 ALSO Calif., as Hobart College clelefiiite life in Somerville. There were to the national convention of Sigma twenty-seven guests. Some Packiirds, lluk'ks, and Stttdebakera. Re-opens Sept. 11,1939 ' Chi. 1 Afftctioiu of uiy of the followinf parti Staff of jtix teachers "arid, a trained nurse in attendance. . miy be bauMd by NERVES ' ' \ at the ijtae by »tuMuxatedd vertebra: Tho Hev, Jehu Marvin, pastur of Directress: ESTHER ANN NORTON •MlN ' the Presbytfriaii Church, Montrose, i evtt Pa., is expected Septeinber 1st for ;i ] Thomason Bros. Cordial invitation Extended to Inspect D three days visit with his grand-] Come and hear the 30S ItltOVI) NTHKK'l1 SI MMIT, >. J. the School and Playground r Chiropractic I father Dr. Dwight K.'Marvin and.i (SPINAL) his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George ; Ages 2 to 5 Phone Su. 1^ s 10-year old prodigy ^ E Marvin of 55 Fern wood road. Bur "-Will A Mr. and Mrs. William E. "Bedell j Remove the s of 34 DeForest avenue plan to re- j turn this week-end after vacation- J JANE POGORZELSKA ing for two weeks'at Kast Brain- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! tree, VI. Mr. Bedell "writes "Hint" DR. R'| J. OWENS hot weather hits been experienced -In a A new feature has been added to the already modernly .Sprinffffrid Ave. StimmU, If. i. theiie, but that it gets quite cool at equipped night. FREE^ONCERT ut DE SANTIS HAIR STUDIO •*»

1; Restland Memorial Parii "I Electrolysis East Hanover, N. J. Now you can have embarrassing, unwanted, super- mJLKAFURS fluous hair removed from the face, arms or limbs by the Exclusive Furrier : This Sunday, beginning at 3P. M. i modern method of electrolysis. ; 362 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE SAVINGS SEE For a genuine musical thrill hear this astonishing 10- No Pain — No Scars — No Re-Growth Mel la;r Building . Tel. Summit 6*4606 ycar-old prodigy in beautiful operatic selections this YOU THROUGH! Sunday afternoon. You will see and hear a child so Unforseen difficulties will Absolutely safe and efficient—endorsed by leading physicians. gifted with extraordinary talent that She will undoubt- arise despite careful plan- K.\|»erl. formerly in Xew York City, in attendance. Treatments Comc[ in and have your ning. Tb avoid such events can be given in the privacy of your own home if desired. coat mailc to order in any edly be heard from as one of the nation's most promis- is impossible; to prepare style frjpni furs of your ing future stars. Miss Pogorzelska is a pupil of Sr. for them is sensible! Phone or call for free consultation—strict privacy assured. own selection. ^ M. Laura, Master of Music Degree and Supervisor of Save regularly from each the Caldwell College for Women. pay check and accumulate ' Gentlemen as well as ladles treated. a "Buffer Fund" for such We httve on display — — also — occasions. Your savings Persian j| Lamb, Oaracul, here will be ready to see DE SANTIS HAIR STUDto you through—safely in- Hudson Seal, Silver Fox, Cornelius J. Tenhengel i 31 MAI'LK STHKjKT SI'MM IT, N. .!. vested, reasonably avail- Blue Fc|x, Squirrel, etc. Cantantp) - • able, and constantly in- Phone Summit 6-4096 Electrolysis Department creasing because of their We cj|an also remodel This distinguished artist, one of the finest exponents own worthwhile earnings! your present coats and of Belle Canto in the East, will delight you with his The Program of Dermetics jackets j into the latest rendition of selected popular hymns. Consult Arthur T. Dailey, Secretary styles. has been'aclded to the Beauty Salon. Summit-Overlook Free demonstration of these oils can be Information and advice J. Clifford Welsh had on appointment. Call Su. 6-4096. does nol obligate you in Building & Loan Assn. any waj' To reach Restland: Drive one mile west of Livingston 24 Beechwood Rd. Tel. 6-1204 Summit. N. J. traffic circle on Route 10 to East Hanover.