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NET PKBSS RUN ...... - , „ " \ T"'-' ' S S AVERAGE DAUiT CntCUliATION Idbrary «-CofflP- THBtTKATHKR ' for the month of DecembOTt 1928 State Foneaat bjr u. tt. Wrathet Btimiaf. Mew Udveu 5,209 . . Jf'alr i|nd sUghtly warmer- |o>- Uenibes ot the ‘Audit Dureua of n i^ t ; Thursday elondj, followed ‘ Clrcalatloue by lig;ht rain aiui warmer.

-M VOL. XUIL, NO. 73. (Classified Adrertising on Page 12) -^ 5;-.. SOUTti MANCHESTER, CONN.^ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1929. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENl'S THRONGS PASS HIS TEMPLE OF SPORT A MONUMENT NOW BEFORE BIER GOV. TRUMBULL INAUGURATED O FSP ^T SM A N AMID BRILLIANT PAGEANTRY Tex Rickard Pats on His Last and Biggest Show at Executive Is Against Tbonsands Throng Hartford Streets to Witness Colorfni Madison Sqnare Garden; Procession— Ceremonies Start at Noon With Lnndi- Many Women Present. A State Income Tax eons at Hartford Chb and at the Henhiein— Then Fob lowed the Parade to the Capitol Where Chm( Execn- New York, Jan. 9.— Tex Rickard Chief Executive in Inaugural Message Recom­ put on his last and biggest show to­ mends Uniform TraflSc Laws in State, Com­ tive Took Oath of Office and DeErered His Message; day at Madison Square Garden, his. dream palace of sport. pulsory Physical Examination of Auto Historic Inangnral Ball to Be Held Tonight. The turnstiles were up for all to Drivers Every Three Years, Restrictions of ------ come who would and say so-long to the man who loved to shuffle Bank’s Powers, Centralization of State’s Hartford, Conn., Jan. 9.— Con­ HERE ARE HIGHLIC|HTS crowds. Attorneys and Other Reforms. necticut’s sevenfieth governor OF GOVERNOR’S SPEECH And they came. Scores, hundreds, started his third term in that of­ Governor Trumbull recom­ thousands. Men, women and chil­ Hartford, Conn., Jan, 9.— The fice today, John H. Trumbull, of dren. mends: third consecutive inaugural mes­ I Addresses Assembly Plainville, succeeding himself for Uniform traffic laws through­ When the gates opened this Madison Square Garden, the vast temple of sport that was Tex Rickard’s life and dream became a sage that John H. Trumbull, ot ' morning, they began filing past the manument to its visionary builder when his body was brought there to lie In state. A c S s insTtent the second time, rode down the out the state. Plainville, has delivered' to the Compulsory physical examin­ $1:5,000 bronze casket in the center Pi^t a — milled about to await the arrival of the casket State Legislature to mark his as­ slope from Main street and up the of the arena at the rate of two a ations for all automobile opera­ Ga'rden^ entrance as th e cortege, escorted by 100 policemen, ijeached the sumption of the governor’s office winding road to the Capitol, the tors every three years. second. At eleven o’clock the jam was delivered in the Hall of the central figure in brilliant pagean­ at both huge entrances was getting Restriction to banks and trust House at the Capitol thi.s afternoon try. The splendor of today’s inang- companies of fiduciary powers. so bad that the lane of policemen by the governor and received by the uration had not been equalled for Placing the nine state’s at­ kept telling the mourners to walk joint session of the State Legisla­ more than a decade. torneys of Connecticut under faster. HAD SLAIN MAN’S PHOTO ture with apparent approval. To the fanfare of trumpets Gov. the attorney-general’s depart­ Many Women. M ELO N SURE Governor Trumbull separated his Tiumbull passed.from the Hartford ment. At least one of every ten in the Club to his car. To the quick meas­ Giving any town the right to mourning line was a -woman. Yet third inaugural address Into twelve sections, each dealMig with an im­ ure of band marches his escorts condemn land in an adjoining it was not a crowd such as rioted IN PALM OF HIS HAND portant phase of the state’s busi­ stepped through the central sireetu • town for airport purposes. at the funeral of Rudolph Valentino - ______ness affairs, and began the address where the largest inaugural crowd Increasing powers of aviation It was a man’s crowd. Rich .man, by expressing his appreciation and the city has known was lined many department to order removal poor man, beggar man, thief— deep to see the procession and, it of obstructions near airport. some from curiosity— some from grktltude for the support he has Every Time He Opened Fist DEMOCRATS PLAN fflJA B IN E r had as governor from previous leg­ seemed, to greet the governor with Giving the state healing arts honest grief. islatures. applause.* board broad disciplinary pow­ And after they gazed upon the ers, including the right to re­ poker face of Tex for the last time, Early in his message the gdvern- At the Capitol he was sworn In i He Saw Witch; Remark- g j g DISCUSSION 1 or stated his strong opposition to a for his third time and promptly ne voke physicians’ licenses. the “ hoys” filed up into the gallery No Aonoimcement Made Bot Giving the state com­ plan fo f a state income tax “ not fell to delivering his annual mes­ and took their seats to wait the only because the method, based as mission. complete supervision funeral services at 2 o’clock this able Statement Made at ___ sage, which this year, seemed over amateur bouts. afternoon. Leaders Say Secretary of it is on the income of individuals, more than usually brief. Making the clerk ot bills a Shortly before noon, here were is apt.to serve as an Invitation to Started at Noon permanent office. Witchcraft Trial. Raskob to See Gov. Roose­ extravagance on the part of the tax­ 5,000 persons in the upper tiers. Trrasnry Will Be Asked Informally the inaugural cere­ Clarification ot duties of state Some had even brought sandwiches ing power, but because it is repug­ monies started at noon. Formally water commission to avoid fric­ with them. . velt to Talk About the Fu* nant and violates all of our concep­ they will end tomorrow morning tion with board of health. York, Pa., Jan. 9.— In the palm to Remam in Office. tions in Connecticut of a (iscal pro­ when the annual governor’s ball Enactment of laws to prevent of his hand for years John Blymyer, gram.” cames to a close. The eventp of the fraudulent stock sales. To Cut Down Tax. Gov. John H. Trumbull “ pow wow doctor” on trial' for the ture of the Party. day moved with the preciseness Relieving the governor of the Governor Trumbull then indicat­ duty of serving on state boards 0K .K .K . PARADE murder of Nelson D. Rehmeyer, Washington, Jan. 9.— Herbert that to Gov. Trumbull, as one of ed: “ When you have carefully con­ nance for a large appropriation, the state’s leading business men, whose functions are overlap­ saw a mental photograph of the Hoover apparently has made at sidered the budget, you will share ping. Albany, N, Y., Jan. 9.— John J. and as a member of the board of is a part of his life. Aides had AT INAUGURADON man killed, ^here the vision was, least one definite decision as to his with me in the opinion that we finance be compelled to ask the ap­ studied and timed the affair so Appointment ot a commis­ may, with propriety, decrease the every time he opened his fist, Raskob, chairman of the Demo­ Cabinet. It Is that Andrew W. Mel­ propriation cut. that no motions were wasted, no sion to plan a celebration of the state tax on towns by at least $25,- worrying him and affecting his cratic national committee, will “ I believe the most important time was lost. 300th anniversary of the found­ lon, the grizzled, taciturn financier 000.” mind and health, * ( come to the capitoF%ere shortly to of the governor Is to be ing of the Colony of Connectl- from Pittsburgh will remain as In speaking of tha duties o f (h# The first signs of the inaugural ent. Republicans Feared Kluxers This remarkable testimony was ‘ discuss the future of the Demo­ the presiding director of a large Were the appearance in town of given on the witness stand today secretary of the Treasury-* after governor, thw executive proposed and camplex business organiza­ cratic Party with Gov, Franklin D. that he be relieved from member­ uniformed men, members of the by Dr. Julius Comroe, of York; for­ March 4. tion,” he explained. governor’s staff and of the two Roosevelt. ship on those state boards where he istered the oaths, the Senate first Would Stage a Demon merly connected with the Phila­ Mr. Hoover has made no an­ Motor Vehicles. Foot Guard organizations. The delphia hospital. An expert In In announcing today that he ex­ might be called upon to act in dual In discussing the motor vehicle elected its clerk: J, Frederick nouncement; neither has Mr. Mel­ capacity. He had pointed out that Second Company rolled in by rail­ Baker, of New Haven. Mr. Baker mental diseases, thi doctor had ex­ pected to confer with Raskob in the department of the state Gov. Trum- road train frem New Haven in mid- stration on March 4. amined Blymyer six times since near future. Gov. Roosevelt said: lon. None likely will be made for as a member of some state board indicated he would not announce he might request the board of fi- morning. The First Company and his appointments until next week. January 23, 1923, the last time “ We expect to discuss the Demo­ some time. But among those in a (Continuerl on l*age 3.) last night. cratic Party.” the Hartford cavalry troops, suc­ Organization of the Senate was His Delusions. position to know, the retention of cessors to the old Horse Guard, affected by electing Roy C. Wilcox, Washington, Jan. 9.— The “Ku Whether former Gov. A1 Smith were waiting. “ Blymyer had a fixed idea he and other national Democratic fig­ Mr. Mellon is regarded as a settled of Meriden, as president pro-tem. Klux Klan announced officially to­ Luncheon at Clnb His opponent was Frank S. Bergin, was being persecuted,” Dr. Comroe ures will come to Albany with thing. Indications are that it was, JOHNSON ALONE FARMERS TO WAGE day it will stage no demonstration said. “ He thought someone was Informally the ceremonies began ot New Haven. Seventeen votes Raskob has not been definitely de­ finally settled during the two hours here during President-Elect Hoo­ pursuing him. He couldn’t eat or cided. It is generally believed, with a luncheon at the Hartford were necessary for choice. The vote followed party lines strictly. Mr. ver’s inauguration March 4. sleep, and it affected his health.” however, that Smith will be pres­ that the two men faced each other Club at noOn. The luncheon was The defense claims Blymyer be­ ent. across the luncheon table yesterr BALKS PACT VOTE WAR ON TARIFF given by Governor Trumbull to of- Wilcox received 21 votes, all Re­ Hiram W. Evans, Imperial wiz­ publican. and Mr. Bergin 12, all lieved he was “ hexed!.” That is: Following the last election. Gov. day. ficers-elect and members of his ard, made the announcement. He That he was convinced that Reh­ staff. At the very same moment, at Democratic. said: Roosevelt wrote to Democratic Too Early Yet Thanks Senate meyer, a 60-year-old farmer, was a leaders in ail parts of the country the Heubleln, Mrs. Trumbull gave “ The Klan plans no demonstra­ “ witch” and had cast a’n evil spell The reasons for not announcing Veteran Senator is Opposed Wants Duty Pat on Vege­ a luncheon to wives of the present Mr. Wilcox took the oath, admin­ tion in Washington at the present.” over him, and others. And, on asking their opinion on the party’s istered by Mr, Pallotti. Then Mr. outlook. He has received upwards Mr. Mellon’s letentlon are various. and Incoming state officials, the Wilcox thanked the Senate for his • Perhaps no other utterance by the night of Nov. 27 last, Blymyer wives of the officers of both, com­ Evans was awaited by so many per­ of 3,000 replies and it is ut^dersteod For one thing, there is lots of time to Uncondkional Ratifica* election, declared he would make and two companions, Wilbert Hess table Oils That Come from panies of the Governor’s Foot sons of prominence and influence. and John Curry, went to the Reh­ that he plans to place these before between non and Marchr 4 and his committee assignments next Mr. Hoover himself is said to have Chairman Raskob and any other Guard, and to other friends cf week, and expressed the hope that meyer farm house and bludgeoned much may happen; for another, to hers. Just as the noon meal was been anxious to learn what the the “ witch” into insensibility and national leaders who may be here tion o f Anti-War Treaty. PhQippine Islands. he would satisfy everyone by the for the conference. ' announce it at this time would- ending the escorts of the governor appointments he made. He would secret organization planned to do burned him to death. draw_down on the head of the on March 4. Absence of such infor- Mind of a Boy, Assailed Smith. were falling into line at the Hart­ do the best he could, he said. President-elect the imprecations of ford Club. mation; some politicians believed, Dr. Comroe testified that upon Recently Representative Box of , Washington. Jan. 9.— One veter­ Washington, Jan. 9.— A tariff As he became presiding officer of Te.xas, in a public repl; In Congress the little Anti-Mellon “ Progressive’’ .4t the Capitol the Senate. Mr. Wilcox performed prompted the early taboo of a examining Blymyer as late as last an Irreconcilable— Senator Hiram row of vast proportions was precipi­ to Gov. Roosevelt's letter, bitterly group in Congress who have been Following the delivery of the bis first official act and appointed “ regular and old-fashioned” in­ night he found his men 1 intelli­ W. Johnson, of California— today auguration, with its pomp and gence to. be “ that of a .juvenile.” assailed the forces that supported bombarding Mv. Hoover with tated today when representatives of governor’s message, a buffet lunch Rev; Mr. Ayres as the Senate chap­ former Gov Smith in the presiden­ peals nht to retain Mr. Mellon. stood between, the Senate and an American farmers went before the was served in the Capitol. This lain. Mr. Ayres held the post two elaborate ceretnony. j'^ears ago. Hoover’s Wishes (Continued on rage 2.) tial election. Roosevelt has refused No secretary of the Treasury in agreement for an imniediate uncoa- chancer to appease growing appe­ recent times has been so idolized House ways and means committee Announcement of /the appoint­ Observers recalled Mr. Hoover to reply to Box’s attack, saying ft ditlonat ratification of the Kellogg- tites canie in the course of a recep­ would be answered at a later, date. or so opposed in Congress ,as' Mr. demanding the imposition of tariff tion which the governor and his ment of door keepers and messen­ was thinking about his Inaugura­ Briand peace treaty. gers followed. The Senate then tion, duriiig his tour bt Central and From sources close to Gov. Mellon, The feeling is extreme on duties upon vegetable oil products co-officials in the state government EUROPE WATCfflNG Roosevelt it was learned he feels both sides. The mid-western Pro­ Johnson, a grizzled veteran of voted to adopt the rules of the 1927 South American countries at a time of the Philippine Islands. . . . held for their . friends. Thien the Senate, ordered the printing of the T/hen he might have been devoting the Democratic national committee gressive Farm- Bloc, .composed of the .Senatorial wars over the Encouraged by the assertions of assembly, gradually melted away, journal and voted to dispense with should meet several times each year such .men as Norris of Nebraska, preparing to gather again this all his time to forthcoming speech­ League of Nations and World Republican spokesmen during the both the reading of the roll call and es his good-wlil trip necessitated, for a “ frank and open” discussion Brookhart-of Iowa. La Follette of evening when the annual ball is JUGO SLAVIA EVENTS Court, held out foi* some official ac­ of the daily journal. his inauguration speech, his Cabinet of the Democratic Party. Wisconsin, and others,, are bitter canrpaign that the tariff is the best held* at Foot Guard Armory. Committees were name on dis­ and other m oi. Important matters. Roosevelt, pointed out today that and unyielding in their opposition tion by the Seriate, setting forth the form of farm relief, the farmers’ Almost' oriental magnificence, has position of mail to members, assign­ He sent a radiogram to Lieut. Col. the national committee did not to him. The Republican stalwarts American terms of adherence to spokesmen prepared to make their been invoked to provide a proper ment of seats to reporters, con­ meet from June, 1924, until Junu- U. S. Grant 3d, chairman of the Big Powers Taking Particu­ of the .east proclaim him “ the the treaty. lie Insisted upon a state­ pleas with a claim of greater moral setting for the great balL Pink tested elections, contingent ex­ government inaugural committee, ary. 1928. greatest secretary of the Treasury backing than they have ever had penses. executive nominations, and ment, to the world that Amerlck metalline covered the walls of the stating he preferred a parade and It is understood that one of the since Hamilton.” There isn’t inuch before. armory, balcot-ies are draped jg (Senate appointments. suggestions Roosevelt ' plans to ceremony similar to that given lar Interest in King Alex­ middle ground. will never peimit foreign interfer­ The proposals will be fought not pink and white bunting, and the Meanwhile the Senate was ex- President Coolidge March 4, 1925. make to Raskob is that he call fre­ Another Opponent only by, representatives of the pecting word from the House as to quent meetings of the national ence with the Monroe Doctrine and ceiling bears a suspended canopy There was little doubt that the Senator “ Jini” Couzens (R ) of Philipines, but by many American the passage; under suspension of committee between now and 1932.. that approval of the Kellogg pact of white bunting, crossed by long Klan gave Mr. Hoover much con­ ander’s Latest Move. Michigan, Is another bitter oppor industries depending upon the streamers of the same material in rules, of two measures. cern. Rumors filtered through the Another suggestion which Roose­ doee not mean ^-American endorse­ islands for ch-jap raw materiaL Two Hreasnres velt is expected to place before nent of Mr. Mellon. The richest pink. Through all the fabric thou­ city the Klan was preparing to man in Congress, and a'warm sup­ ment of the League nor World Specific Demands . : • The one which roused general in­ Raskob is that Democratic workers sands of frosted bulbs shine. They terest Would amend the military stage a monster celebration on In'- Paris, Jan. 9.— Governments of porter of Mr,' Loovei* im the ■ cam­ Court. The specific demands of farm are scattered like stars about the auguration Day. High Republicans, throughout the country, make a der laws of the state so as to place a the big powers in Europe are close­ termined effort during the next four paign, it is* said “thatr Couzens of­ Seek Agreement organizations' are for duties on ceiling, and they make a final those closely associated with Mr cocoianut oil, vegetable, oils . and representative from the Citizens ly watching events in Jugo-Slavla years to Induce young men ah4 fered to quadruple his contribution Administration leaders,, led by burst of light from a great chande­ Military Training camps on the staff Hcover, evidenced their fear. to the Hoover campaign fund if he copra. Imports are said by farm where King Alexander has set up young women, who are about-to Senators Watson, (R ) of Indiana, lier. Above stage are two simple of the governor. By this means is reach the voting age, to join the spokesmen to exceed $3.0^000,000 a illuminated shields, one dated John Coolidge. son of the President, royal absolutism. year. Democratic ranks.. - » - . (Continued on Page 2.) (Continued oi) Page 2.) 1771 the other 1929. Thus the First to be a member ot the staff of Gov. QUESTION MARK FIT The situation in Jugo-Slavia is of If was recalled-that, Al.Smith, in Pedro Gi.evara, resident commla- Company, Governor’s Foot Cuard^ Trumbull to whose daughter the particular interest to France be­ his last radio message’.to the Amer­ f sioner of the Philippines, announc- indicated the ancientness, of Us ex­ President’s son Is engaged. TO TAKE AIR AGAIN cause of the close relations between ican people^ following the election; ■ ec, that he would go before the ways istence. The second measure to be hand­ the Belgrade and Paris govern­ sounded a warning thai the Demo­ arid means committee to fight this When the bali is under way this led would change the date of the ments. cratic Party in the .haiion muk be Y ou th or a.ny other proposal to tax islands first meeting of county legislature products. evening, the governor’s party wlil Inspection Shows That Only Le Tempa, a semi-official news­ one that functioned every, day in euter to the music of “ The Gener­ delerratlons from the third Tuesday Imposition of tariff duties, he de­ Lack of Oil Forced It to paper, in commenting upon King the year-and not jii^t once every al.” Officers • t the Foot Cuard will of the General Assembly to the Alexander’s drastic move, warned tour years. So He Murdered Owners clared, would not only work great fourth. Tuesday. The earlier date Land— Crew Rested Up. hardship on the island and retard receive him, ar-d escort him to his that it might prove dangerous to place before the stage. There he is has in the past been marked by so their development, but would be a many absentees that the l^ter date antagonize a large section of the to receive his guests who 'Will ♦ be Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 9.— After population through treating the! Canton, Ohio, Jan. 9,—-“ I want­ breach of faith by the American has seemed imperative. FACES 25 YEARS say, is unbalanced, admits that he presented by Major Alvin W. Hyde, ■.fe inspecting the Question Mark, the parliamentary system too lightly. ed their automobile to take my girl took Qset’s .32 calibre rifle from government. ■ The. Senate chamber toda^ seem­ , Army monoplane which shattered Agitation may also come from the First Company’s commandant. ed- flower-ladened. ’rtie largest This newspaper, pointed to the for a ride.” ■ . the kitchen of his home, Sunday all records for sustained flight by Italian Aspirations in the Balkans Waukegan, 111., Jan. 9,—*David evening. Oser w^s 'milking and the beet, sugar producers, it Is under­ mass was about the desk qf Miss SEN.ATE ORGANIZES Mary B. Weaver, of New Mllfofd, remaining in the air for more than and the disputes between Italy and Ackerman, 41, of North Chicago, This was hiz motive for murder­ youth shot him firing through the stood, for imposition of duties on 3 50 hours, experts today asserted today faced a'term of 25 years in Philippine sugar. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 9 —. The the only women Senator this year. Jugo-SIavla that have been recur­ ing, John Oser, Canal Fulton, dairy­ window ot the dairy shed, accord­ State Legislature was Well under ’^‘1 ' the plane could be put back into rent since the war. \ prison following his conviction on Flowers and candy Were poured up­ man, and his « lfe, Bertha, as given ing to bis confession.. way long before noon today, with on her. Senators Hayes arid Law­ flying condition almost immediate­ Rome Advises a charge of criminal assault. His in a signed'confession today by ly and at a cost of only $75. He then rtturned to the house, the Senate organized first and ler, of Waterbury. also were mark­ Advices from Rome said that victim, Mrs. Margaret Smith, a Edward Kaltenbaugh, 21. of Grove he says, shot Mrs. Oser, who had OPENING STOCKS awaitiuig expected measures from The tri-motored line, manned by ed individuals, as far as ' flowers Fascist newspapers praised the young Chicago artists’ model, tes­ City, Pa., former hired hand on just retired but who had started the House. When the Senate of were concerned. And (bo three a crew ot five, \^;as forced to land action of JCing Alexander, because tified against him. the Oser.farm. New York, Jan. 9— Radio Corpor­ 1929 had been called to order by because of lack of oil on two rocker to investigate the shot, and-drag­ Hartford Senators read in flowers, It confirmed the belief of Mussolini According t the testimony, Ack­ . The youth was captured last ation Irid the upward move in stock Francis A. Pallotti, secretary of arihd, it was announced following ged her body from the house.'He what their friends had to say. Thei^ and his Fascist advisers that parlia­ erman, pretending to be an artist, night at his home' in Grove City prices at the opening of the Market 8tate^ there were 33 out of 35 mem­ were scattering bunches of blos­ an official examination of the ship. obtained about $20 from the house, mentary government “lias outlived hired Mrs. Smith to pose .for h|m. and was brought back to the Stark stole Oser’s new antomobile and today, with a 7-polnt jump to 366. bers on hand. The absentees were soms on various desks and the Completely refreshed after a ^ o d its usefulness In some countries.” He led her to an isolated^ spot on. General Electric was up 1 ^ at Charles S. O’Connor, of the Fifteen­ whole scene tended to make the rest, the crew of the Question Mark county jail‘ here'this morning. drove away, Kaltenbaugh says. England and Central Eqrppe are the Lake Forest estate of A. D,. Mr. and Mrs. Oser were found 2 i 0 ^ ; American Can up 1% at th District; and Ernest S. Prince, Senators forget that Connectloert’b is expected to fly the plane hack to Fearing he would be delected 117; Studebaker up at 82 watching the political upheaval in Lasker where he was to paint an In­ dead on .thelr farm,-,Iii a.lonely ru­ and captured,, he changed his plans, of the Thirtieth District, who was Assembly is Started.in January. - . Diego Friday. There the ship Jugo-Slavia with an r~r to its pos­ dian picture called “ The Captive.” General Motors up- a point at away because of his mother’s death. fn the Rouse.. t be formally inspected. Later, ral sectlom near Canal Fulton, Sat­ abandoned t..e car in Youngstown 196%; International Nlcke' new up sible effect upon tho Balkans in Mrs. Smith allowed heraelt to be urday night. Rev, E. P. Ayres, of Branford, of­ Samuel A, Eddr was unaalmoUa* be flown to ^aaliinfiton. general. Sunday and, continued to New Cas­ % at 54%; Bri£^3 up 1 1-2 at fered prayer as the first action. * *•: ►r.-' bound to A trise. • . ' Xaltenbauah. who. authorities, tle; Pa., by train. : After Mr. Pallotti bad admln- (CbttUiiaed oa Piq;e S.> . jS P A ^ ’TWOV MANCHEOTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1929. . . ^ ' '

over him. the obvious source to MEMORIAL TEMPLE HAD SLAUM AirS PHOTO pursue was to do awaY with the MDOSEBEARTWOMli^ MELLON SURE “ witch.” Besides that, the defease insists, INSTALLS OFUCERS IN PALM OF m s HAND Blymyer wasn’t “ all there” — he bad HEAR RITUAL E X iiR i “ the mentality, of an 3-year-old TOKEEPPOST child.” (Contlnaed from Page 1) Memorial Temple,. No. 38 Pythian Galled Insane. Mrs^ Ida Geer Weller Sisters, installed its newiy elected Only an insane man, or a man CoAdoctsI His general demeanor wan shy and egged on by hallucinations of 'Witch­ a'Sehool of Instriictioa.fiiere.) IN CABINET o£3cers at the regular -meeting- in uncommunicative and he was hazy \ ' Odd Fellows hall last evening. The craft, could have Inspired such a in replying to simple questions in killing, according to De' ’ se Attor­ Upwards of 50 wOmen from installing officer was Mrs. Elizabeth history and geography. rContlnoed froin Page 1) Fairman of Thompsonville; assisted ney Cohen who contends hat Bly­ Mooseheart Legion branches'in this by her staff. The officers who will 5‘Even when I first examined lilm myer is insane an^ has been prac­ section of the state attended thei were assured that Mr. Mellon serve through 1929 ate as follows: six years ago he bad delusions, illu­ tically insane all his life. He tried school of instruction conducted) would not be reappointed. The Re­ Most Excellent Chief, Mrs. Myrtle sions and hallucinations,” the wit­ to prove this by placing on the here yesterday afternoon and even-j publican management was eager for Armstrong: Past Chief, Mrs. Min­ ness said. “ His htate of mind signi­ witness stand Emmanuel Blymyer, Ing with the local Women of Moose-j the mopeY, but was not in a posi­ nie Weeder; Excellent Senior, Mrs. fied mental deterioration. He told the aged father of the defendant, a heart Legion acting 'as hostesses.^ tion to give the required assurance. Sarah DcVarney; Excellent Junior, me that (fay and night, particularly poor, hard working basket maker. The instructor in ritualistic work There has been much speculation Mrs. Mamie Dickinson; Mistress of at night, be visualized all kinds of He looked like a scare crow as be was Mrs. Ida Geer Weller of New since the election as to Mr. Mel­ Finance, Mrs. Sarah Rollason; Mis­ weird animals. He saw a photo­ sat in scared fashion on the stand, York City, who is today in Danbury tress of Records and Correspond­ graph of the man who was killed bis clothes almost in tatters and conducting a similar school of in-' lon’s future, for it is no secret in in the palm of hia band. He dis­ Washington that he and Mr. Hoo­ ence, Mrs. Lena Kearnes; Manager, bis shirt devoid of a collar. The structlon for lodges in that Section Mrs. Iva Ingraham; Protector, Mrs. played definite mental abbera- lawyers started to ask a question or of the state. Deputy Grafad Rfegent ver have not always seen eye/to eye tions.” on administration policies. ^ They Marcyll Peckham; Guard, Mrs. two regarding the son’s sanity but Mrs. Weller was a most interesting State Objects. the old man was not allowed to an­ speaker and gave the women a.num­ differed quite materially on some Helen Henry; trustee for three years, Mrs. Elizabeth Caverly; The commonwealth objected swer because the court sustained ber of valnal le ideas for the better-j. o f the war debt agreements, nota­ Press Correspondent, Mrs. Myrtle continuously to the defense bring­ objections by the state. So the ment of the individual officers’^ bly om the French. But the matter Armstrong; Pianist, Mrs. Ada Peck- ing out tlie superstitions and witch­ witness who could tell so much work and the ceremonials, alsojl apparently has been settled now. ham; Captain of Degree Staff, Mrs. craft tendencies of the defendant. about the early en'vironment of the' many suggestions for new ways of j Mr. Mellon is to stay. Frances Chambers; Delegate to the Defense Attorney Cohen launched a defendant was temporarily with­ raising funds. / Other Members / Grand Session, Mrs. Gladys Clark; bitter attack on the state, .alleging drawn. Local members served an appetiz­ The decision with regard to Mr. Alternate, Mrs. Adnle Alley. that District Attorney Amos W. It was brought out by Blymyer’s ing supper of boiled ham, baked During Our ,5th Anniversary Sale Mellon brought to the fore today Mrs.,Fairman was presented with Herrmann in presenting his case father-in-law that when Blymyer beans, cold slaw, potato' salad, the question of how many, If any, a handsome sofa pillow in recongl- had deliberately wltlibeld evidence. married bis daughter be behaved so relishes of different kinds, home others of the present Cabinet will tion of her services, and Mrs. Weed- The state had sought to show that peculiarly that he took him to a made cake, rolls and coffee. be asked to letain their portfolios. er with a gold past chief’s pin. robbery was the motive although York alms bouse for observation. Walter Smith, past dictator of ^ The expectation in Washington to­ ThA $5.00 gold piece on which Cohen contended that Blymyer and “ Intend to show today,”- Attorney the Loyal Order of Moose, present- j SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY day is that they won’t be numer­ the members had been selling his two companions went to. the Cohen told International News ed to the women’s auxiliary for the j ous. chances, was won by L. S. Lee of Rehmeyer house on,the night of Service, “ that Blymyer held such a event a large, beantlful decorated i Secretary of Agriculture Jar- New London. The officers served the murder “ to ?et a lock of hair strong belief in the powers of witch­ cake. They decided to sell chances dine’s friends expect that he will be sandwiches, cake and coffee. and break the spelUthat Blymyer craft that }t colored his conceptions on it and Mrs. William Burke of asked to stay on, although they thought Rehmeyer cast over him o f right and wrong. I will show School street drew the lucky num­ and the Hess family.” further that be is insane, has been ber. Mrs. Burke promptly an­ admit that It- is only an expecta­ HOPE TO BEAUTIFY ‘ "They went after the-lock of hair practically all his life and that his nounced that she would give a tion. Mr. Jardine and Mr. Hoover and a book, called “ The Long Lost mentality is that of a child.” ' whist party at her home tomorrow are credited with having been Mr. Field.” Cohen declared. “ The The district attorney, 4mos W. evening for the benefit of the Coolidge’s chief advisers on agri­ TOWN’ S SMALL PARKS state has avoided this motive. I call Herrmann, contends that witcficraft Legion, and. at that time the cake cultural policies, particularly in his the attention of the court to the had nothing to do with the killing. would be cut and passed around. vetoes of the McNary-flaugen bill. fact that the commonwealth sub­ Every now and then he checks the Mrs. Florence Brooks, presiding Similarly, they collaborated in the Manchester’s Park Commission poenaed 23 witnesses but closed its defense counsel with the remark: officer, presented to Mrs. Weller in writing of the so-called Jardine hopes to put several small park case by allowing only 13 of them “ Hexing Is not on trial.” behalf of the lodge a $2.50 gold plan which the administration tried areas around town in a more pre­ to take the stand.” piece. to substitute for the McNary- sentable condition this year. This “ No effort has been made on my Haugen bill only to meet defeat in will he made possible largely part to withhold witchcraft evi­ Congress. through new soil which Is to be dence,” the district attorney hotly JOHNSON ALONE COSTLY TO TRANSPORT taken from old highways where the replied. bounds are being reestablished. Judge RaY P, Sherwood, presid­ OFF Shrubbery taken from the town’s ing, ruled that if the defense could BALKS PACT VOTE TOBACCO WORKERS On all Overcoats selling for $30.00 and more. LATEST STOCKS own nursery will aid considerably show that any state witness not in fixing up these small places that called could produce essential evi­ (Continned from Page 1.) All Prices Are Plainly Marked on the Tags, are scattered around Manchester. dence that witness would be per­ Commercial trucks which are Most of these little parks are mitted to take the stand. New York, Jan. 9.— The bulls and Borah (R ) of Idaho, sought used during the, summer months for gifts to the town and come at junc­ Mother Collapses. an amicable settlement of th'e the transportation of workers to had the belter of the argument in tions and intersections of roads. A flurry of excitement was treaty row. If an agreement i^ not tobacco plantations will be forced the Stock Market today, though While the commission is always caused when Mrs. Babula Blymyer, reached within r day or two, it was to take out a public service regis­ most of the favorites In the Indus­ handicapped in its plans by the lack elderly mother of the defendant, tration this year. This new ruling of funds the appropriafion this j evident, they will seek to force a trial list did not wander far from became ill In court and collapsed in decision by keeping the Senate In has Just been made public by the home, selling within a close range year, it Is hoped, will allow for an ant'eroom. She became uncon­ session at night. Thus far, both Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. § of Tuesday’s final prices. The Cop­ quite a hit of this additional work. scious and was taken to a hospital. This will make the average reg­ per stocks and the Motors, with a Testimony that Blymyer told him sides have arbitrated their differ­ istration cost of a two and a half few of the Rails and Oils, led the he “ saw witches racing each other ences but objections from Secre­ ton truck which does this public' way to slightly higher price levels, H. S. SPORT EVENTS around the walls” was given by Os­ tary of Stato Frank B. Kellogg de­ service work about $71. When the ' as outside traders and little bulls car Altaland, Bead of the York stroyed each tentative agreement truck owner takes out these regis­ sat in the sidelines and watched the almshouse where the- defendant until Johnson refused to make any trations and also gives proof of car­ play from a distance. OFF BECAUSE OF FLU came a year ago asking for treat­ further concession. rying liability insurance the cost of Because of the repeated warn­ ment. ' Kellogg’s D^nands such operations will be driven ings of the bankers, with respect to Two more basketball games have “ Blymyer said that he was be­ The secretary of state demanded rather high. the sky-rocketing of stock prices, been temporarily removed from the witched, that the ‘hexers’ were aft­ unconditional raUfication by the thousands of traders are today tak­ schedule of Manchester-High School er him,” the witness said. “ I told Senate. Johnson demanded some For sore throat garble and take ing a neutral attitude until they as a result of the unusual number him he better see a doctor. He said action inforn ing the world that a teaspoonful of Sore Throat Re­ see which way the cat will jump. of illnesses in the school affecting he was taking treatment. I asked America would not enter the treaty lief. Magnell King Company.— Adv. The bears are trying hard to smash members of the team and the coach him what kind. He replied: blindly and depending upon the in­ “ I’m taking Lydia Pinkham.” prices of the market pets, but had as well as students in general, terpretations of foreign nations. had litle success thus far. Meriden High was to have played Gliickens Bewitched. Waiter G. Hess, father of Wil­ The tentative agreements, tbns Most of the active stocks climb­ here Friday night and Manchester far discussed, have revolved ed to a higher level of prices in the was to have journeyed to Rockville bert Hess, one of the co-defend­ ants, testified that Blymyer told around a plan to have the Senare LOTS OF forenoon. Studebaker was the lead­ for a return game Saturday night, (foreign relations committee file a On All Suits in Stock er,; with a 3 point jump to 84-%, but The Herald was informed late him that Rehmeyer had “ hexed” the Hess family, chickens had been report, stating the American terms thougfk. Briggs Mfg. played a cJose this afternoon that both gr.mes have been postponed. Likewise, a dying on the Hess farm and the of adherence. This was acceptable SHINES second, with a 2% point move to crops were poor.’ to both sides but the Irreconcila- 59. These stocks have been in the swimming meet scheduled with Pay $5.00 Down and the Balance in 10 Equal Weekly Payments Warren Harding. High of Bridge­ A pale, mild-mannered man with bles insisted a* first that the Sen­ forefront of the advance in the horn-rlmmed glasses, Hess admit­ ate adopt the report. Thie“ was op­ and Motors thi-s week, though their per­ port in Carnegie Pool a't Yale Uni­ ted, he had been, “ pow-wowed” by posed by Kellogg. formance has been tame in com­ versity* in New Haven Friday night has been put off. Blymyer who had prescribed many Oppoi ents’ Opinion parison with' the moves of other cures for him. days. The new General Motors Some of the Irreconcilables be­ LAUGHS GALORE “ Did anyone else ever pow-wow lieve the report will amply protect stock was in dentand around 79. you?” Cohen askjed. -in- International Nickel new stock American Interests, whether or not ABOUT TOWN “ No,” ' the Senate takes any action on It. Socks Underwear set up a new neak to 5fi% equiva­ ( ■ — His wife, Mrs. Alice Hess, a “THE POOR NUT’^ Both groups though have insisted lent to 340 of the old stock, in the Manchester • Scout Leaders will plump, matronly woman, followed the report must be unanimous^ 25c Socks.. 21c, 5 pair for $1.00 course of one of the most sensation­ journey to Hartford tonight where him to the stand. 75c Garments... 61c, 2 for $1.50 al long-pull advances ever seen in the annual banquet of- the Hartford “ 1 had a lot of trouble,” she tes­ otherwise its importance would be Circle The’ter, Jan. 18 35c Socks. .27c, 4 pair for $1.00 $1.00 Garments 79c, 2 for $1.90 the 'Stock Market. A few years ago Council will take place at the City tified. “ He told me Mr. Rehmeyer lost. the old stocks sold at 11. A big Club at the corner of Allyn and had me hexed, had my family A unanimous report, it was said, TICKETS NOW ON SALE by 39c Socks. .31c, 4 pair for $1.15 $1.50 Garments $1.19,2 for $2.25 rush to buy Anaconda Copper sent Trumbull streets. hexed. He said I should be pow­ filed with the Senate, prior to rati­ 55c Socks.. 44c, 3 pair for $1.25 that stock booming along about 3 wowed. He said h6 would pow­ fication, would place an official 11. S. Students and E’layers $2.00 Garments $1.59,2 for $3.00 points. To 121% and Kenecot, the The nominating committee of wow for us. ■ American interpretation on the 75c Socks . .61c, 2 pair for $1.15 ether speculator actor in the Cop­ the Swedish Lutheran Church “ He said he would get a lock of treaty, though without the signifi­ $2.50 Garments $1.99,2 for $3.90 per group, sold up 3 points at 157- Luther League will meet tomorrow RehnSeyer’s hair and bury It eight cance of a formal reservation. If $1.00 Socks 79c, 2 pair for $1.50 $3.00 Garments $2.38,2 for $4.65 night to nominate officers-for the feet back of the barn and this the treaty •ve’’ became the subject The strong market for U. S. Steel coming year and to outline a tenta­ would break the evil spell.” of a dispute, i. was added, the - FRIDAY - $1.50 Socks $1.19,2 pair for $2.25 Common was due in part to the fat tive program for the year. The Mrs. Hess broke down and cried American intent would be shown la — and— check for $26,000,000 tax refund, committee is Esther Johnson, Her­ as she. told how she qllowed her this report. received by the corporation this man Johnson, Ivar Scott, Helen sOn, Wilbert, to accompany Bly SATURDAY week, from the U. S. Treasury> and Berggren and Helge Pearson. myer to get the lock of hair. In ^ ■ - - the expectation of another $80,000- the struggle Rehmeyer was killed. SKATING CONDITIONS Neckwear 000 refund for ‘‘taxes Illegally col­ On account of sickness In so “ There was nothing else to do but let Wilbert go,” she sobbed. Bathrobes lected” since 1922. It also hung on many homes, the Women’s Home League of the Salvation Army has “ I. wanted to get rid of the trou­ AT “ SPRINGS” RINK 50c T ie s ...... 39c,2for75c the bigger business in sight for the ble that had been on us. I did ob­ steel trade,'the mills already, hav­ decided to postpone its meeting to­ Values to |9.00 . . . . . Now $5.95 morrow afternoon* ject at first to his going, I said $1.00 Ties . .79c, 2 for $1.50 ing set UR a higher operating rate ‘Wilbert should he at work.' ” Values to $12.00 . Now $7.50 than In December. The weather predictions for to­ $1.50 Ties .... . $1.19,2 for $2.00 Second Congregational church night Indicate a rise In temperature. Sinclair Oil moved up smartly to will hold Its annual meetlnr and 42 1-2 in active trading. 'Wall WEIRD DEFENSE. This should bring a large crowd to $2.00Ties ...... $1,59,2f o r $2,75 supper for all in the congregation, the Center Springs rink this even­ street believorf that- Sinclair, which tomorrow evening beginning at York, Pa., Jan.'9.— Black magic $2.50 T ie s ...... $1.99,2 for $3.50 has not paid a penny to common hovered fantastically in the back­ ing where the ice Is in ^ne condi­ 6:3.0, when the supper wlll\be serv­ tion. stockholders In five years. Is now ed under the'chalrmanshlp oi Mrs. ground of the “ witch murder,’-’ trial White Broadcloth about to spread some of its newly B. A. Lettney. Reports will be sub­ today as the defense sought to REVOLT QUELLED. acquired wealth to the holders uf prove to the Jury that John Bly­ mitted by the heads of all* the myer, 32-year-old “ pow wow doc­ its shares, and will pay a $3 divi­ organizations of . the church. London, Jan. 9.— On the heels of dend this year. The Standard Oils tor,” killed Nelson D. Rehmeyer, 60-year-old farmer-“ witch” because a report that .rebellious Afghan Brown Beach of New York tnd New Jersey, Shell Among the Manchester people tribesmen were shelling Kabul, Shirts be believed in bis own twisted mind Union, Marland and Atlantic Re­ who will attend the inaugural ball capital city of Afghanistan, word fining were well bought today. that this was the right thing to do. Collar attached or neckband. Some at Hartford this evening are Sena­ Never before in the history of was received today in advices from shirts have button down collar, some have The money rate was reduced tor and Mrs Robert J. Smith, Judge American Jurisprudence has such Bombay that the rebellion of the Jackets from 7 to 6 per cent in the early qud Mrs. Raymond,A. Johnson, Mr, a novel and amazing defense been Bhinwari tribe has' been quelled. pockets. Three grades at great savings: trading. The bears who had been and Mrs. W. B. Rogers, Mr. and Agents of King Amanullah distrbu- n r M i A T i f p H “ Home of Sound pounding the market in the last day Mrs, Harold Alvord, Mr. and Mrs. The tall, thin, blond, peak-nosed ted large sums of money as a peace $1.29 — 3 for $3.75 or two took the hltit and swiftly Richard Tinker and Mr. and Mrs. Brymyer was so steebetl In witch­ offering. Other tribes sided with Hits” covered up their short lines, leav­ Charles J. Felber. the government. $1.99 — 3 for $5.50 r# *■#’! • • • C’er#'? • craft, the defense contends, that he ing a. trail of sharply .advancing convinced himself that, inasmuch as $2.49 — 3 for $6,95 Coat with Collar . . . . $4.35 prices. where their buying was cf Relimeyer had "cast evil spells” any consequence. ■Westinghouse took the play to­ WAPPING day In the electrical .‘mwufacturlng stocks and moved np aliiont .-A points Truman Hills has been 111 at his to 147 on reports that the Pennsyl­ home since last Thursday with the PARSONS* vania railroad would award heavy grip and under the care of Dr. Burr Shoes $3.45 of Manchester. 3 Times Dally contracts for electrification to this 1 TOMORROW at STATE company. General Electric touched Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur C. Hills left Values to $8.50 today for Bridgeport, where they Fri. and Sat. Pop. Mat. Sat. 2:15 ‘THE HOi>lE OP SOUND HITS” 242, but not much stock was want­ 7:00 ed at that price. will attend the State Grange meet­ By sir Charles Young Alone with a girl in oild-ocetub ing 9:00 Others at — hungry— thirsty— baked by The South Windsor School Board TO WITHDBAAV MARINES a boiling sun! W’bat happens! Sale Price r.^.T.«.x.T.T.r.T^.w.y.-..: ..r.r.r.T .,$ 3 .9 5 $4.45 $4.50 $4.95 held their regular monthly meeting at the Wapping Cebter school hall, SEE:------Washington, ; .9..^—It la the Value r.T.i. .i.r.x.T.T.T.i.-.^S.OO $5.25 $6.00 $6.50 on Monday evening. RICHARD administration’s intention to with­ Miss Marjorie Felt, daughter of draw the remaining B.500 Marines Tke Forernnaer of tke /*opnlaF Mr. and Mrs. William Felt, has Gcatlemea-Crook PI«7« Wltk Tkls in Nicaragua as fast as conditions been confined to her home for sev­ OlfltlBSnilaked Cnat Justify, Secretary of State Kellogg eral. days with the grip. WIliIilAM FAVBRSHAM * CBC1I.IA LOFT VS Bartheli declared today. • The game of basket ball, between JAOtfU UBN-AMl -in- Kellogg said, however, there was the Broad Brook Boys * and the OHAHVBS lUCUMAN np Indication when further with­ Wapping Y. M, C. A. Boys, which RBGINALU MASON drawals actually would be made. was played at the Parish House, on VBRNON fiTEBLE Monday evening, was won by the MBVBN L.OWBLX/ rt- Secretary of Navy Wilbur has or­ VAWIIANCB U’ORSAY dered approximately 1,500- Marines Broad Brook Boys. FUL.I.BH MBL1.ISH withdrawn this month; Miss Helen Frink who was sick, BRINSLEY SHAW WITH with the grip last week is much bet­ MARGVBFITB ST. JOHN George The only Marines still-In Chlca. GBGJ1.B UiXON H. Williams ter and back in school again this except the permanent legation . FRANK HEARN CO-FEATUBBy'^ • ' ' week. ' HARRY JOYNER NOW guard, are a few hundred at Shang­ Evergreen Lodge of Masons, A. Staared by Frederick Stnnhope—Di- ' SALLY Incorporated hai. F. & A. M., No. 114, will Install rectloa by George C. Tyler. PLAYING Johnson Block, South Manchester their new officers, next Monday : Prleeei Eve. Oreh. Ston* fialcM 4 Do not let a cold hang on. Try Irowa roiva SS-M). *’ rowa “ B R O A D ^ i^ , evening, January 14, .with Past .Fam. Gir.. ol.On. Sat. 'M’l irrh. S2.00j First Aid Cold Tabliets. Magnell Master Lewis R. Brock, as the in­ Bale. 4 rawa S1.30, 7 rov«.. Sl.OOt Fam. ■ Drug Company.— Adv. stalling officer. ni«. \ '■ ,-y-- -;■;- 1


Fafnir Bearing ... when the committee assignments to the extent of condemning land to Fuller Br Class A. are made, will be chairman of the be used for that purpose. He-also WIFE OF MAGICIAN do Class AA MASONIC SOCIAL Judiciary Committee, a post which said that v;^here airport develop­ Local Stocks Hart & Cooley .... 240 N.y.Stod carries with it the Republicah ment is hindered by secondary or OBITUARY International Silver 140 leadership in the House. tertiary roads, “ some means should GETS HIS MESSAGE do pfd ...... 112 SATURDAY NIGHT Senator Robert J. Smith who re­ be devised to simplify and expedite (Furnished by Putnam Co.) Landers, Fr & CIL . 69 turns to ,the General Assembly for the closing or removal of such Manning & Bow A . 17 Allied Chem his third term in the upper house roads.” He would also have the de:* FUNERALS , . . 811 Asked do. Class B .... 12 Am Bosch . will no doubt again hold the chair­ partment of aviation vested with Bankers Trust Go. . 300 Nc Brit Mch pfd 100 Am Can . . . Capitol Nat B & T . 415 manship of the Cities and Boroughs the power to order removal of Houdini’s Widow Pozzies Mrs. Sarah Loomis. xdo c o m ...... 43 Am Loco First Annual Affdr to Be committee, one ofdthe most import­ wires, poles and trees that form a City Bank & Trust. 1350 Niles, Bement Pond 200 Am Tel & Tel ...... 1$ Funeral services for Mrs. Loomis Conn River ...... 400 ant of the Senate assignments. Miss menace to the navigation of aircraft who died at the home of Mrs. do pfd ...... 100 Anaconda ...... H Marjorie Cheney will probably be Scientists When She Tells B'irst Bond & Mort — 60 North & Judd .... 29 31 Atchison ...... 19 Held in Temple— Full at a terminal. Ida Skinner on Nelson place Satur­ First Nat (Htfd) . 275 290 returned to the committee on Edu­ As to Aviation. day were held Monday afternoon at xPratt & Wht pfd . .100 Balt & Ohio ...... a Httd-Conn Tru^t Co. 680 700 21 cation. In his discussion of aviation the 2:30 at the funeral parlors of Peck, Stow & Wol . 19 ^eth Steel ...... $ The Democratic caucuses, which Her Experiences. do rts ...... 93 97 Russell Mfg Co . . . 1-65 175 Can P a c...... 2 3 Eyening Planned. governor said: Mark Holmes. Rev. F. C. Allen of Htfd Bank & Trust 610 630 are pro forma in all matters but the “ Let me say that the industries Seth Thomas C com 31 C M 6 St Paul ...... '3 Second Congregational church of­ Land Mtg & Title . 60 selection of Senate and House lead­ of the State two years ago pro­ ficiated and burial was in the do pfd ...... 26 Chi Rock Isla ...... 13 Morris Plan' Bank . 160 110 ers, chose Frank S. Bergin of New duced aircraft accessories to the New York, Jan. 9.— Hugo Gerns- cemetery at Wapping,. in which Smyth Mfg Co n ... 105 Cons Gas ...... ID An unusually large gathering of Haven as party leader in the Senate back, editor of the Scientific Jour i’hoenix State B&T 500 Standard Screw .•. 125 135 'Masons with their families is ex­ value of not more than $500,000; nacK, eauor oi I place Mrs. Loomis lived for many Park St Bank ,1000 Corn P r o d ...... $ and John S. Tobin of Waterbury as nal and otner prominent scientists.. ^ number Stanley Wojks com 66 68 pected to attend the first annual yet during the past year the pro­ years, 'mere were a numuer of Riverside Trust . 650 D upont...... 49 House leader. ducts of this new industry have in­ and psychic Investigators were to Scovllle Mfg Co . . 60 62 Erie ...... Bpcial of Manchester lodge in the There were present in Hartford beautiful floral tributes sent by West Hart Trust . . 360 Taylor & Fenn .... 140 150 creased to approximately $8,000,- meet this afternoon to discuss the ^ relatives, friends and old neighbors. Bonds. Gen Elec ...... •••2 4 Temple here Saturday night. last night as well as today a con­ reported “ across the divide” con­ Torrington new . . 83 86 000.” The bearers were her nephews and & Gen Motors ...... 196 (New . * Tickets are on sale at Sperber and siderable number of political work­ Htfd Conn. W'sti6 95 L’nderwood-El F .. 90 -92 Gov. Trumbull stressed the im­ versation held between th' late grand nephews, Edward L, and Hast Conn Pow 5's . 101 103 Inspiration ...... 45& TuTkington’s store at the Center ers not members of the Legislature Union Mfg Co . . . 18 22 portance to the state of actually Harry Houdini and his widow, Mrs. Conn L P 7 s ...... 116 118 Int Harv New ...... 9^% and by members of the committee., or the state administration. Num­ Olin Gates and their two sons. U S Envelope pf . . 118 123 They are selling well and the com­ purchasing the Groton airport on Beatrice Hoadini. Conn L P 5% s . . . 107 109 Int Nickel New ...... ' erous dinners and social gatherings which the state has had an option Gernsback and his associates do c o m ...... 240 mittee hopes for one of the largest Miss Margaret J. Metcalf. Conn L P 4% s . . . 100 152 Veeder-Root...... 42 44 were held by these people and by for a year or more. have offered a prize of $30,00« to The funeral of Miss Margaret J. Brid Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 Mar land Oil ...... 4 crowds yet to visit the Temple. the office holders, the opening of the first person to estaLlish con­ Whitlock Coil Pipe 11 — The affair will begin at 6:30 p. In touching upon the highway Metcalf was held from her late Insurance Stocks XX—Ex-rights. Mo Pac Com ll^SA' the Legislature providing the oc­ department the governor declared clusive, proof that the dead can com­ home on Brainard Place, Monday Aetna Casualty ...1 4 8 0 1520 N Y Central ...... 18?3S4 m. with a roast pork dinner. The casion for a get-together of Connec­ XXX—Ex-special dividend of $5. Masons and their families will ad­ “ it is a matter for congratulation municate with the living. afternoon and from St. Mary’s Epis- Aetna Insurance . . 735 750 New Haven R R ...... 3^ 4 ticut politicians generally. Mrs. Houdini had created ~ mild 1095 journ to the main lodge room that the program of this depart­ cipal church. It was largely at­ Aetna L i f e ...... 1085 North Amn Co ...... 9 l ^ ment can go forward without in­ sensation in New York today by h.er tended and there was a profusion of Automobile ...... 475 485 Penua R R ...... 7T0i where a concert will be given by announcement that she had receiv­ SILVER LANE BUS LINE the Beethoven Glee club and the crease in the appropriation for this flowers. Rev. J. S. Neill officiated. Conn G eneral...... 1940 1980 Post Cereal ...... 7& GOVERNOR AGAINST ed a message from her husband in 970 Maxwell Mandolin club. Cards and purpose.” He declared “ this de­ The bearers were Robert Metcalf, xHartford Fire . . . 960 Pressed Steel Car ...... 2$^ i secret code known only to herself 830 other games will be played in the partment has been conspicuously William Taggart, Fred Handy and Htfd Steam Boiler . 810 IS NOT SOLD TODAY Packard ...... 142;% and the miglcian. The code, she Temple social room and the chil­ ' STATE INCOME TAX successful.” James Metcalf. Burial was in the Lincoln Nat Life . . 140 Pullman ...... 8 6% Speaking of the healing arts said, was made hy Houdini a short East cemetery. National ...... 1275 1325 Radio Corp ...... dren will be entertained in the small 950 lodge room. The games for children Governor ’Trumbull said: “ In deal­ time before his death and it was Phoenix ...... 930 A rumor was in circulation to­ Roebuck ...... 174%' agreed between the pair that if it Travelers 1790 1810 will be in charge of Joseph Dean, (Continned from Pag;) 1) ing with persons improperly licens­ day reporting the purchase by the Sinclair Oil ...... 84%’^ ed or practicing, ' or persons who was possible to communicate from ARBUCKLE IS CUED Public Utility Stocks New England Transportation Com­ Sou Pac ...... 130^ Miss Beatrice Armstrong and Miss 98 bull urged “ standardization of traf­ have secured licenses unlawfully, the beyond, the ohe who died first Conn Elec Sve p .. 95 pany of the Jeary bus line that runs Sou Ry ...... 152% Hannah Jensen. Conn L P 8% . . . 119 123 Following the concert program fic rules, appllable toithe whole the state board of healing arts would do so in this code. between ,Manchester and Hartford S O of N Y ...... 4^% state,’’ and a law that would com­ should have broad disciplinary Received t|ie Message BEFORE C i n COUNCIL Conn L P 7 % .... 116 120 old fashioned and modern dancing 102 by way o ' Silver Lane. The pur­ S 0 of NJ ...... 52:^4 pel all autQmobile drivers to he re­ powers, including the authority to Mrs. Houdini said she received Conn L P 5% pfd . 99 Studebaker ...... 84% will be enjoyed in the banquet 110 114 chase was denied, however by the examined once every three years, at summarily revoke licenses for her message through the medium- Conn L P 6% pfd . New Haven office of the Conneci-ient Tob Prod ...... 98'- hall, A1 Behrends orchestra playing. Former Film Comedian Must Conn. P Co ( par 25) 147 132 Andrew Raleigh and John Mc- cause. There should also be ship of Arthur Ford, ministe.- of the Company and by the Hartford office Union Pac ...... 219--,, Of ■ traffic rules the governor First Spiritualist church and editor Explain Why His Night Greenwich W&G 6 . 98 • 101 Loughlin wili prompt. Children authority vested in the attorney 142 of th . New England Transporta­ United Fruit ___ ..... ____ 141/ said: "Auto traffic today is being general to prosecute such offenders of Immortality. Ford, in a trance Hart El Lt (par 25) 137 under 14 years of age accompanied ' Club is Noisy. 130 135 tion Company. U S Rubber ...... 45% regulated in areas of five, six or upon the- recommendation of the said he was in touch with a “ con­ do vtc ...... US Steel ...... 161 ; by their parents will be admitted. Htfd Gas c (par25) 90 95 The New England Transportatiofl seven square • miles, with no two state board.” trol” named Fletcher, presumed to Westinghouse ...... 145-/ The adult tickets will sell at a Culver City, Cal., Jan. 9.— Roscoe do pfd (par 25) . 65 70 Company, it was stated, is only in­ reasonable price, just enough to areas agreeing on any one set of Eclectic Examiners. be a boyhood friend of the nrfagi- (“Fatty” ) Arbuckle, former film' terested where travel paraltelr that W Overland ...... 33- rules. The automobile is just as S N E T C o ...... 180 185 cover expenses. “ The situation as to the board cian. comedian, today was cited to appear of the steam road as a passenger much an interstate vehicle as the Alanufactiiring Storks. of eclectic examiners has been a The entire message to Mrs. Hou­ before the City Council here follow­ 72% 74 ticket on the steam roads Is also steam railroad and it should be distinct embarrassment not only to dini, Ford said, trickled in to him Am Hardware .... DIRIGIBLE OVER VIRGINLl- ing complaints that his night club American Hosiery . 27 — good on one of their bus lines and regulated as such, that is by the the governor, but to the profession, over a period of several months and GOVERNOR INAUGURATE should be abated because of the American Silver . . . 25 — as there was no such condition in Lakehurst, N. J., Jan. 9.— Otber state rather than by local authori­ for the reason that it has been was not completed until Sunday. noise in the early morning hours. xArrow Electric pf 105 108 the Silver Lane -line they were not than a message sent by the big ties. At present no two cities agree found difficult if not imposible to The message Ford says he receiv­ Residents in the neighborhood of 51 53 interested. dirigible “ somewhere in Virginia” whether one may turn right against xAr-Hart & Hege . MID SCENES OF SPLENDOR secure accredited eclectic physi­ ed from “ Fletcher” who appears to the resort declared that they could Automatic Refrig . 10 20 at 4 o’clock this morning, the N a^ l the red light, or whether one may cians who are willing to act on such have been speaking for Houdini not sleep at night because of the 18 23 In front of or around a traf­ Acme Wire ...... radTo station here had no reports a board. The state board should was: loud clamor at the resort, which Bigelow-Hart com . 94 98 (Continued from Page 1) fic signal. These and numerous up to noon today on the progress have some general powers which “ The same man who came Satur­ they termed a public nuisance. do pfd ...... 100 105 ABOUT TOWN other differences in the regulatory would permit it to appoint a spe­ of the Los Angeles now en route to ly elected as speaker of the House day night is coming again. He says; Arbuckle opened the night club Bristol Brass .... 40 42 Miami for the air maneuvers. measures must inevitably lead to cial board of examiners in such ‘Hello. Bess, my sweetheart.’ (Bess The Ladles society of the Swedish today after a ballot in which John last summer. He is specifically cited Case Lockwood & B 375 — Static garbled the early morniag confusion. Such a situation is not cases, or to proceed independently, was Houdini’s pet name for his 145 Lutheran church will hold Us an­ M. Tohin, of Waterbury, received under a city ordinance which for­ Colli-: Co.-...... 135 message, operators here said.-Ttis conductive to clear thinking on the if occasion demand.” wife). 44 46 nual meeting tomorrow afternoon Ig votes, to 201 for Mr, Eddy. In bids public dancing in cates after xColt’s Firearms .. ship left Lakehurst last night. part of the driver or the pedes­ Then the governor said “ the ju­ “ He says he wants to repeat the Eagle Lock ...... 60 65 at 2:30. takinguffice, Mr. Eddy urged con- trian.” 9;iJ o’clock ii the evening. lentiousne^s and consideration of dicial council has rendered its bi- code you used in your mind reading interests in gdvanc- Examine Drivers. ennjikl report. 'The report Is too act with him. First of all, he says adoptihg new iegislation. As for examination of operators, voluminous to be dealt with in de­ ‘Rosabelle.’ Do you know what that ihat oid, ineffective the governor said: “ thousands of tail in this message but I shall take means? laws now on th^statute books be operators of motor vehicles have occasion to transmit it to you. I be­ The Code been renewing their licenses for repealed. lieve the council’s recommenda­ “Answer-tell-pray-answer- look- Elmer H. Loun bury, deputy sec­ ten, fifteen, and twenty years, al­ tions are calculated to make our tell-answer-tell. Is that right?” retary of state, swore in the new though during that time they may judicial system a more effective in­ When the widow answered yes, With These Cold House today and called the roll. have acquired any kind of \mental strument of justice, and as such the control, according to Ford, John H. Hill of Shelton, retiring »or physical defect, rendering them they merit, and I am sure will re said: speaker, asked that the same con­ absolutely unfit to drive an auto-^ ceive your earnest consideration.” “ Thank you sweetheart, now take sideration be given Mr. I?ddy as m obile/*I believe that all licensed Governor Trumbull then recom­ off your wedding ring and tell them Winter Days was given him two years ago. operators should be re-examined at mended that the office of clerk of what Rosabelle means.” On balloting for election of least once eveiy three years. ’ The bills be made permanent, as have Mrs. Houdini th^n removed the clerk, Albert S. Sill was unanimous­ cost of the re-examination might done “ many of my predecessors, in­ ring, it was said, and sang a song ly elected. He received all the 239 well be borne by the applicant and cluding Governors Woodruff, Lilley, engraved inside the ring; Your Thoughts Are votes. am convinced that such an exam­ and Baldwin.’ “ Rosabelle, sweet Rosabelle Stanley J. Traceski, of New Brit­ ination will take from our high­ Talks on Sports. “ I love you more t^an I can tell. ain, was made assistant clerk by ways operators who are a menace My attention has been directed to a situation existing in the field “ Over me you cast a spell. the unanimous adoption of a reso­ to the public at large because of “ I love you, my sweet Rosabelle.” lution offered by Judge Raymond physical or mental impairment.” of sports that seems to require Turned Towards i remedial legislation. Amateur When she had concluded the A. Johnson, of Manchester. Banking Problem. song. Ford’s voice said, “ I thank The House adopted resolutions boxing matches are too frequently In discussing banking the gov­ you darling: that was the first song authorizing the appointment of ernor indicated the Legislature conducted for gain by irresponsible various committees, including those persons who are not concerned with I ever heard you sing. You sang it HOME. would do well to “ discontinue the in our first show. Remember?” . . on House rules, joint rules of the the welfare and physical condition » practice of granting fiduciary pow­ After a pause, the voice went on: General Assembly, contested elec­ ers to specially chartered corpora­ of the contestants. Frequently the tions, canvass of votes, contingent boxers are not physically fit, or “ The I essage I wanted to give tions unless such corporation carry my wife is -Believe, Rosabelle,’ ” expenses, state library, manual and full banking powers” “In other are unevenly matched, and many roll, unfinished business, and then are too young to engage in such a and to all was added, “ There is no words,” he said, “ the right to act death.” approved the appointment of mes­ in a flduclai*y capacity should be contest. As a result, many in­ . Make It Bright and Cheerful With sengers and door keepers; author­ restricted to banks and trust com-, juries, and more than one death, ized the controller to furnish sta­ have been reported. Under exist­ panles.” He urged that the pro­ ing laws there is no supervision tionery and supplies and authorized cedure of referring all applications SOLE HEIR TO MILUONS the publication of bills, printing and over such contests, and it seems for banking charters to the bank proper to consider legislation Keith*s Fine Furniture ... distribution of its journal. commissioners be continued. whereby the athletic commission KILLED ACCIDENTALLY Adopt Two Bills. Governor Trumbull then recom­ Then they adopted under sus­ shall have powers of supervision mended that laws be enacted “ de­ and regulation appropriate to the pension of rules the two bills, one signed to eliminate fraud, so that it concerning the addition of a mem­ situation.” will be possible to deal directly and Was Riding With Relative ber of the governor’s staff; and the National Guard. other changing the time for the effeotively with any individual or In his reference to the National When Gun is Discharged; meeting of county delegations. corporation offering securities of a Guard, Governor Trumbull again Was on Vacation. The Senate received the two mat­ questionable value to our citizens. urged the state to buy the land at ters and adopted them promptly in From my study of . the situation l| Eastern Point which it has secured Orlando, Fla., Jan. 9.— ^Van C. concurrence. am of the opinion that a strong [an option on, and “ which is essen­ McCrory, 32, of Ridgewood, N. J .,' Upon the recommendation of fraud law will be more effective tial for the development and train­ sole heir to the millions of his committee. Gov. Trumbull and other than legislation of the conventional ing of certain units of the National father, John C. McCrofy, chain ' state officers were declared elected. blue sky type,, requiring registra­ Guard which are equipped with store magnate, was dead today, the, The declaration was made by the tion of securities.” heavy field pieces.’* victim of an accidental discharge Senate and came as a report from Governor Trumbull expressed the The governor recommended that from the gun of a relative. t the committee on canvass of votes, belief that “ even the work of, the a commission be raised to plan for The fatal shot was firel by Ray- The change in the military law various state’s attorneys might well a proper observance of the three mer F. Maguire, Orlando attorney, was transmitted to Governor Trum­ be centralized under the attorney hundredth anniversary of the set­ and a relative by marriage, as the; bull so that he had time to appoint general In the Interest of economy, tlement of Connecticut as a colony. two were riding horseback through ' John Coolidge to his staff before efficiency, and uniformity of pro­ It is hardly necessary for me to thp McCrory estate. *■ add that the recommendations in the inauguration, and he promptly cedure.” He declared that in- the The shootiflg was entirely accl-j .vs signed the certificate which makes last fiscal year the various state’s this message are intended only, as dental, according to officers who ln-< the President’s son a major. attorfleys had required over $200,- guide to your actions and do not vestigated the killing. ^ Both sides of the General Assem­ 000 In salaries and- expenses, and. in any way constitute an attempt to McCrory and his wife, and their bly adjourned at 12:30 p. m. to re­ that “ by far the largest portion of impose the will of the administra­ three children came here just be- assemble at 2 p. m., to receive the this sum is chargeable to expenses tive branch of the state govern fore Christmas. i ment upon the Geperal Assembly. INTER months are here and with them cold stormy nights and shivery blasts of wintir incoming state officers. The House which obviously could be lessened winds. You’ll want to spend these long evenings Indoors where it is had adjourned without naming a The message of the governor serves by a’ central administration.” the practical purpose of bringing TREASURY BALANCE W able. You’ll want your home cheerful and inviting. New furnitme can readily make it chaplain, and it was indicated that “ The only right policy of a state BO. A whole suite oi just a few odd pieces. W hichever it is you can do better «n relecting them such an official might not be avail­ up-to-date those members, of the founded on law is to enforce the at Keith’s where you are assured of tyle and qu ality. The prices you take for .granted-as ihey able until the next week. Legislature who for a year and Washington, Jan. 9— Treasury, Caucuses. law,” the governor declared, “and half or longer, have been out of balance, January 7:— $219,399,- are always consistent with good value. The caucuses preliminary to the the only wrong policy is the failure close touch with the affairs of the 801.81. I convening of the General Assembly, to so act.” Then he declared that state.” the opinions on law enforcement Then the governor said: "'With For sd're throat gargle and take' The three piece parlor suite illustrated held last evening, were brief af­ above is covered entirely with mohair. Finest fairs. In the House caucus the he expressed two years ago, he still your judgment, and with, the knowl­ a teaspoonful of Sore Throat Re-j holds. Quoting* he declared “ neith­ edge of your sympathetic and in construction with Nachman spring units. Re­ nomination of Samuel A. Eddy of lief. Magnell Drug Company.— Advj versible cushion covered with durable tapes­ North Canaan to be speaker, equiv­ er disrespect for the law nor th^ telligent co-operation, the adminis­ difficulties attendant upon, its en­ tration will be more than content. try. And the price Is only $170.50, a year alent of course to election, was to pay. made by Judge Johnson of Man­ forcement are lessened.by keeping . ' . alive statnatory crimes which have chester and seconded by Clarence FAMILY HID BURGLAR NOTICE! For restful evenings a fireside chair near Jones of New Hartford. There was become archaic, either because ^hey the hearth in which to watch the picturesque no opposition candidate. no longer meet modern conditions and glowing logs. Several styles in solid or because they no longer represent Blissfield, Mich., Jan. 9.— A SELECTMEN’S MEETING Neither was there opposition to strange tale of family clannishness mahogany with caned seats and backs. Priced the nominations of Albert S. Bill the will of the electorate.” at $25.50. One dollar weekly. Water Rights in hiding Charles E. Carroll, 45 The regular monthly meeting of of West Hartford as clerk or Stan­ alleged to have been the lone bandit the Board* of Selectmen of the ley Traceski of New Britain as as­ 'In discussing the fight with Beautiful new lamps In both modern and Massachusetts over the diversio‘^ of who successfully “ stuck up” the ‘Town of Manchester, Conn., will conservative styles. A cheerful and colorful sistant clerk. First National Bank here yesterday be held in thi Alunicipal Building In the Senate caucus the nomina­ the Ware and Swift rivers from addition to your homo. Floor lamps $10.75 m obtaining $9,000 in loot, was re­ of said town at 8 p. m.. Tuesday tions of J. Frederick Baker of New Connecticut, the governor urged and up. Bridge $7.50 and up. vealed today when Carroll, his wife evening, January 15, 1929. j A sectional bookcase will Haven for clerk and of Senator Roy the Legislature to supply the funds and their 19-year-old son, Fred A new rug will add a wealth of new inter­ make the most practical home C. Wilcox of Meriden for presideflt to prepare and prosecute to an end THOMAS J. ROGERS, t Nothing will add more en­ were held here in connection with est to your home. You can buy fine Axmln- for the books you lead. Here pro tempore were both accomplish­ the legal phase of the affair. ■ Sec’y. Board of Selectmen. joyment to your winter eve­ A clear definition of the duties of the holdup. Manchester, Conn. j sters (9x12 sizes) as low as .$33.25. One they will always be handy and ed without opposition. Carroll admitted the robbery, ac­ nings than a •estful Coxwell dollar weekly. the state water commission as af­ January 9, 1929. chair and Ottoman stool. We orderly. You can add sections Rlurdock to Have Place. cording to Sheriff William Hanna, is needed. Priced with four The permanent organization com­ fected by >the State Board of have a splendid assortment Tables are both useful and interesting. of Adrian, and showed officers compartments at $ 1 0 . One mittee of the House organized di­ Health’s duties was urged also. He priced as low as $32.50. One Your home should include at least one gate- where the monCy could be found dollar weekly. 'K rectly after the caucus. Its slate of feared “ Inter-department friction dollar weekly. leg. Our most popular model has solid ma­ may result.” under a woocpile near his home. appoinraents, to be ratified by the MULTIGRAPHING hogany top and Is priced very reasonably at House, Included as doorkeeper for “ Liberal support” for the state’s $17.25. Hartford county E. A. Elliott of program of reforestratibn and con FELL OUT OP WINDOW. BILLING Newingtdn and as messenger for servation of natural resources was Danbury, Conn,, Jan. 9.— Thom­ Hartford county Leo P. Flamion asked. as Halpin, of New Milford, is in ADDRESSING of Hartford. George Murdock of In discussing aviation the gover­ Danbury hospital, apparently fatally Manchester, who was HaHford nor said:/Tn a number of instances hurt. Halpin, staying overnight in a COPYING county’s House doorkeeper In the the only available ana practicable White street boarding house, rolled last session, • is to receive an ap- site for the development of an air­ out of a fourth story window and FILUNG-IN Main Store Uptown Branch imintment to another position at port is outside the corporate limits landed on the roof of a one-story 825 the capitol. I of the municipality interested, and adjoining building. His skull was Opposite SOUTH The committee selected Rev. under the present law, that fact fractured and his legs broken. Mary E. Wilcox High School Main Street Andrew G. Littlefield of Lebanon, would prove a complete bar to the MANCHESTER Break up your cold in 24 hours Ihibllc Stenographer a member of the House two years desired development. I recommend 647 Alain St., Farr llhlg., Tcl. ago, as a messenger in that body. that such cities Or towns he author­ with First Aid Cold Tablets. Sold Judge Raymond A. Johnson, ized to carry out such projects even ;only by Magnell Drug Co.— ^Adv, .'i- i i'^lt • i i y


a • ■i ABOUT TOWN DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Her New Contract, 9:00—WJZ harmony team. I Leading DX Stations. ; R ev. and Mrs. Alfred Clark have Jannary Fur Wednesday, January 9. 10:00—W JZ grand opera. 40S.2V-WSB, ATLANTA—740. » been called to Toronto, Canada, be­ Colonel Hlgbie'3 cotton plantation, 10:30— Hits and bits. cause of the death there of Mrs. surrounded Dy magnolia trees uid 499.7— W TIC, HARTFORD—600. 8:00— Westbrook Con.-iervatui y music. t o Call For Million bathed in mooulignt. Is the scene ol 8:00— Btudio musical program. 8:30—Baker boys program. Clark’s brother, G. B. Nicholson. the old Southern program to bo broad­ 9:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 9:00—W E A F programs (2Vji hrs.) Another brother, II. J. Lee, is seri­ cast through WJZ and associated eU- 422.3-W O R , N E W A R K —710. 11:45—Studio enterteinmcnL ously ill. Rev. Clark Is curate at tioiis at 8:30 tonight. Aunt Jemina 7:30—Rutger’ s University program. 293.9— K Y W , CHICAGO-1020. is portrayed by Katherine Tift-JoneS; 8:00—Musical episode, "Wagner^ in 10:00—W JZ Chicago Civic opera. St. Mary’s Episcopal church. 11:00— W JZ Siumber music. Clearance noted actress;- Uncle Ned by J. Rosa­ Bayreuth." mond Johnson, Negro composer, and a 8:30—Orchestra, male quarteL 11:15—Good book talk. Robert Carocari of WilUmantlo quartet of field hands by the Utica 9:00— Millionaires’ orchestra, songs. 11:20—W JZ Slumber ratisia Jubilee Singers. At the same time 9:30— Morton Downey, whispering 12:03—Fiorito’s dance orchestra. ^ paid a fine ^ $10 and costs In the Morton Downey, whispering tenor, will tenor. 1:00—Insomnia Club inuslc. Manchester rollce court this morn­ Smart Fur Coatl^. I be the star of the Columbia system. 10:00— Herbert Brennon, famous movie 389.4—WBBM. CHICAGO—770. 9:00— Illinois Concert orchestra. ing for operating a motor vehicle Mr. Downey will use some of the same director. without proper registration. He of Select^ songs to entertain his radio listeners 10:30—Night Club romances. 10:00—Tenor; concert orchestra. which helped him to attain his great 11:05—Two dance orchestras. 10:30— Four dance orchestras. was arrested December 31, by Traf­ Pelts at . popularity In vaudeville. A portion of 302.8— W B Z , N E W EN G LA N D —990. 254.1— WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. fic Officer W. H. Wlrtalla. He 7:00-J-Victorian orchestra: talk. M ozarfs "T he Marriage of ^ garo” will 7;00—WJZ Highlanders orchestra. pleaded guilty. ■“t-- he presented by the Chicago Civic 7:30— Radio Nature league. 8:30— Studio entertalntnenL Nearly Haft Opera Companv through the WJZ 8:00—W JZ programs (3 hrs.) 9:00—W JZ harmony team. chain at 10. The opera, which wiU ll;10—Newcomb’s dance orchestra. 9:30—Theater presentotions. Rev. J. S. Neill, rector of St. * P r i c ^ he sung In Italian, will star Virgillo 454.3‘-W E A F , N E W V O R K -660. 12:00—Studio programs: artists. Mary’s Episcopal church, has re­ I.,azzari as Figaro: Richard Bonelli as 6:00—Dinner dance music. 416.4— W G N -W L IB . C H IC A G O -720. the count, and Edith Mason as Su­ 6:.30— Fur trappers program. 9:00—WEAF programs hrs.) ceived a card from Rev. David sanna. At the same time Dorothy 7 :00—Synagogue services. 10:30—Goidkette’a dance orchestra. Kelly, of Donegal, Ireland, extend- Walton and her Alu.sicmakers will at­ 7:30—Shllkret’s orchestra with Rich­ 11:15— I.,oiii.s’s hungry five. $3(K>Sflver II :.30—Dance; tenor; concert orchestra. Ihg the season’j meetings to all his tract H host of listeners to the Atlan­ ard Crooks, tenor. friends In Manchester. Rev. Kelly tic Citv station. WPG. Other excel­ Mediterraneans dance band. 12:00— Dream ship: nighthawka. lent highlights sehednied for Wednesz 9:00—Troubadours orchestra. 344.6—W LS. CHICAGO—870. was formerly curate at St. Mary’s Muskrat Coat | dav night will include a concert by 9:30—Symphony orchestra, tenor, so­ 8:00— Scrap book; The A n gers, church. Richard Crooks, tenor, supported by a prano, Revelers male quartet, 9:00—Ronnd-np; mnaical hour. . S i»4 2 . 5 concert orchestra through W E A F at 10:30— l “hil SpUalny’a music. 447.5— W M A Q -W Q J. CHICAGO—670. 7:30: a musical epi.sode, "W agner in 11:011—Hal Kemp's orchestra. 8:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) Earl J. Campbell, of Campbell’s Bavreuth.” through the Columbia sys­ 393.5—WJZ, N EW YORK—760. 11:00—^Ten o’clock mnsicale. Filling Station,' left for New York tem. and the Westbrook Conservatory 6:00— I’ollack’s dinner orchestra, 11:40—^Threa dance orchestras. City today to attend the Automobile entertainers through W SB. both at 8: 7:00— Highlanders orchestra. 299.8— w o e , DAVENPORT—1000. $179.50 I music bv the Eunhonic Instrumental 7:30—Talk, J. B. Kennedy. 9:00—WEAF'programs {2 hrs.) Show. ' trio through W NYC a half an hour 7 :30— M m e.' (Jainsborg. pinnist. 11 ;00—Fi."!her’a concertina orchestra. later, and el.nssicnl music by the Illi­ 7:4.5—Talk^ Frederick W . Wile. 12:00—O’ fTearn’s dance orchestra. Two talented pupils from the nois Concert orchestra through WBBM 8:00— Ureon and Rose, songs, saxo­ 361.2— KOA. DENVER—8.30. $200 Northern | at 8. WIP will broadcast "A " of Us phone. 11:00— Novelty. "A Japanese Carder.” Julius Hart School of Music in new alphebet music.ol series, also at 8:30—Foresters male quartet. 12:00—"T h e Golden Threshold.” by , a Hartford will give a program at the 9:00—Smith Brothers, harmony duo. 9. ______mixed ouartet. regular Thursday afternoon assem­ SealCoat | 9:30— Negro hour with Katherine Tift 12:30— Stiid'o donee orchestra. Black face type Indicates best features Jones, diseuse; J. Rosamond 357—CMC. H AVAN A—840. bly tomorrow, 'x'hey are Miss Helen Johnson, composer; Utica Ju­ 8:00—Aliiitnry oriihesfra. Levin, soloist and Miss Ida Chapin, Size 40. i All programs Eastern Standard Time. bilee Singers. 0:00—Tnben tronb.adours. pianist. 10:00— Chicago Civic opera, “ The Mar­ 10:00—Shiriin music hour. riage of Figaro." 491.5— W D A F . KANSAS CITY—610. Leading East Stations. 11:00— Slumber mu.slc. 0:00— W E A F proprams fDA hrs.) The annual meeting of the Center $ I 4 g i.5 _ W IP , P H IL A D E L P H IA —610. 10:30— Katz hoys entertainment. 129.50 272.6—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY— 1100. Church Ecclesiastical Society will •w . >;;nii— Concert orch: harmony duo. 7:00— Birthday list, pianist, 1 1 :00—Kemp’s dance orchestra. be held at 7:30 tonight at the Soprano; (;oncert orchestra. 8:00—Wanderer’s male quartet. 12;''.‘i—Niebthnwk frolic. 10:00— Dorothy Walton Musicmakers. 9:00— Studio Symphony orchestra. 468.5— KFI. LOS ANGELES—€40, church. Reports will be made by K,;.ni_Two dance orchestras to 12-CO. lii;O0—Dougheriy’s orcneslra. 1 1 :00—Concert orchestra. oflOcers and committees and elec­ $200 Mink | 233—W8AL. BALTIMORE—1C60. 11 ;0il—Warren's orchestra. ___ ia;0n_-Bond.s to Roinnive.'* tions for the ensuing year will take g;no—Alfredo Oswald, pianist. 535.4— W LIT. PHILADELPHIA—560. 12-20-R ti’ dio arl'sts: orchestra. 8:30—WJZ programs ('2M> hr.s.1 9:00— Stanley theater hour. 333,1 —KHJ. LOS ANGELES—9C0. place. Marmot Coat | 243.8— W NAC. BOSTON—1230. 9:30—WEAF programs (Hfe '^'s.) 11 ;nn_Orche.e,im: vocal soloists. 7 :1 1 - History lecture; pianist. 305.9— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 12:00— Studio entertainers. The Women’s Federation -will Size'36. i 7;:!0—Edna Meis ensemple, • 6:;t0—Dinner dance orchestra. l:0n_nancp orchestra. 8;(in—Columhin programs (3 hrs.) 7:00—Chimes, talks to 7:45. 461.3—WSM. NASHVILLE—650. have a sewing meeting at Center ]];]0 — Sleven.s’ dance orche-stra. 7;4 5 _W J Z programs (2'A hrs.) 8:00— Alien Fire.side hour. church tomorrow afternoon at 545.1—WGR. BUFFALO—550. 1 1 :00—Bestor's dance orchestra. 0:00—W E A F programs tD* hrs 1 o’clock. $ I 7:00— Buffalo Symphony orchestra. 245.8— W CAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 10:.30— Chief Tociimseh. Indian tennr. 95.00 7:.»0-WEAF programs hrs.) 6;O0—WE.AF dinner music. 1 1 :00—Studio m'nsfrcl men’ s frolic. » — 1 1 ; 1M—Van Snrdam’s orchestra. 7:00—Studio Gospel songs.^ 508.2— KOB. N EW MEXICO—590. 333.1—W M AK . BUFFALO—900. 7;.i0— Quinbv Symphony orchestra. 10:30—Music; bridge: music. 7:0(1—WGY radio skit. 8;nfi_W i:.4F programs f3 hrs.) 379.5— KGO. OAKLAN D —790. YALE LAW COURSE TO $159.50 Pony | S;0n—Columhia progr.ams (3 hrs.) 260.7— W H AM , ROCHESTER— 1150. 11:00—Poetry and music; quintet. REQUIRE FOUR TEARS lj;0.4—'I’wo dance orchestras. 7:0U_\VGY radio skit. 1 2 :0 0 -ATotormafPs; surprise broadcast, 428.3—W L W . CINCINNATI—700. 7 :.30—Rochester U. hour; vlolinlsL 1:00—Trocadcrans entertainment. Coat I 7;:!0—Tliiess' dance orchestra. 8:00— •On Wings of Song." 270.1—WRVA. RICHMOND—1110. Los Angeles, Jan. 9.— The first ductions, each a talking production, 7;45—W JZ programs (3%. hrs.) 8:30—WJZ programs hrs.) 6:15— Children’s theater play. probably celluloid versions of fa­ New Haven, Conn.— Yale has de­ 11:00— Variety hour; organist. * 379.5— W G Y , SC H E N E C T A D Y —790. 7:30—Trio: feature program. motion picture starring contract Size 19. = 12:00—Orchestra; Jack and Jean. 11:.5.5—Time; weather; markets. X;30—Old Virginia Church hour. mous Broadway ■ stage successes cided to take steps to check the 280.2—W TAM , CLEVELAND—1070. C;0f>—Stocks, markets, farm forum. 0:00— Studio variety program. which definitely specifies that a now current or of the past. rising tide of lawyers by making a 0:00—W E A F trouiiadours orchestra. 6:30—Dinner d-ance music. 0:30— Feature hour. star will appear only in talking 'Ihere is special interest attached four-year law course necessary to 10:30— Two dance orchestras. 7:00— Mr. and Mrs. Radio SkIL 1 1 :00—Dance orchestra. $ I to the announcement, inasmuch as obtain a law degree from Yale. The 96.00 11:30—Memory Garden hour. 7:30—WEAF concert orchestra. 440,9_KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—6C0. motion picture productions has just 389.8—WeX-WJR. DETROIT—750. 8:00— Anthony Reese, baritone, 1 1 ;00_ N . B C. enferfainment.s. been given to Corinne Griffith by Miss Griffith is essentially. a pro­ plan, worked out by Dean Robert 8:00—Goldkettc's orchestra. 9:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 1:00 — TTendcr.son’.a dori#*c hand. First National. The contract is duct of the silent drama and has M. Hutchins, becomes effective af­ Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. said to involve a million dollars and had little, if any, stage experience ter 1930. At present college stu 503.2—W EEI. BOSTON—590. • -296.9—WHN. NEW YORK—1010. 344.6— W EN R . CHICAGO—870. it is understood that the star will during her successful career. The dents have taken “ pre-law” courses 6:40—Big Brother Club. 6:00—Friedman's dance orchestra. RiJ.I—F.armer Rusk’s lecture. receive considerable salary increase first production which Corinne Grif­ and so cut the time of their law 7:00— “Oh B oy ;" masterpiece planisL 6:30— Studio program. in;0O_W.TZ Chicago Civic opera. 7 :3 0 -W E A F programs (3 hrs.) t 7:00-^Supper club orchestra. 1 1 :00—staff comedy sketch. by the new arrangement. Miss fith will make under her new con­ training by one year. 10:35—C. of C. organ recital, 272.6—W L W L . N EW YORK—1100, 12:00—Studio feature nrogram. Griffith’s agreement specifies that tract will be ‘‘ Prisoners," a version Previously Yale had strengthen­ 274.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. 7:00— Paulist I>eague hour. 202.6— W H T . CHICAGO—1480. ed entrance requirements by re­ 7:05— Soprano; Spanish hour. 0;?n_Vocalists; instnimentnilsts. she will make four big special pro- of Franz Molnar’s celebrated play. 8:00— W E A F programs (3 hrs.) 7 :3 0 - Religious question l>ox. 1 1 :00—Ramblers entertainment. fusing admission to the law school 11:00— Castle Farm orchestra. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 10-30— A’niir hour league. except to those who had college 215,7—W H K , CLEVELAND— 1390. 7:30—Air college talk; contralto. 319_K0IL. COUNCIL .BLUFFS—340. degrees.' Th” t requirement will re­ iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiliiiiiiiwBiii 7:30—Music hour; radiograms. 8:30— Euphonic instrumental trio. <);.3n_WOR Columhin hour. JITNEY PLAYERS NOT POST TROLLEY RUNS main In force. 8:30— WOR programs (2% hrs.) 410.7—CFCF. TORONTO— 730. 10:30— T.O.C Cahiu dnv.s 11:05—Ace Brigade’s Virginians. 8 :0 0 -Toronto musical program. 12-00—Radio hour: organ. 12:00— Williams' Musicmakers. 10:00— Feature concert hour. 374.8— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—800. \357-CKCL. TORONTO—840. 10;00_Arlinglon dance orchestra. SO GOOD IN “ DRAGON” FOR NEW BIDDING 325.9—W W J, DETROIT—920. 9:00— Puppy Club; philosopher. 11:1.5—Artists musical programs. 7:30—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 9:40— Microphone mummers. 270.2—WCCO. MINN.. ST. PAUL—810. 11:00—Studio organ recital. 11:00—OrchP.>!lra. tenor, organ. 8;00—Ainslcnl programs (1i>4 hrs.) No Notice of Change to Buses */isk 11:30—Kemp’s dance orchestra. 315.6—W RC, W ASHINGTON—950. 0:30—WOR programs (1 hr.) Irish Fairy Story and Its Dia­ ANNOUNCING— 348.6—W ABC, N EW YORK—860. 8:00— W E A F programs (.3 hrs.) 10;3n_Studlo concert hour. Here— Few Changes E.k- 11:05—Orchestra, tenor; organist. a n ij 9:00— Studio programs. 11:00—W JZ Slumber music. lect Not Suited to Favorite pected on,Local Lines. Troupers. DOCTOR The list of runs for which men A N E t PAINTING AND Anticipating as much pleasure in the employ of the Connecticut ) AMERICAN, ITAUAN FORMER PASTOR’S WIFE from the Jitney Players’ presenta­ Company, in the Hartford division, tion of Lady Gregory’s “ The Dra­ which now includes the Manchester WTIC CARD GAMES PLAYED DIES IN BAY STATE gon” as they had experienced nhen and Rockville lines, will bid was DECORATING SERVICE the same troupers played “ A Trip posted this morning at the Hart­ Travelers Insurance Co. to Scarborough” on their own ford State street barns. A careful, personal seri'ice that means satis* Hartford Mrs. F. H. Whiton of Main “ Gypsy Trail” stage at the Recrea­ There ij nothing -new in the Whist, Driscola and Scopa street, recently received a letter tion grounds last summer, a fair method -followed for bidding' in on Safe for faction. Estimates gladly furnished. 535.4 m. 560 k. c. Feature Eleanora Duse from one of the daughters of the sized audience gathered at High the runs in the South Manchestet Every Cbu^ Lodge Benefit. late Rev. ano Mrs. . Edwin A. School Hall last evening. division. The expected change to Adams, informing her of the death The Jitney Players are held in buses on the Manchester Green or GEORGE L. HOOEY of Mrs. Adams after a short ill­ considerable affection by a consider­ Cross-town line? is not shown in 7 Program For Wednesday Monday evening a most success­ "Assures a Job Well Done^* ^6:25 p. m.— Summary of Program ness. Mrs. Whiton has also sent the able group of Manchester people the new bid-in. SUNDAY 18 Hemlock Street, Tel 2882-W ful card' party was given at the Herald a clipping from the Congre- but the most eifthusiastic of their and News Bulletins. home of Mrs. James Aceto of Center The real b'dding will not start 6:30 p .m .— Hotel Bond Trio— gationalist of December 27 giving friends would be unlikely to hold until later in the week and the 7 DM street for the benefit of Eleanora the opinion that in “ The Dragon Emil Heimberger, Director. Duse Lodge, Daughters of Italy. an account of Mrs. Adams’ useful new'runs will be effective as of Program of request selections. life and her c^ealh which occurred the Players repeated their success next Sunday. The runs as posted OLD C0MPANY1S Both American and Italian card with the “ Trip to Scarborough.” 7:00 p. m.— Station WCAC will games were played. In straight at her childhood home in Walpole, and the order of runs will hardly RADIO RICITAl Mass., believing that some of the The performance was excellently broadcast on this frequency whist Mrs. Elizabeth Phelan and costumed and the little setting re­ mean any change of men on the lo­ older residents will recall her as until 7:30 p. m. Ernest McNally won first prizes and quired— there is only one scene for cal lines. 7:30 p. m.— La Touraine Concert Mrs. J. J. O’Connell and Peter wife of the pastor of the Second the three acts— was entirely adequ­ from N. B. C. studios. Comollo were awarded the consola­ .Congregational church for ^four ate. The play, which has never been 8:00 p. m.— The Mediterraneans. tion ^prizes. Mrs. Carl Delonzo won years beginning in 1867. Mrs.’ been presented here fore, is a novel 9:00 p. m.— Ipana Troubadours first prize In driscola, Mrs. Domin­ Whiton had corresponded with her and clever thing. But all the effects LACK OF SNOW WORRIES from N. B. C. studios. ick Beletti, consolation. Mrs. An- all these years WHITE were seriously marred by a f^-Ult WIRIUNRATII 9:30 p. m.— Palmolive Hour from geline Desimone won first prize in .Mrs. Adams was a daughter of extqpding to every member of the America's Foremost Baritone N. B. C. studios. scopa, another Italian game; other Calvin and Priscilla Plimpton and cast save one, that of rushing the KIDS WITH NEW SLEDS 10:30 p. m.— Phil Spitalny’s Music. prize winners at the same Lanie finished her education at Abbot dialogue to the point where it was C lu n e { n V f B A F 11:00 p. m.— News and weather were Mrs. Rose Marcantonio and Academy, Andover, after which shh fairly indistinguishable. Probably forecast. Mrs. James Aceto. Mrs. Emma not one word in three spoken dur­ Manchester is having a snowless /mdASSOCIATED OAK taught in Walpole and Springfield. Mannise chairman of the committee She was married to Dr. Adams and ing the evening really registered winter so far this season. The ap­ STATIONS and Mrs. Aceto served hom'e made after the pastorate in this town with half the audience. This was proach of the middle of Januaiy CHILD WELFARE NURSE cake, Italian cookies, sandwiches they sailed for Prague,' now iB complete contrast to the dear­ finds the ground still barren. There and coffee. ness of diction which marked the was very little snow during Novem­ Czecho-Slovakia, and after ten •WEAF WEEI COAL years In the foreign field gave the performance of “ The Trip” last ber and December. In only one. In­ SUBMITS HER REPORT stance did the snow hnd ice furnish WGY . WeSH remainder of their long lives of WTAG service to the Bohemians of* Chica­ As the play is of the Irish *ol^“ conditions suitable for coasting WGtt lore' type, having to do with all and that lasted bui. a day and a WUT]1 WJAR MORE HEAT-USS ASHES Child Welfare Nurse Miss Doro­ TRAFFIC SIGNALS IN go, 111., with the exception of two thy Buttle has submitted her report sorts of ancient kings, princes, night. _ \ m i\ y fT iii years at Nortbboro, Mass. Their dragons, magic and so on. and the ANTHRACITE FOR SALE BY for the month of December to the last years were spent in Walpole, No doubt there are hundreds of BEsrsiNciieio WRC Child Welfare committee. It is as AT BAD INTERSECTION brogue was undertaken by the children in Manchester who re­ and a beautiful cenotaph, the gift whole cast, the effect was not of the Copyright U. < N. 19'^ 8 follows: of their Bohemian friends in Chi­ ceived sleds tor Christmas but so 8 Main St,. Manchester. Phone BOi happiest. Only David Elliott, who G. E. WILMS SON. INU. Patients under care Dec. 1 . . . .214 cago marks their resting place In far they have been unable to use fH E L E H IG H C O A L ANTC it Traffic signals have been Install­ was ‘‘The Prince of the Mashes, Patients discharged...... • • •. 10 the Maple Grove cemetery in Wal- them. This has brought much dis­ New patients...... 26 ed at Spruce and Bissell streets and who made no attempt at Irish NAVIGATION COMPANY accent, spoke his lines so that they content to many youngsters. On the Under Care Dec. 3 1 ...... 230 one of the most dangerous street POl«v other hand, however, skating con­ Nursing visits ...... 54 intersections in Manchester. The Mrs, Ada ns outlived her hus­ were understandable. band by only one year and a half. Manchester friends of the Plajmrs ditions haven’t been as ideal in sev­ Advisory visits...... 148 signal: are in the middle of the eral years i ere as they have been Social service and specials...... 26 highway on Bissell street and stand Six children survive. Miss Rebecca will hope that the next time they come they will be less hurried and for the past couple of weeks. n Total visits ...... 228 a few inches above the street level. E. Adams of Walpole. Mrs. E. H. Attending clinics...... 26 Both are on Bissell, one on each Harper of Bedford, Va., Elizabeth avoid dialect plays. Prenatal ca se s...... 1 side of Spruce, therefore affecting M., of Olivet College, Katherine N., Fees collected ...... $24.60 president of Constantinople College HOLD ANNUAL FOX HUNT only Bissell street traffic. Only re­ NEAR Mo b il e f e b . e-s Miss Buttle also, reported that cently ‘a bad automobile accident for Women, Turkey; Professor Ed­ HERBERT HOOVI3R WRITES Stop Your Gjugkiiig three babies had been referred to occurred at this point. With the win T. Adams of Princeton Uni­ TO NEW CANAAN GIRL Mobile, Ala.— "^he annual winter her by physicians for supervision of growth of the towfi, Bissell and versity and Professor George P. formula and one for surgical dress­ hunt of the National Fox Hunters’ Spruce street traffic has expanded Adams of tbo University of Califor­ New Canaan, Conn., Jan. 9.— Al­ Association will be held near here ing. Several mothers were given accordingly until it has reached a nia. most coincident with the return of Instruction in the bathing and care February 6-8, according to an an­ point wl ere the intersections on It is rather a coincidence that Herbert Hoover to Washlngton>has nouncement by the State Depart­ First Aid Pectorole of children. Spruce street, many o f’ which are Rev. John S. Porter, representative come to Susana Peredo, a Gra;le ment of Conservation. Several very needy cases were of the Second- Ccngregational Eighteen pair of red* foxes have brought to the attention of the more or less blind, have become a Three pupil tf Center school here, V will stop that coi^h quicker thtui any other remedy* , nurse and were reported to the menace to traffic. In this respect, church, should have succeeded to ar letter from “ On Board U. S. S. been “ planted” in the territory be­ W/TH proper authorities. One child In a Bissell and Spruce was about the Dr. Adams' former position | at Maryland” which says: tween Cottage Hill and Sevefa Lingering Coughs Are Dangerods. boarding house was found in a very worst. Prague under the direction of the “ Dear Miss Peredo:^— I am In re­ Hills, preparatory to the hunt. The “READY. HEAT/ American Board of Foreign Mis­ ceipt of your kind message this territory also is well stocked with unhealthy condition and was native gray foxes. TRY PECTOROLE brought to the clinic for a thorough sions, and that during bis fur­ morning. I wish to thank you for examination. The child is at pres­ loughs in this country he should your good wishes on my journey to Our Koal Kids are regular Heat] Break up your cold in 24 hours the charge of the town. TO REVISE CHARTER have visited the Bohemian settle­ South America.” Experts and they advise you to have ent with First Aid Cold Tablets. Sold ment In Chicago where Dr. and The letter ^ signed: "Yours a good supply of our dependably Mrs. Adams were stationed so long. only by Magnell Drug Co.— Adv. "New Canaan, Conn., Jan. 9— Ef­ faithfully. Herbert Hoover.” coal on hand so that when the win­ UNDY CLUB ELECTION forts will be made this winter, to Susan Peredo was born In Chile. end the forty-year-old dual govern­ She was adopted by Miss Evelyn ter dayb appear you can “ Fire when | ment of town and borough in New HOSPITAL NOTES Gardner, a local high school teach­ Ready!’’ ^ The Lindy social club held its an­ Canaan. A. F, Stevenson, New York er. nual meeting last evening at the lawyer residing here, has drawn a nHitEi g-sii ciftti! Also Fuel Oil in any quantity. home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mur^ new charter proposal, to be sub­ The Memorial hospital todaiy re­ Tune In on The Old Company’s] phy of 72 Birch street. The officers mitted to a town meeting, oalling ported the admission of Miss Llllidn NEW AIR ROUTES KM IMSHE p program. We are the sole distrib­ elected to serve during 1929 are as for a board of three or five select- Campbell of 203 Summit street and Prescription Druggists Wllows: President, Norman Gib- ment, a board of finance, a school the discharge of Charles Strant of In a surprisingly short time, such utors for Old Company’s Lehigh | 35 Hudson street. skin troubles as pimples, itching rash 1095 Main St. soh; Vice President, Miss Doris hoard, and sir organlzatioi^s. Miami, Fla.. Jan. 9— Elevfen Cen­ jmd blemishes vanish—theskin cleara coal In town. Chambers of Hartford; Secretary The Stevensoi. charter covers A maternity clinic will be held at tral and South American nations the hospital annex at 3 o’clock to­ —when soothing, cooling 2^emo is and Treasurer, Miss Gertrude Gibbs eight typewritten pages. “ It’s sim­ were linked v71th the United States used. And in 20 years this wonderful of Talcottville. William Rlcken- plicity will kill it,’’ say the plan’s morrow afternoon with Dr. D. M. by rail-passenger air service today. Caldwell in charge. antimptic liquid has seldom failed to dorf of Hartford was chosen chair- opponents. Those who have studied Inauguration of the America’s relieve the most stubborn cases of ihan of the entertainment commit­ the measure were startled because first International air service was Eczema. Have invisible, odorl^ tee. A social followed the meeting the usual verbiage handed down in Do not let a cold hang on. Try started at 7:30 a. m., with the dedi­ Zemo atwajrs on hand to relieve skin G. E. Willis & Son, Inc, dhriuig which whist was playetfand Connecticut towns from colonial First Aid Cold Tablets. Magnell cation of three air mail, routes at irritations insttmtly. All druggists-»- m refreshments served by the hostess. days, is absent. . Drug Company.— Adv. the Pau-Americau Airport here. a5c.60c and $1.00. Get a bottle today. 2 Main St. TcL 50 ■


little Herbert. ^*Wbat'a tbe use 'does not carp greatly about.having many bt bnmtng tbem all ap?’* him drive. dotea abon'VCalkI&'' His-hatred ot waste apparently up bfter hW h e ^ ^ ^ ^ began early in life. - ■ . • [ VAST SPECTACLE OF DELUGE Herbert Hoover Likes Those are a few of the Hoover anecdotes, A year froip now, when Do not let a cold: harig'oh. . Many yoars ago, when Hoover he has been in the White House fur First Aid Cold Tablets. Hagne^ was working as disbursement of­ a time, there undoubtedly will be Drug Company.—-Adv. FILMED IN “NOAH’S ARK” His Little Jokes ficer tor tbe Geological Survey in the Robies and was trying to save from bla $45 a month salary By RODNKY BUTCHER One night,; Hoover "saya, he <§noagh money to heli)^ bim return asked his asslataht, Oeqrge Akerv to college in the tali, a horse fur- Washington.— To get a cbmplete sun, to telephone 'a ' certain town fiished bis party by the govern­ 7a.i understanding of a famous man up the river and see whether the ment died. Hoover knew that 11 you must read the anecdotes that | flood'had reached it yet. Akerson he could not properly explain tbe have clustered about him during got the call throogh,'but raised Animal’s demise be would be as­ his public career. only, a man who was nearly ston^ sessed 9110. So, after much thought be wrote the comptroller general Herbert Hoover is not. Just now, deaf. ■ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ V the subject of as many little stories ‘ “Any water there?” asked Aker- that tbe aniniai bad tried to scratch as he undoubtedly will be a year son, ’ . its bend with a hind foot and in later. But even so there is a fairiy ”Can’t hear you.” replied the j^e effort hati broken its neck. The sizable collection of yarns, buroorir man at the other end'6f the wife. ittory tailed to go over;, the .comp­ troller general doubted that any WATER ous arid otherwise, which have him ; ■- as the central figure. Since they |borse anywhere would dream ot The whole are interesting and afford valuable tVying 'such a thing. But to this side-lights on the character of day Hoover- believes he would have ! America’s next president, some of been all right if be had simply j day through them are recounted here. 'Written that tbe horse died of a First of ail, there is Hoover’s! broken neck, add had not tried to explain bow it bad been broken. N L Y the woman in the own favorite— a story *thal con­ home knows how many cerns a wartime crossing of the O English channel on a boat which, daily uses tliere are for hot . Hoover greatly enjoys mofortng, ^ as usual, was menaced by mines water. Almost hourly it is and submarines. Hoover was accus­ arid if left atone is a good driver. needed. Does your present tomed to square accounts with the But if be gels to talking to some­ one else . in tbe front seat be (or- system of water heating give steward at the end of the voyage, ^ets about tbe automobile, and you all the hot water you but on this occasion the steward came to bim as the boat left tbe either drives it at a snail’s pace or need, all the day through, or dock and said; at a race track-speed, depending on do you have to stop and wait .the tempo of tbe conversation. For “ I’m sorry, sir, but we may be l l a . m for “ the tank to heat'up’’ ? sunk at any moment, so 1 must col­ is reason, the rest of tbe family lect after sach meal.” “ Every time 1 think of that Part of one of the specfaoul ar deluge scenes In the new “Noah’s Ark,” Is shown above. story it seems funnier,” says Hoo­ ver, DAN THOMAS she Is a > Warner Brothers star, is destroyed with the exception ot NO MORE GAS GAS • « * , Hollywood, Calif.,— A new high­ a German dancer during the mod­ Noah and those aboard the ark *‘But Ah can give yen coffee light in film spectacles, effective ern sequence and she portrays with him. These scenes alone are Then there Is the story, quite without milk.” and .realistic. Is reached during the .Noah's handmaiden in the tilblical wo.r-th the price of admission. widely known, about something that happened during tbe Missis- IN STOMACH flood scenes in “ Noah’s Ark.” b- sed reels. George O’ Brlei, the male To Speak or Not to Speak’f WATER on the Biblical story of the deliLge. lead, plays tbe dual role of a ” Mr. Hoover wants to know If The film is a combination ot wealthy American who marries There is a Vilaphone supple­ your main street is under water.” Biblical and modern times, open- Dol(»res and of Japet, Noah's ment to the picture. During the “ Can’t hear you.” AND BOWELS ii^ with the former, fading into youngest son and the sweetheart Blbiical sequence it is used only Akerson fairly screamed the the modern and then reverting for musical accompaniment. But words into tbe teiephoqe. They HEATERS of his handmaiden. '.be modern part of the film is again to the Biblical. Most of the Berry’s Good Work bad no effect. Then, after a mo-, If you wish to be permanently njibdern portion of the production partly dialogued. Why there was ment, tbe voice at the other end Storage System Noah Beery gives a remarkable continual jumping from dialogue 'relieved of gas 4n stomach and portrays the World War, which said-: As you draw off the hot bps been the subject for more performance as a Russian army to written lines was a mystery to “ Mister, if you’ll hold on here a bowels, take Baalmann’s Gas Tab- officer and is King Nephilim. lie films than 1 can recall. The dim me and many others of the first few minutes I’ll get out my skiff iets, which are prepared especially water, the storage tank is re­ seems to nave a leaning toward had its world premiere at Grau- night audience. Tlir effect whs and row over to tbe co’tbous^ and for stomach gas and all the bad filled automatically so th«t hard, cruel foles recently. Guinn naan’s Chinese theater here re- bad, as it is in nearly all part bring somebody back that can effects resulting from gas pressure. Williams, as O’ BMen's pal and an­ there’s always hot water on C0zitly» iialii,gue films. When a character hear better.” ..'That empty, gnawing feeling at other of Noah’s sons, also does tap, ready for use. Nothing ; On the whole “Noah’s Ark” Is ipens his mouth you never know « • • the. pit of tbe stomach will disap­ some nice work. to turn on or otf, yet no. g ^ . Ifttensely interestino, particularly .'fieitier Or not he is going to It doubtless will disturb some­ pear;-that anxious, nervous feeling during the Biblical sequences. Louise Frazenda gives us the speak. body somewhere, to learn that is wasted. Ask us about this only laugh In the entire picture. with heart palpiiatiun will vanish, Gbnsiderable credit must be given Beery was far and above every­ Hoover occasionally uses sued and you will again be able to take a better system. She is a tavern maid in the mod­ tb Director Michael Curtiz. After body else In the cast from a vocal cuss words as “hell.” for all his deep breath without discomfort. ern sequence. Noah is portrayed standpoint. His voice Is among the comparing this picture with “ Tbe Quakerism. The incident where­ That drowsy, sleepy feeling after Dy Paul McAllister, who is a'so oest yet discovered in Hollywood King of; Kings,” I am convinced in he told a German baron, asso­ dinner will be replaced by a de­ 3.=»en as a minister in the other and is a match for that of nearly t^at Curtiz could g've Cecil B. ciated with him in food reliut sire for entertalniuenL Bloating hall of the picture. ^ any stage player. O’ Brien’s voice DeMille several lesson.s in the pro­ after the war. to “ go to hell,” is will cease. Ypur limbs, arms and duction of Biblical films. A new climax In the spectacu­ also records very well. But when The fairly well known. Bari Reeves, a lar is reached during the fiood it comes to Miss Costello’s voice— fingers will no longer feel cold and -Dolores Costello, who is given “ They were only running op the Hoover biographer, gives another. ‘-'go to sleep” because Uaaimanri s tie starring role largely because scenes when the entire world is well, the less said the better. • ; : , ♦ • _____ gas lilll.” Shortly after the war someone Gas Tablets prevent gas from inter­ fering with the circulation. Get the knowledge that they were violating 3ii>pi Hood reli'it work. Hoover was Manchester slopping at an ancient hotel in a genuine, io the yellow package, at the laws of the United States. ^ SOUTHERN PACIFIC any good drug store. Price $1. BRITKHCOURTS “ Having arrived at the conclu siuall southern town. As he order­ ed his meal, he toid the old color-~ sion that the whole adventure was ALways on hand at illegal,” he added, “ I concur with TO LAY NEW RAIL IN eo waiter to bring him his coffee Gas Co. without cream. The waiter hesitat­ I BAR CLAIMS OF Justice Sankey that the decision ' E. J. M U R P H Y ’S of the court below be discharged ed a moment, and then said: “ Sorry, boss. Ah can’t give and the actions and counter-claims! TEXAS-LOUISIANA you no coffee without cream be­ dismissed without costs.” cause we ain’t got no cream— but Austin, Texas.— The Southern Ah can give you coffee without m ilk!” V ■_ - - MANY YOUNG WOMEN Pacific Lines of Texas and Louisi­ « » • London.— The clandestine ’ run- ana have announced that during Although Hoover is not known iflng of liquor into the United 1929, heavy' expenditures will be ENTER CRIME FIELD made for the continued betterment as a humorist of ilie Lincoln type, States by British subjects In defi­ of the properties in the two states. he has a certain dry sense of hu­ mor. A repre of the pro­ line with added permanence and There Is. for instance, the Floor Samples and Merchandise Slightly Damaged in Transit prosecute. fessional ‘paper hangars’ are riar- economical maintenance. story of the time that creditors , W ill Have Effect. ried, according to our list, and Among the new equipment, on of Hoover’s Uncle John’s land whichinclude " •The decision of the Court of Ap­ more surprising most of them are ! order for delivery during the year, company held an indignation peal. however, is expected to do nearing "the supposedly discreet and to be built in company shops, meeting at the company ofllce. mubh to Slay those Britishers who. years of early mfddle-age.” will be 15 heavy freight locomo- When they became angry arid There are three times as many abusive, young Herbert Jumped up at great risk to themselves, peri­ lives, new passenger cars, steel and “ Tire horse died of a broken odically attempt to smuggle liquor women criminals entered on Cali­ of late development; freight ex­ and turned out the lights, forcing Oversttt€£edi Chairs • $J.oo fornia’s blacklist this year as four ncek while trying to srratcb bis thepi to disperse. Into the United States acr-oss S.OOO penditures and there will be in ad­ liead with a hind foot.” milps of ocean. years ago, while forgery and fraud­ dition four modern gas electric mo­ “They were only rririnlng up the It means that In addition to the ulent cheek cases nearly kept that tor cars fitted for baggage, mall gas bill," be said, “and there was same ratio. you never smoked a cigar in your risks of arrest and imprisonment at and passenger accommodations. no use in that kind of talk.” % Pa. Living Room Suites »15 .00 While the most of the offenders life,” said the reporter. the hands of the U. S. autlu>rities. The 1929 order provided for con­ are “ penwomen,” the second favor­ siderable new shop machinery and Hoover studied his cigar for • When a boy in Wrist Branch, piracy, and unsold cargoes, the liq ite for girls la shoplifting. This, moment. uor runners in future will face the tools of rec'ent design calculated to Hoover once told a playmate that the stale criminologist stated, is add to- shop efficiency and speed “ Well," he' replied, at length, he believed in God aou heaven, brit additional risk of having no re­ “ maybe they’ re right.” Oak Tables confined mostly to the larger cities. of output. Additions to other fa­ not In hell. • dress in the British courts should The merchant and storekeeper in m m they wish to go to law in cqnnec- cilities on line, buildings, equip “ What would yon do with the the smallest hamlet, though, are ment, etc., not Included in the The Mississippi flood relief work j sinners?” asked the playmate, tlofi with tlieir ventures. not Immune to the sting of worth­ brings another. Items detailed above will bring the i “Send them to heaven,’* said hi the case before the courts, less paper, and In fact, are the total expenditures for the year to Qak Buffets Frederick A. Lindsey, a London most numerous victims of the fem­ whiskey merchants, appealed inine passers of souvenir paper. approximately $3,000,000. against the judgment of a lower cOiirt in three actions. In the first S.\FE FOR MOTORISTB Dr. Caldwell’s 3 R id^ pdd Chairs of which Sir Harry Foster, a mem­ Talking films In color were re­ ber of Parliament, had obtained a It costs money to keep roads cently shown in Loudon In broad declaration that a bill of exchange safe' for motorists in the winter. daylighu The screen used was Keep You Healthy for $2.5U(> which he gave was void. Last year’s-bill for keeping snow made of especially prepared black mahogany finish Lindsey was the defendant in that off the roads varied 'rom $6.40 a silk and sharp images were visible Commodes i action, and the unsuccessful plain- mile in Virginia to $136 32 a mile Dr. Caldwell watched the resuUd even In strong sunllghL t tfff in two other actions which re­ in Wyoming. ot constipation for 47 years, and lated to bills for $27..‘iUO, and $2.S,- believed that nc» matter how care­ 000. Defendants were Sir Harry For sore throat gargle and take ful people are of their health, diet Congoleum Rugs Foster, A. H. Atfield, and John D! a teaspoonfui of Sore Throat Re­ and exercise, constipation will oc­ cur from time to time regardless Driscoll and A. S. Millei^ trading lief. Magnell Drug Company.— Adv. Discontinued patterns. as the Tower Trading S.vddicate, of Aiinouncement of how much luie tries to avoid it. London. Ot next importance, then, is how to treat it when it comes. Dr. Cald­ ? The whole action .;^ose out of a 1 wish to announce the open­ Floor Lamps scheme to ship whiskey to the /iothers— Try Mild well always was In favor of getting lilt e d States. Lindsey was to sell ing of my as close to nature as possible, the whiskey to Driscoll and Miller, Children’s Musterole hence his remedy for constipation, who were to arrange for placing known as Dr. Caldwell Svrup Pep­ the liquor in America; and Sir O f course, you know good old sin, is a mild vegetable compound, Couches « Harry Foster was to provide funds s^ustoole; how quickly, how easily Beauty Shop it can not barm tbe most delicate f4r the transaction. relievra chest colds, sore throat, system and is riot a habit forming heumatic and n eu ra^ c pain, sore ’ Lord Justice Sankey, In giving preparation. Syrup Pepsin-Is pleas- Joints and muscles, stiff neck at anl-tasting. and youngsters love it. Metal Beds the judgment ot the majority of .umbago. tBe court on the appeal, declared: it dues riot gripe. Thousands of W e also want you to know CH I1> mothers have written us to that CalliHl Illegal. DREN'S MUSTEROLE— Musterole These items are bound to collect in any such a /“ The courts of this country 180 Center St. effect. n milder form. Unexcelled for relief Ur. Caldwell did not approve of sacrificed to you at next to nothing to move them. ought not to entertain actions of yf croupy coughs and colds; it pen* this character. The whole adven*- South Manchester drastic/physics and purges. He did AT AOK 99 strates, soothes and relieves without not believe they were good for hu­ tiire was illegal, and ail. the actions the blister of the old-fadiioned mus­ man beings to pul Into their sys­ mL Hi the court, below should have tard p9aster. Keep a jar handy. li l am prepared to do tems. in a practice of '47 years oe been dismissed without hearing. comes ready to apply instantly, with­ Without a bowel moveraerit. Do not out fuss or bother. never saw any reason for their u.se Bit and hope, but go to a. druggist Ixjrd Justice Lawrence declared all types of beauty when a medicine like Syrup Pep­ that tbe documents in the. case and get one of tbe. generous bot* sin will empty the bowels Just as ties of Syrup Pepsin.. Tjike tbe were drawn ep for the purpose of worl^. promptly, more cleqnly and gently, dressing in legal garb an illegal proper dose .that : rilgbt arid oy without griping and barm to tbe adventure, it was plainly estab­ morning yoq will feel Hkri a dif­ For appointment call system. ferent person. lished ' that the importation of liq- Keep free from .constipation! It Get a botUe today, at any drag ' ear into the United States was 11- 2917 robs your strength, hardens your store and obsrirve thesg tbr^o rolae. Cor. Main, Morgan "ind ViUage Sts., jegal. and the parties in the case arteries and brings on j^^mature of health: Keep the bead cool, tbri' .gjpbarked on their enterprise in full Better tkifn a xnax^ f’f chaster Mrs. Edw. Hess, Prop. old age. Do not let a day go by feet warm; the’ BOWrirs' Ojbifr ‘ V. Ji’ f'

MANCHESTT^R EVENING H ERAU), 50XJTH M A N ^ P S tE R . OOt^N.,' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9^1929.; • ■ -VV^'V.'^hV-iLj '‘ij

ing on. about the .filteen-cruiaer to Mr. O’Brien,- goes rather out ot IN NEW YORK its way to say such things as this: bill now before Congress, nineteen- New York, Jan. 9.— She could nb twentieths of the opposition to the We had always hoped that before longer sing, sav© in a far-away Mr. O’Brien considered his work on cracked' -voice. Nor could she lift building of the ci;uisers seems to the Herald ended .he would give PUBLISHED BY THE her weary old legs from the stage. HERA.LD PRINTING ciiMPANY, INa be predicated on the academic the so-called Athens of America a Her hair had been dyed and re-dyed At 18 Bissau Street. theory that the cruiser bill is a newspaper which in physical ap­ and her face had been lifted-beyond South Uanohastar, Conn. slap in the face to the Kellogg pact, pearance would be what one would mathematical calculation. Have It most naturally expect to find there. Founded by Blwood 8, *^1*. and scarcely any ot it on the fact Yet there she was, a faded old Oct. 1. 1881 If the Herald does not yet do this, hag, Bobrettlng in a Broadway , i Every Evening Except Sundays and that it is extremely doubtful probably ip. time some other news­ burlesque house, I know no more Now and - ■? whether the cruisers would be of paper will, as -• matter of both good pathetic . picture In the long lA.ne Enterea at the Post Office at ^ u th Manchester. Conn., as Second Class any military use anyhow. business and good taste. With re­ that is lit with bright lights thah Pay for It these queens of yester-year who Ma’: Matter. About two years ago the Navy spect -to headlines and. the iadis- crimlnate placing of advertise­ keep banging grimly on, year after SUBSCR PTION KATESr By Mall Department succeeded in muzzling on Our .••V dollars a year, sixty cents a ments, the Boston newspapers hold year— who keep hanging on when S' month for shorter perloda every critic in either arm of the tenaciously to a ' form of Jourpal- their hands have grown too feeble By carrier, eighteen cents a weelt. service, navy or army, who darod ism that elsewhere is largely a to cling. Tragic grandmothefe Budget SiiLgie <.'>ples three cents. they arer-and there are more of SPECIAL AUVEimSlNO REPUE- to maintain that the day of the thing of the past. It creates the im­ SENTATIVE. HainlltoO'De Ueser. pression that the culture and re­ them than I care to think about-r- Plan. Inc.. 886 Madison Avenue, New .o - . fighting ship was over— that the finement o f Boston and its environs anchored -to an uncertain past, and 811 North Michigan Avenue. military airplane, the dirigible and are wholly mythical. clinging to. a precarious present and Chicago. toppling toward a feeble final cur­ The Manchester Evening Herald is the submarines, between them, had Still and all, when you come to on sale in Nev York City at Schul. J rendered obsolete every variety of think it over, the Boston Herald tain. . News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. How they get their jobs, T don't Street, and 42nd. Street entrance of surface traversing war vessel ex­ remains the Boston Herald while pretend to know. Variety, the the­ Grand Central Station and at alt atrical paper, once suggested that Hoatll ig News Standa cept the airplane carrier. And yet the Hartford Courant la just the • • • these critics had far more than an Hartford .Courant. It wasn’t the applause of the crowds which kept them going, btit Client ot international News Set- even break in the debate, up to the lO-Piece Grand Rapids Made V ice. , rather that ^‘thelr husbands haven't “International News Service has the time of the silencing of ^ i) UNWISDOM the nerve to fire them.” Scores of exclusive rights to use tor republlca* Mitchell. They showed that, even Tbe policy of utter secrecy these old-timers were mnrrledmhr to tlon In any form all ndws dispatches then, airplane protection ^^as capa­ adopted by the High Council of the the oompAny managers. While credited to o~ not otherwise credited they came out and wiggled for the In this paper. It Is also exclusively ble of keeping any Invading fleet Salvation Army is completely with­ Dining Room Suite fpr $175.00 entitled to use for republloatlon all boys in the front rows, they -were, the local or undated news published far from the shores of America. in Its rights. So, by the ruling of off Stage, Mrs. So-andrSo, the bosa’s herein." They demonstrated that, with the the court, was Shylock’s pound of wife.” See it in our show window tonight. The bos^ says, it’s the greatest value in the store and I believe Pull Service Client of N E A Ser­ Most of them will be found todayj vice Member, Ahdit Bureau ot Clreu* certain further development of air flesh. it. The table is a refectory table—you know the kind that pulls out at both ends. No leaves to bothei ' iHtiona In “ stock burlesque,” which Beth- Besides fleets and bases for them, it would There is no organization in the Brown described in her ' novel. with. The China Cabinet is hand decorated and trimmed with old brass, the sideboard likewise. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9, 1929 be but a short time before It would world which owes more to press Applauses,” as “ the last rung Ih there’s a server* and six big comfortable -chairs with tapestry seats< be impossible for any nation at publicity than the Salvation Army. the, show business” — which, Show I folk will tell you, is just about Of course we have a lot of others too, but it wouldtake too much space to tell you about thgm all. Come WATCH YOUR STEP war -to maintain a surface fleet in For fourteen years It has been what it is. Thitere are seteral I and see. The General Assembly of the being, in the face of myriad attacks lauded and boosted by newspapers rungs in the burlesque ladder* aS I H . E , slate of Connecticut is in biennial from the air. all over the English-speaking show folk look at It—the regular j wheel butlesque, the seebnd com­ session. Governor Trumbull today And then all was silence. It was world; has been lifted into an en­ panies, the “ turkey” shows and 1 begins another two-year term of of­ not permitted for anyone In- the tirely new relationship to society then the stock where, now and] fice. The Republican party, with military service to say such things. at large. then, you’ll find just such an pld^ a large majority in both branches | If he did he was broken. And b ^ Now that it Is Involved In a con­ timer as I saw— her voice gone ant bidding— all but rooted to the | of the Legislature and In control cause no soldier or sailor voice troversy In which millions of sup­ stage. of the administrative functions of has been raised in those two years porters of the Army have a keen the state government, with a con-1 to. warn the people that they would and perfectly proper Interest, all And while speaking of the Void fidence horn of long practice, reas- be throwing away their money if the avenues of publicity are* com gals,’’ I was minded the other pletely closed. evening of. a day when girls Sat sumes the responsibilities of man- they built ships at millions apiece primly in their chairs at dances, aging the affairs of the common- to be sunk by ait-planes costing Gratitude is a word not to be their hands folded carefully upon ■wealth. thousands each, the people have employed In such a situation. But th «r laps. To have crossed their As the legislative period begins forgotten al> about that aspect of clear thinking wojild have made le ^ would have been equivalent to plain the reasons why such a course putting in a police riot call. Every it will be well for the leaders of the situation— and we are likely thing was “ lady-like” and "reflhfed” the dominant party In the state to spend a hundred or two of mll- Is certain to be cruelly costly to the —far, far away from the world of and for their co-workers In the! lions on tho creation o f new ships Army itself. vo-de-o-do-do. High buttoned sho^ Legislature and in the executive which,, by the time they are launch- then peeped out from under Ibng concealing dresses. and administrative branch to re-1 ed, will be as obsolete as the dodo, That I can ba-r®ly rememhSf Davenports in Denim $59 9x12Wilton Rugs member that In November last the KANSAS FARM YIELDS such an era may be a betrayal Of Reduced this morning from ?69.00. Some of near-youth. But the picture was Republican party was returned to SNAIL-PACE them were $79.00. All the patterns are good. power in this state by a majority One of the things promised by recalled the other night when a ' Mr. Limbacher, our buyer, had this made up NEW OIL DISCOVERY friend pointed out to me a famous Then there are the Palmer Whittalls in the 9x12 sufficiently small to compel the Alfred E. Smith, In case he were old dancing school where the fierr to his own specifications. It’s really a wonderful size for $75,00 and some fine Axminsters for $25, thought that its permanency must elected President, was a house­ Wichita, Kansas.— A dream of Professor wore morning coat and piece bf furniture for the money, has webbed bot- $29 and $89.75. Small rugs to match reduced ac­ striped . trousers. The waltz was, I be contingent on deserving. It is I cleaning of the machinery of fed thirty years is about to be realized tohi and spring cushions for comfort and a most cordingly. not possible for the majority party eral government administration of course, the dance— with the with the finding of oil on the 500- polka or the five-step thrown In for attractive denim cover. By the way the cover is 1, in this state to proceed as if there similar to that which he accom acre farm of Mrs. Ida Smyser, All our Wool-0 rugs—^just the thing for bed­ those w W wished to appear ad­ practically sun proof too. was never to be an accounting to] plished as governor ot the st'ate of south of Valley Center. _ vanced. rooms, one-half price now. “ For thirty years 1 have been a the electorate. New York. Mr. Smith was not business woman,” Mrs. Smyser The big town gossip— An “ Indian There are lots of other good looking things in Floor Covering Department, 8rd floor. Take Js The habit ot long continued pow-1 elected hut a certainly not less said. “ Now, if the well proves to elevator. V chief,” who has been going our Semi-Annual Sale. Pay you to come soon. er in government is excessively competent or alert manager was. be a good commercial producer, 1 about the city rigged out in feath­ liable to breed, in any party con­ it may be expected that we shall hope to de^te my leisure time to ers ' and selling Indian herbs, study.” tinuously holding the power, some ] hear a good deal from Mr. Hoover, turned put to be a former ilegrb Mrs. Smyser’s dream is almost bus b o y ' from Harlemi . . . Tes­ degree of over-confidence. Over- during his tenure of office, with re­ as good as already won because the timonials from well-known cho­ h i confidence in a party’s invulnera- latlon to the cumbersome and time Smyser well is in the heart of a rines now appear at Broadway hot bility is liable in turn to breed a wasting methods in vogue in many good oil producing section. Other dog emporiums. . . . “ Hot dogs tests are to 1 made on the farm. are responsible tor my lovely cont- WATKINS BROTHERS,Iw. rather cavalier disregard for the of the departments and bureaus at But Mr. Smyser has a different plexion.” ' reads one blurb. . . opinions of the mass of the peo- Washington. It is Impossible to aspect of the ci.se. Now I’ll tell one! . . . And a ceiS S o u t h M a n c h e s t e r , pie on matters of policy or of spe-1 imagine an executive of his train- Although ht is glad that oil has tain man alwiitTown who was con­ 54 clal legislation. Any such over-con-1 ing and experience not being made been found oi the farm, he la­ sidered sufficiently Important to have a sandwich named after him I fidence by the dominant party in slightly ill at the spectacle of red ments the fact that other tests are to be made because it will prohibit was unable to get a check cashed this state, during the present leg­ tape to which the national capi­ him from setting out 50,000 young In the said sandwichery. . islative sjession, might very easily tal, through the decades, has be­ grape vines. >WhIch is Irony, or something, produce disastrous results. come not only accustomed but in­ . . . The nickel-in-the-slot Auto­ I mat restaurants are now "being There are three matters concern­ ured. done” by the silk hat and evening ing which there is a breadth and Another crash at the people’s .V dress crowd. . . . The fad started the scalp with-acid, and what ktod .V depth of feeling among the people fs date iK' when some eminent British actorh m. pocketbooks comes with a decision to use? / \ of this state which must not be of the United States Supreme merican were seen going there. , . The Answer: Treat each wart with a A Londoners were merely trying out a ^ ignored. They are the Income tax Court that the government cannot drop of acetic acid, or. ask your, news means of amusement. . . . HEALlHx’MET ADVICE druggist for granule© of acetic acid proposal, the subject of the country HISTORY ATBOUGgr collect the back taxes, due under But how should the herd know which are the acetic acid crystals or roads and the court refo.rms pro­ that? S)H D r Frvw ik the 1918 income, excess profits and JANUARY 9 Bat now yb rejoice in . yonr trichloracetic acid. Place one of s 17S8— Connecticut ratified the ' GILBERT SWAN. % posed by the Judicial Council. Per war profits laws— because, for­ boastings; all ^ such" rejoicing is these small crystals on the wart and Conjtiiution; the fifth state let it dissolve. This is a harmless haps there is little danger of the sooth, suit was not begun within evil.— James 4ri6. to do so. method for removing warts, if you s adoption of an income tax— ^per­ 5 five years. Now the 1918 delin­ 1793— First balloon ascension in An automatic, invisible and cl­ do not know of a good beauty epec^ haps there is more than on the quents can ri,spberry the govern­ America made in Philadel­ ient moving picture camera, hous­ lallst who can take off the vrariK > ed within an Innocent-^hsoklng tele­ The honor Is overpaid when he BNCtOSB STNMPBD BOC/tBSSMO B/iVClOPS POB B S P iY with an electric needle. jC surface appears. But this is flat— ment, jeer in its face— and the phia. *_ phone case. Is designed to be the that did the act is commentator.— He.eor HEMmsemat i^M teeus-eai Tuberculosis Infection the adoption of an income tax by millions that they owe to the treas­ 1861— Mississippi seceded from the Union. undoing of hold-up men. Shirley. , Question: Miss W. asks: “ Please this Legislature would very seri­ ury inust be compensated for, soon­ EXERCISER AND ELECTRICAL automatically,. Many doctors are tell me If there 's any danger.in ously Imperil the Republican party TREATMENTS FOR PROLAPSUS using this type of machine and they marrying a man who lost his wife er or later, b) taxes laid on the will all agree with me that It is in­ in the next state election; more whole country. Do not waste your time taking of tuberculosis six months ago.” ' The Other Pasture Looks-Gredier! valuable for correcting kinks in the / Answer: I am sure there is nd than likely would compass its de­ exercises while standing, as this intestines, massaging the prostate, To be sure, the Treasury Depart­ kind of exercise has ho appreciable need for you to worry about tuber-i. feat. ment was under the Impression lifting sagging organs, and Ihcreas- culosis Infection If your prospective effect on the adbominal muscles. Ing tone throughout the entire in­ In the matter of tJie country The best exercises are those Uken husband has not been in contacj that, under a change in the law in testinal tract. ■ roads lie all the elements ot re­ while lying on y«ur back on the with tuberculosis for six month^ 1924, its claima were still good. The best results from the electri-^ and does not have the disease, him.r loop. Practice' these exercises slow- cal treatments are obtained If the' volt In the rural towns— the seat But even at that the fact remains y at first and gradually increase self. of the strength of the Republican adhesions are first loosened and the that the proceedings against these he time until you are able to do manipulations of which I spoke in party as evidenced by the Novem­ delinquents were not set on foot I hem vigorously for at least fifteen my lasv article: Your doctor can ber returns. ^Tbeir dissatisfaction minutes a day. determine the position c f the rro- during a sufficient time to turn a The flatter your, abdomen be- is smoldering into anger against lapens or adherions with the x-ray COLORADO TO PAY young dog into an old one. ^ ;omes, the greater your degree of and govern his treatment accord- health and strength. You will lose the policy of limitless expenditure We sincerely believe that by the Ingly. ^ on boulevard speedways coupled I hat feelin,, ot heaviness and there I have’ prepared a special series BOUNH FOR KILLING time Mr. Hoover’s term is up he will be an. added buoyancy to your with neglect of the ‘‘dirt roads.” will have taught these d^artments of articles with Illustrated charts walk. showing proper exercises to take Something more than a sop must bow to make it. It not snappy, at You will have the best results for the development of the ab­ be handed to the towns in this re­ least dot so completely snail-like. if your exercises for strengthening dominal muscles, I will be very lation; else their voters wilf be the abdominal muscles are taken glad to mail them without charge while lying on your back on a slant­ to any who will write to toe in’care Denver.— Because coyotes , heard from in 1930. other predatory animals ,^re ^ ANOTHER PITFALL t ing board, with your feet placed at of this newspaper and enclose a Probably there is a somewhat the upper end of the board, which large, self-addressed, stamped en­ creasing in numbers, the less lively interest in the proposals Comes Dr. H. Taylor Cronk of Is elevated two or three feet above velope. Colorado may take measures ^ Glen Rock, N. J„ (one cannot re­ the ■ floor. When you are In this terminate the beasts. ot the Jndlclal Connell. But the A special tax levy of 4 n ^ s ^ sist wondering how the O came in­ position, the organs sag away from QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS sanity and usefulness of its recom­ the lower abdomen ®nd, while dollar valuation of sheep i mendations have made a profound to his name instead of an A) and exercising, it is often possible to Growing Age In the state, and one mfO p«p; denounces the pocket and the hand­ break loose the adhesions which , Question: W. L, R. writes: “ I am lar valuation of* otheT liventtHJk; profession throughout the state, been suggested, and ; Fi bag as the chief of all breeding have been binding the organs down a boy Of sixteen Am five feet just the same. And if they are ig­ out of their normal position. It come before the kfth places of disease germs. Terrible three inches u il and weigh 125. I nored or paltered with in the inter­ inay take months of perseverance, think I am a little short, and fear state legislature. M onekl^J the special tax it was est of politics there will be aroused places these, into which go bac- but the good to be accomplished is that my growing age has stopped* teria-laden handkerchiefs, sputem well worth the effort necessary. Has It. and is there any real good ‘ will be used to. sstabl^^ 4i*f. a factor of suspicion harmful to which, is expectefi to * cloths or whatever and which ac­ When the Internal muscles In- way for Increasing height?” the credit of the party in power; Answer: You should continue to $100,000 a year fqc cumulate untold millions of the 'the walls of the Intestines have he- animals. /. v -v- Connecticut is a Repuhlican '^ome chronically weakened. It Is grow for about 20 years longer agencies of disease and death. especially K y®h eat the right, kind The state now oY^ws^:! state—-hut a close one. With the sometimes necessary to employ a for certain'‘Of;-the; All right—all right. Doctor. tlnusoldal electrical machine for of food and take vigorous physical Presidential element removed it culture exercises- Spine stretelitw such sa We’ll keep on carrying our dirty itrengthenlng them, since these bobcahi; S lid could easily be converted, by ig­ muscles are not under the control exercises will rtake you grow taller, handkerchiefs in onr pockets along and* you should alsn take soiaie kind bounty,: noring the popular will, into a very of the will and cannot be intention­ thriving, donbtfnl one in an off-year eleo- with our fragment of dirty money. ally exercised aud developed as can of splnaV- treatments regiilarly. These treatments stimulate'the ciri winter.' Ton, if you want to, can carry the external abdominal muscles. prsy’ tion. This Legislature and this ad- In my own practise, I find that tba-' eulatlon between the vertelitae. and ministraUon must shape their yours in your mouth. Not any for increase the else of the bones of raom^tltv! machine most satisfactory for this 0(te^: course In recognition of the tact us. treatment gives an alternating con­ the spinal column. ’ . that the change of one vote In fif­ tracting and relaxing movement to AgM In - thh Internal muscles, In other Question; Mrs, H. D. asks: “ TDo teen or twenty might alter the TUT-TUTI words, puts them through a kind prunes contain acid?” state’s political map altogether. Commenting on the retirement ot gymnastic treatment. Wheh the Answer: Dried tonnes do cont^n of Robert Lincoln O'Brien, emi- current is on, the muscles contract, a small amount of^cW. b ^ not#* and when the current Is .lessened, much'ns the fresh Fr»n*kii«iax,:*^ OBSOLETE BEFORE BUn/E nentlr successful editor of the the muscles relax. Some • of the It is rather ah incomprehensible eminently successful Boston Her­ slow sinusoidal machines must be ‘ Warts on thing that, in nil'the tremendous ald, the Hartford Courant, after operated by hand bu the moi^ satisfaetonr t.re #hicli Fork ■■ amount of controversy that is go- paying a pallid iipliment or two ■'I


“ SCARLET SEAS” AT FOR LADIES^ SHOES ANDOVER I t o w n a d v e r t isM* Flu Epidemic Is The next time try a imir of Rockville “ The Better Flexible WASHINGTON LETTER THE STATE TODAY Leather” Holes The Andover hoys basketball NOTICE team have joined the league formed Creating Record Rockville National Elect Officera. Proposed order establishing .SELWITZ of all the "independent teams in Selwitz Block Ala^ Hh The shareholders of the Rock­ Richard Barthelmess Starred; Tolland county. The league com­ building And veranda lines on ville National Bank held a meeting Is One of Two Features. prises eight teams. There will be north side' and the south side of Tuesday and elected the following Demand For Vicks three league games each Wednes­ William Street from Main Street on officers: Francis T. Maxwell, Wil­ Apia-^somewhere East of Suez! the west to west line of property liam Maxwell, Charles Phelps, day, all g-imes to be played at Hall Apia— ghastly and ghostly. A Memorial Gym in South Willing- of Charles P. Allen on the east, 375,000 Jars Every 24 Hours ^ The Best David A. Sykes, Chas. Thomp­ city of shadows and weird blinking with time hrid place of public hear­ son, George B. Hammond, Sher­ ton. At the end of the season there Needed to Keep the Nation lights— of humming guitars and will be three prizes, the first being ing on «aid proposed order. wood C. Cummings, F. N. Belding, brown maidens with flowered ebon The Selectmen of Manchester, Supplied With Vapor-Salve. Marshall E. Charter, Frederick H. a loving cup. The Andover lineup is Investment hair. This is the Intriguing atmos­ as follows: Joseph Picant, Burton Conn., at a meeting held Dec. 10, Holt and Edward L. Newmarker. phere of the background against A directors’ meeting was held fol­ Lewis, Jack Mandell, Ellsworth 1928, acting under and. pursuant Flu Milder But Widespread which First National Pictures has Mitten, Everett Allen, William to Section 9 (44) Special Laws lowing the shareholders’ meeting set one of the most colorful Rich­ That the public has not forgot­ You Can with the following officers being Michaels and Roscoe Allen. Andov­ Conn., 1913, approved April 9, ten the lesson of 1918 is indicated ard Barthelemess features, “ Scar­ 1913, and Sections 1-5 . (452) elected: President, Francis T. w er’s first game with the league will by Its prompt response ' to the let Seas,” which is now showing at be played in Willington Wednesday. Spec. -Laws Conn. 1917, approved Maxwell; vice presidents, Charles the State Theatre. warning of health authorities to Thursday evening the Andover Oct. 1st. 1917 having deemed it Phelps, Fred N. Belding; cashier It has been synchronized with combat the flu by keeping free Make team will play the Doubleday team and trust officer, Frederick Holt; special musical effects and pre­ for the public good that building from colds. tellers and assistant trust officers, sents a most vividi and alluring of Willimantic at the local club and veranda lines should be estab­ in the interests of your home or William F. Partridge, Harold E. rooms. The demand for Vicks VapoRub, SENAIDB. V screen play, lished on William Street, a hign- the vaporizing salve which proved Ludke, Marguerite E. Moxon; Scarlet Seas” is filled to the Winthrop" White , , is quite 111 with , way in the Town of Manchester, pla(?8 of business is a new coat clerks, Harold A. Rothe, Mary E. CHABIES CID52TIS so valuable during the 1918 epi­ final reel with breath-taking action influenza at his home on Bunker Conn., from Main Street on the demic, has already shattered by of paint, varnish and wallpaper. Weber, Gladyes R. Ruehl, Doris R. and pulsating moments of dramatic Hill. Leonard Merritt is working for west to west line of property of Ruehl, Dorothy B. Herrick. Mr. White while he is ill. a wide margin all previous rec­ suspense. It offers the inimitable Charles"?. Allen on the east,* pass­ ords. It will do more to spruce up Manchester Officers InstaU • \h)ew25 Barthelmess in one of the most fas­ Miss Myrtice Mathewson under­ ed the following proposed order Rebekahs. Although the capacity of the O f cinating characterizations of his went a serious operatidn Monday viz. your place than any other one Mayflower Rebekab Lodge held film career— that of a tough, sea­ morning at St. Joseph’s hospital, Vicks laboratories has been tripled their regular meeting Tuesday eve­ decorates Ordered: Subject to the provl since 1918, they are once more going sailor who sails the seven W’illlmantic. Miss Mathewson came i gio~gVf'said7section that the fol- thing. Consult us when .you ning in I. O. O. F. hall. A mem­ OFFICE \mMUS seas in search of life, love and through the operation in good con- operating night shifts to meet the/ bers’ supper was served at 6:30 ..VXTH lowing lines on the north side and national emergency. are ready. We have the mate­ laughter. d'tion. the south side of William Street, o’clock. District Deputy President CATITOOMS The present output of more Barthelmess is given able support Mrs. Maine of Willimantic Is car- a highway In said Town of Man­ rial and workmen to do an A1 Mary S. Hutchison and staff of than 375,000 jars a day almost by a selected cast of First National inf- for Mrs. Jane Brown who is chester, be and they are hereby South Manchester installed the fol­ favorites. Including Betty Comp- seriously ill from complications. staggers the imagination. It means { job. lowing officers for the ensuing son, Jack-Curtis, Loretta Young established viz:— that every 60 seconds, day and i year: Noble Grand, Mrs. Helen The local Grange will have a and Knute Erickson. John Fran­ whist party at the Town Hall on NORTH SIDE night, over 2,600 jars of Vicks are Quinn; vice grand, Mrs. Otielle cis Dillon directed. The building line on the north Pfunder; secretary, Mrs. Elsie Friday evening, Jan. 11 to which all going out to check the nation's The associate film feature for are cordially invited. The commit­ si(Je of William Street Is to be colds and hel» ward off the flu. Miller; financial secretary. Miss today and tomorrow presents win­ Lois Randall; treasurer. Miss Char­ tee is Miss Vera Stanley, Miss Mil­ twenty-five (25) ft. north of and Mild though it is in comparison John 1. Olson some Sally O’Neill, more beautiful dred Hamilton and George Nelson. parallel to the north line of said with 1918. this year’s epldem’c lotte Drescher; chaplain. Miss Lil­ and charming than ever before, in Painting and Deco:*ating lian Randall; warden. Miss Anna Mrs. Ernest R. Percy is attending William Street, from Main Street has already affected more than a i her newest Tiffany-Stahl produc­ tb'> State Grange meeting In Bridge­ on the west to the west line of million persons, and it is appar-1 Contractor. iVelz; conductor, Frieds Tennstedt; tion, "Broadway FjCver.” port at the Hotel Stratfield. Mrs. property of Charles P. ^llen on the ently still increasing.— Adv. Inside guard, Mrs. Edna Thompson; “ Broadway Fever, is one of those 699 Main St., So. Manchester outside guard. Miss Minnie Tenn­ Percy Is acting as substitute for east. delightful stories of Broadway Miss Anna Lindholm, Worthy lec­ The veranda line on the north stedt; R. S. N. G., Mrs. Alice King­ night life that just fairly sparkles ston; L. S. N. G., Mrs. Vera Cobb; turer of thejocal Grange. Mrs Percy side of William Street Is to be fif­ with gay tempestuous youth and will attend the lecturers conference R. S. V. G., Mrs. Emma Lisk; L. S. bubbles over with hearty laughter. teen (15) ft. north of and parallel V. G., Mabel Morganson; musician, Miss O’Neill has a unique manner connected with the state meeting. to the north line of said William Mrs. Ruth Cooley; trustee, Mrs. that cannot be duplicated when'" a Mrs. Frank L. Hamilton, Miss Mil­ Street, from Jd^in Street on the Helen Friedrich to serve three question of comedy arises. She^ dred Hamilton and Ellsworth west to the west line of property of Another Year Has Come years. j frisks daintily through thiS'picturd Covell, newly-elected master, will Charles P. Alien on the east. Meeting of Sykes’ School Trustees. also attend sessions of the state _ • BY ALLENE SUMNER. the nine horses he once drove at spreading joy on all sides. She will SOUTH SIDE The annual meeting of the trus­ have you laughing at her one mo­ meeting. tees of the George Sykes Memorial a time. The building line on the south school was held Monday morning. Washington, D. C., Jan. 9.— The “ Could never drive a car after ment and crying with her the next. side of WllliSin Street is to be The story of "Broadway Fever” and Gone and the Phillip M. Howe, principal, submit­ vice president of the United States that,” he says. “ Haven’t driven a Do not let a cold hang on. T:y twenty-five (25) ft. south of amd car in 15 years, and don’t intend has to do with a lonely little girl parallel to the south line of said ted his report which was accepted has been dubbed “ the official diner whose heart is hungry for the love Firtt Aid Cold Tablets. Magnell and ordered plac. d on file. The out.” starting now. Drug Company.— Adv. ^ William Street, from Main Street following officers were elected for “ But whenever I hear of a coun­ of a handsome young actor. How Some vice presidents have resent­ she finally manages to make him on the west to the west Une of the ensuing year; President Charles ty fair with racing I hanker to property of Charles P. Allen on Benson Furniture Company Phelps; vice president, Francis T. ed the title and its Implication that start— most times I do,” he added. see her warm lov% for him fur­ they simply ate their way through | slyly, in the manner of a school boy nishes the climax to the produc­ the east. Maxwell; secretary, David A. Sykes; The veranda lioe on the south treasurer, Rockville National Bank; a four-year„ .term. confessing some mischief. tion. KEEP YOUR Is pleased to report a successful Some vice presidents have denied Perhaps in training for his job Besides Sally O’Neill, the cast side of William Street is to be fif­ superintendent of Building, J. teen (15) ft. south of and parallel Henry McCray; auditors, David A. that it was their job to dig clams as “ official diner out,” the senator includes Roland Drew, Corliss Pal­ Sykes and John P. Cameron. out of the half shell while tbe'admits that in place of his horses mer and a host of others. to the south line of said William year, for which we wish to Sons of Veterans Meet. president preferred to sit by his and his driving he walks from 30 APPEM YOUNG Street, from Main Street on the t Alden Skinner Camp, Sons of own hearth fire and read a neAv to 40 blocks night and morning. No, west to the west line of property Veterans, will hold a meeting" book. he hasn’t an electric horse, either. SUPPRESS NEWSPAPERS of Charles P. Allen on the east. thank our friends for Thursday In G. A. R. hall. Follow­ _Vice President Dawes, for In­ Neither does he play golf; and he And it Is hereby ordered:— That ing the meeting there will be a stance, explained very carefully only “ sits in” on a bridge game said proposed order of the Select­ Dutch supper served. from time to time that his position when “ they need a dummy.” Vienna, Jan. 9.— Five of the j!- -5 ''' men of Manchester, Conn., be their loyal support Girls’ Club Meeting. was something more than a social He likes the theater— used to be biggest Croatian newspapers at heard and determined at the Muni­ The Rockville Girls’ club will subbing for the tired business man a first-nighter when he had time, Zagreb (Agram) have been sup­ cipal Building in said Town ’ of We are ^ping for ’a bigger and better hold a meeting in their rooms in in the White House. he says, and he likes “ interesting pressed under the Jugo-Slavian dic­ Manchester, tn Tuesday, January the Prescott block, Thursday eve­ But Senator Charles Curtis from books and stories— doesn’t care for tatorship, according to advices 15, 1929, at eight o’clock In the 1929 with bigger and better values for you ning. Important business will be Kansas, next vice president, frank­ biography— it’s too dry— too In­ from that city today. afternoon, and that the Secretary discussed and officers for the year ly admits that he will toss away terested in my own life to take time An attempt by Croatian deputies of this Board cause a copy of the and we promise to give you the best ser­ will be elected. the formidable reports, which have off for other men’s, I guess.” to meet in the Diet House at Zag­ proposed order designating and es­ Juniors’ Achievement. kept him at his Senate office desk reb was prevented by police. The vice within our power. Favorite authors? The next vice tablishing the bnildlflg and veran­ William L. Hagen, boys work su­ till nearly midnight night after building was sealed. da lines upon said proposal of Se­ pervisor; Laura H. Sprague, home­ night during hl§ reign as floor president is still wary. The Croatian deputies thereupon lectmen, together with a notice of ‘ Our inventory shows us a large stock of craft specialist, and Frank W. leader in the Senate, for the golden "You must see that in my posi­ met 'Secretly, presumably to organ­ Barber, state director of Connecti­ fish knives and polished ballroom tion I can't seem to be discriminat­ ize opposition to the new Belgrade the time and place o f hearing there­ furniture, especially Bedroom, Dining cut Junior Achievement, Inc., will floors of official society. ing. I couldn’t mention one author government. on. to be filed in the Town Clerk’s hold a training conference today at and slight some others. Lots of the M. Rakic, Jugo-Slavian ambas­ office in said Town of Manchester, Roorn and Living Room Suites which we the Union church for the leaders “ There’s no use dodging the boys are writing good books that sador to Italy, has been recalled to and published at least twice In a must turn into cash. In Y. W. C. A. clubs, who are plain unvarnished truth, whether keep you up nights. I like stories Belgrade from Rome to represent newspaper printed in said Town at planning to Introduce the junior one likes it or doesn’t, that the vice- — adventure— action.” the new foreign minister, M. Mar- least five day" before the day of achievement program. Representa­ presidential job is largely a social Senator Curtis’s planes for begin­ inkovicz, who is believed to be sick. hearing and a copy of said pro­ We believe that the prices at which we tives are expected from Ellington, one,” Senator Curtis told me as he ning his job as society man of the posed order and notice be deposit­ Tolland, Somers, Stafford, Willing- tilted back in his big swivel chair administration are not really com­ GERMANY’S APPOINTMENTS. ed in a Post Office in said Man­ have marked this stock are the lowest any­ ton and Manchester. at his Senate office desk and sur­ pleted yet. His half sister, Mrs. chester, postage paid, directed to where. All we ask is that you call and. D. A. R. Meeting. veyed his roomful of cartoon and Dolly Gann, who has been his host­ Berlin, Jan. 9.— The government each person or persons interested Sabra Trumbull chapter, D. A. autographed pictures of the men ess since his wife’s death, will con­ has appointed Hjalmar Schacht, at his or their last known address tinue in that capacity. They’ll prob­ make a fair comparison. We believe that R., will hold their January meet­ he has known in Washington for president of the Reichsbank, and at least five days before the day of ing this afternoon at the home of the past 40 years. ably move into a bigger house, ne Albert Voegler.'a Ruhr Industrial­ you will be sold at once. Mrs. Emily Swindells, on Prospect says. But he doesh’t know yet. said hearing and return make to “ The public has the idea that be­ ist, to represent Germany on the If the things you used to like street. "Might as well do the job right experts committee that .will deal disagree with you, take a tablet of this Board. ing vice president means socially Dated at said Manchester, Jan. and be ready for anything,” he with reparations, it .was officially Pape’s DIapepsin after a meal. It Our quick turnover of stock always pinch-hitting for the president when summarizes, pointing out some so­ 7, 1929. he himself can’t attend. It’s worse announced today. 'The two substi­ displaces the excess acid in the assures you of new fresh merchandise. cial jobs to some preceding vice tutes will be Carl Melcholr, a Ham­ stomach, sweetens your food, and For and by order of the Board of OPEN FORUM than that— it means being the so­ Selectmen ot the Town of Man­ presidents. The time the Marshalls burg banker, and Ludwig Kastl. digests it. The nourishment from it cial glad-hander of the adminis­ had to entertain the king apd queen chester, Conrecticut. tration. It’s never a case of being executive secretary of the German produces good, healthy tissue and UNDER THE SIDEW.ILKS of Belgium, the Prince of Wales Industrial League. THOMAS Ji ROGERS, Editor, The Herald: called to attend at the last minute and other notables who came to blood; you gain weight and Secretary. because the president can’t go. It’s strength, and with that comes a I noted in reading your paper Washington when President Wilson ROAD SAVfNG HINT, A true and rtfested copy ot orig­ this evening that there was a ques­ a straight, clear-cut job of doing healthy, youthful color. was abroad and when he was too ill inal order, tion as to who was responsible for the social stuff rather than forcing to receive even royal guests, for In­ Thousands ol people who suffer­ it upon the president.” Highway officials of the General THOMAS J. ROGERS. the cost in removing a gasoline stance. Tire & Rubber company estimate ed from stomach trouble for years, tank that is supposed to be buried The present senator from Kan­ praise Pa’pe^s DIapepsin for their Secretary of the Board of Select­ The vice president attends all that between $25,000,000 and $40,- men. under the sidewalk in front of the sas and the vice president-to-be is the official White House receptions 000,000 could be saved in road good health and young appetite. Farr building opposite St. Jaqies wary in expressing his opinion on and dinners. He must attend all building and maintenance if all They can now eat anything they Manchester, Conn., Jan. 7, 1929. street. the official social racket awaiting 10 cabinet dinners to the president trucks were forced to travel on want. That’s why 5 million pack^ H-1-8-29. ■ I recall that in the spring of 1909 him. “ You can look at me and lis­ and the dinner given by the speaker pneumatic tires. ages are used a year. when Oak’ Hall burned, at Main and ten to me and read my biography to of the House to the president. Any druggist will supply you Oak street. A short time after judge how much I’m going to like But the vice president goes like Break up your "Cold in 24 hohrs with Pape’s DIapepsin, because it Manchester had adopted its change it,” he said. “ But I have no critic­ a lamb to the slaughter, and if he with First Aid Cold Tablets. Sold Is Indispensable in every home.— in government and the Selectmen, ism to make of the system. I ac­ sees the same mugs every night only by Magnell Drug Co.— Adv. Adv. Read Herald Advs with Horace B. Cheney as chair­ cepted this job. I knew what it for a week, that’s just too bad. But man, had gone into details as to meant. I will do my duties .faith­ he must go, anyway. 3-piece Velour which the town never owns, but al­ fully. If my job requires being It is said that "Vice President and ways controls. C. E. House, acting social man of the administration. Mrs. Dawes figured out that they liLnilinjj as one of the interested parties, ap­ I’m that— that’s all. It’s not for had just seven -evenings at • home $ 9 9 « » peared before the Selectmen, and me to say whether I hanker for during the congressional season living Room Suite explained to the board that in the the job or approve of the system last year. plans for the new building that they or not.” "I know all about it,” Senator expected to have erected they had Curtis says. "But that’s my Job, l 4 A ^ in view, there would be coal bunk­ Perhaps social secretaries of the and I’ll do It.” One W ool Mohair * ers under the sidewalk to keep the capital should be warned about fea­ Sartorlaly the senator will Hnd dust out'of the cellar. turing the next vice president as his social way about, if his Senate Horace B. Cheney, as chairman, guest of honor on days when races office costume is any indicator. He Uving Room Suite expressed his opinion on the matter at county fairs are being held any­ wears the once favorite senatorial and told Mr. House that there was where within a considerable radius costume of striped trousers and no doubt about the selectmen hav­ Many other to select from at low prices. of the capltol. long coat. Also he shakes hands ing control not only on the road sur­ with his left hand when his right’s face, but under it. He did not want The very word "horses” brings the senator upright in his chair. He occupied. to stand in the way of progress or A vice president to the manner hold up the work of starting the tells of the pony he had for his own on the Indian reservation, of born! new building, but that the duties '' ' i| j ii I. I of the selectmen provided that they AUSTRIA lilKES AUTOS. BEDDING have charge of the prudential af­ PITY THE d r u m m e r fairs of the town and It would be a * Auto registration Increased 80 7 Inch IMPERIAL matter of prudence and living up to per cent, in 1928 in Austria and their oath of office if Mr. House MEXICAN FLOSS and Mr. Hale would give to the Washington.— Save a few sym­ motoring is. becoming so popular ROLLED that the new figure is expected to town of Manchester a warrantee, pathetic thoughts for-, the trap Better Progress EDGE MATTRESS. be doubled in 1929. backed up by a suitable bond guar­ drummer of the U. S. regimental anteeing the town that they would Cash 1^00 CA au(| garrison bands. His issue of P r ic e ------be.responsible for all accidents or equipment has every other job In cave-ins that might occur and that Better progress is made by the person who SILK FLOSS the army stopped cold. In addition should Manchester ever grow so Get Ready MATTRESSES large as to require subways that to thA regular soldier’s outfit he they would not object to having the must keep track of a snare drum, — for— saves constantly, instead of only now and then. coal bunkers removed without cost triangle, triangle beater, muffler $ 2 4 .9 5 to the town. and strainer, drum sling, drum ' Manchester at that time had a stand, cow bawl, cow bell, sleigh The growth oi regular weekly deposits with us FELT MATTRESSES, population of abou^£l3.000. The bell, wood block, castanet, cuckoo, Winter Driving Cash Price ...... $ 1 4 .9 8 estimated populatlSntoday Is twice Chinese cymbals, imitation rail­ that number. There have been no road, adjustable rattle, slap sticks, WINTER TOPS will surprise you. * ' subways laid, but there have been tambourine, Chinese tom-tom, can­ GLASS WORK FOR Try one of Our INNER SPRING MATTRESSES conduits built and bad the same ary whistle, locomotive whistle, CLOSED CARS for real comfort ^ CtA "prudence” been shown, by the I steamboat whistle and steam ex­ SIDE CURTAINS Special ...... V ^ O . O U selectmen in charge of the pruden­ haust whistle. tial affairs of the town when the CARPETS tank was first put in the cost of re­ REPAIRING CURTAINS moving the present tank could be properly assessed. LEONARD Many thought it was a rather far Manchester Aato Top Co. r The S/w in g sBan k o fMa n c h e st e r sighted item at the time but it has ECCELLENTE BENSON FURNITURE € 0 . shown itself wise in twenty years W . J. Messier and Manchester is still growing. VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR SOUTH M ANCHESTER,CONN. "THE HOME OP GOOD BEDDING” Very truly yours, Best Approved .Methods. Center. St. and. Henderson Rd. 25Q Cor. Main St. and Brainard Place; ' Souni Mitiicl— PLAIN CITIZEN STUDIO, 106 S’- CE S'l. ESTABLISHED 1506 Manchester. Jan. 8.. Telephone , Phone 1816-3 /

M G B E IG H T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9.1929. McCann*s Steers Rec Trade School Walloped irs ALL OVER FOR JOHNNY AND ETHEL BRANFORD BEATEN 27-24 In Springfield, 41-15 AFTER RED HOT CONTEST —U : .s'-A. Vocational Checks Beers UP TO PROMOTERS Carl Montdhis Ghecb & v - - f v and Wins About as It IF DEMPSEY FIGHTS nitsky But Holhkd Enm- 5; Viot Stars. lates Stunt by Sioicms Rickard’s Associates Must Manchester Trade ran Into a tar- McGowai^ Foul Siootiiig tjtr j?esterday afternoon when It In­ A FITTING TRIBUTE. vaded Springfield to play the Vo­ Decide If They Will Offer Tells. cational 'School of that city. The conclusion of the one-sided game Sljnce George Lewis (Tex) Rickard passed into the Grdat Beyond, found the Manchester team trailing Jack Big Pnrse. much p'ralse 'has been written about the most famous professional BY TOM ^TOWE. to 15. c L( > J sports promoter the world has ever known, and well he desprves these Superior foul shooting enabled 'Burke. Young and Nacosi led BY DAVIS J. WALSH countless tributes. ilie assault for the smooth-working both the Rec Five and Rec Girls However, time heals all sorrows and Is memory’s greatest handi­ to send Branfdrd home' with a Home City tribe while the diminu­ New York, Jan. 9.— It Isn’t un­ tive Viot did practically all the cap. Unless there’s something more than nxere newspaper publicity, double defeat last evefflng at the likely that Jack Dempsey will fight School street Recreation Center. scoring for Manchester. Kenneth the name of Tex Rickard will scarcely be mentioned in a decade or two. again If the Madison Square Garden Both Branford teams scored as Beers, local scoring ace. was com- There Is one thing more iar-reaching than publicity that would p^tely held in cheqk.B(^k The sum­ Corporation stands behind the bid many, or more, field goals than keep the name of Rickard fresh in the minds of all sport lovers. And, Manchester but their average from mary: of more than $500,000 offered by its late .president, Tex Rickard, so far as we know. It wouldn’t require much work to pay this greetest the fifteen-foot stripe was not as F. shortly before his death, the writer of all tributes. high, yet they had practically the B. same number of chances. Young, r f ...... 4 0-1 definitely learned today. Dempsey Is I have in mind the suggestion to change the name of the-new Mad­ 0-0 Henry McCann was the outstand­ Nowak, rf. I f ...... 1 the prey of indecision as he walks ison Square Garden to Rickard Garden. To honor him thus, w<^ld ing performer as the Rec Five con­ Hitas, If ...... 0 0-0 with the chief mourners In the cor­ be to hold before his successors the example of a man who made good quered the Branford boys 27 to "24 Burke, If ...... 8 1-5 tege to the promoter’s final resting in what proved to be one. of the N iA v on a mighty hard job— one that required ability to take raps as tvell as Griffin. If. I g ...... 0 0-0 place and not without reason. He best played and riiost exciting bat­ Nacosci, c ...... 4 2-3 not only isn’t certain that he wants boosts. tles of the season. Branford came Wands, rg ...... 2 0-0 to fight, now that Rickard Is dead. The farewell appearance of Johnny Weismuller youngsters and then saw them to rise to worldwide There was a time when boxing was regarded as an exceedingly here- with the distinction of being James, rg ...... 0 0-0 He also isn’t certain that it will and Ethel Lackle as members of the famed Illinois fame. C. F. Biggert, president of the athletic crooked business but under the; Rickard regime, the situation wa? the only team to defeat the Rec Tait, ig ...... 0 0-0 pay him to fight. this season. And, Incidentally, they Athletic Club swimming team was made recently club, is shown here, at lett, presenting Weismuller greatly improved. Rickard went a long way toward re-establls'ilng f “ Much more than $500»000,” was f with a watch as a fond remembrance of his ser­ came altogether too close to re­ 19 3-9 41 an authoritative estimate today of when these two aquatic stars gaxe a final exhibition the reputation of discredited sporting events. He is gone now, but his match. ’It was a sad day for Bill Bachrach, coach, vices. Miss Lackle, as you probably know, is the peating th?t stunt to be, comfort­ TRADE SCHOOL (15). Rickard’s bid that had won Demp­ at the right above, who' handled the two stars as young lady In the photo. memory will long lingeV in the minds of the multitude to whom he able. As for the Rec Girls, they B. F. sey back to boxing. It was one of brought happiness. won from the Branford Girls 19 to . . 5 2-3 those word-of-mouth offers and it 14. Viot, rf ...... To be sure, Rickard made his mistakes in life. But they were Beer, If ...... 0 0-1 was tendered quite without the few and far between. And in his passing, there are few who have found Big Attraction Tuesday. Anderson, I f ...... 0 0-0 knowledge of the corporation’s di­ With Branford’s scalp dangling Jamroga; c ...... 1 0-1 rectorate, ac was Rickard’s custom. cause to say anything but’ words of praise in honor of a man whose from its belt, the Rec Five can now Tuhrsen, rg. If ...... 0 0-2 A most Informal man, he simply AN UNKNOWN CHAPTER name will forever hold a plaee by Itself in the history of sports. boast that it has beaten every team Christonson, rg Ig . . .0 0-0 made his decisions and then told it has played -this season, even Fraser, Ig ...... 0 0-0 the board that he had made them. though it lost one game at Bran­ McBride, Ig ...... 0 0-0 Must See Bush ford. Next Tuesday night. Man­ Dempsey, therefore, hasn’t the ager Ben CUine has arranged for • IN TEX RICKARD ’5 LIFE REC GIRLS BEAT 6 3-7 15 slightest idea whether anybody one of the season’s biggest attrac­ Score by periods: wants to pay off on this promise and tions , . . Olson’s Terrible Swedes Springfield .....2 16 14 9 he won’t know definitely until he Local from. Coffeyville, Kansas, a group Manchester ...... 2 6 3 4 has conferred with W. F. Carey or BY HENRY L. FARRELL. NOW THEY’RE EVEN BRANFORD 1 9 1 6 of ex-collegu stars who have been Halftime score: Springfield 18, James I. Bush or some other quali­ playing together for several years. Manchester 8. fied spokesman of the corporation. The story of Tex Rickard is al­ Your ship will never come Sport 'The big battle of last night’s pro­ The conference in question will be most an impossible one to write. in if you stay away from Rec Five (27) gram started off rather slowly, both held as shortly after today’s funeral teams being content to feel each His life had too much color for' a the bank B. Miriam Welles and Char­ as these men of money can decent­ painter to handle. It had too much Cl.atter other out, as they say in-'boxing. ly arrange it. They know that romance even for a poet to tell and Holland, rf ...... 2 -However, it speeded Up before many D mpsey, the fighter— not Demp­ it had too many facts for even a McCann, If lotte Foster Play Leading minutes had passed. T j Holland sey, the promoter— is the only thing good reporter to set in the proper Strange, If . opened the scoring by flipping In a mmG neat basket from the middle of the that can save box’ ng from a very order. CHEXEY GIRLS’ LEAGUE Norris, c .. Roles In Victory. Charlie Kebart and Norman Cur­ floor. When McGowan equalized, Impressive fiop this year. Thair Tex Rickard probably was the c ^ anxiety on this score should prove - < M adden, r g ...... 1 1-3 tis complete their twenty game Holland duplicated the stunt. The VELVET No. 2 best known man in the United bowling match tonight at Conran's Rec’s defense was .Very effective in to be a break for Dempsey. He then States by name and at the same Stavnitsky, I g ...... 1 3-3 D. Miller ...... 66 alleys over north. They will roll ten the first half, Branford register­ can gracefully mention the matter time he was possibly the least The Rec Girls won from the A. jW olfram ...... 72 Branford Girl in the preliminary strings. Curtis ha. a 34 pin lead and ing only two field goals. The Rec G. Kanehl ...... 70 of Rickard's offer and see what known as a man. His record, filled 'jappens. 8 11-15 27 basketball game at the Rec last is favored to retain this lead but he caged four and led at halftime 11 E. Lautenbach...... 86 with glamour, was always public to 7. Carey May Object property, but since the day that old, Branford (24) night by a score of 19 to 16. Su­ will have to hit high scores as Kebart is right at home over north. Branford In Spnrt. Total ...... 294 309 311 Carey, who probably will be Bat Masterson, the sports editor B. F. perior work a* the foul line was the deciding factor inasmuch as The second half vas fast and fu­ DRESSING elevated to the presidency of the of the New York Morning Tele­ C. Montelius, rf ...4 1-2 rious from the opening whistle to corporation in due season, may not graph, died, we do not know of a both teams stort'd six field goals. There will be a special meeting S. Sadeske...... 7 8 Holmes, If ...... 3 2-3 of the Cloverleaves at 7:30 tomor­ the last. It was in this period that H. L a s u ...... 67 care for the terms Rickard quoted. single man who could say that he Miriam Welles and Charlotte the visitors made their great bid for He, in fact, was an avowed oppon- knew Rickard Intimately. He had Clapp, If ...... 0 0-0 Foster were the biggest point-get- row night at the Community Club. L. C uster...... 93 The purpose of the meeting Is to Victory. Led by the sharpshooting K. Gustafson...... 84 eni of,the promoter’s liberalism in friends', yes, but we never have A. Montelius, c . ..0 0-2 V, ters for Manchebter. Melanie Weiss of Carl Montelius and Holmes, heard that he had a confident in make arrangements for forming a matters of finance and may see no Lonergan, r g ...... 1 1-3 3 and Ethel M >rrow were Branford’s Branford took the lead at 13 to 12.' Total ...... 322 303 277 reason to alter his prejudices at the most successful days of his life best bets. The latter’s floorwork permanent club. Anyone in town, M cGowan, Ig ...... 1 2-4 whether he lives at the north or .the Between them, they .sunk seven this late date. But if he is Oue-half — and during the toughest years of was also commendable. field goals— all that Branford got THROWING No. 2 as smart as 1 th.nk he is. he will his life. The defensive work of Viola south end, who is interested in the In the second half. These two men Rickard had enemies, powerful success of the Cloverleaves, is In­ M arks...... 71 78 73 realize,this much: that Dempsey’s ’ 9 6-14 24 Shearer and Peggy McLaughlin had been held completely in check return to boxing this year will be ones, but they turned into harmless vited to be present. BfeSAnderson...... 73 76 79 iVIFE <^ACK!> i Score by periods: kept the visitors score from being the first half by Manchester’s two Bl^rO'neil ...... 70 69 67 cheap at almost any price. hecklers who found out that the great guards, George Stavnitsky man was too strong as an Individ­ larger and in that way played a George Stavnitsky has made AvGabbey ...... 78 79 78 Heavyweight championship fight­ m lilOSBAidD 15. THe- I; iR e c Five .... 9 2 10 6—27 prominent part in the victory. The and Harold Madden, but managed I^Pukofky ...... 72 72 ^78 ing might attain some modicum of ual to be taken for a ride, that he UfcdT OF HV IW1E-- B ranford .... 5 2 12 5—24 twelve out of the last twelve free to break away In the eeeond half. was too smart to be trapped and summary follows: tries he has attempted with the success in 192? without Rickard. It RurKBeoesooT roc : . Halftime ,,score: Rec 11, Rec Girls (10) Montelius’ work was made all tStA ...... 364 379 375 might survive, too. without Demp­ that he never left an opening for • oprg*-^' . , Rec Five. Not a bad average, eh? the more commending by the fact pot shots that the politicians and Branford 7. B. F. T. %■ MAIN OFFICE sey. But without both it will be TtlAMKi To cic-./jAX'UNCU.I 0-0 2 that he was told to camp on Stav- the guerrillas like to take from S10L>X FAlX&y g.D - > Scranton, rf • ■ • The North, Ends will hold an im­ i^ G p d d is...... 75 82 74 lost. Referee: Clyde Waters. 3-5 0 nitsky’s trail wherever the Rec Williamson ..,.77 59 81 ambush.' Foster, If ...... 1 portant meeting 7:15 tonight at Dempsey As Promoter ' Personal Fouls': Branford 14, 0 star wandered. That he performed fBpnnett...... 62 77 74 In spite of the romance that sur- CluloW, If ...... 0 0-0 the Community Club. Plans for the his task most efficiently, may be Spme chumps have been talking rouaded his days In the Klondike, Rec 11. Welles, c ...... 3 3-5 9 jra d is...... 87 81 77 Delppsey up as a promoter. In the he couldn’t send to headquarters annugl banquet to be held at Hill­ seen in the fact that George' was his experiences In the Nevada gold Shearer, rg ...... 0 1-1 1 iminy ...... 70 69 64 event that he doesn’t fight himself, a thousand tickets that were not side Inn will be discussed. able to score hut one field ‘goal fields and fals early career as a Jackson, rg...... 0 0-0 0 K'.' what I would like to know is what punched as complimenUirles. Hb ig . w’hlle Carl swished the cords four tSial ...... 371 368 373 fight promoter, we always have for the miners. He wired Joe McLaugh.in, Ig ...... 1 0-2 2 Tomorrow night will mark the times. Stavnitsky. however, bagg^ >’*4“ * he is going fo promote? Snarkey, thought'that Rickard 'demonstrated had to pay the tax on tickets of th.iit Humphries, manager of Terry Stribling, Paulino, Loughran arid character. end of the first round in The Herald all three of his free tries which best the characteristics that made McGovern, and offered hiqi $20,- 6 7-13 19 RIBBON several others are qualified conten­ He was told that if he didn’t Bowling League . The Bon ' Ami pakes twelvq in a row that he has A. Ponticelli ...... 80 78 86 him a success when he broke into 000 to come out and fight. • Branford Girls (16) leads the league standing at pres­ registered! ders, but all the fighting they^wlll the sordid fight game.in drab New have the cash he would have to Humphries showed the telegram Ei Armstrong ...... 98 85 86 take one of the big political bosses B. P. T. ent by the narrow margin of one Page “ Hank” McCaim. H. Qustafson ...... 85 84 78 do among themselves will hot make York. And his great success as a around New York ,aa the work of 6 Brit to g4t back to the 'game them anything else. in the town In as a half-partner Weiss, rf ...... 2 1-2 point. The games for tomorrow J; Jackmore ...... 82 81 82 pugilistic promoter dated from that a cuckoo and never even an­ • ••••• 3 2-5 8 proper, after Branford, first shot To make a heavyweight elimina- time. - I and that this boss would advance swered. The same Humphries is ^Morrow, If • • • • night are as follows: Mancheste:* some cash and take care of things. Haigh, c ...... 1 0-1 2 Green vs. Night Hawks arid Center into the lead, it was anybody’s hall 332 t jn mean anything, there must be It has, been said that he was now shouting ^he names of the game right rip to the final whistle. Total ...... 345 328 In his characteristic way Rick­ Richardson, rg ...... 0 0-1 0 Church vs. Charter Oaks at Farr s THROWING No. 1 ^ome man in the background, pref­ lucky. For years it was legepdary fighters who appear in Rickard’s The lead changed bands four times erably a champion, waiting for the that It never would .rain on a Ric* ard told them , to go. to .hell. And huge Garden. Wilson, Ig . . . . .0 1-1 1 Charter Oak alleys; West Sides and I.-G e e ...... 88 90 84 0 and for a time it looked as if Bran­ qualified survivor. Matters’ didn t ard fight dnd his faith in bis luck the fight started. Gunmen were Rickard then went after Bat Bennett, Ig ...... 0 0-0 Independents, Beethoven and Mg.n- M, Hadden ...... 97 83 90 rung In on him as ushers and ford would make It two' straiglit. progress so well last year, yet they was such that he saved almost Nelson and Joe Gans, and* when chester Construction, and Bon Ami However at this point. Brother Mc­ S; Sheekey ...... 83 79 78 they Insulted the customers. All 4-10 16 and Sons of Italy at MurphyA Dummy ...... 80 78 78 always had a chance because Tun- $25flti060 by refusing to take out they asked to see the money he 6 Cann, who had been playlog"k ney and an official championship insurance to protect his shows kinds of phony building laws, were put $30,0000 in gold-pieces In the Halftime score: alleys. pulled on him. The police'sho;t up whale of a floor game, stepped into Total ...... 348 330 330 fight was the goal of the tourn i- against postponement'by rain. It window of his saloon and he got Rec Girls 15, Branford 5. the picture even more vividly and was held against hinj that It was the six-day bike race-^. one night the fight. Referee: Clyde Waters. Meriden High school is scheduled much to Branford’s sorrow. ment winner. This year, with Rick­ and'then demanded that-the Gar­ WEAVING NO. 1, ard still alive and Dempsey ready only luck that put *over the first When he was running gambling to play here Friday night against His lightning floorwork was million dollar fight between Demp­ den. be' closed as it was. the con-^ houses his games were known as Mancuester High, but no announce­ M. Strong ...... 119 88 78 for tljie grand finale, the business ventlon place for the underworld. causing the Branford plkyere to M. Little ...... 83 76 88 was a tip-over. sey and Carpentler and the two being square and the same repu­ ment has been forthcoming as to fciul him, something which might N. Taggart...... 97 93 89 But with Rickard- dead, they million and almost -three million tation for square dealing followed FIGHTERS’ REVIEW whether or not the game will be not have done much harm some G. Nelson ...... 82 83 93 either must go with Dempsey or dollar fights that followed when Rickard went right .ahead, one him Into every venture he ever cancelled because of the Influenza other night. But last night, "Harik” prepare to make no money at a Dempsey was packing them in. jump ahead of the.sheriff and promoted. illness which has forced man^ stu­ had his eye' gauged on the old 381 340 348 n-.ost alarming rate with the rest But Rickard was not always a half jump ahead of the cops. He had a quaint way of talking, dents to their homes as a precau­ basket and the five successive foul WEAVING NO 2. lucky. He bad one of the best Then he was arrested on a charge a line that followed him from ON HARTFORD CARD tion. goals which he shot were a great d* the heavyweight program. There of mistreating ■ little girls in the R. Smith ...... 76 79 97 is one consldaratlpn.in this connec­ claims In the Klondike gold fields. his boyhood days In the Texas help to the Rec in pulling through C. Novak ...... 61 71 He sold It for $17,000 and more Garden and they thought that he Panhandle. He always referred to Harold Ford, the colored boy the victor. He also dropped in a . 71 tion tbat-should have-a distinct ap­ never would fight thn case. He F. Nelson ...... 86 82 88 than $500,000 came,, out of the people as “ fellers,” and when he Hartford. Jan; 9.— Frankie Kon- from the University of Atianta, who pair of neat field goals which, to­ peal to a man of Carey’s vision. If claim that be sold. He made a’ would settle for plenty- of dough G. Hate ...... 81 92 89 Dempsey is waiting for the winner, wanted to express surprise about chlna of New York meets Eddie played with the Cloverleaves In gether with the same number by fortune and lost it running a gam­ and- -leave the towp. something he would say— “ Well, football last season, has gone to De­ the hard-working Roy Norris, every match in the- heavyweight “ I’m going to» bat on that Adonnis of Athol, Mass., on this Fri­ 314 314 315 bling house In Nome and in Gold­ never seed nuthin’ like it,” or troit where lie, is living with his spelled doom for Branford. Inci­ program will have a meaning that field and there were dimes not so charge,” Rickard said and he re­ “ Never heerd nothin’ It It.” day night at Foot Guard Hall in the star bout of ten^rounds on a pro­ uncle. It is und.erstood he will con­ dentally, this Norris played a con­ it might otherwise lack. many years ago when he was trying tained-Max Steuer, the greatest He didn’t like to seo himself spicuous . part ' in the triumph OLD MILK Million Dollar Gate gram that- Is a fighters tinue his edaemtioD there. Ford to make old Madison Square Garden criminal lawyer in New York, to quoted verbatim in the news­ pltyed some mighty good games for through his defensive efforts. E. M cCourt...... 83 93 86 In this way, the mortgage on defend him. The retaining fee that have made more than good In M. Newman .... . 92 77 85 go that he confessed he didn’t have papers but/ he wasn’t ashamed of the Cloverleaves and will be sadly McGowan Silenced. ' Dempsey will start to pay Itself off a dime. .* paid to Steuer was JlOO,000 and it and he used to joke with the their appearances hpre this past Although he remained “ silent” A. Taggart ...... 68 76 85 season with a few new faces that missed n^xt seaaon. Manage. Bill long before the boys handle a nickel I Rickard beat the case. He had newspapermen about it. “ You so far as scoring is concerned after of the money a Dempsey fight will proved In fighting them right out. are reputed to be of the club fight­ Griffin, however, is hopeful that 243 246 256 It was during thes^ latter days go ahead and put In that ‘seed’ matters may turn out so that Ford the first couple of minutes of play. get them. Its receipts ought to that Rickard had the toughest-fight In the open that he had them business. If I don’t say It you’ll er type. The card will contain Holland was in more ways than.one VELVET No. 1, make an awful fool out of a million of his life and because he survived licked and from that moment ■forty rounds of milling with pros­ will be able to return here again . .94 90 88 put It In anyway,” he would say. next season. < - responsible for the, Ree’i victory. E. Rowsell ...... dollars, as a matter of fact, which as dirty and as unfair a fight as Rlckiird was- made in . New York. Rickard was generally known pects of every bout being a thriller. H. Bodreau . .88 89 87 Pitted against Pat McQowau. for­ Ir fairly convincing money, even to ever was carried against a man he He thep started his dream^fpr a as a “poker face,’’ a ipan who The Konchina and Adonnia bout mer Yale Freshman star, the. lad the Jaded financial eye. went on to success. If the politi­ new ’$3,ObO,00O 'Garden- that now never had , an emotion or who Is a request of many of the fans Manchester High is also schedul­ who practically beat the Rec single- 182 179 165 Dempsey, stalling for a break, cians had licked him he would have stands in New York as his me­ never showed one. But he showed who seen both these fighters here ed to play a return game with Rock­ handed in Branford a few weeks has said he will not commit hlm- been sunk. When he licked them morial. . r one in the o11 Garden one night against Frankie O’Brien and -who ville HighMn the latter city Satur­ ago. Holland came through* with seli. on his present plans for some he couldn’t be kept away from the I .akk'ed. .‘iRlckard on one occa­ .when he raised his cane and ran are the type of hard hitters and day night. flying colors. He held ther ener­ PINKY KAUFMAN WINS days. He adds that he will make a millions that finally came to him. sion bow he felt that he had Tom O’Rourke clear out of the aggressive and both great absorbers getic backcorirt performer of the definite statement upon his return The old Garden in New York enopgh strength — an outsider building. O'Rourke had been and more than willing. This bout Judging from the news about the visitors to one lone basket. Mc­ OVERPHULYnGHTER to Miami Beach. If he will guaran­ was always political Spoils. When agains't' ' the'- most powerful ma­ making charges that he was oper­ should prove the best bout of the Cloverleaves which drifted into the Gowan took quite a- few uops' ^at tee to do that, I will guarantee to you . promoted anything in the old chine ln '”the country— to beat ating with the ticket speculators. season for action and thrills and office today, there.is little doubt bu( the basket but In p'racttcaUy eVery call the turn for him. He obviously building you had to give the "boys” them on--.their own field. And he He had a poker face all right, combined with a program of five what they will be back on the old instance he was so closely guarded At Denver— Eddie Mack won de* will Issue no statement frpm Miami their end. And their end was replied: but he had eyes that laughed and six rounders should go to make the gridiron again next season in an that he could not get set Tor* his cieion over Tod Morgan, of Seattle, Beach that will he inimical to the plenty. When Rickard got through "I never took any feller for a twinkled right out loud arid he banner card of the year. effort'to annex the town Utle from shots and had to fling thri bell from Wash., Junior lightweight cham­ best interesta of the Sharkey-Strlb- with a couple of shows he Just had sucker. They took me tor one.’’ had a very keen sense of bumor^. the Cubs. They also may have a difficult angles. ■ , v ■ pion, 10. Morganis title not at ling fight. enough to pay the bills. It cost The fellows In the fight racket There was always a lot of horse­ much better team than last aeason. The scorebook rererils- that the COLLEGE BASKETBALL. > - • stake. However, it all goes back to the him $1,500 a day in overheld to say that Rickard was . a success play and practical joking around Rec' Five made rirtly «fbur< l^keCd turn the key in the door each morn­ because he would take all the At Cleveland— Joey Kaufman, Garden directors, In the final analy­ his quarters in the Garden. ' He PRO BASKETBALL. each half - through .the erribb^n ing, chances himself and that he never didn’t often take .part actually, Georgetown 48, Duke 33. - Bran ford dbf ensfe:* Thlrir Cleveland lightweight, drew with sis. I make no brash claims concern­ Oklohoma 61, Okla. Aggies 16. Armando Schaekels, brother of He told the politicians that he pvt out a rubjler c]jeck. When "but when things were slow he was smkllest number they 'hrive^^ nmde ing foreknowledge of Dempsey’s Rickard contracted ;r to pay you Arkansas 66, T. C. U. 20. Patterson 29. Hrikoahs 25. Arthnro, 10. didn’t have' any cash >to hand out, one to steam up something. And this season., which :in, decision. But I do claim that, if he that he couldn’t pay 1500 of their money, you got It. From his first Vermont 23, l

• \ ‘

Federated church will serve its reg The following .pupils of the Forgette, John Bimratb, .-Paul ular monthly supper on Friday schools of Tolland have received Jacklm, Viera Kollar, Reo_ Flor- getbe; Buff Cap school. Mias Nlclgr- TOLUND evening. bank books for having deposited II Falling Pin Is Like Cannon Salvo In Charles_ C. Talcott made a busi­ or more, since the last published son, teacher-^ Margaret ness trip to New York City last report; White school. Miss Ilson, Mike Hanho, Woodrow Usb#-. ! Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan drew Rudnansky, Jc^n Rtii&r and their children, Olive and week. i teacher; Ralph Silverman; Sntpsic Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Newman school. Miss Folan. teacher: Sam sky; White school,' Miss "Ols Telephone Chester, of Rockville, Mr. and Mrs. teacher— Elizabeth Abbe, Eldea$4» Magic Lab O f Bell Wallace Newman and daughter. had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs Nussdorf. Celia Charnesky. Luther Trlshmati of Burnside. Mrs. The following pupils of the Abbe, PbiUp BogdUnovlcb, Frank editor’s Note— Tliis is the firsts comes a liquid more than ,150 de­ Lorraine, of Danielson, were Sun­ Gertrude Gaffney and daughter schools of Tolland were perfect in Knybel, Helen, Knybel; tr a series of four interesting and ’ grees below freezing temperature, day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles school.. Miss Folan, teacher ^ Newman. Shirley of'Hartford, Mrs. Nellie attendance tor the fall term ending informative articles on the wonders is to these scientists as common­ Dec. 21. 1928: Hicks Memorial Abom;. school 7 and^F, Mlu worked in a modern telephone lab­ place as the milk that is left on Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sparrow and Fitch of West Hartford, Mr. and Helen and Leon Sparrow, of North Mrs. George Newman and daughter school. Miss Johnson, teacher kins, teacher— Bertflcs Ard, oratory. The articles are particu­ our doorstep each morning. Roman Kozley, Curtis Trlshman, Ard, May Ard. Elizabeth Lozzlm; larly timely in Manchester in con­ Into that extremely cold liquid, Woodstock were guests of relatives Althea of Rockville, Mrs. Mable and friends bere recently. Merganson and son Frank of Tol Mildred Clough. Angelina * Glaco- Grants Hill iichooU Miss Gerrlsh, nection with the building here of a the ruiers of this scientific fairy­ mlnl, Alice Megcham. Maria. Ott, teacherMaxamiHara Colombro, new Telephone exchange. The dial Mrs. James H Clough, who has land. land can plunge a red-hot carbon 'The pupils whp have organized Rose Sierputow'lsky, Doris Trish- Frank- Oenette, Roland Denette, system which is clearly explained in pencil and make It glow with an been ill with the grip for some time and under the care of a physician, the Tolland Egg Producing Poultry man; Miss Berry, teacher — Lawrence Denette, John Qorsky, this series will be Installed in Man­ intense heat. A droo ot this cold Stephen Bonar, Elfrieda Gilbert, iAndrew Ursln, Prank Ursln, Glno chester in the near future. liquid on the skin would make it is reported Improving. el'llb‘ held a'meeting Thursday af­ Miss Helen Chapin of Oradell, N. ternoon last at the River school. Helen Kovalenick. Sophie Clzman, Colombaro, Anna Szymerylo, blister as if scalded by the spark Raymond Meacham. Esther Kovale- Marlon Ursln; Cedar Swamp BY ISRAELI KliEIN. J.. is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Char- Mr. Gaylord'of the Farm Bureau of a white-hot molten metal. vlck, Harry Kovalevlck. JU^er Miss Peterson, teacher — “x%yH» These are representative .of the’ les C. TalcotL was present and assisted at the W\ Science Editor, NEA ^rvice. The Ladles Aid Society of the ’ meeting. school. Mrs. Rhodes, teacher— Rita Florence. New York.—rThe land of throb­ wonders experienced in this fairy­ ♦ s ' bing life and nervous reality, that land of science, all produced from we are pr> ne to think of as New cold, logical formulas. Men and York, contains an island of dreams women scientists here seek tl^^ and of magic of which few travelers facts of our existence and try to accommodate them to our every­ are aware. It is Fairyland itself, a modern day lives. fairyland, under the rel^n not of Invisible Light. Invisible fairies but of stern, rea­ We want as much light as pos­ soning men and women. It is a sible to see things. They shut'off fairyland, nevertheless, where the this light and search for things unseen is seen, the unheard be­ In a form of light that Is invisible comes a thunder-crash and tlie im­ and harmful to the eye. What Is possible is accomplished. invisible to us they see. What we This is the Magic City, strange cannot hear, they hear. What we to relate, of one of the greatest sci­ can’t do, they do. entific institutions in the country— But not a single wonder they Bell Telephone Laboratories. perform is done for fun. Theirs Outdo Fables. is the business of Improvlhg our That seems like a cold, harsh means of communication— by tele­ drop from the visions of a Fairy phone. by telegrj-ph and cable, by City of our younger days to what wireless. Wbat appears as a mar­ is just a matter-of-fact workshop vel to us is merely an experiment tor scientific research. But no toward perfecting our telephone, or fairy of our childhood dreams ever speeding up the transmission of waved her wand over such startling messages, or clearing up the air wonders as are accom'plished in an for radio communication. orderly, scientific way by the men Every one of the wonders I saw and women in these laboratories. at these laboratories was part of For here, amidst the odors of the great experimental and re­ chemicals and the hum of motors, 1 search equipment needed for this experienced wonders actually per­ work. Many of the men here do formed greater than ^ were the not seem to be getting anywhere. mental caprices of a Grimm or an Day after day, year in and year Anderson. out, they appear to be playipg with 1 saw my voice— saw it, not just freakish devices that show hardly any relationship to telephony. or heard it— tangoing up and down Working with millions of thin wires, electrical engineers of the across a screen, as I spoke Into an Bell Telephone laboratories are shown here in one step of the de­ radio. ordinary transmitter. Then 1 saw Daily Discoveries. velopment of the dial telephone system vthlch dispenses with the But every day discoveries are my words recorded by the trace of services of thousands of operators. light on a photo fiim, for refined made— and from them follow tre­ study by experts in phonetics. Contrasts. . sensitive that it can measure down mendous Improvements In tele­ I watched millions on millions to one-billionth of an Inch, or a phone, cable and radio transmis­ Outside, 1 could see massive sion. A development may take of invisible electrons— those tiniest millionth of a degree in tempera­ ocean liners at a far distance await­ weeks or years of Intensive labor particles of matter— forming grace­ ture. It is the finest variation ful blue curves of light on the end ing their passengers and freight until the final reward copieB. of a vacuum bulb. man has ever measured, yet it ap­ Thus was television accomplished for the next trip across the Atlan­ pears in the motion of a spot of in these same laboratories. Thus Outside the brick building con­ tic, Inside, 1 had to peer through a taining these wonders, horse-drawn light that can be noticed in an were cable messages speeded up to trucks clatterec’ over the wide highly sensitive microscope to see instant. 2500 letters a minute. 'liius was the tiny crystals that make up the cobblestone street to the docks of Here, as in many other labora­ the dial system of telephony de­ ocean liners along the Hudson wa­ steel of those ships. Here, it is tories, men and women play with veloped. And in the same serious terfront across the way Taxis uncommon practice to cut a extremes. They count the invisible and patient way were many other tooted and ships’ sirens shrieked. piece of soft metal or wood less atoms in matter, so tiny that 100,- Improvements made that have Inside, I locked myself behind than one ten-thousandth of an inch 000,000 of them side by side would saved the people of the United triple-steel doors in a sound-prodf in thickness, or to measure the take up only an inch of space. They States millions bf dollars i.nd many quiet room, where the drop of a grains in hard steel to a thickness work with air so thin that it is nrecious seconds in telephoning. pin could be detected by a sensitive of a quarter-millionth of an inch. almost a vacuum— almost nothing These material wonders are what Instrument and shot out like the For in this Fairyland scientists at all. The same air, condensed the fairies In this magic city have boom of a gun. have devised apparatus so highly!into such a heavy state that it be­ brought us. ►•.ii I' . . ■■■ . ------1------spenc the holidays with her son, H. M. Newberry of south Windsor. WAPPING The next meeting of the Wednes­ day afternoon club will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert A. Board- Alfred Stone, Master of Wapping m’an on January 16. There will be Grange, is attending the three-days current events and book review. session of the Connecticut Stgte Every Time Yon'See an Grange, at the Hotel Stratfield in L'A-MBRIDGE a n d h a r v a r d Unpaid Bill — Thlnk oS Us Bridgeport. DICKER ON REAL ESTATE The standardized teachers train­ Consolidate your debts. Maintain your credit at the stores. Cambridge, Mass. — Mayor Ed­ ing class will meet at 7:30 o’clock $ 1 0 0 may be repaid $5 monthly, plus lawful interest Wednesday evening at the Federat­ ward J. Quinn of Cambridge has Granfather Happy ed church vestry, with Miss Edith been carrying on a negotiations with Harvard College authorities $200 may be repaid $10 monthly, Welker of Hartford, as instructor. plus lawful interest There will be two periods of fifty in connection with a “ swap’’ in minutes each evening. The course real estate. “ It is astonishing,” he says, “how easy it is to keep the house warm with The city of Cambridge would $ 3 0 0 may be repaid $15 monthly, ou requires ten lessons, and it has plus lawful interest. Koppers Connecticut Coke. You see it bums so evenly and requires so been arranged so that the whole like to have the site of the old Ger­ manic museum for a fire station little care that the liouse maintains a more even temperature than it has course may be taken in five eve­ and this site is owned by Harvard. PERSONAL L*ed nings. At the same time Rev. Harry On the other band there is a piece is for years.” Miner will conduct another class of of “ common ground” at Holmes FINANCE COMPANY adult members on “ How to teach Place and Cambridge street, which Ituunis anil 8, State I'lieater Building This Coke costs much less than coal. It gives as much heat as coal, religion.’’ Harvard would just as soon have 753 .'\Ialn St., .South tllnnchester Oi i;"H leaves very few ashes, and is the ideal home fuel. Comes in all sizes-^ The committee of six will meet at as the Germanic museum site. Call Write or Phone 104 the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter It is reported that the “ swap” Open S:30 to 5. Saturday 8:30 to 1 Furnace, Egg, Stove and Nut. N. Foster, on Wednesday evening. has been arranged and now needs Licensed by State. Bonded to Public. The basketball game between the only the approval of the Cambridge Service:— A man will call and inspect your furnace, tell you the proper Y M C A boys of Wapping and the city council authorities. size coke to use and show you how—without charge. Winsted boys at the parish house / VN^s won by the Winsted boys, 33 RE-TIRING to 18. The funeral of Mrs. Julia Brat- The average motorist buys near­ suyder aged 75. wife of Julius Brat- ly three tire casings annually, ac­ snyder, Sr., of this place, was very cording te the Automobile Club of per ton largely attended at the home on Southern California. The exact $14 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bratsnyder rate is 2.8 casings per motorist, was born in Germany but had been while the rate of inner tubes is a'resident of Wapping for a great slightly higher, or 3.1 per motorist. many years. She leaves besides her husband, two sons, Julius, Jr., of While Coolidge is down hunting Marbel street, Manchester, and Al­ wild animals, several wild animals Phone Any of the Following Dealers: bert of Wapping; also two daughaaugn- waiting to hunt Hoover, ters, Mrs. Warren Clark, and Mrs. Russell GllherL The body was plac­ ,s new and POLA COAL COMPANY / THE W.\G. GLENNEY CO. ed in the receiving vault at Wap­ ping cemetery. SPECIAL FOR SMITH BROS. GRAIN CO. G. E. WILLIS & SON The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Loomis was held at- Mark Holmes THE WEEK-END MANCHESTER GRAIN & COAL CO. Undertaking Pa’ilors in Manches­ (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) unrivaled to- ter ou Monday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. F. ,C. Allen officiating. The New Stock of body was placed in the vault of the Wapping cemetery. The bearers were Edward Oates of Manchester Colored Westclox and OUn Gates of Highland Park, \ day as the day and four grandnephews, Lawrence G. Herman, Levett S. and Richard Gates. Alarm-Clocks Clarence W. Johnson Is buying with radium dials. De Luxe tobacco for L. B. Hass & Company, OPPERS models ap p eared A ahd will start sorting It this week a bis home. • Edward M. Sullivan of Enfield, $5.00 CONNECTICUT son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Sul­ Other Westclox Models COUPES . . .$1195 to $1875 livan, visited hla parents here re­ $ 1 ^ 5 0 and up cently. Ward Stiles is ill at his home in SEDANS . . . $1220 to $2145 Pleasant Valley. ! ______^___ 1 Howard Foster of West Hartford, SPORT GARS. $1225 to $1550 a brother of Walter N, Foster of CHILTON. this place and of Louis M. Poster These prices/, o. b. Buick Factory. Con­ of Manchester, Is very seriously 111 FOUNTAIN PENS venient terms can be arranged on tho at the Hartford Hospital. liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan. Mrs. Clarence W. Johnson Is re- They hold twice as much ink ccverlng from an attack of pleurisy, as,any other pen. at her home here. • * ■ Mrs. Charlotte Avery of Henry Cigarette Cases street, Manchester was the guest of J Mr. and Mrs. Geu/ge A. Collins over the week end. The New I'he regular meeting of Wapping Grange will be held at the Center Hamilton Traffic school hall this evening. The special Special Watches committee has provided a program For- Men. for the evening. In the absence of the Master, who is attending the A Dependable Watch, State Grange, the overseer, Robert CAPITOL BUICK CO. The Newcomb, will occupy the master’s JAMES M. SHEARER, Manager. 750 MAIN STREET Cor. Main and Mid. Tpk.,' South Manchester Mrs. Harriett Newberry of West R. DONNELLY Hartfo|-d who has been ill at the When Better Automobiles Are Built . . . Buick Will Build Them ^ Hartford hospital for six weeks, has JEWEi * I I go far recovered as to be able to 515 Main St. So. Manchester J , -V- |jl*^ v>‘!


y D A Y ’- TfMS HAS HAPPENED ' women are, I think. I’m a very cated— and everything. But they quite distinqne, she told herself. AUENE SUKO091 ASHTORETH ASHE is spending stupid fellow myself.” were beautifully kind to mother As, Indeed, it was. lua exciting evening with HOIAilS “ Oh, no you’re not!” she protest­ and m e .. . .and I’m a perfect little “ Well,” she said, “ once upon a The whole colorful sweepini HART in a little hoos3 on tlie top ed. beast to feel superior to Sadie!” ' time a lady had a dream. The* lady panorama of our nation’s history of a mountain that towers above “ Ask your little friend Sadie,” Ashtoreth finished bravely. was my mother. And I was three has been culled for the new sprini % tiny island in the Caribbean Sea. he suggested. “ After all,” she declared, “ Mrs. weeks old, the night she dreamed it. frocks. Fashion says that prlnb A most romantic spot. But Ashtoreth did not want to Morton was mother’s friend.” “ I’ve heard my father tell about portraying various highlights oi Ashtoretl. is a stenographer. talk about Sadie. Ashtoreth, unfortunately, had no It a hundred times. He was sound America’s development are. th« Hart is her employer. Rich beyond “ She’s not really my friend,” she illusions about her mother. She was asleep, and mother was lying on thing. Beautifully soft silks pictur­ her wildest dreams, and handsome. explained. furtively ashamed of Maizie, and her back, with her arm flung across ed with the log cobin home of Lin­ Considerably older-—but then—a “ But you live together!” he ex­ had come to lie about her. Pretend­ his chest. There was moonlight on coln, the covered wagon exodus, th« girl can’t have everything. claimed. ing that she was cultu.'ed and b-r face. And her hair was spread windmills of old New York, Paul Ashtoreth, who has been ill, is That, undoubtedly, required an educated, and a fine lady. Now, for across the pillow like, a golden Revere on his horse, the show, boat, taking a West Indies cruise. She explanation. And now, thought the first time, she was about to tell veil. the. first railroad ard cotton gin, ar» meets Hart quite by accident in Ashtoreth, was as good a time as the truth. Not the entire truth. “ ‘Carthage,’ she said. ‘When Dido was queen. And Cleopatra. being shown in the shops. Dominica, and proceeds to make the any. But enough to save her pride, if the i j L At first thought it seems almost And Judith of Tyre.’ ♦ most of it. “ Well, it was like this,” she ex­ great and famous Hollis Hart sacreliglous to use the blood and Her trip, so far, has been most plained. “ You see, my father died should ever mean more to her than “ Daddy woke up, and laughed. inKJiyJuAJLL'y. JitAi/t fr»r»er«SI and a couple of tablespoons of •HbyvWMten L,- chair ruined of course, there were fisrr Am *9 fireworks. , molasses. His next offense was biting a piece out of the side of a rare, equislte glass goblet. Fashion Plaque A Colonial style room. ^HAT is^the “ Why don’t you let him drink c o r.r e* c t ____ out of a cup or a mug?” asked his By WILLIAM H. WILSON. It may be adapted to other sur­ amount, recommended by per CM father when Tommy’s mother, roundings, provided the interior is I who . had gone upstairs to cry off The best advice anyone can. give not treated In a manner such as Wm Qean leading doctors and child specialists, for proper growth * - lier hysterics, reappeared on the the amateur who would fur­ Italian Renaissance or Spanish and health of every boy or girl. Every mother wants her scene. nish her home in the Colonial style, stucco. There are few. distinct Ladies’ Cloth Dresses “ Because,” she said, "he’s old children to lead in play, to he smart in school, and “bubbling is: Get authenlc reproductions of trade marks of the period, for Men’s Suits and enough to be a little gentleman. each of the colonies evolved its I over!’ wij^ .health and happiness. Give them .milk and He must learn to take care of nice good construction. Topcoats only styles to fit its needs. cream at every zneal, to driidc, in cooking, with 'vegetahlea' things.” Originals of Early American White, cream, or Ivory tints in Blankets 7 Her sentiment was all right In pieces are scarce, and unless the and fruits, on their cereals, or after school. the woodwork and decoration of Q uilts Its way— children sliould be home-maker be an experienced the room fit well with the Colonial FOR taught to take care of things— but connoisseur, possessing unlimited style. It is glossy, lets light Into Curtains ' hClk is the most economical food jrou can buy:' It con*^ you can’t go about it by filling means, she is apt to make mis­ the room, and of course tains proteins, carbohydrates and. fats, iit the right pio^. your house with fine furniture and takes. Replicas made by the fur­ blends S carfs nicely with any color placed portions, minerals for building hones and teeth, vitamfos bric-a-brac and trusting to luck niture manufacturers of today, if against it. Thursday to keep them there. chosen carefully .with the advice f.In placing Early American for growth and to build disease resistance. Not otdy is it ~ Children are children after all of competent sales persons, will pieces, remember that furniture I wholesome and good for them, but they.like it! ' .. ^ — impulsive, awkard, easily ex­ give adequate expression to the with similar lines should be group­ Another group including 1 cited, and experimental. rooms they adorn. Indeed these ed attractively. Angular pieces— Spring numbers for Ma­ “ Every household ^ o u ld h a ^ mifle abundance,’ * ' reproductions are more desirable I should postpone the days of banister and ladder-back chairs, tron Md Miss—but a lim­ grandeur until the children are than a hall full of rickety Colonial r £ • the U. S. Government. A t least a jpiha^v^yety for fa tb tl iH i highboy and gateleg tables— go ited number at old enough to be taught Intelli­ antiques, unable to carry a human and mother is required for proper hesdih, ^Hgor and vitality. gently how to take care of things. load. well together. Pieces with curves Modern productions of Col­ predominating — tilt - top tables :o :- -:o : ’ M ilk is easily digested. Nature made^^^^qlotf foryeo.tJ^ Jam and cream cheese served to­ onial furniture are lighter and with pie-crust edges and “ comb- us serve you. i : gether are quite the thing now. You more practical than the originals. back” Windsor chalr^belon g In .6 . ’ ’’ the same corner. Hooked rugs. We Call For and Deliver. may serve them side by side In a ■ Thie.’Frenqh southern resort hat The by-gone days of our forefath­ * boat-shaped dish or you may servo ers demanded a stern type of fur­ Colonial silhouettes,; pewter and the cheese with the Jam poured of natural ballibunti trimmed with niture adapted to those parlous pottery are appointments which MODERN h a ^ grosgraln shows the new brim complete effectively a Colonial oveeJn a square or round dish. years. By selecting^ reproductions roam. They- combtoe very nicely. treatment. The end is caught up the home-maker will avoid mak­ Dyers and Cleaners Telephone Manchester 2826W Rieurtford 2^0264 ^ at'the back of the crown in a leaf ing what one waggish authority 11 School Street Values to $4.95. : calls "upholsterrific blunders.” T ei. 1419 Pasteurized Milk add “ Great Britain produced. 252,- shape and the fro-i^ is pleated ■ Better try to do something and Plenty of large head sizes. haoL Properly. Colonial furniture. be­ Jail than try to do nothing and suc­ Quality, (^rtesy,iteryfte^’ ‘‘^ •OO.OpO tons.of coal In T827. longs in a Cpldnial home, although ceed. M-


9 Invention Development TALKING PICTURESTriumph of The Romantic Story of the Warner Brothers anid the History; of Yitaphonc Talking Pictures By JOHN LBARY PELTREI demonstration. As he had jour­ to make fewer and better pictures. past which brought success. War­ Interested In these devices, as he ,B7N0P8I8 neyed to New York he reflected ( They continued to be the up and ner films became famous for their had a mechanical mind. Warner Raised in Baltimore, Warner that his brother Harry had often coming Warners, but wiser and fine quality. The firm had steadily Bros, had investigated at least Bros, always stood together. They said the motion picture business better men than when they began. maintained their stand that fewer twenty of them. Keeping pace began their united careers as ex­ went ahead so fast it was like a It was not long before the exhibit­ and better pictures was good solid with progress a broadcasting sta­ hibitors in 190S, then opened a film limited train. It merely hesitated ors and the public became familiar bedrock to build upon. tion was installed In the Holly­ exchange, were put out of business at main stops and flashed by the tWMhCEs wood Studio. The engineer who by a film combine, were traveling with the Warner ctuality. It count­ Expansion Begins put it in was in constant touch smaller ones. You had to step fast exhibitors, then distributors in ed on the credit side of the ledger. The business grew so fast that $9.95 DRESSES Soon after the beginning of this they built a Studio In Hollywood, with Frank Murphy, studio chief to get aboard. All the Warner Pittsburgh. This connection proved Bros, sensed that the business of unsatisfactory, so Warner Bros, period in their experiences, James then acquired the Vitagraph Com­ engineer.' in Canton Crepe, Velvet and Satin; * pany and moved into the Brooklyn Murphy and the radio engineer producing pictures was due for one sold out, going broke for the sec­ of those fantastic changes which ond time. Then they established plant of that organization. Warner became close friends. In the also Sport Dresses Bros, kept step with the great for- course of time the radio man men­ had marked Its history from the Warner Features, were unable to beginning. get capital to carry on, and once tioned that the Western Electric of Tweed, .Jersey and Flannel Co. and Bell Telephone Labora­ more were against the wall. It was not a perfected exhibition Reduced to ...... CHAPTER 3^ tories, Inc., were working on a de­ which the scientists and engineers vice to unite speech and pictures In spite of their troubles the were able to show. The picture The detailed description interested Warner Bros, were not discour­ was one of a man holding a violin. Murphy and he told Sam Warner aged. Beatings, by this time, had He lifted the Instrument and his about it. The result was Warner made them harder to beat. They bow. As bow touched strings determined immediately on his re- were surely uncomfortable, but re­ music came forth in unison ■with his $9.95 New Spring fused to acknowledge defeat. Smil­ movements. There were many NEW SPRING ing a bit ■wryly at one another, the other sounds the delicate micro­ Warner Bros, called another post phone had picked up. But Warner DRESSES DRESSES mortem, brought in a report that Bros, ^aw that here at last ■fras the in the highest shades of Canton nothing could stop them, and an­ base of a practical method for com­ In all the wanted high shades. nounced that they would continue bining music and speech with pic­ Crepe, Flat Crepe, Georgette. as producers. DOLORES.COSTELLO tures. Always before something Reduced db ^ f * Regular $7.95 Q C ^ Success Is Achieved had stopped the accomplishment t o ...... N o w ...... V Complete faith in themselves and of that aim, but there was a chance one another, plus experience, was W. Gerard published "My Four with this. Years in Germany.” Seeking the the capital with which Warner ACTOOCSON After a thorough investigation Bros. Btarted to regain their place unusual, Warner Bros, determined to make a film of it. They were Warner Bros, determined to stake as producers of first class pictures. everything on the new invention. Late Models in Winter Dresses, Reg. $6.95, Now ______. . . $3.95 They had learned much of the devi­ told it could not bo done. That ward strides In the business of was oil on the tire to the Warners, making pictures. Trouble loomed Arrangements were made with the ous ways of finance and corporate Western Electric Co. and Bell Tele­ control. Harry, as president, took for doing things that could not be again. Queer how those Warner done was their specialty. They pro­ boys just did attract trouble. The phone Laboratories to'continue the \ active charge of general opera­ experiments at the Vitagraph BEACON ROBES QUILTED tions, Albert was the financial man, ceeded to produce a film version of entire film business went Into the Studio in Brooklyn. They had come Sam looked after distribution and the popular book. It was a sen­ doldrums. The vast audiences be­ PAULINE.FREDERICI^ out of the dark woods into the Finest quality. Nice SILK ROBES Jack directed production. Warner sational success and established gan to melt away. The public had sunlight of success through faith assortment of shades. Bros. Pictures, Inc., ■was organized Warner Bros, in the first rank and become "film ■wise.” The condition and vision. They were determined Regular $5.95. Values to $12.95 and continues to this day, making led to Vitaphone. affected the entire field and was a turn to New Tcork to have 5 look that Warner Bros, would be in the Dance Sets, Step-Ins, Slips, silent and Vitaphone Talking Pic­ At last the four Warners had serious one. at the new machine. SPECIAL AT forfefront of any change in their EXTRA SPECIAL tures. found a place in the sun of success. Almost from the beginning Inven­ First View of Vitaphone French Panties. Regular $2.95 business. All their resources were It had always been a tenet of the Faith, perseverance, disregard of tors had tried to link speech or The Warner vision was at work put into the development of Vita­ Warner way that mediocrity was a obstacles, strength made stronger music "With motion pictures. Sam, again. Reaching New York, Sam Special ...... , $1.95 $2 95 $6.95 liability. They established a rule by disaster—^was all part of the of the Warners, was particularly Warner made an appointment for a phone. Rayon Underwear reduced to ...... 79c since even lawmakers need refresh­ year and 368 bushels the five year Our Special Butter­ ments occasionally. average. Due to the small size of EUROPE TO PICK The legislators have not patron­ ONION CROP IS the crop this year and the poor TEST ANSWERS ized the bar as frequently as hoped quality of same, total value is be­ fly Skirts ... $2.95 for by the proprietor, causing the low that of last year and less than Here is the answer to the Letter latter to plunge heavily into red two-thirds of the average. BEAUTIFUL GIRL UNDER AVERAGE Golf puzzle o I the comics page: The Smart Shop ink. He therefore considers him­ In 1928 there were about 175,000 self entitled to a subsidy, just the bushels of Bermuda onions aban­ CANDY. SANDY, SANDS. SENDS, “ Always Something New” SEEDS, SEERS, SEARS, STARS, same as his fellow keeper of the doned in California due to low Sweaters ..... $1.95 State Theater Building, South Manchester FOR U .S. PRIZE Senate bar already enjoys. OF PAST YEARS prices and the average price per STARE, STORE. Whether the request will be bushel received by growers was ap­ granted, is a matter of specula­ plied to 805,000 bushels sold to ob­ AFTER-DINNER WRECKS Paris.— The "most beautiful wo­ tion. But, if worse comes to wmrst Boston — Production of onions tain total farm value. man in Europe’’ will go to the Unit­ the Nation will have to look for a throughout the country this year A full stomach.is the cause of barkeep that knows how to make was nearly three million bushels be­ NEW YORK CITY IS SHORT many automobile wrecks, according ed States Tor the next Galveston both ends meet. low the avera,ge for the past five OVER o(K>,0(tU PEOPLE to a well-known physician. This contest with twenty nations cheer­ years, and more than six million THROUGH LOW BIRTHRATE is noticeable in the increase in ac­ ing her on to victory. bushels less than the crop produced cidents after Thanksgiving, Christ­ “United we stand. Divided we LICENSES SUSPENDED last year, according to statistics New York.— This city, according mas and New Year’s, when after a big dinner tha automobile driver fall” is the slogan of the European made public by the New England to Department of Health estimates, becomes drowsy and incautious, ac­ Beauty Block. Stirred to common Crop reporting service, of the has suffered an approximate loss of cording to the physician. action by the failure of a dozen A list of operators whose li­ United States Department of Agri­ 500,000 pop-jlation through the censes to drive automobiles In culture. decline of the birth rate in twenty pretty girls of as many national­ For sore th'oat gargle and take ities to wrest the international Connecticut have beeu suspended Despite the decreased produc­ years. The decline in the birth rate tion this year in the late stales as a teaspoonful of Sore Throat Re­ prize from an American for sev­ for one year lor driving while un­ is reported to be general over the a whole, producers received more lief. Magnell Drug Company.— Adv. eral years Europe is pinning her der the influence of intoxicating United States. for their crops than they did in It is not because there has been hope on a single person. liquor was given out today at the 1927. Total values in 1928 were The candidate may be Teuton, State Motor Vehicle Department as a decrease in marriages that births placed at $18,039,000 as compared have fallen off. In New York City Latin, Slav, Scandinavian or Anglo- a part of the effort to reduce this with $10,801,000 last year. The LAXATIVE FOR BABY Saxon, but it is promised that if highway menace. The departmeiu since 1908 there has been a steady 1928 farm price averaged more increase in the number of marri­ she can bring the title of the most statement advised people to notify than double that of 1927 in nearly ages. Fewer babies per family has THAT “ STAYS DOWN” beautiful girl in the world across the departmen or the police in all states. stowed the population growth. “THE HANDLING OF SEA POODS SAFELY” Che Atlantic her nationality will be case they should see any of the:se Drop One Third forgotten. drivers operating motor vehicles. Production of onions was esti­ NORTH CAROLINA TO PAY The eliminations will be held in Baltic, Jos. A. Gladue; Bridge­ mated this year at 12,383,000 bus­ Baby’s tiny system rebels against Paris in February with twenty na­ E.XPEXSES OF ANNUAL castor oil and strong purgatives; port. A. K. Apelquist, Walter U. hels as compared with 18.242.000 CONFEDERATE REUNION tions competing. Each of the same Stanley; Bristol. Leander Valley; bushels last year. The five year but here’s a medicine that just nations will contribute a member of suits him. And it does the work Cos Cob. Andrew L. Brush. James average for the years 1923-1927 Charlotte, N. C. — The current Center Ypur Fish Buying the jury to select Miss Europe. McKenna; Danbury, Howard B. inclusive was 15,086,000 bushels. quickly and so gently that Baby Maurice de Waleffe, a leader In session of the North Carolina State Lewis. Wm. A Trimpert; E. Hamp- Floods during the early part of Legislature will be requested to ap-' doesn't feel it. Fletcher’s Castoria the beauty offensive against the ton,-Raymond C. Wallin. the season drowned out about a propriate $50,000, the expens<.s of is soothing cross, fretful babies and United States, said: “The candidate third of the planted acreage and Greenwich, John Ferry; Guil­ the next annual Confederate re­ children to sleep and making the for Europe will have the right to cut yields materially in New York, ford, Wm. Dillon alias John Doe; union to be held here in June, it feverish, constipated, upset ones At Hale’s Park St. Market demand a strictly bi-partisan jury state. As result production amount­ Hartford, Joi,a D. Broderick. Wm. was learned today. well and happy, in millions of presided over by a neutral arbiter, ed to about one third of the 1927 Edmund R. Wiles, general mana­ homes today. Castoria is purely- possibly a Japanese artist.” B. Nelson, Gustav A. Rolletscher; crop. Highwood, Louis G. van Buren; ger for the reunion, announced that vegetable, harmless and endorsed Unfavorable growing weather, a bill will be drawn up asking the by the medical profession. Avoid The largest variety of sea foods in town. Fish sold at our Women make excellent bridge Meriden, Clarence J. Read, .ir.; thrip and other Insects and disease Middletown, W’alter Katz; Milford, legislature for the fund. Joseph imitations. The Chas H. Fletcher players—and they are also good in Massachusetts. Indiana, Ohio, Daniels, former Secretary of the signature marks genuine Castoria. Park Street Market only. Frank Jaraullo. Wisconsin. Michigan and Califor­ bridge builders, according to the Navy, has endorsed the movement, — Adv. women-chief of the Institute Elec- New Britain, Eugene Doherty, nia caused marked decreases in it was said. tromecanique, local temple of en­ Geo. L. Greatorex, John Podlasek; yields. Very good yields, however, FRESH NO. 1 FRESH SKINLESS gineering for women only.' New Haven, Geo. A. Kaloy, Nelson were obtained in Idaho. Iowa. Colo­ “ Women make wonderfuF engin­ J. Soucie, Benny Waznis; Norwaik, rado, Minnesota, Washington and eers, just as fine as the men,” as­ Jacob Antonez, Alessander Car- Utah, the Department of Agricul­ BULLHEADS.. ...!b.3 5c serts Mademoiselle Paris, head of tone; Noiwlch, Raymond J. Wil­ ture stated. SMETS...... lb. 28c the Institute. lett; Riverside, Frank Capalbo. Crop Disappoints “Women have gone into the So. Manchester, Geo. E. Royce; The Massachusetts crop was very disappointing to farmers this sciences to stay there. The girls So. Norwal ., Jos. Devine; Stam­ FRESH FRESH graduated from this school have ford, Chas. E. Bankson, Geo. year. The acreage was cut from INSURANCE 4,550 acres in 1927 to 3,500 in made good with their employers. Chirimbes, John J. Curry, Wlades- "Women engineers are even su­ 1928. Sets made fair yields but law Grigzutls, Peter Lucashu, Hen­ the excessive rainfall caused early COD STEAK..... lb. 20c perior to the men. Why? Be­ TIIEFISH..... lb. 18c ry Schaeffer. Alfred S. Sandmeyer, blasting of seed onions and poor cause they have patience to work Kajetan Yonkowiez; Torrington, yields were obtained. out difficult problems, they are Harold J, Osterhout; Union City, The average yields for the two TTte Best Guardian of careful and tenacious, and where John P, Glersheski; Waterbury, classes was 240 bushels per acre FRESH CAPE OPEN women workers are involved, they John Hillard; Watertown, Adelard compared with 295 bushels last are more understanding.” Rivard; Windsor Locks, Percy J. Life and Property Owen. y EWipiiPwWyil > CHOPERaAM$pi35c What peace advocates may hail New York, N. Y., Carl E. John­ SCALLOPS..... pi. 55c as the greatest flag of all was son. torn 'into twelve pieces which are now treasured by their possessors. FRESH LIVE This ■was the white flag of the FOI^'BETTER ROADS Armistice which flew from one of the five German automobiles carry­ Motorists of the British Isles Insure Your Valuables ing negotiators to La Capell. contribute about $116,500,000 an­ ROUND O AM S. q l 25c LOBSTERS...... lb. 55c An anonymous doctor, then a nually for the upkeep of roads. quartermaster sergeant, said he A BOX HI A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT and his platoon were pushed close I FRESH to the beflagged automobile by the Break up your cold in 24 hours IS THE FRESH with First Aid Cold Tablets. Sold excited crowds. They ripped off BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. the white cloth and later divided it only hy Magnell Drug Co.-:—Adv. The “Canopy Top” into almost equal pieces. One of Years ago the old “ctmopy STEAMNGCLAMS(|t22c MACKEREL..... lb. 18c the German plenipotentiaries wrote on the doctor’s rag: “La Capelle, Second Mortgage top” yielded to the greater The Manchester Trust Co. November 11, 1918.” comfort and usefulness of the Money modern motor car. Years to There is one bar in Paris where NOW ON HAND come will show even greater Americans are not allowed,— and improvements along many that bar is losing money. It is the Meat Specials one installed in the Palais Bourbon Arthur A. Knofla lines. 875 Alain St. Hbone 782-2 for the benefit of thirsty Deputies Make sure now of money to enjoy them with—of a liff On Sale at Both Stores. income for^your later years. Fire and Liability Connecticut General Plan guar­ S^FIrst T h in g FILMS antees i t —^$100 monthly for s m L o n i LOIN life starting at age 60. Same toffuan^agfom t Developed and plan, insures life, for $10,000, I n s u r a n c e . Printed and earning power, for $100 STEAK...... fc4 5 c LAMBCHOPS ...lb/ .4 !lc FLAMING monthly, meanwhile. Call FRESH F l i f T of All Kinds Connecticut General RICHARD G. RICH PU RE PO RK M.. Life Insurance Company Keep bowels in perfect condition South Manchester. and maintain com plete elimination Tinker Buildinff, by the use of safe, easy-to-take Elite Studio PAYETTE a CLARKE SAUSAG£MEAT:.lb.l8c HAMBURCSTEAKIb22c . V INSURANCE , BEECHAI^PnjJS 9 8 3 Matn. *‘‘ista!rs Depot Square, Muncliester r - - • • •■ • • ' ' 'V • ‘ . ' v’ y\ 5., :>V •

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING FIERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1929. jkj,* X ■ ■ < . 1 Concentrate Your Effori$’‘^s4 l^e$e:C^ Gain The Profitable Results You Want]

Want Ad Information. Cards of Thanks Help M first given in 1634- as an act ofl OLD FASHION WALKING TO DEPICT PASSION gratitude on the part of the villa] CARD OF THANKS WANTED — CAPABLE’ ' woman !for. gers for deliverance from a pestill Manchester cleaning. Inquire at4227 South Main ence that had swept the surround] We wish to thank our neighbors ' street or telephone '1222-2. ; • CONTEST IS HELD HERE PLAY CHARACTERS Ing towns. In 1668 a vow wa^ and friends for kindness shown us Evening Herald during the illn...-s and at the time of WANTED--iY'6UNG GlBli to assist in made to enact the play every teii the death of our daughter and sister, bakery, oiie willing to leirn.'Quality Phone Your Want Ads years, which has been don« sined Classified Advertisements Margaret. We would also thank those Bakery, SSI Main-sti«qt. r\ ', Jim Campbell and Frank Bill- Miss Helen Johnstone Sloan to that time, with the exception of the IJount six average words to a line. tvho contributed flowers. son Hike to Bolton Lake and Be Presented by Men's last presentation, which was giver Initials, numbers and abbreviations MR. AND MRS. HAMILTON MET- WANTED---WOWB3N'’.ah’d y .i6 To The each count as a word and corapond C.ALF, SR. work In' shadi 'sfrO.Wti, tobabCO-%4rei Back on Bet. Friendship Club on Jan. >18. in 1922 inst^'ad of 1920. the tentli] words as two worda Minimum cost is MR. AND MRS. HAMILTON MET- ' house. K.’ S. Faljs. .MUncTiister PiiMIc year. This was due to the fact tha^ price of three lines. C-ALF. JR. Warehouse,-Mand^^StirV '^onh ; i some of the players had lost their • • • ROBERT METCALF. A sporting event was staged in Tickets are being distributed by Line rates per day for transient MRS. WM. TAGGART. wanted^Gir L'-tlR-'' wp Manchester one night recently, an the Men's Friendship club of the lives in the World War. The case MRS. HAMILTON JONES. general housework; Inquire-lSS Ver­ event that was popular about fifty of characters de.scends from genera-| ads. _ non street, after 6 p.’ m. or telephohe Herald South Methodist church for an en­ ClfectlTe Qlarcb 17» 19«7 lion to generation, and the menW 1372-12. r:- . ; . years ago. James Campbell, who tertainment which it is sponsoring CsLSt% Charge llers of each family are filled witlj 6 Consecutive Days 7 ctsl 9 cts Lost and Fonnd gets his usual exercise by hopping for Friday evening. January IS. 3 Consecutive Days .. 9 ots| U cts around looms and walking from De­ Miss Helen Johnstone Sloane vyho the desire to lead such liYes as wil 1 Day ,..••••...... • • I 11 ctsl 13 cts LOST — ^lONDAY. small German pot Square to his home on Main is making a tour of the larger cities make them worthy of the charucl .Ml orders for Irregular insertlo.is Police puppy, about 5 months old. street challenged F'rank Billson to throughout the country will give a ters they are to portray, accordim will be charged at the one-time rate. brown with black stripes and bob SALESMHN!'^ S E LL, ' '.BOSTOKtA^ a walking match, In dramatic impersonation of Judas to Miss Sloane. Special rates for long term every tail. Reward if^returned to 144 High shirts. We win 'Start,' .■jrbij-*r>p a (lay advertising given upon, request. street. be over 10 miles. Iscariot in 11 scenes. Miss Sloane Tickets may be seciii'ert from an>| moneY-making-'liiySllTO^; Of •■your.'own .9^ .\ds ordered tor three or six days without a' penhy'’ ^?capftal. No ;.eir And Ask for “ Bee’ Talk of the bet went on for sev­ gave the same uniisqal program be- of the members of the Men’s Friend^ and stopped before the third or fifth FOUND—SMALL puppy. Owner may perience necessary.. Wbn^srfqV :cdrh- eral days and both men were fore a large audience at Hope ship clqb. The profits are to he lic dav will be charged only for the ac­ have same by proving propeVty and pTete senirig' outfit free 'with- qveryT voted to the pledge renewal of the tual number of times the ad appear­ calling at 4 Cook -Avenue. Manches­ wearing salt in their shoes to hard­ church. Springfield last Sundav thing you need t/j start ’ collecting Tell Her What You Want club for the church building fund. ed. charging at the rate earned, but ter Green and paying for this adv. your profits at once.' Write today, en their feet. Judges were selected evening. no allowances or refunds can be .nade sure! Bostonian-iff g. "Co., 305 Bick­ and the route was decided upon Miss SIriane has lived in the on six time ads stopped after the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ford street, Boston’, Mass. ,Est. 1S.63. ' from Main street at Middleturnpike, fifth day. Pass Book No. 2G87S Issued by The Sbo will lake your ad, help you word it fur best results, Bavarian village of Obernmmergan m UTH HATE LI*. .Vo "till forbids": display lines not Savings 'Bank of Manchester has and see ttia( U is properly inserted. U41i win be malted east on Middleturnpike and then on and has seen the famous Passion London.— The birth rale in Er.gJ Articlaa for Bale- sold. been lost or destroyed, and written 4 5 sanie'day allowing you until eeveqtb day after iusertlou to Bolton Notch, across the bridge Play enacted several times. She land and Wales, for some lime oiij The Herald will not be responsible ‘ .appUcation has been made to said and along the North Coventry road hank by the person In whose name ’.to'talfe'adfantaxe of the CASH RATE. has been in personal contact with the downward trend, has chaugc(| tor more than one incorrect Insertion FOR SALE—SMALL, vpRTNTtKG'oult. to Fannhal Inn. The turning point of any advertisement ordered for such book was issued, for payment fit, in good condition’^ ^rlce reason­ the principals in the cast for the direction and is now climbing. The more than one rime. of the amount of deposit represented able if taken at opce. Inquire ?3 was at the inn and then back to purpose of study and observation 168.099 births in the first quarter The Inadvertent omission of Incor­ by said book, or for the issuance of Main street and Middleturnpike. Pearl street, between 6 ahd'7. Tel. and her i impersonations1 i „ —are - from...... of thi.s y e a r represented an u.crea.^f rect iniblication of advertising will be a duplicate book therefor. 944. Both men used a free and easy rectified only by cancellation of the rne (jiiicial text of the plav. which jof 15 345 over the preceding qnard gate. At times it would be the tvill be given again in 1930. charge made for the service rendered. FOR s a l e —POLLQWING'., recondi­ Iter, and 973 over the siuiil.nr periiod] • • « FOUND—TWO SMALL pigs. Owner tioned electric washersi’ ' Ofie May­ heel and toe style that James The original passion play was of 1927. All advertisements must conform may have same by calling .1461-12. tag. one Laundryetts,\’,9ne‘'Botocax. Apartmentf,'biats. Tenements 08 DoughertY once used. Other times In style, copy and typography with guaranteed mecbarijcally. Phoqe IvOST—LADY’S GOLD ring set with they would change to the wide regulations enforced by the publish­ 2936. Home Electric Appliance Cor­ TO BENT— FURNISHED rooms. 1, 3, HARVARD GIVEN ers and the.v reserve the right to 5 small diamonds In vicinity of poration.'749 Main stre^f.,’ and A", room apartments. All improve­ stride that Dave Husband used in edit, revise or reject any ;opy con- Parker and Green Hill streets. Re­ his walking days or again the dog turn to 396 Center street or tele­ ments. Heat.' Inquire Room 11, 26 sidered objectionable. | Birch street. trot that Edward Payson 'Weston CLOSl.N'G HoUFtS—Classified ads phone 5$. Fuel and Foe^ 4U-A — ■ 800 PHOTOS OF was using coming down Center to be published same day must be re- Cv-lved bv 12 o’clock noon. Titurdays LOST—MILK ROUTE book, some­ FOE SALE"-HARP street on his walk from Portland, where on Coventry Rogd. Finder FOR RENT— 6 fio.OM tenement, 10:30 a. m. I sawed ftove- >^ofth Elm street; Gqll_258. Me., to Chicago, after a day’s rest please return to W. K. Straughan. H. Whipple, telepbone. 2228-even^.i^k 31.6 East Center street or telephone BUDDHA STATUE in Tommy Hayes hotel in Andover. or Rent Telephone Your Want Ads. F*0R' RHNT-^S-ROOM tenement, all Both Campbell and Billson kept CSl. FOR SALE—BBSfV OPV hard w/bbd! “improvements. •. in good cmndltlon. Ads are accepted over the telephone Slabs $7.00 loai|. hardwood $2-00 close together until Billson de­ at the CHAltCB HATH given above vfspt $20. Inquire at 11 Ridgewood load: also fire place-.wobd^ Cbas. fC. r s'lree.t.. : ’ ' veloped a “ Charley Horse” near the as a convenience to advertisers, but Annonneemeota 2 Palmer. Telepbone'S^B-?. ’ : ' Cambridge, Mass..— Photographs the CAStI HATKS will he accepted as gasoline station in Bolton and a of a collection o'" 800 inscribed FULL PAYMKNT if paid at the busi­ FOR s a l e ?—SI-AB wdo4. . ptfiyf ^ Hiiosea’ for. Kent <18 little motor oil was used to oil up ness office on or before the seventh STEAMSHIP ’TICKETS—all parts of length, Sreblaca wbqd 8 t FOR RFNT— 8 ROOM HOUSE and spective worshipped at the Imperial HATE will he collected .Vo responsi- 1009 Main sireet- T'~ .' I .ji'i i-i' mij(iJ»"r‘ ‘ , garage, on Main street. Call 1054-2. again on his way. liilit.v for errors in telephoned ads WOOD FOR SALb^--HA^d.^ ctieBtQof, court of Peking about the year ’ Well, the story goes, they fin­ ■ will be assumed and their accuracy mixed, while blrqb and ere.U . Seaapii- 1750, are now the property of ished the return trip and Campbell * s t — V- cannot be guaranteed. Autnmoniles for Sale ed end eawad t.E f $15? 'pna,. dining supervises the care of the Imperitl Association announced Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 repairing Distributors of Prest.O- room set $40; used gas .jtoves 510 i,.) at the close of business in the 31st palace. The court in which the today. Mdtorc.vcles— Bic.vcle ...... 11 used coal ranges . $18 up. (Jay of December, 1028. The association's check of Euro­ For particulars inquire at The Herald, 13 Bissell •llte Batteries Center Auto Supplv i KI5SOURCES collection was lioused was the Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ----- 12 Go., I6S Center. Tel. 673. WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANCfE pean night flying shows only two Ituslnenii nnd ProfesKionnl ServtceR 17 Qah S(. Loans and Discounts ...... $190,965.82 home of the Dowager Empress and 2.97 long night routes, Berlin lo Konigs- street. South Manchester, Thomas Ferguson, Manager. Business Services OITered ...... 13 NOW IS THE TIME to have vonc car Overdrafts ...... of those concubines who had lost Household Services Offered ...... 13-A checked up for the winter season Funds, set aside 589,901.64 I favor. berg and Belgrade to Bucharest, 1 4 W aiilw l—/ l ‘p :K,iiy ’ irigs Depositors Building—Contracting Experienced mechanics trained hv ’...... 50.989.001 Another important discovery but the association Is advised that Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 General Motors as.siires vou expert Other Securities ...... plans are being made to light air­ Funeral Directors ...... 16 Furniture and Equipment.. 17,794.96 tlie eminent professor was the work. 1 WILL PAY THE highem prices for ways next year for night flying Heating—Plumbing—Roofing ... 11 H A STEPHENS old automobiles for 'Junk. Wm Due from Federal Reserve earthing of an obscure manuscript Insurance ...... 18 Chevrolet Sales and Service Ostrlnsky. TeJ. 84. . Batik ...... 18.831.02 containing 36at the graphic reproduction of a manu­ Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 YOU CAN DO WHAT OTHERS ■floors, newly' (JecbralecJ; ifearn he^t toregolng statem(.pt is true to the script rotl from Tun Huang (Prov­ Wanted — Pels—Poulrrv—Stock 44 HAVE DONE furnished, house’ In'.excellent. CDiidl bfest of my knowledge and belief. ince of Kansu) which bears a Chi­ Sole— MiKeelliineouK tion. Kent reHst>nable., Apply G. E; LEWIS H. SI PE. — While Captain Scott and his party had marched to If you liave furniture lliat is worn Treasurer. nese Buddhist text on the obverse Winter Bargains Article.s tor Sale ...... 45 and shabby, or mattresses tliat are in Willis *. Son: Ipq.,’ . 2 Mf.ln*' street. Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Telephone 5o, Subscribed and sworn to before me, and rough draughts of state docu­ within 97 mileS of the South Pole, another expedition Building Materials ...... 4? need of renovating, fresh filling and this 8th' da'Y of January, 1929. new ticking, we have a new selection ments in ancient Tibetan and an­ NICE AND NEW, up-to-date •from his ship had made a terrific journey over treach­ Iiiriminds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 TO RE.Nt' — g1^EEN(VCHES ' Wads.- JOHN F. SHEA. cient Tranian language of Khotan nandstime colonial of six rooms and Electrical .Appliances— Radio .. . 49 of covering f(ir botli. Ten per cent olT Notary Public. erous ice fields and discovered the South Magnetic on ail covering. 10 per cent , off on worth street. 4> roMip’flat, all nt(iderri Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A ii..pruveineiits. Ingiilre 9.8. -Cluirph on the reverse. The documents sun parlor, oak Hoors, beautiful In­ Pole. In the party were Dr. Douglas Mawson, Prof. Garden — Farm — Dairy Products 50 labor. Get. ready and have the work date probably from the Sth Cen­ terior ilecoratlons. well appointed done now. Avoid waiting. We store all street or telephone 1$48. ' . Ht'useliold Goods ...... 51 tury A. D.. and throw much light rooms, garage. $6,500, small cash. ■T. W . E dgew oi^ David and Dr. A. F. Mackay. _ Machinery and I'ools ...... 52 furniture, until wanted, at no rental FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement. on charge. Phone 1268 ask for George. K. OF c. smoker on the ancient geography of Cen­ •Musical Instruments ...... 53 Brairiard street, nea.r Main. Apply:to DANDY CORNER LO I' on Pitkin v ^ y NEA. Through Sp«ciil P«fmlMU«( of tht Publiihart of Th« Book o4 Knowledgt. C opyrl^ 1923- f t y ('Mice an1 Store E'luipment ... 54 HOI.MKS BROS. 'f URNITUKIO CO. Aaron . JohnaonW.telephone . 524-‘or tral Asia. 331 Center St. So. Mancliester street just right for garage base­ Spurting Gooils—Giiiia ...... 55 Janitor 2D40. ! ‘ , ment, walk, curb and gutter. Four Specials at Hie Stores ...... 66 SATURDAY NIGHT CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired, FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement lots to choose from. Wearing Apparel— Furs ...... S’? key fitting, safes opened, saw filing Wanted — to 1-tuv ...... 5S 561 Main street, ah' .tmprovepieiita. TREE RLEGTROCUTED HAYNES STREET, a complete and grinding. Work called for Inquire 41 Bussell atr^ejU ’ ’ |{ooins— lloiird— llolel.s— itesnrta Harold Clemson. 108 North Elm nome of 8 nice rooms, oversize liv­ UeMtiiiiruiila ' Campbell Council, K. of C., will streeL I'el. 462. New York— A white oak tree in ing room with beautiful fireplace. Hooms Without Board ...... 69 A part men t« ., Flat#,': feoe^en'ir. boW a card party' and smoker in Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A • •*' ^ • ;‘.4 ■ , ■ ,. ’• 'V the Botanical Gardens here was Owner called out of town and oEers SEWING m a c h i n e repairing of all ! ' ' ■ II I ■! ■ ■■ ■iiy.en.iPiipyi.ai the. social rooms of the Council in ijountiy Board —Resorts ...... 6li makes, oils, needles and supplies. R. struck by lightning. Immediately, to sell at very reasonable price. Hotels— Restaurants ...... 61 ro RENT «— CEj^i'laNN a4»*tt- the State theater bijllding Saturday W. Garrard. 37 Edward street. Tel menr#. four' room apartw.elXL a change could bu noticed. The HENRY STREEL'— Well built, V.’anied — Rooms— Board ...... C2 715. qiX^ning, ^ach, merabeL is privi- Heal Eatale Hcnl tor service^ hB.aK" gaff ranilS'i’w ’.w.x leaves started to’ wither and in a well arranged, six room single, Apartments. Flats. Tenements .. C furnished (Ja'|l / Manebesier iCon? Ifegea to bring' a friend. These short time it presented an autumnal PHO.NOGRA PHS, vacuum cleaner, strucUOq t;i nip^'n^, YIiTO; oV;7 !• glassed porch, hardwood floors, BiistiiessA Boca I Ions for Rent . . . 6-! clock repairing, key fitting, gun and 9 meetings are b e^ reTery two weeks appearance in contrast to the bright Houses tor Rent ...... (!J garage, good sized lot. Price only lock smithing. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl FOR RENi'-irFLB pandVare in charge'of a committee green of the rest of the grove. The Suburban for Rent ...... 51 st reel; f 7,500. You should see it soon. Summer Homes tor Rent ...... 6‘ 120 W, Center etreeL ’ camiiosed ,qf Leo .Cleary, James ring count oT the tree- showed It to ■I'elephonei'Mt; ■ 4 > ■ BRAND NEW SINGLE— Just Wanted t<> Rent ...... 61 Bui%e, J; J, ^een'e^^ George H. be 200 years old. finished, .six’rooms, steam heat, etc. Heal I'lKlate For Sale Private Instruction 28 FOB 'Williams.Anii"R. B. Carney. .•\partmeiit Buildings tor Sale .. C: Only $6,000. Hard to beat at the Business Property tor S a le .. 7i rents, with ■ alt 4mpT<>venAtit8. (&Mly A BEADTIFUIi COP.. \ PRIVATE INSTRUCTION In public- Edward J. HoU. 865 .'ta la ’•treeli’lT'eh price. Farms and l.aiid tor S a le ...... - 71 London.— Wickford, Essex, re­ Houses for Sale ...... 7’ school work given by an experienced 560. teacher. Phone 927. cently staged a beauty contest for Lois for Sale ...... 71 FOR RE^T—FiS^''- 'Kb© Pirt .pf Tbe . oldKnkkerbock^r ’Resort Property for Salt ...... 7- ifeiarrqom>. in Neiv York has been men. ’ The prize was won by Police Help Wanted— -Female 85 flat, all lmpFb\’ements.i Stn'dGg^j'g^r Juburban for Sale ...... 71 57 SiJm^er 8’tr.e^J.^ei,^p^^Vl^^^ fpffeisebt^'to 'the museum of the Constable Giggins, whb'CredUs his rteal Estate tor E xch a n g e.... 7l wonderful form to . the great Robert ]. Smith .ilawson once tell into •Vanled — Iteal Estate ...... 7' University ■ of Florida. Barropms WANTED-GIRL CLERK for tabu­ P©R amount of walking he has to do as Real Estate, liisnrauce, a crevasse. Held up by Mawson’s bravery and Aueliiiii— Legal Noliees lating Department. Apply to Cheney at 6T Milt street;' reiit'StlJ.’Iniiutre-at are .rife^tUlngs now, you know. Auction Sales ...... 7; Brothers Employment Bureau. 65 Mill street. Telephone 12.48.’ ’ : a part of his occupation. 14 Years at 1009 Main St. his harness, he picked accomplishments on this Legal Notices ...... 7 ice crystals from a new trip and succeeding ven­ By FRANK BECK formation and tossed tures won him the honor GAS BUGGIES—Greetings them up as specimens. of knighthood. >- i-» ^ W H A T DO V O U ■A E V ' GOSH $ I'LL SKIP ^ MEAN BY INTERRUPTING RAROONvMEvi •IF- IT ISN'T OUR JUST ALONG SO YOU CAN VISIT YOUR .THIS CONFERENCE TD T a l e c ; C LP ■rap; OLD PALvDAN.v HAPPENED ANNOUNCE A CALLER, C O M E ' R IG H T ON T O B E IT SURE FRIENDS. IF ^ y o u ’r e g o in g MISS DRAB? IT DOE5NT I N . t h e r e 's a MOTORING SEEMS WELL — MATTER WHO IT IS. W ELCO M E ON t h r o u g h 1 GREAT IT ALL \ t o b e around, WE DISTINCTLY THE DOORMAT COLDGRIP, ,T O S E E DEPENDS / MR. DRESSER, COME OUT SAID - WE DIO FO R YOU AND THOUSHT DAN ON WHAT NOT W A N T A N Y '( O l d I’D SA Y AGAIN, BROUGHT .T O THE HOUSE T O B E TIME. HELLO.) EH HIM W HEN TH E .ALECJ HERE- HANDSOME BOTHERED r .STRANGER. CALLED, 7T3 SEE , ALEC SMART, -v THETYOUNG . UADV’ IN " T H E . RECEPTlON'fROOM W A S 'S O ' " His famous march of the sumrfier of 1 912 is an epic FLABBERGAS’TED of terror and triumph. He set out that ye^r vvith BY H IS ' THAT- SHE teams, his companions being Xavier Merti, champ:. i BRO KE' RIGHT* Swiss ski-runner, and Lieutenant Ninnis, a tovje ? s young Englishman. During the agonizing march, m nis was Imtd in a fall into one of the bottomless ciw vasses of the Antarctic. (To Be Continued) - 4hpr(C>>»( *92*. n»« CfOUr s«dtty. . ' » -l_ ^ ' ■ ■! ...... 'I?——— . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1929.

tLAPPRR F A N N Y SAYS? SKllTY SENSE and> NONSENSE lE^iiiauu' A GOOD START. d u m e neiSHBoits is Harry, the Manchester Shiek: ■The first time you contradict me &OMC To eeP.TH E R r a i n t I’m going to kiss you.” She: “ You are not.” A UeHT(.iT,NOS|R! I^t Ballads of a Husband. A leaf just landed on my head; hiC H T! To walk I’m hardly able; The leaf that landed on my head Was taken from a table. A London taxi driver, putting on a spurt to reach a railway station KAIS'/ at a certain time, ran down a cart, A upsetting the contents. A policeman, confronting the taxi driver, demanded his name. “ Michael O’Brien,” came the reply. “ Indeed,” said the policeman. That’s my name, too. Where do ye come from?” “ Cork.” Rn.aS.MT.OFT. “ And so do I. Now just stand e**n ST RM stuvicic tNC. there a moment while I go over and CspTiigtit, 1920, Percy L. Crosby, Centrsl Press Assn., Ine. charge this man with backing into It’s nice to know your girl is ye.” OUR BOARDING HOUSE cliarnilng, but it’s %vise to find out , ,, Mickey (Himself) McGuire By Fontaine Fox , “ Should I marry a man who lies By Gene Ahem ' to me; “ Lady, do you want to be an old maid?” ./ MAR.'TWA CHAIaIMEP MRS*. Houl VO V iU He who kisses and runs away will live to kiss another girl. vV IS MV GREA-r PLEASLi Ke HooPLE/-- :3tis-r ‘po MP. AAiHoMV/ o*1b VoD MV r^\Al\C^r I a m I Any credit man can tell you that HAV/lAG-tHE Wisri K*iov

Ciesti scRvici^ ma w.orr. L r *" ------FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Man of Many Loves By Blosser

\MELL=X’LI- s n e VHELL.-'HSLL-VJJELLI IF yoULU SIMMS you A PEMHy \F you AMOTRER PHNNY I ’LL TUAT RERFS yoUP. TELL. M E SWS PEMMV.'.' TELL you MV s ^ e e t a e a r t CTTRER S ^ E W K A R T 7W AT7R O & ? i s :.*

RE6.a$.PAT.orr. 01929^ BY NEA SOIVICE, INC. — ^ ?i .7Si J (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Any Color Will Do By Sma( What pleasure little Clowny had. a game that all of you will quite Said he, “ Well, I am surely glad enjoy. Come on, and follow me.” r> that all the rest are sound asleep, “ You bet,” cried Scouty. “ I’m no 6 E T r e a d y T a LEAM SUR€.\ BUT T&l-D HEADS OP, 60LX* BEEM COIM’ AROOMO VMELL, tAR.G0^2.tJEW HAS A COOPLE OF MEAM and we are here alone. There’s no dunce, and I’ll try any real fun Ba c k . AM’ OP6M Y e r HASM'T Tn DOC f^E. T?^' PWMT VHTU A COLD L0M6 EM0U6H - \ SEMT FOR {jOOKdMCr TOMSVLS, SO T HE’f-L COME AROUMD one else to dance with you, so ail once. I hope it is some thrilling t^OTH VH0eA6AVM, 6 0 M e THROPCT^, TH' Ooc a h ’ H e 's COMMA l o o k Y a o v e r * ALL RIGHT IF VOU’LL FOLLOW iMSTRuC- the dancing I can do.” And thus sport that we are going to see.” T lO M -• 60X-2.I ^ Y E T ^ they went on dancing to the organ’s The dwarf soon led them up a • pretty tone. lane. They found their trip was DOMT VIOARV, DOC- It wasn't very long until the not in vain. / ».ay up on a hill­ VO DO ftMTTmMCr FOR, wee dwarf said, “ I ’ve had my fill side they approached a little nooE. HlFVl of playing cn this organ. Gee, “ Here’s where we stop," the queer \ my arms are all tired out. 1 can­ dwarf cried. “ It all of you would not turn the crank much more. like to slide, this is a dandy slid­ [ think I’ll g< to sleep and snore.” ing place.” And Clowny said, pRiVPTTe: That he was mighty sleepy there “Oh, look!” was very liiUt doubt. They spied a chute that circled “ All right, said Clowny. “ Go ’round and led far down toward almad and rest your little sleepy the ground. "Hop on,” exclaimed head. We thank you very much the little dwarf, “ and 1 will push for all the lovely tunes you’ve each one." ’Course very little time played. When you turn -in, please was spent in bopping on, and down wake the bunch. They’ll all get they went. As Carpy slid along up, I have a hunch, 'cause they real fast, he shouted, “ This is will want to play some more." So fun.” off the wee dwarf strayed. When Coppy and the others' (The Tinjunitn get a real sur- came, another dwarf said. “ There’s oriM in the nexw Uory-X . f ‘ 4 - ■ ■ ,1RSGE SO im TEEN lSlanrl)r0ter iEu^nUty Im U t WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1929.

The annual meeting of the Merchants’ Division* of the Cham­ ABOUT TOWN ber of Commerce wili be held at the Hotel Sheridan tonight at 6:30. muiam Rublnow' of Rublnow’s The Army and Navy club auxil­ A Store Wide Semi-Annual Clearance Garment Fashion Center returned iary will meet at the home of Mrs. yesterday from New York where he William Schieldge, 107 West Mid­ attended a showing of Grace De- dle Turnpike tomorrow evening at yyne mid-winter dress styles. 8 o’clock. ' Mrs. Samuel Kearns of Spruce A chimney fire at the Smith home street is confined to her home with on 66 Spencer street at 6 o’clock Only Three More Days To Share In The grip. last night was put out by chemicals by Hose Company No. 1 which The Italian-American Ladies Aid responded to a still alarm. society will hold its regular month­ ly meeting this evening. Among Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Hogan, j)ther matters of business the new who have been residents of Mill Savings Offered During Our Great Officers will be installed. Refresh­ street for many years are now mak­ ments and a social hour will follow ing their home in Thompsonville. the meeting. John Turkington of 119 Center Miss Leota Colpitts who has been street is planning to leave for 9t. spending the holidays in New Petersburg, Florida, tomorrow Brunswick and at the home of her evening. parents here. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Colpitts of Spruce street, left this ■ The rehearsal of the Junior choir morning for the Knox school, of the North Methodist church will Cooperstown, N. Y., where she Is a science teacher. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE be omitted this week. Linne Lodge, No. 2 Knights of Miss Florence and Miss Esther Pythias will hold its regular meet­ Metcalf of Pleasant street are both ing this evening at 8 o’clock in confined to their home with grip. Orange hall. Miss Florence Metcalf is employed Another Shipment— in one of Cheney Brothers’ offices Miss Jessie Larder of Center and her sister at the Phoenix bank Tomorrow We Offer One Group street is ill at her home with grip. in Hartford. / Mrs. John Zimmerman of 160 Pure Silk Stockings North School street will give a card w A n t e d — partv at her home Friday evening of for the benefit of the Pythian Sis­ MIDDLE AGED MAN With the Smart Twin Heels ters. Both straight whist and set­ back will be played with prizes in to call on wholesale trade. Mast each section. Refreshments and a have sales experience, good refer­ social time will follow. Mrs. Zim­ ences. See air. Harris, C. R. Burr merman will be assisted by Mrs. Clara Lincoln. The party is open & Co, Inc., 119 Oakland Street. Cloth and Fur to anyone interested, whether mem­ $ 1.00 bers of the lodge or not. \ The Y.’ P. assembly which was to WILLARD have been held tonight at the Sal­ Pair vation Army citadel, has been Post­ Radio Rentals Auto poned on account of so much ill­ ness. . It will take place at a later SERVICE STATION The last time we placed date. '■'v. these stockings on sale our Batteries Recharged stock was depleted within a Homemakers and others are re­ COATS short time. All pure silk minded of the lecture demonstra­ stockings with the' good tion to be given at the Manchester Telephone 15 looking twin heels (sketched Community clubhouse tomorrow af­ at right.) Silk to the 3- ternoon by Mrs. Arra Sutton Mis­ inch lisle hems. The colors ter, director of the Gas company s include French nude, sandle- home service department. This Is wood, marron, gun metal the first of a series of frur lessons SALE , and dust. and the subject will be "An Oven- Cooked Dinner.” Miss Christine $5 9 - 5 0 Main Floor Mason, hostess at the White House, is anxious that just as many of the Stamped Goods and women as possible attend every An opportunity you have been waiting for—one group of exclu­ lesson in fhe series. They will sive, high grade cloth coats and smart fur coats for $59.50. continue for four consecutive Thursdays beginning tomorrow at Finished Articles SEALINE FUR COATS with tan squirrelette trimmings. Many Drug Specials Baby Shop 2:30. are self-trimmed. Well lined. Fur coats that retailed in the begin-^ ning of the season for $75 and $100. $1.00 V a p e x ...... 79c $5.98 and $7.98 Troop 5. Boy Scouts, has post­ Mrs. Elliott s Shop ' 'DRESS. COATS of extra fine broadcloth trimmed with exclusive Pure Cod Liver Oil, pt. .. 69c WINTER COATS poned its meeting until tomorrow $4.98 night. 853 Main Street furs—large shawl and crushed collars and deep cuffs. Silk crepe Laxative Bromo Quinine Children’s good quality broad­ lined. If you desire a stunning coat at a great saving—buy now! T a b lets...... 19c cloth and tweed coats, many are fur Hill’s Cascara Quinine .... 19c trimmed. Heavy lined. Blue, Coats that have been priced $79.50 and $95. tan, rose and brown. 2 to 6 years. Erbjus Tonic ...... 89c $1.^49 and $1.98 Scott’s Emulsion . .41c and 79c Main Floor WINTER WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. MILLINERY $1 00 Dress and Sport Children’s felt and velvet hats la becoming little models in blue, i^aneral Suede-like dress coats trimmed with maiidel and cocoalette and tail­ green, red and tan. ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS ored sport coats that are suitable for school, office and general wear. Well Girls’ Shop tailored coats considering their low price. $16.75 grades. CHILDREN’S ROMPERS, CHAPEL AX IL DAK ST;, GIRLS’ FUR Garments— Main Floor, Rear. TRIMMED S s ...... $ 1 . 0 0 - Robert K. Anderson' COATS ...... $3 95 An odd lot of children’s rompers, Phone 5 0 0 Good-looking coats of suede-like Funeral Director or2&37-W suits and dresses in plain colors and materials trimmed with mandel col­ neat prints. Dainty little models iars and cuffs. Sateen lined. Tan, that are, indeed, rare values at blue and green. 7 to 14 years. $1.00. 1 to 5 years. Domestic Specials Housefurnishings Coats suitable for^school and dress wear. liiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $2.98 and $3.98 50c TURKISH SOLID COLOR / $9.95 WOOL SWEATERS .. $1.98 TOWELS ...... 39c RAG R U G S ...... 69c FROCKS ...... $7 95 Ascher’s sweaters In sllp-on and I fHON Plain white or colored borders in Attractive solid colors with sten­ Two-piece dresses fashioned of coat styles. Plain colors and gay heavy, absorbent bath towels. Size y\ ciled borders. Fringed ends. Size wool crepe, velvet, jersey and other novelty patterns. Blue, rose, tan, 22x44 inches. 24x36 inches. Rugs suitable for novelty wool fabrics in brown, tan, maize and combination colors. 2 the bedroom or the bathroom. navy, red and green. Practical to 6. frocks for school wear. 7 to 14 COLORED STRIPED "G O O D THINGS T O EAT” $1.49 years. 69c FLANNELETTE, TURKISH TOWELS . 25c ASH CANS ... $1 00 $2.98 and $3.98 PAJAMAS, 1 THE TREATY AND PINEHURST. A colored stripe turkish towel In Galvanized ash cans in size, 17x26 PRINTED GOWNS, o n ^ the popular shades of blue; green, = The germ In all this row in Congress and else- inches. DRESSES ... BILLY BURKES ... OV C s where over the Kellogg peace pact seems to be gold and rose. Practical little tow­ $1 00 Children’s good quality flannel­ els suitable for daily use. One group of children’s cotton = that nobody, when they all agree to cut out war, $1.98 Galvanized Iron dresses In colorful little prints in ette pajamas, gowns and Billy E means it. At all events everybody suspects every- the wanted colors— blue, rose, tan, Burkes in blue and pink stripes. Window Well made garments. 2 to 6 2 body else of not meaning it. » 29c DISH Refrigerators .. $1 49 peach and nlle. Long and short = Now if the peace pact were like a Pinehurst ad, years. TOWELS ...... with two sliding doors, Fits any sleeves. 7 to 14 years. = they could all ratify it without any reservations, in- 19c $14.95 = terpretive resolutions or any thing else, because Steven’s crash towels of pure linen ordinary size window. BOYS and GIRLS’ 5 they would know it was on the level—and that with the new colored borders. A LEATHER UNION 40ONL1! COLORED VEG- = would be the last of Old Man Mars for good and all. dish towel that will give satisfactory JACKETS. $12.95 SUITS ...... $1.49 = There’s no darned reservation about Pinehurst’s wear. ETABLE BINS Fine leather jackets with wool = promises. If we say we’ll send you a crack-a-jack _ $L25 Fine quality silk and wool union All metal vegetable bins with linings. Red and brown, 7 to s piece of lean corned beef, we’ll send just that^—you = 100% Pure Woo) suits; knee length, short sleeves. 42x36-INCH three racks. White and pastel 14 years. For skating, skiing and Sizes 2 to 6 years. Regular $1.79 E won't get a fat piece or a middling fat piece— you’ll ~ school wear. = get a lean piece. And if you say you want five E PILLOW CASES .. 29c shades. quality. = pounds, we’ll send you five pounds and ~ Main Floor Main Floor, Rear I?;? = not seven. Also if we tell you that = Pillow cases that are made from WILLIOW E your order will be at your house at 9 o’clock It will = Pequot sheeting— guaranteed to give CLOTHES = be there at 9 and not 9:25 or 10. If we tell you E from 3 to 5 years wear. 42x36 inches. BASKETS ...... $1 00 = that we’re going to have some fresh celery In a E Imported from Belgium, Well Extra Value Plus Slim = couple of hours and will send it to you as soon as 5 made, strong clothes baskets = it comes in— we’ll do that. The only time Pine- E HEAVY QUALITY E hurst falls down on a promise or agreement is E COLORED Smartness and Concealed Support' E when some wholesale beef man or bread man or E SHEETS ...... $1.25 = vegetable man or some other contributing factor S Heavy quality cotton sheets that Special! KITCHEN PAILS $1.00 = falls down on us. And when that happens, by = contain no dressing. Torn size be­ All metal kitchen pails in white in These s jinks! we’ll call you up and let you know and do E fore hemming, 81x99 Inches. and colors. Each pail has an Inside E the next best thing we can— which Is more than E galvanized pall. The cover Is raised E the beef man or the vegetable man or the what- E HALE’S BEST ny a foot lever. = you-may-call ’em ever does for us. E E What we’re driving at is just this. We’re build- = PERCALE, yard ...... —25c $3.49 SHOWER Nemo-flex Combinations s iug this business on the policy of making good, E Hale’s best quality percale In the $6.98 BATH CURTAINS $1.98 = every last time, with ohr patrons. And ff any- E newest designs and colorings. 36- Rubberized cloth In floral patterns = thing happens, in our mutual dealings. Friend Pa- -E inches wide. Color fast. Freezing nights will hold no of rose and nlle and yellow and or­ z tron, that conflicts with that policy we urge you, — terror for you if you have one of chid. 70x70 Inches. = with all the vehemence at our command, to call up E MATTRESS these 100% pure wool blankets = Pinehurst, phone 2000. ask for Walter A. Gorman E to snuggle into. Block plaids in 50c HALL AND S and bawl him out. = COVERS ...... $ 6.50 $1.69 tan, blue, rose, gold, nlle and = This, unlike the peace pact, IS MEANT. = FLOOR MOPS .... 29c Our regular $1.£(8 number in mat­ gray. Sateen bound edges. iSill In colorsl tress -covers. Heavy quality cotton bed size. Come early for best se­ Fashionable women are welcoming these new supple Nemo-flex I GOOD MEDIUM BALDWIN APPLES 99c peach basket | with snaps for fastening. Makes an lections for they are sure to be $1.60 LEINDER combinations. The unique feature is the “ Wonderlift” girdle, I Hand picked eating or cooking. = old mattress new, keeps a new mat­ picked up quickly at this low which although completely concealed, provides adequate support. tress new. Full, three-quarterr and price. FLOOR MOPS .... 69c Attached at the sides and fastening in front, it gently restrains the B Alligator Pears, special...... igc each S twin sizes. ’Phis is a reversible mop in red figure to slim flat lines, yet pertnUs perfect freedom of movement. B LARGE FRESH LOCAL EGGS ...... 55c dozen " .... Main Floor yarn. Long, smooth handle. Special during the month of January only at this price. I KEENEY WHITE EGGS...... 49cdozan I Main Floor Basement. E One package Cape Cod Cookies and one package of E S Toasterettes, valued at 50c, selling at...... 39c 5 I gow n’s j ,| Cloverbloom 1 Winter Millinery STERLING SILVER RINGS I 60e pound DU I I DK. ^ 6 9 c x ^ / Fresh Spareribs...... 19c pound i $1.95 Solitaires, and clusters set with Saner I&aut, 2 pounds ...... 25c S Formerly $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 birthstones or brilliants. A wide Pinehurst Round Steak Ground ...... 44c ^und § Main Floor .loice of settings. Beef liver ...... 23c pound = , SOUTH •tinhCHTSTCR ‘ CONN ■ Front Entrance Bacon ...... 33c pound S E Small addition to pur 10 cent line— Campfire Marsh- = S maDowSp bottles of Olive Oil. i S Ken-L-^tions for Dogs ...... I5c a can = Ihis Sale Offers Unusual Opportunitie
