2 Monday, October 3, 1949 RADIO DAILY


Vol. 49, No. 1 Monday, Oct. 3, 1949 10 Cts. MORGAN BEATTY, whose "News of the HOWARD S. MEIGHAN, Columbia netwo World" is heard on NBC, will return today vice -president and general executive, who ha JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher from England, where he made a study of the been named CBS chief executive officer on the situation resulting from the devaluation of West Coast, has arrived in Hollywood to tak over his new duties. FRANK BURKE Editor the pound. MARVIN KIRSCH : Business Manager KEN SPARNON, field representative for TED GRANIK, whose "American Radio BMI, left over the week -end for Memphis, Forum" debuts as a simulcast on NBC tele where he'll attend the meeting of District 6, and AM on Sunday, October 30, has returned Published daily except Saturdays. Sundays NAB. From there he'll go to Chattanooga on from Kansas City, where he flew for con- and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, business, and later will attend the meeting ferences with a prospective sponsor. (18). N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp., J. W. of NAB's District 4 at Pinchurst, N. C. Alicoate, President.and Publisher; Donald M GEORGE B. STORER, JR., manager of Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; LEE LITTLE, president of KTUC, Columbia WAGA -TV, the Fort Industry TV station in Marvin Kirsch, Vice- President; Chester B. network outlet in Tucson, Ariz., a visitor , Ga., who attended the color tele- Bahn, Vice -President; Charles A. AlicoLte, Friday at the New York headquarters of the vision hearings at the FCC last week, is ex- Secretary. Terms (Postage free) United web. pected in New York shortly. States (other than California) $10.00 one year; California, $15.00. Foreign, $15.00. SIDNEY ASCHER, publicist, will return today EVERETT TOMLINSON, assistant western Address all communications to Radio Daily, from Madison, Wise., where he spent a few program director of CBS, has left on a two - 1501 Broadway, New York (18), N. Y. days on business. week vacation. 7.6336. 7 -6337. 7 -6338. Phone WIsconsin SY BLOOM, scripter for "Buzz and Bill" Cable address: Radaily, New York. ALLAN SIMPSON, owner of WADC, affiliate on KDKA, Pittsburgh, is vacationing here in of CBS in Akron, Ohio, conferred lost week his native New York. During his absence, Ed WEST COAST OFFICES at the New York offices of the web. King, of "Brunch with Bill," will take over 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Gladstone 8436 the Bloom program. WASHINGTON BUREAU BEN B. BAYLOR, JR., assistant general manager and director of sales for WMAL, BERT LOWN, vice -president of Associated Andrew H. Older. Chief 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Washington, D. C., has left on a business trip Program Service in charge of station relations, Phone: Wisconsin 3271 to Chicago, and Pittsburgh, where is in Dallas, Tex., for the meeting of District CHICAGO BUREAU he'll consult with agency officials and sales 13, NAB. He'll be in Memphis the end of this Hal Tate. Manager. executives of ABC. week. 360 No. Michigan Ave. Phone: Randolph 6.6650 Cutest trick Phone: Riverside 5491 Nielsen Ratings Rising Public Service Spots SOUTHWEST BUREAU Paul Girard, Manager With Return Of Stars Skedded During Series Tower Petroleum Bldg., Dallas, Texas of the week (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Phone: Riverside 3518.9 1 name shows. Most top -rated pro- Advertising Council for public ser- Entered as second class matter, April 5, This tiny kitten seems to think 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. V., grams, especially in the evening, vice announcements on behalf of "++der the act of March 3, 1879. show rating increases ranging from seven Council projects. that the reins on the donkey make 9 per cent to 13 per cent above those These include messages on Forest an ideal trapeze. Just how the kit- of the preceding week. Fire prevention, Better ,Schools, ten got 'way up there, nobody "Mr. Keen" leads the once -a -week Community Chests, and the Ameri- knows. But everybody agrees that evening listings, followed by "Mr. can Economic System. If the Series FINANCIAL District Attorney," Crime Photog- runs beyond four games, other spots it's a right cute trick. (September 30) rapher," "Our Miss Brooks," and will be aired on National Service There's a cute trick to buying NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE "This Is Your FBI." "Lone Ranger" Life Insurance Dividends, Highway radio time in Baltimore -that is, Net tops the multi -weekly evening cate- Safety, and Armed Forces Prestige. if you're looking for a station that High Low Close Chg. gory, followed by "Counter- Spy," Production details are being handled 7t/2 71/a will produce the greatest results ABC 71/4 -1- Yit and "Beulah." Arthur Godfrey leads by Maxon, the Gillette agency. Admiral Corp. 242 2354 235/4 + 1/4 for the least amount of money. Am. Tel. & Tel. 1421/4 142 1421/8 - 1/e the daytimers, trailed by "My True CBS A 221/2 221/2 221/2 Story," "Right to Happiness," and The station is W- I -T -H, the BIG CBS B 2258 2211 221/2 ... 1200 Expected To Attend Philco 301/4 30 301/4 + t/4 "Wendy Warren." independent with the BIG audi- RCA Common 121% 117/t 12 - ?é ANA's Annual Meeting ence. RCA 1st pfd... . 731/4 731/4 731/4 ... Stewart- Warner 1248 1238 123.8 Miller In Dallas Today W -I -T -H delivers more listeners - 3,t from Page 1) . (Continued Westinghouse 255/8 25 2558 + per- dollar than any other station Westinghouse pfd. 99 99 99 -4- 1/2 For District 13 Meeting Hoffman, ECA chief; Sam C. Gale, Zenith Radio 2734 274 273/8 - 18 in town. It covers 92.3% of all the NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE vice -president and director of ad- t,á Page 1) in Nat. Union Radio 3 27i8 27/8 - (Continued from vertising for General Mills, Inc., and radio homes the rich Baltimore OVER THE COUNTER Doherty, NAB's labor executive. It Chester J. LaRoche, president of C. trading area. It's the station fa- Bid Asked DuMont Lab. 1334 1434 was not known on Friday whether J. LaRoche, Inc. Members of the ad- mous for low -cost results. Stromberg -Carlson 101/2 113/4 the sessions would be "on the rec- vertising Council's board of direc- So if you want the real bargain U. S. Television .. 5 -16 i/2 ord" or "off the record," tors who will appear on the speak- WJR (Detroit) ...... 7 73/4 ers' platform include Frank Stanton, buy in Baltimore, call in your Video Show Challenges president of CBS; Louis G. Brock- Headley -Reed man and let him CBS TV Affiliates way, of Young & Rubicam, and Fair- tell you all about W- I -T -H. Total Fifty Stations 'The Great Dunninger' fax Cone, of Foote, Cone & Belding. The number of CBS -TV affiliates The producers of "We, The CBS Renews Contract increased to 50 last week with the People" are going to great lengths addition of WJAR -TV, Providence, -to Bermuda, to be exact -in an at- Of Symphony Conductor AM , to the network effec- tempt to outwit Joseph Dunninger, tive immediately. Station, assigned the magician and mental telepathist, Bernard Herrmann, conductor of Channel No, 11, is owned and opera- when he appears on the program's the CBS Symphony Orchestra, has ted by the Outlet Company, Provi- video premiere over CBS -TV next been re-signed by CBS to continue dence. John J. Boyle is manager of Wednesday night. his post as the web's symphonic the station. An airlines hostess left New York conductor for a term of three years. yesterday by air for Hamilton, Ber- With the conclusion of the CBS muda. There she is to pick up a Symphony's 1949 Sunday afternoon carton containing four objects concert series on Oct. 9, Herrmann placed therein by prominent Ber- will sail for England to direct the W E A V mudians. Back she will fly to New Halle Orchestra, Manchester, in a PLATTSBURG, N. Y. York with the sealed carton. There series of six concerts during Novem- AMERICAN BROADCASTING CO. on Wednesday night, before the ber as guest of John Barbirolli, per- "We, The People" cameras, Dunnin- manent conductor of the Halle en- Baltimore 3, Maryland THE NORTH CONSISTENTLY SELLING guarantees to he will lead the BBC TOM TINSLEY, President COUNTRY'S RICHEST MARKET ger announce the con- semble. Later of in in a of Represented by Headley -Reed McGILLVRA, Nat. Rep. tents the carton by reading the Symphony London series JOSEPH HERSHEY mind of the hostess, radio performances.