Extensions of Remarks E1363 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
July 14, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1363 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF MORLEY Coach Fraser was a man whose dedication A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF DALE FRASER OF ALBION, MICHIGAN for coaching was only exceeded by his love KOROLUCK OF RIVERSIDE, CALI- for his players themselves. He demanded FORNIA HON. NICK SMITH nothing less than the best and he always saw OF MICHIGAN the best in everyone. Morley had a preter- HON. NICK SMITH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES natural ability to not only teach offense and OF MICHIGAN Tuesday, July 13, 2004 defense, but also responsibility, loyalty, civility, and virtue. Most importantly, he lived the val- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise ues, virtues, and lessons that he taught. To Tuesday, July 13, 2004 to honor and remember H. Morley Fraser, a balance his tenacity on the athletic field, he wonderful friend of mine and the beloved was a gentle, compassionate, and loving hus- Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise Albion College coach and mentor to genera- to honor Dale Koroluck, an exceptionally bright band, father, and friend. tions of students, alumni and colleagues, who young man who has been awarded the Presi- lost his struggle with cancer June 28, 2004 at On behalf of the United States Congress, dent’s Award for Educational Excellence for the age of 82. we offer our condolences to Morley’s beloved 2003. A native of Milwaukee and a graduate of wife of 57 years, Elizabeth, his daughters, Dale is an inquisitive, high energy, intelligent Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, and Diane and Kathy, his sons, Morley Jr.
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