above-listed categories of complicity: Discount z (1,2,3) (See pp.17-18.) Investment z Property & Building Corp. (1,4) z Koor Industries (4) Corp. z Makhteshim Agan Ind. (4) z Maxima Air-Separation (4) Canada Pension Plan z (4) DIC’s links to the world 2011 Investment of Israel’s military and intel- ligence are revealed not only in the companies it controls, $1 million but in the company it keeps. Nochi Dankner, DIC’s chair- ne of Israel’s largest holding “Israeli Spy Companies,” pp.43-47.) man and major shareholder, is a “Ma- companies, DIC was created z Ham-Let Advanced Control jor (res.) in the Israel Air Force.” And, Oin 1961 as an investment ve- Technology (60%): This leading inter- Nahum Admoni, DIC’s external direc- hicle for the Recanati family, who then national producer of instrumentation tor (1999-2004), was the chief of Isra- owned the (IDB). valves and fittings, supplies many in- el’s secret intelligence agency, the Mos- (See table “CPP investments,” p.53.) dustrial sectors, including the military. sad, between 1982 and 1989. Admoni The IDB and other Recanati-family z Cellcom (46.8%): This company is also served as a director of Banks Ha- businesses were controlled by an um- a leading supplier of cell phone serv- poalim and Leumi Le’Israel. (See Ha- brella company called the IDB Hold- ices to Israel’s military. (See pp.17-18.) poalim pp.10-11, and Leumi, in table ing Corp. In 2002, the Recanati family z Makhteshim Agan Industries “CPP investments,” p.53.) sold these investments to a group of in- (MAI): This DIC subsidiary produces vestors led by Israeli billionaire Nochi agricultural chemicals and “additives References Danker, who now controls DIC. for explosives.” Its directors include Discount Investment Corporation, Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discount_Investment_ When describing its “major in- Ephraim Halevy, who began working Corporation vestments” in 15 Israeli firms, DIC says for Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, DIC Holdings it “is active” in their “direction and the Mossad, in 1961. He led the Mos- www.dic.co.il/1471.html management.” DIC’s holdings include: sad (1998-2002), before heading Isra- About DIC z Nesher Israel Cement Industries el’s National Security Council (2002- www.dic.co.il/79.html (75%): It supplies building materials 2003). MAI’s board also includes Dani Amiram Barkat, “Nesher in talks to sell surplus for Israel’s separation wall, and vari- Harari, a retired Brigadier General with electricity to IEC,” Globes, June 28, 2010. 32 years in Israel’s military. www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did= ous Israeli infrastructure projects in the 1000570112&fid=1725 occupied territories. The other 25% is The online database “Who Prof- its from the occupation” lists six DIC “A cell-phone holder in every tank,” Globes, owned by CRH plc. (See p.20.) April 11, 2002. z Expand Networks: Its products holdings and says they are complicit in www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did= increase data-transfer efficiencies for the following categories of complicity 577256 large computer networks. Its custom- in Israel’s occupation of Palestine: Customers / Government ers include NATO and all branches of (1) Services to settlements: This in- www.expand.com/Industries/Index.aspx?URL=/ Industries/Government.aspx the US armed forces. cludes discriminatory services provided A Strategic Alliance - Elron and Rafael z Elron Electronic Industries solely to the occupants of Israeli set- www.elron.net/default.asp?PageID=234 (48.7%): Elron partnered with Israeli tlements, and not to Palestinians. Ham-Let Advanced Control Technology arms maker Rafael, to form the Rafael (2) Israeli Construction on Occupied www.ham-let.com/lang1/home/default.aspx?a=1 Development Corp. (RDC). (See Land: Israeli housing and infrastructure Makhteshim-Agan Industries Ltd. “State-owned Israeli War Industries,” annex land and resources to Israel, and www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-2690100056.html pp.48-49.) Elron owns 50.1% of RDC cut off Palestinians from the same. Ephraim Halevy while the rest is owned by Rafael. (3) Palestinian Captive Market: Pro- investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/ Through this “Strategic Alliance” with viding goods/services to Palestinians at stocks/private/person.asp?personId=9429162 Rafael, Elron say it “initiates and de- high costs, and exploiting Israel’s re- Global Leadership Group velops new companies, leveraging its strictions on Palestinians who cannot www.ma-industries.com/our-group/group-leadership/ global-leadership-group exclusive access to the military tech- purchase them at competitive prices. “Who Profits from the occupation” nologies of Rafael.” (Elron partnered (4) Settlements’ Products: Some Israeli www.whoprofits.org with Israel’s military in 1966 to create settlements in the occupied territories Nochi Dankner Elbit, the country’s top-ranking war in- have businesses, factories or farms that investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/ dustry. See pp.28-29.) Elron’s VP since sell products in Israel and/or abroad. person.asp?personId=2438821 2005, retired Brigadier General Yair Here are the six DIC holdings Nahum Admoni Cohen, led special unit 8200, Israel’s cited in “Who Profits.” The numbers in investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/ person.asp?personId=1091989 central military intelligence unit. (See parentheses indicate involvement in the Spring 2012 (Issue # 66) Press for Conversion! 25