Grab your ! We’re going on a deep sea adventure.

Welcome back to the last half term of the summer in Hazel Class – we have got the most amazing, fun filled seven weeks ready for you!

We will explore the oceans and seas of the world using maps, globes and atlases and find out about the incredible creatures which live within them; we may even use technology to create new and original monsters of the deep! We will look at the lives of , and and find out why the oceans are important to them.

In science we will look at habitats and find different ways of grouping living things. Then we will turn to the habitats of the sea and after researching deep sea creatures, we will learn about their adaptations.

Alfred Wallis and Sandra Stalker are two of the artists we will focus on. If we are really lucky we may even get to speak to one of them via the computer!

ILP Focus Science and Geography English Recounts, Diary Writing, Biographies, Narratives History Ocean Exploration Art & Design Sketching, Acrylics on Wood and Geography Seas and oceans of the world; The Great Barrier ; Environmental issues Science Living things and their habitats; Animals, including humans; Working scientifically Computing E-Safety and Creating Sea Creatures PE Athletics, Cricket, Rounders and Sports Day

Help your child prepare for their project

Oceans are remarkable and fascinating places that are full of life. Why not visit the coast together to see an ocean or sea up close? You could also look at an atlas or online map to find out which seas and oceans surround Britain. Alternatively, work together to create an under-the-sea collage using different materials to represent the plants, creatures and water. You will also find attached to this letter a knowledge organiser which you may find helpful to explore with your child.

The above timetable is a guide to how a week in Hazel Class will look; at times, exciting opportunities may arrive and lead to changes occurring. PE will take place on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon and forest school / gardening will continue on a Friday afternoon. Please can you ensure children have the correct clothing/kit for these sessions.

Homework will be given out on a Monday and taken in on the following Monday. There will be both an English and maths piece of homework and at times a longer topic piece. Please can I ask that you read with your child at least four times a week and log it in their reading records. Reading is such an important part of the children’s lives and it can open up new and exciting worlds and things to discover. Please talk about what your children are reading and discuss the texts – you will be amazed at the discussions you will have!

On July 15th in the afternoon we will be holding our sports day (in line with restrictions) so please keep this date free and of course there will be lots going on with our year 4 leavers – watch this space!

It is a jam-packed seven weeks and I can’t wait to share it with you all!

Nicky Taylor

Hazel Class Teacher