Files for Primary a Farewell Reception to Honor Hears Director Vj of Camp Cannundus
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15000 People Read the HERALD. ^wyTuesday "Justice to. allj" and Friday, malice toward none.*1 and SUMMIT RECORD FIFTIETH YEAR. NO. 104 SUMMIT, N. ]., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1939 $3.50 PER YEAR To Preach Last Sermon Decay Sets in As Asst. Minister Here Beacon Hill W.N.F.G. A. Farewell Reception for Cannundus Elects Mrs. Von Duhn Pres. Nesbitts, September IS To World's Fair Republicans File When Growth Stops A special meeting of the Beacon Files for Primary A farewell reception to honor Hears Director Vj of Camp Cannundus. I or Local Offices Hill Branch of the Woman> Na- Hev, Ralph B. Nesbltt and Mrs. tin; honiL'-vacat ion co oprr .d tional Farm and Garden Associa- l»y the Summit V. M. (". A., split in- Adult Education Leaders tion was held on Tuesday morning NesblH Is being- planned for by the Tho report of the Director of Ree-v Seeks Third Term—House J to tW.}). groups Wednesday, true A'.- Forster, Cullis, Lester and the home of •'Mrs. Wharton Green. Central l re»byterlah -Church- to be r«atlou tit tlie regular .mooting'of Apply This to the In- Speaker Pascoe and tilt! "Board. of Recrmtlon Commis- tending the WorId's Pair un lt-r .the The meeting was called far the held on Friday, ilfeptember 15th in leadership" of Canu*- tyir'tictof' N Sigler File Nominating tellectual Life in Plan- election of officers and to talk over sioners held Monday afternoon at Shepard Want to Re- the parish house. the Field 'House shows that the' lliimllton Mciiiffiu and" the oth.-r, plans for a luncheon late 4a Sep- uuder She leadership of Ted Smith. Petitions for Comiag ning New Courses turn to Assembly tember to hear reports from the Mr. Nesbltt and his family are month of July lias been a very ac- moving to Bronxville, N. Y., next tive mouth. The five playground^ enjoying a hike to hake Surprise. Primary Election Detroit convention, Mrs. Tobln of attending the fair iuol-uil- the New Jersey Division id arrang- week and he assumes his new lead the way in attendance'for-they , Some Practical Courses were open 26 days with an attend- ed Henry Blank. Du-k Hrattt.V. McNair Out for Freeholder ing to have all the branches at this duties with the Fifth Avenue Pres- Muhlon and Hub Freeman." HiM> County Committee Files meeting and expects to have inter- ance of 25,3-18, . with an average byterian Churoh* in New York on daily attendance of l.iU. The ehil-UJendron. Churl Juran. .Hilly One of the earnest beliefs of Only incumbent In the primary esting speakers. those members of this community September 1st. (lien are kept busy each day with ;ij Klein. Russell May add Ira N-v, - office of Frederick C. contest for three vacancies, Charjes The Christmas Friendship Mar- uim h'> are giving heavily of their time vaiiixl athletic and game program, i Jinmiy lkihlwin. It.Hhy M..»r- K< Ct y Clerk., oho candidate w L. Bauer, Jn, of Eliza both, Tuesday ket of the local branch was dis- The Summit gathering hats boon a HnH( nuu MMiIi W UaUlii Sl uiv M and energy to" organize the adult ,. , . ... , handicrafhandiraftt work, dramatics,, rhythm ?'»»"F »•- ' ' " '~ hl.^'ii ts :'<ir the Office of Mayor filed with County Cl&rk Henry (j. cussed and several new sugges- for as many posts* to ba fducatiori classes for the fall sem- postponed so that the, many friends bam| tory |Knus, and various oth- C.\tt\n decided in favor of the hik ami :! Nulton liia nominating petition lor tions made to make this sale an of the Neabitts now away may lmv ' Common Council at tha estei•"•has "been forcibly expressed oven 'greater success than the one ?r activities uh muiiewus to tnen- t:Ut-l member of the Board of Freehold- an opportunity to return and with ••vtiuji, November 7th. in the statement "Your Intellectual last year. 'th ers. The document bore the first those now hero express their ap- The articles in the haiulciaft ex- :i of Trustees of tha life is a living thing—when It Officers elected were: Mrs. Ed- Highway Traffic publican Club, liio., at a cVa^'s to grow it begins "to "decay." 500 of 12,000 signatures gathered by mund O. von Duhn, president; I predatum.. of the ..splendid work hibit In the store window ntjxt to Su;n:ns* K the Jersey Central Power <$£* Light g" Wednesday night went on . ""(lifprtunately the cares and anxi- Bauer's workers. , **-. Mrs. Wharton Green; vice-presi- done by both Mr. and Mrs. Co. office are Just a few of the .is i-:jili»r*ins the candidacies - etieh of daily living hem most of us Three public officials and party dent; Mrs. Charles 3. Yawger, .sec- during their service in Census By County -many 'things tlie children made this i-.'iiy Vif these, report of leaders are hia committee on vacan- retary pro tern and Mrs. F. C. Co<f- for the past several years in the of in so closely that we are likely to KKV. KAU'H B. NKSBITT summer oil the .playgrounds. For iv.ay iie found elsewhere in forego the intellectual development cies: -K Kdward Biertuompfelp,, 1109 dingtion, treasurer. local church. i;»«-r. These candidacies ara I'M MIT VETERINARIAN TO OverlooOverlkk t Ui many years It was thought that all Springfield and Passaic tiii \v!m h might be ours unless a defi- , Union,, dominandmantt the children did on the playgrounds these of Coum•jfcnan <".uido V. Fora- nite time is set aside for it. That SPEAK AT CONVENTION municipal ligure aad member of the was to play ganrus but. today the Avenues One of 22 •er of the First Ward fur the offlca definite time Is what the adult edu- County Board of Taxation; Robert program is well balanced with of M;iyor: Councilman-at-large G. J. Murphy, 10 Detf\>reat avenue, Public Schools to Group Returns cation clasuee provide. I Dr. Bills P. Leonard, veterinarian games and the cultural activities so Spots Where Count Was Harry Cuilis to succeed . himself* of Summit, will give a demonstra- Summit, chalnman of the Republi- and* president of (Viniinnn Council* As already announced, twenty can county executive committee that at the end of the .summer the courses Will be offered to this com- tion of various applications of children are really better members Taken in County Maxwell L#sU»r. Jr., of the First splints during the small animal and a member of the Union County Open 11 From Western Trip Ward and Councilman Frederick O. munity, each of ten sessions begin- Board of Elections, and William of the <H>niniunity because of their; Tuesday evening, October I elini<> ,on the Program ! of the ,76th experiences, on tlie playgrounds. of the Second Ward, both U» 11 1 Ftuuyon, &62 Martin street,; EHisr- -Two weeks from Monday, Sep- Increased Traffic Shown iotli. and closing Tuesday evening.I""" " convention of the American The main group of Summit peo- ,1 themselves. • Reports ott beth, member of the Board of tember 11th, to be exact, nearly Softball Is the next most .popular December 12th. This will be the Veterinary Medical Association to ple who Were on the Western ex- activity-according to the report. 151 the candidacies on all four of thesa Works. 2,800 boys and girls will begin the The annual highway traffic cen-. only adult education program which pedition sponsored by the Summit game's woro played during tho men have appeared from time,, t* I be held from August 28th through The nominating petition was sign- taken by tiie Tnlon County fall term In the public schools. Y. M. C. A. returned last Monday month in the organized league coih- sus will be"offeTed"during the" season' of September 1st in the Hotel Peabody, ed by those men and by Director Highway Department under the ^i-^^'n I«-«1«i. l«ae»-rt lh. Memphis, Tenn. Announcement of preliminary or- petitlon anil- many independent 1939-1940.., William I. McMane and all the other evening after an eight-day trip ALD indicating tlie-—wide-spread., ganization meetings and improve- panic tt with a total participating rwt'pn of the Board of Freeholders Out" of the most practical courses freeholders also Charles M. Affleck, across country. support each is receiving from in the project will 1>e the Standard!:1 ments made in the buildings during attendance of 3,433. This doe.'i not at-twenty-two straA'^ii: points in Summit voter's in all walks of life, clerk of the board; Senator Charles In all there were 32 people who the I'ountv wan In-Id over the. w»ek- First Aid Course of the American J the slimmer will be announced in enjoyed tho hospitality of the 4M include Hie numy thoimuHls who tnunlj Committee' Memberx Kile Southern Visitor B. Loizeaux and Assemblymen Her- 0 d of early issues of THE SUMMIT HER- attend the games as Bpexiators. " -August 11-H. 1 he census in ThTh»i:--,,(e fiUn filing g fofor r jlORepublicap,, n lied Cross, to be given by James S. j bert J. Paacoe, John Hi. Kerner, Ranch at Monticello, Utah, the cen- ALD. On September 5th a complete With eight tennis court* open for | Siimmlt was taken at the interser- E>. (,)n|II|j,u<ti ou lho Edwards, assistant personnel di- Fred B. Shepard and 'nbtomaa N. ter of the expeditlon'a activities. f rector of the Bell Telephone Labor- roster of the teaching staff will he Most of this number left Summit in tho public at Memorial 'Field this; '*<»•> " Springfield and l'assau- avo- :tickt-" j are: Praises Summit Mulr; Register Edward Bauer, Sur- published in the HEJIALD.