) Tempte Beth El lO 7'0 ,0rchard Ava. PrQvidence, ~. I.

Car~ Sandburg and CB$' Murrow To Speak at Beth El Forum Carl Sandburg, American poet will speak, and authority on Abraham Lin- The program is in obser.vance coin, and Edward R. Murrow, CBS of the Feast of Pµrim and is dedi­ news analyst and commentator, cated to the memory of Mr. will be the speakers at the pro- Friendly's mother, Therese Friend­ gram of the Festival Forum of ly Wachenheimer, born March 16, Temple Beth El Sunday, March 1878. 17, at 8: 15 P:M. Mr, Murrow will Rabbi William G. Braude will speak on "Great Jews I Have introduce the speakers and Don­ Known." A question period will aid Bernstein will chant the bless­ follow. ing over the Megillah. William Fred W. Friendly of the Colum- Bojar, chairman of the Beth El bia Broadcasting System, who Institute on Judaism will be chair­ grew up in Providence, arranged Iman of the evening. the program of the evening and T~e public is invfted to attend. JCC to Re-elect Stanzler At Meeting Wednesday Officers ,and board members for the 1957-1958 term will be offi­ cially elected and installed at the Jewish Community Center's 32nd annual meeting, to be conducted at the main building Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, The general public is invited to attend this function, according to Edmund Wexler, general chairman for the event. The evening's program will in­ clude a feature address by Judge Frank Licht. Other remarks will be presented by honored guests and reports will be made by Mil­ ton stanzler, Center presJdlent, and Solomon Selinker, treasurer, The report of the nominating committee will be presented by Abraham Beacken, committee chairman, Following elections, newly elected officers and mem­ \ bers of the board will be installed Milton Stw-der by Joseph Galkin, executive di­ rector of the General Jewish To Be Re-t\hted Committee, JCC will present a Scroll of Ap­ Entertainment will be provided preciation to Morris Kritzman, by "The P, D. Q,'s", talented recently resigned executive direc~ singing stars from Pembroke Col­ tor, in appreciation for his con­ lege, who will render a program of tribution to the community. light songs, Refreshments will be Rabbi Julius Goldberg w111 give served following the meeting pro­ the invocation. gram. Women's Organization of the Members of the committee in Israeli Boar

N Pupils Present Couneil To M t .- Piano Recital Israeli Stud~nt ll') I ,, :!.l Pupils or Mbhur l!lln.eteln pre- Menibei's of bhil fl1'tWltlililtlll StJ(la "".iJ:aaluJ ..; so1ited a pl'ogrsm oI plsno mllSUl h1tm, Nsbli:lrlal ounoil tif J@Wi!ih WILLIAM liRABL i:a Sunday afternoon ab bhe Music Womtlh, lmV@ betln itH'ltl!tl l:lt bh@ Fun@nl §@l'Vi @!i f r Willlll Q ManS1':Jn . Bostort EleoLloli bo be hhoh' gu@!ib§ lllrl\@l of 04 Ho - ·wMti ii r@ c rib ti 111eeblng 011 MontltW 11,b l : 80 ~ Pru'bitilpatlng Wei'e Sandra Mey­ P,M, lrt B(jsbofl , Neslli111 Hdlilo1'eg, blllild f@ d l\lO!!mftn, wtw ftl@d ii ei•, Joanne Oerstenblabb, Joyce N J W'S i!Oholilt'!i hip !ibUfltlflb f1•01U Frldn afliC! ii §h6rti lllnll!! 1 @ @ lio-1' Sydney, Harrleb Salk, 'fena Mru'k!I , Illt'nel, who Ill doing gt'tuillaLe work li@ld 6ft ,-MIWI.- t\ti 1ihO MIU( l 6f N@Will!ibO , United Fund Allocations beF f th e rnbblnl t:i l de le­ 6l1fl ., Ml'!! , o\ll!l ZtiOktl of N@V ! whl Gl'i re ently vi It, (Wk itiy , fintl Mr§ , J O§ejjh W!!lti= 1rou1• Jewish org-1111l t,L1tlons w!'l'e nmong Lhosc nametl la!it oatlM mfin of l'tlVlti tln Clll, l\l1fl four week for nllooutlons from the Unl hed 1ru11tl , 'l'he 01'1,1a11h1abl6n!! ed Ru§slt:i, Rur11{lfllil, JJglgnci grfind hilt\1•tm, Include: Md ze hti§lovaklil, wl ll . .., ... i;i@ak M ''Jewl h Life l3e• /\, IIARil \' L~UNGR 11160 1067 1007 hind Th e Iran urtt;1ln" . All ocntlons l'tequesL App1•ovetl Fllfiill'fil §0 Vlfll?§ ror A, I ftfl Allu' ntlon He Ill Lile IJl'tle lticflb of Hill L@l'flll1', 00, 6f Oil Hlli!l ifll? AV@fillll, J ewish Children's Home & N, Y , B!lat'tl of l'tnbbrn l\116 vhle= fi 1•@Ureti lfi mct,·y worluir, wlrn 11'ound11tlon lCnmp Jurll $ 1.1160 , $ l.1160 , $ 1,000, v1'esit1eflt of the Hnbbinio0I om1 = di ct f:!n hll'flfiY !1 Ht11• fi !!h6 ~ ill= Jewish cnunun!Ly Center- oil of A111e1•ion , n, ntltlltion to hi!i fH!!!ll, Wtiro h@lct Sllilfl!IY nh hi'lt! ~esslons Sbt'eeL ...... 111 .000, dll.116!! , :i0,7114 , 1'11bblniMI tiubitl!i I'll! lti l\!l!iiil~ilnb Mfix ts'l ug111•ma11 Jilurnm,1 Mom11 , p1•flfes!io1' of polihillnl plul!llltipi'ly SouLh Sid e ••''•I'''••'•'' 10,000 . 10,a11J , Iluri11l Wll !! ifi LinCloln Pl\I'k timll= J ew ish ll'n mlly & Ch ll dt'en's Afifl jU1•isp1'utieflllll ab Yt!!ihiva bill'Y, Unlvih'il ltY , Service ' • • ' • ' • • ' • • ' ' • ' ' • I ' • 30,411'1 , 4:i ,OfJ7 , a:i ,711~ . Borri in nu §l!i , 0 §gn of thll Mll'llllll HosplL11 l . ' ..... ' . :!4. 0H7 , 113.4:!6 , 17 ,00 0, Th@ t,Ul:lllo is l!Ol'ttiallt mvib@d lilt M1•, l\fifl Mt'!i, Jg§hU!l lll'fllll', to abtefltl this Puriln l@obu,•c, hll hlld bl? fl fi t'l?!i ltl tl fit Of tlV i= til?nOtl fol' ffl(j I? U1 !11l 00 Yllfll'!I , Ht! \Vn !i n m@1t1b111• ot Ll'lll Hih6dl? l@lllfict • Wt'll'k1t1e11'!i A st> rnU6n, U1 11 ts'lo uth Pl'(Wid@noo 1-ltllJt'l? W Frllll Ii llfi Ali = • !ll'JOU1Ho , ttntt the 6t1{!1't1 l!fi~i6n Iii !i16n tif ADt'!ll'H\111, l:l Ul'\IIV6l'!I intJ hlfltl his Wlfll l!l fi • ( fJOl}tll' 1 Ii@ 111>1': Lh1'€>t1 !!6fl , Al= • f1'tl d !Intl Ml\1%1 g , Urn@1• both • of P1·ovit111n1J1? , 1111!:l " n @nt11 • or l'fifi@ton : two flfiUl!l1bllr!i , Ml'!i , • (J{l1' Ll'\lfle Pon11ll'l\ 1Mi of Pl'OVl= • d@no11 , 1111!:l Mi's, aul I:hml:lm•[! of • Brigllt6fl, Mfi§ti.: I gl'fiflfl hilfll'el1 • nnct blm,l:' g1'1:>l\L=l!l'i111dllhilctr1m • •

'fh@ flim_ijy of Ii@ la.II! MIU I 'fl;'fl; IIIAUM ii ktWWl@llil@! Wll ii , @mmiHtltl Nmll'mtin f@l' hh@ pr@ iat\· ri Ill@ m;;riv @)(IJ @1~1 fl f !VffilJ81 y r@ @lv@{l OIi me )n@l '@, fil\11llfil l\hl lvN~fil'Y ctlfifllil' Of @flt 10§§, ' 011!ll'tl1!1\Uun !:l hl\fiJ'I' Zllfll?k Wtll'tl I ol-lu!lim nL blw 111 tlt1L1n!l of ~111:> t:1 1~= Llll'hfJOtl lJtllll'fl mtltnbtl t's whi h Wt\§ (J;/1 "" held Feb, ~fi l\ l, HW i tlmtl flf Ml'§, L tlOH hlllb, i 11fill'll11'li 11111nt>t\ Wtll'@ Mil@• the jewish I fllli11 ll!l L ul 1· 1•11 1!. 0W§lty !\Ht\ • __ ...... liiiiii ...... • Cl Ot'f,ltl lfilnOufl, l10 - l.l hl\lt'lllllh : 4r------, Lt1on lrnih, 1n·t•!H'l\1t1 b(lok: wn. • I lifin1 i'l,ltll', m1@l,t't>!!!! of Olli'@• • I T i m n :w1 !:-l 11 111m,u,11 l SE 't'i 11 8 II NDY COUl'UN I • fnOllltls : Ann 'l'l•t'!tlill, Ot!Ot'!ltl mfi• 111? Uotl Ol,i\8 i\V li, • moml l\nct Mli,!l l!lv1:>l~11 j1•@t1n@ t, In, • I l'llUVIOEN( 'I~ it , It , I. I I tl t?OOl'l\hiOlili : M1'!1 , t >ti \lJI\Ulll , Ql\l\li'• • llil\il of hoial,t>Mt>!l , Ml @@ tlilflfi • I l' LH SF Sl~Nn oNfl- UAR SU II TRIP'rlON "l'o: I l l\l\ltll', tftlJltl fl\VOl'!l : Ml'll , 'l'tH'!lfil1, lt1ll'l}l101Ul tlQlUUi. 111\ll Ml'!i, Ml\ • I I -- Ul'ltlt', t_l •OffiOIU , • Nu 111 ,,.,,,1,,1,,11,,11,1,,1,,1,,11,,,1,,1,,,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.1,,1,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,.,,,,,1,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,. "QU!l{!ll :lill!UW ", fi 1110\lltl, Will • I I bl! !1110 \In ob Hw I\tl ti l'.ll!ltt11·1\ooct : I Sir •c t ...... , ..... , ..... ,,,.,,,,,,, .. ,,., ...... ,,, .. ,., .. ,,, ...... , .... ,, .. ,, .. ,, ...... , .. ( 'lt ""'""'"'''""""'"""" I 1Ut1t1 bln1,1 on Mondfi~' fit, ll :l!I ,M, ln U1t1 ti, 111\!!0llllll vt1i; (,I')', Rtlf\' !111• llltlll(ig Will bt> !ltll'V t\ b~• Ml'll , Wl\• •1 -- • -- I ll!\IH H@ll1h 11nd MW l WttltlOO{j , • I l)\lf' N '"' \ IHillllllllllillllllllillllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllll.Pll1111Ullllltllll11111111ttHtlllllllllllllll I

4 • I ,,, . C l 11J111, 1111111111111, 111, 141101111,111, 1111111111111111111111111,1111tlltllll l llll lll(. ,l llllllll'11Ullffllllllllfllll ll I Ma •. I l~N('l,OSI , ('Im(' Ok MONlt. V mu,mt ll'OI SJ,60 I SPLASH PARTY COME SEE ••• YOU'LL SAVE! The Councilettes will hold a spl.aro. party at the Plantations Club swimming pool on Sunday from 2:30 P .M. t.o 4 :30 P.M. in place of a regular meeting. Mem­ bers are asked to bring their own swim suits and towels.

STUDENTS AS GUESTS Families who would like t.o have students as their guests for the Passove Sdorim should communi­ cate with Rabbi Rosen a t the­ B-'nai B 'rith Hillel Foundation, UN 1-0692.

SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? You can put your WANT FAST ACTION? Engaged - Mr. Mox Soren trust in Super­ - CALL - of 119 Verndale Avenue Right Quality SAM RIDDELL announces the engagement Meats •.. they're of his daughter, Miss Floro One Price •.• For Free Appraisals Soren, to Irving Blottle of as advertised! - Many Clients Waiting - Adela ide Avenue, son of Mrs. Leah Blottle of Benefit 79 Bur-lington Street Street, A June 30 wedding PA 2-6683 GA 1-8814 is planned. ... 24-Hr. Au1-omatic Answering Service -i FANCY TENDER SOFT MEA TED WHOLE "Do Business With a Live Wlre" "' Barton's Candies There are more than Have Purim Theme Different aspects of the Purim 4,000 story are represented by the selec­ insurance companies tion of holiday confections which Barron's Bonbonniere has de­ in the - signed, and which are featured ~t the Outlet Company. Only your local Traditional Purim baked ham­ antaschen are presented as a pas­ lndepende~ Agent try with three different fillings, con tell you which ones poppyseed, prune and nuts and fruits. Special gifts for children are best for your needs include Masquerade boxes which have full-size masks of Queen Esther and Haman which can be cut out and worn. These boxes C contain a metal grager. a minia­ Regular ture Megilalh. Purim Pennies and other candies. Each Bart.on Purim gift con­ tains a booklet about Purim's his­ Trim LB torical background, the writing of the Megillah and a biogra phy of the Jewish scholar Rashi. WHOLE War Vets to Hold Lamb Legs OVEN-READY LB 59c Anti-Polio Clinic SHOULDER CHOPS Lamb Comb. AND STEW MEAT LB29c Abraham Goldstein, Depart­ NUTRITIOUS AND ment junior vice-commander, is LB PAUL J. ROBIN in charge of arrangements for the Lamb Fores ECONOMICAL 25C Nathaniel M. Bodner, three innoculation series at the 7-INCH Associate anti-polio clinics which will be LB 1430 INDUSTRIAL BANK BLDG. held by the Department of Rhode Rib Roast of Beef SHORT CUT 59c Island, Jewish War Veterans and its Ladies Au.x.iliary for members • DE~re~;~lOO and families. The first clinic will be on FRESH- YELLOW, PLUMP, KERNELS Thursday, March 21. at R. I. Post 23 Headquarters, 100 Niagara Street. between 7 and 8:30 P.M. The charge will be Sl.50 per in­ noculalion. Post members who do not receive registration cards in 2.~ the mail should contact their Post commander, and Auxiliary mem­ COR aJt,I HOME bers. their president, if they wish to participate in the anti-polio OWNER'S POLICY program. INSURES YOU Assisting Mr. Goldstein are Post AGAINST LOSS FROM commanders. Charles B. Kushner, • Fire Murray Gordon. Raymond Penn, EARS • Windstorm Harold Kerzner and Irving Scheer; 4 25( • Explosion Hyman Schacter. senior vice-com­ • Burglary mander, and presidents of the • Theft Ladies Auxiliaries. Bananas YELLOW-RIPE • Family Liability BOWLING TOURNAMENT • h l LB 4 OZ PACKAGE 29C • And Other Perils Fres h Sp1 nae EQUAL TO 2-10 oz PKGS • IIK

it's the store

behind the sale HOPE ST. BAKERY

for 727½ Hope Street --· near corner of Rochambeau GA 1-5135 quality ,, and value .•~ you can trust Carrying A Grand Opening Complete- Line of Tasty SPECIAL Jewish Bread and Rolls This Friday, Saturday, Sunday • Rye Bread • Pumpernickel March 8, 9, 10 • Egg Bagel • Cicel Bread JOSEPH MARCUS CO. offers more variety ... more high • Cholahs • Onion Rolls Fruit Filled quality furnitw·e . ·. . more style distinction at prices in line with your budget. Visit our extensive floors for quick proof! COFFEE RING . .. where there's more to choose from . all at Joseph • Complete Variety of Hard and Marcus' low, low prices, Soft Rolls • A Fine Selection of Quality FREE!! Pastry TRUE With Every Purchase GRAND RAPIDS ALL PRODUCTS BAKED RIGHT of $1.00 or More ON OUR OWN PREMISES FINE FURNITURE FOR HALF A CENTURY By Invitation Your Providence Guild Dealer Owned and Operated by SAMUEL GUTTIN and STANLEY KAPLAN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~~~:iJ;;~A)~~~AJ~=o::~AJ~~~A)~~n;;:iA)~~n;;:iA)~~~A)~~~A)~ Use Herald ads for results with your advertising campaign.

90 Rolfe Street, Cranston 10, R. I. - PRESENTING - CHILDREN A New Experience in ARE IIEST the Art of Good Eating PHOTOGRAPHED ORDERS PUT UP TO TAKE OUT -lly- No Liquor Free Parking Air Conditioned FRED KELMAN Hours: 11 A.M.-10 PM. WI 1-9673 WI 1-MOi



769 HOPE ST. MA 1-7047 Izzy Siperstein Photo D-Day Awards _:_ Benjamin Ruttenberg, D-Doy chairman, - FREE DELIVERY - ~======~===~ '.">... presents a set ohsilverwore to Leo Cohen, right, one of the JOHN P. CARNEY .,.c:::, captains whose team was among those that covered· the - HOME CLEANING SERVICE - ... lo"rgest number of· cords and achieved the largest percen­ • Rugs and Upholstery Cleaned • Venetian Blind Service oge increase in the D-Doy phase of the 1956 General Jew­ • Complete House Cleaning -- ANNOUNCEMENT -- Paint - Floor Washing ish Committee campaign. Other prize winners were, left to - General Maintenance - right-Arthur Einstein, Mox Phenes, Horry Choet, J . Fred 1 204 New York Ave. HO 1·2693 Col~mon and Nathan lzemon. AeE SuGARMAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calendar to Clear RALPH MILES 19 Poplar St. GAspee 1-1691 Teen Functions 1s now associated with ROTKIN & SYDNEY The Jewish Youth Council of the Jewish Community Center will JOE GLADSTONE & CY FELDMAN sponsor a " Teen Calendar" in REAL ESTATE as sales representative of Providence, it was announced by Edward Rotmer, JYC president. Residential - Commercial - Industrial The group will have on file at ENTERPRISE FUELS, INC. the main Center buJldJng a listing of all major events scheduled by 812 HOPE ST. JA 1-3446 Fuel Oil - 24-Hour Burner Service the city's teen organizations. • Member of the Providence Real Estate Board i· ' · Groups planning to schedule a ALL TYPES BURNERS AND SYSTEMS major event may then call the • P articipant in the Multiple Listing Service INSTALLED AND SERVICED JCC office or the chairman of the - Budget Plans Arranged To Suit Everyone...... :.... calendar committee to clear that Our yearly SERVICE PLAN that INSURES BURNERS. date, thus eliminating the possi­ A.LL PARTS, OIL STORAGE TANK COMBUSTION bility of conflict or interference CHAMBER, ANNUAL OVERHAUL VACUUM CLEANING with plans. LAM FONG RESTAURANT of BOILER is still at the same LOW COST of . . . . S16.00 Organizations which wish to file dates for thj!ir events with the 488 SMITH STREET 371 Douglas Ave. DExter 1-1985 JYC calendar are requested to furnish information on the event CHINESE CUISINE to Miss Brenda Kritzman, DE ... 1-2690, or the JCC office. UN Boston Chinatown Style • .- 1-26'14 . ~ i••·-~~·-············· • In the event of a conflict in i THE BLIND KING MEAlURES FREE • dates, ttie JYC will make the information known t.o groups in­ ORDERS PUT UP TO i mnAl~ • volved so that new arrangements ! AFIRST GRADE - All METAL • can be made. Other members of TAKE OUT ! the calendar committee include • MJss Rona Snyder and Stephen j •"'i • Riter. TEmple 1-9790 ! VENETIAN BLIND • EGGSHELL BAKED • !! ENAMEL • New Cub Pack • • "LEVOLOR HARDWARE ! • DUCK COLOR TAPES : At Main Center PROTECTION FOR • The first organization meeting !I of a new Cub Scout Pack was con­ YOUR FAMILY Ii ducted at the Jewish Community • Center's main buildJng last week .98 • : and plans have now been com­ • Give Your Familv the '! Sizes Ii pleted to institute Cubbing at the Most Adequate Prorection ' 16" to 36" Wide Center. Possible Mode to your • • Two Dens have been formed. • Give Yourself Complete • length •P to 64" • with Den =1 meeting weekly on at no eatro charge. , Thursday afternoons at 3 :45 P.M. Satisfaction and Freedom Minimum lnstollotion 4 Blinds • and Oen =2 meet.Ing on Friday from Worry a.rtemoons at the same hour. For A Sound Insurance Measured and Installed • Melvin Levin has been named Program Planned by a FREE! a Cubmaster. it was announced by Competent Underwriter • Henry Husserl. chairman of the ' JA 1-1611 Pack committee. Den Mothers - CALL - '• • wlll be Mrs. Benson Baker. Mrs. • David Wool.r and Mrs. Oscar FRANK LAZARUS • The BLIND KING • Sllilman. • Membership In the Center's Cub Life lnntrance - Annuities ' 425 ATWELLS AVE., PROV. Pack ts open to all boys e. 9 and 635 Industrial Bank Buildint " 's Largest Venetian Blind Dealer • 10 years old. Information on reg- • 6 Phones and 9 Trucks at Your Speedy Service a lstratlons may be obtalned by Office-GA 1-3812 Res.-PL 1-0716 '• calling the JCC omce. UN 1-26'14 ...... •...... ~ Use Herald classifieds. ·:Harvey : oriel, outgoing presi­ --~ll Groµps to Have Jeff Alpdn' to Head •dent, w_as unanimously elected honorary president and chaplain. - .ATTENTION - Little Rhody A.Z.A. We are looking for a man with. Part in Carnival Howard Kasovsky and Dennis executive ability, good education, Jeff Alprin was elected presi­ Kaufman are sergeants-at-arms, a.nd pleasing personality who Is ac­ All the age groups meeting at and Alan Weiner is pledge mas­ customed to active corttact with the South Side Branch of the dent recently of Little Rhody the public. If qualified, state age, ter. education, and business experience; -Jewish Community Center will A.Z.A., along with Jay Leib, vice­ give address and telephone number. will have booths at the second pres:ident; Alan Klitzner, record­ If your letter Indicates you might fit Into our nationally known or­ annual Purim Carnival to be held ing secretary; Myron Waldman, The Herald pages should be in­ ganization, an appointment will be on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. corresponding secretary, and Pet­ cluded in every adverti~ing com­ arranged. Salary basis during com­ prehensive 3-year training program. The Sunday Club groups and er Davis, treasurer. paign for effective coverage. All replies are confidential. teenage groups will have game P.O. Box 1284, Prov., R. I. booths; the adults will sponsor refreshment booths. The facilities for the carnival ' ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF this year have been expanded to include additional space on 'the· main floor to accommodate those AL'S attending the affair. Admission to the carnival is BARBER SHOP exchangeable for booth tickets. at Wayland Square The public is invited to attend. Fred Kelman Photo 146 Wayland Avenue Bar Mitzvah-Fred Norman • FEATURING · Reisner, son of Mr. and Gas Co. Seeks LADIES' STYLE-CUTTING Mrs. Abraham W . Reisner, and SHAPING became Bar Mitzvah on 'Mrs. ' Feb. 16 at Temple Beth Is­ - MA 1-4082 - Cooking a nutritious meal or rael. sewing a fine seam will have pre­ cedence over how one looks in a bathing suit in the judging for I the title "Mrs. Rhode Island", in a contest to be conducted by the _..­ Stanley E. Shein Providence Gas Company. Entry blanks are available from -- Real Estate Broker "The Girl in White" at the Provi­ dence Gas Company, and must be 52 TABER AVE. Pl,. 1-3283 obtained and filled out in time to be received by the American Gas Association in New York on • March 15. Melvin 11 Buzzy11 Rosen Open to any married woman, 21 or over, who is a citizen and Associate has been a Rhode Island resident for at least three months, the (PL 1-5118) contest will be conducted in four preliminary stages with four par- Commercial - Residential - Industrial ticipants in each. One winner · in each preliminary will compete in Properties the final local contest, when one will be selected " Mrs. Rhode Island" and another will be LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US named runner-up. The winner of the local contest FOR QUICK SALE will then compete in the national contest for "Mrs. Americ::i." to be conducted during the week of May 5 at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The preliminary contests will be helci on April 2, 5, 9 and 11, with the final competition set for April 16. All the contests will be held in t.he Home Service Department of the Providence Gas Company.

Center Players Name Next Production Aldous Huxley's drama, "The Gioconda Smile", has been select­ ed as the second production of the ·current season to be presented by the Center Players of the Jewish Community Center, it was an­ nounced today by Alan Taylor. Players' president. d}OII, '1/

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! Last Name BANKING HOURS .MAIN OFFICE - 86 South Main Street WESTMINSTER OFFICE-Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Empire-Aborn office - 87 Empire Street Olneyville Square office - Olneyville Square _ $tote Thursday Hours 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.-24 Hour Depository Service I Walk-Up Window Open Daily-8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Elmwood office - 520 Elmwood Avenue I EMPIRE -ABORN OFFICE FRIDAY HOURS-9:00 A.M. to 6: 15 P.M. North Main office - 1340 North Main Street h husband, wife, 1 1 mi4dle initial. I ALL OTHER OFFICES open Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Washington Park office - 1477 Broad Street :-~ - - . I Open Friday Evenings from 5:00-P.M. to 8iQO P.M. . Warren offic~-,- 463 Main Street, Warren I I Free parking at or near all offices for your., t'on".!Oienc'e Westminsie~' offlce·- Dorrance.. . a;~e;t~inst~r ______j •_, ,!~~ I .:, , ·'·· .. MIMIEI FEDEIAl OEPOUT I NS U I A N C E CO IP O t "A TIO N V

~ For the best results-use a_ld cl~ssifled ads! ...... Cl> The Cranston Jewish Center Cl0 tordi.ally invites you to a

~ =0 o)Jlllim_ ~ c== S) < ~ by RABBI EMANUEL RACKMAN ;.c' of Congregation Shaaray Telila, < Far Rockaway, New York ...Q c== ON TUESDAY, MAf3.CH 12, 1957 AT 8:30 P. M. Q'"' ,.J AT THE CENTER < ii: 330 Pork Avenue, Cranston, R. I. [al Subject: JEWISH LIFE BEHIND THE = IRON CURTAIN ...=00 ::: [al ... Rug Cleansing Co . [al 210 West Ave., Pawtucket 0z [al ...Q CLEAN Rugs Last Longer 0 ii: g., At Planning Tea-Plans for the annual Roger Williams and [al Hope Chapter B'nai B'rith Quota Dinner to be held on May =E-< 1 at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel, were initiated at a tea at the home of Mrs. David Meyers last Thursday afternoon. Di scussi ng the affair are, standing, left to right-Mrs. Bur­ ton Finberg, general chairman; Mrs. Harry Davis, ex-offi­ cio, and Mrs. Benjamin Golde_nberg, co-chairman. Seated­ Mrs. Leonard Mandell and Mrs. Nathan Rosen, co-chair­ men. Not pres~nt for picture were Mrs. Edward Blackman § AMERICAN and_Mrs. Samuel Michaelson.

:::_,., · FURNITURE Co. son", won the regional oratory Attend ~eadership contest. 70 East Avenue A dance, seminars and song Pawtucket, R. I. Training Institute fests were among the activities of One hundred members of the the institute, which was closed A.Z.A. and' B.B.G. attended' the with graduation exercises -where first leadership training institute each member who had completed held from Feb. 8 to 10 in-Taunton. the required course was presented Mass. The institute was directed with a diploma. by Myron Ashappa, chairman; Sheila Portney, president of the Blackstone-Narragansett Region of B.B.G., and Burt Jagolinzer, president of the Region's A .Z.A. OPEN THURSDAY NITE Rabbi Barachkoroff of Taunton \ welcomed the group to his con­ - Parking in Rear of Store - gregation for Friday evening ser­ vices. Howard Portney of Harold S. Hillman A.Z.A. won the regional oratory contest on the subject, FOR THE LATEST IN "The Only Thing to Fear Is F ear formerly vice president and treasurer of Itself." Rochelle Miller of Albert United Public · Markets, Inc. is now an Wallpaper Einstein B.B.G. was named the winner of the storytelling contest; active member and treasurer of Designs her story was " A Big Decision." Beverly J acobson or" Judy Ann Leven B.B.G., whose theme was BURTON A. FINBERG AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AND THE BEST IN "To Everything There Is a Sea:.

PAINTS PLAN PURIM DANCE STOP I N AT Mr. Block is a graduate accountant with wide and varied ex­ Joseph Margolis is chairman of perience in both private and public accounting. He is qualified the Purim dance of the Men's Club of Congregation Shaare Ze­ and experienced in the fire and casualty insurance fields. dek which will be held on Satur­ day evening. March 23 , in the Synagogue vestry. Orchestra mu­ It is our pleasure to welcome him as a member of this firm 198 PRAIRIE AVENUE sic and refreshments will be feat­ where his abilities will make it possible to give added services DE 1-8135 ured. The committee includes to our present clients, brokers and prospective clients. Distributors for J ack Feit, Lowell Delerson. Wil­ ARNESTO Paint Products liam Reich, and Nathan Schwartz, e.x -officio. As in the past, this agency will provide competent counselling on all forms of coverage including life, ' group, employee re­ WJAR -- "THE ETERNAL LIGHT" tirement, annuities, fire, casualty, bonds, accident and sickness. Every Sunday-12:30 to 1 :00 P. M. · Changing Ti.mes require periodic i.nsu.ratice analysis. Our ad11i.ce is yours without obligation. Sunday, March 10 "A Song For Queen Esther" BURTON A. FINBERG AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DUDLEY J. BL~ TREASURER 930 Industrial Bank Bldg., Providence, R, I. TEmple 1-6323 ,/ Lesson of the Mid-East Crisis 'Fhe great Mideast c;risis i~ not yet wholly over, even af_ter ONE MAN'S OPINION COMMUNITY the speeches by Golda Meir and Henry Cabot Lodge which ~ l'!J anno_unced somewhat austerely a meeting of minds between CALENDAR ~, Israel and America. The Moscow-Cairo axis countries remain ; 1 sullen, and Krishna Menon uttered Cassandra warnings against Let s Talk About the Home ~~J.... h ...,s .. ~µ1-1~...:n ... ,1-1)-.,b-,l~ 0 "secret d_iplomacy" as he •left for home. The real test of ~he end WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS :5 Afflllated 0'9anlzatlons of t h • ~ of the crisis will come only when Col. Nasser shows his hand League of Jewish Women's Organize· z tlons may clear dates by calling Mn. ~ abont the clearing of-the Suez Canal and about Israeli shipping Bt BERYL SEGAL Alfred D. Steiner at HO 1-9510. l'!J in the Gulf of Aqaba. - . Monday, March 11 c., At a recent meeting of the :or a television set, watching io:is a. m.-Women's Ass'n, Mtriam l'!J Yet the first phase of rhe crisis has now· been rounded out, their favorite programs and re­ Hospital, Board Meet- ~ board of directors of the Home Ing. . lls ... the diplomatic tangle has . been unraveled, and a formula has. for the Aged we listened -to a laxing. 1:00 p. m.-Pawt. and Central Fa r/l Hadassah, L 1 t er a r Y been found which gives · Israel at least a minimal security on report of a case that sent shivers You may· come at the time of . Meeting. = down our spines and brought a movie or a program of ·music, 8:00 p. m.-Flneman - Trinkle Aux~. Aqaba, wl).ich rescues Secretary Dulles again from the diplomatic J.W.V., Board Meeting. =l'!J swamp that he had-himself made and plunged into, and which tears to many eyes. An ailing son and find a goodly audience in 8:00 p. m.-Slsterhood and Brother- :,:, applied for admission of his the dim hall. In a room here hood, Temple Emanuel, ;ii. gives-Nasser a chance to save face. Joint Meeting. I:" father. For many years the and there a small group is gath­ 2:00 p. m. -Jewish Mother's A 111- ,t::, A great politician is -one who doesn't make the same mistake father stayed at the home of ered over a game or conversation. ance, Regular Meeting. • Or you may be rewarded, as I Tuesday, March 12 l'!J twice, but most politicians rarely draw any less

I ...

LISTEN FOR FREDDIE'S Every-Day SPECIALS On WRIB CHICKENS ...... lb. 29c 1220 on the dial BROILERS ...... lb. 3Sc - Daily at 12 Noon - 2 Killings for the Price of 1 A Fabulous Special VEAL BRISKETS ...... lb. 39c Will Be Announced CHICKEN LEGS ...... lb. 49c COTTAGE CHEESE for 29< Tuesday CHICKEN BREASTS ...... lb. S9c And Get Another .Pound for only . . . . . 1Oc Other Specials Announced Wednesday RIB STEAK ...... and Thursday TOTAL LAMB CHOPS VEAL CHOPS lb69c ECLIPSE SYRUP bot 29c CHOCOLATE OR COFFEE PERRY'S NosHERIE · DELICATESSEN DEPT. SWEET BUTTER lb 65c - Strictly Kosher - ALL BRANDS Milchig Fleishig Take the ''Guest-Work" out of serving DAIRY Meat With MIZRACH---=Exclusive In R. I. at FREDDIE'S BAR Sandwich Bar doz 49c Perry and Carolyn Tratten , Your Hosts fresh from the farm where we buy our chickens Open Daily for Breakfast at 7 A. M. - ALL IN OUR DAIRY DEPARTMENT - !1~~~~y-:: ·.:::: FRANKFURTS . . . lb72 C ROSOFF'S HOME-MADE, KOSHER STYLE ClAIRE'S KNOCKWURST .. CANDY SHOP GARLIC RINGS . . SAUERKRAUT qt jar 29c TV SNACKS ..... Now In Fred Spigels Food Center - IN OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT - COCKTAIL FRANKS ...... lb. 79c WEEKEND SPECIAL CORNED BEEF ...... lb. 1.79 Whole RIBS lb SSc Reg. $2.00 Pound PRESSED CORNED BEEF . . . . lb. 99c Regular 69c NEW YORK'S FINEST ROLLED BEEF ...... : .... lb. 1.39 Fancy New York RIB CHUCK lb S9c Assorted Chocolate SHOULDER PASTRAMI . .... lb. 1.79 RIB STEAK lb 69c , MINIATURES DAIRY DEPARTMENT $1.49 lb Freddie's Now Carries A Complete Line of BROILERS lb 3 Sc Twenty Numbers To Select From MIGDAL and HAOLAM Net Weight - 2 Killings for Price of 1 The week of March 15 will soon FINEST KOSHER CHEESES be here when we will tell you the big Imported and Domestic news about Candy. Fancy New York-Reg. 1.29 FRUJTS- VEGETABLES FISH DEPARTMENT WHITEFISH . .. lb 79c SIDNEY PEPPER, Manager Open Tuesday thru Friday Fancy New York FANCY Fresh SWEET and POTATO SALAD Iceberg LETTUCE ...... 2 heads 25c SALT WATER FISH COLE SLAW FLORIDA • Mackerel • Smelts lb 25c • Haddock • Scups SAUERKRAUT Juice ORANGES ...... doz. 25c • Butterfish • Buffel • We Carry Garelick's LINCOLN WOODS DAIRY - We Give World Green Stamps - • Yellow Pike • White Fish • Summer and Winter Carp Milk, and All Nationally Known Brands of Cheeses ORDERS DELIVERED MAnning 1-6055 . - FILLETS OF ALL KINDS -- • Also--A Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS

MEAT and POULTRY DEPARTMENT See FREDDIE'S New SABBATH Open Saturday Nite and PLENTY OF Sunday Morning INFORMATION ROTISSOMAT FREE PARKING SPACE Housewives! 0 All Other Departmenh Open Barbecues up to 35 Chickens at One Time! IN THE REAR - Llg-ht Candles Tonlte 5:29 7 Days A W eek You Take A Barbecued Chicken Home OFF ROBINSON • Daily till 9 • Saturdays till 10:30 All Ready to be Served! Next Friday at STREET. 5:37 P. M. • Sundays till 6 - Just the Thing for Your Party! - .... Use Herald Classifieds. News copy for the Jewish Her­ Plan Mardi Gras Rabbi Jacobson Final in Marriage· ald cannot be accepted a f t e r Party for Children To Speak Friday. Series Wednesday Tuesday noon. Sunday Clubbers at the Jewish Rabbi Abraham I. Jacobson of ·Final program in a series of Community Center's main build- Temple Beth David will speak at informal discussions on "Prepara­ WILLARD AVENUE ing .!!,re scheduled for a Purim the late Friday night service on tion for Marriage" featuring Dr. and OUR DOORS ARE -4-ppreciafe ••• "Mardi Gras Party" on Sunday "Does Love Demand Sacrifice?" Harold Musicker, clinical psychoJ­ STILL OPEN afternoon at 2 o'clock. The service oegins at 8:15 and is ogist, will be presented by the Whatever the Occasion . ~oys and girls enrolled in the open to all. The Oneg Shabbat Young Adult Association of the afternoon luncheon or eve­ POLLACK'S Center's weekly Sunday Club Day social will follow the service and Jewish Community Center at the 0 ~ ning formal . . . You'll agree program will greet Purim a week be held in the temple auditorium. main building Wednesday evening < that on unusual brace-let, early with music, costumes, enter- The Sabbath morning service at 8 o'clock. MARKET 8 set with lustrous p e a r I s , tainment, refreshments and an will be on Saturday at 9 A.M. The "What Should Marriage Mean?" 222 Willard Avenue ~ brilliant diamonds or fiery outdoor parade (if weather per- IRabbi 's sermon will be "Create, will be the title of the evening ~ - opals, provides a touch of mits). Make and Do." Mincha service discussion, it was announced by Weekend Specials! Th ill b d. ted b will be held at 4:15 P.M., followed David Regensteiner, program ..;i distinctive beauty she is e program w e rrec. . Y by the Rabbi's weekly talk on ·chairman. HEINZ 3 cans ~ sure to admire. P~ter K. Rosedale and ad~ission "The Philosophy of Jewish Law" Admission to the program is la;l will be open to boys and girls en- . . . - · · Tomato Soup 25c You're cordially invited to inspect 11 d - th S d Cl b D The Maanv service will be at open to all Young Adults regis- our collection. ro e m e un ay u ay 6 P.M. tered for the series. = program. HEINZ rlJ= The Junior Congregation service ... will be held in the Chapel at Herald classifieds answer many Macaroni or 3 cans ~ la;l 10:15 A.M. problems, such as renting, hiring Spaghetti 25c ... South Side Nursery or selling. Call UN 1-3709 today for information. 1 Pint To Have Party Council and Bureau SOUR CREAM The Nursery Play Group of the To Sponsor Program LINGERIE, BLOUSES, - and - South Side Branch of the Jewish JEWELRY, ACCESSORIES 1 Carton Sparklet Community Center will hold its Cantor- Jacob Hohenemser will Department FROZEN annual Purim party on Wednesday be in charge of the program which - BY - afternoon at 1 o'clock. includes a demonstration lesson STRAWBERRIES Parents and grandparents of in the teaching , of Jewish music (j/oria Cohen children enrolled in the Nursery and which is sponsored by the BOTH for 69c Play Group are invited to attend. School Council and the Bureau located at Free Delivery - MA 1-2834 The children in the morning and of Jewish Education. The pro­ Kavanagh's Oval Room - Open Sunday All Day - afternoon sessions will present a gram will be held at the Provi­ 750 East A venue, P awtucket on the City Line Purim program. dence Hebrew Day School on NOTE - POLLACK'S will Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Distinctive STYLING at Moderate Prices carry a Complete Passover NEVELE IMPROVES PATHS Following the lesson, which will Line, As Usual. include a discussion period by the Bridle paths at the . Nevele teachers and principals, those at­ 133 Washington St. Country Club, Ellenville, N . Y ., tending will be guests of the Day Providence· have been reconditioned for the School and will visit the Hebrew Mayflower Hotel spring riding season. The Nevele's school classes under the guidance Pl~·mouth, Mass. riding paths include the Shawan­ of the principal, Rabbi Akiva Splunq_Sa/R_,of, Hollywood Beach Hotel gunk Mountain Trail and a new Egozi. Hollywood Beach, Florida trail to Nevele Falls. Riding in­ struction is given 9-aily for novices. Recruit' Staff for LUXURY MODELS WAS NOW ~enter ~ay Camps 1956 BUICK 76R RIV. - Dynaflow, radio, Recruitment of staff for 1957 heater, defroster, power steering, power NEW RANCH HOUSE season at Jewish Community Cen­ brakes, power windows, power seat ...... $3300. $3195. - UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - ter's summer day camps formally 1955 BUICK 56R RIV. - Dynaflow, heater, opened this week, according to defroster, radio, power steering, power R. l.'s MOST COMPLETE Lawrence A. Paley, chairman of brakes ...... 249'5. 2395. the JCC camp committee. 1955 OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY SUPER 88- MENU With a large portion of last Hydramatic, radio, heater, defroster, white season's fine staff expected to wall tires ...... 2295. 2195. Weekend Suggestion return, openings are available for 1955 CHEVROLET MODEL 210 2 DOOR- senior counselors' positions. Ap­ Radio, heater, defroster ...... 1495. 1395. CHICKEN plicants should be young men and 1953 BUICK MODEL 72R-Dynaflow, radio, CACCIATORE women 20 years and older with hea ter, defroster, power steering, p o w e r camp experience or an equivalent brakes, white wall tires, air conditioned .. 1395. 1295. WITH SIDE ORDER OF SPAGHETTI background. A limi ~d number of $2.75 openings for junior counselors al­ 1955 FORD FAIRLANE TOWN SEDAN so exists. FORDOMATIC-Radio, heater, defroster .. 1695. 1595. - A WIDE SELECTION OF - 1954 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 D O OR Applicants for these positions SEDAN- Radio, heater, defroster, like new SUCCULENT SEA FOOD are asked to contact Arthur Eisen­ 1295. 1195. TRY OUR HOME-MADE CHEESE CAKE stein at the main building. 1955 MERCURY STATION WAGON - All metal body, radio, heater, defroster, very scarce model ...... 2195. 2045. 1954 B UICK CENTURY RIV. - Dynaflow, 36 (/)~ (/)Ul./WL ~ Special Services radio, heater, defroster, 2 tone paint, low INCLUDING SUCH RARE GOURMET'S DELICACIES AS mileage · ...... 1695. 159S. L obster Fra Diavolo - Partridge in Cocotte, a la Godard To Honor School 1955 BUICK MODEL 52 4 DOOR SEDAN­ Saute' Rainbow Brook T ront, Ama.ndine "A Philosophy of American Radio, heater , defroster, power steeriµg, Soft Shell Crabs - Squab - Pheasant Jewish Education" will be the power brakes ...... 2395. 229S. Chateaubrian d Bouquetierre - 111any others topic of the sermon to be given 1953 MERCURY CONV. MERC-O-MATIC - A D MORE T HAN 2-0 A LA CARTE DESSERTS - by Dr. Emanuel Gamoran at the - Heater, defroster, radio, white wall tires 1345. 124S. second annual '"Service of Recog­ 1954 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN HYDRA- nition" in honor of the R eligious MATIC- Radio, heater , defroster ...... 1595. 1495. Complete Family Dinners DINNER DAILY- 5 P. M. School and its sta ff at Friday Served Sunday SUNDAY- 12 Noon nigM services this evening at 8:15 P.M . at Temple Beth El. Dr. WE'LL TALK TERMS Banquet & Party Facilities Gamoran is the director of educa­ Private Parties up to 600 DANCING tion of the Commission on Jewish in words you'll be happy to hear! FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Education. YOU CAN DO BUSINESS WITH Hors d'Oeuvres Served NICK D' AQUILO AND HIS BAND nightly- 7:30 to 9 :30 FHturlng Latin-American Music TO BECOME COLLEGE NEW YORK - Plans h ave been m ade to convert the 40-year-old Your Hostess J ewish Teachers Seminary and DARIO-BUICK . EVA MAHAN People's University of New York · SSO PAWTUCKET AVE. Near city line formerly wit/t t~ Taunton Inn and Barnstable (Cape Cod) Inn into an accredited college. A char­ ter for that purpose has been -- OPEN EVENINGS -- granted by the Legislature, and a For Reservations - EL 1-6699 Hayim Greenberg Institute for NEW CARS USED CARS Jewish Social Service and Studies 1460 HARTFORD AVENUE, Johnston will be opened next year on the PA 2-1960 PA 5-6652 40th anniversary of the Seminary. SCHWABER APPOINTED. S c h w a b e r is president of the Reading B'nai B':l'ith Lodge. The appointment of Sanford S. Schwaber of Mount Penn, Pa. He is the husband of the former as assistant attorney general for Lorine Swartz, daughter of Mr. !II : the Pennsylvania Department of and Mrs. Frank F. Swartz of this Soci4~7!1 Highways was announced recently. city. Announce 'Birth Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lake of 73-54 255th Street, Glen Oaks, Long Island, N. Y., · announce the birth of their first child, a daugh­ ter, Debra Ellen, on Feb. 25. Mrs. Lake is the former Harriet Seid­ ~HODEc 151.AHO'I LM6EST STORE IN THE HEAal OF DOWNTOWN PlOVI0ENCE man, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip Seidman and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lake. Maternal great­ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Golubchik of Brooklyn, until N. Y. Return From Vacation Dr. and Mrs. Barnard Benjamin you and their daughters, Miss Julia Benjamin and Mrs. Irwin Kaplan, retw·ned home recently from a take a vacation in Miami. Move to Miami Beach Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lerner and bite their children, Susa.s and David, will move from 35 Taft Avenue, Providence to 2402 Alton Road, OPEN Miami Beach, Fla., on Monday. Resnicks Move Mrs. Stanley Bernstein, the TUESDAY Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Resnick former Barbara Nita Spunt, and daughters, 'Donna Karen and· MARCH 12th Robin Beth, have moved from 156 who was married Sunday at Oakland Avenue, Providence, to Temple Emanuel. 28 Baldino Drive, Cranston. OUR NEW Manin-Abrams Sisterhood to Hold At a 4 P.M. double-ring candle­ KOSHER FISH light ceremony on Feb. 24, Miss Purim Party Dolores I. Abrams, daughter of DEPARTMENT Mr. and Mrs. Myer Abrams of A Purim party will be held at Wayland Avenue, became the the meeting on Monday at 8 P .M., Complete Line of you won't know how bride of Dr. Samuel J . Manin, son in the Temple vestry by the Sis­ of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Manin of terhood of Temple Emanuel. The FRESH and . The wedding took program will feature the Young SALT WATER good the)l are place at Temple Emanuel and Judea Dancers and their inter­ Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen officiated. pretation of Israeli dances. Mrs. FISH A reception followed in the Tem­ Howard Weiner will review Sara ple vestry. Kasdan's new cook-book, "Love The bride, given in marriage by and Knishes." The Sisterhood's her parents, wore a gown of pure "Singing-For-Fun" group, direct­ Italian silk, with scoop neckline, ed by Mrs. Nathan Rosen, with a basque bodice and a full skirt Mrs. ·Louis B. Rubinstein at the en train accented with insertions piano. will have its debut. of hand-clipped · Chantilly lace, Chairman· for the program is · forming a garland design. Her Mrs. Samuel Bresnick. Mrs. How­ French illusion finger-tip veil fe·ll ard Schneider is hospitality chair­ SHOULDER from a tiara of seed pearls and man and Mrs. Morris Percelay is rhinestones, and she carried a chairman of hostesses. lace-covered prayer book cascaded STEAK lb 89c with white orchids and stephan- otis. · of Samuel Mossberg and the late ONE LOW PRICE! Mrs. Edward Bomes, aunt of Rose Mossberg. A May 19 wedding the bride, was matron of honor is planned. and Misses Sandra Freidman and Bernstein-Spunt Sandra Frank were bridesmaids. Miss Barbara Nita Spunt, VEAL They were gowned in blue taffeta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David waltz-length gowns with con­ Spunt, was married on Sunday trasting cummerbunds and bustles. afternoon to Stanley Bernstein, CHOPS Jb 69c They carried lace colonials of son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bern­ blue and white porn-porn mums. stein. The ceremony took place ALL CUTS Barbara Bomes was flower girl. at 2 o'clock at Temple Emanuel. Leonard Marks of Philadelphia, The bride, who was given in brother-in-law of the groom, was marriage by her parents. wore a b~st man, and the ushers-were Dr. ballerina length gown of Italian STEER BAR~QJil Arthur Adler and Bernard Whit­ silk in princess style with an em­ man both of Philadelphia, Robert pire bodice and long sleeves of lb 79c Dick and Barry Abrams. Stuart imported Chantilly lace. Her rose LIVER baked Al;>rams, brother of the bride, was point veil was shoulder length ring bearer. with seed pearls. She carried a Genuine Selected After a wedding trip to Nassau, lace covered Bible marked with Dr. and Mrs. Manin will reside at white orchids and stephanotis. 3901 Roosevelt Boulevard, Phila­ Mrs. Leon G. Burt, matron of SAT. - SUN. ONLY delphia. honor, was gowned in blue taffeta Fancy Choice HAMANTASCHEN Weiners Move trimmed with white organdy and THE TRADITIONAL PURIM DELICACY Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weiner wore a corsage of violets. PRUNE, POPPY IIKDI Oft NUT AND FRUIT FIUINel have moved from 66 Broadway, Best man was Allan Bernstein. Taunton, Mass. to 8 Ellen Road, brother of the groom, and Jerome Brockton, Mass. Burton Spunt and Milton Stall­ WHOLE Fluffy, crumbly pastry filled with luscious, tradition­ Third Daughter Born man were ushers. al prunes, poppy seeds, or nuts and fruits. They are Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel Belinsky Son Born a brand new taste treat, baked in Barton's own sun- of Lowell, Mass., formerly of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Kouff­ lit bakery especially for Purim. 2S Providence, announce the bb·th of man of 67 Twelfth Street an­ Steer Ribs. · Box of 10, assorted fillings . . . 1• a third daughter, Jacquelyn Merle, nounce the bb·tb of their second on Feb. 24. The maternal grand­ child, a son, 'Myles Scott, on lnd~vidual pieces, 13c 2 for 25c mother Is Mrs. Esther Berman March 1. of Wealth Avenue. and the pa­ lb 55c ternal grandparents are Mr. and The Herald finds It necessary To order by phone, Mrs. Sum Belinsky of Third Street. many times to edit or omit news Announce Engagement releases submitted for publica­ STOCK YOUR FREEZER CALL Elmhurst 1-3800 Mr. and Mrs. William Aron of tion. The choice of articles to be NOW AT Plnehurst Avenue announce the omitted is purely arbitrary. The TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! ongagement of their daughter, The OUTLET- BARTON'S BONBONNIERE, Street Floor omissions are largely due to lack Beatrice, to Irving Mossberg, son of space. New Commissioner Accepts Challenge future Commissioner woi:.ked his way throup,h pre-med school at NYU by putting in vacation stints as a trolley Closeup By FERN MARJA car conductor and a welder. "Dm:_ing my medical school career," he says, "I Prison guards almost ended the career of Dr. was also a taxi driver. I would get home at 4 or li p.m., grab a bite to eat, then clrive a cab owned by a Morris A. Jacobs before it began. friend of mine. He drove It during the day and l would At··least that's the way New York City's new take over at night, until 3 a.m. It was rough, but it didn't do me any harm at all. Hospital Commissioner remembers it. In 1927, "O.sk>AAHy I'd pick. up classmates as f~ I wore when Jacobs was an interne at City Hospital on llark-~ attcl. they usually didn't reco~ me. But Welfare Island, he and a confrere decided to the next cl&¥ rd say 'Who's the blond you ~ with last night?' _or 'You're a cheapskate-ttp_ping -~ taxi swim the tide-swept West Channel. driver only a 6l.s center. A big, friendly man with something of the look of a St. Bernard, bluff-featured and sturdy, Jacobs has attained his present s tatus without sacrificing personal THE FAMILY .STILL OCCUPIES THE 14 · ROOM popularity. Congratulatory messages from some 600 Dr. Morris A. Jacobs frame house on Sea View's grou11ds, almost the of his former colleagues have flooded his offices at 125 highest point on the Atlantic seaboard from Maine '"I r11me 11p thro11gh tl,e ra11ks .. Worth St. to Florida. It is a picturesque spot, but not prescribed At 58 Jacobs b an urbane, persuasive citizen, fond for sinus sufferers. In foggy weather. Jacobs regularly of relaxi.ng with photography and TV, devoted to his ''We just. made ends mee,," thi> Commis~ion<'r re· climbs out of bed at 3 or 4 in the morning to spra)' home near Staten Island's Todt Hill, a sometime fisher­ ,·alls. "Everyone had to pitch in and help." his nose. man and golfer, conscientious, easy-going, dedicated to Young Morris pitched in by getting up shortly after He remains loyal to Staten Island, however, con­ the improvement of the 29 institutions under his super· sunrise to milk the cows and do the chores in winter, tending that the long ferry ride after a night meeting vision. by ploughing in summer. "It_ was a happy c~ildhood gives him a chance to catch up on his paper work. "Cit.y service presents a challenge,'' he says. "Is t.hat because I like the country hfc- the swimming, the Mrs. Jacobs teaches at P.S. 40 in New Brighton. a corny term! You're confronted with many problems. ice-skating, the football," he explains. . The Jacobs offspring are deeply involved in island In many instances, you're successful., In others you're His mother determined his choice of prof_e ssion when activities: Ruth, 20, is associated with the Jewish Com­ not-because of budgetary restrictions and otber fac· he was no more than eight. . muni!y Center; Richard, 17, who \llants to be a phys­ tors. · "She had a very great influence on me,'' lie ,;ays. ician, is a senior at Curtis High School in St. Georgl;!. "I'm going to try to establish a closer liaison be­ "She was--and is-a very strong individual and she "One thing that's very dramatic ls the change In tween me and the superhttendent of each city hospital. wanted her son to be a doctor. Every time she got a hospitals since I was an interne," sa.ys Jacobs, who Periodically, each superintendent will come down to was promoted to General Medical Superintendent of the chicken she would t"all me in and show me its various see me and tell me about his difficulties. department In 1949 and Deputy eomrnissioner In 1955. ''I have a 'definite advantage. I came up through organs. She'd say, 'Now look, this is the liver and this · "The wards then were filled with mastoids, pneun1onias, the ranks. I know these men Intimately. I can say, is tbe heart.' " middle ear Infections, VD. 'JOt', Jim or Jack, what's your problem!' The boy had ample opportunity to extend his anatC1m· "What happened? Along came s11lfa drugs, then "On t.he top level we think In terms of budget. 'How antibiotics. then early ambulation. I'll cite a for In­ much will it cost?' We <.-ompletely forget what we're ical studies on Saturdays: "I worked from 7 a.m. to midnight cleaning fish. · stance of the last. A maternity case would stay in the here for-the care of the patient. I'm going to try to hospital two weeks In those days. Now she Is usually keep that in the forefront. My greatest asset here Is I llllle fish toda~·. I used to do the scaling, ehop off out In four or five days. The hospitals 'now are filled t.hat I have so many thousands of friends who will t.he heads, ri>move the entrails. I got ~4 for the 17 with the diseases of o!d a,:-e. That is oDe of our major work wit-h me and open up and tell me the story." hours. I s\ved up that money 111,111 I had about 'F;,5, problems." Morris Abraham Jacobs brings to his job a many­ wlt.h whleh I purchased a bicycle. faceted background that is in the American :raditmn­ Sparked by this aspect of his work. Jacobs is in­ "The public school was t.wo and a half miles away a tradition that today is more honored in the breach creasingly interested in geriatrics, a field that is con· and I had to walk from Irvington to South Orange than the observance. cerned with the health of the old. His reading is gen­ every day. The morning after I got the bteycle, I rode erally confined to medical magazines. He !T\anages to 'f. >£- ¥ to school and put the brand-new bicycle In the base- find time to romp on the lawn with his boxer and to BORN IN BROOKLYN, RAISED IN NEW JER.5EY, ment. When I eame back, someone had swiped It. I watch cowboy films on TV on Sundays, a pursuit he he learned early to share family responsibility. His was heart-broken." enjoys because "they put me to sleep." parents, Louis and Sarah Weisinger Jacobs, operated He was never to get another bike. a 25-acre dairy farm in Irvington. They were hard· . After he had graduated Irom Short Hills High pressed financially. School, the family moved to Manhattan._' . There the HE IS INCUNED TO BE A TRIFLE SMUG ABOUT . ·,, ~-,. .,, ™'«~i'Wl'§™~~~~~""'"''''";t,".;(C.~~~"\Wk"~~-¾'!.~~~,~ his culinary prowess. He specializ.es in preparing meat, "indoors or out." With the diplomacy that is his trademark, he concedes that his wife has a broader ~~How Secure Are You?---ly Welts ~arr - range. "She's an excellent cook of Jewish dishes-­ blintzes, everything," he says. "She !ear~ the art from her mother." A passion for good food has added 22 pounds to No one feels secure all of the time, but if you feel that he or she is true to you, that you are still cher- the Jacobs frame .since his salad days. He relishes apprehensive most of the time, some of your psychologi· • ished and esteemed? r Add 4) ( ) Jinguini with clam sauce, pirogen and sour cream, cal attitudes need to be changed. 5. Are you inclined to disparage persons who out- mushroom-barley soup. "I Jove to eat," he confe58elll. This may be easier said than done, but, with intellt­ shine you? (Add 3) ( J "I have to watch my diet. I could eat seven or elg-ht s:ence and determination, you can rid yourself of your 6. Are you quick to defend yourself if you feel some- rolls wlt-h my meals, It I let myself co." fears and worries. Go back to your chi Id hood an•l one is criticizing or accusing you? (Add 2) ( ) The Commissioner Is a o~nk man. "I'm very adolescence to find the causes for your lack of seJf. 7. Do you rely upon alcohol or drugs to keep you selttiittve to liquor," be says. "One dtlnk and I'm ftn­ conftdence or for your anxiety. Try also to deyelop a going? (Add 5) ( ) lshecl. My upper lip g-ets panuyzed. Really." mo1·e mature outlook and philosophy which will enable 8. Are you always dissecting what others say to or In 1950 he quit smoking for three years, now limits you to face with greater courage ·and realism the about you'! < Add 4 ! < ) himself to a pack a day. After thinking a moment, be problems which may arise. 9. Are you very appearance-conscious? (Add 1) downgrades this estimate. "About 12 clg-arets a day, (Score each question ;;nswered Yes according to ( I'd say," he says tt.oughttully. This Is obviously the directions.) 10. Are you a n alarmist- otten foolishly and need- rashest kind of optimism, since he has already ca4ged 1. Are you very ill at ease in new s urroundings, lessly upset? (Add 4). ( ) four daring the course of the Interview. new situations, meeting slrangers?

We Are Happy to Announce the Nineteenth Annual Reunion of'

ON ' for Jewish Boys to 16 CAPE 6 ~ coo years 8ouRNEDALE Buz:z:ards Bay, Mass. - TO BE HELD AT - TEMPLE BETH ZION 1566 Beacon Street - Brookline, 'Mass. - Sunday, March 10, 1957 at 2:00. P. M. - REFRESHMENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT For information about Camp and Reunion call or write Samuel Gerson, Director, 252 Summit Avenue, Brookline, Mass, - BEacon 2-7928 - JUST A FEW OPENINGS FOR CAMPERS LEFT -

Spring and Summer Social Functions For your WEDDING, BAR MITZVAH, BANQUET, In a country club atmosphere, come to p~l,JJ­ WEINSTEIN'S Lake ·Pearl Manor. Lake Pearl, Wrentha,;., Mass. on Route 1A Ladies Association - Jewish Home For .The .Aged Drive Out--or Phone Evergreen 4-3102 to make (1J_ JluL an.nuo1 SpJ,inrJ, c£unduwn_ your 9rrongements Providence Telephone Number - STuart 1-9761 Tuesday" March 12th" 1957 at 12:30 P.M. Sheraton-Biltmore DONOR CHAIRMAN We are now accepting reservations for Passover PROGRAM CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT MRS. SAUL SEIGLf MRS. HIMON MILLER MRS. BEN POUL TEN '. . ISBAETJ AFFAIRS Sisterhood-P. T. A. nIDY.ANN LEVEN B.B.G. SEE DEMONSTRATION JER-OSALEM~The cabinet. of Plans for m,?.king booths for a The . Miriam Hospital Junior Jordan this week approved est-ab­ I carnival on Sunday, March 17, Auxiliary met on Sunday in the ~ lisbment by the Foreign Minisb:y To Present }'lays were discussed at a recent meet­ Miriam H ospital Auditorium. The - ~ of a department on Israeli affairs. ing of the Judy Ann Leven B.B.G. Misses Barbara Neidorf and San­ ,,,. the first in an Arab country. "Purim story in Pantomime" and "Pnrim in Caly,pso.. , musical It was announced that the group dra Eisenberg, program CO-Chair­ will hold a dance in April and a .announced Mrs. Aristide plays, will be presented at a card men, that cake sale in J une. Members will party which the Sisterhood-P.T.A. Cianfarani gave a demonstration be given pins to represent the HARRY KATZ of Congregation Sons of Abraham on the art of ceramics. Refresh­ club. will hold on Wednesday, at 8 P .M. ments were served. Kosher Meat Market in th.e vestry of the Synagogue. 223 Willard An. Mrs. Abraham Chill and Mrs. Phone In Your Orde r Harry Slobodmsky will present a ~ KELLER'S Kosher Meat Market - DE 1-9675 - "Purim Story in Pantomime." Act­ • 1841 :! Willard Avenue JA 1-0960 ing in "Purim in Calypos,. will be + NOBODY G ives A nything A w a y .•. But W e're Doing the Next 9 Your Bundle Will Be Reody Mesdames David Ponnan,. narra­ Thing ! A t com parab le quality - the Lowest Prices ~.nywh ere! POSITIVE PROOF - COM PARE! ,-e When You Wont It! tor; Mary Posner, soloist; Bernard t CHUCK AA Steer lb. 59c Tend e r , P l•,mp F resh t< illed Daily Ba.rascb. piano accompanist; Sol­ g CHICKENS lb. 25c ' STEER LIVER lb. 75c CHICKENS lb. 29c - CAPONS lb. 42c omon Fi..."Cher, Benjamin Hayman. BREAST OF VEAL lb. BROILERS-Fred1 Daily CHUCK lb. 59c Thomas Mintz, Sidney Pepper, t 35c = Lillian Reich, Prank Shone and ' FLANKEN lb. 62c . ~ STEER LIVER lb. 79c Leo Waldman. Well T r immed Avny Cut CH I ~ Koshe" HAMBURG lb. 59c ; FREE DELIVERY A ll Parts of City, EAL OPS b. 69c Mrs. Harry Jones is includ i ng Garden City, Cranston .., TURKEYS lb. 49c chhlnnan;_ a nd a ll s·u b urban a reas 6 Breast of VEAL lb. 35c Mrs. Eva, Greenberg, scribe; and f Call JA 1-0960 z RIB STEAK lb. 75c , Mrs. David Baratz and Mrs. Leon­ ~ A Member of_ the ard Jacobson, tickets. Refresh­ e Willard Slwp¢ng Carter s------ments will be served. - Hair Removal - ~ ~ S.afely Quickly Penn.anently Mrs. S.amuel J. Manin, the For you who care to receive our MEDICALLY and ...~ -INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS forme r Miss Do lores I. Ab­ scientifically approved pr ocess of REMOVING ugly and em­ ~ • FIRE • CASUAL TY • LIFE rams, who was married on barra.s.sing HAIR from Your FACE, ARMS, LEGS, and • FIDELITY and SURETY BONDS Feb. 24 at Tempie Emanuel. BODY, with up- to-date equipment, do so by ca111ng Be Sure! Insure USY DANCE Miss Sonya W ith The USY of Temple Beth Israel (L icensed Electrologist) will hold the " Spring Pli:ng", a 410 Hope Street Prov., R. I. SAMUEL C. RESS square dance, on Saturday, Mareh DE 1-8229 Free Consultation ASSO<:IATID WlTH 16, at. the Temple. • _ HAROLD HOLT & CO. 2 Richmond Sneet - GA 1-TT71 - Res.--GA 1-2652

WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! .. . Debating where t-0 go to sel­ ect their friend's shower and wedding gifts . .. when they know an the tim.e they'll wind up at, JAMES KAPLAN--of coarse! -James Kaplan, Inc. - JEWELERS - 250 Aubum St., Cranston BE-N'S BAKERY ST 1-0939 ST 1-0940 981 BROAD STREET Corner Sumter Street e JEWE:LRY e CHINA • LUGGAGE • APPUAMCES • WATC~ REPAIR • DIAMONDS (Owne rship and Management by KAPLAN'S BAKERY) lndustri.al Discounts

TAKE ADVA NTAGE O F THESE M O NEY-SAVING V ALUES Announces Its Opening ON KOSHER BEEF-THE BEST Y OU CAN B U Y ! GEORGE BERLINSKY'S ~1 On TUESDAY, March 12 ft~ Kosher Meat Market ~ -" 208 Willard Avenue - DE 1-9595 ;, FRESH K I LLED, NATIVE STEER LIVER .. . .. lb. 79c EVERYTHING You Like In Nourishing, Tasty CAPONS ...... lb. 42c CH UCK, cny cut .. lb. 59c SALAMI ...... lb. 69c • BREAD • ROLLS • PASTRY -~. T ri,n,-d VEAL CHOPS .... lb. FLANKEN . _ ..... lb. 65c 69c ' Everythi~g Baked Right On the Premises DELIVERIES In Providen<2, New En1nnc.e to WiH~rd A venue Cranston ~nd P~m of Warwidc On P ra:rie Ave.nue - specializing in - Birthday and Wedding Cakes Holiday Fun For Everyone at the Second Annual GRAND OPENING SPECIALS PURIM (TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY) CARNIVAL SUHDAY, MARCH 10, 1957 - 2 TO 4 P. M. Danish Coffee Rings - 3 9c each SOUTH SI DE BRANCH BUILDING 46 HAMIL TOtf STREET (~ Potters An.) GAMES - FU - BOOTHS REFRESHMENTS - PRIZES - DOOR PRIZES Layer Cakes - 54c each ENTERTAINMENT A~mi.ssion Ttekm . . . _ SOc BEN'S BAKERY W ill Be Open Sundays and Holidays -­ {bdun91Jllb.. f(W lt lloottl tidleh, fo ... lned fo, ....-. rwfnshnMnts. etc..J -- BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! IMPORTANT - Our Prairie Avenue Store Remains Open LOYAL FAMILY CIRCLE The Jewish Hera1d serves a Ithat Herald ads are widely read. ,.. community of 35,000 - it follows Place your ad today. "' A report on the annual dinner held Jan. 27 was presented by the 1-3 social committee at the meeting of the Loyal Family Circle of =t_!J Rhode Island held recently at * 25e BOWLING * - Mon.-thru,fri. till 6 P...M. Holiday Excepted. Now open ;g the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0 Nozick. Leonard Levin won the · daily from 10 A.M. Sundays lit 1 P.M, Open Alleys for < drawing. Refreshments were serv­ leagues every afternoon and evenings at 5:00 and 5:30. ...t::, ed by the hostess. . t_!J ~ ''SULLIVAN'S" 24 0 R. I. R~-creation I ALLEY~ I t_!J Tel. GAspee 1-3458 ... t_!J MARIE CECE No. Main St., at Prov.-Pawt. Line PA 5-1077 :a · DRWE ON OUR ROOF ...r:/l NOTARY PUBLIC PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND WALK DOWN STAIRS Suite 320-322 · Phenix Bank Bldg. = 17 Exchange St. - Prov. R. I. t_!J =~ t" 5:'"" Engaged · - Mr. and Mrs. "IJ STALAG 17 ...~ Recently Elected-Dr. Irwin L e w i s Korn of Harwich t::, -, Kaplan, who was recently Road announce the engage­ - STARRING - me n t of their daughter, !<"" elected financial secretary Norman Salhanick - Stan Manne - Jack Dreyfuss of the Warwick K i w a n i s Ruth Sonya, to Dr. Norman ~ Club. Dr. Kaplan is also Berkowitz, son of Mr. and Jack Applebaum and Harmon Hyde ~ program chairman of the Mrs. Robert Berkowitz of Dire_cted by CLYDE NORTH 0 Savoy Street. Miss Korn at­ Warwick Jewish Commun­ r,,,= ity Association. tends the Boston University ... '"\ CRANSTON PLAYHOUSE (0 School of Education. Dr. (It PROVIDENCE Ladies Association Berkowitz attended Provi­ Park View Junior High School ~ SHEET METAL CO. d e n c e College and was 123 Charles St., Prov. - DE 1-7455 To Hold Luncheon graduated from St. Louis Park Avenue Cranston, R. I. Your certified Lennox dealer-expe rt - University Dental School. - 8:30 P. M. - A Catskill Mountain satire, "The He is a member of the Al ­ FRIDAY and SATURDAY - MARCH 8 and 9 F abulous Safari," written by Nat­ pha Omega Fraternity. A alie R. Siegle, will be presented December wedding is plan­ Tic:;kets $ 1.50 _at Box Office or Call GA 1-1155 Rhodes-on.:the-Pawtuxet at the annual spring luncheon of ned. the Ladies Association of the Broad St., Cranston, R. I. Jewish Home for the Aged to be - held on Tuesday at 12 :30 P.M., at NOTE: Xavier Cugat's date the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel. at Rhodes has been changed from Sat., March 9 to Sat. The cast includes Mesdames Eve, March -30th. Howard Amster, Louis Millen, Stanley Manne, Earl Woolf, David NO CASH D-OWN Rachlin, Yvette Ross, Harold Saturday Evening (Rose) Kelman, Harold Roberts, Gershon Salhanick, Julius Licht, That;s right! You need to put no cash down to buy one of our March 30th Victor Gold, Harold Goldenberg, Guaranteed l st Choice_ Used Cars at New England Motors. 8:30 to 12:30 Mitchell Sherwin, Miss Charlotte Reeves and Miss Claire Ernstof. - The World Famous Mrs. Himon Miller is program WE'LL FINANCE THE FULL . AMOUNTI "King of the Rumba" chairman, and the production is under the direction of Saul Seigle. • On The Spot Credit Clearance • On The Spot Delivery 5 DAY TRIAL -- 30 DAY GUARANTEE Sisterhood Sabbath Takes Place Friday NOW YO-U CAN BUY ALL-NEW 1957 Rabbi Morris Schussheim, Can­ tor Saul Rogolsky and the Temple Choir will conduct the service at the annual Sistc:-ho:id Sabbath at Temple Beth Israel on Friday eve­ OR ning, March 15 . Special speaker PLYMOUTH will be Mrs. Leonard Sholes president of the Sisterhood. ' The Sisterhood Sabbath is con­ For DOWN duoted in connection with the Festival of Purim. Following the As service an Oneg Shabbat and CASH .00 Kiddush will be served to the Low· PER congregation. OR As MONTH TRADE

FOUND · A New Lease on Life •••

. . . ever si nce I took out that wonderful new Sun Life of Canada policy which made sure that· my fami ly would be looked aft er no matter what hap­ pened to me. You can feel like a new person too, simply by calling your local Sun life representative.

Your local Sun Life representative is: ELLIOT F. SLACK 1019 INDUSTRIAL BANK BLDG. DE 1-2422 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ----,------~- - ---,.------

...... Beth Am Women Moses can be reached at ST 1-9515. -HOMES­ Reliable Window BUILT and REPAIRED Have Fashion Show • Recreation Rooms · ·cleaning Company JWV Auxiliary • Counters and Show Cases 9 MEN.I COURT HOpklns 1-2889 Approximately 85 women at­ Establlshed 1921 tended the open meeting and A. H. MILLMAN, Inc. AWNINGS AND STORM WINDOWS Hears Mrs. Winoker ST 1-9244 fashion show of ' the Wqmen's - " No J ob Too Small" - INSTALLED and REMOVED Auxiliary of Temple Beth Am lai;t Mrs. J. Winoker, state · depart­ night at the Cranston Portugese ment president of JWV Auxil­ Club. Mrs. Albert Lichtenberg was iaries, was guest speaker at the commentator. February meeting of the Gerald IT-'S A LOT OF BULL . .. Mrs. Irving Zaidman, president, M. Clamon Auxiliary 369, JWV, announced that a special _meeting at the Jewish Community Center. That You get in a Lester Kessler Sandwich. will be held on Monday evening at Miss Dorothy Goldberg, president, Plenty of Meat . . . Choicest Meat, too . . the Cranston Portugese Club to presided. - and that's no bull 1 revise by-laws. Mrs. Irene Cohen, Miss Nettie Mrs. Israel Moses, donor chair­ Simon and Mrs. Emma Simon ROHWURST man, requested that she be noti­ presented reports. Mrs. Miriam fied as soon as possible concern­ Golditch was sworn in as a new ing attendance at the Auxiliary's member by Mrs. Winoker. who donor's dinner to be held on Mon­ was assisted by Miss Rose Sock, day, March 25, at the Driftwood chaplain, and Mrs. Simon. acting Restaurant. Judge Frank Licht of conductress. Bar Mitzvah-Stanley -Mit­ the Rhode Island Superior Court Miss Florence Datz and Miss chell Miller, who became will be guest speaker. and Mrs. Goldberg were hostesses for the Bar Mitzvah on- Feb. l O at Nathan Ullien will entertain. Mrs. evening. the Sons of Abraham Syna­ gogue, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emis Miller of Dudley Street. l,;l ~ Beth El Groups N·EW RATE OF To See Bethesbians The Bethesbians, the dramatic group at Temple Beth El, will present "The Valiants" at Mon­ day night's joint meeting of the INTEREST Sisterhood and Brotherhood. The cast includes David Gaines, Norman Jagolinzer, Mrs. Harriet Rumpler and Bernard Weinstein. The play is directed by Miss Lil­ lian Greenberg. Mrs. Theodore Low, president of the Sisterhood, and Hyman S. Goodwin, Brotherhood president, will preside at the meeting, which will be preceded by an arts and crafts exhibit by members of both Temple organizations. At the same time, Goodwin announced the appointment of Murry Halpert as chairman of the Bar Mitzvah Bible presenta­ tion committee, succeeding the late Dr. Walter J . Nelson. Good­ win also said a Brotherhood board meeting will be held Sunday morning at the Temple._

Cugat Date Here Changed to March 30 A change in his television ap­ pearance dates has caused Xavier The rate of interest on sovings occounts at Peoples Savings CUgat to postpone his originally scheduled appearance at Rhodes­ Bonk hos been increased to 3%. Deposits made on or before the on-the-Pawtuxet from tomorrow 16th of any month earn interest from the 1st of that month. evening to Saturday evening, March 30, at 8:30 P.M. Cugat, known as the "King of • •••• the Rumba", and his orchestra will present a repertoire which The Board of Trustee.s has declared a semi-onnual dividend at the rote includes not only the rumba, cha­ of 3% per annum for the six months period ending June 30, 1957. cha, tango and samba, but music in the American Jazz idiom as well.

Miss Bojar to Play In Senior Recital Ruth Naomi Bojar, daughter of Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bojar of 96 Congress Avenue, wlll present her senior piano recital tonight at Boston University, School of Fine SAVINGS BANK and Applied Arts, College of Music at 8: 15 o'clock at the Recital Hall, 84 Exeter Street, Boston. Miss Bojar's program wlll in­ ~c.1. ~c.t. clude a Partlta by Bach; Fantasia o~,of. . o~,oi .... ,c.'1- and Fugue In C Major by Mozart; ~ ~\l"' the Farewell Sonata (Les Adieux) ,~ Westminster ,~ 200 Governor Francis by Beethoven, and a Liszt Con­ Taunton Avenue Shopping Center certo for two pianos. In the final to the Mall selection, Miss Bojar wlll be as­ sisted by Alicia Piasecki at the second piano. J The Herald Pages offer a sup-1 ity of · 35,000. Insert your ad this ~ B. Simon erior buying guide to a commun- week. 'PIANO TUNER Since 1910 Pianos Tuned, Regulated Repaired The Talk Around Town Reasonable - Reliable Money Back Guarantee 226 WEBSTER AVENUE Is About The Deal EL 1-2275 - TE 1-4205 . ' HIEN PONTIAC _Will Give You On The '57 PONTIAC

H;en Pont;o, Is Locoted At ~ 540 Pawtucket Ave. In Pawt. At the North Main S.t. Providence­ Pawtucket City Line

Our Younger Set ~ The sons of Mrs. Mary Friedman of Make It AMust To See HIEN Today 397 Glenwood Avenue, Pawtucket, and the late Amold E. ~f.~ Friedman are shown left to right: Harvey J ., 15, A Edward, seven and a half, and Carl A, 12 years old. Immediate Delivery Liberal Terms Mothers Alliance HILLEL SOCIAL • ~t~, The Hillel group of Bryant 24 HRS A DAY Every Day In The Week To Meet Monday College will hold a social on Sun­ HIEN PONTIAC CO. day, at 7 P.M. in the Barn Studio 15 Years Experience . Plans for the annual desert Desk Space & Listing Service off Young Orchard Avenue. All VACATIONS COVERED bridge of the Jewish Mothers Al­ 540 Pawtucket Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. USE YOUR OR OUR NUMBER liance will · be discussed at a college students are invited to at­ TELEPHONE meeting on Monday afternoon at tend. Refreshments will be served. Open Evenings PA 3-7700 Answering Service 1 :3.0 P .M. at the Hebrew Shelter­ Admission will be charged. ACME GAspee 1-1155 ing Building. ll8 Empj1, St. PrO't'idence Mrs. Jack Melamut, president, announced last week the chairmen of the desert bridge to be held in We Refinish, June. They are Mesdames Yetta Antique, Repair, Cutler, chairman; Morris Adel­ I man and Morris Lecht, co-chair­ Restyle, Buy, men; Harry Weiner, Bernard Sell, Exchange, Yanku, Samuel Horovitz, pro­ and Tune gram book chairmen, Rebecca Greenfeld, ticket and gifts chair­ PIANOS man, and Miss Sarah Rodinsky, treasurer. The committee mem­ 11 bers are Mrs. Nat Edelman, Mrs. ~ -----htrtffi Edward Kagan, Mrs. Benjamin ,~~a°c~MPANY Cohen, Mrs. Getzel Zaidman, and Mrs. Jack Melamut, ex-officio. i11L111111l111l1JL11JL11L1 A social hour will take place Facto ry and Showroom Open Dally 9-5 - Wed. 9-9 after Monday's meeting. Game:;; FREE PARKING will be played. -- TERMS IF DESIRED - 126 North Main Street PL 1-9160 Fain's Building R. I. Civic Theatre To Present Play Rhode . Island's civic theatre, . MIRRORS the Cranston Playhouse, will pre­ : FURNITURE TOPS { sent, tonigi)t and tomorrow night. the fourth show of the year, !i ·. MIRRORS & MIRROR "Stalag 17" at the Park View DE 1-9427 RESILVERING Junior High School, Cranston at Glass Furniture Tops 8:30 P.M. Mr. Resnick will be available to consult with you on any phase of personal and " No Job Too Large or The cast includes Stan Manne, Too Small" Norman Salhanick, Jack Dreyfuss family insurance, including Life, Non-Cancellable Accident and Health, Non-Cancellable WINDOW GWS • PLATE GLASS and Jack Applebaum, Herb Wang, Hospitalization. GLAZING CONTRACTORS Jordan Abrams, Norman O'Con­ GLASS nor. Harmon Hyde, Ralph Martin, REPLACEMENT HOpkns IN YOUR Phil Kenney, Dick Moore, Jim HOME 1•7708 ,. McManus, M. J . Espinola, Ed • 19 LIFE PLANS Keppler, Mario Sirabella, Ed Rossi BROAD ST. GLASS CO. and Ray Chiavirini. • iO ACCIDENT & SICKNESS COVERAGES A. J . PAULL, Prop. The all male cast is under the 1 LIL\.IAN AVE., Off Broad St. direction of Clyde North. Tickets may be purchased at the door. With This Appointment, M & F Insurance takes another step forward in our ...... determination to satisfy ALL Your Insurance needs ... Personal, Family, Property, "(J.w,__ 'IJ.o1UUJ1VL SizL " and Business.

The Herald is now accepting This combination of Multiple-Line Property Insurance with Personal Insurance is ~'Younger Set" Photos part of the growing trend towards the "ONE-STOP" Insurance Agency Service that For early publication and For our Files M & F now proudly offers. • Glossy Prints Preferred • 5" x 7" or larger • Snapshots will not be accepted THE JEWISH HERALD = 1117 Douglas Ave. Providence, R. I. SERVICE UNPARALLELED , ...... = : : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = : = == "'...



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