Ederal Register
EDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 20 7S*. 1934 NUMBER 68 ' ^NlTtO •* Washington, Thursday, April 7 , 7955 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE 5. Effective as of the beginning of the CONTENTS first pay period following April 9, 1955, PERSONNEL paragraph (a) is amended by the addi Agricultural Marketing Service Pa&e tion of the following post: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Rules and regulations: Artibonite Valley (including Bois Dehors), School lunch program, 1955__ 2185 H aiti. P art 6— E x c eptio n s P rom t h e Agriculture Department C o m petitiv e S ervice 6. Effective as of the beginning of the See Agricultural Marketing Serv C iv il. SERVICE COMMISSION first pay period following December 4, ice. 1954, paragraph (b) is amended by the Atomic Energy Commission Effective upon publication in the F ed addition of the following posts: Proposed rule making: eral R egister, paragraph (c) of § 6.145 Boudenib, Morocco. Procedure on applications for is revoked. Guercif, Morocco. determination of reasonable (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 S tat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, Tiznit, Morocco. royalty fee, Just compensa 633; E. O. 10440, 18 P. R. 1823, 3 CFR, 1953 7. Effective as of the beginning of the tion, or grant of award for Supp.) first pay period following March 12,1955, patents, inventions or dis U n ited S tates C iv il S erv- paragraph (b) is amended by the addi coveries__________________ 2193 vice C o m m issio n , tion of the following posts: [seal] W m . C. H u l l , Civil Aeronautics Administra Executive Assistant.
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