Discount Investment Corp
above-listed categories of complicity: Discount z Cellcom (1,2,3) (See pp.17-18.) Investment z Property & Building Corp. (1,4) z Koor Industries (4) Corp. z Makhteshim Agan Ind. (4) z Maxima Air-Separation (4) Canada Pension Plan z Shufersal (4) DIC’s links to the world 2011 Investment of Israel’s military and intel- ligence are revealed not only in the companies it controls, $1 million but in the company it keeps. Nochi Dankner, DIC’s chair- ne of Israel’s largest holding “Israeli Spy Companies,” pp.43-47.) man and major shareholder, is a “Ma- companies, DIC was created z Ham-Let Advanced Control jor (res.) in the Israel Air Force.” And, Oin 1961 as an investment ve- Technology (60%): This leading inter- Nahum Admoni, DIC’s external direc- hicle for the Recanati family, who then national producer of instrumentation tor (1999-2004), was the chief of Isra- owned the Israel Discount Bank (IDB). valves and fittings, supplies many in- el’s secret intelligence agency, the Mos- (See table “CPP investments,” p.53.) dustrial sectors, including the military. sad, between 1982 and 1989. Admoni The IDB and other Recanati-family z Cellcom (46.8%): This company is also served as a director of Banks Ha- businesses were controlled by an um- a leading supplier of cell phone serv- poalim and Leumi Le’Israel. (See Ha- brella company called the IDB Hold- ices to Israel’s military. (See pp.17-18.) poalim pp.10-11, and Leumi, in table ing Corp. In 2002, the Recanati family z Makhteshim Agan Industries “CPP investments,” p.53.) sold these investments to a group of in- (MAI): This DIC subsidiary produces vestors led by Israeli billionaire Nochi agricultural chemicals and “additives References Danker, who now controls DIC.
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